+ wcscat(lDialogString, aMessage ? aMessage : L"");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ fputws(lDialogString, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ if (aTitle && wcslen(aTitle))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -Title '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aMessage))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -Message '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aMessage);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aIconType))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -IconType '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aIconType);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\"");
+ /* wprintf ( L"lDialogString: %ls\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ wcscpy(lDialogString,
+ L"cmd.exe /c mshta.exe \"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.hta\"");
+ hiddenConsoleW(lDialogString, aTitle, 0);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 1;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_inputBoxW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aMessage, /* NULL or L"" (\n and \t have no effect) */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultInput) /* L"" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ static wchar_t lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t * lDialogString;
+ FILE * lIn;
+ FILE * lFile;
+ int lResult;
+ size_t lTitleLen;
+ size_t lMessageLen;
+ size_t lDialogStringLen;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_inputBoxW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDefaultInput);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aMessage)) return tinyfd_inputBoxW(aTitle, L"INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultInput);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultInput)) return tinyfd_inputBoxW(aTitle, aMessage, L"INVALID DEFAULT_INPUT WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.");
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? wcslen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? wcslen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ lDialogStringLen = 3 * MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen;
+ lDialogString = (wchar_t *) malloc(2 * lDialogStringLen);
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.vbs", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.hta", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ lIn = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"w");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"Dim result:result=InputBox(\"");
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aMessage))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lBuff, aMessage);
+ replaceWchar(lBuff, L'\n', L' ');
+ wcscat(lDialogString, lBuff);
+ }
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\",\"");
+ if (aTitle) wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\",\"");
+ if (aDefaultInput && wcslen(aDefaultInput))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lBuff, aDefaultInput);
+ replaceWchar(lBuff, L'\n', L' ');
+ wcscat(lDialogString, lBuff);
+ }
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\"):If IsEmpty(result) then:WScript.Echo 0");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L":Else: WScript.Echo \"1\" & result : End If");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ if (aTitle) wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aMessage ? aMessage : L"");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ | \n\
+ | \n\
+ \n\
+ \n");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+" ) ;
+ }
+ fputws(lDialogString, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.txt",_wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ lFile = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"w");
+ fputc(0xFF, lFile);
+ fputc(0xFE, lFile);
+ lFile = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"wt, ccs=UNICODE"); /*or ccs=UTF-16LE*/
+ fclose(lFile);
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"cmd.exe /c cscript.exe //U //Nologo ");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.vbs\" ");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L">> \"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.txt\"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString,
+ L"cmd.exe /c mshta.exe \"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.hta\"");
+ }
+ /* wprintf ( "lDialogString: %ls\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ hiddenConsoleW(lDialogString, aTitle, 1);
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.txt", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ /* wprintf(L"lDialogString: %ls\n", lDialogString); */
+ if (!(lIn = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"r")))
+ if (!(lIn = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"rt, ccs=UNICODE"))) /*or ccs=UTF-16LE*/
+ {
+ _wremove(lDialogString);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(lBuff, 0, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD * sizeof(wchar_t) );
+ fgets((char *)lBuff, 2*MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn);
+ fgetws(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ wipefileW(lDialogString);
+ _wremove(lDialogString);
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.vbs", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.hta", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ _wremove(lDialogString);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ /* wprintf( L"lBuff: %ls\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ lResult = !wcsncmp(lBuff+1, L"1", 1);
+ lResult = !wcsncmp(lBuff, L"1", 1);
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d \n" , lResult ) ; */
+ if (!lResult)
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* wprintf( "lBuff+1: %ls\n" , lBuff+1 ) ; */
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ lDialogStringLen = wcslen(lBuff) ;
+ lBuff[lDialogStringLen - 1] = L'\0';
+ lBuff[lDialogStringLen - 2] = L'\0';
+ }
+ return lBuff + 2;
+ if (aDefaultInput) lBuff[wcslen(lBuff) - 1] = L'\0';
+ return lBuff + 1;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ wchar_t const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ wchar_t const * aSingleFilterDescription) /* NULL or "image files" */
+ static wchar_t lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lDirname[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lFilterPatterns[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t * p;
+ wchar_t * lRetval;
+ wchar_t const * ldefExt = NULL;
+ int i;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ OPENFILENAMEW ofn = {0};
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, L"INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES");
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(L"INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }*/
+ lHResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0);
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlashW(lDirname, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ getLastNameW(lBuff, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ ldefExt = aFilterPatterns[0];
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[0]);
+ for (i = 1; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L";");
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ if (!(aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription)))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, lDialogString);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"All Files\n*.*\n");
+ p = lFilterPatterns;
+ while ((p = wcschr(p, L'\n')) != NULL)
+ {
+ *p = L'\0';
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW);
+ ofn.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ ofn.hInstance = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = wcslen(lFilterPatterns) ? lFilterPatterns : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
+ ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
+ ofn.lpstrFile = lBuff;
+ ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD;
+ ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD/2;
+ ofn.lpstrInitialDir = wcslen(lDirname) ? lDirname : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrTitle = aTitle && wcslen(aTitle) ? aTitle : NULL;
+ ofn.nFileOffset = 0;
+ ofn.nFileExtension = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = ldefExt;
+ ofn.lCustData = 0L;
+ ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
+ ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
+ if (GetSaveFileNameW(&ofn) == 0)
+ {
+ lRetval = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lRetval = lBuff;
+ }
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lRetval;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_openFileDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ wchar_t const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ wchar_t const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects) /* 0 or 1 ; -1 to free allocated memory and return */
+ size_t lLengths[MAX_MULTIPLE_FILES];
+ wchar_t lDirname[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lFilterPatterns[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t * lPointers[MAX_MULTIPLE_FILES+1];
+ wchar_t * p;
+ int i, j;
+ size_t lBuffLen;
+ DWORD lFullBuffLen;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ OPENFILENAMEW ofn = { 0 };
+ static wchar_t * lBuff = NULL;
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects < 0) return (wchar_t *)0;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, L"INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES", aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(L"INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }*/
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ lBuff = (wchar_t*) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (!lBuff)
+ {
+ lBuff = (wchar_t*) malloc( lFullBuffLen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lFullBuffLen = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + 1;
+ lBuff = (wchar_t*) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ }
+ if (!lBuff) return NULL;
+ lHResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0);
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlashW(lDirname, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ getLastNameW(lBuff, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[0]);
+ for (i = 1; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L";");
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ if (!(aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription)))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, lDialogString);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"All Files\n*.*\n");
+ p = lFilterPatterns;
+ while ((p = wcschr(p, L'\n')) != NULL)
+ {
+ *p = L'\0';
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
+ ofn.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ ofn.hInstance = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = wcslen(lFilterPatterns) ? lFilterPatterns : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
+ ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
+ ofn.lpstrFile = lBuff;
+ ofn.nMaxFile = lFullBuffLen;
+ ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD / 2;
+ ofn.lpstrInitialDir = wcslen(lDirname) ? lDirname : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrTitle = aTitle && wcslen(aTitle) ? aTitle : NULL;
+ ofn.nFileOffset = 0;
+ ofn.nFileExtension = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL;
+ ofn.lCustData = 0L;
+ ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
+ ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ }
+ if (GetOpenFileNameW(&ofn) == 0)
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lBuffLen = wcslen(lBuff);
+ lPointers[0] = lBuff + lBuffLen + 1;
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects && (lPointers[0][0] != L'\0'))
+ {
+ i = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ lLengths[i] = wcslen(lPointers[i]);
+ lPointers[i + 1] = lPointers[i] + lLengths[i] + 1;
+ i++;
+ } while (lPointers[i][0] != L'\0' && i < MAX_MULTIPLE_FILES );
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i--;
+ p = lBuff + lFullBuffLen - 1;
+ *p = L'\0';
+ for (j = i; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ p -= lLengths[j];
+ memmove(p, lPointers[j], lLengths[j] * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ p--;
+ *p = L'\\';
+ p -= lBuffLen;
+ memmove(p, lBuff, lBuffLen*sizeof(wchar_t));
+ p--;
+ *p = L'|';
+ }
+ p++;
+ wcscpy(lBuff, p);
+ lBuffLen = wcslen(lBuff);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lBuff) lBuff = (wchar_t*)(realloc(lBuff, (lBuffLen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)));
+ }
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lBuff;
+BOOL CALLBACK BrowseCallbackProcW_enum(HWND hWndChild, LPARAM lParam)
+ wchar_t buf[255];
+ (void)lParam;
+ GetClassNameW(hWndChild, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (wcscmp(buf, L"SysTreeView32") == 0)
+ {
+ HTREEITEM hNode = TreeView_GetSelection(hWndChild);
+ TreeView_EnsureVisible(hWndChild, hNode);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static int __stdcall BrowseCallbackProcW(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lp, LPARAM pData)
+ (void)lp;
+ switch (uMsg)
+ {
+ SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONW, TRUE, (LPARAM)pData);
+ break;
+ EnumChildWindows(hwnd, BrowseCallbackProcW_enum, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPath) /* NULL or "" */
+ static wchar_t lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t * lRetval;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPath);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultPath)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES");*/
+ bInfo.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ bInfo.pidlRoot = NULL;
+ bInfo.pszDisplayName = lBuff;
+ bInfo.lpszTitle = aTitle && wcslen(aTitle) ? aTitle : NULL;
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ bInfo.ulFlags = BIF_USENEWUI;
+ }
+ bInfo.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProcW;
+ bInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)aDefaultPath;
+ bInfo.iImage = -1;
+ lpItem = SHBrowseForFolderW(&bInfo);
+ if (!lpItem)
+ {
+ lRetval = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SHGetPathFromIDListW(lpItem, lBuff);
+ lRetval = lBuff ;
+ }
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lRetval;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_colorChooserW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3], /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3]) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static wchar_t lResultHexRGB[8];
+ COLORREF crCustColors[16];
+ unsigned char lDefaultRGB[3];
+ int lRet;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_colorChooserW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultHexRGB)) return tinyfd_colorChooserW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_HEX_RGB WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);*/
+ lHResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0);
+ if ( aDefaultHexRGB && wcslen(aDefaultHexRGB) )
+ {
+ Hex2RGBW(aDefaultHexRGB, lDefaultRGB);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDefaultRGB[0] = aDefaultRGB[0];
+ lDefaultRGB[1] = aDefaultRGB[1];
+ lDefaultRGB[2] = aDefaultRGB[2];
+ }
+ /* we can't use aTitle */
+ cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR);
+ cc.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ cc.hInstance = NULL;
+ cc.rgbResult = RGB(lDefaultRGB[0], lDefaultRGB[1], lDefaultRGB[2]);
+ cc.lpCustColors = crCustColors;
+ cc.lCustData = 0;
+ cc.lpfnHook = NULL;
+ cc.lpTemplateName = NULL;
+ lRet = ChooseColorW(&cc);
+ if (!lRet)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ aoResultRGB[0] = GetRValue(cc.rgbResult);
+ aoResultRGB[1] = GetGValue(cc.rgbResult);
+ aoResultRGB[2] = GetBValue(cc.rgbResult);
+ RGB2HexW(aoResultRGB, lResultHexRGB);
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lResultHexRGB;
+static int messageBoxWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType, /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType, /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ int lIntRetVal;
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lMessage = NULL;
+ wchar_t lDialogType[16] = L"";
+ wchar_t lIconType[16] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aMessage)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aMessage);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMessage);
+ lMessage = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)* sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (lMessage) wcscpy(lMessage, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDialogType)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDialogType);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDialogType);
+ wcscpy(lDialogType, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aIconType)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aIconType);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aIconType);
+ wcscpy(lIconType, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lIntRetVal = tinyfd_messageBoxW(lTitle, lMessage, lDialogType, lIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ free(lMessage);
+ return lIntRetVal;
+static int notifyWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may NOT contain \n nor \t */
+ char const * aIconType)
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lMessage = NULL;
+ wchar_t lIconType[16] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aMessage)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aMessage);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMessage);
+ lMessage = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)* sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (lMessage) wcscpy(lMessage, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aIconType)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aIconType);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aIconType);
+ wcscpy(lIconType, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ tinyfd_notifyPopupW(lTitle, lMessage, lIconType);
+ free(lMessage);
+ return 1;
+static int inputBoxWinGui(
+ char * aoBuff,
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may NOT contain \n nor \t */
+ char const * aDefaultInput) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lMessage = NULL;
+ wchar_t lDefaultInput[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aMessage)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aMessage);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMessage);
+ lMessage = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)* sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (lMessage) wcscpy(lMessage, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultInput);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultInput);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultInput, lTmpWChar);
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_inputBoxW(lTitle, lMessage, lDefaultInput);
+ }
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_inputBoxW(lTitle, lMessage, NULL);
+ free(lMessage);
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ aoBuff[0] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(aoBuff, lTmpChar);
+ return 1;
+static char * saveFileDialogWinGui(
+ char * aoBuff,
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription) /* NULL or "image files" */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDefaultPathAndFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t lSingleFilterDescription[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * * lFilterPatterns;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ int i;
+ lFilterPatterns = (wchar_t **) malloc(aNumOfFilterPatterns*sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ lFilterPatterns[i] = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ if (lFilterPatterns[i]) wcscpy(lFilterPatterns[i], lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultPathAndFile, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscpy(lSingleFilterDescription, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultPathAndFile,
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ (wchar_t const**) lFilterPatterns, /*stupid cast for gcc*/
+ lSingleFilterDescription);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ free(lFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ free(lFilterPatterns);
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(aoBuff, lTmpChar);
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) (void)tinyfd_utf16to8(NULL);
+ else (void)tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(NULL);
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * openFileDialogWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects) /* 0 or 1 */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDefaultPathAndFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t lSingleFilterDescription[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * * lFilterPatterns;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ int i;
+ lFilterPatterns = (wchar_t * *) malloc(aNumOfFilterPatterns*sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ lFilterPatterns[i] = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ if (lFilterPatterns[i]) wcscpy(lFilterPatterns[i], lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultPathAndFile, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscpy(lSingleFilterDescription, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_openFileDialogW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultPathAndFile,
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ (wchar_t const**) lFilterPatterns, /*stupid cast for gcc*/
+ lSingleFilterDescription,
+ aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ free(lFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ free(lFilterPatterns);
+ if (!lTmpWChar) return NULL;
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ (void)tinyfd_openFileDialogW(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, -1);
+ return lTmpChar;
+static char * selectFolderDialogWinGui(
+ char * aoBuff,
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath) /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDefaultPath[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPath)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultPath);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultPath);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultPath, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultPath);
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(aoBuff, lTmpChar);
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * colorChooserWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3], /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3]) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static char lResultHexRGB[8];
+ wchar_t lTitle[128];
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ wchar_t lDefaultHexRGB[16] = L"";
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultHexRGB)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultHexRGB);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultHexRGB);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultHexRGB, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_colorChooserW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultHexRGB,
+ aDefaultRGB,
+ aoResultRGB );
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(lResultHexRGB, lTmpChar);
+ return lResultHexRGB;
+static int dialogPresent(void)
+ static int lDialogPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char const * lString = "dialog.exe";
+ if (!tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs) return 0;
+ if (lDialogPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lIn = _popen("where dialog.exe", "r");
+ if ( ! lIn )
+ {
+ lDialogPresent = 0 ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ _pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ if ( strcmp(lBuff+strlen(lBuff)-strlen(lString),lString) )
+ {
+ lDialogPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDialogPresent = 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ return lDialogPresent;
+static int messageBoxWinConsole(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType , /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType , /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton ) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lDialogFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ FILE * lIn;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ (void)aIconType;
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "dialog ");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ( !strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType )
+ || !strcmp("yesno", aDialogType) || !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "--yes-label \"Ok\" --no-label \"Cancel\" --yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if (!aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--defaultno ");
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--menu ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--msgbox " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lBuff ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lBuff) ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ");
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "0 60 0 Yes \"\" No \"\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>>");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "10 60");
+ strcat(lDialogString, " && echo 1 > ");
+ }
+ strcpy(lDialogFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lDialogFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ /*if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;*/
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lDialogFile, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ while (fgets(lBuff, sizeof(lBuff), lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lBuff: %s\n", lBuff); */
+ if ( ! strlen(lBuff) )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if (lBuff[0] == 'Y') return 1;
+ else return 2;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int inputBoxWinConsole(
+ char * aoBuff ,
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may NOT contain \n nor \t */
+ char const * aDefaultInput ) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lDialogFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ FILE * lIn;
+ int lResult;
+ strcpy(lDialogFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lDialogFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcpy(lDialogString , "echo|set /p=1 >" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ strcat( lDialogString , " & " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " (sometimes nothing, no blink nor star, is shown in text field)") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--insecure --passwordbox" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--inputbox" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString,"\" 10 60 ") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>>");
+ strcpy(lDialogFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lDialogFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ strcat(lDialogString, " || echo 0 > ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lDialogFile, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ aoBuff[0] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ wipefile(lDialogFile);
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ if ( aoBuff[strlen( aoBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ aoBuff[strlen( aoBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s len: %lu \n" , aoBuff , strlen(aoBuff) ) ; */
+ lResult = strncmp( aoBuff , "1" , 1) ? 0 : 1 ;
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d \n" , lResult ) ; */
+ if ( ! lResult )
+ {
+ aoBuff[0] = '\0';
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "aoBuff+1: %s\n" , aoBuff+1 ) ; */
+ strcpy(aoBuff, aoBuff+3);
+ return 1;
+static char * saveFileDialogWinConsole(
+ char * aoBuff ,
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) /* NULL or "" */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lPathAndFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ FILE * lIn;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe uses unix separators even on windows */
+ strcpy(lPathAndFile, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ replaceChr( lPathAndFile , '\\' , '/' ) ;
+ }
+ /* dialog.exe needs at least one separator */
+ if ( ! strchr(lPathAndFile, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, lPathAndFile) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 2>");
+ strcpy(lPathAndFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lPathAndFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lPathAndFile);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lPathAndFile, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lPathAndFile);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lPathAndFile);
+ replaceChr( aoBuff , '/' , '\\' ) ;
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ getLastName(lDialogString,aoBuff);
+ if ( ! strlen(lDialogString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * openFileDialogWinConsole(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) /* NULL or "" */
+ char lFilterPatterns[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn;
+ static char aoBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe uses unix separators even on windows */
+ strcpy(lFilterPatterns, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ replaceChr( lFilterPatterns , '\\' , '/' ) ;
+ }
+ /* dialog.exe needs at least one separator */
+ if ( ! strchr(lFilterPatterns, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 2>");
+ strcpy(lFilterPatterns, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lFilterPatterns, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lFilterPatterns, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lFilterPatterns);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lFilterPatterns);
+ replaceChr( aoBuff , '/' , '\\' ) ;
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * selectFolderDialogWinConsole(
+ char * aoBuff ,
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath ) /* NULL or "" */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--dselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe uses unix separators even on windows */
+ strcpy(lString, aDefaultPath) ;
+ ensureFinalSlash(lString);
+ replaceChr( lString , '\\' , '/' ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe needs at least one separator */
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 2>");
+ strcpy(lString, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lString, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lString, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lString);
+ replaceChr( aoBuff , '/' , '\\' ) ;
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ return aoBuff;
+static void writeUtf8( char const * aUtf8String )
+ unsigned long lNum;
+ void * lConsoleHandle;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ lConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aUtf8String);
+ (void)WriteConsoleW(lConsoleHandle, lTmpWChar, (DWORD) wcslen(lTmpWChar), &lNum, NULL);
+int tinyfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType, /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType, /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ char lChar;
+ UINT lOriginalCP = 0;
+ UINT lOriginalOutputCP = 0;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_messageBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ if ((!tinyfd_forceConsole || !(GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent()))
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows"); return 1; }
+ return messageBoxWinGui(aTitle, aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return 0; }
+ return messageBoxWinConsole(
+ aTitle, aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lOriginalCP = GetConsoleCP();
+ lOriginalOutputCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
+ (void)SetConsoleCP(GetACP());
+ (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(GetACP());
+ }
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return 0; }
+ if (!gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1;
+ printf("\n\n%s\n", gTitle);
+ printf("%s\n\n", tinyfd_needs);
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ printf("\n");
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aTitle);
+ else printf("%s", aTitle);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno", aDialogType))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("y/n: ");
+ lChar = (char)tolower(_getch());
+ printf("\n\n");
+ } while (lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n');
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return lChar == 'y' ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("[O]kay/[C]ancel: ");
+ lChar = (char)tolower(_getch());
+ printf("\n\n");
+ } while (lChar != 'o' && lChar != 'c');
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return lChar == 'o' ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("[Y]es/[N]o/[C]ancel: ");
+ lChar = (char)tolower(_getch());
+ printf("\n\n");
+ } while (lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n' && lChar != 'c');
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return (lChar == 'y') ? 1 : (lChar == 'n') ? 2 : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ printf("press enter to continue "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char)_getch();
+ printf("\n\n");
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* return has only meaning for tinyfd_query */
+int tinyfd_notifyPopup(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n \t */
+ char const * aIconType ) /* "info" "warning" "error" */
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aIconType);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aIconType);
+ if ( powershellPresent() && (!tinyfd_forceConsole || !(
+ GetConsoleWindow() ||
+ dialogPresent()))
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return 1;}
+ return notifyWinGui(aTitle, aMessage, aIconType);
+ }
+ else
+ return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, "ok" , aIconType, 0);
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" (\n and \t have no effect) */
+ char const * aDefaultInput ) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ char * lEOF;
+ DWORD mode = 0;
+ HANDLE hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ unsigned long lNum;
+ void * lConsoleHandle;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ wchar_t lBuffW[1024];
+ UINT lOriginalCP = 0;
+ UINT lOriginalOutputCP = 0;
+ if (!aTitle && !aMessage && !aDefaultInput) return lBuff; /* now I can fill lBuff from outside */
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_inputBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultInput)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, aMessage, "INVALID DEFAULT_INPUT WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.");
+ mode = 0;
+ hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ if ((!tinyfd_forceConsole || !(
+ GetConsoleWindow() ||
+ dialogPresent()))
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (inputBoxWinGui(lBuff, aTitle, aMessage, aDefaultInput)) return lBuff;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ else if ( dialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (inputBoxWinConsole(lBuff, aTitle, aMessage, aDefaultInput) ) return lBuff;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return (char *)0;}
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (!gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ printf("\n\n%s\n", gTitle);
+ printf("%s\n\n", tinyfd_needs);
+ }
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lOriginalCP = GetConsoleCP();
+ lOriginalOutputCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
+ (void)SetConsoleCP(GetACP());
+ (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(GetACP());
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ printf("\n");
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aTitle);
+ else printf("%s", aTitle);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("(ctrl-Z + enter to cancel): "); fflush(stdout);
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ (void) GetConsoleMode(hStdin, &mode);
+ (void) SetConsoleMode(hStdin, mode & (~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT));
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ (void) ReadConsoleW(lConsoleHandle, lBuffW, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, &lNum, NULL);
+ if (!aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ (void)SetConsoleMode(hStdin, mode);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ lBuffW[lNum] = '\0';
+ if (lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] == '\n') lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] = '\0';
+ if (lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] == '\r') lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] = '\0';
+ lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lBuffW);
+ if (lTmpChar)
+ {
+ strcpy(lBuff, lTmpChar);
+ return lBuff;
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lEOF = fgets(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, stdin);
+ if (!aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ (void)SetConsoleMode(hStdin, mode);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP);
+ (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP);
+ }
+ if (!lEOF)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ if (strchr(lBuff, 27))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ return lBuff;
+ }
+ }
+char * tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ) /* NULL or "image files" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ int i;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES");
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if ( ( !tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent() ) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = saveFileDialogWinGui(lBuff,
+ aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, (char const * const *)aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ p = saveFileDialogWinConsole(lBuff, aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Save file in ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL,NULL,NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ }
+ if ( ! p || ! strlen( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , p ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ getLastName(lString,p);
+ if ( ! filenameValid(lString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return p ;
+/* in case of multiple files, the separator is | */
+char * tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects ) /* 0 or 1 */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * p;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ int i;
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES", aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }
+ if ( ( !tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent() ) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = openFileDialogWinGui( aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ (char const * const *)aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ p = openFileDialogWinConsole(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Open file from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ }
+ if ( ! p || ! strlen( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects && strchr(p, '|') )
+ {
+ p = ensureFilesExist( (char *) p , p ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( ! fileExists(p) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff3: %s\n" , p ) ; */
+ return p ;
+char * tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath ) /* NULL or "" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * p;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPath);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPath)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES");
+ if ( ( !tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent() ) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = selectFolderDialogWinGui(lBuff, aTitle, aDefaultPath);
+ }
+ else
+ if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ p = selectFolderDialogWinConsole(lBuff, aTitle, aDefaultPath);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Select folder from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ }
+ if ( ! p || ! strlen( p ) || ! dirExists( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ return p ;
+/* aDefaultRGB is used only if aDefaultHexRGB is absent */
+/* aDefaultRGB and aoResultRGB can be the same array */
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+/* returns the hexcolor as a string "#FF0000" */
+/* aoResultRGB also contains the result */
+char * tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or "" or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3], /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3]) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static char lDefaultHexRGB[16];
+ int i;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ lDefaultHexRGB[0] = '\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_colorChooser("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultHexRGB)) return tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_HEX_RGB WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if ( (!tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent()) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = colorChooserWinGui(aTitle, aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (p)
+ {
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, p);
+ return lDefaultHexRGB;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ }
+ if (aDefaultHexRGB && (strlen(aDefaultHexRGB)==7) )
+ {
+ strncpy(lDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultHexRGB,7);
+ lDefaultHexRGB[7]='\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RGB2Hex(aDefaultRGB, lDefaultHexRGB);
+ }
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "Enter hex rgb color (i.e. #f5ca20)", lDefaultHexRGB);
+ if ( !p || (strlen(p) != 7) || (p[0] != '#') )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i ++ )
+ {
+ if ( ! isxdigit( (int) p[i] ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ }
+ Hex2RGB(p,aoResultRGB);
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, p);
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ return lDefaultHexRGB;
+#else /* unix */
+static char gPython2Name[16];
+static char gPython3Name[16];
+static char gPythonName[16];
+int tfd_isDarwin(void)
+ static int lsIsDarwin = -1 ;
+ struct utsname lUtsname ;
+ if ( lsIsDarwin < 0 )
+ {
+ lsIsDarwin = !uname(&lUtsname) && !strcmp(lUtsname.sysname,"Darwin") ;
+ }
+ return lsIsDarwin ;
+static int dirExists( char const * aDirPath )
+ DIR * lDir ;
+ if ( ! aDirPath || ! strlen( aDirPath ) )
+ return 0 ;
+ lDir = opendir( aDirPath ) ;
+ if ( ! lDir )
+ {
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ closedir( lDir ) ;
+ return 1 ;
+static int detectPresence( char const * aExecutable )
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lTestedString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "command -v " ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
+ char* lAllocatedCharString;
+ int lSubstringUndetected;
+ strcat( lTestedString , aExecutable ) ;
+ strcat( lTestedString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ lIn = popen( lTestedString , "r" ) ;
+ if ( ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ && ( ! strchr( lBuff , ':' ) ) && ( strncmp(lBuff, "no ", 3) ) )
+ { /* present */
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE /*to bypass this, just comment out "#define _GNU_SOURCE" at the top of the file*/
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' ) lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ lAllocatedCharString = realpath(lBuff,NULL); /*same as canonicalize_file_name*/
+ lSubstringUndetected = ! strstr(lAllocatedCharString, aExecutable);
+ free(lAllocatedCharString);
+ if (lSubstringUndetected)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("detectPresence %s %d\n", aExecutable, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif /*_GNU_SOURCE*/
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("detectPresence %s %d\n", aExecutable, 1);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("detectPresence %s %d\n", aExecutable, 0);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+static char * getVersion( char const * aExecutable ) /*version must be first numeral*/
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lTestedString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ strcpy( lTestedString , aExecutable ) ;
+ strcat( lTestedString , " --version" ) ;
+ lIn = popen( lTestedString , "r" ) ;
+ lTmp = fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) ;
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ lTmp += strcspn(lTmp,"0123456789");
+ /* printf("lTmp:%s\n", lTmp); */
+ return lTmp ;
+static int * getMajorMinorPatch( char const * aExecutable )
+ static int lArray[3] ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ lTmp = (char *) getVersion(aExecutable);
+ lArray[0] = atoi( strtok(lTmp," ,.-") ) ;
+ /* printf("lArray0 %d\n", lArray[0]); */
+ lArray[1] = atoi( strtok(0," ,.-") ) ;
+ /* printf("lArray1 %d\n", lArray[1]); */
+ lArray[2] = atoi( strtok(0," ,.-") ) ;
+ /* printf("lArray2 %d\n", lArray[2]); */
+ if ( !lArray[0] && !lArray[1] && !lArray[2] ) return NULL;
+ return lArray ;
+static int tryCommand( char const * aCommand )
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ lIn = popen( aCommand , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) == NULL )
+ { /* present */
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+static int isTerminalRunning(void)
+ static int lIsTerminalRunning = -1 ;
+ if ( lIsTerminalRunning < 0 )
+ {
+ lIsTerminalRunning = isatty(1);
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("isTerminalRunning %d\n", lIsTerminalRunning );
+ }
+ return lIsTerminalRunning;
+static char * dialogNameOnly(void)
+ static char lDialogName[128] = "*" ;
+ if ( lDialogName[0] == '*' )
+ {
+ if (!tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs)
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogName , "" );
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_isDarwin() && * strcpy(lDialogName , "/opt/local/bin/dialog" )
+ && detectPresence( lDialogName ) )
+ {}
+ else if ( * strcpy(lDialogName , "dialog" )
+ && detectPresence( lDialogName ) )
+ {}
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogName , "" );
+ }
+ }
+ return lDialogName ;
+int isDialogVersionBetter09b(void)
+ char const * lDialogName ;
+ char * lVersion ;
+ int lMajor ;
+ int lMinor ;
+ int lDate ;
+ int lResult ;
+ char * lMinorP ;
+ char * lLetter ;
+ char lBuff[128] ;
+ /*char lTest[128] = " 0.9b-20031126" ;*/
+ lDialogName = dialogNameOnly() ;
+ if ( ! strlen(lDialogName) || !(lVersion = (char *) getVersion(lDialogName)) ) return 0 ;
+ /*lVersion = lTest ;*/
+ /*printf("lVersion %s\n", lVersion);*/
+ strcpy(lBuff,lVersion);
+ lMajor = atoi( strtok(lVersion," ,.-") ) ;
+ /*printf("lMajor %d\n", lMajor);*/
+ lMinorP = strtok(0," ,.-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz");
+ lMinor = atoi( lMinorP ) ;
+ /*printf("lMinor %d\n", lMinor );*/
+ lDate = atoi( strtok(0," ,.-") ) ;
+ if (lDate<0) lDate = - lDate;
+ /*printf("lDate %d\n", lDate);*/
+ lLetter = lMinorP + strlen(lMinorP) ;
+ strcpy(lVersion,lBuff);
+ strtok(lLetter," ,.-");
+ /*printf("lLetter %s\n", lLetter);*/
+ lResult = (lMajor > 0) || ( ( lMinor == 9 ) && (*lLetter == 'b') && (lDate >= 20031126) );
+ /*printf("lResult %d\n", lResult);*/
+ return lResult;
+static int whiptailPresentOnly(void)
+ static int lWhiptailPresent = -1 ;
+ if (!tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs) return 0;
+ if ( lWhiptailPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lWhiptailPresent = detectPresence( "whiptail" ) ;
+ }
+ return lWhiptailPresent ;
+static char * terminalName(void)
+ static char lTerminalName[128] = "*" ;
+ char lShellName[64] = "*" ;
+ int * lArray;
+ if ( lTerminalName[0] == '*' )
+ {
+ if ( detectPresence( "bash" ) )
+ {
+ strcpy(lShellName , "bash -c " ) ; /*good for basic input*/
+ }
+ else if ( strlen(dialogNameOnly()) || whiptailPresentOnly() )
+ {
+ strcpy(lShellName , "sh -c " ) ; /*good enough for dialog & whiptail*/
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lTerminalName , "" ) ;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin() )
+ {
+ if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName , "/opt/X11/bin/xterm" )
+ && detectPresence( lTerminalName ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -fa 'DejaVu Sans Mono' -fs 10 -title tinyfiledialogs -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lTerminalName , "" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"xterm") /*good (small without parameters)*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -fa 'DejaVu Sans Mono' -fs 10 -title tinyfiledialogs -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"terminator") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"lxterminal") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"konsole") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"kterm") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"tilix") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"xfce4-terminal") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"mate-terminal") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"Eterm") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"evilvte") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"pterm") /*good (only letters)*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"gnome-terminal")
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) && (lArray = getMajorMinorPatch(lTerminalName))
+ && ((lArray[0]<3) || (lArray[0]==3 && lArray[1]<=6)) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " --disable-factory -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lTerminalName , "" ) ;
+ }
+ /* bad: koi rxterm guake tilda vala-terminal qterminal kgx
+ aterm Terminal terminology sakura lilyterm weston-terminal
+ roxterm termit xvt rxvt mrxvt urxvt */
+ }
+ if ( strlen(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ return lTerminalName ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+static char * dialogName(void)
+ char * lDialogName ;
+ lDialogName = dialogNameOnly( ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lDialogName) && ( isTerminalRunning() || terminalName() ) )
+ {
+ return lDialogName ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+static int whiptailPresent(void)
+ int lWhiptailPresent ;
+ lWhiptailPresent = whiptailPresentOnly( ) ;
+ if ( lWhiptailPresent && ( isTerminalRunning() || terminalName() ) )
+ {
+ return lWhiptailPresent ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+static int graphicMode(void)
+ return !( tinyfd_forceConsole && (isTerminalRunning() || terminalName()) )
+ && ( getenvDISPLAY()
+ || (tfd_isDarwin() && (!getenv("SSH_TTY") || getenvDISPLAY() ) ) ) ;
+static int ffplayPresent(void)
+ static int lFFplayPresent = -1;
+ if (lFFplayPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lFFplayPresent = detectPresence("ffplay");
+ }
+ return lFFplayPresent;
+static int pactlPresent( void )
+ static int lPactlPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff [256] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lPactlPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lPactlPresent = detectPresence("pactl") ;
+ if ( lPactlPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "pactl info | grep -iF pulseaudio" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( ! (fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) && ! strstr(lBuff, "PipeWire") ) )
+ {
+ lPactlPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("is pactl valid ? %d\n", lPactlPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return lPactlPresent ;
+static int speakertestPresent(void)
+ static int lSpeakertestPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lSpeakertestPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lSpeakertestPresent = detectPresence("speaker-test") ;
+ }
+ return lSpeakertestPresent ;
+static int playPresent(void) /* play is part of sox */
+ static int lPlayPresent = -1;
+ if (lPlayPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lPlayPresent = detectPresence("sox"); /*if sox is present, play is ready*/
+ }
+ return lPlayPresent;
+static int beepexePresent(void)
+ static int lBeepexePresent = -1;
+ if (lBeepexePresent < 0)
+ {
+ lBeepexePresent = detectPresence("beep.exe");
+ }
+ return lBeepexePresent;
+/*static int beepPresent(void)
+ static int lBeepPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lBeepPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lBeepPresent = detectPresence("beep") ;
+ }
+ return lBeepPresent ;
+static int playsoundPresent(void) /* playsound is part of pipewire */
+ static int lPlaysoundPresent = -1 ;
+ if (lPlaysoundPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lPlaysoundPresent = detectPresence("playsound_simple");
+ if ( lPlaysoundPresent && ! fileExists("/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") )
+ {
+ lPlaysoundPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ return lPlaysoundPresent;
+static int paplayPresent(void) /* playsound is part of pipewire */
+ static int lPaplayPresent = -1 ;
+ if (lPaplayPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lPaplayPresent = detectPresence("paplay");
+ if ( lPaplayPresent && ! fileExists("/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") )
+ {
+ lPaplayPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ return lPaplayPresent;
+static int xmessagePresent(void)
+ static int lXmessagePresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lXmessagePresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lXmessagePresent = detectPresence("xmessage");/*if not tty,not on osxpath*/
+ }
+ return lXmessagePresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int gxmessagePresent(void)
+ static int lGxmessagePresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lGxmessagePresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lGxmessagePresent = detectPresence("gxmessage") ;
+ }
+ return lGxmessagePresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int gmessagePresent(void)
+ static int lGmessagePresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lGmessagePresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lGmessagePresent = detectPresence("gmessage") ;
+ }
+ return lGmessagePresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int notifysendPresent(void)
+ static int lNotifysendPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lNotifysendPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lNotifysendPresent = detectPresence("notify-send") ;
+ }
+ return lNotifysendPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int perlPresent(void)
+ static int lPerlPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lPerlPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lPerlPresent = detectPresence("perl") ;
+ if (lPerlPresent)
+ {
+ lIn = popen("perl -MNet::DBus -e \"Net::DBus->session->get_service('org.freedesktop.Notifications')\" 2>&1", "r");
+ if (fgets(lBuff, sizeof(lBuff), lIn) == NULL)
+ {
+ lPerlPresent = 2;
+ }
+ pclose(lIn);
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("perl-dbus %d\n", lPerlPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lPerlPresent : 0 ;
+static int afplayPresent(void)
+ static int lAfplayPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lAfplayPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lAfplayPresent = detectPresence("afplay") ;
+ if ( lAfplayPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "test -e /System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff || echo Ping" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) == NULL )
+ {
+ lAfplayPresent = 2 ;
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("afplay %d\n", lAfplayPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lAfplayPresent : 0 ;
+static int xdialogPresent(void)
+ static int lXdialogPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lXdialogPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lXdialogPresent = detectPresence("Xdialog") ;
+ }
+ return lXdialogPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int gdialogPresent(void)
+ static int lGdialoglPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lGdialoglPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lGdialoglPresent = detectPresence( "gdialog" ) ;
+ }
+ return lGdialoglPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int osascriptPresent(void)
+ static int lOsascriptPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lOsascriptPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed |= !!getenv("SSH_TTY");
+ lOsascriptPresent = detectPresence( "osascript" ) ;
+ }
+ return lOsascriptPresent && graphicMode() && !getenv("SSH_TTY") ;
+static int dunstifyPresent(void)
+ static int lDunstifyPresent = -1 ;
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ if ( lDunstifyPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lDunstifyPresent = detectPresence( "dunstify" ) ;
+ if ( lDunstifyPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "dunstify -s" , "r" ) ;
+ lTmp = fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) ;
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ /* printf("lTmp:%s\n", lTmp); */
+ lDunstifyPresent = strstr(lTmp,"name:dunst\n") ? 1 : 0 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lDunstifyPresent %d\n", lDunstifyPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return lDunstifyPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int dunstPresent(void)
+ static int lDunstPresent = -1 ;
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ if ( lDunstPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lDunstPresent = detectPresence( "dunst" ) ;
+ if ( lDunstPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "ps -e | grep dunst | grep -v grep" , "r" ) ; /* add "| wc -l" to receive the number of lines */
+ lTmp = fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) ;
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ /* if ( lTmp ) printf("lTmp:%s\n", lTmp); */
+ if ( lTmp ) lDunstPresent = 1 ;
+ else lDunstPresent = 0 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lDunstPresent %d\n", lDunstPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return lDunstPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_qarmaPresent(void)
+ static int lQarmaPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lQarmaPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lQarmaPresent = detectPresence("qarma") ;
+ }
+ return lQarmaPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_matedialogPresent(void)
+ static int lMatedialogPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lMatedialogPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lMatedialogPresent = detectPresence("matedialog") ;
+ }
+ return lMatedialogPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_shellementaryPresent(void)
+ static int lShellementaryPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lShellementaryPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lShellementaryPresent = 0 ; /*detectPresence("shellementary"); shellementary is not ready yet */
+ }
+ return lShellementaryPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_xpropPresent(void)
+ static int lXpropReady = 0 ;
+ static int lXpropDetected = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lXpropDetected < 0 )
+ {
+ lXpropDetected = detectPresence("xprop") ;
+ }
+ if ( !lXpropReady && lXpropDetected )
+ { /* xwayland Debian issue reported by Kay F. Jahnke and solved with his help */
+ lIn = popen( "xprop -root 32x ' $0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( ! strstr( lBuff , "not found" ) )
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("xprop is ready\n");
+ lXpropReady = 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lXpropReady : 0 ;
+int tfd_zenityPresent(void)
+ static int lZenityPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lZenityPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lZenityPresent = detectPresence("zenity") ;
+ }
+ return lZenityPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_yadPresent(void)
+ static int lYadPresent = -1;
+ if (lYadPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lYadPresent = detectPresence("yad");
+ }
+ return lYadPresent && graphicMode();
+int tfd_zenity3Present(void)
+ static int lZenity3Present = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int lIntTmp ;
+ if ( lZenity3Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 0 ;
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "zenity --version" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( atoi(lBuff) >= 3 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 3 ;
+ lIntTmp = atoi(strtok(lBuff,".")+2 ) ;
+ if ( lIntTmp >= 18 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 5 ;
+ }
+ else if ( lIntTmp >= 10 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 4 ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ( atoi(lBuff) == 2 ) && ( atoi(strtok(lBuff,".")+2 ) >= 32 ) )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 2 ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("zenity type %d\n", lZenity3Present);
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lZenity3Present : 0 ;
+int tfd_kdialogPresent(void)
+ static int lKdialogPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lDesktop;
+ if ( lKdialogPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lDesktop = getenv("XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP");
+ if ( !lDesktop || ( strcmp(lDesktop, "KDE") && strcmp(lDesktop, "lxqt") ) )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 0 ;
+ return lKdialogPresent ;
+ }
+ }
+ lKdialogPresent = detectPresence("kdialog") ;
+ if ( lKdialogPresent && !getenv("SSH_TTY") )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "kdialog --attach 2>&1" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( ! strstr( "Unknown" , lBuff ) )
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 2 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("kdialog-attach %d\n", lKdialogPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (lKdialogPresent == 2)
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 1 ;
+ lIn = popen( "kdialog --passivepopup 2>&1" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( ! strstr( "Unknown" , lBuff ) )
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 2 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("kdialog-popup %d\n", lKdialogPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lKdialogPresent : 0 ;
+static int osx9orBetter(void)
+ static int lOsx9orBetter = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int V,v;
+ if ( lOsx9orBetter < 0 )
+ {
+ lOsx9orBetter = 0 ;
+ lIn = popen( "osascript -e 'set osver to system version of (system info)'" , "r" ) ;
+ V = 0 ;
+ if ( ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ && ( 2 == sscanf(lBuff, "%d.%d", &V, &v) ) )
+ {
+ V = V * 100 + v;
+ if ( V >= 1009 )
+ {
+ lOsx9orBetter = 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("Osx10 = %d, %d = %s\n", lOsx9orBetter, V, lBuff) ;
+ }
+ return lOsx9orBetter ;
+static int python3Present(void)
+ static int lPython3Present = -1 ;
+ if ( lPython3Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lPython3Present = 0 ;
+ strcpy(gPython3Name , "python3" ) ;
+ if ( detectPresence(gPython3Name) ) lPython3Present = 1;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lPython3Present %d\n", lPython3Present) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("gPython3Name %s\n", gPython3Name) ;
+ }
+ return lPython3Present ;
+static int python2Present(void)
+ static int lPython2Present = -1 ;
+ if ( lPython2Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lPython2Present = 0 ;
+ strcpy(gPython2Name , "python2" ) ;
+ if ( detectPresence(gPython2Name) ) lPython2Present = 1;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lPython2Present %d\n", lPython2Present) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("gPython2Name %s\n", gPython2Name) ;
+ }
+ return lPython2Present ;
