Честно,мне кажется до сих пор, что там что то не работает, но я просто верю в чудо...
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request
from schemas import TripRequest
def load_graph_from_request(request: TripRequest) -> Tuple[Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Any]], Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Any]], str, str, List[Dict], List[Dict], datetime, datetime]:
def load_graph_from_request(request: TripRequest) -> Tuple[
Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Any]], Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Any]], str, str, List[Dict], List[
Dict], datetime, datetime]:
graphTo = {}
flightsDataTo = []
graphBack = {}
@ -71,7 +74,10 @@ def load_graph_from_request(request: TripRequest) -> Tuple[Dict[Tuple[str, str],
return graphTo, graphBack, start_point, end_point, flightsDataTo, flightsDataBack, departure_date, departure_date_return
def path_length_and_time(path, graph):
def path_length_and_time(path, graph, start_point, end_point, departure_date):
if path[0] != start_point or path[-1] != end_point:
return float('inf'), None, None
length = 0
if (path[0], path[1]) not in graph:
return float('inf'), None, None
@ -79,6 +85,9 @@ def path_length_and_time(path, graph):
start_time = graph[(path[0], path[1])][0][1]
end_time = start_time
if start_time.date() != departure_date:
return float('inf'), start_time, end_time
for i in range(len(path) - 1):
if (path[i], path[i + 1]) not in graph:
return float('inf'), start_time, end_time
@ -91,7 +100,7 @@ def path_length_and_time(path, graph):
return length, start_time, end_time
def generate_population(size, start, end, graph, max_attempts=100):
def generate_population(size, start, end, graph, departure_date, max_attempts=100):
population = []
nodes = list(set([k[0] for k in graph.keys()] + [k[1] for k in graph.keys()]))
for i in range(size):
@ -111,15 +120,20 @@ def generate_population(size, start, end, graph, max_attempts=100):
if len(path) > len(nodes):
if path[-1] == end:
# Проверка даты вылета первого рейса
first_leg = (path[0], path[1])
if first_leg in graph and graph[first_leg][0][1].date() == departure_date:
attempts += 1
return population
def select_parents(population, graph):
sorted_population = sorted(population, key=lambda p: path_length_and_time(p, graph)[0])
valid_parents = [p for p in sorted_population if path_length_and_time(p, graph)[0] != float('inf')]
def select_parents(population, graph, start_point, end_point, departure_date):
sorted_population = sorted(population,
key=lambda p: path_length_and_time(p, graph, start_point, end_point, departure_date)[0])
valid_parents = [p for p in sorted_population if
path_length_and_time(p, graph, start_point, end_point, departure_date)[0] != float('inf')]
return valid_parents[:len(valid_parents) // 2]
@ -141,8 +155,8 @@ def mutate(child):
return child
def update_best_paths(best_paths, path, graph, max_best_paths=10):
length, _, _ = path_length_and_time(path, graph)
def update_best_paths(best_paths, path, graph, start_point, end_point, departure_date, max_best_paths=10):
length, _, _ = path_length_and_time(path, graph, start_point, end_point, departure_date)
if path not in best_paths:
best_paths[path] = length
if len(best_paths) > max_best_paths:
@ -151,10 +165,10 @@ def update_best_paths(best_paths, path, graph, max_best_paths=10):
def genetic_algorithm(start, end, graph, flights_data, type, departure_date, population_size=2000, generations=100):
population = generate_population(population_size, start, end, graph)
population = generate_population(population_size, start, end, graph, departure_date)
best_paths = {} # Словарь для хранения уникальных лучших маршрутов и их длин
for generation in range(generations):
parents = select_parents(population, graph)
parents = select_parents(population, graph, start, end, departure_date)
# Если не удалось выбрать родителей, завершить алгоритм
if not parents:
@ -169,7 +183,7 @@ def genetic_algorithm(start, end, graph, flights_data, type, departure_date, pop
child = mutate(child)
if child[-1] == end:
update_best_paths(best_paths, tuple(child), graph)
update_best_paths(best_paths, tuple(child), graph, start, end, departure_date)
population = new_population
best_paths = sorted(best_paths.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])
@ -187,8 +201,12 @@ def genetic_algorithm(start, end, graph, flights_data, type, departure_date, pop
"destinationPoint": flight['destinationPoint']
type: path_data,
return result
# Финальная проверка пути
if path[0] == start and path[-1] == end and path_length_and_time(path, graph, start, end, departure_date)[
0] != float('inf'):
type: path_data,
return result
Reference in New Issue
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