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This commit is contained in:
Nastya_Kozlova 2024-04-16 23:28:17 +04:00
parent d5e1d1e2d0
commit e687bbab3b
5 changed files with 293 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
using PrecastConcretePlantContracts.BindingModels;
using PrecastConcretePlantContracts.SearchModels;
using PrecastConcretePlantContracts.StoragesContracts;
using PrecastConcretePlantContracts.ViewModels;
using PrecastConcretePlantDatabaseImplement.Models;
using PrecastConcretePlantDataModels.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace PrecastConcretePlantDatabaseImplement.Implements
public class ShopStorage : IShopStorage
public List<ShopViewModel> GetFullList()
using var context = new PrecastConcretePlantDatabase();
return context.Shops
.Include(x => x.Reinforceds)
.ThenInclude(x => x.Reinforced)
.Select(x => x.GetViewModel)
public List<ShopViewModel> GetFilteredList(ShopSearchModel model)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ShopName))
return new();
using var context = new PrecastConcretePlantDatabase();
return context.Shops
.Include(x => x.Reinforceds)
.ThenInclude(x => x.Reinforced)
.Where(x => x.ShopName.Contains(model.ShopName))
.Select(x => x.GetViewModel)
public ShopViewModel? GetElement(ShopSearchModel model)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ShopName) && !model.Id.HasValue)
return null;
using var context = new PrecastConcretePlantDatabase();
return context.Shops
.Include(x => x.Reinforceds)
.ThenInclude(x => x.Reinforced)
.FirstOrDefault(x => (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ShopName) && x.ShopName == model.ShopName) ||
(model.Id.HasValue && x.Id == model.Id))
public ShopViewModel? Insert(ShopBindingModel model)
using var context = new PrecastConcretePlantDatabase();
var newShop = Shop.Create(context, model);
if (newShop == null)
return null;
return newShop.GetViewModel;
public ShopViewModel? Update(ShopBindingModel model)
using var context = new PrecastConcretePlantDatabase();
using var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction();
var shop = context.Shops.FirstOrDefault(rec => rec.Id == model.Id);
if (shop == null)
return null;
shop.UpdateReinforceds(context, model);
return shop.GetViewModel;
public ShopViewModel? Delete(ShopBindingModel model)
using var context = new PrecastConcretePlantDatabase();
var element = context.Shops
.Include(x => x.Reinforceds)
.FirstOrDefault(rec => rec.Id == model.Id);
if (element != null)
return element.GetViewModel;
return null;
public bool MakeSale(IReinforcedModel model, int count)
using var context = new PrecastConcretePlantDatabase();
using var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction();
foreach (var shop in context.Shops.Include(x => x.Reinforceds).ThenInclude(x => x.Reinforced)
.Where(x => x.Reinforceds.Any(x => x.ReinforcedId == model.Id))
var reinforced = shop.ShopReinforceds[model.Id];
int min = Math.Min(reinforced.Item2, count);
if (min == reinforced.Item2)
shop.ShopReinforceds[model.Id] = (reinforced.Item1, reinforced.Item2 - min);
shop.UpdateReinforceds(context, new() { Id = shop.Id, ShopReinforceds = shop.ShopReinforceds });
count -= min;
if (count == 0)
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ namespace PrecastConcretePlantDatabaseImplement.Models
public virtual List<Order> Orders { get; set; } = new();
public virtual List<ShopReinforced> ShopReinforceds { get; set; } = new();
public static Reinforced Create(PrecastConcretePlantDatabase context, ReinforcedBindingModel model)
return new Reinforced()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
using PrecastConcretePlantContracts.BindingModels;
using PrecastConcretePlantContracts.ViewModels;
using PrecastConcretePlantDataModels.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace PrecastConcretePlantDatabaseImplement.Models
public class Shop : IShopModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ShopName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Address { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public DateTime DateOpening { get; set; }
public int ReinforcedsMax { get; set; }
private Dictionary<int, (IReinforcedModel, int)>? _shopReinforceds = null;
public Dictionary<int, (IReinforcedModel, int)> ShopReinforceds
if (_shopReinforceds == null)
_shopReinforceds = Reinforceds
.ToDictionary(x => x.ReinforcedId, x => (x.Reinforced as IReinforcedModel, x.Count));
return _shopReinforceds;
public virtual List<ShopReinforced> Reinforceds { get; set; } = new();
public static Shop Create(PrecastConcretePlantDatabase context, ShopBindingModel model)
return new Shop()
Id = model.Id,
ShopName = model.ShopName,
Address = model.Address,
DateOpening = model.DateOpening,
ReinforcedsMax = model.ReinforcedsMax,
Reinforceds = model.ShopReinforceds.Select(x => new ShopReinforced
Reinforced = context.Reinforceds.First(y => y.Id == x.Key),
Count = x.Value.Item2
public void Update(ShopBindingModel model)
ShopName = model.ShopName;
Address = model.Address;
DateOpening = model.DateOpening;
ReinforcedsMax = model.ReinforcedsMax;
public ShopViewModel GetViewModel => new()
Id = Id,
ShopName = ShopName,
Address = Address,
DateOpening = DateOpening,
ReinforcedsMax = ReinforcedsMax,
ShopReinforceds = ShopReinforceds
public void UpdateReinforceds(PrecastConcretePlantDatabase context, ShopBindingModel model)
var shopReinforceds = context.ShopReinforceds.Where(rec => rec.ShopId == model.Id).ToList();
if (shopReinforceds != null && shopReinforceds.Count > 0)
context.ShopReinforceds.RemoveRange(shopReinforceds.Where(rec => !model.ShopReinforceds.ContainsKey(rec.ReinforcedId)));
foreach (var updateReinforced in shopReinforceds)
if (model.ShopReinforceds.ContainsKey(updateReinforced.ReinforcedId))
updateReinforced.Count = model.ShopReinforceds[updateReinforced.ReinforcedId].Item2;
var shop = context.Shops.First(x => x.Id == Id);
foreach (var ic in model.ShopReinforceds)
context.ShopReinforceds.Add(new ShopReinforced
Shop = shop,
Reinforced = context.Reinforceds.First(x => x.Id == ic.Key),
Count = ic.Value.Item2
_shopReinforceds = null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace PrecastConcretePlantDatabaseImplement.Models
public class ShopReinforced
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ShopId { get; set; }
public int ReinforcedId { get; set; }
public int Count { get; set; }
public virtual Reinforced Reinforced { get; set; } = new();
public virtual Shop Shop { get; set; } = new();

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ namespace PrecastConcretePlantDatabaseImplement
public virtual DbSet<Reinforced> Reinforceds { set; get; }
public virtual DbSet<ReinforcedComponent> ReinforcedComponents { set; get; }
public virtual DbSet<Order> Orders { set; get; }
public virtual DbSet<Shop> Shops { set; get; }
public virtual DbSet<ShopReinforced> ShopReinforceds { set; get; }