diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Drawnings/DrawningLocomotive.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Drawnings/DrawningLocomotive.cs
index 0d6dd46..684178b 100644
--- a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Drawnings/DrawningLocomotive.cs
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Drawnings/DrawningLocomotive.cs
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public class DrawningLocomotive
Brush glassBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Cyan);
Brush bodyBrush = new SolidBrush(EntityLocomotive.BodyColor);
- //границы круисера
+ //границы поезда
Point[] points = { new Point(_startPosX.Value + 2, _startPosY.Value), new Point(_startPosX.Value + 140, _startPosY.Value), new Point(_startPosX.Value + 140, _startPosY.Value + 20), new Point(_startPosX.Value, _startPosY.Value + 20) };
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityLocomotiev.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityLocomotiev.cs
index 3376235..fb9bc9d 100644
--- a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityLocomotiev.cs
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityLocomotiev.cs
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ public class EntityLocomotiev
/// Основной цвет
public Color BodyColor { get; private set; }
+ public void setBodyColor(Color color)
+ {
+ BodyColor = color;
+ }
/// Шаг перемещения автомобиля
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityTLocomotive.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityTLocomotive.cs
index b432eee..e81b07d 100644
--- a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityTLocomotive.cs
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/Entities/EntityTLocomotive.cs
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@
/// Дополнительный цвет (для опциональных элементов)
public Color AdditionalColor { get; private set; }
+ public void setAdditionalColor(Color color)
+ {
+ AdditionalColor = color;
+ }
public EntityTLocomotive(int speed, double weight, Color bodyColor, Color additionalColor, bool pipe, bool fueltank, bool headlight) : base(speed, weight, bodyColor)
AdditionalColor = additionalColor;
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.Designer.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5857a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+namespace ProjectLocomotive
+ partial class FormLocomotiveConfing
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing && (components != null))
+ {
+ components.Dispose();
+ }
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ #region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ groupBoxConfing = new GroupBox();
+ groupBoxColors = new GroupBox();
+ panelPurple = new Panel();
+ panelBlack = new Panel();
+ panelGray = new Panel();
+ panelWhite = new Panel();
+ panelYellow = new Panel();
+ panelBlue = new Panel();
+ panelGreen = new Panel();
+ panelRed = new Panel();
+ checkBoxHeadlight = new CheckBox();
+ checkBoxFueltank = new CheckBox();
+ checkBoxPipe = new CheckBox();
+ numericUpDownWeight = new NumericUpDown();
+ labelWeight = new Label();
+ numericUpDownSpeed = new NumericUpDown();
+ labelSpeed = new Label();
+ labelModifiedObject = new Label();
+ labelSimpleObject = new Label();
+ pictureBoxObject = new PictureBox();
+ buttonAdd = new Button();
+ buttonCancel = new Button();
+ panelObject = new Panel();
+ labelAdditionalColor = new Label();
+ labelBodyColor = new Label();
+ groupBoxConfing.SuspendLayout();
+ groupBoxColors.SuspendLayout();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)numericUpDownWeight).BeginInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)numericUpDownSpeed).BeginInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBoxObject).BeginInit();
+ panelObject.SuspendLayout();
+ SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // groupBoxConfing
+ //
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(groupBoxColors);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(checkBoxHeadlight);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(checkBoxFueltank);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(checkBoxPipe);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(numericUpDownWeight);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(labelWeight);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(numericUpDownSpeed);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(labelSpeed);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(labelModifiedObject);
+ groupBoxConfing.Controls.Add(labelSimpleObject);
+ groupBoxConfing.Dock = DockStyle.Left;
