#include "raylib.h" int main () { // Tell the window to use vsync and work on high DPI displays SetConfigFlags(FLAG_VSYNC_HINT | FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI); // Create the window and OpenGL context InitWindow(1280, 800, "Hello Raylib"); // game loop while (!WindowShouldClose()) // run the loop untill the user presses ESCAPE or presses the Close button on the window { // drawing BeginDrawing(); // Setup the back buffer for drawing (clear color and depth buffers) ClearBackground(BLACK); // draw some text using the default font DrawText("Hello Raylib", 200,200,20,WHITE); // end the frame and get ready for the next one (display frame, poll input, etc...) EndDrawing(); } // destroy the window and cleanup the OpenGL context CloseWindow(); return 0; }