from typing import Type, TypeVar, Sequence, Optional, Dict, Any from sqlalchemy import update as update_, delete as delete_ from sqlalchemy.future import select from db.models import ExperimentCategory, ExperimentData, ExperimentParameters, LoadParameters, RecyclingParameters from db.postgres_db_connection import async_session_postgres T = TypeVar("T", ExperimentCategory, ExperimentData, ExperimentParameters, LoadParameters, RecyclingParameters) async def get_all(model_class: Type[T]) -> Sequence[T]: async with async_session_postgres() as session: result = await session.execute(select(model_class)) return result.scalars().all() async def get_by_id(model_class: Type[T], id: int) -> Optional[T]: async with async_session_postgres() as session: result = await session.execute(select(model_class).where( == id)) return result.scalar_one_or_none() async def create(model_class: Type[T], **kwargs) -> T: async with async_session_postgres() as session: new_instance = model_class(**kwargs) session.add(new_instance) await session.commit() await session.refresh(new_instance) return new_instance async def update(model_class: Type[T], id: int, updated_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[T]: async with async_session_postgres() as session: stmt = ( update_(model_class) .where( == id) .values(**updated_data) .execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") ) await session.execute(stmt) await session.commit() return await get_by_id(model_class, id) async def delete(model_class: Type[T], id: int) -> bool: async with async_session_postgres() as session: stmt = delete_(model_class).where( == id) result = await session.execute(stmt) await session.commit() return result.rowcount > 0