+static int tkinter3Present(void)
+ static int lTkinter3Present = -1 ;
+ char lPythonCommand[256];
+ char lPythonParams[128] =
+ "-S -c \"try:\n\timport tkinter;\nexcept:\n\tprint(0);\"";
+ if ( lTkinter3Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lTkinter3Present = 0 ;
+ if ( python3Present() )
+ {
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPython3Name , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lTkinter3Present = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lTkinter3Present %d\n", lTkinter3Present) ;
+ }
+ return lTkinter3Present && graphicMode() && !(tfd_isDarwin() && getenv("SSH_TTY") );
+static int tkinter2Present(void)
+ static int lTkinter2Present = -1 ;
+ char lPythonCommand[256];
+ char lPythonParams[128] =
+ "-S -c \"try:\n\timport Tkinter;\nexcept:\n\tprint 0;\"";
+ if ( lTkinter2Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lTkinter2Present = 0 ;
+ if ( python2Present() )
+ {
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPython2Name , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lTkinter2Present = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lTkinter2Present %d graphicMode %d \n", lTkinter2Present, graphicMode() ) ;
+ }
+ return lTkinter2Present && graphicMode() && !(tfd_isDarwin() && getenv("SSH_TTY") );
+static int pythonDbusPresent(void)
+ static int lPythonDbusPresent = -1 ;
+ char lPythonCommand[384];
+ char lPythonParams[256] =
+"-c \"try:\n\timport dbus;bus=dbus.SessionBus();\
+ if (lPythonDbusPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lPythonDbusPresent = 0 ;
+ if ( python2Present() )
+ {
+ strcpy(gPythonName , gPython2Name ) ;
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPythonName , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lPythonDbusPresent = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if ( !lPythonDbusPresent && python3Present() )
+ {
+ strcpy(gPythonName , gPython3Name ) ;
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPythonName , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lPythonDbusPresent = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lPythonDbusPresent %d\n", lPythonDbusPresent) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("gPythonName %s\n", gPythonName) ;
+ }
+ return lPythonDbusPresent && graphicMode() && !(tfd_isDarwin() && getenv("SSH_TTY") );
+static void sigHandler(int signum)
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( ( lIn = popen( "pactl unload-module module-sine" , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("tinyfiledialogs caught signal %d\n", signum);
+void tinyfd_beep(void)
+ char lDialogString[256] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( pactlPresent() )
+ {
+ signal(SIGINT, sigHandler);
+ strcpy( lDialogString ,
+ "thnum=$(pactl load-module module-sine frequency=440);sleep .3;pactl unload-module $thnum" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( osascriptPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( afplayPresent() >= 2 )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to beep'") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( speakertestPresent() )
+ {
+ /*strcpy( lDialogString , "timeout -k .3 .3 speaker-test --frequency 440 --test sine > /dev/tty" ) ;*/
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "( speaker-test -t sine -f 440 > /dev/tty )& pid=$!;sleep .5; kill -9 $pid" ) ; /*.3 was too short for mac g3*/
+ }
+ else if ( ffplayPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "ffplay -f lavfi -i sine=f=440:d=0.15 -autoexit -nodisp" );
+ }
+ else if (playPresent()) /* play is part of sox */
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "play -q -n synth .3 sine 440");
+ }
+ else if ( playsoundPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "playsound_simple /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") ;
+ }
+ else if ( paplayPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") ;
+ }
+ else if (beepexePresent())
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "beep.exe 440 300");
+ }
+ /*else if ( beepPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "beep -f 440 -l 300" ) ;
+ }*/
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "printf '\\a' > /dev/tty" ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ if ( pactlPresent() )
+ {
+ signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
+ }
+int tinyfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType , /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType , /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton ) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char * lDialogString = NULL ;
+ char * lpDialogString;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ int lResult ;
+ char lChar ;
+ struct termios infoOri;
+ struct termios info;
+ size_t lTitleLen ;
+ size_t lMessageLen ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_messageBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? strlen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? strlen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ if ( !aTitle || strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query") )
+ {
+ lDialogString = (char *) malloc( MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen );
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'set {vButton} to {button returned} of ( display dialog \"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with icon ") ;
+ if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "stop " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "caution " ) ;
+ }
+ else /* question or info */
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "note " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Cancel\" " ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"buttons {\"No\", \"Yes\"} " ) ;
+ if (aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Yes\" " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"No\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"cancel button \"No\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"buttons {\"No\", \"Yes\", \"Cancel\"} " ) ;
+ switch (aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Yes\" " ) ; break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"No\" " ) ; break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Cancel\" " ) ; break;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"cancel button \"Cancel\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"buttons {\"OK\"} " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"OK\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ")' ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString,
+"-e 'if vButton is \"Yes\" then' -e 'return 1'\
+ -e 'else if vButton is \"OK\" then' -e 'return 1'\
+ -e 'else if vButton is \"No\" then' -e 'return 2'\
+ -e 'else' -e 'return 0' -e 'end if' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, "-e '0' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --" ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ( ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType )
+ || ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) || ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) ) )
+ {
+ if ( aIconType && ( ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "warning" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "yesnocancel" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "yesno" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "error" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "sorry" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "msgbox" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " --yes-label Ok --no-label Cancel" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if ( ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "; x=$? ;if [ $x = 0 ] ;then echo 1;elif [ $x = 1 ] ;then echo 2;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ";if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --");
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "question --ok-label=Ok --cancel-label=Cancel" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "question" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "list --column \"\" --hide-header \"Yes\" \"No\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "error" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "warning" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "info" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) ) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ if (strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType)) strcat(lDialogString, " --no-wrap");
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"") ;
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage)) strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 3) || (!tfd_zenityPresent() && (tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent()) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --icon-name=dialog-" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && (! strcmp( "question" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "information" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ if ( ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+");if [ $? = 1 ];then echo 0;elif [ $szAnswer = \"No\" ];then echo 2;else echo 1;fi");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return 1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "szAnswer=$(yad --");
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("ok", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"button=Ok:1");
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"button=Ok:1 --button=Cancel:0");
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "button=Yes:1 --button=No:0");
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "button=Yes:1 --button=No:2 --button=Cancel:0");
+ }
+ else if (aIconType && !strcmp("error", aIconType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "error");
+ }
+ else if (aIconType && !strcmp("warning", aIconType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "warning");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "info");
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --image=dialog-");
+ if (aIconType && (!strcmp("question", aIconType)
+ || !strcmp("error", aIconType)
+ || !strcmp("warning", aIconType)))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aIconType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "information");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ strcat(lDialogString,");echo $?");
+ }
+ else if ( !gxmessagePresent() && !gmessagePresent() && !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import messagebox;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=messagebox." ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askokcancel(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.OK," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.CANCEL," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesno(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.YES," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.NO," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesnocancel(" ) ;
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.YES," ); break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.NO," ); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.CANCEL," ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "showinfo(" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "icon='" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && (! strcmp( "question" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "info" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "message='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is None :\n\tprint(0)\n\
+elif res is False :\n\tprint(2)\n\
+else :\n\tprint (1)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is False :\n\tprint(0)\n\
+else :\n\tprint(1)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !gxmessagePresent() && !gmessagePresent() && !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkMessageBox;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=tkMessageBox." ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askokcancel(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.OK," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.CANCEL," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesno(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.YES," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.NO," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesnocancel(" ) ;
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.YES," ); break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.NO," ); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.CANCEL," ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "showinfo(" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "icon='" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && (! strcmp( "question" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "info" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "message='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is None :\n\tprint 0\n\
+elif res is False :\n\tprint 2\n\
+else :\n\tprint 1\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is False :\n\tprint 0\n\
+else :\n\tprint 1\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( gxmessagePresent() || gmessagePresent() || (!gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && xmessagePresent()) )
+ {
+ if ( gxmessagePresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gxmessage");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "gxmessage");
+ }
+ else if ( gmessagePresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gmessage");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "gmessage");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xmessage");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "xmessage");
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp("okcancel" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Ok:1,Cancel:0");
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Ok"); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Cancel"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp("yesno" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Yes:1,No:0");
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Yes"); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , " -default No"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp("yesnocancel" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Yes:1,No:2,Cancel:0");
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Yes"); break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString , " -default No"); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Cancel"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Ok:1");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -default Ok");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -center \"");
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -title \"");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " ; echo $? ");
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || gdialogPresent() || dialogName() || whiptailPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( gdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gdialog");return 1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(gdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return 1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( dialogName( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return 0;}
+ if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return 0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return 0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( aDialogType && ( !strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) || !strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType )
+ || !strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "--yes-label \"Ok\" --no-label \"Cancel\" --yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if (!aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--defaultno ");
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--menu ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--msgbox " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ");
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"0 60 0 Yes \"\" No \"\") 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "10 60 ) 2>&1;if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"0 60 0 Yes \"\" No \"\" >/dev/tty ) 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+ if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+ tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString," >/tmp/tinyfd0.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "10 60 >/dev/tty) 2>&1;if [ $? = 0 ];");
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"then\n\techo 1\nelse\n\techo 0\nfi >/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "then echo 1;else echo 0;fi;clear >/dev/tty");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && terminalName() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return 0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, gTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, tinyfd_needs) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";echo;echo;" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";echo;" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"; " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo -n \"y/n: \"; " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i [ny];do true ;done);");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "if echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^y\";then\n");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\techo 1\nelse\n\techo 0\nfi" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo -n \"[O]kay/[C]ancel: \"; " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i [oc];do true ;done);");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "if echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^o\";then\n");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\techo 1\nelse\n\techo 0\nfi" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo -n \"[Y]es/[N]o/[C]ancel: \"; " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i [nyc];do true ;done);");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "if echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^y\";then\n\techo 1\n");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "elif echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^n\";then\n\techo 2\n" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "else\n\techo 0\nfi" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "echo -n \"press enter to continue \"; ");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1;do true ;done);echo 1");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " >/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && pythonDbusPresent() && !strcmp("ok" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPythonName ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ," -c \"import dbus;bus=dbus.SessionBus();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notif=bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications','/org/freedesktop/Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify=dbus.Interface(notif,'org.freedesktop.Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify.Notify('',0,'" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','','',5000)\"") ;
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && (perlPresent() >= 2) && !strcmp("ok" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"perl-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "perl -e \"use Net::DBus;\
+my \\$sessionBus = Net::DBus->session;\
+my \\$notificationsService = \\$sessionBus->get_service('org.freedesktop.Notifications');\
+my \\$notificationsObject = \\$notificationsService->get_object('/org/freedesktop/Notifications',\
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString),
+"my \\$notificationId;\\$notificationId = \\$notificationsObject->Notify(shift, 0, '%s', '%s', '%s', [], {}, -1);\" ",
+ aIconType?aIconType:"", aTitle?aTitle:"", aMessage?aMessage:"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && notifysendPresent() && !strcmp("ok" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"notifysend");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "notify-send" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i '" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n\t" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\t" , " " , lBuff ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lBuff) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return 0;}
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ printf("\n\n%s\n", gTitle);
+ printf("%s\n\n", tinyfd_needs);
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n", aTitle);
+ }
+ tcgetattr(0, &infoOri);
+ tcgetattr(0, &info);
+ info.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
+ info.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+ info.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &info);
+ if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("y/n: "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char) tolower( getchar() ) ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ while ( lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n' );
+ lResult = lChar == 'y' ? 1 : 0 ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("[O]kay/[C]ancel: "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char) tolower( getchar() ) ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ while ( lChar != 'o' && lChar != 'c' );
+ lResult = lChar == 'o' ? 1 : 0 ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("[Y]es/[N]o/[C]ancel: "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char) tolower( getchar() ) ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ while ( lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n' && lChar != 'c' );
+ lResult = (lChar == 'y') ? 1 : (lChar == 'n') ? 2 : 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("press enter to continue "); fflush(stdout);
+ getchar() ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ lResult = 1 ;
+ }
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &infoOri);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lResult ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff1: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if ( lBuff[0]=='1' )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( lBuff+1 , "Yes" )) strcpy(lBuff,"1");
+ else if ( !strcmp( lBuff+1 , "No" )) strcpy(lBuff,"2");
+ }
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff2: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ lResult = !strcmp( lBuff , "2" ) ? 2 : !strcmp( lBuff , "1" ) ? 1 : 0;
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d\n" , lResult ) ; */
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lResult ;
+/* return has only meaning for tinyfd_query */
+int tinyfd_notifyPopup(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aIconType ) /* "info" "warning" "error" */
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * lDialogString = NULL ;
+ char * lpDialogString ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ size_t lTitleLen ;
+ size_t lMessageLen ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aIconType);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aIconType);
+ if ( getenv("SSH_TTY") && !dunstifyPresent() && !dunstPresent() )
+ {
+ return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, "ok", aIconType, 0);
+ }
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? strlen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? strlen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ if ( !aTitle || strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query") )
+ {
+ lDialogString = (char *) malloc( MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen );
+ }
+ if ( getenv("SSH_TTY") )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dunst");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "notify-send \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\" \"" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'display notification \"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " \" ") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, "' -e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --icon '" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --title \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --passivepopup" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \" 5" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_yadPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"yad");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "yad --notification");
+ if ( aIconType && strlen( aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --image=\"");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --text=\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\n") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen( aMessage ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( perlPresent() >= 2 )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"perl-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "perl -e \"use Net::DBus;\
+my \\$sessionBus = Net::DBus->session;\
+my \\$notificationsService = \\$sessionBus->get_service('org.freedesktop.Notifications');\
+my \\$notificationsObject = \\$notificationsService->get_object('/org/freedesktop/Notifications',\
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString) ,
+"my \\$notificationId;\\$notificationId = \\$notificationsObject->Notify(shift, 0, '%s', '%s', '%s', [], {}, -1);\" ",
+aIconType?aIconType:"", aTitle?aTitle:"", aMessage?aMessage:"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( pythonDbusPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPythonName ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ," -c \"import dbus;bus=dbus.SessionBus();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notif=bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications','/org/freedesktop/Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify=dbus.Interface(notif,'org.freedesktop.Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify.Notify('',0,'" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','','',5000)\"") ;
+ }
+ else if ( notifysendPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"notifysend");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "notify-send" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i '" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n\t" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\t" , " " , lBuff ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lBuff) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( (tfd_zenity3Present()>=5) )
+ {
+ /* zenity 2.32 & 3.14 has the notification but with a bug: it doesnt return from it */
+ /* zenity 3.8 show the notification as an alert ok cancel box */
+ /* zenity 3.44 doesn't have the notification (3.42 has it) */
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity --notification");
+ if ( aIconType && strlen( aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --window-icon '");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --text \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\n") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen( aMessage ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lDialogString) free(lDialogString);
+ return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, "ok", aIconType, 0);
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 1;
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" (\n and \t have no effect) */
+ char const * aDefaultInput ) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * lDialogString = NULL;
+ char * lpDialogString;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int lResult ;
+ int lWasGdialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ int lWasBasicXterm = 0 ;
+ struct termios oldt ;
+ struct termios newt ;
+ char * lEOF;
+ size_t lTitleLen ;
+ size_t lMessageLen ;
+ if (!aTitle && !aMessage && !aDefaultInput) return lBuff; /* now I can fill lBuff from outside */
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_inputBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultInput)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, aMessage, "INVALID DEFAULT_INPUT WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.");
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? strlen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? strlen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ if ( !aTitle || strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query") )
+ {
+ lDialogString = (char *) malloc( MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen );
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'display dialog \"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default answer \"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "hidden answer true ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with icon note' ") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e '\"1\" & text returned of result' " );
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e '0' " );
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat(lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --password ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --inputbox ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1$szAnswer;else echo 0$szAnswer;fi");
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ," --entry" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"") ;
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage)) strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --entry-text=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --hide-text") ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1$szAnswer;else echo 0$szAnswer;fi");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "szAnswer=$(yad --entry");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --entry-text=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --hide-text");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1$szAnswer;else echo 0$szAnswer;fi");
+ }
+ else if ( gxmessagePresent() || gmessagePresent() )
+ {
+ if ( gxmessagePresent() ) {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gxmessage");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(gxmessage -buttons Ok:1,Cancel:0 -center \"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gmessage");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(gmessage -buttons Ok:1,Cancel:0 -center \"");
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -title \"");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " -entrytext \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aDefaultInput ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");echo $?$szAnswer");
+ }
+ else if ( !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter; from tkinter import simpledialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=simpledialog.askstring(" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "prompt='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ if ( strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialvalue='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "show='*'") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\nif res is None :\n\tprint(0)");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\nelse :\n\tprint('1'+res)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkSimpleDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=tkSimpleDialog.askstring(" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "prompt='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ if ( strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialvalue='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "show='*'") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\nif res is None :\n\tprint 0");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\nelse :\n\tprint '1'+res\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( gdialogPresent() || xdialogPresent() || dialogName() || whiptailPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( gdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ lWasGdialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(gdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( dialogName( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput && !lWasGdialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " (sometimes nothing, no blink nor star, is shown in text field)") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput || lWasGdialog )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--inputbox" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !lWasGraphicDialog && dialogName() && isDialogVersionBetter09b() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--insecure " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--passwordbox" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString,"\" 10 60 ") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,") 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+ if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+ tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,">/dev/tty ) 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+ if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+ tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString," >/tmp/tinyfd0.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && terminalName() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasBasicXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ tinyfd_messageBox(gTitle,tinyfd_needs,"ok","warning",0);
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";echo;" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";read " ) ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-s " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-p \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "(esc+enter to cancel): \" ANSWER " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , ";echo 1$ANSWER >/tmp/tinyfd.txt';" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "cat -v /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else if ( !gWarningDisplayed && ! isTerminalRunning( ) && ! terminalName() ) {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ tinyfd_messageBox(gTitle,tinyfd_needs,"ok","warning",0);
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"no_solution");return (char *)0;}
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return (char *)0;}
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ tinyfd_messageBox(gTitle,tinyfd_needs,"ok","warning",0);
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n", aTitle);
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("(esc+enter to cancel): "); fflush(stdout);
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, & oldt) ;
+ newt = oldt ;
+ newt.c_lflag &= ~ECHO ;
+ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, & newt);
+ }
+ lEOF = fgets(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, stdin);
+ /* printf("lbuff<%c><%d>\n",lBuff[0],lBuff[0]); */
+ if ( ! lEOF || (lBuff[0] == '\0') )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( lBuff[0] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lEOF = fgets(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, stdin);
+ /* printf("lbuff<%c><%d>\n",lBuff[0],lBuff[0]); */
+ if ( ! lEOF || (lBuff[0] == '\0') )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, & oldt);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ if ( strchr(lBuff,27) )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lBuff ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" );
+ if ( ! lIn )
+ {
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ /* printf( "len Buff: %lu\n" , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ /* printf( "lBuff0: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff1: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ if ( lWasBasicXterm )
+ {
+ if ( strstr(lBuff,"^[") ) /* esc was pressed */
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ }
+ lResult = strncmp( lBuff , "1" , 1) ? 0 : 1 ;
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d \n" , lResult ) ; */
+ if ( ! lResult )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff+1: %s\n" , lBuff+1 ) ; */
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lBuff+1 ;
+char * tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , /* NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , /* NULL or {"*.txt","*.doc"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ) /* NULL or "text files" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ static char lLastDirectory[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "$PWD" ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ int i ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES");
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"Finder\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'POSIX path of ( choose file name " );
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with prompt \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default location \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default name \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --getsavefilename " ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile[0] != '/' )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[0] ) ;
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-filter='" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " |" ) ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "' --file-filter='All files | *'" ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --file --save --confirm-overwrite");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --file-filter='");
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ strcat(lDialogString, " |");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "' --file-filter='All files | *'");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import filedialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=filedialog.asksaveasfilename(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( (aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1) /* test because poor osx behaviour */
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ");\nif not isinstance(res, tuple):\n\tprint(res)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ))
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkFileDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set\
+ frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( (aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1) /* test because poor osx behaviour */
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ");\nif not isinstance(res, tuple):\n\tprint res \n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || dialogName() )
+ {
+ if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( ! strchr(aDefaultPathAndOrFile, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && !lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, getenv("HOME")) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "/") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ) 2>&1 ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 >/dev/tty) ") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>&1 ; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Save file in ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , p ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ getLastName(lString,p);
+ if ( ! strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return p ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lBuff) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( ! strlen(lBuff) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , lBuff ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ strcpy(lLastDirectory, lString) ;
+ getLastName(lString,lBuff);
+ if ( ! filenameValid(lString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return lBuff ;
+/* in case of multiple files, the separator is | */
+char * tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , /* NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription , /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects ) /* 0 or 1 */
+ static char * lBuff = NULL;
+ static char lLastDirectory[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "$PWD" ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ int i ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox ;
+ size_t lFullBuffLen ;
+ int lWasKdialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES", aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }
+ free(lBuff);
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query"))
+ {
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ lBuff = (char *) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(char));
+ if (!lBuff)
+ {
+ lBuff = (char *) malloc( lFullBuffLen * sizeof(char));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lFullBuffLen = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + 1;
+ lBuff = (char *) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(char));
+ }
+ if (!lBuff) return NULL;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e '" );
+ if ( ! aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "POSIX path of ( " );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "set mylist to " );
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "choose file " );
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with prompt \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default location \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "of type {\"" );
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[0] + 2 ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ",\"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] + 2) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "} " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "multiple selections allowed true ' " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "-e 'set mystring to POSIX path of item 1 of mylist' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "-e 'repeat with i from 2 to the count of mylist' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'set mystring to mystring & \"|\"' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "-e 'set mystring to mystring & POSIX path of item i of mylist' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'end repeat' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'mystring' " );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")' " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasKdialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --getopenfilename " ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile[0] != '/' )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[0] ) ;
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --multiple --separate-output" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-selection" ) ;
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --multiple" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-filter='" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " |" ) ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "' --file-filter='All files | *'" ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --file");
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --multiple");
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --file-filter='");
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ strcat(lDialogString, " |");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "' --file-filter='All files | *'");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import filedialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "lFiles=filedialog.askopenfilename(");
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "multiple=1," ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1 ) /*test because poor osx behaviour*/
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif not isinstance(lFiles, tuple):\n\tprint(lFiles)\nelse:\
+\n\tlFilesString=''\n\tfor lFile in lFiles:\n\t\tlFilesString+=str(lFile)+'|'\
+\n\tprint(lFilesString[:-1])\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkFileDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "lFiles=tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(");
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "multiple=1," ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1 ) /*test because poor osx behaviour*/
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif not isinstance(lFiles, tuple):\n\tprint lFiles\nelse:\
+\n\tlFilesString=''\n\tfor lFile in lFiles:\n\t\tlFilesString+=str(lFile)+'|'\
+\n\tprint lFilesString[:-1]\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || dialogName() )
+ {
+ if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( ! strchr(aDefaultPathAndOrFile, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && !lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, getenv("HOME")) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "/");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ) 2>&1 ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 >/dev/tty) ") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>&1 ; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Open file from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lDialogString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if ( p ) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lDialogString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if ( ! fileExists(lBuff) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lBuff = (char *)( realloc( lBuff, (strlen(lBuff)+1) * sizeof(char)));
+ }
+ return lBuff ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ p = lBuff;
+ while ( fgets( p , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ p += strlen( p );
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "strlen lBuff: %d\n" , strlen( lBuff ) ) ; */
+ if ( lWasKdialog && aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ p = lBuff ;
+ while ( ( p = strchr( p , '\n' ) ) )
+ * p = '|' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff2: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( ! strlen( lBuff ) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects && strchr(lBuff, '|') )
+ {
+ if( ! ensureFilesExist( lBuff , lBuff ) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !fileExists(lBuff) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = strrchr(lBuff, '|');
+ if ( !p ) p = lBuff ;
+ else p ++ ;
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , p ) ;
+ /* printf( "lString [%lu]: %s\n" , strlen(lString) , lString ) ; */
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ strcpy(lLastDirectory, lString) ;
+ lBuff = (char *)( realloc( lBuff, (strlen(lBuff)+1) * sizeof(char)));
+ /*printf( "lBuff3 [%lu]: %s\n" , strlen(lBuff) , lBuff ) ; */
+ return lBuff ;
+char * tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath ) /* "" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ static char lLastDirectory[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "$PWD" ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPath);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPath)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES");
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'POSIX path of ( choose folder ");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with prompt \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default location \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --getexistingdirectory " ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ if ( aDefaultPath[0] != '/' )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-selection --directory" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --file --directory");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import filedialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=filedialog.askdirectory(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ");\nif not isinstance(res, tuple):\n\tprint(res)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkFileDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "print tkFileDialog.askdirectory(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || dialogName() )
+ {
+ if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--dselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath) ;
+ ensureFinalSlash(lDialogString);
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && !lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, getenv("HOME")) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "/");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ) 2>&1 ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 >/dev/tty) ") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>&1 ; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Select folder from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lDialogString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lDialogString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ if ( !p || ! strlen( p ) || ! dirExists( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ return p ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( ! strlen( lBuff ) || ! dirExists( lBuff ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lLastDirectory , lBuff ) ;
+ return lBuff ;
+/* aDefaultRGB is used only if aDefaultHexRGB is absent */
+/* aDefaultRGB and aoResultRGB can be the same array */
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+/* returns the hexcolor as a string "#FF0000" */
+/* aoResultRGB also contains the result */
+char * tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB , /* NULL or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3] , /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3] ) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static char lDefaultHexRGB[16];
+ char lBuff[128] ;
+ char lTmp[128] ;
+#if !((defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__))
+ char * lTmp2 ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ unsigned char lDefaultRGB[3];
+ char * p;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int i ;
+ int lWasZenity3 = 0 ;
+ int lWasOsascript = 0 ;
+ int lWasXdialog = 0 ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_colorChooser("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultHexRGB)) return tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_HEX_RGB WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (aDefaultHexRGB && (strlen(aDefaultHexRGB)==7) )
+ {
+ Hex2RGB(aDefaultHexRGB, lDefaultRGB);
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultHexRGB);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDefaultRGB[0] = aDefaultRGB[0];
+ lDefaultRGB[1] = aDefaultRGB[1];
+ lDefaultRGB[2] = aDefaultRGB[2];
+ RGB2Hex(aDefaultRGB, lDefaultHexRGB);
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasOsascript = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'set mycolor to choose color default color {");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -e 'try' -e 'tell app (path to frontmost application as Unicode text) \
+to set mycolor to choose color default color {");
+ }
+ sprintf(lTmp, "%d", 256 * lDefaultRGB[0] ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "," ) ;
+ sprintf(lTmp, "%d", 256 * lDefaultRGB[1] ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "," ) ;
+ sprintf(lTmp, "%d", 256 * lDefaultRGB[2] ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "}' " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"-e 'set mystring to ((item 1 of mycolor) div 256 as integer) as string' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"-e 'repeat with i from 2 to the count of mycolor' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"-e 'set mystring to mystring & \" \" & ((item i of mycolor) div 256 as integer) as string' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'end repeat' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'mystring' ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString) , " --getcolor --default '%s'" , lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenity3Present() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ lWasZenity3 = 1 ;
+ if ( tfd_zenity3Present() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity3");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" );
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --color-selection --show-palette" ) ;
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString), " --color=%s" , lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --color");
+ sprintf(lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString), " --init-color=%s", lDefaultHexRGB);
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasXdialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "Xdialog --colorsel \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ") ;
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sprintf(lTmp,"%hhu %hhu %hhu",lDefaultRGB[0],lDefaultRGB[1],lDefaultRGB[2]);
+ sprintf(lTmp,"%hu %hu %hu",lDefaultRGB[0],lDefaultRGB[1],lDefaultRGB[2]);
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " 2>&1");
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import colorchooser;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=colorchooser.askcolor(color='" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ",title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif res[1] is not None:\n\tprint(res[1])\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkColorChooser;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=tkColorChooser.askcolor(color='" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ",title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif res[1] is not None:\n\tprint res[1]\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lDialogString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "Enter hex rgb color (i.e. #f5ca20)", lDefaultHexRGB);
+ if ( !p || (strlen(p) != 7) || (p[0] != '#') )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i ++ )
+ {
+ if ( ! isxdigit( (int) p[i] ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ }
+ Hex2RGB(p,aoResultRGB);
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, p);
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lDialogString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ return lDefaultHexRGB;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( ! strlen( lBuff ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "len Buff: %lu\n" , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ /* printf( "lBuff0: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasZenity3 )
+ {
+ if ( lBuff[0] == '#' )
+ {
+ if ( strlen(lBuff)>7 )
+ {
+ lBuff[3]=lBuff[5];
+ lBuff[4]=lBuff[6];
+ lBuff[5]=lBuff[9];
+ lBuff[6]=lBuff[10];
+ lBuff[7]='\0';
+ }
+ Hex2RGB(lBuff,aoResultRGB);
+ }
+ else if ( lBuff[3] == '(' ) {
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sscanf(lBuff,"rgb(%hhu,%hhu,%hhu", & aoResultRGB[0], & aoResultRGB[1],& aoResultRGB[2]);
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char) strtol(lBuff+4, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, NULL, 10 );
+ RGB2Hex(aoResultRGB,lBuff);
+ }
+ else if ( lBuff[4] == '(' ) {
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sscanf(lBuff,"rgba(%hhu,%hhu,%hhu", & aoResultRGB[0], & aoResultRGB[1],& aoResultRGB[2]);
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char) strtol(lBuff+5, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, NULL, 10 );
+ RGB2Hex(aoResultRGB,lBuff);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( lWasOsascript || lWasXdialog )
+ {
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sscanf(lBuff,"%hhu %hhu %hhu", & aoResultRGB[0], & aoResultRGB[1],& aoResultRGB[2]);
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char) strtol(lBuff, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, NULL, 10 );
+ RGB2Hex(aoResultRGB,lBuff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Hex2RGB(lBuff,aoResultRGB);
+ }
+ /* printf("%d %d %d\n", aoResultRGB[0],aoResultRGB[1],aoResultRGB[2]); */
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB,lBuff);
+ return lDefaultHexRGB ;
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+/* Modified prototypes for R */
+void tfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char const * aMessage ,
+ char const * aDialogType ,
+ char const * aIconType ,
+ int * aiDefaultButton )
+ * aiDefaultButton = tinyfd_messageBox( aTitle , aMessage , aDialogType , aIconType , * aiDefaultButton ) ;
+void tfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char const * aMessage ,
+ char * * aiDefaultInput )
+ char * lReturnedInput ;
+ if ( ! strcmp( * aiDefaultInput , "NULL") ) lReturnedInput = tinyfd_inputBox( aTitle , aMessage , NULL ) ;
+ else lReturnedInput = tinyfd_inputBox( aTitle , aMessage , * aiDefaultInput ) ;
+ if ( lReturnedInput ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultInput , lReturnedInput ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultInput , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultPathAndFile ,
+ int const * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription )
+ char * lSavefile ;
+ /* printf( "aFilterPatterns %s\n" , aFilterPatterns [0]); */
+ lSavefile = tinyfd_saveFileDialog( aTitle , * aiDefaultPathAndFile , * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ if ( lSavefile ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , lSavefile ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultPathAndFile ,
+ int const * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ,
+ int const * aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ char * lOpenfile ;
+ /* printf( "aFilterPatterns %s\n" , aFilterPatterns [0]); */
+ lOpenfile = tinyfd_openFileDialog( aTitle , * aiDefaultPathAndFile , * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ aFilterPatterns , aSingleFilterDescription , * aAllowMultipleSelects ) ;
+ if ( lOpenfile ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , lOpenfile ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultPath )
+ char * lSelectedfolder ;
+ lSelectedfolder = tinyfd_selectFolderDialog( aTitle, * aiDefaultPath ) ;
+ if ( lSelectedfolder ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultPath , lSelectedfolder ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultPath , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultHexRGB )
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB [ 3 ] = {128,128,128} ;
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB [ 3 ] = {128,128,128} ;
+ char * lChosenColor ;
+ lChosenColor = tinyfd_colorChooser( aTitle, * aiDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB ) ;
+ if ( lChosenColor ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultHexRGB , lChosenColor ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultHexRGB , "NULL" ) ;
+/* end of Modified prototypes for R */
+int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
+char const * lTmp;
+char const * lTheSaveFileName;
+char const * lTheOpenFileName;
+char const * lTheSelectFolderName;
+char const * lTheHexColor;
+char const * lWillBeGraphicMode;
+unsigned char lRgbColor[3];
+FILE * lIn;
+char lBuffer[1024];
+char lString[1024];
+char const * lFilterPatterns[2] = { "*.txt", "*.text" };
+tinyfd_verbose = argc - 1;
+tinyfd_silent = 1;
+lWillBeGraphicMode = tinyfd_inputBox("tinyfd_query", NULL, NULL);
+strcpy(lBuffer, "v");
+strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_version);
+if (lWillBeGraphicMode)
+ strcat(lBuffer, "\ngraphic mode: ");
+ strcat(lBuffer, "\nconsole mode: ");
+strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_response);
+strcat(lBuffer, "\n");
+strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_needs+78);
+strcpy(lString, "tinyfiledialogs");
+tinyfd_messageBox(lString, lBuffer, "ok", "info", 0);
+tinyfd_notifyPopup("the title", "the message\n\tfrom outer-space", "info");
+if (lWillBeGraphicMode && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ tinyfd_forceConsole = ! tinyfd_messageBox("Hello World",
+ "graphic dialogs [yes] / console mode [no]?",
+ "yesno", "question", 1);
+lTmp = tinyfd_inputBox(
+ "a password box", "your password will be revealed", NULL);
+if (!lTmp) return 1;
+strcpy(lString, lTmp);
+lTheSaveFileName = tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ "let us save this password",
+ "passwordFile.txt",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ NULL);
+if (!lTheSaveFileName)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Save file name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+lIn = fopen(lTheSaveFileName, "w");
+if (!lIn)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Can not open this file in write mode",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+fputs(lString, lIn);
+lTheOpenFileName = tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ "let us read the password back",
+ "",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ 0);
+if (!lTheOpenFileName)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Open file name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+lIn = fopen(lTheOpenFileName, "r");
+if (!lIn)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Can not open this file in read mode",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return(1);
+lBuffer[0] = '\0';
+fgets(lBuffer, sizeof(lBuffer), lIn);
+tinyfd_messageBox("your password is",
+ lBuffer, "ok", "info", 1);
+lTheSelectFolderName = tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ "let us just select a directory", NULL);
+if (!lTheSelectFolderName)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Select folder name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+tinyfd_messageBox("The selected folder is",
+ lTheSelectFolderName, "ok", "info", 1);
+lTheHexColor = tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ "choose a nice color",
+ "#FF0077",
+ lRgbColor,
+ lRgbColor);
+if (!lTheHexColor)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "hexcolor is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+tinyfd_messageBox("The selected hexcolor is",
+ lTheHexColor, "ok", "info", 1);
+ tinyfd_beep();
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4996)
+#pragma warning(default:4100)
+#pragma warning(default:4706)
diff --git a/lab16/lab16/lab16.cpp b/lab16/lab16/lab16.cpp
index c884a92..1d9c8ee 100644
--- a/lab16/lab16/lab16.cpp
+++ b/lab16/lab16/lab16.cpp
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ void drawBottomBar(HDC hdc) {
RECT helprect = { WIDTH * N - 550 , HEIGHT * M, WIDTH * N - WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT * M + VOFFSET };
SelectObject(hdc, hFont);
SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(78, 201, 176));
diff --git a/lab26/TextProcessingDict/TextProcessingDict.vcxproj b/lab26/TextProcessingDict/TextProcessingDict.vcxproj
index 4d0a78b..f26ee0d 100644
--- a/lab26/TextProcessingDict/TextProcessingDict.vcxproj
+++ b/lab26/TextProcessingDict/TextProcessingDict.vcxproj
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
+ ..\..\hash functions
diff --git a/lab26/ФИСТ2024_ЛР26_Время_работы_разных_реализаций_Словаря.xlsx b/lab26/ФИСТ2024_ЛР26_Время_работы_разных_реализаций_Словаря.xlsx
index 369e6e2..cba60fc 100644
Binary files a/lab26/ФИСТ2024_ЛР26_Время_работы_разных_реализаций_Словаря.xlsx and b/lab26/ФИСТ2024_ЛР26_Время_работы_разных_реализаций_Словаря.xlsx differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/README.txt b/tinyfiledialogs/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a780e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ ____________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | 100% compatible C C++ -> You can rename tinfiledialogs.c as .cpp |
+ |____________________________________________________________________|
+tiny file dialogs ( cross-platform C C++ ) v3.18.2 [Jun 16, 2024]
+ _________
+/ \ Tray-popup InputBox PasswordBox MessageBox Notification Beep
+|tiny file| ColorPicker OpenFileDialog SaveFileDialog SelectFolderDialog
+| dialogs | ASCII UTF-8 (and also MBCS & UTF-16 for windows)
+\____ ___/ Native dialog library for WINDOWS MAC OSX GTK+ QT CONSOLE
+ \| SSH support via automatic switch to console mode or X forwarding
+C89/C18 & C++98/C++20 compliant: tested with C & C++ compilers
+VisualStudio MinGW GCC Clang TinyCC OpenWatcom-v2 BorlandC SunCC ZapCC
+on Windows Mac Linux Bsd Solaris Minix Raspbian Flatpak
+using Gnome Kde Mate Enlightenment Cinnamon Budgie Unity Lxde Lxqt Xfce
+ WindowMaker IceWm Cde Jds OpenBox Awesome Jwm Xdm Cwm
+Bindings for LUA, C#, dll, Fortran, Pascal, R.