+ groupBoxConfing.Location = new Point(0, 0);
+ groupBoxConfing.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ groupBoxConfing.Name = "groupBoxConfing";
+ groupBoxConfing.Padding = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ groupBoxConfing.Size = new Size(548, 196);
+ groupBoxConfing.TabIndex = 0;
+ groupBoxConfing.TabStop = false;
+ groupBoxConfing.Text = "Параметры";
+ //
+ // groupBoxColors
+ //
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelPurple);
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelBlack);
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelGray);
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelWhite);
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelYellow);
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelBlue);
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelGreen);
+ groupBoxColors.Controls.Add(panelRed);
+ groupBoxColors.Location = new Point(286, 20);
+ groupBoxColors.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ groupBoxColors.Name = "groupBoxColors";
+ groupBoxColors.Padding = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ groupBoxColors.Size = new Size(245, 116);
+ groupBoxColors.TabIndex = 9;
+ groupBoxColors.TabStop = false;
+ groupBoxColors.Text = "Цвета";
+ //
+ // panelPurple
+ //
+ panelPurple.BackColor = Color.Purple;
+ panelPurple.Location = new Point(190, 72);
+ panelPurple.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelPurple.Name = "panelPurple";
+ panelPurple.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelPurple.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // panelBlack
+ //
+ panelBlack.BackColor = Color.Black;
+ panelBlack.Location = new Point(130, 72);
+ panelBlack.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelBlack.Name = "panelBlack";
+ panelBlack.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelBlack.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // panelGray
+ //
+ panelGray.BackColor = Color.Gray;
+ panelGray.Location = new Point(72, 72);
+ panelGray.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelGray.Name = "panelGray";
+ panelGray.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelGray.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // panelWhite
+ //
+ panelWhite.BackColor = Color.White;
+ panelWhite.Location = new Point(15, 72);
+ panelWhite.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelWhite.Name = "panelWhite";
+ panelWhite.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelWhite.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // panelYellow
+ //
+ panelYellow.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
+ panelYellow.Location = new Point(190, 23);
+ panelYellow.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelYellow.Name = "panelYellow";
+ panelYellow.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelYellow.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // panelBlue
+ //
+ panelBlue.BackColor = Color.Blue;
+ panelBlue.Location = new Point(130, 23);
+ panelBlue.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelBlue.Name = "panelBlue";
+ panelBlue.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelBlue.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // panelGreen
+ //
+ panelGreen.BackColor = Color.Green;
+ panelGreen.Location = new Point(72, 23);
+ panelGreen.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelGreen.Name = "panelGreen";
+ panelGreen.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelGreen.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // panelRed
+ //
+ panelRed.BackColor = Color.Red;
+ panelRed.Location = new Point(15, 23);
+ panelRed.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelRed.Name = "panelRed";
+ panelRed.Size = new Size(42, 35);
+ panelRed.TabIndex = 0;
+ //
+ // checkBoxHeadlight
+ //
+ checkBoxHeadlight.AutoSize = true;
+ checkBoxHeadlight.Location = new Point(5, 163);
+ checkBoxHeadlight.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ checkBoxHeadlight.Name = "checkBoxHeadlight";
+ checkBoxHeadlight.Size = new Size(168, 19);
+ checkBoxHeadlight.TabIndex = 8;
+ checkBoxHeadlight.Text = "Признак наличие фонаря";
+ checkBoxHeadlight.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // checkBoxFueltank
+ //
+ checkBoxFueltank.AutoSize = true;
+ checkBoxFueltank.Location = new Point(5, 127);
+ checkBoxFueltank.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ checkBoxFueltank.Name = "checkBoxFueltank";
+ checkBoxFueltank.Size = new Size(167, 19);
+ checkBoxFueltank.TabIndex = 7;
+ checkBoxFueltank.Text = "Признак топлтвного бака";
