diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0838527..f6b12c9 100644
Binary files a/README.md and b/README.md differ
diff --git a/graph_show.py b/graph_show.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68723d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graph_show.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+vertex = ((0, 1), (1, 1), (0.5, 0.8), (0.1, 0.5), (0.8, 0.2), (0.4, 0))
+vx = [v[0] for v in vertex]
+vy = [v[1] for v in vertex]
+def show_graph(ax, best):
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[0][0], vertex[1][0]), (vertex[0][1], vertex[1][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[0][0], vertex[2][0]), (vertex[0][1], vertex[2][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[0][0], vertex[3][0]), (vertex[0][1], vertex[3][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[1][0], vertex[2][0]), (vertex[1][1], vertex[2][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[2][0], vertex[5][0]), (vertex[2][1], vertex[5][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[2][0], vertex[4][0]), (vertex[2][1], vertex[4][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[3][0], vertex[5][0]), (vertex[3][1], vertex[5][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[4][0], vertex[5][0]), (vertex[4][1], vertex[5][1]), color='#aaa'))
+    startV = 0
+    for i, v in enumerate(best):
+        if i == 0:
+            continue
+        prev = startV
+        v = v[:v.index(i)+1]
+        for j in v:
+            ax.add_line(Line2D((vertex[prev][0], vertex[j][0]), (vertex[prev][1], vertex[j][1]), color='r'))
+            prev = j
+    ax.plot(vx, vy, ' ob', markersize=15)
diff --git a/model.py b/model.py
index 42de820..38a470f 100644
--- a/model.py
+++ b/model.py
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ model = tf.keras.models.load_model('best_model_lstm_negative.keras')
 with open('tokenizer_lstm_lstm_negative.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
     tokenizer = pickle.load(handle)
+# Загрузка названий классов
+with open('class_names_lstm_negative.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+    class_names = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]
 def preprocess_text(text: str):
     # Токенизация текста
     sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([text])
@@ -26,8 +30,9 @@ def predict_answer(question: str) -> str:
     # Предсказание
     prediction = model.predict(input_data)
     print("Предсказание:", prediction)
-    # Преобразование предсказания в строку для сохранения
-    prediction_str = np.array2string(prediction[0], separator=',')
-    print("Строковое представление предсказания:", prediction_str)
-    return prediction_str  # Возвращаем строковое представление предсказания
+    # Определение индекса класса с наибольшей вероятностью
+    predicted_index = np.argmax(prediction[0])
+    # Получение имени класса
+    predicted_class = class_names[predicted_index]
+    print("Предсказанный класс:", predicted_class)
+    return predicted_class  # Возвращаем имя предсказанного класса
diff --git a/molirabotai.json b/molirabotai.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0141687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/molirabotai.json
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+  "from": "Барнаул, Михайловка, BAX",
+  "to": "Анапа, Витязево, AAQ",
+  "countBusiness": 2,
+  "countEconomic": 2,
+  "departureDate": "2024-06-14",
+  "returnDate": "2024-09-04",
+  "flights": [
+    {
+      "id": 61,
+      "departurePoint": "Казань, Казань, KZN",
+      "destinationPoint": "Санкт-Петербург, Пулково, LED",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-08-20T13:07:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-08-20T10:24:00",
+      "distance": 1220.6400474973418,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 62,
+      "departurePoint": "Иркутск, Иркутск, IKT",
+      "destinationPoint": "Братск, Братск, BTK",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-07-11T10:28:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-07-11T09:23:00",
+      "distance": 487.9816774502034,
+      "countEconomic": 120,
+      "countBusiness": 20
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 63,
+      "departurePoint": "Краснодар, Пашковский, KRR",
+      "destinationPoint": "Махачкала, Уйташ, MCX",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-08-13T00:14:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-08-12T22:38:00",
+      "distance": 722.9657315613899,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 64,
+      "departurePoint": "Нарьян-Мар, Нарьян-Мар, NNM",
+      "destinationPoint": "Ульяновск, Баратаевка, ULY",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-08-26T13:27:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-08-26T09:06:00",
+      "distance": 1507.5398828540344,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 65,
+      "departurePoint": "Сургут, Сургут, SGC",
+      "destinationPoint": "Оренбург, Оренбург, REN",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-06-26T19:15:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-06-26T15:52:00",
+      "distance": 1519.299200422927,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 66,
+      "departurePoint": "Махачкала, Уйташ, MCX",
+      "destinationPoint": "Норильск, Алыкель, NSK",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-07-21T06:10:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-07-20T17:56:00",
+      "distance": 3703.9000546114958,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 67,
+      "departurePoint": "Барнаул, Михайловка, BAX",
+      "destinationPoint": "Белгород, им. В.Г. Шухова, EGO",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-06-14T10:24:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-06-14T07:14:00",
+      "distance": 3228.5554208976832,
+      "countEconomic": 120,
+      "countBusiness": 20