+Included in LWJGL(java), Rust, Haskell, Allegrobasic.
+ ____________________________________________________________________________
+| ________________________________________________________________________ |
+| | ____________________________________________________________________ | |
+| | | If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer | | |
+| | | https://stackoverflow.com/a/47651444 | | |
+| | |____________________________________________________________________| | |
+| |________________________________________________________________________| |
+ ___________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | v3.10: NEW FORTRAN module fully implemented with examples |
+ | v3.13: NEW PASCAL unit fully implemented with examples |
+ | v3.14: NEW R inteface fully implemented with examples |
+ |___________________________________________________________|
+ _____________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | my email address is at the top of the header file tinyfiledialogs.h |
+ |_____________________________________________________________________|
+ ________________________________________________________________________________
+| ____________________________________________________________________________ |
+| | | |
+| | - in tinyfiledialogs, char is UTF-8 by default (since v3.6) | |
+| | | |
+| | on windows: | |
+| | - for UTF-16, use the wchar_t functions at the bottom of the header file | |
+| | - _wfopen() requires wchar_t | |
+| | | |
+| | - but fopen() expects MBCS (not UTF-8) | |
+| | - if you want char to be MBCS: set tinyfd_winUtf8 = 0 | |
+| | | |
+| | - alternatively, tinyfiledialogs provides | |
+| | functions to convert between UTF-8, UTF-16 and MBCS | |
+| |____________________________________________________________________________| |
+ ___________________________________________________________________________________
+| _______________________________________________________________________________ |
+| | | |
+| | wchar_t UTF-16 (windows only) prototypes are at the bottom of the header file | |
+| |_______________________________________________________________________________| |
+ __________________________________________
+ | ______________________________________ |
+ | | | |
+ | |______________________________________| |
+ |__________________________________________|
+See compilation instructions at the end of this file
+void tinyfd_beep();
+int tinyfd_notifyPopup(
+ char const * aTitle , // NULL or ""
+ char const * aMessage , // NULL or "" may contain \n \t
+ char const * aIconType ); // "info" "warning" "error"
+int tinyfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle , // NULL or ""
+ char const * aMessage , // NULL or "" may contain \n \t
+ char const * aDialogType , // "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel"
+ char const * aIconType , // "info" "warning" "error" "question"
+ int aDefaultButton );
+ // 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel
+char const * tinyfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle , // NULL or ""
+ char const * aMessage , // NULL or "" (\n and \t have no effect)
+ char const * aDefaultInput ); // NULL for a passwordBox, "" for an inputbox
+ // returns NULL on cancel
+char const * tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , // NULL or ""
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , // NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , // 0 (1 in the following example)
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , // NULL or char const * lFilterPatterns[1]={"*.txt"};
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ); // NULL or "text files"
+ // returns NULL on cancel
+char const * tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , // NULL or ""
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , // NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , // 0 (2 in the following example)
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , // NULL or char const * lFilterPatterns[2]={"*.png","*.jpg"};
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription , // NULL or "image files"
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects ); // 0
+ // in case of multiple files, the separator is |
+ // returns NULL on cancel
+char const * tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , // NULL or ""
+ char const * aDefaultPath ); // NULL or ""
+ // returns NULL on cancel
+char const * tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle , // NULL or ""
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB , // NULL or "#FF0000ǥ
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3] , // unsigned char lDefaultRGB[3] = { 0 , 128 , 255 };
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3] ); // unsigned char lResultRGB[3];
+ // returns the hexcolor as a string "#FF0000"
+ // aoResultRGB also contains the result
+ // aDefaultRGB is used only if aDefaultHexRGB is NULL
+ // aDefaultRGB and aoResultRGB can be the same array
+ // returns NULL on cancel
+ ___________________________________________________________________________________
+| _______________________________________________________________________________ |
+| | | |
+| | wchar_t UTF-16 (windows only) prototypes are at the bottom of the header file | |
+| |_______________________________________________________________________________| |
+- This is not for ios nor android (it works in termux and iSH though).
+- The files can be renamed with extension ".cpp" as the code is 100% compatible C C++
+- Windows is fully supported from XP to 11 (maybe even older versions)
+- C# & LUA via dll, see files in the folder EXTRAS
+- OSX supported from 10.4 to latest (maybe even older versions)
+- Do not use " and ' as the dialogs will be display with a warning
+ instead of the title, message, etc...
+- There's one file filter only, it may contain several patterns.
+- If no filter description is provided,
+ the list of patterns will become the description.
+- On windows link against Comdlg32.lib and Ole32.lib
+ (on windows the no linking claim is a lie)
+- On unix / macos: it only tries command line calls, so no linking is need.
+- On unix /macos you need one of the following:
+ applescript, kdialog, zenity, matedialog, shellementary, qarma, yad,
+ python (2 or 3)with tkinter/python-dbus, Xdialog
+ or curses dialogs (opens terminal if running without console).
+- One of those is already included on most (if not all) desktops.
+- In the absence of those it will use gdialog, gxmessage or whiptail
+ with a textinputbox.
+- If nothing is found, it switches to basic console input,
+ it opens a console if needed (requires xterm + bash).
+- for curses dialogs you must set tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs=1
+- You can query the type of dialog that will be used (pass "tinyfd_query" as aTitle)
+- String memory is preallocated statically for all the returned values.
+- File and path names are tested before return, they should be valid.
+- tinyfd_forceConsole=1; at run time, forces dialogs into console mode.
+- On windows, console mode only make sense for console applications.
+- On windows, console mode is not implemented for wchar_T UTF-16.
+- Mutiple selects are not possible in console mode.
+- The package dialog must be installed to run in curses dialogs in console mode.
+ It is already installed on most unix systems.
+- On osx, the package dialog can be installed via
+ http://macappstore.org/dialog or http://macports.org
+- On windows, for curses dialogs console mode,
+ dialog.exe should be copied somewhere on your executable path.
+ It can be found at the bottom of the following page:
+ http://andrear.altervista.org/home/cdialog.php
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ | The project provides an Hello World example: |
+ | if a console is missing, it will use graphic dialogs |
+ | if a graphical display is absent, it will use console dialogs |
+ |_________________________________________________________________|
+UNIX (including MacOS) :
+$ clang -o hello hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c
+( or gcc tcc owcc icx suncc )
+( or g++ clang++ icpx sunCC )
+( some possible options :
+ -ansi -std=c89 -std=c++98 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes
+ -g3 -Wall -Wextra -Wdouble-promotion -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion
+ -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-function -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize=thread
+ -Wno-deprecated -Wno-incompatible-compiler )
+( if using musl instead of glibc: clang -fuse-ld=lld --rtlib=compiler-rt )
+ _____________________________________________________________________________
+| Windows : |
+| You'll probably need to install The Windows SDK (Software Development Kit) |
+| http://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-sdk |
+| The end user doesn't need to install anything |
+ MinGW needs gcc >= v4.9 otherwise some headers are incomplete
+ > gcc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c -LC:/mingw/lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+ TinyCC needs >= v0.9.27 (+ tweaks - contact me) otherwise some headers are missing
+ > tcc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c ^
+ -isystem C:\tcc\winapi-full-for-0.9.27\include\winapi ^
+ -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -luser32 -lshell32
+ Borland C :
+ > bcc32c -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c
+ Open Watcom C v2
+ > owcc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c
+ Windows Intel C :
+ > icx-cc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -luser32 -lshell32
+ > icx-cl -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c comdlg32.lib ole32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib
+ > icx -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c comdlg32.lib ole32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib
+ > icpx -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -luser32 -lshell32 -Wno-deprecated
+ VisualStudio command line :
+ > cl hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c comdlg32.lib ole32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib /W4
+ VisualStudio
+ In the properties of your project, in the linker input field,
+ you may need to add: comdlg32.lib ole32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib
+ or maybe simply add: %(AdditionalDependencies)
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/LUA_plugin.tinyfiledialogs.cpp b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/LUA_plugin.tinyfiledialogs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..036f0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/LUA_plugin.tinyfiledialogs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ _________
+ / \ LUA_plugin.tinyfiledialogs.cpp v3.8.3 [Nov 1, 2020]
+ |tiny file| LUA bindings created [2016] Copyright (c) 2016 Steven Johnson
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ ____________________________________________
+ | |
+ | email: tinyfiledialogs at ysengrin.com |
+ |____________________________________________|
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+- License -
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+this file was contributed by Steven Johnson from the Corona SDK project
+and is offered here under the same zlib license as tinyfiledialogs
+-#include "CoronaLua.h" will typically be something like
+extern "C" {
+#include "lua.h"
+#include "lualib.h"
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+in a normal(i.e.non - Corona) program.
+- For that matter, CORONA_EXPORT just hides the library exporting code.
+- The "_plugin_" stuff is part of a signature used by Corona to dynamically load the entry point function, but might be out
+of place in a non - Corona program.
+#include "CoronaLua.h"
+#include "tinyfiledialogs.h"
+static int GetBool (lua_State * L, const char * key)
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, key);// ..., bool
+ int bval = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
+ lua_pop(L, 1); // ...
+ return bval;
+static const char * GetStrOrBlank (lua_State * L, const char * key, const char * blank = "")
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, key);// ..., str?
+ const char * str = blank; // might be NULL, thus not using luaL_optstring
+ if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) str = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ return str;
+static int GetFilters (lua_State * L, const char *** filters)
+ int nfilters = 0;
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, "filter_patterns"); // ..., patts
+ if (lua_istable(L, -1))
+ {
+ int n = lua_objlen(L, -1);
+ if (n > STATIC_FILTER_COUNT) *filters = (const char **)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(const char *) * n);// ..., patts, filters
+ for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i, lua_pop(L, 1))
+ {
+ lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i); // ..., patts[, filters], patt
+ (*filters)[nfilters++] = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) (*filters)[nfilters++] = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
+ return nfilters;
+static int StringResponse (lua_State * L, const char * res)
+ if (!res) lua_pushboolean(L, 0);// ..., false
+ else lua_pushstring(L, res);// ..., res
+ return 1;
+static luaL_Reg tfd_funcs[] = {
+ {
+ "notifyPopup", [](lua_State * L)
+ {
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ const char * title = GetStrOrBlank(L, "title");
+ const char * message = GetStrOrBlank(L, "message");
+ const char * icon_types[] = { "info", "warning", "error" };
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, "icon_type"); // opts, icon_type
+ const char * itype = icon_types[luaL_checkoption(L, -1, "info", icon_types)];
+ lua_pushboolean(L, tinyfd_notifyPopup(title, message, itype)); // opts, icon_type
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }, {
+ "messageBox", [](lua_State * L)
+ {
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ const char * title = GetStrOrBlank(L, "title");
+ const char * message = GetStrOrBlank(L, "message");
+ const char * dialog_types[] = { "ok", "okcancel", "yesno", "yesnocancel" };
+ const char * icon_types[] = { "info", "warning", "error", "question" };
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, "dialog_type"); // opts, dialog_type
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, "icon_type");// opts, dialog_type, icon_type
+ const char * dtype = dialog_types[luaL_checkoption(L, -2, "ok", dialog_types)];
+ const char * itype = icon_types[luaL_checkoption(L, -1, "info", icon_types)];
+ lua_pushboolean(L, tinyfd_messageBox(title, message, dtype, itype, GetBool(L, "default_okyes"))); // opts, dialog_type, icon_type, ok / yes
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }, {
+ "inputBox", [](lua_State * L)
+ {
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ const char * title = GetStrOrBlank(L, "title");
+ const char * message = GetStrOrBlank(L, "message");
+ //
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, "default_input");// opts, def_input
+ const char * def_input;
+ if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN && !lua_toboolean(L, -1)) def_input = NULL;
+ else def_input = luaL_optstring(L, -1, "");
+ return StringResponse(L, tinyfd_inputBox(title, message, def_input)); // opts, def_input, input
+ }
+ }, {
+ "saveFileDialog", [](lua_State * L)
+ {
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ const char * title = GetStrOrBlank(L, "title");
+ const char * def_path_and_file = GetStrOrBlank(L, "default_path_and_file");
+ const char * filter_description = GetStrOrBlank(L, "filter_description", NULL);
+ const char * filter_array[STATIC_FILTER_COUNT] = { 0 }, ** filters = filter_array;
+ int nfilters = GetFilters(L, &filters); // opts, patts[, filters]
+ return StringResponse(L, tinyfd_saveFileDialog(title, def_path_and_file, nfilters, filters, filter_description)); // opts, patts[, filters], file
+ }
+ }, {
+ "openFileDialog", [](lua_State * L)
+ {
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ //
+ const char * title = GetStrOrBlank(L, "title");
+ const char * def_path_and_file = GetStrOrBlank(L, "default_path_and_file");
+ const char * filter_description = GetStrOrBlank(L, "filter_description", NULL);
+ const char * filter_array[STATIC_FILTER_COUNT] = { 0 }, ** filters = filter_array;
+ int allow_multiple_selects = GetBool(L, "allow_multiple_selects");
+ int nfilters = GetFilters(L, &filters); // opts, patts[, filters]
+ //
+ const char * files = tinyfd_openFileDialog(title, def_path_and_file, nfilters, nfilters ? filters : NULL, filter_description, allow_multiple_selects);
+ if (!allow_multiple_selects || !files) return StringResponse(L, files); // opts, patts[, filters], files?
+ else
+ {
+ lua_newtable(L);// opts, patts[, filters], files
+ char * from = (char *)files, * sep = from; // assign sep in order to pass first iteration
+ for (int fi = 1; sep; ++fi)
+ {
+ sep = strchr(from, '|');
+ if (sep)
+ {
+ lua_pushlstring(L, from, sep - from); // opts, patts[, filters], files, file
+ from = sep + 1;
+ }
+ else lua_pushstring(L, from);// opts, patts[, filters], files, file
+ lua_rawseti(L, -2, fi); // opts, patts[, filters], files = { ..., file }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }, {
+ "selectFolderDialog", [](lua_State * L)
+ {
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ const char * title = GetStrOrBlank(L, "title");
+ const char * def_path = GetStrOrBlank(L, "default_path");
+ return StringResponse(L, tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(title, def_path)); // opts, folder
+ }
+ }, {
+ "colorChooser", [](lua_State * L)
+ {
+ luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
+ lua_settop(L, 1); // opts
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, "out_rgb"); // opts, out
+ const char * title = GetStrOrBlank(L, "title");
+ //
+ unsigned char rgb[3];
+ lua_getfield(L, 1, "rgb"); // opts, out, rgb
+ const char * def_hex_rgb = NULL;
+ if (lua_istable(L, 3))
+ {
+ lua_getfield(L, 3, "r");// opts, out, rgb, r
+ lua_getfield(L, 3, "g");// opts, out, rgb, r, g
+ lua_getfield(L, 3, "b");// opts, out, rgb, r, g, b
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) rgb[i - 1] = (unsigned char)(luaL_checknumber(L, 3 + i) * 255.0);
+ }
+ else def_hex_rgb = luaL_optstring(L, 3, "#000000");
+ const char * color = tinyfd_colorChooser(title, def_hex_rgb, rgb, rgb);
+ if (color && lua_istable(L, 2))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) lua_pushnumber(L, (double)rgb[i] / 255.0); // opts, out, rgb[, r, g, b], rout, gout, bout
+ lua_setfield(L, 2, "b");// opts, out, rgb[, r, g, b], rout, gout
+ lua_setfield(L, 2, "g");// opts, out, rgb[, r, g, b], rout
+ lua_setfield(L, 2, "r");// opts, out, rgb[, r, g, b]
+ }
+ return StringResponse(L, color);// opts, out, rgb[, r, g, b], color
+ }
+ },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+CORONA_EXPORT int luaopen_plugin_tinyfiledialogs(lua_State* L)
+ lua_newtable(L);// t
+ luaL_register(L, NULL, tfd_funcs);
+ return 1;
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/PascalABC/tinyfd.pas b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/PascalABC/tinyfd.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fdee61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/PascalABC/tinyfd.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{ SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+found on this page:
+ https://github.com/pascalabcnet/pascalabcnet/discussions/2782
+unit tinyfd;
+uses System;
+procedure tinyfd_beep(); external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
+function tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle: string;
+ aMessage: string;
+ aIconType: string): integer;
+ external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
+function tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle: string;
+ aMessage: string;
+ aDialogTyle: string;
+ aIconType: string;
+ aDefaultButton: integer): integer;
+ external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
+function tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle: string;
+ aMessage: string;
+ aDefaultInput: string): IntPtr;
+ external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
+function tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle: string;
+ aDefaultPathAndFile: string;
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns: integer;
+ aFilterPatterns: array of string;
+ aSingleFilterDescription: string): IntPtr;
+ external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
+function tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle: string;
+ aDefaultPathAndFile: string;
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns: integer;
+ aFilterPatterns: array of string;
+ aSingleFilterDescription: string;
+ aAllowMultipleSelects: integer): IntPtr;
+ external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
+function tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle: string;
+ aDefaultPathAndFile: string): IntPtr;
+ external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
+function tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle: string;
+ aDefaultHexRGB: string;
+ aDefaultRGB: array of byte;
+ aoResultRGB: array of byte): IntPtr;
+ external 'tinyfiledialogs64.dll';
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/fortran/tinyfd_main.f90 b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/fortran/tinyfd_main.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4845ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/fortran/tinyfd_main.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+! SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+! Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+! _________
+! / \ tinyfiledialogs v3.18.1 [May 26, 2024]
+! |tiny file|
+! | dialogs |
+! \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+! \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+! - License -
+! This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+! warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+! arising from the use of this software.
+! Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+! including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+! freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+! 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+! claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+! in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+! appreciated but is not required.
+! 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+! misrepresented as being the original software.
+! 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+! ___________________________________________________________
+! | |
+! | If you like this new FORTRAN module please upvote |
+! | my stackoverflow answer on the FORTRAN post |
+! | https://stackoverflow.com/a/59657117 |
+! |___________________________________________________________|
+! See compilation instructions at the end of this file
+ program main
+ use tinyfd
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_null_char, c_f_pointer, c_loc, c_null_ptr, c_associated, c_int, c_char
+ implicit none
+ type(c_ptr) :: cpointer
+ character(512), pointer :: fpointer
+ character(128), target :: aDefaultInput
+ character(512) :: string, aMessage, aDefaultPath, aDefaultPathAndFile
+ character(128) :: aTitle, aDialogType, aIconType
+ character(128) :: aSingleFilterDescription
+ integer :: i, aInteger, aButtonPressed, aDefaultButton, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aAllowMultipleSelects
+ character(8) :: aDefaultHexRGB
+ character(3) :: aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB
+ type (c_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable :: aFilterPatterns
+ character(len=16,kind=c_char), allocatable, target :: lExtensions(:)
+ ! calling subroutine tinyfd_beep (it doesn't return anything: it's a subroutine')
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_beep()"
+ call tinyfd_beep()
+ ! calling function tinyfd_notifyPopup (it returns one value: it's a function')
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_notifyPopup()"
+ aTitle = "a Title" // char(0)
+ aMessage = "a Message" // char(0)
+ aIconType = "info" // char(0)
+ aInteger = tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle, aMessage, aIconType )
+ ! calling function tinyfd_messageBox
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_messageBox()"
+ aTitle = "a Title" // char(0)
+ aMessage = "a Message" // char(0)
+ aIconType = "info" // char(0)
+ aDialogType = "ok" // char(0)
+ aDefaultButton = 1
+ aButtonPressed = tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton )
+ write (*,*) aButtonPressed
+ ! calling function tinyfd_inputbox
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_inputbox()"
+ aTitle = "a Title" // char(0)
+ aMessage = "a Message" // char(0)
+ aDefaultInput = "an Input" // char(0)
+ cpointer = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, aMessage, c_loc(aDefaultInput) )
+ ! or for a password box: cpointer = tinyfd_inputbox(atitle, amessage, c_null_ptr )
+ if ( c_associated(cpointer) ) then
+ call c_f_pointer(cpointer, fpointer) ! Convert C Pointer to Fortran pointer
+ string = fpointer(1:index(fpointer,c_null_char)-1) ! Remove NULL character at the end
+ write (*,'(A)') string
+ endif
+ ! calling function tinyfd_saveFileDialog
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_saveFileDialog()"
+ aTitle = "a Title" // char(0)
+ aDefaultPathAndFile = "" // char(0)
+ aSingleFilterDescription = "" // char(0) ! or "Text Files" // char(0)
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns = 2
+ allocate (lExtensions( aNumOfFilterPatterns ))
+ allocate (aFilterPatterns( aNumOfFilterPatterns ))
+ lExtensions(1) = "*.txt" // char(0)
+ lExtensions(2) = "*.doc" // char(0)
+ do i = 1, aNumOfFilterPatterns, 1
+ aFilterPatterns(i) = c_loc(lExtensions(i))
+ write (*,'(A)') lExtensions(i)
+ !write (*,*) aFilterPatterns(i)
+ end do
+ cpointer = tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription)
+ ! or cpointer = tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, 0, c_null_ptr, aSingleFilterDescription)
+ deallocate (aFilterPatterns)
+ deallocate (lExtensions)
+ if ( c_associated(cpointer) ) then
+ call c_f_pointer(cpointer, fpointer) ! Convert C Pointer to Fortran pointer
+ string = fpointer(1:index(fpointer,c_null_char)-1) ! Remove NULL character at the end
+ write (*,'(A)') string
+ endif
+ ! calling function tinyfd_openFileDialog
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_openFileDialog()"
+ aTitle = "a Title" // char(0)
+ aDefaultPathAndFile = "" // char(0)
+ aAllowMultipleSelects = 1
+ aSingleFilterDescription = "" // char(0) ! or "Text Files" // char(0)
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns = 2
+ allocate (lExtensions( aNumOfFilterPatterns ))
+ allocate (aFilterPatterns( aNumOfFilterPatterns ))
+ lExtensions(1) = "*.txt" // char(0)
+ lExtensions(2) = "*.doc" // char(0)
+ do i = 1, aNumOfFilterPatterns, 1
+ aFilterPatterns(i) = c_loc(lExtensions(i))
+ write (*,'(A)') lExtensions(i)
+ !write (*,*) aFilterPatterns(i)
+ end do
+ cpointer = tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, &
+ aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ ! or cpointer = tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, 0, c_null_ptr, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ deallocate (aFilterPatterns)
+ deallocate (lExtensions)
+ if ( c_associated(cpointer) ) then
+ call c_f_pointer(cpointer, fpointer) ! Convert C Pointer to Fortran pointer
+ string = fpointer(1:index(fpointer,c_null_char)-1) ! Remove NULL character at the end
+ write (*,'(A)') string
+ endif
+ ! calling function tinyfd_selectFolderDialog
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_selectFolderDialog()"
+ aTitle = "a Title" // char(0)
+ aDefaultPath = "" // char(0)
+ cpointer = tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPath )
+ if ( c_associated(cpointer) ) then
+ call c_f_pointer(cpointer, fpointer) ! Convert C Pointer to Fortran pointer
+ string = fpointer(1:index(fpointer,c_null_char)-1) ! Remove NULL character at the end
+ write (*,'(A)') string
+ endif
+ ! calling function tinyfd_colorChooser
+ write(*,'(A)') "Enter tinyfd_colorChooser()"
+ aTitle = "a Title" // char(0)
+ aDefaultHexRGB = "" // char(0) ! or "#FF0000" // char(0)
+ aDefaultRGB = char(0) // char(0) // char(255)
+ print *, "aDefaultRGB", IACHAR(aDefaultRGB(1:1)), IACHAR(aDefaultRGB(2:2)), IACHAR(aDefaultRGB(3:3))
+ cpointer = tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle, aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB )
+ print *, "aoResultRGB", IACHAR(aoResultRGB(1:1)), IACHAR(aoResultRGB(2:2)), IACHAR(aoResultRGB(3:3))
+ if ( c_associated(cpointer) ) then
+ call c_f_pointer(cpointer, fpointer) ! Convert C Pointer to Fortran pointer
+ string = fpointer(1:index(fpointer,c_null_char)-1) ! Remove NULL character at the end
+ write (*,'(A)') string(1:10)
+ write (*,*) string
+ endif
+ end program main
+! gcc -c ../../tinyfiledialogs.c
+! gfortran -c tinyfd_module.f90 tinyfd_main.f90
+! gfortran -o tinyfd_exe tinyfd_module.o tinyfiledialogs.o tinyfd_main.o
+! or in one line : gfortran -o tinyfd_exe tinyfd_module.f90 ../../tinyfiledialogs.c tinyfd_main.f90
+! This works on VisualStudio with Intel Fortran (make sure the C project has very similar settings as your fortran project):
+ ________________________________________________________________________
+! 1) | Install The Windows SDK |
+! | http://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-sdk |
+! | The end user doesn't need to install anythings |
+! |________________________________________________________________________|
+! 2) Create a new empty C/C++ project, verify the configuration is for X64.
+! 3) Add existing files: tinyfiledialogs.c and tinyfiledialogs.h
+! 4) Build this project. It will fail because there is no main(),
+! but it will create tinyfiledialogs.obj
+! 5) Create a new empty Fortran project, verify the configuration is for X64.
+! 6) Add existing file: tinyfiledialogs.obj - the one that was created on 4)
+! 7) Add existing files: tinyfd_module.f90 and tinyfd_main.f90
+! 8) In the properties of this fortran project, in the linker input field,
+! add: comdlg32.lib ole32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib
+! or maybe add: %(AdditionalDependencies)
+! 9) Build and Run. Voila !
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/fortran/tinyfd_module.f90 b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/fortran/tinyfd_module.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..102f921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/fortran/tinyfd_module.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+! SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+! Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+! _________
+! / \ tinyfiledialogs v3.18.1 [Mar 26, 2024]
+! |tiny file|
+! | dialogs |
+! \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+! \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+! - License -
+! This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+! warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+! arising from the use of this software.
+! Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+! including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+! freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+! 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+! claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+! in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+! appreciated but is not required.
+! 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+! misrepresented as being the original software.