+ checkBoxFueltank.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ checkBoxFueltank.CheckedChanged += checkBoxFueltank_CheckedChanged;
+ //
+ // checkBoxPipe
+ //
+ checkBoxPipe.AutoSize = true;
+ checkBoxPipe.Location = new Point(5, 92);
+ checkBoxPipe.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ checkBoxPipe.Name = "checkBoxPipe";
+ checkBoxPipe.Size = new Size(160, 19);
+ checkBoxPipe.TabIndex = 6;
+ checkBoxPipe.Text = "Признак наличие трубы";
+ checkBoxPipe.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ checkBoxPipe.CheckedChanged += checkBoxPipe_CheckedChanged;
+ //
+ // numericUpDownWeight
+ //
+ numericUpDownWeight.Location = new Point(82, 51);
+ numericUpDownWeight.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ numericUpDownWeight.Maximum = new decimal(new int[] { 1000, 0, 0, 0 });
+ numericUpDownWeight.Minimum = new decimal(new int[] { 100, 0, 0, 0 });
+ numericUpDownWeight.Name = "numericUpDownWeight";
+ numericUpDownWeight.Size = new Size(100, 23);
+ numericUpDownWeight.TabIndex = 5;
+ numericUpDownWeight.Value = new decimal(new int[] { 100, 0, 0, 0 });
+ //
+ // labelWeight
+ //
+ labelWeight.AutoSize = true;
+ labelWeight.Location = new Point(24, 52);
+ labelWeight.Name = "labelWeight";
+ labelWeight.Size = new Size(29, 15);
+ labelWeight.TabIndex = 4;
+ labelWeight.Text = "Вес:";
+ //
+ // numericUpDownSpeed
+ //
+ numericUpDownSpeed.Location = new Point(82, 24);
+ numericUpDownSpeed.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ numericUpDownSpeed.Maximum = new decimal(new int[] { 1000, 0, 0, 0 });
+ numericUpDownSpeed.Minimum = new decimal(new int[] { 100, 0, 0, 0 });
+ numericUpDownSpeed.Name = "numericUpDownSpeed";
+ numericUpDownSpeed.Size = new Size(100, 23);
+ numericUpDownSpeed.TabIndex = 3;
+ numericUpDownSpeed.Value = new decimal(new int[] { 100, 0, 0, 0 });
+ //
+ // labelSpeed
+ //
+ labelSpeed.AutoSize = true;
+ labelSpeed.Location = new Point(10, 24);
+ labelSpeed.Name = "labelSpeed";
+ labelSpeed.Size = new Size(62, 15);
+ labelSpeed.TabIndex = 2;
+ labelSpeed.Text = "Скорость:";
+ //
+ // labelModifiedObject
+ //
+ labelModifiedObject.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
+ labelModifiedObject.Location = new Point(416, 152);
+ labelModifiedObject.Name = "labelModifiedObject";
+ labelModifiedObject.Size = new Size(115, 34);
+ labelModifiedObject.TabIndex = 1;
+ labelModifiedObject.Text = "Продвинутый";
+ labelModifiedObject.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
+ labelModifiedObject.MouseDown += labelObject_MouseDown;
+ //
+ // labelSimpleObject
+ //
+ labelSimpleObject.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
+ labelSimpleObject.Location = new Point(286, 152);
+ labelSimpleObject.Name = "labelSimpleObject";
+ labelSimpleObject.Size = new Size(114, 34);
+ labelSimpleObject.TabIndex = 0;
+ labelSimpleObject.Text = "Простой";
+ labelSimpleObject.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
+ labelSimpleObject.MouseDown += labelObject_MouseDown;
+ //
+ // pictureBoxObject
+ //
+ pictureBoxObject.Location = new Point(10, 42);
+ pictureBoxObject.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ pictureBoxObject.Name = "pictureBoxObject";
+ pictureBoxObject.Size = new Size(160, 94);
+ pictureBoxObject.TabIndex = 1;
+ pictureBoxObject.TabStop = false;
+ //
+ // buttonAdd
+ //
+ buttonAdd.Location = new Point(553, 159);
+ buttonAdd.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ buttonAdd.Name = "buttonAdd";
+ buttonAdd.Size = new Size(82, 22);
+ buttonAdd.TabIndex = 2;
+ buttonAdd.Text = "Добавить";
+ buttonAdd.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonAdd.Click += buttonAdd_Click;
+ //
+ // buttonCancel
+ //
+ buttonCancel.Location = new Point(648, 159);
+ buttonCancel.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
+ buttonCancel.Size = new Size(82, 22);
+ buttonCancel.TabIndex = 3;
+ buttonCancel.Text = "Отмена";
+ buttonCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // panelObject
+ //
+ panelObject.AllowDrop = true;
+ panelObject.Controls.Add(labelAdditionalColor);
+ panelObject.Controls.Add(labelBodyColor);
+ panelObject.Controls.Add(pictureBoxObject);
+ panelObject.Location = new Point(553, 9);
+ panelObject.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ panelObject.Name = "panelObject";
+ panelObject.Size = new Size(179, 146);
+ panelObject.TabIndex = 4;
+ panelObject.DragDrop += PanelObject_DragDrop;
+ panelObject.DragEnter += PanelObject_DragEnter;
+ //
+ // labelAdditionalColor
+ //
+ labelAdditionalColor.AllowDrop = true;
+ labelAdditionalColor.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
