"use strict"; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const host = "http://localhost:8080"; const table = document.getElementById("tbody"); const form = document.getElementById("form"); const creatorIdInput = document.getElementById("creatorId"); const mangaIdInput = document.getElementById("mangaId"); const mangaNameInput = document.getElementById("mangaName"); const chapterCountInput = document.getElementById("chapterCount"); const buttonRemove = document.getElementById("btnRemove"); const buttonUpdate = document.getElementById("btnUpdate"); const getData = async function () { table.innerHTML = ""; const response = await fetch(host + "/manga"); const data = await response.json(); console.log(data); data.forEach(Manga => { let temp = "" table.innerHTML += ` ${Manga.id} ${Manga.mangaName} ${Manga.chapterCount} ${Manga.creatorId} ${temp} `; }) } const create = async function (creatorId, chapterCount, mangaName) { const requestParams = { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", } }; console.log(creatorId); console.log(chapterCount); console.log(mangaName); const response = await fetch(host + `/manga?creatorId=${creatorId}&chapterCount=${chapterCount}&mangaName=${mangaName}`, requestParams); return await response.json(); } const remove = async function (){ console.info('Try to remove item'); if (mangaIdInput.value !== 0) { if (!confirm('Do you really want to remove this item?')) { console.info('Canceled'); return; } } const requestParams = { method: "DELETE", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", } }; const response = await fetch(host + `/manga/` + mangaIdInput.value, requestParams); return await response.json(); } const update = async function (){ console.info('Try to update item'); if (mangaIdInput.value === 0 || chapterCountInput.value === null) { return; } const requestParams = { method: "PUT", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", } }; const response = await fetch(host + `/manga/${mangaIdInput.value}?chapterCount=${chapterCountInput.value}`, requestParams); return await response.json(); } buttonRemove.addEventListener('click', function (event){ event.preventDefault(); remove().then((result) => { getData() mangaIdInput.value = ""; }); }); buttonUpdate.addEventListener('click', function (event){ event.preventDefault(); update().then((result) => { getData() mangaIdInput.value = ""; chapterCountInput.value = ""; }); }); form.addEventListener("submit", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); create(creatorIdInput.value, chapterCountInput.value, mangaNameInput.value).then((result) => { getData(); mangaIdInput.value = ""; creatorIdInput.value = ""; chapterCountInput.value = ""; mangaNameInput.value = ""; alert(`Manga[id=${result.id}, mangaName=${result.mangaName}, chapterCount=${result.chapterCount}, chapterCount=${result.chapterCount}]`); }); }); getData(); });