+! 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+! ___________________________________________________________
+! | |
+! | If you like this new FORTRAN module please upvote |
+! | my stackoverflow answer on the FORTRAN post |
+! | https://stackoverflow.com/a/59657117 |
+! |___________________________________________________________|
+! See compilation instructions at the end of tinyfd_main.f90
+ module tinyfd
+ interface ! C interface
+ ! it doesn't return anything -> it's a subroutine
+ subroutine tinyfd_beep() bind(C, name='tinyfd_beep')
+ implicit none
+ end subroutine tinyfd_beep
+ ! it returns one value -> it's a function
+ integer function tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle, aMessage, aIconType) bind(c, NAME='tinyfd_notifyPopup')
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char
+ implicit none
+ character (kind=c_char, len=1) :: aTitle, aMessage, aIconType
+ end function tinyfd_notifyPopup
+ ! it returns one value -> it's a function
+ integer function tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton) bind(c,NAME='tinyfd_messageBox')
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int
+ implicit none
+ character (kind=c_char, len=1) :: aTitle, aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType
+ integer(c_int), value :: aDefaultButton
+ end function tinyfd_messageBox
+ ! it returns one value -> it's a function
+ type(c_ptr) function tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, aMessage, aDefaultInput) bind(c,NAME='tinyfd_inputBox')
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_char
+ implicit none
+ character (kind=c_char, len=1) :: aTitle, aMessage
+ ! aDefaultInput is a bit different because we need to be able
+ ! to pass c_null_ptr to obtain a password box instead of an input box
+ type(c_ptr), value :: aDefaultInput
+ end function tinyfd_inputBox
+ ! it returns one value -> it's a function
+ type(c_ptr) function tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, &
+ aSingleFilterDescription) bind(c,NAME='tinyfd_saveFileDialog')
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_char, c_int
+ implicit none
+ integer(c_int), value :: aNumOfFilterPatterns
+ character (kind=c_char, len=1) :: aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, aSingleFilterDescription
+ type (c_ptr), dimension(*) :: aFilterPatterns
+ end function tinyfd_saveFileDialog
+ ! it returns one value -> it's a function
+ type(c_ptr) function tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, &
+ aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects) bind(c,NAME='tinyfd_openFileDialog')
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_char, c_int
+ implicit none
+ integer(c_int), value :: aNumOfFilterPatterns, aAllowMultipleSelects
+ character (kind=c_char, len=1) :: aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, aSingleFilterDescription
+ type (c_ptr), dimension(*) :: aFilterPatterns
+ end function tinyfd_openFileDialog
+ ! it returns one value -> it's a function
+ type(c_ptr) function tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPath) bind(c,NAME='tinyfd_selectFolderDialog')
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_char
+ implicit none
+ character (kind=c_char, len=1) :: aTitle, aDefaultPath
+ end function tinyfd_selectFolderDialog
+ ! it returns one value -> it's a function
+ type(c_ptr) function tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle, aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB) bind(c,NAME='tinyfd_colorChooser')
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_char, c_int
+ implicit none
+ character (kind=c_char, len=1) :: aTitle, aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB
+ end function tinyfd_colorChooser
+ end interface ! C interface
+ end module tinyfd
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/freepascal/hello.pas b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/freepascal/hello.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a43c478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/freepascal/hello.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+{ SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ _________
+ / \ tinyfiledialogs v3.13 [May 2, 2023] zlib licence
+ |tiny file|
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ - License -
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ ___________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | If you like this new PASCAL module please upvote |
+ | my stackoverflow answer on the PASCAL post |
+ | https://stackoverflow.com/a/59657117 |
+ |___________________________________________________________|
+ See compilation instructions at the end of this file
+program Hello ;
+uses tinyfd ;
+ lReturnedChar : Pchar;
+ lReturnedValue : Integer ;
+ lCReturnedString: String ;
+ lArrayOfChar: array[0..2] of byte = (0,0,255);
+ writeln ('Hello tinyfd');
+ tinyfd_beep();
+ lReturnedChar := tinyfd_inputBox('tinyfd_query', '', '');
+ writeln (tinyfd_response);
+ if lReturnedChar <> nil then
+ lReturnedValue := tinyfd_messageBox('Graphic Mode',tinyfd_response, 'okcancel', 'info', 1)
+ else
+ lReturnedValue := tinyfd_messageBox('Console Mode',tinyfd_response, 'okcancel', 'info', 1);
+ if lReturnedValue = 0 then exit;
+ lReturnedValue := tinyfd_messageBox('A tinyfd title','graphic dialogs [Yes] / console mode [No]', 'yesno', 'question', 1);
+ if lReturnedValue = 0 then tinyfd_forceConsole := 1 ;
+ tinyfd_notifyPopup('A tinyfd title', 'This is a notification', 'warning');
+ lReturnedChar := tinyfd_inputBox('A tinyfd title','This is an input box', '');
+ if lReturnedChar = nil then exit; { detect cancel was pressed - no input is allowed }
+ lCReturnedString := StrPas(lReturnedChar);
+ writeln (lCReturnedString);
+ lCReturnedString := tinyfd_inputBox('A tinyfd title','This is a password box', nil);
+ writeln (lCReturnedString);
+ if Length(lCReturnedString) = 0 then exit; { detect no input }
+ lCReturnedString := tinyfd_saveFileDialog('Choose a filename to save to','lala.txt', 0, nil,nil);
+ writeln (lCReturnedString);
+ if Length(lCReturnedString) = 0 then exit;
+ lCReturnedString := tinyfd_openFileDialog('Choose a filename to read from','../lala.txt', 0, nil, nil, 0);
+ writeln (lCReturnedString);
+ if Length(lCReturnedString) = 0 then exit;
+ lCReturnedString := tinyfd_selectFolderDialog('Select a folder','../..');
+ writeln (lCReturnedString);
+ if Length(lCReturnedString) = 0 then exit;
+ lCReturnedString := tinyfd_colorChooser('A tinyfd title','', lArrayOfChar, lArrayOfChar);
+ writeln (lCReturnedString);
+gcc -c ../../tinyfiledialogs.c
+fpc tinyfd.pp
+fpc hello.pas
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/freepascal/tinyfd.pp b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/freepascal/tinyfd.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d62985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/freepascal/tinyfd.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+{ SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ _________
+ / \ tinyfiledialogs v3.13 [May 2, 2023] zlib licence
+ |tiny file|
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ - License -
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ ___________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | If you like this new PASCAL module please upvote |
+ | my stackoverflow answer on the PASCAL post |
+ | https://stackoverflow.com/a/59657117 |
+ |___________________________________________________________|
+unit tinyfd;
+{$linklib c}
+{ Adapted from
+ Automatically converted by H2Pas 1.0.0 from ../../tinyfiledialogs.h
+ The following command line parameters were used:
+ ../../tinyfiledialogs.h
+ -o
+ tinyfd.pp
+ Type
+ Pchar = ^char;
+{$ifdef _WIN32}
+ Pwchar_t = ^wchar_t;
+{$ifdef _WIN32}
+ var
+ tinyfd_winUtf8 : longint;cvar;external;
+ function tinyfd_utf8toMbcs(aUtf8string:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(aUtf16string:Pwchar_t):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMbcsString:Pchar):Pwchar_t;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_mbcsTo8(aMbcsString:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_utf8to16(aUtf8string:Pchar):Pwchar_t;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_utf16to8(aUtf16string:Pwchar_t):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_getGlobalChar(aCharVariableName:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_getGlobalInt(aIntVariableName:Pchar):longint;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_setGlobalInt(aIntVariableName:Pchar; aValue:longint):longint;cdecl;
+ var
+ tinyfd_version : array[0..7] of char;cvar;external;
+ tinyfd_needs : Pchar;cvar;external;
+ tinyfd_verbose : longint;cvar;external;
+ tinyfd_silent : longint;cvar;external;
+ tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs : longint;cvar;external;
+ tinyfd_forceConsole : longint;cvar;external;
+ tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay : longint;cvar;external;
+ tinyfd_response : array[0..1023] of char;cvar;external;
+ procedure tinyfd_beep;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle:Pchar; aMessage:Pchar; aIconType:Pchar):longint;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle:Pchar; aMessage:Pchar; aDialogType:Pchar; aIconType:Pchar; aDefaultButton:longint):longint;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle:Pchar; aMessage:Pchar; aDefaultInput:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pchar; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPchar; aSingleFilterDescription:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pchar; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPchar; aSingleFilterDescription:Pchar;aAllowMultipleSelects:longint):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultPath:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultHexRGB:Pchar; aDefaultRGB:array of byte; aoResultRGB:array of byte):Pchar;cdecl;
+{$ifdef _WIN32}
+ function tinyfd_notifyPopupW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aMessage:Pwchar_t; aIconType:Pwchar_t):longint;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_messageBoxW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aMessage:Pwchar_t; aDialogType:Pwchar_t; aIconType:Pwchar_t; aDefaultButton:longint):longint;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_inputBoxW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aMessage:Pwchar_t; aDefaultInput:Pwchar_t):Pwchar_t;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pwchar_t; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPwchar_t; aSingleFilterDescription:Pwchar_t):Pwchar_t;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_openFileDialogW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pwchar_t; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPwchar_t; aSingleFilterDescription:Pwchar_t;aAllowMultipleSelects:longint):Pwchar_t;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultPath:Pwchar_t):Pwchar_t;cdecl;
+ function tinyfd_colorChooserW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultHexRGB:Pwchar_t; aDefaultRGB:array of byte; aoResultRGB:array of byte):Pwchar_t;cdecl;
+{$Link 'tinyfiledialogs.o'}
+{$ifdef _WIN32}
+ function tinyfd_utf8toMbcs(aUtf8string:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(aUtf16string:Pwchar_t):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMbcsString:Pchar):Pwchar_t;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_mbcsTo8(aMbcsString:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_utf8to16(aUtf8string:Pchar):Pwchar_t;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_utf16to8(aUtf16string:Pwchar_t):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_getGlobalChar(aCharVariableName:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_getGlobalInt(aIntVariableName:Pchar):longint;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_setGlobalInt(aIntVariableName:Pchar; aValue:longint):longint;cdecl;external;
+ procedure tinyfd_beep;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle:Pchar; aMessage:Pchar; aIconType:Pchar):longint;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle:Pchar; aMessage:Pchar; aDialogType:Pchar; aIconType:Pchar; aDefaultButton:longint):longint;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle:Pchar; aMessage:Pchar; aDefaultInput:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pchar; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPchar; aSingleFilterDescription:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pchar; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPchar; aSingleFilterDescription:Pchar;aAllowMultipleSelects:longint):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultPath:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle:Pchar; aDefaultHexRGB:Pchar; aDefaultRGB:array of byte; aoResultRGB:array of byte):Pchar;cdecl;external;
+{$ifdef _WIN32}
+ function tinyfd_notifyPopupW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aMessage:Pwchar_t; aIconType:Pwchar_t):longint;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_messageBoxW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aMessage:Pwchar_t; aDialogType:Pwchar_t; aIconType:Pwchar_t; aDefaultButton:longint):longint;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_inputBoxW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aMessage:Pwchar_t; aDefaultInput:Pwchar_t):Pwchar_t;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pwchar_t; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPwchar_t; aSingleFilterDescription:Pwchar_t):Pwchar_t;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_openFileDialogW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultPathAndFile:Pwchar_t; aNumOfFilterPatterns:longint; aFilterPatterns:PPwchar_t; aSingleFilterDescription:Pwchar_t;aAllowMultipleSelects:longint):Pwchar_t;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultPath:Pwchar_t):Pwchar_t;cdecl;external;
+ function tinyfd_colorChooserW(aTitle:Pwchar_t; aDefaultHexRGB:Pwchar_t; aDefaultRGB:array of byte; aoResultRGB:array of byte):Pwchar_t;cdecl;external;
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs.r b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2ae3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs.r
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+# _________
+# / \ tinyfiledialogs v3.14.0 [Sep 12, 2023]
+# |tiny file|
+# | dialogs |
+# \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+# \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+# - License -
+# This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+# warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+# arising from the use of this software.
+# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+# including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+# freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+# 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+# claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+# in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+# appreciated but is not required.
+# 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+# misrepresented as being the original software.
+# 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+# ___________________________________________________________
+# | |
+# | If you like this new R interface please upvote |
+# | my stackoverflow answer on the R post |
+# | https://stackoverflow.com/a/77091332 |
+# |___________________________________________________________|
+# Load the appropriate tinyfd library
+# Macintosh
+# Linux on Intel
+# Windows on Intel
+# R interface to tinyfd C functions
+tinyfd_beep <- function() {
+ result <- .C("tinyfd_beep")
+ return(result)
+tinyfd_notifyPopup <- function(aTitle, aMessage, aIconType)
+ result <- .C("tinyfd_notifyPopup",
+ charToRaw(aTitle),
+ charToRaw(aMessage),
+ charToRaw(aIconType))
+ return(result)
+tinyfd_messageBox <- function(aTitle , aMessage , aDialogType , aIconType , aDefaultButton)
+ result <- .C("tfd_messageBox",
+ charToRaw(aTitle),
+ charToRaw(aMessage),
+ charToRaw(aDialogType),
+ charToRaw(aIconType),
+ lDefaultButton = as.integer(aDefaultButton) )
+ return(result$lDefaultButton)
+tinyfd_inputBox <- function(aTitle , aMessage , aDefaultInput) # "NULL" for a password box
+ result <- .C("tfd_inputBox",
+ charToRaw(aTitle),
+ charToRaw(aMessage),
+ lTextOutput = aDefaultInput )
+ if ( result$lTextOutput == "NULL" ) return()
+ else return(result$lTextOutput)
+tinyfd_saveFileDialog <- function(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription )
+ result <- .C("tfd_saveFileDialog",
+ charToRaw(aTitle),
+ lSaveFile = aDefaultPathAndFile ,
+ as.integer(aNumOfFilterPatterns) ,
+ aFilterPatterns ,
+ charToRaw(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ if ( result$lSaveFile == "NULL" ) return()
+ else return(result$lSaveFile)
+tinyfd_openFileDialog <- function(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndFile , aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription , aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ result <- .C("tfd_openFileDialog",
+ charToRaw(aTitle),
+ lOpenFile = aDefaultPathAndFile ,
+ as.integer(aNumOfFilterPatterns) ,
+ aFilterPatterns ,
+ charToRaw(aSingleFilterDescription) ,
+ as.integer(aAllowMultipleSelects) )
+ if ( result$lOpenFile == "NULL" ) return()
+ else return(result$lOpenFile)
+tinyfd_selectFolderDialog <- function(aTitle, aDefaultPath)
+ result <- .C("tfd_selectFolderDialog",
+ charToRaw(aTitle),
+ lSelectedFolder = aDefaultPath )
+ if ( result$lSelectedFolder == "NULL" ) return()
+ else return(result$lSelectedFolder)
+tinyfd_colorChooser <- function(aTitle, aDefaultHexRGB) # "#FF0000"
+ result <- .C("tfd_colorChooser",
+ charToRaw(aTitle),
+ lOutputHexRGB = aDefaultHexRGB )
+ if ( result$lOutputHexRGB == "NULL" ) return()
+ else return(result$lOutputHexRGB)
+# example R calls to tinyfd functions
+tinyfd_notifyPopup( "a title" , "a message", "warning" )
+tinyfd_messageBox( "a title" , "a message" , "yesno" , "info" , 1 )
+tinyfd_inputBox( "a title" , "a message" , "NULL" ) # "NULL" for a password box
+tinyfd_saveFileDialog( "a title" , "/Users/bardos/Documents/test.txt" , 0 , "" , "")
+tinyfd_saveFileDialog( "a title" , "/Users/bardos/Documents/test.txt" , 1 , c ("*.txt","*.jpg") , "some files")
+lFilename <- tinyfd_openFileDialog( "a title" , "/Users/bardos/Documents/" , 1 , c ("*.txt","*.jpg") , "some files" , 0 )
+tinyfd_selectFolderDialog( "a title" , "/Users/bardos/Devs" )
+tinyfd_colorChooser( "a title" , "#FF0000" )
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs32.dll b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs32.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce77605
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs32.dll differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs32.lib b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs32.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6435a7a
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs32.lib differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs64.dll b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs64.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d072932
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs64.dll differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs64.lib b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs64.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0420425
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs64.lib differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsAppleSilicon.dylib b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsAppleSilicon.dylib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f064044
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsAppleSilicon.dylib differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsIntel.dylib b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsIntel.dylib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d9eaf
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsIntel.dylib differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsLinux64.so b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsLinux64.so
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f3757
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsLinux64.so differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsLinux86.so b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsLinux86.so
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b0fc67
Binary files /dev/null and b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsLinux86.so differ
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsTest.cs b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsTest.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa293a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogsTest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ _________
+ / \ tinyfiledialogsTest.cs v3.15.1 [Nov 19, 2023] zlib licence
+ |tiny file| C# bindings created [2015]
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ ____________________________________________
+ | |
+ | email: tinyfiledialogs at ysengrin.com |
+ |____________________________________________|
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+- License -
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+class tinyfd
+ public const string mDllLocation = "C:\\Users\\frogs\\yomspace2015\\yomlibs\\tinyfd\\dll_cs_lua_fortran_pascal\\tinyfiledialogs32.dll";
+ // cross platform UTF8
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern void tinyfd_beep();
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern int tinyfd_notifyPopup(string aTitle, string aMessage, string aIconType);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern int tinyfd_messageBox(string aTitle, string aMessage, string aDialogType, string aIconType, int aDefaultButton);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_inputBox(string aTitle, string aMessage, string aDefaultInput);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_saveFileDialog(string aTitle, string aDefaultPathAndFile, int aNumOfFilterPatterns, string[] aFilterPatterns, string aSingleFilterDescription);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_openFileDialog(string aTitle, string aDefaultPathAndFile, int aNumOfFilterPatterns, string[] aFilterPatterns, string aSingleFilterDescription, int aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(string aTitle, string aDefaultPathAndFile);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_colorChooser(string aTitle, string aDefaultHexRGB, byte[] aDefaultRGB, byte[] aoResultRGB);
+ // windows only utf16
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern int tinyfd_notifyPopupW(string aTitle, string aMessage, string aIconType);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern int tinyfd_messageBoxW(string aTitle, string aMessage, string aDialogType, string aIconType, int aDefaultButton);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_inputBoxW(string aTitle, string aMessage, string aDefaultInput);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(string aTitle, string aDefaultPathAndFile, int aNumOfFilterPatterns, string[] aFilterPatterns, string aSingleFilterDescription);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_openFileDialogW(string aTitle, string aDefaultPathAndFile, int aNumOfFilterPatterns, string[] aFilterPatterns, string aSingleFilterDescription, int aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(string aTitle, string aDefaultPathAndFile);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_colorChooserW(string aTitle, string aDefaultHexRGB, byte[] aDefaultRGB, byte[] aoResultRGB);
+ // cross platform
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_getGlobalChar(string aCharVariableName);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern int tinyfd_getGlobalInt(string aIntVariableName);
+ [DllImport(mDllLocation, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public static extern int tinyfd_setGlobalInt(string aIntVariableName, int aValue);
+ // ******** a complicated way to access tinyfd's global variables
+ // [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procName);
+ // [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpszLib);
+namespace ConsoleApplication1
+ class tinyfiledialogsTest
+ {
+ private static string stringFromAnsi(IntPtr ptr) // for UTF-8/char
+ {
+ return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr);
+ }
+ private static string stringFromUni(IntPtr ptr) // for UTF-16/wchar_t
+ {
+ return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ptr);
+ }
+ [STAThread]
+ static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ // ******** a simple way to access tinyfd's global variables
+ IntPtr lTheVersionText = tinyfd.tinyfd_getGlobalChar("tinyfd_version");
+ string lTheVersionString = stringFromAnsi(lTheVersionText);
+ tinyfd.tinyfd_messageBox("tinyfd_version", lTheVersionString, "ok", "info", 1);
+ // cross platform utf-8
+ IntPtr lTheInputText = tinyfd.tinyfd_inputBox("input box", "gimme a string", "A text to input");
+ string lTheInputString = stringFromAnsi(lTheInputText);
+ int lala = tinyfd.tinyfd_messageBox("a message box char", lTheInputString, "ok", "warning", 1);
+ lTheInputText = tinyfd.tinyfd_selectFolderDialog("select a folder", "");
+ lTheInputString = stringFromAnsi(lTheInputText);
+ lala = tinyfd.tinyfd_messageBox("the chosen folder", lTheInputString, "ok", "warning", 1);
+ // windows only utf-16
+ IntPtr lAnotherInputTextW = tinyfd.tinyfd_inputBoxW("input box", "gimme another string", "Another text to input");
+ string lAnotherInputString = stringFromUni(lAnotherInputTextW);
+ int lili = tinyfd.tinyfd_messageBoxW("a message box wchar_t", lAnotherInputString, "ok", "info", 1);
+ lAnotherInputTextW = tinyfd.tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW("select a folderW", "");
+ lAnotherInputString = stringFromUni(lAnotherInputTextW);
+ lili = tinyfd.tinyfd_messageBoxW("a message box wchar_t", lAnotherInputString, "ok", "info", 1);
+ tinyfd.tinyfd_notifyPopupW("just a dummy warning", lTheVersionString, "warning");
+ // cross platform
+ tinyfd.tinyfd_beep();
+ // ******** a complicated way to access tinyfd's global variables (uncomment the last 2 lines in the class tinyfd above)
+ // IntPtr tinyfd_DLL = tinyfd.LoadLibrary(tinyfd.mDllLocation);
+ // if (tinyfd_DLL != IntPtr.Zero)
+ // {
+ // IntPtr lVersionAddr = tinyfd.GetProcAddress(tinyfd_DLL, "tinyfd_version");
+ // string lVersion = stringFromAnsi(lVersionAddr);
+ // IntPtr lForceConsoleAddr = tinyfd.GetProcAddress(tinyfd_DLL, "tinyfd_forceConsole");
+ // if (lForceConsoleAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
+ // {
+ // int lForceConsoleValue = Marshal.ReadInt32(lForceConsoleAddr);
+ // tinyfd.tinyfd_notifyPopup(lVersion, lForceConsoleValue.ToString(), "info");
+ // Marshal.WriteInt32(lForceConsoleAddr, 0);
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-32.bat b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-32.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efea209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-32.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+:: cd C:\Users\frogs\yomspace2015\yomlibs\tinyfd\dll_cs_lua_fortran_pascal
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -ansi -std=gnu89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\MinGW32-49\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -LC:/MinGW/lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -ansi -std=gnu89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o hello32.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -ansi -std=gnu89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o helloW32.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\MinGW32-49\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -LC:/MinGW/lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o hello32.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\MinGW32-49\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o helloW32.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -ansi -std=gnu89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\MinGW32-63\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -LC:/MinGW63/lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -ansi -std=gnu89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o hello32.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -ansi -std=gnu89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o helloW32.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\MinGW32-63\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -LC:/MinGW63/lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o hello32.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\MinGW32-63\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -Wall -o helloW32.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+@REM -std=gnu89 -Ofast -std=c++11
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-w64-720.bat b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-w64-720.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e37e000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-w64-720.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+:: cd C:\Users\frogs\yomspace2015\yomlibs\tinyfd\dll_cs_lua_fortran_pascal
+:: x86
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -m32 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -L\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o hello32.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o helloW32.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -m32 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -L\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o hello32.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw32\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o helloW32.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+:: x64
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs64.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs64.dll
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -m64 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs64.dll -L\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o hello64.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o helloW64.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs64.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs64.dll
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -m64 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs64.dll -L\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o hello64.exe ../hello.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+\mingw-w64-720\mingw64\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o helloW64.exe ../hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+@REM \mingw-w64\mingw64\bin\gcc -std=c89 -o hello.exe tinyfiledialogs.c hello.c -LC:\mingw-w64\mingw64\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-w64-810.bat b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-w64-810.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5e7ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dll_mingw-w64-810.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+:: cd C:\Users\frogs\yomspace2015\yomlibs\tinyfd\dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal
+:: x86
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -c ..\tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -m32 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -L\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o hello32.exe ..\hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o helloW32.exe ..\hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -c ..\tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs32.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs32.dll
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -m32 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs32.dll -L\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o hello32.exe ..\hello.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw32\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m32 -Wall -o helloW32.exe ..\hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs32.lib
+:: x64
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -c ..\tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs64.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs64.dll
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -m64 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs64.dll -L\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o hello64.exe ..\hello.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -ansi -std=c89 -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o helloW64.exe ..\hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -c ..\tinyfiledialogs.c
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\dlltool --export-all-symbols -l tinyfiledialogs64.lib tinyfiledialogs.o --dllname tinyfiledialogs64.dll
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -m64 -shared -static-libgcc tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogs64.dll -L\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o hello64.exe ..\hello.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+\mingw-w64-13.2.0\mingw64\bin\gcc -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes -m64 -Wall -o helloW64.exe ..\hello_wchar_t.c tinyfiledialogs64.lib
+@REM \mingw-w64\mingw64\bin\gcc -std=c89 -o hello.exe tinyfiledialogs.c hello.c -LC:\mingw-w64\mingw64\lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dylib.sh b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dylib.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7d81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_dylib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# clang -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+# clang -dynamiclib tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogsIntel.dylib
+# clang -o hello.app ../hello.c ./tinyfiledialogsIntel.dylib
+clang -c ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+if [ `uname -s` = "Darwin" ]; then
+ echo Darwin
+ if [ `uname -m` = "x86_64" ]; then
+ echo x86_64
+ clang -dynamiclib tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogsIntel.dylib
+ elif [ `uname -m` = "arm64" ]; then
+ echo arm64
+ clang -dynamiclib tinyfiledialogs.o -o tinyfiledialogsAppleSilicon.dylib
+ fi
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_so.sh b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_so.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23dea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/dll_cs_lua_R_fortran_pascal/tinyfiledialogs_so.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+if [ `uname -s` = "Linux" ]; then
+ echo Linux
+ gcc -m32 -fPIC -shared -o tinyfiledialogsLinux86.so ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+ gcc -m32 -o hello ../hello.c ./tinyfiledialogsLinux86.so
+ gcc -m64 -fPIC -shared -o tinyfiledialogsLinux64.so ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+ gcc -m64 -o hello ../hello.c ./tinyfiledialogsLinux64.so
+elif [ `uname -s` = "OpenBSD" ]; then
+ echo OpenBSD
+ clang -m32 -fPIC -shared -o tinyfiledialogsOpenBSDx86.so ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+ clang -m32 -o hello ../hello.c ./tinyfiledialogsOpenBSDx86.so
+ clang -m64 -fPIC -shared -o tinyfiledialogsOpenBSDx64.so ../tinyfiledialogs.c
+ clang -m64 -o hello ../hello.c ./tinyfiledialogsOpenBSDx64.so
+ echo Other Unix
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/hello.c b/tinyfiledialogs/hello.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86efb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/hello.c
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ ________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | 100% compatible C C++ -> You can rename this .c file as .cpp |
+ |________________________________________________________________|
+ _________
+ / \ hello.c v3.18.2 [Jun 10, 2024]
+ |tiny file| Hello World file created [November 9, 2014]
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ ____________________________________________
+ | |
+ | email: tinyfiledialogs at ysengrin.com |
+ |____________________________________________|
+ _________________________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | the windows only wchar_t UTF-16 prototypes are at the bottom of the header file |
+ |_________________________________________________________________________________|
+ _________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | on windows: - since v3.6 char is UTF-8 by default |
+ | - if you want MBCS set tinyfd_winUtf8 to 0 |
+ | - functions like fopen expect MBCS |
+ |_________________________________________________________|
+ ___________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | v3.10: NEW FORTRAN module fully implemented with examples |
+ | https://stackoverflow.com/a/59657117 |
+ |___________________________________________________________|
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+- License -
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+- Here is the Hello World:
+ if a console is missing, it will use graphic dialogs
+ if a graphical display is absent, it will use console dialogs
+ (on windows the input box may take some time to open the first time)
+ See compilation instructions at the end of this file
+ __________________________________________
+ | ______________________________________ |
+ | | | |
+ | |______________________________________| |
+ |__________________________________________|
+#include "tinyfiledialogs.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4996) /* silences warnings about strcpy strcat fopen*/
+int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
+ int lIntValue;
+ char * lPassword;
+ char * lTheSaveFileName;
+ char * lTheOpenFileName;
+ char * lTheSelectFolderName;
+ char * lTheHexColor;
+ char * lWillBeGraphicMode;
+ unsigned char lRgbColor[3];
+ FILE * lIn;
+ char lBuffer[1024];
+ char const * lFilterPatterns[2] = { "*.txt", "*.text" };
+ (void)argv; /*to silence stupid visual studio warning*/
+ tinyfd_verbose = argc - 1; /* default is 0 */
+ tinyfd_silent = 1; /* default is 1 */
+ tinyfd_forceConsole = 0; /* default is 0 */
+ tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay = 0; /* default is 0 */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ tinyfd_winUtf8 = 1; /* default is 1 */
+/* On windows, you decide if char holds 1:UTF-8(default) or 0:MBCS */
+/* Windows is not ready to handle UTF-8 as many char functions like fopen() expect MBCS filenames.*/
+/* This hello.c file has been prepared, on windows, to convert the filenames from UTF-8 to UTF-16
+ and pass them passed to _wfopen() instead of fopen() */
+ tinyfd_beep();
+ lWillBeGraphicMode = tinyfd_inputBox("tinyfd_query", NULL, NULL);
+ strcpy(lBuffer, "tinyfiledialogs\nv");
+ strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_version);
+ if (lWillBeGraphicMode)
+ {
+ strcat(lBuffer, "\ngraphic mode: ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lBuffer, "\nconsole mode: ");
+ }
+ strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_response);
+ tinyfd_messageBox("hello", lBuffer, "ok", "info", 0);
+ tinyfd_notifyPopup("the title", "the message\n\tfrom outer-space", "info");
+ if ( lWillBeGraphicMode && ! tinyfd_forceConsole )
+ {
+#if 0
+ lIntValue = tinyfd_messageBox("Hello World", "\
+graphic dialogs [Yes]\n\
+console mode [No]\n\
+quit [Cancel]",
+ "yesnocancel", "question", 1);
+ if (!lIntValue) return 1;
+ tinyfd_forceConsole = (lIntValue == 2);
+ lIntValue = tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Hello World", "graphic dialogs [Yes] / console mode [No]",
+ "yesno", "question", 1);
+ tinyfd_forceConsole = ! lIntValue;
+ }
+ lPassword = tinyfd_inputBox(
+ "a password box", "your password will be revealed later", NULL);
+ if (!lPassword) return 1;
+ tinyfd_messageBox("your password as read", lPassword, "ok", "info", 1);
+ lTheSaveFileName = tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ "let us save this password",
+ "./passwordFile.txt",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ NULL);
+ if (! lTheSaveFileName)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Save file name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ lIn = _wfopen(tinyfd_utf8to16(lTheSaveFileName), L"w"); /* the UTF-8 filename is converted to UTF-16 to open the file*/
+ else
+ lIn = fopen(lTheSaveFileName, "w");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Can not open this file in write mode",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ fputs(lPassword, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ lTheOpenFileName = tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ "let us read the password back",
+ "../",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ "text files",
+ 1);
+ if (! lTheOpenFileName)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Open file name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 0);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ lIn = _wfopen(tinyfd_utf8to16(lTheOpenFileName), L"r"); /* the UTF-8 filename is converted to UTF-16 */
+ else
+ lIn = fopen(lTheOpenFileName, "r");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Can not open this file in read mode",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ lBuffer[0] = '\0';
+ fgets(lBuffer, sizeof(lBuffer), lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ tinyfd_messageBox("your password as it was saved", lBuffer, "ok", "info", 1);
+ lTheSelectFolderName = tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ "let us just select a directory", "../../");
+ if (!lTheSelectFolderName)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Select folder name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ tinyfd_messageBox("The selected folder is", lTheSelectFolderName, "ok", "info", 1);
+ lTheHexColor = tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ "choose a nice color",
+ "#FF0077",
+ lRgbColor,
+ lRgbColor);
+ if (!lTheHexColor)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "hexcolor is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ tinyfd_messageBox("The selected hexcolor is", lTheHexColor, "ok", "info", 1);
+ tinyfd_messageBox("your read password was", lPassword, "ok", "info", 1);
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4996)
+OSX :
+$ clang -o hello.app hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c
+( or gcc )
+$ gcc -o hello hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c
+( or clang tcc owcc cc CC )
+Windows :
+ MinGW needs gcc >= v4.9 otherwise some headers are incomplete
+ > gcc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c -LC:/mingw/lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+ TinyCC needs >= v0.9.27 (+ tweaks - contact me) otherwise some headers are missing
+ > tcc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c ^
+ -isystem C:\tcc\winapi-full-for-0.9.27\include\winapi ^
+ -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -luser32 -lshell32
+ Borland C: > bcc32c -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c
+ OpenWatcom v2: create a character-mode executable project.
+ VisualStudio :
+ Create a console application project,
+ it links against comdlg32.lib & ole32.lib.
+ VisualStudio command line :
+ > cl hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c comdlg32.lib ole32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib /W4
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/hello_wchar_t.c b/tinyfiledialogs/hello_wchar_t.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b18fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/hello_wchar_t.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ ________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | 100% compatible C C++ -> You can rename this .c file as .cpp |
+ |________________________________________________________________|
+ _________
+ / \ hello_wchar_t.c v3.18.2 [Jun 10, 2024]
+ |tiny file| Hello WCHAR_T windows only file created [November 9, 2014]
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ ____________________________________________
+ | |
+ | email: tinyfiledialogs at ysengrin.com |
+ |____________________________________________|
+ ________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | this file is for windows only it uses wchar_t UTF-16 functions |
+ |________________________________________________________________|
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+- License -
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ See compilation instructions at the end of this file
+ __________________________________________
+ | ______________________________________ |
+ | | | |
+ | |______________________________________| |
+ |__________________________________________|
+#include "tinyfiledialogs.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4996) /* silences warning about wcscpy*/
+int main(void) /* WINDOWS ONLY */
+ wchar_t * lPassword;
+ wchar_t * lTheSaveFileName;
+ wchar_t * lTheOpenFileName;
+ wchar_t * lTheSelectFolderName;
+ wchar_t * lTheHexColor;
+ wchar_t * lWillBeGraphicMode;
+ unsigned char lRgbColor[3];
+ FILE * lIn;
+ wchar_t lWcharBuff[1024];
+ wchar_t lBuffer[1024];
+ wchar_t const * lFilterPatterns[2] = { L"*.txt", L"*.text" };
+ tinyfd_beep();
+ lWillBeGraphicMode = tinyfd_inputBoxW(L"tinyfd_query", NULL, NULL);
+ wcscpy(lBuffer, L"v");
+ mbstowcs(lWcharBuff, tinyfd_version, strlen(tinyfd_version) + 1);
+ wcscat(lBuffer, lWcharBuff);
+ if (lWillBeGraphicMode)
+ {
+ wcscat(lBuffer, L"\ngraphic mode: ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcscat(lBuffer, L"\nconsole mode: ");
+ }
+ mbstowcs(lWcharBuff, tinyfd_response, strlen(tinyfd_response)+1);
+ wcscat(lBuffer, lWcharBuff);
+ wcscat(lBuffer, L"\n");
+ mbstowcs(lWcharBuff, tinyfd_needs + 78, strlen(tinyfd_needs + 78) + 1);
+ wcscat(lBuffer, lWcharBuff);
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(L"hello", lBuffer, L"ok", L"info", 0);
+ tinyfd_notifyPopupW(L"the title", L"the message\n\tfrom outer-space", L"info");
+ lPassword = tinyfd_inputBoxW(
+ L"a password box", L"your password will be revealed later", NULL);
+ if (!lPassword) return 1;
+ lTheSaveFileName = tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(
+ L"let us save this password",
+ L"passwordFile.txt",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ NULL);
+ if (! lTheSaveFileName)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ L"Error",
+ L"Save file name is NULL",
+ L"ok",
+ L"error",
+ 1);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ lIn = _wfopen(lTheSaveFileName, L"wt, ccs=UNICODE");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ L"Error",
+ L"Can not open this file in write mode",
+ L"ok",
+ L"error",
+ 1);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ fputws(lPassword, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ lTheOpenFileName = tinyfd_openFileDialogW(
+ L"let us read the password back",
+ L"",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ 0);
+ if (! lTheOpenFileName)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ L"Error",
+ L"Open file name is NULL",
+ L"ok",
+ L"error",
+ 1);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ lIn = _wfopen(lTheOpenFileName, L"rt, ccs=UNICODE");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ L"Error",
+ L"Can not open this file in read mode",
+ L"ok",
+ L"error",
+ 1);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ lBuffer[0] = '\0';
+ fgetws(lBuffer, sizeof(lBuffer), lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(L"your password is",
+ lBuffer, L"ok", L"info", 1);
+ lTheSelectFolderName = tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(
+ L"let us just select a directory", L"C:\\");
+ if (!lTheSelectFolderName)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ L"Error",
+ L"Select folder name is NULL",
+ L"ok",
+ L"error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(L"The selected folder is",
+ lTheSelectFolderName, L"ok", L"info", 1);
+ lTheHexColor = tinyfd_colorChooserW(
+ L"choose a nice color",
+ L"#FF0077",
+ lRgbColor,
+ lRgbColor);
+ if (!lTheHexColor)
+ {
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ L"Error",
+ L"hexcolor is NULL",
+ L"ok",
+ L"error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(L"The selected hexcolor is",
+ lTheHexColor, L"ok", L"info", 1);
+ tinyfd_messageBoxW(L"your password was", lPassword, L"ok", L"info", 1);
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4996)
+MinGW needs gcc >= v4.9 otherwise some headers are incomplete
+> gcc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c -LC:/mingw/lib -lcomdlg32 -lole32
+TinyCC needs >= v0.9.27 (+ tweaks - contact me) otherwise some headers are missing
+> tcc -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c ^
+ -isystem C:\tcc\winapi-full-for-0.9.27\include\winapi ^
+ -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -luser32 -lshell32
+Borland C: > bcc32c -o hello.exe hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c
+OpenWatcom v2: create a character-mode executable project.