+ labelAdditionalColor.Location = new Point(94, 8);
+ labelAdditionalColor.Name = "labelAdditionalColor";
+ labelAdditionalColor.Size = new Size(73, 28);
+ labelAdditionalColor.TabIndex = 3;
+ labelAdditionalColor.Text = "Доп. цвет";
+ labelAdditionalColor.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
+ labelAdditionalColor.DragDrop += labelAdditionalColor_DragDrop;
+ labelAdditionalColor.DragEnter += labelAdditionalColor_DragEnter;
+ //
+ // labelBodyColor
+ //
+ labelBodyColor.AllowDrop = true;
+ labelBodyColor.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
+ labelBodyColor.Location = new Point(10, 8);
+ labelBodyColor.Name = "labelBodyColor";
+ labelBodyColor.Size = new Size(73, 28);
+ labelBodyColor.TabIndex = 2;
+ labelBodyColor.Text = "Цвет";
+ labelBodyColor.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
+ labelBodyColor.DragDrop += labelBodyColor_DragDrop;
+ labelBodyColor.DragEnter += labelBodyColor_DragEnter;
+ //
+ // FormLocomotiveConfing
+ //
+ AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
+ AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
+ ClientSize = new Size(733, 196);
+ Controls.Add(panelObject);
+ Controls.Add(buttonCancel);
+ Controls.Add(buttonAdd);
+ Controls.Add(groupBoxConfing);
+ Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ Name = "FormLocomotiveConfing";
+ Text = "Создание объекта";
+ groupBoxConfing.ResumeLayout(false);
+ groupBoxConfing.PerformLayout();
+ groupBoxColors.ResumeLayout(false);
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)numericUpDownWeight).EndInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)numericUpDownSpeed).EndInit();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBoxObject).EndInit();
+ panelObject.ResumeLayout(false);
+ ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ private GroupBox groupBoxConfing;
+ private Label labelSimpleObject;
+ private Label labelModifiedObject;
+ private Label labelWeight;
+ private NumericUpDown numericUpDownSpeed;
+ private Label labelSpeed;
+ private NumericUpDown numericUpDownWeight;
+ private CheckBox checkBoxPipe;
+ private CheckBox checkBoxFueltank;
+ private CheckBox checkBoxHeadlight;
+ private GroupBox groupBoxColors;
+ private Panel panelPurple;
+ private Panel panelBlack;
+ private Panel panelGray;
+ private Panel panelWhite;
+ private Panel panelYellow;
+ private Panel panelBlue;
+ private Panel panelGreen;
+ private Panel panelRed;
+ private PictureBox pictureBoxObject;
+ private Button buttonAdd;
+ private Button buttonCancel;
+ private Panel panelObject;
+ private Label labelBodyColor;
+ private Label labelAdditionalColor;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb1143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+using ProjectLocomotive.Drawnings;
+using ProjectLocomotive.Entities;
+namespace ProjectLocomotive
+ ///
+ /// Форма конфигурации объекта
+ ///
+ public partial class FormLocomotiveConfing : Form
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Объект - прорисовка артиллерийской установки
+ ///
+ private DrawningLocomotive _locomotive;
+ ///
+ /// Событие для передачи объекта
+ ///
+ private event Action? LocomotiveDelegate;
+ ///
+ /// Привязка внешнего метода к событию
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void AddEvent(Action locomotiveDelegate)
+ {
+ LocomotiveDelegate += locomotiveDelegate;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Конструктор
+ ///
+ public FormLocomotiveConfing()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ panelRed.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ panelGreen.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ panelBlue.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ panelYellow.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ panelWhite.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ panelGray.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ panelBlack.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ panelPurple.MouseDown += Panel_MouseDown;
+ //TODO buttonCancel.Click with lambda с закрытием формы
+ buttonCancel.Click += (sender, e) => Close();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Прорисовка объекта
+ ///
+ private void DrawObject()
+ {
+ Bitmap bmp = new(pictureBoxObject.Width, pictureBoxObject.Height);
+ Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
+ _locomotive?.SetPictureSize(pictureBoxObject.Width, pictureBoxObject.Height);
+ _locomotive?.SetPosition(15, 15);
+ _locomotive?.DrawTransport(gr);
+ pictureBoxObject.Image = bmp;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Передаем информацию при нажатии на Label
