Перенес бизнес логику, хы
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
package com.example.myapplication.api.item
import android.content.ContentResolver
import android.content.ContentValues
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.graphics.Canvas
import android.graphics.Paint
import android.graphics.pdf.PdfDocument
import android.net.Uri
import android.os.Environment
import android.provider.MediaStore
import com.example.myapplication.api.MyServerService
import com.example.myapplication.api.report.ReportRemote
import com.example.myapplication.database.entities.model.Item
@ -7,6 +17,10 @@ import com.example.myapplication.database.entities.repository.OfflineRentItemRep
import com.example.myapplication.database.entities.repository.OfflineItemRepository
import com.example.myapplication.database.entities.repository.OfflineUserItemRepository
import com.example.myapplication.database.entities.repository.ItemRepository
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.OutputStream
class RestItemRepository(
private val service: MyServerService,
@ -53,4 +67,87 @@ class RestItemRepository(
return service.getReportInfo(fromDate,toDate)
suspend fun createPdfFile(context: Context, fileName: String, reportData: List<ReportRemote>) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val contentValues = ContentValues().apply {
put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, fileName)
put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, "application/pdf")
put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)
val contentResolver: ContentResolver = context.contentResolver
val uri: Uri? = contentResolver.insert(MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"), contentValues)
uri?.let {
try {
contentResolver.openOutputStream(uri)?.use { outputStream ->
createPdfContent(outputStream, reportData)
// Optional: Notify MediaStore about the new file
context.sendBroadcast(Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, uri))
} catch (e: IOException) {
private fun createPdfContent(outputStream: OutputStream, reportData: List<ReportRemote>) {
val pdfDocument = PdfDocument()
val pageInfo = PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(595, 842, 1).create()
val page = pdfDocument.startPage(pageInfo)
val canvas = page.canvas
val paint = Paint()
paint.textSize = 16f // Уменьшаем размер шрифта для лучшей видимости
paint.isAntiAlias = true
// Отображаем заголовок
val title = "Отчет"
val xTitle = (pageInfo.pageWidth - paint.measureText(title)) / 2
val yTitle = 40f
canvas.drawText(title, xTitle, yTitle, paint)
// Отображаем данные в виде таблицы
val tableStartY = yTitle + 80f
val columnWidths = floatArrayOf(0.5f, 1.5f, 1f, 1.5f, 1f) // Увеличиваем ширину столбцов
val rowHeight = 30f // Увеличиваем высоту строки
drawTableRow(canvas, arrayOf("ID", "Дата проверки", "Вес", "Количество", "ID велосипеда"), columnWidths, tableStartY, paint)
for ((index, report) in reportData.withIndex()) {
val row = arrayOf(
drawTableRow(canvas, row, columnWidths, tableStartY + (index + 1) * rowHeight, paint)
private fun drawTableRow(
canvas: Canvas,
row: Array<String>,
columnWidths: FloatArray,
y: Float,
paint: Paint
) {
var x = 40f
for (i in row.indices) {
val text = row[i]
canvas.drawText(text, x, y, paint)
x += columnWidths[i] * 80 // Увеличиваем ширину столбцов
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ fun ReportPage (navController: NavController?, viewModel: ReportViewModel = view
onClick = {coroutineScope.launch {
createPdfFile(context = context, fileName = "отчет.pdf",reportData = reportResultPageState.resReport)
viewModel.generatePdfFile(context = context, fileName = "отчет.pdf",reportData = reportResultPageState.resReport)
} },
enabled = viewModel.reportPageUiState.isEntryValid,
modifier = Modifier
@ -194,85 +194,4 @@ fun TableScreen(reportData: List<ReportRemote>) {
suspend fun createPdfFile(context: Context, fileName: String, reportData: List<ReportRemote>) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val contentValues = ContentValues().apply {
put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, fileName)
put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, "application/pdf")
put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.RELATIVE_PATH, Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)
val contentResolver: ContentResolver = context.contentResolver
val uri: Uri? = contentResolver.insert(MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"), contentValues)
uri?.let {
try {
contentResolver.openOutputStream(uri)?.use { outputStream ->
createPdfContent(outputStream, reportData)
// Optional: Notify MediaStore about the new file
context.sendBroadcast(Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, uri))
} catch (e: IOException) {
private fun createPdfContent(outputStream: OutputStream, reportData: List<ReportRemote>) {
val pdfDocument = PdfDocument()
val pageInfo = PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(595, 842, 1).create()
val page = pdfDocument.startPage(pageInfo)
val canvas = page.canvas
val paint = Paint()
paint.textSize = 16f // Уменьшаем размер шрифта для лучшей видимости
paint.isAntiAlias = true
// Отображаем заголовок
val title = "Отчет"
val xTitle = (pageInfo.pageWidth - paint.measureText(title)) / 2
val yTitle = 40f
canvas.drawText(title, xTitle, yTitle, paint)
// Отображаем данные в виде таблицы
val tableStartY = yTitle + 80f
val columnWidths = floatArrayOf(0.5f, 1.5f, 1f, 1.5f, 1f) // Увеличиваем ширину столбцов
val rowHeight = 30f // Увеличиваем высоту строки
drawTableRow(canvas, arrayOf("ID", "Дата проверки", "Вес", "Количество", "ID велосипеда"), columnWidths, tableStartY, paint)
for ((index, report) in reportData.withIndex()) {
val row = arrayOf(
drawTableRow(canvas, row, columnWidths, tableStartY + (index + 1) * rowHeight, paint)
private fun drawTableRow(
canvas: Canvas,
row: Array<String>,
columnWidths: FloatArray,
y: Float,
paint: Paint
) {
var x = 40f
for (i in row.indices) {
val text = row[i]
canvas.drawText(text, x, y, paint)
x += columnWidths[i] * 80 // Увеличиваем ширину столбцов
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.example.myapplication.database.entities.composeui
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Log
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
@ -40,6 +41,10 @@ class ReportViewModel(private val itemRespository: RestItemRepository): ViewMode
val res = itemRespository.getReport(startDateQueryParam, endDateQueryParam)
reportResultPageUiState = ReportResultPageUiState(res)
suspend fun generatePdfFile(context: Context, fileName: String, reportData: List<ReportRemote>) {
itemRespository.createPdfFile(context, fileName, reportData)
data class ReportDetails(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user