+VisualStudio :
+ Create a console application project,
+ it links against comdlg32.lib & ole32.lib.
+VisualStudio command line :
+ > cl hello.c tinyfiledialogs.c comdlg32.lib ole32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib /W4
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/more_dialogs/tinyfd_moredialogs.c b/tinyfiledialogs/more_dialogs/tinyfd_moredialogs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc2960f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/more_dialogs/tinyfd_moredialogs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ _________
+ / \ tinyfiledialogs v3.9.0 [Nov 3, 2022] zlib licence
+ |tiny file|
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+- License -
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#ifndef __sun
+#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 /* to accept POSIX 2 in old ANSI C standards */
+#include "../tinyfiledialogs.h"
+#define MAX_PATH_OR_CMD 1024 /* _MAX_PATH or MAX_PATH */
+int tfd_quoteDetected(char const * aString);
+void tfd_replaceSubStr( char const * aSource ,char const * aOldSubStr ,
+ char const * aNewSubStr ,char * aoDestination );
+#ifndef _WIN32
+int tfd_isDarwin(void);
+int tfd_kdialogPresent(void);
+int tfd_matedialogPresent(void);
+int tfd_qarmaPresent(void);
+int tfd_shellementaryPresent(void);
+int tfd_xpropPresent(void);
+int tfd_zenityPresent(void);
+int tfd_zenity3Present(void);
+#endif /*_WIN32 */
+/* not cross platform - unix zenity only */
+/* contributed by Attila Dusnoki */
+#ifndef _WIN32
+char * tinyfd_arrayDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* "" */
+ int aNumOfColumns , /* 2 */
+ char const * const * aColumns , /* {"Column 1","Column 2"} */
+ int aNumOfRows , /* 2 */
+ char const * const * aCells )
+ /* {"Row1 Col1","Row1 Col2","Row2 Col1","Row2 Col2"} */
+ static char lBuff [MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lDialogString [MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int i ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_arrayDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aNumOfColumns, aColumns, aNumOfRows, aCells);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfColumns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aColumns[i])) return tinyfd_arrayDialog("INVALID COLUMNS WITH QUOTES", 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfRows; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aCells[i])) return tinyfd_arrayDialog("INVALID ROWS WITH QUOTES", 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --list --print-column=ALL" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if ( aColumns && (aNumOfColumns > 0) )
+ {
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfColumns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --column=\"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aColumns [i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aCells && (aNumOfRows > 0) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfRows*aNumOfColumns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aCells [i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"");return (char *)0;}
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( ! strlen( lBuff ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ return lBuff ;
+#endif /*_WIN32 */
+/* not cross platform - UNIX and OSX only */
+/* contributed by srikanth http://sourceforge.net/u/cr1vct/profile */
+#ifndef _WIN32
+char *tinyfd_checklistDialog(
+ char const *aTitle,
+ int aNumOfOptions,
+ char const *const *aOptions)
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ static char dest[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ FILE *lIn;
+ int i ;
+ char *target = lDialogString;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_checklistDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aNumOfOptions, aOptions);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfOptions; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aOptions[i])) return tinyfd_checklistDialog("INVALID COLUMNS WITH QUOTES", 0, NULL);
+ }
+ lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (tfd_isDarwin())
+ {
+ target += sprintf(target, "osascript -e \'set Choices to {");
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfOptions; i++)
+ {
+ if (i != aNumOfOptions - 1)
+ target += sprintf(target, "\"%s\", ", aOptions[i]);
+ else
+ target += sprintf(target, "\"%s\"", aOptions[i]);
+ }
+ target += sprintf(target, "}\' -e \'set Choice to choose from list Choices with prompt \"%s\" with multiple selections allowed\' -e \'Choice\'", aTitle);
+ }
+ else if (tfd_kdialogPresent())
+ {
+ target += sprintf(target, "kdialog --checklist \'%s\' ", aTitle);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfOptions; i++)
+ {
+ target += sprintf(target, "\'%s\' \'%s\' OFF ", aOptions[i], aOptions[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tfd_zenityPresent())
+ {
+ target += sprintf(target, "zenity --list --column= --column= --checklist --title=\'%s\' ", aTitle);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfOptions; i++)
+ {
+ target += sprintf(target, "\'\' \'%s\' ", aOptions[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose)
+ printf("lDialogString: %s\n", lDialogString);
+ if (!(lIn = popen(lDialogString, "r")))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (fgets(lBuff, sizeof(lBuff), lIn) != NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ pclose(lIn);
+ if (lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if (!strlen(lBuff))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (tfd_kdialogPresent())
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr(lBuff, "\" \"", "|", dest);
+ dest[strlen(dest) - 2] = '\0';
+ return dest + 1;
+ }
+ if (tfd_isDarwin())
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr(lBuff, "\", \"", "|", dest);
+ dest[strlen(dest) - 2] = '\0';
+ dest[strlen(dest) - 3] = '\0';
+ return dest + 2;
+ }
+ return lBuff;
+#endif /*_WIN32 */
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/more_dialogs/tinyfd_moredialogs.h b/tinyfiledialogs/more_dialogs/tinyfd_moredialogs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07bfea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/more_dialogs/tinyfd_moredialogs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: ZLIB
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2023 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ _________
+ / \ tinyfiledialogs v3.9.0 [Nov 3, 2022]
+ |tiny file|
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+ - License -
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+/* not cross platform - unix zenity only */
+/* contributed by Attila Dusnoki */
+#ifndef _WIN32
+char * tinyfd_arrayDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfColumns , /* 2 */
+ char const * const * aColumns, /* {"Column 1","Column 2"} */
+ int aNumOfRows, /* 2 */
+ char const * const * aCells);
+ /* {"Row1 Col1","Row1 Col2","Row2 Col1","Row2 Col2"} */
+#endif /*_WIN32 */
+/* not cross platform - UNIX and OSX only */
+/* contributed by srikanth http://sourceforge.net/u/cr1vct/profile */
+#ifndef _WIN32
+char * tinyfd_checklistDialog(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ int aNumOfOptions ,
+ char const * const * aOptions);
+#endif /*_WIN32 */
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/tinyfiledialogs.c b/tinyfiledialogs/tinyfiledialogs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5614241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/tinyfiledialogs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8171 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ ________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | 100% compatible C C++ -> You can rename this .c file as .cpp |
+ |________________________________________________________________|
+ _________
+ / \ tinyfiledialogs.c v3.18.2 [Jun 8, 2024] zlib licence
+ |tiny file| Unique code file created [November 9, 2014]
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ ____________________________________________
+ | |
+ | email: tinyfiledialogs at ysengrin.com |
+ |____________________________________________|
+ _________________________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | the windows only wchar_t UTF-16 prototypes are at the bottom of the header file |
+ |_________________________________________________________________________________|
+ _________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | on windows: - since v3.6 char is UTF-8 by default |
+ | - if you want MBCS set tinyfd_winUtf8 to 0 |
+ | - functions like fopen expect MBCS |
+ |_________________________________________________________|
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+- License -
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ __________________________________________
+ | ______________________________________ |
+ | | | |
+ | |______________________________________| |
+ |__________________________________________|
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE /* used only to resolve symbolic links. Can be commented out */
+ #ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+ #ifdef __FreeBSD__
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L /* 199506L is enough for freebsd for realpath() */
+ #elif defined(__illumos__) || defined(__solaris__)
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L /* illumos/solaris needs 200112L for realpath() */
+ #else
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 /* to accept POSIX 2 in old ANSI C standards */
+ #endif
+ #endif
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ #ifdef __BORLANDC__
+ #define _getch getch
+ #endif
+ #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
+ #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
+ #endif
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #define TINYFD_SLASH "\\"
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include /* on old systems try instead */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include /* on old systems try instead */
+ #define TINYFD_SLASH "/"
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+#include "tinyfiledialogs.h"
+#define MAX_PATH_OR_CMD 1024 /* _MAX_PATH or MAX_PATH */
+#define MAX_MULTIPLE_FILES 1024
+char tinyfd_version[8] = "3.18.2";
+/**************************************** UTF-8 on Windows ********************************************/
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* if you want to use UTF-8 ( instead of the UTF-16/wchar_t functions at the end of tinyfiledialogs.h )
+Make sure your code is really prepared for UTF-8 (on windows, functions like fopen() expect MBCS and not UTF-8) */
+int tinyfd_winUtf8 = 1; /* on windows char strings can be 1:UTF-8(default) or 0:MBCS */
+/* for MBCS change this to 0, here or in your code */
+int tinyfd_verbose = 0 ; /* on unix: prints the command line calls */
+int tinyfd_silent = 1 ; /* 1 (default) or 0 : on unix, hide errors and warnings from called dialogs */
+/* Curses dialogs are difficult to use, on windows they are only ascii and uses the unix backslah */
+int tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs = 0 ; /* 0 (default) or 1 */
+int tinyfd_forceConsole = 0 ; /* 0 (default) or 1 */
+/* for unix & windows: 0 (graphic mode) or 1 (console mode).
+0: try to use a graphic solution, if it fails then it uses console mode.
+1: forces all dialogs into console mode even when the X server is present.
+ it can use the package dialog or dialog.exe.
+ on windows it only make sense for console applications */
+int tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay = 0; /* 0 (default) or 1 */
+/* some systems don't set the environment variable DISPLAY even when a graphic display is present.
+set this to 1 to tell tinyfiledialogs to assume the existence of a graphic display */
+char tinyfd_response[1024];
+/* if you pass "tinyfd_query" as aTitle,
+the functions will not display the dialogs
+but return 0 for console mode, 1 for graphic mode.
+tinyfd_response is then filled with the retain solution.
+possible values for tinyfd_response are (all lowercase)
+for graphic mode:
+ windows_wchar windows applescript kdialog zenity zenity3 yad matedialog
+ shellementary qarma python2-tkinter python3-tkinter python-dbus
+ perl-dbus gxmessage gmessage xmessage xdialog gdialog dunst
+for console mode:
+ dialog whiptail basicinput no_solution */
+static int gWarningDisplayed = 0 ;
+static char gTitle[]="missing software! (we will try basic console input)";
+#ifdef _WIN32
+char tinyfd_needs[] = "\
+ ___________\n\
+/ \\ \n\
+| tiny file |\n\
+| dialogs |\n\
+\\_____ ____/\n\
+ \\|\
+\ntiny file dialogs on Windows needs:\
+\n a graphic display\
+\nor dialog.exe (curses console mode ** Disabled by default **)\
+\nor a console for basic input";
+char tinyfd_needs[] = "\
+ ___________\n\
+/ \\ \n\
+| tiny file |\n\
+| dialogs |\n\
+\\_____ ____/\n\
+ \\|\
+\ntiny file dialogs on UNIX needs:\
+\n applescript or kdialog or yad or Xdialog\
+\nor zenity (or matedialog or shellementary or qarma)\
+\nor python (2 or 3) + tkinter + python-dbus (optional)\
+\nor dialog (opens console if needed) ** Disabled by default **\
+\nor xterm + bash (opens console for basic input)\
+\nor existing console for basic input.";
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4996) /* allows usage of strncpy, strcpy, strcat, sprintf, fopen */
+#pragma warning(disable:4100) /* allows usage of strncpy, strcpy, strcat, sprintf, fopen */
+#pragma warning(disable:4706) /* allows usage of strncpy, strcpy, strcat, sprintf, fopen */
+static int getenvDISPLAY(void)
+ return tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay || getenv("DISPLAY");
+static char * getCurDir(void)
+ static char lCurDir[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ return getcwd(lCurDir, sizeof(lCurDir));
+static char * getPathWithoutFinalSlash(
+ char * aoDestination, /* make sure it is allocated, use _MAX_PATH */
+ char const * aSource) /* aoDestination and aSource can be the same */
+ char const * lTmp ;
+ if ( aSource )
+ {
+ lTmp = strrchr(aSource, '/');
+ if (!lTmp)
+ {
+ lTmp = strrchr(aSource, '\\');
+ }
+ if (lTmp)
+ {
+ strncpy(aoDestination, aSource, lTmp - aSource );
+ aoDestination[lTmp - aSource] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ * aoDestination = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ * aoDestination = '\0';
+ }
+ return aoDestination;
+static char * getLastName(
+ char * aoDestination, /* make sure it is allocated */
+ char const * aSource)
+ /* copy the last name after '/' or '\' */
+ char const * lTmp ;
+ if ( aSource )
+ {
+ lTmp = strrchr(aSource, '/');
+ if (!lTmp)
+ {
+ lTmp = strrchr(aSource, '\\');
+ }
+ if (lTmp)
+ {
+ strcpy(aoDestination, lTmp + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(aoDestination, aSource);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ * aoDestination = '\0';
+ }
+ return aoDestination;
+static void ensureFinalSlash( char * aioString )
+ if ( aioString && strlen( aioString ) )
+ {
+ char * lastcar = aioString + strlen( aioString ) - 1 ;
+ if ( strncmp( lastcar , TINYFD_SLASH , 1 ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lastcar , TINYFD_SLASH ) ;
+ }
+ }
+static void Hex2RGB( char const aHexRGB[8] , unsigned char aoResultRGB[3] )
+ char lColorChannel[8] ;
+ if ( aoResultRGB )
+ {
+ if ( aHexRGB )
+ {
+ strcpy(lColorChannel, aHexRGB ) ;
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char)strtoul(lColorChannel+5,NULL,16);
+ lColorChannel[5] = '\0';
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char)strtoul(lColorChannel+3,NULL,16);
+ lColorChannel[3] = '\0';
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char)strtoul(lColorChannel+1,NULL,16);
+/* printf("%d %d %d\n", aoResultRGB[0], aoResultRGB[1], aoResultRGB[2]); */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aoResultRGB[0]=0;
+ aoResultRGB[1]=0;
+ aoResultRGB[2]=0;
+ }
+ }
+static void RGB2Hex( unsigned char const aRGB[3], char aoResultHexRGB[8] )
+ if ( aoResultHexRGB )
+ {
+ if ( aRGB )
+ {
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sprintf(aoResultHexRGB, "#%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx", aRGB[0], aRGB[1], aRGB[2]);
+ sprintf(aoResultHexRGB, "#%02hx%02hx%02hx", aRGB[0], aRGB[1], aRGB[2]);
+ /*printf("aoResultHexRGB %s\n", aoResultHexRGB);*/
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aoResultHexRGB[0]=0;
+ aoResultHexRGB[1]=0;
+ aoResultHexRGB[2]=0;
+ }
+ }
+void tfd_replaceSubStr( char const * aSource, char const * aOldSubStr,
+ char const * aNewSubStr, char * aoDestination )
+ char const * pOccurence ;
+ char const * p ;
+ char const * lNewSubStr = "" ;
+ size_t lOldSubLen = strlen( aOldSubStr ) ;
+ if ( ! aSource )
+ {
+ * aoDestination = '\0' ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( ! aOldSubStr )
+ {
+ strcpy( aoDestination , aSource ) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( aNewSubStr )
+ {
+ lNewSubStr = aNewSubStr ;
+ }
+ p = aSource ;
+ * aoDestination = '\0' ;
+ while ( ( pOccurence = strstr( p , aOldSubStr ) ) != NULL )
+ {
+ strncat( aoDestination , p , pOccurence - p ) ;
+ strcat( aoDestination , lNewSubStr ) ;
+ p = pOccurence + lOldSubLen ;
+ }
+ strcat( aoDestination , p ) ;
+static int filenameValid( char const * aFileNameWithoutPath )
+ if ( ! aFileNameWithoutPath
+ || ! strlen(aFileNameWithoutPath)
+ || strpbrk(aFileNameWithoutPath , "\\/:*?\"<>|") )
+ {
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ return 1 ;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+static int fileExists( char const * aFilePathAndName )
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( ! aFilePathAndName || ! strlen(aFilePathAndName) )
+ {
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ lIn = fopen( aFilePathAndName , "r" ) ;
+ if ( ! lIn )
+ {
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ fclose( lIn ) ;
+ return 1 ;
+static void wipefile(char const * aFilename)
+ int i;
+ struct stat st;
+ FILE * lIn;
+ if (stat(aFilename, &st) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((lIn = fopen(aFilename, "w")))
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < st.st_size; i++)
+ {
+ fputc('A', lIn);
+ }
+ fclose(lIn);
+ }
+ }
+int tfd_quoteDetected(char const * aString)
+ char const * p;
+ if (!aString) return 0;
+ p = aString;
+ if ( strchr(p, '\''))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( strchr(p, '\"'))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( strchr(p, '`'))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ p = aString;
+ while ((p = strchr(p, '$')))
+ {
+ p ++ ;
+ if ( ( * p == '(' ) || ( * p == '_' ) || isalpha( * p) ) return 1 ;
+ }
+ return 0;
+char const * tinyfd_getGlobalChar(char const * aCharVariableName) /* to be called from C# (you don't need this in C or C++) */
+ if (!aCharVariableName || !strlen(aCharVariableName)) return NULL;
+ else if (!strcmp(aCharVariableName, "tinyfd_version")) return tinyfd_version;
+ else if (!strcmp(aCharVariableName, "tinyfd_needs")) return tinyfd_needs;
+ else if (!strcmp(aCharVariableName, "tinyfd_response")) return tinyfd_response;
+ else return NULL ;
+int tinyfd_getGlobalInt(char const * aIntVariableName) /* to be called from C# (you don't need this in C or C++) */
+ if ( !aIntVariableName || !strlen(aIntVariableName) ) return -1 ;
+ else if ( !strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_verbose") ) return tinyfd_verbose ;
+ else if ( !strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_silent") ) return tinyfd_silent ;
+ else if ( !strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs") ) return tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs ;
+ else if ( !strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_forceConsole") ) return tinyfd_forceConsole ;
+ else if ( !strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay") ) return tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay ;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ else if ( !strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_winUtf8") ) return tinyfd_winUtf8 ;
+ else return -1;
+int tinyfd_setGlobalInt(char const * aIntVariableName, int aValue) /* to be called from C# (you don't need this in C or C++) */
+ if (!aIntVariableName || !strlen(aIntVariableName)) return -1 ;
+ else if (!strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_verbose")) { tinyfd_verbose = aValue; return tinyfd_verbose; }
+ else if (!strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_silent")) { tinyfd_silent = aValue; return tinyfd_silent; }
+ else if (!strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs")) { tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs = aValue; return tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs; }
+ else if (!strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_forceConsole")) { tinyfd_forceConsole = aValue; return tinyfd_forceConsole; }
+ else if (!strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay")) { tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay = aValue; return tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay; }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ else if (!strcmp(aIntVariableName, "tinyfd_winUtf8")) { tinyfd_winUtf8 = aValue; return tinyfd_winUtf8; }
+ else return -1;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+static int powershellPresent(void)
+{ /*only on vista and above (or installed on xp)*/
+ static int lPowershellPresent = -1;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ FILE* lIn;
+ char const* lString = "powershell.exe";
+ if (lPowershellPresent < 0)
+ {
+ if (!(lIn = _popen("where powershell.exe", "r")))
+ {
+ lPowershellPresent = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (fgets(lBuff, sizeof(lBuff), lIn) != NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ _pclose(lIn);
+ if (lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (strcmp(lBuff + strlen(lBuff) - strlen(lString), lString))
+ {
+ lPowershellPresent = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lPowershellPresent = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return lPowershellPresent;
+static int windowsVersion(void)
+#if !defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR)
+ typedef LONG NTSTATUS ;
+ RtlGetVersionPtr lFxPtr;
+ hMod = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll");
+ if (hMod) {
+ lFxPtr = (RtlGetVersionPtr)GetProcAddress(hMod, "RtlGetVersion");
+ if (lFxPtr)
+ {
+ lRovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(lRovi);
+ if (!lFxPtr(&lRovi))
+ {
+ return lRovi.dwMajorVersion;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (powershellPresent()) return 6; /*minimum is vista or installed on xp*/
+ return 0;
+static void replaceChr(char * aString, char aOldChr, char aNewChr)
+ char * p;
+ if (!aString) return;
+ if (aOldChr == aNewChr) return;
+ p = aString;
+ while ((p = strchr(p, aOldChr)))
+ {
+ *p = aNewChr;
+ p++;
+ }
+ return;
+#if !defined(WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS)
+/* undefined prior to Vista, so not yet in MINGW header file */
+#define WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS 0x00000000 /* 0x00000080 for MINGW maybe ? */
+static int sizeUtf16From8(char const * aUtf8string)
+ return MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
+ aUtf8string, -1, NULL, 0);
+static int sizeUtf16FromMbcs(char const * aMbcsString)
+ return MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
+ aMbcsString, -1, NULL, 0);
+static int sizeUtf8(wchar_t const * aUtf16string)
+ return WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
+ aUtf16string, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+static int sizeMbcs(wchar_t const * aMbcsString)
+ int lRes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
+ aMbcsString, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ /* DWORD licic = GetLastError(); */
+ return lRes;
+wchar_t* tinyfd_mbcsTo16(char const* aMbcsString)
+ static wchar_t* lMbcsString = NULL;
+ int lSize;
+ free(lMbcsString);
+ if (!aMbcsString) { lMbcsString = NULL; return NULL; }
+ lSize = sizeUtf16FromMbcs(aMbcsString);
+ if (lSize)
+ {
+ lMbcsString = (wchar_t*) malloc(lSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ lSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, aMbcsString, -1, lMbcsString, lSize);
+ }
+ else wcscpy(lMbcsString, L"");
+ return lMbcsString;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_utf8to16(char const * aUtf8string)
+ static wchar_t * lUtf16string = NULL;
+ int lSize;
+ free(lUtf16string);
+ if (!aUtf8string) {lUtf16string = NULL; return NULL;}
+ lSize = sizeUtf16From8(aUtf8string);
+ if (lSize)
+ {
+ lUtf16string = (wchar_t*) malloc(lSize * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ lSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
+ aUtf8string, -1, lUtf16string, lSize);
+ return lUtf16string;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* let's try mbcs anyway */
+ lUtf16string = NULL;
+ return tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aUtf8string);
+ }
+char * tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(wchar_t const * aUtf16string)
+ static char * lMbcsString = NULL;
+ int lSize;
+ free(lMbcsString);
+ if (!aUtf16string) { lMbcsString = NULL; return NULL; }
+ lSize = sizeMbcs(aUtf16string);
+ if (lSize)
+ {
+ lMbcsString = (char*) malloc(lSize);
+ lSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, aUtf16string, -1, lMbcsString, lSize, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else strcpy(lMbcsString, "");
+ return lMbcsString;
+char * tinyfd_utf8toMbcs(char const * aUtf8string)
+ wchar_t const * lUtf16string;
+ lUtf16string = tinyfd_utf8to16(aUtf8string);
+ return tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lUtf16string);
+char * tinyfd_utf16to8(wchar_t const * aUtf16string)
+ static char * lUtf8string = NULL;
+ int lSize;
+ free(lUtf8string);
+ if (!aUtf16string) { lUtf8string = NULL; return NULL; }
+ lSize = sizeUtf8(aUtf16string);
+ if (lSize)
+ {
+ lUtf8string = (char*) malloc(lSize);
+ lSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, aUtf16string, -1, lUtf8string, lSize, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else strcpy(lUtf8string, "");
+ return lUtf8string;
+char * tinyfd_mbcsTo8(char const * aMbcsString)
+ wchar_t const * lUtf16string;
+ lUtf16string = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMbcsString);
+ return tinyfd_utf16to8(lUtf16string);
+void tinyfd_beep(void)
+ if (windowsVersion() > 5) Beep(440, 300);
+ else MessageBeep(MB_OK);
+static void wipefileW(wchar_t const * aFilename)
+ int i;
+ FILE * lIn;
+#if (defined(__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__MINGW64__) && (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION <= 3)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
+ struct _stat st;
+ if (_wstat(aFilename, &st) == 0)
+ struct __stat64 st;
+ if (_wstat64(aFilename, &st) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((lIn = _wfopen(aFilename, L"w")))
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < st.st_size; i++)
+ {
+ fputc('A', lIn);
+ }
+ fclose(lIn);
+ }
+ }
+static wchar_t * getPathWithoutFinalSlashW(
+ wchar_t * aoDestination, /* make sure it is allocated, use _MAX_PATH */
+ wchar_t const * aSource) /* aoDestination and aSource can be the same */
+ wchar_t const * lTmp;
+ if (aSource)
+ {
+ lTmp = wcsrchr(aSource, L'/');
+ if (!lTmp)
+ {
+ lTmp = wcsrchr(aSource, L'\\');
+ }
+ if (lTmp)
+ {
+ wcsncpy(aoDestination, aSource, lTmp - aSource);
+ aoDestination[lTmp - aSource] = L'\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *aoDestination = L'\0';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *aoDestination = L'\0';
+ }
+ return aoDestination;
+static wchar_t * getLastNameW(
+ wchar_t * aoDestination, /* make sure it is allocated */
+ wchar_t const * aSource)
+ /* copy the last name after '/' or '\' */
+ wchar_t const * lTmp;
+ if (aSource)
+ {
+ lTmp = wcsrchr(aSource, L'/');
+ if (!lTmp)
+ {
+ lTmp = wcsrchr(aSource, L'\\');
+ }
+ if (lTmp)
+ {
+ wcscpy(aoDestination, lTmp + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcscpy(aoDestination, aSource);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *aoDestination = L'\0';
+ }
+ return aoDestination;
+static void Hex2RGBW(wchar_t const aHexRGB[8], unsigned char aoResultRGB[3])
+ wchar_t lColorChannel[8];
+ if (aoResultRGB)
+ {
+ if (aHexRGB)
+ {
+ wcscpy(lColorChannel, aHexRGB);
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char)wcstoul(lColorChannel + 5, NULL, 16);
+ lColorChannel[5] = '\0';
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char)wcstoul(lColorChannel + 3, NULL, 16);
+ lColorChannel[3] = '\0';
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char)wcstoul(lColorChannel + 1, NULL, 16);
+ /* printf("%d %d %d\n", aoResultRGB[0], aoResultRGB[1], aoResultRGB[2]); */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aoResultRGB[0] = 0;
+ aoResultRGB[1] = 0;
+ aoResultRGB[2] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static void RGB2HexW( unsigned char const aRGB[3], wchar_t aoResultHexRGB[8])
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ wchar_t const * const lPrintFormat = L"#%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx";
+ wchar_t const * const lPrintFormat = L"#%02hx%02hx%02hx";
+ if (aoResultHexRGB)
+ {
+ if (aRGB)
+ {
+ /* wprintf(L"aoResultHexRGB %s\n", aoResultHexRGB); */
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ swprintf(aoResultHexRGB, 8, lPrintFormat, aRGB[0], aRGB[1], aRGB[2]);
+ swprintf(aoResultHexRGB, lPrintFormat, aRGB[0], aRGB[1], aRGB[2]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aoResultHexRGB[0] = 0;
+ aoResultHexRGB[1] = 0;
+ aoResultHexRGB[2] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static int dirExists(char const * aDirPath)
+#if (defined(__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__MINGW64__) && (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION <= 3)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
+ struct _stat lInfo;
+ struct __stat64 lInfo;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ int lStatRet;
+ size_t lDirLen;
+ if (!aDirPath)
+ return 0;
+ lDirLen = strlen(aDirPath);
+ if (!lDirLen)
+ return 1;
+ if ( (lDirLen == 2) && (aDirPath[1] == ':') )
+ return 1;
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDirPath);
+#if (defined(__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__MINGW64__) && (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION <= 3)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
+ lStatRet = _wstat(lTmpWChar, &lInfo);
+ lStatRet = _wstat64(lTmpWChar, &lInfo);
+ if (lStatRet != 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if (lInfo.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+#if (defined(__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__MINGW64__) && (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION <= 3)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
+ else if (_stat(aDirPath, &lInfo) != 0)
+ else if (_stat64(aDirPath, &lInfo) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if (lInfo.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+static int fileExists(char const * aFilePathAndName)
+#if (defined(__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__MINGW64__) && (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION <= 3)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
+ struct _stat lInfo;
+ struct __stat64 lInfo;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ int lStatRet;
+ FILE * lIn;
+ if (!aFilePathAndName || !strlen(aFilePathAndName))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aFilePathAndName);
+#if (defined(__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__MINGW64__) && (__MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION <= 3)) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
+ lStatRet = _wstat(lTmpWChar, &lInfo);
+ lStatRet = _wstat64(lTmpWChar, &lInfo);
+ if (lStatRet != 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if (lInfo.st_mode & _S_IFREG)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lIn = fopen(aFilePathAndName, "r");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fclose(lIn);
+ return 1;
+ }
+static void replaceWchar(wchar_t * aString,
+ wchar_t aOldChr,
+ wchar_t aNewChr)
+ wchar_t * p;
+ if (!aString)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (aOldChr == aNewChr)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ p = aString;
+ while ((p = wcsrchr(p, aOldChr)))
+ {
+ *p = aNewChr;
+ p++;
+ p++;
+ }
+ return ;
+static int quoteDetectedW(wchar_t const * aString)
+ wchar_t const * p;
+ if (!aString) return 0;
+ p = aString;
+ while ((p = wcsrchr(p, L'\'')))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ p = aString;
+ while ((p = wcsrchr(p, L'\"')))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+/* source and destination can be the same or ovelap*/
+static char * ensureFilesExist(char * aDestination,
+ char const * aSourcePathsAndNames)
+ char * lDestination = aDestination;
+ char const * p;
+ char const * p2;
+ size_t lLen;
+ if (!aSourcePathsAndNames)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lLen = strlen(aSourcePathsAndNames);
+ if (!lLen)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = aSourcePathsAndNames;
+ while ((p2 = strchr(p, '|')) != NULL)
+ {
+ lLen = p2 - p;
+ memmove(lDestination, p, lLen);
+ lDestination[lLen] = '\0';
+ if (fileExists(lDestination))
+ {
+ lDestination += lLen;
+ *lDestination = '|';
+ lDestination++;
+ }
+ p = p2 + 1;
+ }
+ if (fileExists(p))
+ {
+ lLen = strlen(p);
+ memmove(lDestination, p, lLen);
+ lDestination[lLen] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(lDestination - 1) = '\0';
+ }
+ return aDestination;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+static int __stdcall EnumThreadWndProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
+ wchar_t lTitleName[MAX_PATH];
+ wchar_t const* lDialogTitle = (wchar_t const *) lParam;
+ GetWindowTextW(hwnd, lTitleName, MAX_PATH);
+ /* wprintf(L"lTitleName %ls \n", lTitleName); */
+ if (wcscmp(lDialogTitle, lTitleName) == 0)
+ {
+ SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void hiddenConsoleW(wchar_t const * aString, wchar_t const * aDialogTitle, int aInFront)
+ if (!aString || !wcslen(aString) ) return;
+ memset(&StartupInfo, 0, sizeof(StartupInfo));
+ StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
+ StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
+ StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
+ if (!CreateProcessW(NULL, (LPWSTR)aString, NULL, NULL, FALSE,
+ &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo))
+ {
+ return; /* GetLastError(); */
+ }
+ WaitForInputIdle(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
+ if (aInFront)
+ {
+ while (EnumWindows(EnumThreadWndProc, (LPARAM)aDialogTitle)) {}
+ }
+ WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
+ CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread);
+ CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess);
+int tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ wchar_t const * aDialogType, /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ wchar_t const * aIconType, /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ int lBoxReturnValue;
+ UINT aCode;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return 1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_messageBoxW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aMessage)) return tinyfd_messageBoxW(aTitle, L"INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);*/
+ if (aIconType && !wcscmp(L"warning", aIconType))
+ {
+ }
+ else if (aIconType && !wcscmp(L"error", aIconType))
+ {
+ }
+ else if (aIconType && !wcscmp(L"question", aIconType))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if (aDialogType && !wcscmp(L"okcancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ aCode += MB_OKCANCEL;
+ if (!aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ aCode += MB_DEFBUTTON2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !wcscmp(L"yesno", aDialogType))
+ {
+ aCode += MB_YESNO;
+ if (!aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ aCode += MB_DEFBUTTON2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !wcscmp(L"yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if (aDefaultButton == 1)
+ {
+ aCode += MB_DEFBUTTON1;
+ }
+ else if (aDefaultButton == 2)
+ {
+ aCode += MB_DEFBUTTON2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aCode += MB_DEFBUTTON3;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aCode += MB_OK;
+ }
+ aCode += MB_TOPMOST;
+ lBoxReturnValue = MessageBoxW(GetForegroundWindow(), aMessage, aTitle, aCode);
+ if ( (lBoxReturnValue == IDNO) && (aDialogType && !wcscmp(L"yesnocancel", aDialogType)) )
+ {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ else if ( (lBoxReturnValue == IDOK) || (lBoxReturnValue == IDYES) )
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* int tinyfd_notifyPopupW_ORIGINAL(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle,
+ wchar_t const * aMessage,
+ wchar_t const * aIconType)
+ wchar_t * lDialogString;
+ size_t lTitleLen;
+ size_t lMessageLen;
+ size_t lDialogStringLen;
+ if (aTitle && !wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return 1; }
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_notifyPopupW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aIconType);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aMessage)) return tinyfd_notifyPopupW(aTitle, L"INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aIconType);
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? wcslen(aTitle) : 0;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? wcslen(aMessage) : 0;
+ lDialogStringLen = 3 * MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen;
+ lDialogString = (wchar_t *) malloc(2 * lDialogStringLen);
+ if (!lDialogString) return 0;
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -command \"\
+function Show-BalloonTip {\
+[cmdletbinding()] \
+param( \
+[string]$Title = ' ', \
+[string]$Message = ' ', \
+[ValidateSet('info', 'warning', 'error')] \
+[string]$IconType = 'info');\
+[system.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms') | Out-Null ; \
+$balloon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon ; \
+$path = Get-Process -id $pid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path ; \
+$icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($path) ;");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\
+$balloon.Icon = $icon ; \
+$balloon.BalloonTipIcon = $IconType ; \
+$balloon.BalloonTipText = $Message ; \
+$balloon.BalloonTipTitle = $Title ; \
+$balloon.Text = 'tinyfiledialogs' ; \
+$balloon.Visible = $true ; \
+ if (aTitle && wcslen(aTitle))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -Title '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aMessage))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -Message '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aMessage);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aIconType))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -IconType '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aIconType);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\"");
+ hiddenConsoleW(lDialogString, aTitle, 0);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 1;
+/* return has only meaning for tinyfd_query */
+int tinyfd_notifyPopupW(
+ wchar_t const* aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const* aMessage, /* NULL or L"" may contain \n \t */
+ wchar_t const* aIconType) /* L"info" L"warning" L"error" */
+ wchar_t* lDialogString;
+ size_t lTitleLen;
+ size_t lMessageLen;
+ size_t lDialogStringLen;
+ FILE* lIn;
+ if (aTitle && !wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return 1; }
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_notifyPopupW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aIconType);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aMessage)) return tinyfd_notifyPopupW(aTitle, L"INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aIconType);
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? wcslen(aTitle) : 0;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? wcslen(aMessage) : 0;
+ lDialogStringLen = 3 * MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen;
+ lDialogString = (wchar_t*)malloc(2 * lDialogStringLen);
+ if (!lDialogString) return 0;
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.hta", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ lIn = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"w");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ if ( aTitle && wcslen(aTitle) ) wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aMessage ? aMessage : L"");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ fputws(lDialogString, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ if (aTitle && wcslen(aTitle))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -Title '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aMessage))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -Message '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aMessage);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aIconType))
+ {
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L" -IconType '");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aIconType);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"'");
+ }
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\"");
+ /* wprintf ( L"lDialogString: %ls\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ wcscpy(lDialogString,
+ L"cmd.exe /c mshta.exe \"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.hta\"");
+ hiddenConsoleW(lDialogString, aTitle, 0);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 1;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_inputBoxW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aMessage, /* NULL or L"" (\n and \t have no effect) */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultInput) /* L"" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ static wchar_t lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t * lDialogString;
+ FILE * lIn;
+ FILE * lFile;
+ int lResult;
+ size_t lTitleLen;
+ size_t lMessageLen;
+ size_t lDialogStringLen;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_inputBoxW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDefaultInput);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aMessage)) return tinyfd_inputBoxW(aTitle, L"INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultInput);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultInput)) return tinyfd_inputBoxW(aTitle, aMessage, L"INVALID DEFAULT_INPUT WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.");
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? wcslen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? wcslen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ lDialogStringLen = 3 * MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen;
+ lDialogString = (wchar_t *) malloc(2 * lDialogStringLen);
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.vbs", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.hta", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ lIn = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"w");
+ if (!lIn)
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"Dim result:result=InputBox(\"");
+ if (aMessage && wcslen(aMessage))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lBuff, aMessage);
+ replaceWchar(lBuff, L'\n', L' ');
+ wcscat(lDialogString, lBuff);
+ }
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\",\"");
+ if (aTitle) wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\",\"");
+ if (aDefaultInput && wcslen(aDefaultInput))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lBuff, aDefaultInput);
+ replaceWchar(lBuff, L'\n', L' ');
+ wcscat(lDialogString, lBuff);
+ }
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\"):If IsEmpty(result) then:WScript.Echo 0");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L":Else: WScript.Echo \"1\" & result : End If");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ if (aTitle) wcscat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ wcscat(lDialogString, aMessage ? aMessage : L"");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+ | \n\
+ | \n\
+ \n\
+ \n");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\n\
+" ) ;
+ }
+ fputws(lDialogString, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.txt",_wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ lFile = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"w");
+ fputc(0xFF, lFile);
+ fputc(0xFE, lFile);
+ lFile = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"wt, ccs=UNICODE"); /*or ccs=UTF-16LE*/
+ fclose(lFile);
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, L"cmd.exe /c cscript.exe //U //Nologo ");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L"\"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.vbs\" ");
+ wcscat(lDialogString, L">> \"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.txt\"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString,
+ L"cmd.exe /c mshta.exe \"%TEMP%\\tinyfd.hta\"");
+ }
+ /* wprintf ( "lDialogString: %ls\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ hiddenConsoleW(lDialogString, aTitle, 1);
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.txt", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ /* wprintf(L"lDialogString: %ls\n", lDialogString); */
+ if (!(lIn = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"r")))
+ if (!(lIn = _wfopen(lDialogString, L"rt, ccs=UNICODE"))) /*or ccs=UTF-16LE*/
+ {
+ _wremove(lDialogString);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(lBuff, 0, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD * sizeof(wchar_t) );
+ fgets((char *)lBuff, 2*MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn);
+ fgetws(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn);
+ fclose(lIn);
+ wipefileW(lDialogString);
+ _wremove(lDialogString);
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.vbs", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swprintf(lDialogString,
+#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__TINYC__) && !(defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR))
+ lDialogStringLen,
+ L"%ls\\tinyfd.hta", _wgetenv(L"TEMP"));
+ }
+ _wremove(lDialogString);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ /* wprintf( L"lBuff: %ls\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ lResult = !wcsncmp(lBuff+1, L"1", 1);
+ lResult = !wcsncmp(lBuff, L"1", 1);
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d \n" , lResult ) ; */
+ if (!lResult)
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* wprintf( "lBuff+1: %ls\n" , lBuff+1 ) ; */
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ lDialogStringLen = wcslen(lBuff) ;
+ lBuff[lDialogStringLen - 1] = L'\0';
+ lBuff[lDialogStringLen - 2] = L'\0';
+ }
+ return lBuff + 2;
+ if (aDefaultInput) lBuff[wcslen(lBuff) - 1] = L'\0';
+ return lBuff + 1;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ wchar_t const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ wchar_t const * aSingleFilterDescription) /* NULL or "image files" */
+ static wchar_t lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lDirname[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lFilterPatterns[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t * p;
+ wchar_t * lRetval;
+ wchar_t const * ldefExt = NULL;
+ int i;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ OPENFILENAMEW ofn = {0};
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, L"INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES");
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(L"INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }*/
+ lHResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0);
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlashW(lDirname, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ getLastNameW(lBuff, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ ldefExt = aFilterPatterns[0];
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[0]);
+ for (i = 1; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L";");
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ if (!(aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription)))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, lDialogString);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"All Files\n*.*\n");
+ p = lFilterPatterns;
+ while ((p = wcschr(p, L'\n')) != NULL)
+ {
+ *p = L'\0';
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW);
+ ofn.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ ofn.hInstance = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = wcslen(lFilterPatterns) ? lFilterPatterns : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
+ ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
+ ofn.lpstrFile = lBuff;
+ ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD;
+ ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD/2;
+ ofn.lpstrInitialDir = wcslen(lDirname) ? lDirname : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrTitle = aTitle && wcslen(aTitle) ? aTitle : NULL;
+ ofn.nFileOffset = 0;