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void labelObject_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
+ {
+ (sender as Label)?.DoDragDrop((sender as Label)?.Name ?? string.Empty, DragDropEffects.Move | DragDropEffects.Copy);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Проверка получаемой информации (ее типа на соответствие требуемому)
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void PanelObject_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
+ {
+ e.Effect = e.Data?.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text) ?? false ? DragDropEffects.Copy : DragDropEffects.None;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Действия при приеме перетаскиваемой информации
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void PanelObject_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
+ {
+ switch (e.Data?.GetData(DataFormats.Text)?.ToString())
+ {
+ case "labelSimpleObject":
+ _locomotive = new DrawningLocomotive((int)numericUpDownSpeed.Value, (double)numericUpDownWeight.Value, Color.White);
+ break;
+ case "labelModifiedObject":
+ _locomotive = new
+ DrawningTLocomotive((int)numericUpDownSpeed.Value, (double)numericUpDownWeight.Value, Color.White,
+ Color.Black, checkBoxPipe.Checked, checkBoxFueltank.Checked, checkBoxHeadlight.Checked);
+ break;
+ }
+ DrawObject();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Передаем информацию при нажатии на Panel
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void Panel_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
+ {
+ //TODO отправка цвета в Drag&Drop
+ (sender as Control)?.DoDragDrop((sender as Control).BackColor, DragDropEffects.Move | DragDropEffects.Copy);
+ }
+ // TODO Реализовать логику смены цветов: основного и дополнительного (для продвинутого объекта)
+ private void labelBodyColor_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(Color)))
+ {
+ e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
+ }
+ }
+ private void labelBodyColor_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (_locomotive != null)
+ {
+ _locomotive.EntityLocomotive.setBodyColor((Color)e.Data.GetData(typeof(Color)));
+ DrawObject();
+ }
+ }
+ private void labelAdditionalColor_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (_locomotive is DrawningLocomotive)
+ {
+ if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(Color)))
+ {
+ e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void labelAdditionalColor_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (_locomotive.EntityLocomotive is EntityTLocomotive tLocomotive)
+ {
+ tLocomotive.setAdditionalColor((Color)e.Data.GetData(typeof(Color)));
+ }
+ DrawObject();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Передача объекта
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (_locomotive != null)
+ {
+ LocomotiveDelegate?.Invoke(_locomotive);
+ Close();
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkBoxPipe_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ }
+ private void checkBoxFueltank_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.resx b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af32865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotiveConfing.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.Designer.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.Designer.cs
index 5384db8..605a045 100644
--- a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.Designer.cs
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.Designer.cs
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
comboBoxSelectorCompany = new ComboBox();
panelCompanyTools = new Panel();
ButtonAddLocomotive = new Button();
- ButtonAddTLocomotive = new Button();
buttonRefresh = new Button();
ButtonRemoveLocomotive = new Button();
maskedTextBoxPosision = new MaskedTextBox();
@@ -60,11 +59,11 @@
groupBoxTools.Dock = DockStyle.Right;
- groupBoxTools.Location = new Point(536, 0);
+ groupBoxTools.Location = new Point(522, 0);
groupBoxTools.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
groupBoxTools.Name = "groupBoxTools";
groupBoxTools.Padding = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- groupBoxTools.Size = new Size(215, 490);
+ groupBoxTools.Size = new Size(182, 490);
groupBoxTools.TabIndex = 0;
groupBoxTools.TabStop = false;
groupBoxTools.Text = "инструменты";
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@
panelStorage.Location = new Point(3, 18);
panelStorage.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
panelStorage.Name = "panelStorage";
- panelStorage.Size = new Size(209, 212);
+ panelStorage.Size = new Size(176, 212);
panelStorage.TabIndex = 6;
