forked from Alexey/DAS_2024_1
172 lines
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172 lines
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import itertools
from import Callable
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from queue import Queue
from typing import Tuple, List
import numpy as np
_SUPLYER_TYPE = Callable[[], int | float] | int | float
_QUEUE_TYPE = Queue[Tuple[List[float | int], List[float | int], int]]
class Matrix:
def __init__(self, size: int, suplyer: _SUPLYER_TYPE = 0):
self.__size = size
self.__matrix = self._generate_matrix(suplyer)
def _generate_matrix(self, suplyer: _SUPLYER_TYPE):
if suplyer:
match suplyer:
case int() | float():
return [[suplyer for _ in range(self.__size)] for _ in range(self.__size)]
case Callable():
return [[suplyer() for _ in range(self.__size)] for _ in range(self.__size)]
return [[0 for _ in range(self.__size)] for _ in range(self.__size)]
def from_flat(self, numbers: List[int | float]):
if len(numbers) != self.__size ** 2:
raise Exception(f"Invalid matrix size {self.__size} ^ 2 != {len(numbers)}")
x, y = 0, 0
for number in numbers:
self.__matrix[y][x] = number
x += 1
if x >= self.__size:
x = 0
y += 1
def rows(self):
return self.__matrix
def columns(self):
return [[self.__matrix[i][j] for i in range(self.__size)] for j in range(self.__size)]
def size(self):
return self.__size
def random(*, size: int):
import random
return Matrix(size=size, suplyer=random.random)
def to_numpy(self):
return np.array(self.__matrix)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Matrix)
and self.__size == other.__size)
def __str__(self):
return f"Matrix {self.__size}x{self.__size} \n" + "\n".join([str(
" ".join([f"{round(element, 3):<10}" for element in row])
) for row in self.__matrix])
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.__matrix)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.__matrix[index]
def __mul__(self, other):
match other:
case Matrix():
return mul_matrixs(self, other)
case tuple():
other_matrix, count_threads = other
return mul_matrixs(self, other_matrix, count_threads)
return None
def toLU(self, threads: int = 1):
L = Matrix(size=self.__size, suplyer=lambda: 0)
U = Matrix(size=self.__size, suplyer=lambda: 0)
n = self.__size
for i in range(n):
for k in range(i, n):
sum_upper = sum(L[i][j] * U[j][k] for j in range(i))
U[i][k] = self.__matrix[i][k] - sum_upper
L[i][i] = 1
for k in range(i + 1, n):
sum_lower = sum(L[k][j] * U[j][i] for j in range(i))
L[k][i] = (self.__matrix[k][i] - sum_lower) / U[i][i]
return L, U
def triangle_det(self):
det = 1
for i in range(self.__size):
det *= self.__matrix[i][i]
return det
def det(self, threads=1) -> float:
return determinant(self.__matrix, threads)
def minor(matrix, i, j):
return [row[:j] + row[j + 1:] for row in (matrix[:i] + matrix[i + 1:])]
def determinant(matrix: list, threads=1) -> float:
if len(matrix) == 1:
return matrix[0][0]
elif len(matrix) == 2:
return matrix[0][0] * matrix[1][1] - matrix[0][1] * matrix[1][0]
det = 0
futures = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor:
for col in range(len(matrix)):
cofactor = (-1) ** col * matrix[0][col]
futures.append(executor.submit(lambda m, cof: cof * determinant(m), minor(matrix, 0, col), cofactor))
for future in futures:
det += future.result()
return det
def mul_row_and_column_in_thread(queue: _QUEUE_TYPE) -> list[tuple[int | float, int]]:
result = []
while queue.qsize():
local_result = 0
row, column, place = queue.get()
for k in range(len(row)):
local_result += row[k] * column[k]
result.append((local_result, place))
return result
def mul_matrixs(m1: Matrix, m2: Matrix, threads: int = 0):
if m1.size != m2.size:
return None
if threads == 0:
threads = 1
result = Matrix(size=m1.size, suplyer=0)
thread_queues = [Queue() for _ in range(threads)]
thread_iterator = 0
for row_m1, column_m2 in itertools.product(m1.rows, m2.columns):
thread_queues[thread_iterator].put((row_m1, column_m2, thread_iterator))
thread_iterator += 1
if thread_iterator >= threads:
thread_iterator = 0
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor:
flat = []
for item in, thread_queues):
flat += item
flat.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
result.from_flat([*map(lambda x: x[0], flat)])
return result