+ ofn.nFileExtension = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = ldefExt;
+ ofn.lCustData = 0L;
+ ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
+ ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
+ if (GetSaveFileNameW(&ofn) == 0)
+ {
+ lRetval = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lRetval = lBuff;
+ }
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lRetval;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_openFileDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ wchar_t const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ wchar_t const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects) /* 0 or 1 ; -1 to free allocated memory and return */
+ size_t lLengths[MAX_MULTIPLE_FILES];
+ wchar_t lDirname[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t lFilterPatterns[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t * lPointers[MAX_MULTIPLE_FILES+1];
+ wchar_t * p;
+ int i, j;
+ size_t lBuffLen;
+ DWORD lFullBuffLen;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ OPENFILENAMEW ofn = { 0 };
+ static wchar_t * lBuff = NULL;
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects < 0) return (wchar_t *)0;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, L"INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES", aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_openFileDialogW(L"INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }*/
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ lBuff = (wchar_t*) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (!lBuff)
+ {
+ lBuff = (wchar_t*) malloc( lFullBuffLen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lFullBuffLen = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + 1;
+ lBuff = (wchar_t*) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ }
+ if (!lBuff) return NULL;
+ lHResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0);
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlashW(lDirname, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ getLastNameW(lBuff, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[0]);
+ for (i = 1; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L";");
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"\n");
+ if (!(aSingleFilterDescription && wcslen(aSingleFilterDescription)))
+ {
+ wcscpy(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns);
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, lDialogString);
+ }
+ wcscat(lFilterPatterns, L"All Files\n*.*\n");
+ p = lFilterPatterns;
+ while ((p = wcschr(p, L'\n')) != NULL)
+ {
+ *p = L'\0';
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
+ ofn.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ ofn.hInstance = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = wcslen(lFilterPatterns) ? lFilterPatterns : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
+ ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
+ ofn.lpstrFile = lBuff;
+ ofn.nMaxFile = lFullBuffLen;
+ ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
+ ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD / 2;
+ ofn.lpstrInitialDir = wcslen(lDirname) ? lDirname : NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrTitle = aTitle && wcslen(aTitle) ? aTitle : NULL;
+ ofn.nFileOffset = 0;
+ ofn.nFileExtension = 0;
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = NULL;
+ ofn.lCustData = 0L;
+ ofn.lpfnHook = NULL;
+ ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ }
+ if (GetOpenFileNameW(&ofn) == 0)
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lBuffLen = wcslen(lBuff);
+ lPointers[0] = lBuff + lBuffLen + 1;
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects && (lPointers[0][0] != L'\0'))
+ {
+ i = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ lLengths[i] = wcslen(lPointers[i]);
+ lPointers[i + 1] = lPointers[i] + lLengths[i] + 1;
+ i++;
+ } while (lPointers[i][0] != L'\0' && i < MAX_MULTIPLE_FILES );
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i--;
+ p = lBuff + lFullBuffLen - 1;
+ *p = L'\0';
+ for (j = i; j >= 0; j--)
+ {
+ p -= lLengths[j];
+ memmove(p, lPointers[j], lLengths[j] * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ p--;
+ *p = L'\\';
+ p -= lBuffLen;
+ memmove(p, lBuff, lBuffLen*sizeof(wchar_t));
+ p--;
+ *p = L'|';
+ }
+ p++;
+ wcscpy(lBuff, p);
+ lBuffLen = wcslen(lBuff);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lBuff) lBuff = (wchar_t*)(realloc(lBuff, (lBuffLen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)));
+ }
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lBuff;
+BOOL CALLBACK BrowseCallbackProcW_enum(HWND hWndChild, LPARAM lParam)
+ wchar_t buf[255];
+ (void)lParam;
+ GetClassNameW(hWndChild, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (wcscmp(buf, L"SysTreeView32") == 0)
+ {
+ HTREEITEM hNode = TreeView_GetSelection(hWndChild);
+ TreeView_EnsureVisible(hWndChild, hNode);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static int __stdcall BrowseCallbackProcW(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lp, LPARAM pData)
+ (void)lp;
+ switch (uMsg)
+ {
+ SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONW, TRUE, (LPARAM)pData);
+ break;
+ EnumChildWindows(hwnd, BrowseCallbackProcW_enum, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPath) /* NULL or "" */
+ static wchar_t lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ wchar_t * lRetval;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPath);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultPath)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES");*/
+ bInfo.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ bInfo.pidlRoot = NULL;
+ bInfo.pszDisplayName = lBuff;
+ bInfo.lpszTitle = aTitle && wcslen(aTitle) ? aTitle : NULL;
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ bInfo.ulFlags = BIF_USENEWUI;
+ }
+ bInfo.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProcW;
+ bInfo.lParam = (LPARAM)aDefaultPath;
+ bInfo.iImage = -1;
+ lpItem = SHBrowseForFolderW(&bInfo);
+ if (!lpItem)
+ {
+ lRetval = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SHGetPathFromIDListW(lpItem, lBuff);
+ lRetval = lBuff ;
+ }
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lRetval;
+wchar_t * tinyfd_colorChooserW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3], /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3]) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static wchar_t lResultHexRGB[8];
+ COLORREF crCustColors[16];
+ unsigned char lDefaultRGB[3];
+ int lRet;
+ HRESULT lHResult;
+ if (aTitle&&!wcscmp(aTitle, L"tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows_wchar"); return (wchar_t *)1; }
+ /*if (quoteDetectedW(aTitle)) return tinyfd_colorChooserW(L"INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (quoteDetectedW(aDefaultHexRGB)) return tinyfd_colorChooserW(aTitle, L"INVALID DEFAULT_HEX_RGB WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);*/
+ lHResult = CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0);
+ if ( aDefaultHexRGB && wcslen(aDefaultHexRGB) )
+ {
+ Hex2RGBW(aDefaultHexRGB, lDefaultRGB);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDefaultRGB[0] = aDefaultRGB[0];
+ lDefaultRGB[1] = aDefaultRGB[1];
+ lDefaultRGB[2] = aDefaultRGB[2];
+ }
+ /* we can't use aTitle */
+ cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR);
+ cc.hwndOwner = GetForegroundWindow();
+ cc.hInstance = NULL;
+ cc.rgbResult = RGB(lDefaultRGB[0], lDefaultRGB[1], lDefaultRGB[2]);
+ cc.lpCustColors = crCustColors;
+ cc.lCustData = 0;
+ cc.lpfnHook = NULL;
+ cc.lpTemplateName = NULL;
+ lRet = ChooseColorW(&cc);
+ if (!lRet)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ aoResultRGB[0] = GetRValue(cc.rgbResult);
+ aoResultRGB[1] = GetGValue(cc.rgbResult);
+ aoResultRGB[2] = GetBValue(cc.rgbResult);
+ RGB2HexW(aoResultRGB, lResultHexRGB);
+ if (lHResult == S_OK || lHResult == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ CoUninitialize();
+ }
+ return lResultHexRGB;
+static int messageBoxWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType, /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType, /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ int lIntRetVal;
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lMessage = NULL;
+ wchar_t lDialogType[16] = L"";
+ wchar_t lIconType[16] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aMessage)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aMessage);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMessage);
+ lMessage = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)* sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (lMessage) wcscpy(lMessage, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDialogType)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDialogType);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDialogType);
+ wcscpy(lDialogType, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aIconType)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aIconType);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aIconType);
+ wcscpy(lIconType, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lIntRetVal = tinyfd_messageBoxW(lTitle, lMessage, lDialogType, lIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ free(lMessage);
+ return lIntRetVal;
+static int notifyWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may NOT contain \n nor \t */
+ char const * aIconType)
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lMessage = NULL;
+ wchar_t lIconType[16] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aMessage)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aMessage);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMessage);
+ lMessage = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)* sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (lMessage) wcscpy(lMessage, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aIconType)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aIconType);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aIconType);
+ wcscpy(lIconType, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ tinyfd_notifyPopupW(lTitle, lMessage, lIconType);
+ free(lMessage);
+ return 1;
+static int inputBoxWinGui(
+ char * aoBuff,
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may NOT contain \n nor \t */
+ char const * aDefaultInput) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lMessage = NULL;
+ wchar_t lDefaultInput[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aMessage)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aMessage);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aMessage);
+ lMessage = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)* sizeof(wchar_t));
+ if (lMessage) wcscpy(lMessage, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultInput);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultInput);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultInput, lTmpWChar);
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_inputBoxW(lTitle, lMessage, lDefaultInput);
+ }
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_inputBoxW(lTitle, lMessage, NULL);
+ free(lMessage);
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ aoBuff[0] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(aoBuff, lTmpChar);
+ return 1;
+static char * saveFileDialogWinGui(
+ char * aoBuff,
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription) /* NULL or "image files" */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDefaultPathAndFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t lSingleFilterDescription[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * * lFilterPatterns;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ int i;
+ lFilterPatterns = (wchar_t **) malloc(aNumOfFilterPatterns*sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ lFilterPatterns[i] = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ if (lFilterPatterns[i]) wcscpy(lFilterPatterns[i], lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultPathAndFile, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscpy(lSingleFilterDescription, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultPathAndFile,
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ (wchar_t const**) lFilterPatterns, /*stupid cast for gcc*/
+ lSingleFilterDescription);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ free(lFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ free(lFilterPatterns);
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(aoBuff, lTmpChar);
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) (void)tinyfd_utf16to8(NULL);
+ else (void)tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(NULL);
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * openFileDialogWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects) /* 0 or 1 */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDefaultPathAndFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t lSingleFilterDescription[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t * * lFilterPatterns;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ int i;
+ lFilterPatterns = (wchar_t * *) malloc(aNumOfFilterPatterns*sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ lFilterPatterns[i] = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(lTmpWChar) + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t *));
+ if (lFilterPatterns[i]) wcscpy(lFilterPatterns[i], lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultPathAndFile, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aSingleFilterDescription);
+ wcscpy(lSingleFilterDescription, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_openFileDialogW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultPathAndFile,
+ aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ (wchar_t const**) lFilterPatterns, /*stupid cast for gcc*/
+ lSingleFilterDescription,
+ aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ free(lFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ free(lFilterPatterns);
+ if (!lTmpWChar) return NULL;
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ (void)tinyfd_openFileDialogW(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, -1);
+ return lTmpChar;
+static char * selectFolderDialogWinGui(
+ char * aoBuff,
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath) /* NULL or "" */
+ wchar_t lTitle[128] = L"";
+ wchar_t lDefaultPath[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = L"";
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPath)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultPath);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultPath);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultPath, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultPath);
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(aoBuff, lTmpChar);
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * colorChooserWinGui(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3], /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3]) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static char lResultHexRGB[8];
+ wchar_t lTitle[128];
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ wchar_t lDefaultHexRGB[16] = L"";
+ if (aTitle)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aTitle);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aTitle);
+ wcscpy(lTitle, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ if (aDefaultHexRGB)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aDefaultHexRGB);
+ else lTmpWChar = tinyfd_mbcsTo16(aDefaultHexRGB);
+ wcscpy(lDefaultHexRGB, lTmpWChar);
+ }
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_colorChooserW(
+ lTitle,
+ lDefaultHexRGB,
+ aDefaultRGB,
+ aoResultRGB );
+ if (!lTmpWChar)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lTmpWChar);
+ else lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(lTmpWChar);
+ strcpy(lResultHexRGB, lTmpChar);
+ return lResultHexRGB;
+static int dialogPresent(void)
+ static int lDialogPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char const * lString = "dialog.exe";
+ if (!tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs) return 0;
+ if (lDialogPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lIn = _popen("where dialog.exe", "r");
+ if ( ! lIn )
+ {
+ lDialogPresent = 0 ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ _pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ if ( strcmp(lBuff+strlen(lBuff)-strlen(lString),lString) )
+ {
+ lDialogPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDialogPresent = 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ return lDialogPresent;
+static int messageBoxWinConsole(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType , /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType , /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton ) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lDialogFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ FILE * lIn;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ (void)aIconType;
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "dialog ");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ( !strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType )
+ || !strcmp("yesno", aDialogType) || !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "--yes-label \"Ok\" --no-label \"Cancel\" --yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if (!aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--defaultno ");
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--menu ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--msgbox " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lBuff ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lBuff) ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ");
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "0 60 0 Yes \"\" No \"\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>>");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "10 60");
+ strcat(lDialogString, " && echo 1 > ");
+ }
+ strcpy(lDialogFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lDialogFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ /*if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;*/
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lDialogFile, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ while (fgets(lBuff, sizeof(lBuff), lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lBuff: %s\n", lBuff); */
+ if ( ! strlen(lBuff) )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if (lBuff[0] == 'Y') return 1;
+ else return 2;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int inputBoxWinConsole(
+ char * aoBuff ,
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may NOT contain \n nor \t */
+ char const * aDefaultInput ) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lDialogFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ FILE * lIn;
+ int lResult;
+ strcpy(lDialogFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lDialogFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcpy(lDialogString , "echo|set /p=1 >" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ strcat( lDialogString , " & " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " (sometimes nothing, no blink nor star, is shown in text field)") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--insecure --passwordbox" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--inputbox" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString,"\" 10 60 ") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>>");
+ strcpy(lDialogFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lDialogFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ strcat(lDialogString, " || echo 0 > ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDialogFile);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lDialogFile, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ aoBuff[0] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ wipefile(lDialogFile);
+ remove(lDialogFile);
+ if ( aoBuff[strlen( aoBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ aoBuff[strlen( aoBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s len: %lu \n" , aoBuff , strlen(aoBuff) ) ; */
+ lResult = strncmp( aoBuff , "1" , 1) ? 0 : 1 ;
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d \n" , lResult ) ; */
+ if ( ! lResult )
+ {
+ aoBuff[0] = '\0';
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "aoBuff+1: %s\n" , aoBuff+1 ) ; */
+ strcpy(aoBuff, aoBuff+3);
+ return 1;
+static char * saveFileDialogWinConsole(
+ char * aoBuff ,
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) /* NULL or "" */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lPathAndFile[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ FILE * lIn;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe uses unix separators even on windows */
+ strcpy(lPathAndFile, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ replaceChr( lPathAndFile , '\\' , '/' ) ;
+ }
+ /* dialog.exe needs at least one separator */
+ if ( ! strchr(lPathAndFile, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, lPathAndFile) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 2>");
+ strcpy(lPathAndFile, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lPathAndFile, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lPathAndFile);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lPathAndFile, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lPathAndFile);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lPathAndFile);
+ replaceChr( aoBuff , '/' , '\\' ) ;
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ getLastName(lDialogString,aoBuff);
+ if ( ! strlen(lDialogString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * openFileDialogWinConsole(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) /* NULL or "" */
+ char lFilterPatterns[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn;
+ static char aoBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe uses unix separators even on windows */
+ strcpy(lFilterPatterns, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ replaceChr( lFilterPatterns , '\\' , '/' ) ;
+ }
+ /* dialog.exe needs at least one separator */
+ if ( ! strchr(lFilterPatterns, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 2>");
+ strcpy(lFilterPatterns, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lFilterPatterns, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lFilterPatterns);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lFilterPatterns, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lFilterPatterns);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lFilterPatterns);
+ replaceChr( aoBuff , '/' , '\\' ) ;
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ return aoBuff;
+static char * selectFolderDialogWinConsole(
+ char * aoBuff ,
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath ) /* NULL or "" */
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "dialog " ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--dselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe uses unix separators even on windows */
+ strcpy(lString, aDefaultPath) ;
+ ensureFinalSlash(lString);
+ replaceChr( lString , '\\' , '/' ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* dialog.exe needs at least one separator */
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 2>");
+ strcpy(lString, getenv("TEMP"));
+ strcat(lString, "\\tinyfd.txt");
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString);
+ /* printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ; */
+ system( lDialogString ) ;
+ if (!(lIn = fopen(lString, "r")))
+ {
+ remove(lString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while (fgets(aoBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, lIn) != NULL)
+ {}
+ fclose(lIn);
+ remove(lString);
+ replaceChr( aoBuff , '/' , '\\' ) ;
+ /* printf( "aoBuff: %s\n" , aoBuff ) ; */
+ return aoBuff;
+static void writeUtf8( char const * aUtf8String )
+ unsigned long lNum;
+ void * lConsoleHandle;
+ wchar_t * lTmpWChar;
+ lConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ lTmpWChar = tinyfd_utf8to16(aUtf8String);
+ (void)WriteConsoleW(lConsoleHandle, lTmpWChar, (DWORD) wcslen(lTmpWChar), &lNum, NULL);
+int tinyfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType, /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType, /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ char lChar;
+ UINT lOriginalCP = 0;
+ UINT lOriginalOutputCP = 0;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_messageBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ if ((!tinyfd_forceConsole || !(GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent()))
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "windows"); return 1; }
+ return messageBoxWinGui(aTitle, aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return 0; }
+ return messageBoxWinConsole(
+ aTitle, aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lOriginalCP = GetConsoleCP();
+ lOriginalOutputCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
+ (void)SetConsoleCP(GetACP());
+ (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(GetACP());
+ }
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return 0; }
+ if (!gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1;
+ printf("\n\n%s\n", gTitle);
+ printf("%s\n\n", tinyfd_needs);
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ printf("\n");
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aTitle);
+ else printf("%s", aTitle);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno", aDialogType))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("y/n: ");
+ lChar = (char)tolower(_getch());
+ printf("\n\n");
+ } while (lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n');
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return lChar == 'y' ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("[O]kay/[C]ancel: ");
+ lChar = (char)tolower(_getch());
+ printf("\n\n");
+ } while (lChar != 'o' && lChar != 'c');
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return lChar == 'o' ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("[Y]es/[N]o/[C]ancel: ");
+ lChar = (char)tolower(_getch());
+ printf("\n\n");
+ } while (lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n' && lChar != 'c');
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return (lChar == 'y') ? 1 : (lChar == 'n') ? 2 : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ printf("press enter to continue "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char)_getch();
+ printf("\n\n");
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8) { (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP); (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP); }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* return has only meaning for tinyfd_query */
+int tinyfd_notifyPopup(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n \t */
+ char const * aIconType ) /* "info" "warning" "error" */
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aIconType);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aIconType);
+ if ( powershellPresent() && (!tinyfd_forceConsole || !(
+ GetConsoleWindow() ||
+ dialogPresent()))
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return 1;}
+ return notifyWinGui(aTitle, aMessage, aIconType);
+ }
+ else
+ return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, "ok" , aIconType, 0);
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" (\n and \t have no effect) */
+ char const * aDefaultInput ) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "";
+ char * lEOF;
+ DWORD mode = 0;
+ HANDLE hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ unsigned long lNum;
+ void * lConsoleHandle;
+ char * lTmpChar;
+ wchar_t lBuffW[1024];
+ UINT lOriginalCP = 0;
+ UINT lOriginalOutputCP = 0;
+ if (!aTitle && !aMessage && !aDefaultInput) return lBuff; /* now I can fill lBuff from outside */
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_inputBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultInput)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, aMessage, "INVALID DEFAULT_INPUT WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.");
+ mode = 0;
+ hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ if ((!tinyfd_forceConsole || !(
+ GetConsoleWindow() ||
+ dialogPresent()))
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (inputBoxWinGui(lBuff, aTitle, aMessage, aDefaultInput)) return lBuff;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ else if ( dialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (inputBoxWinConsole(lBuff, aTitle, aMessage, aDefaultInput) ) return lBuff;
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return (char *)0;}
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (!gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ printf("\n\n%s\n", gTitle);
+ printf("%s\n\n", tinyfd_needs);
+ }
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lOriginalCP = GetConsoleCP();
+ lOriginalOutputCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
+ (void)SetConsoleCP(GetACP());
+ (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(GetACP());
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ printf("\n");
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aTitle);
+ else printf("%s", aTitle);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8) writeUtf8(aMessage);
+ else printf("%s", aMessage);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("(ctrl-Z + enter to cancel): "); fflush(stdout);
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ (void) GetConsoleMode(hStdin, &mode);
+ (void) SetConsoleMode(hStdin, mode & (~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT));
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ lConsoleHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+ (void) ReadConsoleW(lConsoleHandle, lBuffW, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, &lNum, NULL);
+ if (!aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ (void)SetConsoleMode(hStdin, mode);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ lBuffW[lNum] = '\0';
+ if (lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] == '\n') lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] = '\0';
+ if (lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] == '\r') lBuffW[wcslen(lBuffW) - 1] = '\0';
+ lTmpChar = tinyfd_utf16to8(lBuffW);
+ if (lTmpChar)
+ {
+ strcpy(lBuff, lTmpChar);
+ return lBuff;
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lEOF = fgets(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, stdin);
+ if (!aDefaultInput)
+ {
+ (void)SetConsoleMode(hStdin, mode);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (!tinyfd_winUtf8)
+ {
+ (void)SetConsoleCP(lOriginalCP);
+ (void)SetConsoleOutputCP(lOriginalOutputCP);
+ }
+ if (!lEOF)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ if (strchr(lBuff, 27))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen(lBuff) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ return lBuff;
+ }
+ }
+char * tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ) /* NULL or "image files" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ int i;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES");
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if ( ( !tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent() ) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = saveFileDialogWinGui(lBuff,
+ aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, (char const * const *)aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ p = saveFileDialogWinConsole(lBuff, aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Save file in ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL,NULL,NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ }
+ if ( ! p || ! strlen( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , p ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ getLastName(lString,p);
+ if ( ! filenameValid(lString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return p ;
+/* in case of multiple files, the separator is | */
+char * tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects ) /* 0 or 1 */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * p;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ int i;
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES", aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }
+ if ( ( !tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent() ) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = openFileDialogWinGui( aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns,
+ (char const * const *)aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ p = openFileDialogWinConsole(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Open file from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ }
+ if ( ! p || ! strlen( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects && strchr(p, '|') )
+ {
+ p = ensureFilesExist( (char *) p , p ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( ! fileExists(p) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff3: %s\n" , p ) ; */
+ return p ;
+char * tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath ) /* NULL or "" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * p;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPath);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPath)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES");
+ if ( ( !tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent() ) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = selectFolderDialogWinGui(lBuff, aTitle, aDefaultPath);
+ }
+ else
+ if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ p = selectFolderDialogWinConsole(lBuff, aTitle, aDefaultPath);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Select folder from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ }
+ if ( ! p || ! strlen( p ) || ! dirExists( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ return p ;
+/* aDefaultRGB is used only if aDefaultHexRGB is absent */
+/* aDefaultRGB and aoResultRGB can be the same array */
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+/* returns the hexcolor as a string "#FF0000" */
+/* aoResultRGB also contains the result */
+char * tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or "" or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3], /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3]) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static char lDefaultHexRGB[16];
+ int i;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ lDefaultHexRGB[0] = '\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_colorChooser("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultHexRGB)) return tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_HEX_RGB WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if ( (!tinyfd_forceConsole || !( GetConsoleWindow() || dialogPresent()) )
+ && (!getenv("SSH_CLIENT") || getenvDISPLAY()))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"windows");return (char *)1;}
+ p = colorChooserWinGui(aTitle, aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (p)
+ {
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, p);
+ return lDefaultHexRGB;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else if (dialogPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "dialog"); return (char *)0; }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")){ strcpy(tinyfd_response, "basicinput"); return (char *)0; }
+ }
+ if (aDefaultHexRGB && (strlen(aDefaultHexRGB)==7) )
+ {
+ strncpy(lDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultHexRGB,7);
+ lDefaultHexRGB[7]='\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RGB2Hex(aDefaultRGB, lDefaultHexRGB);
+ }
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "Enter hex rgb color (i.e. #f5ca20)", lDefaultHexRGB);
+ if ( !p || (strlen(p) != 7) || (p[0] != '#') )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i ++ )
+ {
+ if ( ! isxdigit( (int) p[i] ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ }
+ Hex2RGB(p,aoResultRGB);
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, p);
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ return lDefaultHexRGB;
+#else /* unix */
+static char gPython2Name[16];
+static char gPython3Name[16];
+static char gPythonName[16];
+int tfd_isDarwin(void)
+ static int lsIsDarwin = -1 ;
+ struct utsname lUtsname ;
+ if ( lsIsDarwin < 0 )
+ {
+ lsIsDarwin = !uname(&lUtsname) && !strcmp(lUtsname.sysname,"Darwin") ;
+ }
+ return lsIsDarwin ;
+static int dirExists( char const * aDirPath )
+ DIR * lDir ;
+ if ( ! aDirPath || ! strlen( aDirPath ) )
+ return 0 ;
+ lDir = opendir( aDirPath ) ;
+ if ( ! lDir )
+ {
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ closedir( lDir ) ;
+ return 1 ;
+static int detectPresence( char const * aExecutable )
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lTestedString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "command -v " ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
+ char* lAllocatedCharString;
+ int lSubstringUndetected;
+ strcat( lTestedString , aExecutable ) ;
+ strcat( lTestedString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ lIn = popen( lTestedString , "r" ) ;
+ if ( ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ && ( ! strchr( lBuff , ':' ) ) && ( strncmp(lBuff, "no ", 3) ) )
+ { /* present */
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE /*to bypass this, just comment out "#define _GNU_SOURCE" at the top of the file*/
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' ) lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ lAllocatedCharString = realpath(lBuff,NULL); /*same as canonicalize_file_name*/
+ lSubstringUndetected = ! strstr(lAllocatedCharString, aExecutable);
+ free(lAllocatedCharString);
+ if (lSubstringUndetected)
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("detectPresence %s %d\n", aExecutable, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif /*_GNU_SOURCE*/
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("detectPresence %s %d\n", aExecutable, 1);
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("detectPresence %s %d\n", aExecutable, 0);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+static char * getVersion( char const * aExecutable ) /*version must be first numeral*/
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lTestedString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ strcpy( lTestedString , aExecutable ) ;
+ strcat( lTestedString , " --version" ) ;
+ lIn = popen( lTestedString , "r" ) ;
+ lTmp = fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) ;
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ lTmp += strcspn(lTmp,"0123456789");
+ /* printf("lTmp:%s\n", lTmp); */
+ return lTmp ;
+static int * getMajorMinorPatch( char const * aExecutable )
+ static int lArray[3] ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ lTmp = (char *) getVersion(aExecutable);
+ lArray[0] = atoi( strtok(lTmp," ,.-") ) ;
+ /* printf("lArray0 %d\n", lArray[0]); */
+ lArray[1] = atoi( strtok(0," ,.-") ) ;
+ /* printf("lArray1 %d\n", lArray[1]); */
+ lArray[2] = atoi( strtok(0," ,.-") ) ;
+ /* printf("lArray2 %d\n", lArray[2]); */
+ if ( !lArray[0] && !lArray[1] && !lArray[2] ) return NULL;
+ return lArray ;
+static int tryCommand( char const * aCommand )
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ lIn = popen( aCommand , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) == NULL )
+ { /* present */
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+static int isTerminalRunning(void)
+ static int lIsTerminalRunning = -1 ;
+ if ( lIsTerminalRunning < 0 )
+ {
+ lIsTerminalRunning = isatty(1);
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("isTerminalRunning %d\n", lIsTerminalRunning );
+ }
+ return lIsTerminalRunning;
+static char * dialogNameOnly(void)
+ static char lDialogName[128] = "*" ;
+ if ( lDialogName[0] == '*' )
+ {
+ if (!tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs)
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogName , "" );
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_isDarwin() && * strcpy(lDialogName , "/opt/local/bin/dialog" )
+ && detectPresence( lDialogName ) )
+ {}
+ else if ( * strcpy(lDialogName , "dialog" )
+ && detectPresence( lDialogName ) )
+ {}
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogName , "" );
+ }
+ }
+ return lDialogName ;
+int isDialogVersionBetter09b(void)
+ char const * lDialogName ;
+ char * lVersion ;
+ int lMajor ;
+ int lMinor ;
+ int lDate ;
+ int lResult ;
+ char * lMinorP ;
+ char * lLetter ;
+ char lBuff[128] ;
+ /*char lTest[128] = " 0.9b-20031126" ;*/
+ lDialogName = dialogNameOnly() ;
+ if ( ! strlen(lDialogName) || !(lVersion = (char *) getVersion(lDialogName)) ) return 0 ;
+ /*lVersion = lTest ;*/
+ /*printf("lVersion %s\n", lVersion);*/
+ strcpy(lBuff,lVersion);
+ lMajor = atoi( strtok(lVersion," ,.-") ) ;
+ /*printf("lMajor %d\n", lMajor);*/
+ lMinorP = strtok(0," ,.-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz");
+ lMinor = atoi( lMinorP ) ;
+ /*printf("lMinor %d\n", lMinor );*/
+ lDate = atoi( strtok(0," ,.-") ) ;
+ if (lDate<0) lDate = - lDate;
+ /*printf("lDate %d\n", lDate);*/
+ lLetter = lMinorP + strlen(lMinorP) ;
+ strcpy(lVersion,lBuff);
+ strtok(lLetter," ,.-");
+ /*printf("lLetter %s\n", lLetter);*/
+ lResult = (lMajor > 0) || ( ( lMinor == 9 ) && (*lLetter == 'b') && (lDate >= 20031126) );
+ /*printf("lResult %d\n", lResult);*/
+ return lResult;
+static int whiptailPresentOnly(void)
+ static int lWhiptailPresent = -1 ;
+ if (!tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs) return 0;
+ if ( lWhiptailPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lWhiptailPresent = detectPresence( "whiptail" ) ;
+ }
+ return lWhiptailPresent ;
+static char * terminalName(void)
+ static char lTerminalName[128] = "*" ;
+ char lShellName[64] = "*" ;
+ int * lArray;
+ if ( lTerminalName[0] == '*' )
+ {
+ if ( detectPresence( "bash" ) )
+ {
+ strcpy(lShellName , "bash -c " ) ; /*good for basic input*/
+ }
+ else if ( strlen(dialogNameOnly()) || whiptailPresentOnly() )
+ {
+ strcpy(lShellName , "sh -c " ) ; /*good enough for dialog & whiptail*/
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lTerminalName , "" ) ;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin() )
+ {
+ if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName , "/opt/X11/bin/xterm" )
+ && detectPresence( lTerminalName ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -fa 'DejaVu Sans Mono' -fs 10 -title tinyfiledialogs -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lTerminalName , "" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"xterm") /*good (small without parameters)*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -fa 'DejaVu Sans Mono' -fs 10 -title tinyfiledialogs -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"terminator") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"lxterminal") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"konsole") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"kterm") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"tilix") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"xfce4-terminal") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"mate-terminal") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"Eterm") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"evilvte") /*good*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"pterm") /*good (only letters)*/
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " -e " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( * strcpy(lTerminalName,"gnome-terminal")
+ && detectPresence(lTerminalName) && (lArray = getMajorMinorPatch(lTerminalName))
+ && ((lArray[0]<3) || (lArray[0]==3 && lArray[1]<=6)) )
+ {
+ strcat(lTerminalName , " --disable-factory -x " ) ;
+ strcat(lTerminalName , lShellName ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(lTerminalName , "" ) ;
+ }
+ /* bad: koi rxterm guake tilda vala-terminal qterminal kgx
+ aterm Terminal terminology sakura lilyterm weston-terminal
+ roxterm termit xvt rxvt mrxvt urxvt */
+ }
+ if ( strlen(lTerminalName) )
+ {
+ return lTerminalName ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+static char * dialogName(void)
+ char * lDialogName ;
+ lDialogName = dialogNameOnly( ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lDialogName) && ( isTerminalRunning() || terminalName() ) )
+ {
+ return lDialogName ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+static int whiptailPresent(void)
+ int lWhiptailPresent ;
+ lWhiptailPresent = whiptailPresentOnly( ) ;
+ if ( lWhiptailPresent && ( isTerminalRunning() || terminalName() ) )
+ {
+ return lWhiptailPresent ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+static int graphicMode(void)
+ return !( tinyfd_forceConsole && (isTerminalRunning() || terminalName()) )
+ && ( getenvDISPLAY()
+ || (tfd_isDarwin() && (!getenv("SSH_TTY") || getenvDISPLAY() ) ) ) ;
+static int ffplayPresent(void)
+ static int lFFplayPresent = -1;
+ if (lFFplayPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lFFplayPresent = detectPresence("ffplay");
+ }
+ return lFFplayPresent;
+static int pactlPresent( void )
+ static int lPactlPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff [256] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lPactlPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lPactlPresent = detectPresence("pactl") ;
+ if ( lPactlPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "pactl info | grep -iF pulseaudio" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( ! (fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) && ! strstr(lBuff, "PipeWire") ) )
+ {
+ lPactlPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("is pactl valid ? %d\n", lPactlPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return lPactlPresent ;
+static int speakertestPresent(void)
+ static int lSpeakertestPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lSpeakertestPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lSpeakertestPresent = detectPresence("speaker-test") ;
+ }
+ return lSpeakertestPresent ;
+static int playPresent(void) /* play is part of sox */
+ static int lPlayPresent = -1;
+ if (lPlayPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lPlayPresent = detectPresence("sox"); /*if sox is present, play is ready*/
+ }
+ return lPlayPresent;
+static int beepexePresent(void)
+ static int lBeepexePresent = -1;
+ if (lBeepexePresent < 0)
+ {
+ lBeepexePresent = detectPresence("beep.exe");
+ }
+ return lBeepexePresent;
+/*static int beepPresent(void)
+ static int lBeepPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lBeepPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lBeepPresent = detectPresence("beep") ;
+ }
+ return lBeepPresent ;
+static int playsoundPresent(void) /* playsound is part of pipewire */
+ static int lPlaysoundPresent = -1 ;
+ if (lPlaysoundPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lPlaysoundPresent = detectPresence("playsound_simple");
+ if ( lPlaysoundPresent && ! fileExists("/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") )
+ {
+ lPlaysoundPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ return lPlaysoundPresent;
+static int paplayPresent(void) /* playsound is part of pipewire */
+ static int lPaplayPresent = -1 ;
+ if (lPaplayPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lPaplayPresent = detectPresence("paplay");
+ if ( lPaplayPresent && ! fileExists("/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") )
+ {
+ lPaplayPresent = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ return lPaplayPresent;
+static int xmessagePresent(void)
+ static int lXmessagePresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lXmessagePresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lXmessagePresent = detectPresence("xmessage");/*if not tty,not on osxpath*/
+ }
+ return lXmessagePresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int gxmessagePresent(void)
+ static int lGxmessagePresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lGxmessagePresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lGxmessagePresent = detectPresence("gxmessage") ;
+ }
+ return lGxmessagePresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int gmessagePresent(void)
+ static int lGmessagePresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lGmessagePresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lGmessagePresent = detectPresence("gmessage") ;
+ }
+ return lGmessagePresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int notifysendPresent(void)
+ static int lNotifysendPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lNotifysendPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lNotifysendPresent = detectPresence("notify-send") ;
+ }
+ return lNotifysendPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int perlPresent(void)
+ static int lPerlPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lPerlPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lPerlPresent = detectPresence("perl") ;
+ if (lPerlPresent)
+ {
+ lIn = popen("perl -MNet::DBus -e \"Net::DBus->session->get_service('org.freedesktop.Notifications')\" 2>&1", "r");