// buttonCollectionDel
@@ -116,7 +115,6 @@
listBoxCollection.Name = "listBoxCollection";
listBoxCollection.Size = new Size(163, 79);
listBoxCollection.TabIndex = 5;
- listBoxCollection.SelectedIndexChanged += listBoxCollection_SelectedIndexChanged;
// buttonCollecctionAdd
@@ -185,7 +183,6 @@
// panelCompanyTools
- panelCompanyTools.Controls.Add(ButtonAddTLocomotive);
@@ -204,24 +201,12 @@
ButtonAddLocomotive.Location = new Point(16, 2);
ButtonAddLocomotive.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
ButtonAddLocomotive.Name = "ButtonAddLocomotive";
- ButtonAddLocomotive.Size = new Size(163, 30);
+ ButtonAddLocomotive.Size = new Size(163, 55);
ButtonAddLocomotive.TabIndex = 1;
ButtonAddLocomotive.Text = "добваление поезда";
ButtonAddLocomotive.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
ButtonAddLocomotive.Click += ButtonAddLocomotive_Click;
- // ButtonAddTLocomotive
- //
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.Location = new Point(16, 37);
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.Name = "ButtonAddTLocomotive";
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.Size = new Size(163, 38);
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.TabIndex = 2;
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.Text = "добваление тепловоза";
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- ButtonAddTLocomotive.Click += ButtonAddTLocomotive_Click;
- //
// buttonRefresh
buttonRefresh.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
@@ -237,10 +222,10 @@
// ButtonRemoveLocomotive
ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right;
- ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Location = new Point(16, 104);
+ ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Location = new Point(16, 88);
ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Name = "ButtonRemoveLocomotive";
- ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Size = new Size(163, 30);
+ ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Size = new Size(163, 46);
ButtonRemoveLocomotive.TabIndex = 3;
ButtonRemoveLocomotive.Text = "удалить поезд";
ButtonRemoveLocomotive.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
@@ -248,7 +233,7 @@
// maskedTextBoxPosision
- maskedTextBoxPosision.Location = new Point(15, 79);
+ maskedTextBoxPosision.Location = new Point(16, 61);
maskedTextBoxPosision.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
maskedTextBoxPosision.Mask = "00";
maskedTextBoxPosision.Name = "maskedTextBoxPosision";
@@ -274,7 +259,7 @@
pictureBoxLocomotive.Location = new Point(0, 0);
pictureBoxLocomotive.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
pictureBoxLocomotive.Name = "pictureBoxLocomotive";
- pictureBoxLocomotive.Size = new Size(536, 490);
+ pictureBoxLocomotive.Size = new Size(522, 490);
pictureBoxLocomotive.TabIndex = 1;
pictureBoxLocomotive.TabStop = false;
@@ -282,7 +267,7 @@
AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
- ClientSize = new Size(751, 490);
+ ClientSize = new Size(704, 490);
Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
@@ -301,7 +286,6 @@
private GroupBox groupBoxTools;
private ComboBox comboBoxSelectorCompany;
- private Button ButtonAddTLocomotive;
private Button ButtonAddLocomotive;
private Button ButtonRemoveLocomotive;
private Button buttonRefresh;
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.cs
index dfb8b2b..2bcba5a 100644
--- a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.cs
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/FormLocomotivesCollection.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using ProjectLocomotive.CollectionGenericObjects;
using ProjectLocomotive.Drawnings;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ProjectLocomotive
@@ -34,33 +35,27 @@ namespace ProjectLocomotive
panelCompanyTools.Enabled = false;
- ///
- /// Создание объекта класса-перемещения
- ///
- /// Тип создаваемого объекта
- private void CreateObject(string type)
+ private void ButtonAddLocomotive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- if (_company == null)
+ FormLocomotiveConfing form = new();
+ // TODO передать метод
+ form.Show();
+ form.AddEvent(SetLocomotive);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Добавление поезда в коллекцию
+ ///
+ ///
+ private void SetLocomotive(DrawningLocomotive locomotive)
+ {
+ if (_company == null || locomotive == null)
- Random random = new();
- DrawningLocomotive drawningLocomotive;
- switch (type)
- {
- case nameof(DrawningLocomotive):
- drawningLocomotive = new DrawningLocomotive(random.Next(100, 300), random.Next(1000, 3000), GetColor(random));
- break;