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 68,
+      "departurePoint": "Краснодар, Пашковский, KRR",
+      "destinationPoint": "Норильск, Алыкель, NSK",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-09-09T11:24:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-09-08T22:57:00",
+      "distance": 3801.082681475355,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 69,
+      "departurePoint": "Нижний Новгород, Стригино, GOJ",
+      "destinationPoint": "Казань, Казань, KZN",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-06-18T12:06:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-06-18T11:19:00",
+      "distance": 349.6277459879821,
+      "countEconomic": 120,
+      "countBusiness": 20
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 70,
+      "departurePoint": "Благовещенск, Игнатьево, BQS",
+      "destinationPoint": "Набережные Челны, Бегишево, NBC",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-07-22T18:59:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-07-22T13:44:00",
+      "distance": 5063.878359107013,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 71,
+      "departurePoint": "Иркутск, Иркутск, IKT",
+      "destinationPoint": "Барнаул, Михайловка, BAX",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-06-15T09:29:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-06-15T07:21:00",
+      "distance": 1407.5882508285608,
+      "countEconomic": 120,
+      "countBusiness": 20
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 1,
+      "departurePoint": "Ноябрьск, Ноябрьск, NOJ",
+      "destinationPoint": "Челябинск, Баландино, CEK",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-09-16T06:17:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-09-16T03:42:00",
+      "distance": 1160.5033298370313,
+      "countEconomic": 65,
+      "countBusiness": 10
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 5,
+      "departurePoint": "Москва, Внуково, VKO",
+      "destinationPoint": "Ростов-на-Дону, Платов, ROV",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-09-12T18:07:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-09-12T16:05:00",
+      "distance": 918.091611352077,
+      "countEconomic": 74,
+      "countBusiness": 11
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 3,
+      "departurePoint": "Владивосток, Кневичи, VVO",
+      "destinationPoint": "Барнаул, Михайловка, BAX",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-08-15T16:18:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-08-15T11:01:00",
+      "distance": 3730.5081332082163,
+      "countEconomic": 79,
+      "countBusiness": 12
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 4,
+      "departurePoint": "Петрозаводск, Бесовец, PES",
+      "destinationPoint": "Сургут, Сургут, SGC",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-09-01T11:50:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-09-01T05:13:00",
+      "distance": 2077.379976088868,
+      "countEconomic": 169,
+      "countBusiness": 18
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 53,
+      "departurePoint": "Уфа, Уфа, UFA",
+      "destinationPoint": "Москва, Домодедово, DME",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-09-20T09:46:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-09-20T09:12:00",
+      "distance": 1151.602690782937,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 54,
+      "departurePoint": "Нижний Новгород, Стригино, GOJ",
+      "destinationPoint": "Красноярск, Емельяново, KJA",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-08-04T23:35:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-08-04T12:53:00",
+      "distance": 3015.7580421346734,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 55,
+      "departurePoint": "Краснодар, Пашковский, KRR",
+      "destinationPoint": "Омск, Центральный, OMS",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-07-28T19:22:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-07-28T10:27:00",
+      "distance": 2659.8366524460557,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 56,
+      "departurePoint": "Полярный, Полярный, PYJ",
+      "destinationPoint": "Благовещенск, Игнатьево, BQS",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-09-04T06:44:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-09-04T02:21:00",
+      "distance": 1974.1571330162965,
+      "countEconomic": 120,
+      "countBusiness": 20
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 57,
+      "departurePoint": "Братск, Братск, BTK",
+      "destinationPoint": "Тюмень, Рощино, THX",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-07-21T18:08:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-07-21T16:12:00",
+      "distance": 2219.622819604269,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 58,
+      "departurePoint": "Белгород, им. В.Г. Шухова, EGO",
+      "destinationPoint": "Анапа, Витязево, AAQ",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-08-15T13:44:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-08-15T12:20:00",
+      "distance": 629.2506997536557,
+      "countEconomic": 120,
+      "countBusiness": 20
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 59,
+      "departurePoint": "Белгород, им. В.Г. Шухова, EGO",
+      "destinationPoint": "Казань, Казань, KZN",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-08-24T22:45:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-08-24T20:30:00",
+      "distance": 1009.1424941120106,
+      "countEconomic": 265,
+      "countBusiness": 36
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 60,
+      "departurePoint": "Москва, Внуково, VKO",
+      "destinationPoint": "Нижний Новгород, Стригино, GOJ",
+      "destinationTime": "2024-09-04T19:53:00",
+      "departureTime": "2024-09-04T18:58:00",
+      "distance": 413.0044473319829,
+      "countEconomic": 120,
+      "countBusiness": 20
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file