+ if (fgets(lBuff, sizeof(lBuff), lIn) == NULL)
+ {
+ lPerlPresent = 2;
+ }
+ pclose(lIn);
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("perl-dbus %d\n", lPerlPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lPerlPresent : 0 ;
+static int afplayPresent(void)
+ static int lAfplayPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lAfplayPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lAfplayPresent = detectPresence("afplay") ;
+ if ( lAfplayPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "test -e /System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff || echo Ping" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) == NULL )
+ {
+ lAfplayPresent = 2 ;
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("afplay %d\n", lAfplayPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lAfplayPresent : 0 ;
+static int xdialogPresent(void)
+ static int lXdialogPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lXdialogPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lXdialogPresent = detectPresence("Xdialog") ;
+ }
+ return lXdialogPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int gdialogPresent(void)
+ static int lGdialoglPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lGdialoglPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lGdialoglPresent = detectPresence( "gdialog" ) ;
+ }
+ return lGdialoglPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int osascriptPresent(void)
+ static int lOsascriptPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lOsascriptPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed |= !!getenv("SSH_TTY");
+ lOsascriptPresent = detectPresence( "osascript" ) ;
+ }
+ return lOsascriptPresent && graphicMode() && !getenv("SSH_TTY") ;
+static int dunstifyPresent(void)
+ static int lDunstifyPresent = -1 ;
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ if ( lDunstifyPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lDunstifyPresent = detectPresence( "dunstify" ) ;
+ if ( lDunstifyPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "dunstify -s" , "r" ) ;
+ lTmp = fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) ;
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ /* printf("lTmp:%s\n", lTmp); */
+ lDunstifyPresent = strstr(lTmp,"name:dunst\n") ? 1 : 0 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lDunstifyPresent %d\n", lDunstifyPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return lDunstifyPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+static int dunstPresent(void)
+ static int lDunstPresent = -1 ;
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lTmp ;
+ if ( lDunstPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lDunstPresent = detectPresence( "dunst" ) ;
+ if ( lDunstPresent )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "ps -e | grep dunst | grep -v grep" , "r" ) ; /* add "| wc -l" to receive the number of lines */
+ lTmp = fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) ;
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ /* if ( lTmp ) printf("lTmp:%s\n", lTmp); */
+ if ( lTmp ) lDunstPresent = 1 ;
+ else lDunstPresent = 0 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lDunstPresent %d\n", lDunstPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ return lDunstPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_qarmaPresent(void)
+ static int lQarmaPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lQarmaPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lQarmaPresent = detectPresence("qarma") ;
+ }
+ return lQarmaPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_matedialogPresent(void)
+ static int lMatedialogPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lMatedialogPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lMatedialogPresent = detectPresence("matedialog") ;
+ }
+ return lMatedialogPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_shellementaryPresent(void)
+ static int lShellementaryPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lShellementaryPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lShellementaryPresent = 0 ; /*detectPresence("shellementary"); shellementary is not ready yet */
+ }
+ return lShellementaryPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_xpropPresent(void)
+ static int lXpropReady = 0 ;
+ static int lXpropDetected = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( lXpropDetected < 0 )
+ {
+ lXpropDetected = detectPresence("xprop") ;
+ }
+ if ( !lXpropReady && lXpropDetected )
+ { /* xwayland Debian issue reported by Kay F. Jahnke and solved with his help */
+ lIn = popen( "xprop -root 32x ' $0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( ! strstr( lBuff , "not found" ) )
+ {
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("xprop is ready\n");
+ lXpropReady = 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lXpropReady : 0 ;
+int tfd_zenityPresent(void)
+ static int lZenityPresent = -1 ;
+ if ( lZenityPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lZenityPresent = detectPresence("zenity") ;
+ }
+ return lZenityPresent && graphicMode( ) ;
+int tfd_yadPresent(void)
+ static int lYadPresent = -1;
+ if (lYadPresent < 0)
+ {
+ lYadPresent = detectPresence("yad");
+ }
+ return lYadPresent && graphicMode();
+int tfd_zenity3Present(void)
+ static int lZenity3Present = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int lIntTmp ;
+ if ( lZenity3Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 0 ;
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "zenity --version" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( atoi(lBuff) >= 3 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 3 ;
+ lIntTmp = atoi(strtok(lBuff,".")+2 ) ;
+ if ( lIntTmp >= 18 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 5 ;
+ }
+ else if ( lIntTmp >= 10 )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 4 ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ( atoi(lBuff) == 2 ) && ( atoi(strtok(lBuff,".")+2 ) >= 32 ) )
+ {
+ lZenity3Present = 2 ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("zenity type %d\n", lZenity3Present);
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lZenity3Present : 0 ;
+int tfd_kdialogPresent(void)
+ static int lKdialogPresent = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * lDesktop;
+ if ( lKdialogPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lDesktop = getenv("XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP");
+ if ( !lDesktop || ( strcmp(lDesktop, "KDE") && strcmp(lDesktop, "lxqt") ) )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 0 ;
+ return lKdialogPresent ;
+ }
+ }
+ lKdialogPresent = detectPresence("kdialog") ;
+ if ( lKdialogPresent && !getenv("SSH_TTY") )
+ {
+ lIn = popen( "kdialog --attach 2>&1" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( ! strstr( "Unknown" , lBuff ) )
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 2 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("kdialog-attach %d\n", lKdialogPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (lKdialogPresent == 2)
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 1 ;
+ lIn = popen( "kdialog --passivepopup 2>&1" , "r" ) ;
+ if ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( ! strstr( "Unknown" , lBuff ) )
+ {
+ lKdialogPresent = 2 ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("kdialog-popup %d\n", lKdialogPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return graphicMode() ? lKdialogPresent : 0 ;
+static int osx9orBetter(void)
+ static int lOsx9orBetter = -1 ;
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int V,v;
+ if ( lOsx9orBetter < 0 )
+ {
+ lOsx9orBetter = 0 ;
+ lIn = popen( "osascript -e 'set osver to system version of (system info)'" , "r" ) ;
+ V = 0 ;
+ if ( ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ && ( 2 == sscanf(lBuff, "%d.%d", &V, &v) ) )
+ {
+ V = V * 100 + v;
+ if ( V >= 1009 )
+ {
+ lOsx9orBetter = 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("Osx10 = %d, %d = %s\n", lOsx9orBetter, V, lBuff) ;
+ }
+ return lOsx9orBetter ;
+static int python3Present(void)
+ static int lPython3Present = -1 ;
+ if ( lPython3Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lPython3Present = 0 ;
+ strcpy(gPython3Name , "python3" ) ;
+ if ( detectPresence(gPython3Name) ) lPython3Present = 1;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lPython3Present %d\n", lPython3Present) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("gPython3Name %s\n", gPython3Name) ;
+ }
+ return lPython3Present ;
+static int python2Present(void)
+ static int lPython2Present = -1 ;
+ if ( lPython2Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lPython2Present = 0 ;
+ strcpy(gPython2Name , "python2" ) ;
+ if ( detectPresence(gPython2Name) ) lPython2Present = 1;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lPython2Present %d\n", lPython2Present) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("gPython2Name %s\n", gPython2Name) ;
+ }
+ return lPython2Present ;
+static int tkinter3Present(void)
+ static int lTkinter3Present = -1 ;
+ char lPythonCommand[256];
+ char lPythonParams[128] =
+ "-S -c \"try:\n\timport tkinter;\nexcept:\n\tprint(0);\"";
+ if ( lTkinter3Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lTkinter3Present = 0 ;
+ if ( python3Present() )
+ {
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPython3Name , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lTkinter3Present = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lTkinter3Present %d\n", lTkinter3Present) ;
+ }
+ return lTkinter3Present && graphicMode() && !(tfd_isDarwin() && getenv("SSH_TTY") );
+static int tkinter2Present(void)
+ static int lTkinter2Present = -1 ;
+ char lPythonCommand[256];
+ char lPythonParams[128] =
+ "-S -c \"try:\n\timport Tkinter;\nexcept:\n\tprint 0;\"";
+ if ( lTkinter2Present < 0 )
+ {
+ lTkinter2Present = 0 ;
+ if ( python2Present() )
+ {
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPython2Name , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lTkinter2Present = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lTkinter2Present %d graphicMode %d \n", lTkinter2Present, graphicMode() ) ;
+ }
+ return lTkinter2Present && graphicMode() && !(tfd_isDarwin() && getenv("SSH_TTY") );
+static int pythonDbusPresent(void)
+ static int lPythonDbusPresent = -1 ;
+ char lPythonCommand[384];
+ char lPythonParams[256] =
+"-c \"try:\n\timport dbus;bus=dbus.SessionBus();\
+ if (lPythonDbusPresent < 0 )
+ {
+ lPythonDbusPresent = 0 ;
+ if ( python2Present() )
+ {
+ strcpy(gPythonName , gPython2Name ) ;
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPythonName , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lPythonDbusPresent = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if ( !lPythonDbusPresent && python3Present() )
+ {
+ strcpy(gPythonName , gPython3Name ) ;
+ sprintf( lPythonCommand , "%s %s" , gPythonName , lPythonParams ) ;
+ lPythonDbusPresent = tryCommand(lPythonCommand) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("lPythonDbusPresent %d\n", lPythonDbusPresent) ;
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("gPythonName %s\n", gPythonName) ;
+ }
+ return lPythonDbusPresent && graphicMode() && !(tfd_isDarwin() && getenv("SSH_TTY") );
+static void sigHandler(int signum)
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( ( lIn = popen( "pactl unload-module module-sine" , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf("tinyfiledialogs caught signal %d\n", signum);
+void tinyfd_beep(void)
+ char lDialogString[256] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ if ( pactlPresent() )
+ {
+ signal(SIGINT, sigHandler);
+ strcpy( lDialogString ,
+ "thnum=$(pactl load-module module-sine frequency=440);sleep .3;pactl unload-module $thnum" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( osascriptPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( afplayPresent() >= 2 )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to beep'") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( speakertestPresent() )
+ {
+ /*strcpy( lDialogString , "timeout -k .3 .3 speaker-test --frequency 440 --test sine > /dev/tty" ) ;*/
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "( speaker-test -t sine -f 440 > /dev/tty )& pid=$!;sleep .5; kill -9 $pid" ) ; /*.3 was too short for mac g3*/
+ }
+ else if ( ffplayPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "ffplay -f lavfi -i sine=f=440:d=0.15 -autoexit -nodisp" );
+ }
+ else if (playPresent()) /* play is part of sox */
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "play -q -n synth .3 sine 440");
+ }
+ else if ( playsoundPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "playsound_simple /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") ;
+ }
+ else if ( paplayPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga") ;
+ }
+ else if (beepexePresent())
+ {
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "beep.exe 440 300");
+ }
+ /*else if ( beepPresent() )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "beep -f 440 -l 300" ) ;
+ }*/
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "printf '\\a' > /dev/tty" ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ }
+ if ( pactlPresent() )
+ {
+ signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
+ }
+int tinyfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aDialogType , /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType , /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton ) /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char * lDialogString = NULL ;
+ char * lpDialogString;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ int lResult ;
+ char lChar ;
+ struct termios infoOri;
+ struct termios info;
+ size_t lTitleLen ;
+ size_t lMessageLen ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_messageBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDialogType, aIconType, aDefaultButton);
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? strlen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? strlen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ if ( !aTitle || strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query") )
+ {
+ lDialogString = (char *) malloc( MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen );
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'set {vButton} to {button returned} of ( display dialog \"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with icon ") ;
+ if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "stop " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "caution " ) ;
+ }
+ else /* question or info */
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "note " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Cancel\" " ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"buttons {\"No\", \"Yes\"} " ) ;
+ if (aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Yes\" " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"No\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"cancel button \"No\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"buttons {\"No\", \"Yes\", \"Cancel\"} " ) ;
+ switch (aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Yes\" " ) ; break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"No\" " ) ; break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"Cancel\" " ) ; break;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"cancel button \"Cancel\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"buttons {\"OK\"} " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"default button \"OK\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ")' ") ;
+ strcat( lDialogString,
+"-e 'if vButton is \"Yes\" then' -e 'return 1'\
+ -e 'else if vButton is \"OK\" then' -e 'return 1'\
+ -e 'else if vButton is \"No\" then' -e 'return 2'\
+ -e 'else' -e 'return 0' -e 'end if' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, "-e '0' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --" ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ( ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType )
+ || ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) || ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) ) )
+ {
+ if ( aIconType && ( ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "warning" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "yesnocancel" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "yesno" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "error" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "sorry" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "msgbox" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " --yes-label Ok --no-label Cancel" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if ( ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "; x=$? ;if [ $x = 0 ] ;then echo 1;elif [ $x = 1 ] ;then echo 2;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ";if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --");
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "question --ok-label=Ok --cancel-label=Cancel" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "question" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "list --column \"\" --hide-header \"Yes\" \"No\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "error" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aIconType && ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "warning" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "info" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) ) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ if (strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType)) strcat(lDialogString, " --no-wrap");
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"") ;
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage)) strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 3) || (!tfd_zenityPresent() && (tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent()) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --icon-name=dialog-" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && (! strcmp( "question" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "information" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ if ( ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+");if [ $? = 1 ];then echo 0;elif [ $szAnswer = \"No\" ];then echo 2;else echo 1;fi");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return 1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "szAnswer=$(yad --");
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("ok", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"button=Ok:1");
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"button=Ok:1 --button=Cancel:0");
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "button=Yes:1 --button=No:0");
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "button=Yes:1 --button=No:2 --button=Cancel:0");
+ }
+ else if (aIconType && !strcmp("error", aIconType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "error");
+ }
+ else if (aIconType && !strcmp("warning", aIconType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "warning");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "info");
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --image=dialog-");
+ if (aIconType && (!strcmp("question", aIconType)
+ || !strcmp("error", aIconType)
+ || !strcmp("warning", aIconType)))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aIconType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "information");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ strcat(lDialogString,");echo $?");
+ }
+ else if ( !gxmessagePresent() && !gmessagePresent() && !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import messagebox;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=messagebox." ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askokcancel(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.OK," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.CANCEL," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesno(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.YES," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.NO," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesnocancel(" ) ;
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.YES," ); break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.NO," ); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , "default=messagebox.CANCEL," ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "showinfo(" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "icon='" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && (! strcmp( "question" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "info" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "message='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is None :\n\tprint(0)\n\
+elif res is False :\n\tprint(2)\n\
+else :\n\tprint (1)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is False :\n\tprint(0)\n\
+else :\n\tprint(1)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !gxmessagePresent() && !gmessagePresent() && !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkMessageBox;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=tkMessageBox." ) ;
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askokcancel(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.OK," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.CANCEL," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesno(" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.YES," ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.NO," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "askyesnocancel(" ) ;
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.YES," ); break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.NO," ); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , "default=tkMessageBox.CANCEL," ); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "showinfo(" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "icon='" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && (! strcmp( "question" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "error" , aIconType )
+ || ! strcmp( "warning" , aIconType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "info" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "message='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is None :\n\tprint 0\n\
+elif res is False :\n\tprint 2\n\
+else :\n\tprint 1\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\n\
+if res is False :\n\tprint 0\n\
+else :\n\tprint 1\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( gxmessagePresent() || gmessagePresent() || (!gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && xmessagePresent()) )
+ {
+ if ( gxmessagePresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gxmessage");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "gxmessage");
+ }
+ else if ( gmessagePresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gmessage");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "gmessage");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xmessage");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "xmessage");
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp("okcancel" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Ok:1,Cancel:0");
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Ok"); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Cancel"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp("yesno" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Yes:1,No:0");
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Yes"); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , " -default No"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp("yesnocancel" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Yes:1,No:2,Cancel:0");
+ switch ( aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ case 1: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Yes"); break;
+ case 2: strcat( lDialogString , " -default No"); break;
+ case 0: strcat( lDialogString , " -default Cancel"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -buttons Ok:1");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -default Ok");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -center \"");
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -title \"");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " ; echo $? ");
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || gdialogPresent() || dialogName() || whiptailPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( gdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gdialog");return 1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(gdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return 1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( dialogName( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return 0;}
+ if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return 0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return 0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( aDialogType && ( !strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) || !strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType )
+ || !strcmp( "yesnocancel" , aDialogType ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "okcancel" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "--yes-label \"Ok\" --no-label \"Cancel\" --yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && ! strcmp( "yesno" , aDialogType ) )
+ {
+ if ( ! aDefaultButton )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--defaultno " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--yesno " ) ;
+ }
+ else if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if (!aDefaultButton)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--defaultno ");
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--menu ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--msgbox " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ");
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"0 60 0 Yes \"\" No \"\") 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "10 60 ) 2>&1;if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,"0 60 0 Yes \"\" No \"\" >/dev/tty ) 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+ if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+ tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString," >/tmp/tinyfd0.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "10 60 >/dev/tty) 2>&1;if [ $? = 0 ];");
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"then\n\techo 1\nelse\n\techo 0\nfi >/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "then echo 1;else echo 0;fi;clear >/dev/tty");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && terminalName() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return 0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, gTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, tinyfd_needs) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";echo;echo;" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";echo;" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"; " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo -n \"y/n: \"; " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i [ny];do true ;done);");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "if echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^y\";then\n");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\techo 1\nelse\n\techo 0\nfi" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo -n \"[O]kay/[C]ancel: \"; " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i [oc];do true ;done);");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "if echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^o\";then\n");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\techo 1\nelse\n\techo 0\nfi" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo -n \"[Y]es/[N]o/[C]ancel: \"; " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i [nyc];do true ;done);");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "if echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^y\";then\n\techo 1\n");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "elif echo \"$answer\" | grep -iq \"^n\";then\n\techo 2\n" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "else\n\techo 0\nfi" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "echo -n \"press enter to continue \"; ");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "stty sane -echo;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "answer=$( while ! head -c 1;do true ;done);echo 1");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " >/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && pythonDbusPresent() && !strcmp("ok" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPythonName ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ," -c \"import dbus;bus=dbus.SessionBus();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notif=bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications','/org/freedesktop/Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify=dbus.Interface(notif,'org.freedesktop.Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify.Notify('',0,'" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','','',5000)\"") ;
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && (perlPresent() >= 2) && !strcmp("ok" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"perl-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "perl -e \"use Net::DBus;\
+my \\$sessionBus = Net::DBus->session;\
+my \\$notificationsService = \\$sessionBus->get_service('org.freedesktop.Notifications');\
+my \\$notificationsObject = \\$notificationsService->get_object('/org/freedesktop/Notifications',\
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString),
+"my \\$notificationId;\\$notificationId = \\$notificationsObject->Notify(shift, 0, '%s', '%s', '%s', [], {}, -1);\" ",
+ aIconType?aIconType:"", aTitle?aTitle:"", aMessage?aMessage:"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !isTerminalRunning() && notifysendPresent() && !strcmp("ok" , aDialogType) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"notifysend");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "notify-send" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i '" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n\t" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\t" , " " , lBuff ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lBuff) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return 0;}
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ printf("\n\n%s\n", gTitle);
+ printf("%s\n\n", tinyfd_needs);
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n", aTitle);
+ }
+ tcgetattr(0, &infoOri);
+ tcgetattr(0, &info);
+ info.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
+ info.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+ info.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &info);
+ if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesno",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("y/n: "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char) tolower( getchar() ) ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ while ( lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n' );
+ lResult = lChar == 'y' ? 1 : 0 ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("okcancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("[O]kay/[C]ancel: "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char) tolower( getchar() ) ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ while ( lChar != 'o' && lChar != 'c' );
+ lResult = lChar == 'o' ? 1 : 0 ;
+ }
+ else if ( aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel",aDialogType) )
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("[Y]es/[N]o/[C]ancel: "); fflush(stdout);
+ lChar = (char) tolower( getchar() ) ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ while ( lChar != 'y' && lChar != 'n' && lChar != 'c' );
+ lResult = (lChar == 'y') ? 1 : (lChar == 'n') ? 2 : 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("press enter to continue "); fflush(stdout);
+ getchar() ;
+ printf("\n\n");
+ lResult = 1 ;
+ }
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &infoOri);
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lResult ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff1: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ if (aDialogType && !strcmp("yesnocancel", aDialogType))
+ {
+ if ( lBuff[0]=='1' )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( lBuff+1 , "Yes" )) strcpy(lBuff,"1");
+ else if ( !strcmp( lBuff+1 , "No" )) strcpy(lBuff,"2");
+ }
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff2: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ lResult = !strcmp( lBuff , "2" ) ? 2 : !strcmp( lBuff , "1" ) ? 1 : 0;
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d\n" , lResult ) ; */
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lResult ;
+/* return has only meaning for tinyfd_query */
+int tinyfd_notifyPopup(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n and \t */
+ char const * aIconType ) /* "info" "warning" "error" */
+ char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * lDialogString = NULL ;
+ char * lpDialogString ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ size_t lTitleLen ;
+ size_t lMessageLen ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aIconType);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_notifyPopup(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aIconType);
+ if ( getenv("SSH_TTY") && !dunstifyPresent() && !dunstPresent() )
+ {
+ return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, "ok", aIconType, 0);
+ }
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? strlen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? strlen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ if ( !aTitle || strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query") )
+ {
+ lDialogString = (char *) malloc( MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen );
+ }
+ if ( getenv("SSH_TTY") )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dunst");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "notify-send \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\" \"" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'display notification \"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " \" ") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, "' -e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --icon '" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --title \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --passivepopup" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \" 5" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_yadPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"yad");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "yad --notification");
+ if ( aIconType && strlen( aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --image=\"");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --text=\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\n") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen( aMessage ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( perlPresent() >= 2 )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"perl-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "perl -e \"use Net::DBus;\
+my \\$sessionBus = Net::DBus->session;\
+my \\$notificationsService = \\$sessionBus->get_service('org.freedesktop.Notifications');\
+my \\$notificationsObject = \\$notificationsService->get_object('/org/freedesktop/Notifications',\
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString) ,
+"my \\$notificationId;\\$notificationId = \\$notificationsObject->Notify(shift, 0, '%s', '%s', '%s', [], {}, -1);\" ",
+aIconType?aIconType:"", aTitle?aTitle:"", aMessage?aMessage:"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( pythonDbusPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python-dbus");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPythonName ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ," -c \"import dbus;bus=dbus.SessionBus();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notif=bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Notifications','/org/freedesktop/Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify=dbus.Interface(notif,'org.freedesktop.Notifications');" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"notify.Notify('',0,'" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "','','',5000)\"") ;
+ }
+ else if ( notifysendPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"notifysend");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "notify-send" ) ;
+ if ( aIconType && strlen(aIconType) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i '" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n\t" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , " | " , lBuff ) ;
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\t" , " " , lBuff ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lBuff) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( (tfd_zenity3Present()>=5) )
+ {
+ /* zenity 2.32 & 3.14 has the notification but with a bug: it doesnt return from it */
+ /* zenity 3.8 show the notification as an alert ok cancel box */
+ /* zenity 3.44 doesn't have the notification (3.42 has it) */
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return 1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity --notification");
+ if ( aIconType && strlen( aIconType ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --window-icon '");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aIconType ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --text \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\n") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen( aMessage ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lDialogString) free(lDialogString);
+ return tinyfd_messageBox(aTitle, aMessage, "ok", aIconType, 0);
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return 1;
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" (\n and \t have no effect) */
+ char const * aDefaultInput ) /* "" , if NULL it's a passwordBox */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD];
+ char * lDialogString = NULL;
+ char * lpDialogString;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int lResult ;
+ int lWasGdialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ int lWasBasicXterm = 0 ;
+ struct termios oldt ;
+ struct termios newt ;
+ char * lEOF;
+ size_t lTitleLen ;
+ size_t lMessageLen ;
+ if (!aTitle && !aMessage && !aDefaultInput) return lBuff; /* now I can fill lBuff from outside */
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_inputBox("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aMessage, aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aMessage)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "INVALID MESSAGE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultInput);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultInput)) return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, aMessage, "INVALID DEFAULT_INPUT WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.");
+ lTitleLen = aTitle ? strlen(aTitle) : 0 ;
+ lMessageLen = aMessage ? strlen(aMessage) : 0 ;
+ if ( !aTitle || strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query") )
+ {
+ lDialogString = (char *) malloc( MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + lTitleLen + lMessageLen );
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'display dialog \"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default answer \"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "hidden answer true ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with icon note' ") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e '\"1\" & text returned of result' " );
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e '0' " );
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat(lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --password ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --inputbox ") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1$szAnswer;else echo 0$szAnswer;fi");
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ," --entry" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"") ;
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage)) strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --entry-text=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --hide-text") ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1$szAnswer;else echo 0$szAnswer;fi");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "szAnswer=$(yad --entry");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aMessage && strlen(aMessage))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --text=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --entry-text=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --hide-text");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ ");if [ $? = 0 ];then echo 1$szAnswer;else echo 0$szAnswer;fi");
+ }
+ else if ( gxmessagePresent() || gmessagePresent() )
+ {
+ if ( gxmessagePresent() ) {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gxmessage");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(gxmessage -buttons Ok:1,Cancel:0 -center \"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gmessage");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "szAnswer=$(gmessage -buttons Ok:1,Cancel:0 -center \"");
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aMessage ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -title \"");
+ strcat( lDialogString , aTitle ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " -entrytext \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aDefaultInput ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");echo $?$szAnswer");
+ }
+ else if ( !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter; from tkinter import simpledialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=simpledialog.askstring(" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "prompt='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ if ( strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialvalue='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "show='*'") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\nif res is None :\n\tprint(0)");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\nelse :\n\tprint('1'+res)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !gdialogPresent() && !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkSimpleDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,"res=tkSimpleDialog.askstring(" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "prompt='") ;
+ lpDialogString = lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString);
+ tfd_replaceSubStr( aMessage , "\n" , "\\n" , lpDialogString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ if ( strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialvalue='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "show='*'") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, ");\nif res is None :\n\tprint 0");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\nelse :\n\tprint '1'+res\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( gdialogPresent() || xdialogPresent() || dialogName() || whiptailPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( gdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"gdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ lWasGdialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(gdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( dialogName( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"whiptail");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(whiptail " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "tab: move focus") ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput && !lWasGdialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " (sometimes nothing, no blink nor star, is shown in text field)") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultInput || lWasGdialog )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--inputbox" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !lWasGraphicDialog && dialogName() && isDialogVersionBetter09b() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--insecure " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--passwordbox" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString,"\" 10 60 ") ;
+ if ( aDefaultInput && strlen(aDefaultInput) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultInput) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,") 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+ if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+ tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString,">/dev/tty ) 2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt;\
+ if [ $? = 0 ];then tinyfdBool=1;else tinyfdBool=0;fi;\
+ tinyfdRes=$(cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt);echo $tinyfdBool$tinyfdRes") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString," >/tmp/tinyfd0.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && terminalName() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasBasicXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ tinyfd_messageBox(gTitle,tinyfd_needs,"ok","warning",0);
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";echo;" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "echo \"" ) ;
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, aMessage) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\";read " ) ;
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-s " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-p \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "(esc+enter to cancel): \" ANSWER " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , ";echo 1$ANSWER >/tmp/tinyfd.txt';" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "cat -v /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else if ( !gWarningDisplayed && ! isTerminalRunning( ) && ! terminalName() ) {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ tinyfd_messageBox(gTitle,tinyfd_needs,"ok","warning",0);
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"no_solution");return (char *)0;}
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"basicinput");return (char *)0;}
+ if ( !gWarningDisplayed && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ {
+ gWarningDisplayed = 1 ;
+ tinyfd_messageBox(gTitle,tinyfd_needs,"ok","warning",0);
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n", aTitle);
+ }
+ if ( aMessage && strlen(aMessage) )
+ {
+ printf("\n%s\n",aMessage);
+ }
+ printf("(esc+enter to cancel): "); fflush(stdout);
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, & oldt) ;
+ newt = oldt ;
+ newt.c_lflag &= ~ECHO ;
+ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, & newt);
+ }
+ lEOF = fgets(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, stdin);
+ /* printf("lbuff<%c><%d>\n",lBuff[0],lBuff[0]); */
+ if ( ! lEOF || (lBuff[0] == '\0') )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( lBuff[0] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lEOF = fgets(lBuff, MAX_PATH_OR_CMD, stdin);
+ /* printf("lbuff<%c><%d>\n",lBuff[0],lBuff[0]); */
+ if ( ! lEOF || (lBuff[0] == '\0') )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! aDefaultInput )
+ {
+ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, & oldt);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ if ( strchr(lBuff,27) )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lBuff ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" );
+ if ( ! lIn )
+ {
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ if ( fileExists("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt") )
+ {
+ wipefile("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ remove("/tmp/tinyfd0.txt");
+ }
+ /* printf( "len Buff: %lu\n" , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ /* printf( "lBuff0: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff1: %s len: %lu \n" , lBuff , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ if ( lWasBasicXterm )
+ {
+ if ( strstr(lBuff,"^[") ) /* esc was pressed */
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ }
+ lResult = strncmp( lBuff , "1" , 1) ? 0 : 1 ;
+ /* printf( "lResult: %d \n" , lResult ) ; */
+ if ( ! lResult )
+ {
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff+1: %s\n" , lBuff+1 ) ; */
+ free(lDialogString);
+ return lBuff+1 ;
+char * tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , /* NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , /* NULL or {"*.txt","*.doc"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ) /* NULL or "text files" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ static char lLastDirectory[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "$PWD" ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ int i ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES");