- case nameof(DrawningTLocomotive):
- // TODO вызов диалогового окна для выбора цвета
- drawningLocomotive = new DrawningTLocomotive(random.Next(100, 300), random.Next(1000, 3000),
- GetColor(random), GetColor(random),
- Convert.ToBoolean(random.Next(0, 2)), Convert.ToBoolean(random.Next(0, 2)), Convert.ToBoolean(random.Next(0, 2)));
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- if (_company + drawningLocomotive != -1)
+ if (_company + locomotive != -1)
MessageBox.Show("Объект добавлен");
pictureBoxLocomotive.Image = _company.Show();
@@ -72,35 +67,10 @@ namespace ProjectLocomotive
- /// Получение цвета
+ /// Удаление объекта
- /// Генератор случайных чисел
- ///
- private static Color GetColor(Random random)
- {
- Color color = Color.FromArgb(random.Next(0, 256), random.Next(0,
- 256), random.Next(0, 256));
- ColorDialog dialog = new();
- if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
- {
- color = dialog.Color;
- }
- return color;
- }
- //private void ButtonAddLocomotive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => CreateObject(nameof(DrawningLocomotive));
- //private void ButtonAddTLocomotive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => CreateObject(nameof(DrawningTLocomotive));
- private void ButtonAddLocomotive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- CreateObject(nameof(DrawningLocomotive));
- }
- private void ButtonAddTLocomotive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- CreateObject(nameof(DrawningTLocomotive));
- }
+ ///
+ ///
private void ButtonRemoveLocomotive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maskedTextBoxPosision.Text) || _company == null)
@@ -131,24 +101,24 @@ namespace ProjectLocomotive
- DrawningLocomotive? cruiser = null;
+ DrawningLocomotive? locomotive = null;
int counter = 100;
- while (cruiser == null)
+ while (locomotive == null)
- cruiser = _company.GetRandomObject();
+ locomotive = _company.GetRandomObject();
if (counter <= 0)
- if (cruiser == null)
+ if (locomotive == null)
FormLocomotive form = new()
- SetLocomotive = cruiser
+ SetLocomotive = locomotive
@@ -255,9 +225,6 @@ namespace ProjectLocomotive
- private void listBoxCollection_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- }
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/LocomotiveDelegate.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/LocomotiveDelegate.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..014b4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/LocomotiveDelegate.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using ProjectLocomotive.Drawnings;
+namespace ProjectLocomotive;
+/// Делегат передачи объекта класса-прорисвоки
+public delegate void LocomotiveDelegate(DrawningLocomotive locomotive);
diff --git a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/MovementStrategy/MoveableTrain.cs b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/MovementStrategy/MoveableTrain.cs
index 2bbd26a..7e92c28 100644
--- a/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/MovementStrategy/MoveableTrain.cs
+++ b/ProjectLocomotive/ProjectLocomotive/MovementStrategy/MoveableTrain.cs
@@ -10,36 +10,36 @@ namespace ProjectLocomotive.MovementStrategy
/// Поле-объект класса DrawningLocomotive или его наследника
- private readonly DrawningLocomotive? _cruiser = null;
+ private readonly DrawningLocomotive? _train = null;
/// Конструктор
- /// Объект класса DrawningLocomotive
- public MoveableLocomotive(DrawningLocomotive cruiser)
+ /// Объект класса DrawningLocomotive
+ public MoveableLocomotive(DrawningLocomotive train)
- _cruiser = cruiser;
+ _train = train;
public ObjectParameters? GetObjectPosition
- if (_cruiser == null || _cruiser.EntityLocomotive == null ||
- !_cruiser.GetPosX.HasValue || !_cruiser.GetPosY.HasValue)
+ if (_train == null || _train.EntityLocomotive == null ||
+ !_train.GetPosX.HasValue || !_train.GetPosY.HasValue)
return null;
- return new ObjectParameters(_cruiser.GetPosX.Value,
- _cruiser.GetPosY.Value, _cruiser.GetWidth, _cruiser.GetHeight);
+ return new ObjectParameters(_train.GetPosX.Value,
+ _train.GetPosY.Value, _train.GetWidth, _train.GetHeight);
- public int GetStep => (int)(_cruiser?.EntityLocomotive?.Step ?? 0);
+ public int GetStep => (int)(_train?.EntityLocomotive?.Step ?? 0);
public bool TryMoveObject(MovementDirection direction)
- if (_cruiser == null || _cruiser.EntityLocomotive == null)
+ if (_train == null || _train.EntityLocomotive == null)
return false;
- return _cruiser.MoveTransport(GetDirectionType(direction));
+ return _train.MoveTransport(GetDirectionType(direction));
/// Конвертация из MovementDirection в DirectionType