/// This function **does support** nullification of nullable fields. All `null` values passed to `non-nullable` fields will be ignored. You can also use `LocaleState(...).copyWith.fieldName(...)` to override fields one at a time with nullification support.
/// Usage
/// ```dart
/// LocaleState(...).copyWith(id: 12, name: "My name")
/// ````
/// Proxy class for `copyWith` functionality. This is a callable class and can be used as follows: `instanceOfLocaleState.copyWith(...)`. Additionally contains functions for specific fields e.g. `instanceOfLocaleState.copyWith.fieldName(...)`
/// This function **does support** nullification of nullable fields. All `null` values passed to `non-nullable` fields will be ignored. You can also use `LocaleState(...).copyWith.fieldName(...)` to override fields one at a time with nullification support.
/// Usage
/// ```dart
/// LocaleState(...).copyWith(id: 12, name: "My name")
/// Returns a callable class that can be used as follows: `instanceOfLocaleState.copyWith(...)` or like so:`instanceOfLocaleState.copyWith.fieldName(...)`.