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_saveFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"Finder\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'POSIX path of ( choose file name " );
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with prompt \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default location \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default name \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --getsavefilename " ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile[0] != '/' )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[0] ) ;
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-filter='" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " |" ) ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "' --file-filter='All files | *'" ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --file --save --confirm-overwrite");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --file-filter='");
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ strcat(lDialogString, " |");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "' --file-filter='All files | *'");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import filedialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=filedialog.asksaveasfilename(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( (aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1) /* test because poor osx behaviour */
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ");\nif not isinstance(res, tuple):\n\tprint(res)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ))
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkFileDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set\
+ frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( (aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1) /* test because poor osx behaviour */
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ");\nif not isinstance(res, tuple):\n\tprint res \n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || dialogName() )
+ {
+ if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( ! strchr(aDefaultPathAndOrFile, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && !lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, getenv("HOME")) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "/") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ) 2>&1 ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 >/dev/tty) ") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>&1 ; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Save file in ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , p ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ getLastName(lString,p);
+ if ( ! strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return p ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lBuff) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( ! strlen(lBuff) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , lBuff ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ strcpy(lLastDirectory, lString) ;
+ getLastName(lString,lBuff);
+ if ( ! filenameValid(lString) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return lBuff ;
+/* in case of multiple files, the separator is | */
+char * tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , /* NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , /* NULL or {"*.jpg","*.png"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription , /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects ) /* 0 or 1 */
+ static char * lBuff = NULL;
+ static char lLastDirectory[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "$PWD" ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ char lString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ int i ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox ;
+ size_t lFullBuffLen ;
+ int lWasKdialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ if ( ! aFilterPatterns ) aNumOfFilterPatterns = 0 ;
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPathAndOrFile)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES", aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aSingleFilterDescription)) return tinyfd_openFileDialog(aTitle, aDefaultPathAndOrFile, aNumOfFilterPatterns, aFilterPatterns, "INVALID FILTER_DESCRIPTION WITH QUOTES", aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aFilterPatterns[i])) return tinyfd_openFileDialog("INVALID FILTER_PATTERN WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultPathAndOrFile, 0, NULL, NULL, aAllowMultipleSelects);
+ }
+ free(lBuff);
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query"))
+ {
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ lBuff = (char *) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(char));
+ if (!lBuff)
+ {
+ lBuff = (char *) malloc( lFullBuffLen * sizeof(char));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lFullBuffLen = MAX_PATH_OR_CMD + 1;
+ lBuff = (char *) malloc(lFullBuffLen * sizeof(char));
+ }
+ if (!lBuff) return NULL;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e '" );
+ if ( ! aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "POSIX path of ( " );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "set mylist to " );
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "choose file " );
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with prompt \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default location \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "of type {\"" );
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[0] + 2 ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ",\"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] + 2) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "} " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "multiple selections allowed true ' " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "-e 'set mystring to POSIX path of item 1 of mylist' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "-e 'repeat with i from 2 to the count of mylist' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'set mystring to mystring & \"|\"' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "-e 'set mystring to mystring & POSIX path of item i of mylist' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'end repeat' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'mystring' " );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")' " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasKdialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --getopenfilename " ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile[0] != '/' )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , " \"" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[0] ) ;
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " | " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --multiple --separate-output" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-selection" ) ;
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --multiple" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0 )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-filter='" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " |" ) ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "' --file-filter='All files | *'" ) ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --file");
+ if (aAllowMultipleSelects)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --multiple");
+ }
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aNumOfFilterPatterns > 0)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --file-filter='");
+ if (aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aSingleFilterDescription);
+ strcat(lDialogString, " |");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns; i++)
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aFilterPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "' --file-filter='All files | *'");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import filedialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "lFiles=filedialog.askopenfilename(");
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "multiple=1," ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1 ) /*test because poor osx behaviour*/
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif not isinstance(lFiles, tuple):\n\tprint(lFiles)\nelse:\
+\n\tlFilesString=''\n\tfor lFile in lFiles:\n\t\tlFilesString+=str(lFile)+'|'\
+\n\tprint(lFilesString[:-1])\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkFileDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "lFiles=tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(");
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "multiple=1," ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ getLastName( lString , aDefaultPathAndOrFile ) ;
+ if ( strlen(lString) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialfile='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lString ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns > 1 )
+ || ( ( aNumOfFilterPatterns == 1 ) /*test because poor osx behaviour*/
+ && ( aFilterPatterns[0][strlen(aFilterPatterns[0])-1] != '*' ) ) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString , "filetypes=(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('" ) ;
+ if ( aSingleFilterDescription && strlen(aSingleFilterDescription) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "',(" ) ;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < aNumOfFilterPatterns ; i ++ )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , aFilterPatterns[i] ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'," ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "))," ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "('All files','*'))" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif not isinstance(lFiles, tuple):\n\tprint lFiles\nelse:\
+\n\tlFilesString=''\n\tfor lFile in lFiles:\n\t\tlFilesString+=str(lFile)+'|'\
+\n\tprint lFilesString[:-1]\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || dialogName() )
+ {
+ if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--fselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPathAndOrFile && strlen(aDefaultPathAndOrFile) )
+ {
+ if ( ! strchr(aDefaultPathAndOrFile, '/') )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPathAndOrFile) ;
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && !lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, getenv("HOME")) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "/");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ) 2>&1 ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 >/dev/tty) ") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>&1 ; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Open file from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lDialogString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if ( p ) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lDialogString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if ( ! fileExists(lBuff) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lBuff = (char *)( realloc( lBuff, (strlen(lBuff)+1) * sizeof(char)));
+ }
+ return lBuff ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ p = lBuff;
+ while ( fgets( p , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ p += strlen( p );
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "strlen lBuff: %d\n" , strlen( lBuff ) ) ; */
+ if ( lWasKdialog && aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ {
+ p = lBuff ;
+ while ( ( p = strchr( p , '\n' ) ) )
+ * p = '|' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff2: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( ! strlen( lBuff ) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aAllowMultipleSelects && strchr(lBuff, '|') )
+ {
+ if( ! ensureFilesExist( lBuff , lBuff ) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !fileExists(lBuff) )
+ {
+ free(lBuff);
+ lBuff = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = strrchr(lBuff, '|');
+ if ( !p ) p = lBuff ;
+ else p ++ ;
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lString , p ) ;
+ /* printf( "lString [%lu]: %s\n" , strlen(lString) , lString ) ; */
+ if ( strlen( lString ) && ! dirExists( lString ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ strcpy(lLastDirectory, lString) ;
+ lBuff = (char *)( realloc( lBuff, (strlen(lBuff)+1) * sizeof(char)));
+ /*printf( "lBuff3 [%lu]: %s\n" , strlen(lBuff) , lBuff ) ; */
+ return lBuff ;
+char * tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath ) /* "" */
+ static char lBuff[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ static char lLastDirectory[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] = "$PWD" ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ char * p ;
+ char * lPointerInputBox ;
+ int lWasGraphicDialog = 0 ;
+ int lWasXterm = 0 ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultPath);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultPath)) return tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_PATH WITH QUOTES");
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ))
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript ");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'POSIX path of ( choose folder ");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "with prompt \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "default location \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\" " ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --getexistingdirectory " ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ if ( aDefaultPath[0] != '/' )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, lLastDirectory) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "/" ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenityPresent() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ if ( tfd_zenityPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --file-selection --directory" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --file --directory");
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --filename=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import filedialog;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=filedialog.askdirectory(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString, ");\nif not isinstance(res, tuple):\n\tprint(res)\n\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( !xdialogPresent() && tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkFileDialog;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''/usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "print tkFileDialog.askdirectory(");
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "',") ;
+ }
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "initialdir='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString , "'" ) ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ")\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() || dialogName() )
+ {
+ if ( xdialogPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasGraphicDialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(Xdialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( isTerminalRunning( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "(dialog " ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"dialog");return (char *)0;}
+ lWasXterm = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , terminalName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , "'(" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , dialogName() ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , " " ) ;
+ }
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ if ( !xdialogPresent() && !gdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "--backtitle \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString,
+ "tab: focus | /: populate | spacebar: fill text field | ok: TEXT FIELD ONLY") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" ") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "--dselect \"" ) ;
+ if ( aDefaultPath && strlen(aDefaultPath) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aDefaultPath) ;
+ ensureFinalSlash(lDialogString);
+ }
+ else if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && !lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, getenv("HOME")) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "/");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "./") ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasGraphicDialog )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ) 2>&1 ") ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 >/dev/tty) ") ;
+ if ( lWasXterm )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ "2>/tmp/tinyfd.txt';cat /tmp/tinyfd.txt;rm /tmp/tinyfd.txt");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, "2>&1 ; clear >/dev/tty") ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ strcpy(lBuff, "Select folder from ");
+ strcat(lBuff, getCurDir());
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lDialogString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, lBuff, "");
+ if (p) strcpy(lBuff, p); else lBuff[0] = '\0';
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lDialogString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = lBuff;
+ if ( !p || ! strlen( p ) || ! dirExists( p ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ return p ;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {}
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( strlen( lBuff ) && lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( ! strlen( lBuff ) || ! dirExists( lBuff ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ getPathWithoutFinalSlash( lLastDirectory , lBuff ) ;
+ return lBuff ;
+/* aDefaultRGB is used only if aDefaultHexRGB is absent */
+/* aDefaultRGB and aoResultRGB can be the same array */
+/* returns NULL on cancel */
+/* returns the hexcolor as a string "#FF0000" */
+/* aoResultRGB also contains the result */
+char * tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB , /* NULL or "#FF0000"*/
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3] , /* { 0 , 255 , 255 } */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3] ) /* { 0 , 0 , 0 } */
+ static char lDefaultHexRGB[16];
+ char lBuff[128] ;
+ char lTmp[128] ;
+#if !((defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__))
+ char * lTmp2 ;
+ char lDialogString[MAX_PATH_OR_CMD] ;
+ unsigned char lDefaultRGB[3];
+ char * p;
+ char * lPointerInputBox;
+ FILE * lIn ;
+ int i ;
+ int lWasZenity3 = 0 ;
+ int lWasOsascript = 0 ;
+ int lWasXdialog = 0 ;
+ lBuff[0]='\0';
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aTitle)) return tinyfd_colorChooser("INVALID TITLE WITH QUOTES", aDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (tfd_quoteDetected(aDefaultHexRGB)) return tinyfd_colorChooser(aTitle, "INVALID DEFAULT_HEX_RGB WITH QUOTES: use the GRAVE ACCENT \\x60 instead.", aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB);
+ if (aDefaultHexRGB && (strlen(aDefaultHexRGB)==7) )
+ {
+ Hex2RGB(aDefaultHexRGB, lDefaultRGB);
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultHexRGB);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lDefaultRGB[0] = aDefaultRGB[0];
+ lDefaultRGB[1] = aDefaultRGB[1];
+ lDefaultRGB[2] = aDefaultRGB[2];
+ RGB2Hex(aDefaultRGB, lDefaultHexRGB);
+ }
+ if ( osascriptPresent( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"applescript");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasOsascript = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "osascript");
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'Activate'");
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -e 'try' -e 'set mycolor to choose color default color {");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -e 'try' -e 'tell app (path to frontmost application as Unicode text) \
+to set mycolor to choose color default color {");
+ }
+ sprintf(lTmp, "%d", 256 * lDefaultRGB[0] ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "," ) ;
+ sprintf(lTmp, "%d", 256 * lDefaultRGB[1] ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "," ) ;
+ sprintf(lTmp, "%d", 256 * lDefaultRGB[2] ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "}' " ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"-e 'set mystring to ((item 1 of mycolor) div 256 as integer) as string' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"-e 'repeat with i from 2 to the count of mycolor' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"-e 'set mystring to mystring & \" \" & ((item i of mycolor) div 256 as integer) as string' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'end repeat' " );
+ strcat( lDialogString , "-e 'mystring' ");
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'on error number -128' " ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "-e 'end try'") ;
+ if ( ! osx9orBetter() ) strcat( lDialogString, " -e 'end tell'") ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_kdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"kdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "kdialog" ) ;
+ if ( (tfd_kdialogPresent() == 2) && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString) , " --getcolor --default '%s'" , lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title \"") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_zenity3Present() || tfd_matedialogPresent() || tfd_shellementaryPresent() || tfd_qarmaPresent() )
+ {
+ lWasZenity3 = 1 ;
+ if ( tfd_zenity3Present() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"zenity3");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "zenity" );
+ if ( (tfd_zenity3Present() >= 4) && !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString, " --attach=$(sleep .01;xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_matedialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"matedialog");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "matedialog" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tfd_shellementaryPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"shellementary");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "shellementary" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"qarma");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "qarma" ) ;
+ if ( !getenv("SSH_TTY") && tfd_xpropPresent() )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --attach=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)"); /* contribution: Paul Rouget */
+ }
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , " --color-selection --show-palette" ) ;
+ sprintf( lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString), " --color=%s" , lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"") ;
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle)) strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"") ;
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat( lDialogString , " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if (tfd_yadPresent())
+ {
+ if (aTitle && !strcmp(aTitle, "tinyfd_query")) { strcpy(tinyfd_response, "yad"); return (char*)1; }
+ strcpy(lDialogString, "yad --color");
+ sprintf(lDialogString + strlen(lDialogString), " --init-color=%s", lDefaultHexRGB);
+ if (aTitle && strlen(aTitle))
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, " --title=\"");
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle);
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\"");
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_silent) strcat(lDialogString, " 2>/dev/null ");
+ }
+ else if ( xdialogPresent() )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"xdialog");return (char *)1;}
+ lWasXdialog = 1 ;
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "Xdialog --colorsel \"" ) ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ }
+ strcat(lDialogString, "\" 0 60 ") ;
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sprintf(lTmp,"%hhu %hhu %hhu",lDefaultRGB[0],lDefaultRGB[1],lDefaultRGB[2]);
+ sprintf(lTmp,"%hu %hu %hu",lDefaultRGB[0],lDefaultRGB[1],lDefaultRGB[2]);
+ strcat(lDialogString, lTmp) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, " 2>&1");
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter3Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python3-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , gPython3Name ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+ " -S -c \"import tkinter;from tkinter import colorchooser;root=tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=colorchooser.askcolor(color='" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ",title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif res[1] is not None:\n\tprint(res[1])\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( tkinter2Present( ) )
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){strcpy(tinyfd_response,"python2-tkinter");return (char *)1;}
+ strcpy( lDialogString , "export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;" ) ;
+ strcat( lDialogString , gPython2Name ) ;
+ if ( ! isTerminalRunning( ) && tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString , " -i" ) ; /* for osx without console */
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+" -S -c \"import Tkinter,tkColorChooser;root=Tkinter.Tk();root.withdraw();");
+ if ( tfd_isDarwin( ) )
+ {
+ strcat( lDialogString ,
+"import os;os.system('''osascript -e 'tell app \\\"Finder\\\" to set \
+frontmost of process \\\"Python\\\" to true' ''');");
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , "res=tkColorChooser.askcolor(color='" ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, lDefaultHexRGB ) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ if ( aTitle && strlen(aTitle) )
+ {
+ strcat(lDialogString, ",title='") ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, aTitle) ;
+ strcat(lDialogString, "'") ;
+ }
+ strcat( lDialogString , ");\
+\nif res[1] is not None:\n\tprint res[1]\"" ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aTitle&&!strcmp(aTitle,"tinyfd_query")){return tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle,NULL,NULL);}
+ lPointerInputBox = tinyfd_inputBox(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* obtain a pointer on the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lDialogString, lPointerInputBox); /* preserve the current content of tinyfd_inputBox */
+ p = tinyfd_inputBox(aTitle, "Enter hex rgb color (i.e. #f5ca20)", lDefaultHexRGB);
+ if ( !p || (strlen(p) != 7) || (p[0] != '#') )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < 7 ; i ++ )
+ {
+ if ( ! isxdigit( (int) p[i] ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ }
+ Hex2RGB(p,aoResultRGB);
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB, p);
+ if (lPointerInputBox) strcpy(lPointerInputBox, lDialogString); /* restore its previous content to tinyfd_inputBox */
+ return lDefaultHexRGB;
+ }
+ if (tinyfd_verbose) printf( "lDialogString: %s\n" , lDialogString ) ;
+ if ( ! ( lIn = popen( lDialogString , "r" ) ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ while ( fgets( lBuff , sizeof( lBuff ) , lIn ) != NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ pclose( lIn ) ;
+ if ( ! strlen( lBuff ) )
+ {
+ return NULL ;
+ }
+ /* printf( "len Buff: %lu\n" , strlen(lBuff) ) ; */
+ /* printf( "lBuff0: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ if ( lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] == '\n' )
+ {
+ lBuff[strlen( lBuff ) -1] = '\0' ;
+ }
+ if ( lWasZenity3 )
+ {
+ if ( lBuff[0] == '#' )
+ {
+ if ( strlen(lBuff)>7 )
+ {
+ lBuff[3]=lBuff[5];
+ lBuff[4]=lBuff[6];
+ lBuff[5]=lBuff[9];
+ lBuff[6]=lBuff[10];
+ lBuff[7]='\0';
+ }
+ Hex2RGB(lBuff,aoResultRGB);
+ }
+ else if ( lBuff[3] == '(' ) {
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sscanf(lBuff,"rgb(%hhu,%hhu,%hhu", & aoResultRGB[0], & aoResultRGB[1],& aoResultRGB[2]);
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char) strtol(lBuff+4, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, NULL, 10 );
+ RGB2Hex(aoResultRGB,lBuff);
+ }
+ else if ( lBuff[4] == '(' ) {
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sscanf(lBuff,"rgba(%hhu,%hhu,%hhu", & aoResultRGB[0], & aoResultRGB[1],& aoResultRGB[2]);
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char) strtol(lBuff+5, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, NULL, 10 );
+ RGB2Hex(aoResultRGB,lBuff);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( lWasOsascript || lWasXdialog )
+ {
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+#if (defined(__cplusplus ) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) || defined(__clang__)
+ sscanf(lBuff,"%hhu %hhu %hhu", & aoResultRGB[0], & aoResultRGB[1],& aoResultRGB[2]);
+ aoResultRGB[0] = (unsigned char) strtol(lBuff, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[1] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, & lTmp2, 10 );
+ aoResultRGB[2] = (unsigned char) strtol(lTmp2+1, NULL, 10 );
+ RGB2Hex(aoResultRGB,lBuff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Hex2RGB(lBuff,aoResultRGB);
+ }
+ /* printf("%d %d %d\n", aoResultRGB[0],aoResultRGB[1],aoResultRGB[2]); */
+ /* printf( "lBuff: %s\n" , lBuff ) ; */
+ strcpy(lDefaultHexRGB,lBuff);
+ return lDefaultHexRGB ;
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+/* Modified prototypes for R */
+void tfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char const * aMessage ,
+ char const * aDialogType ,
+ char const * aIconType ,
+ int * aiDefaultButton )
+ * aiDefaultButton = tinyfd_messageBox( aTitle , aMessage , aDialogType , aIconType , * aiDefaultButton ) ;
+void tfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char const * aMessage ,
+ char * * aiDefaultInput )
+ char * lReturnedInput ;
+ if ( ! strcmp( * aiDefaultInput , "NULL") ) lReturnedInput = tinyfd_inputBox( aTitle , aMessage , NULL ) ;
+ else lReturnedInput = tinyfd_inputBox( aTitle , aMessage , * aiDefaultInput ) ;
+ if ( lReturnedInput ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultInput , lReturnedInput ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultInput , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultPathAndFile ,
+ int const * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription )
+ char * lSavefile ;
+ /* printf( "aFilterPatterns %s\n" , aFilterPatterns [0]); */
+ lSavefile = tinyfd_saveFileDialog( aTitle , * aiDefaultPathAndFile , * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ aFilterPatterns, aSingleFilterDescription ) ;
+ if ( lSavefile ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , lSavefile ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultPathAndFile ,
+ int const * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns ,
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ,
+ int const * aAllowMultipleSelects )
+ char * lOpenfile ;
+ /* printf( "aFilterPatterns %s\n" , aFilterPatterns [0]); */
+ lOpenfile = tinyfd_openFileDialog( aTitle , * aiDefaultPathAndFile , * aNumOfFilterPatterns ,
+ aFilterPatterns , aSingleFilterDescription , * aAllowMultipleSelects ) ;
+ if ( lOpenfile ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , lOpenfile ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultPathAndFile , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultPath )
+ char * lSelectedfolder ;
+ lSelectedfolder = tinyfd_selectFolderDialog( aTitle, * aiDefaultPath ) ;
+ if ( lSelectedfolder ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultPath , lSelectedfolder ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultPath , "NULL" ) ;
+void tfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle ,
+ char * * aiDefaultHexRGB )
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB [ 3 ] = {128,128,128} ;
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB [ 3 ] = {128,128,128} ;
+ char * lChosenColor ;
+ lChosenColor = tinyfd_colorChooser( aTitle, * aiDefaultHexRGB, aDefaultRGB, aoResultRGB ) ;
+ if ( lChosenColor ) strcpy ( * aiDefaultHexRGB , lChosenColor ) ;
+ else strcpy ( * aiDefaultHexRGB , "NULL" ) ;
+/* end of Modified prototypes for R */
+int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
+char const * lTmp;
+char const * lTheSaveFileName;
+char const * lTheOpenFileName;
+char const * lTheSelectFolderName;
+char const * lTheHexColor;
+char const * lWillBeGraphicMode;
+unsigned char lRgbColor[3];
+FILE * lIn;
+char lBuffer[1024];
+char lString[1024];
+char const * lFilterPatterns[2] = { "*.txt", "*.text" };
+tinyfd_verbose = argc - 1;
+tinyfd_silent = 1;
+lWillBeGraphicMode = tinyfd_inputBox("tinyfd_query", NULL, NULL);
+strcpy(lBuffer, "v");
+strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_version);
+if (lWillBeGraphicMode)
+ strcat(lBuffer, "\ngraphic mode: ");
+ strcat(lBuffer, "\nconsole mode: ");
+strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_response);
+strcat(lBuffer, "\n");
+strcat(lBuffer, tinyfd_needs+78);
+strcpy(lString, "tinyfiledialogs");
+tinyfd_messageBox(lString, lBuffer, "ok", "info", 0);
+tinyfd_notifyPopup("the title", "the message\n\tfrom outer-space", "info");
+if (lWillBeGraphicMode && !tinyfd_forceConsole)
+ tinyfd_forceConsole = ! tinyfd_messageBox("Hello World",
+ "graphic dialogs [yes] / console mode [no]?",
+ "yesno", "question", 1);
+lTmp = tinyfd_inputBox(
+ "a password box", "your password will be revealed", NULL);
+if (!lTmp) return 1;
+strcpy(lString, lTmp);
+lTheSaveFileName = tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ "let us save this password",
+ "passwordFile.txt",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ NULL);
+if (!lTheSaveFileName)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Save file name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+lIn = fopen(lTheSaveFileName, "w");
+if (!lIn)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Can not open this file in write mode",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+fputs(lString, lIn);
+lTheOpenFileName = tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ "let us read the password back",
+ "",
+ 2,
+ lFilterPatterns,
+ 0);
+if (!lTheOpenFileName)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Open file name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+lIn = fopen(lTheOpenFileName, "r");
+if (!lIn)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Can not open this file in read mode",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return(1);
+lBuffer[0] = '\0';
+fgets(lBuffer, sizeof(lBuffer), lIn);
+tinyfd_messageBox("your password is",
+ lBuffer, "ok", "info", 1);
+lTheSelectFolderName = tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ "let us just select a directory", NULL);
+if (!lTheSelectFolderName)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "Select folder name is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+tinyfd_messageBox("The selected folder is",
+ lTheSelectFolderName, "ok", "info", 1);
+lTheHexColor = tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ "choose a nice color",
+ "#FF0077",
+ lRgbColor,
+ lRgbColor);
+if (!lTheHexColor)
+ tinyfd_messageBox(
+ "Error",
+ "hexcolor is NULL",
+ "ok",
+ "error",
+ 1);
+ return 1;
+tinyfd_messageBox("The selected hexcolor is",
+ lTheHexColor, "ok", "info", 1);
+ tinyfd_beep();
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4996)
+#pragma warning(default:4100)
+#pragma warning(default:4706)
diff --git a/tinyfiledialogs/tinyfiledialogs.h b/tinyfiledialogs/tinyfiledialogs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c195d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyfiledialogs/tinyfiledialogs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 Guillaume Vareille http://ysengrin.com
+ ____________________________________________________________________
+ | |
+ | 100% compatible C C++ -> You can rename tinfiledialogs.c as .cpp |
+ |____________________________________________________________________|
+ _________
+ / \ tinyfiledialogs.h v3.18.2 [Jun 8, 2024]
+ |tiny file| Unique header file created [November 9, 2014]
+ | dialogs |
+ \____ ___/ http://tinyfiledialogs.sourceforge.net
+ \| git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/tinyfiledialogs/code tinyfd
+ ____________________________________________
+| |
+| email: tinyfiledialogs at ysengrin.com |
+ ________________________________________________________________________________
+| ____________________________________________________________________________ |
+| | | |
+| | - in tinyfiledialogs, char is UTF-8 by default (since v3.6) | |
+| | | |
+| | on windows: | |
+| | - for UTF-16, use the wchar_t functions at the bottom of the header file | |
+| | | |
+| | - _wfopen() requires wchar_t | |
+| | - fopen() uses char but expects ASCII or MBCS (not UTF-8) | |
+| | - if you want char to be MBCS: set tinyfd_winUtf8 to 0 | |
+| | | |
+| | - alternatively, tinyfiledialogs provides | |
+| | functions to convert between UTF-8, UTF-16 and MBCS | |
+| |____________________________________________________________________________| |
+If you like tinyfiledialogs, please upvote my stackoverflow answer
+- License -
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ __________________________________________
+ | ______________________________________ |
+ | | | |
+ | |______________________________________| |
+ |__________________________________________|
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/**************************************** UTF-8 on Windows ********************************************/
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* On windows, if you want to use UTF-8 ( instead of the UTF-16/wchar_t functions at the end of this file )
+Make sure your code is really prepared for UTF-8 (on windows, functions like fopen() expect MBCS and not UTF-8) */
+extern int tinyfd_winUtf8; /* on windows char strings can be 1:UTF-8(default) or 0:MBCS */
+/* for MBCS change this to 0, in tinyfiledialogs.c or in your code */
+/* Here are some functions to help you convert between UTF-16 UTF-8 MBSC */
+char * tinyfd_utf8toMbcs(char const * aUtf8string);
+char * tinyfd_utf16toMbcs(wchar_t const * aUtf16string);
+wchar_t * tinyfd_mbcsTo16(char const * aMbcsString);
+char * tinyfd_mbcsTo8(char const * aMbcsString);
+wchar_t * tinyfd_utf8to16(char const * aUtf8string);
+char * tinyfd_utf16to8(wchar_t const * aUtf16string);
+/************* 3 funtions for C# (you don't need this in C or C++) : */
+char const * tinyfd_getGlobalChar(char const * aCharVariableName); /* returns NULL on error */
+int tinyfd_getGlobalInt(char const * aIntVariableName); /* returns -1 on error */
+int tinyfd_setGlobalInt(char const * aIntVariableName, int aValue); /* returns -1 on error */
+/* aCharVariableName: "tinyfd_version" "tinyfd_needs" "tinyfd_response"
+ aIntVariableName : "tinyfd_verbose" "tinyfd_silent" "tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs"
+ "tinyfd_forceConsole" "tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay" "tinyfd_winUtf8"
+extern char tinyfd_version[8]; /* contains tinyfd current version number */
+extern char tinyfd_needs[]; /* info about requirements */
+extern int tinyfd_verbose; /* 0 (default) or 1 : on unix, prints the command line calls */
+extern int tinyfd_silent; /* 1 (default) or 0 : on unix, hide errors and warnings from called dialogs */
+/** Curses dialogs are difficult to use and counter-intuitive.
+On windows they are only ascii and still uses the unix backslash ! **/
+extern int tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs; /* 0 (default) or 1 */
+extern int tinyfd_forceConsole; /* 0 (default) or 1 */
+/* for unix & windows: 0 (graphic mode) or 1 (console mode).
+0: try to use a graphic solution, if it fails then it uses console mode.
+1: forces all dialogs into console mode even when an X server is present.
+ if enabled, it can use the package Dialog or dialog.exe.
+ on windows it only make sense for console applications */
+extern int tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay; /* 0 (default) or 1 */
+/* some systems don't set the environment variable DISPLAY even when a graphic display is present.
+set this to 1 to tell tinyfiledialogs to assume the existence of a graphic display */
+extern char tinyfd_response[1024];
+/* if you pass "tinyfd_query" as aTitle,
+the functions will not display the dialogs
+but will return 0 for console mode, 1 for graphic mode.
+tinyfd_response is then filled with the retain solution.
+possible values for tinyfd_response are (all lowercase)
+for graphic mode:
+ windows_wchar windows applescript kdialog zenity zenity3 yad matedialog
+ shellementary qarma python2-tkinter python3-tkinter python-dbus
+ perl-dbus gxmessage gmessage xmessage xdialog gdialog dunst
+for console mode:
+ dialog whiptail basicinput no_solution */
+void tinyfd_beep(void);
+int tinyfd_notifyPopup(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage, /* NULL or "" may contain \n \t */
+ char const * aIconType); /* "info" "warning" "error" */
+ /* return has only meaning for tinyfd_query */
+int tinyfd_messageBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" may contain \n \t */
+ char const * aDialogType , /* "ok" "okcancel" "yesno" "yesnocancel" */
+ char const * aIconType , /* "info" "warning" "error" "question" */
+ int aDefaultButton ) ;
+ /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes , 2 for no in yesnocancel */
+char * tinyfd_inputBox(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aMessage , /* NULL or "" (\n and \t have no effect) */
+ char const * aDefaultInput ) ; /* NULL = passwordBox, "" = inputbox */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_saveFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle , /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile , /* NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 (1 in the following example) */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns , /* NULL or char const * lFilterPatterns[1]={"*.txt"} */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription ) ; /* NULL or "text files" */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_openFileDialog(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or "" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 (2 in the following example) */
+ char const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or char const * lFilterPatterns[2]={"*.png","*.jpg"}; */
+ char const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or "image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects ) ; /* 0 or 1 */
+ /* in case of multiple files, the separator is | */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_selectFolderDialog(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultPath); /* NULL or "" */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+char * tinyfd_colorChooser(
+ char const * aTitle, /* NULL or "" */
+ char const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or "" or "#FF0000" */
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3] , /* unsigned char lDefaultRGB[3] = { 0 , 128 , 255 }; */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3] ) ; /* unsigned char lResultRGB[3]; */
+ /* aDefaultRGB is used only if aDefaultHexRGB is absent */
+ /* aDefaultRGB and aoResultRGB can be the same array */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+ /* returns the hexcolor as a string "#FF0000" */
+ /* aoResultRGB also contains the result */
+/************ WINDOWS ONLY SECTION ************************/
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* windows only - utf-16 version */
+int tinyfd_notifyPopupW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aMessage, /* NULL or L"" may contain \n \t */
+ wchar_t const * aIconType); /* L"info" L"warning" L"error" */
+/* windows only - utf-16 version */
+int tinyfd_messageBoxW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aMessage, /* NULL or L"" may contain \n \t */
+ wchar_t const * aDialogType, /* L"ok" L"okcancel" L"yesno" */
+ wchar_t const * aIconType, /* L"info" L"warning" L"error" L"question" */
+ int aDefaultButton ); /* 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes */
+ /* returns 0 for cancel/no , 1 for ok/yes */
+/* windows only - utf-16 version */
+wchar_t * tinyfd_inputBoxW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aMessage, /* NULL or L"" (\n nor \t not respected) */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultInput); /* NULL passwordBox, L"" inputbox */
+/* windows only - utf-16 version */
+wchar_t * tinyfd_saveFileDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or L"" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns, /* 0 (1 in the following example) */
+ wchar_t const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or wchar_t const * lFilterPatterns[1]={L"*.txt"} */
+ wchar_t const * aSingleFilterDescription); /* NULL or L"text files" */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+/* windows only - utf-16 version */
+wchar_t * tinyfd_openFileDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPathAndOrFile, /* NULL or L"" , ends with / to set only a directory */
+ int aNumOfFilterPatterns , /* 0 (2 in the following example) */
+ wchar_t const * const * aFilterPatterns, /* NULL or wchar_t const * lFilterPatterns[2]={L"*.png","*.jpg"} */
+ wchar_t const * aSingleFilterDescription, /* NULL or L"image files" */
+ int aAllowMultipleSelects ) ; /* 0 or 1 */
+ /* in case of multiple files, the separator is | */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+/* windows only - utf-16 version */
+wchar_t * tinyfd_selectFolderDialogW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultPath); /* NULL or L"" */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+/* windows only - utf-16 version */
+wchar_t * tinyfd_colorChooserW(
+ wchar_t const * aTitle, /* NULL or L"" */
+ wchar_t const * aDefaultHexRGB, /* NULL or L"#FF0000" */
+ unsigned char const aDefaultRGB[3], /* unsigned char lDefaultRGB[3] = { 0 , 128 , 255 }; */
+ unsigned char aoResultRGB[3]); /* unsigned char lResultRGB[3]; */
+ /* returns the hexcolor as a string L"#FF0000" */
+ /* aoResultRGB also contains the result */
+ /* aDefaultRGB is used only if aDefaultHexRGB is NULL */
+ /* aDefaultRGB and aoResultRGB can be the same array */
+ /* returns NULL on cancel */
+#endif /*_WIN32 */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /*extern "C"*/
+ ________________________________________________________________________________
+| ____________________________________________________________________________ |
+| | | |
+| | on windows: | |
+| | - for UTF-16, use the wchar_t functions at the bottom of the header file | |
+| | - _wfopen() requires wchar_t | |
+| | | |
+| | - in tinyfiledialogs, char is UTF-8 by default (since v3.6) | |
+| | - but fopen() expects MBCS (not UTF-8) | |
+| | - if you want char to be MBCS: set tinyfd_winUtf8 to 0 | |
+| | | |
+| | - alternatively, tinyfiledialogs provides | |
+| | functions to convert between UTF-8, UTF-16 and MBCS | |
+| |____________________________________________________________________________| |
+- This is not for ios nor android (it works in termux though).
+- The files can be renamed with extension ".cpp" as the code is 100% compatible C C++
+ (just comment out << extern "C" >> in the header file)
+- Windows is fully supported from XP to 10 (maybe even older versions)
+- C# & LUA via dll, see files in the folder EXTRAS
+- OSX supported from 10.4 to latest (maybe even older versions)
+- Do not use " and ' as the dialogs will be displayed with a warning
+ instead of the title, message, etc...
+- There's one file filter only, it may contain several patterns.
+- If no filter description is provided,
+ the list of patterns will become the description.
+- On windows link against Comdlg32.lib and Ole32.lib
+ (on windows the no linking claim is a lie)
+- On unix: it tries command line calls, so no such need (NO LINKING).
+- On unix you need one of the following:
+ applescript, kdialog, zenity, matedialog, shellementary, qarma, yad,
+ python (2 or 3)/tkinter/python-dbus (optional), Xdialog
+ or curses dialogs (opens terminal if running without console).
+- One of those is already included on most (if not all) desktops.
+- In the absence of those it will use gdialog, gxmessage or whiptail
+ with a textinputbox. If nothing is found, it switches to basic console input,
+ it opens a console if needed (requires xterm + bash).
+- for curses dialogs you must set tinyfd_allowCursesDialogs=1
+- You can query the type of dialog that will be used (pass "tinyfd_query" as aTitle)
+- String memory is preallocated statically for all the returned values.
+- File and path names are tested before return, they should be valid.
+- tinyfd_forceConsole=1; at run time, forces dialogs into console mode.
+- On windows, console mode only make sense for console applications.
+- On windows, console mode is not implemented for wchar_T UTF-16.
+- Mutiple selects are not possible in console mode.
+- The package dialog must be installed to run in curses dialogs in console mode.
+ It is already installed on most unix systems.
+- On osx, the package dialog can be installed via
+ http://macappstore.org/dialog or http://macports.org
+- On windows, for curses dialogs console mode,
+ dialog.exe should be copied somewhere on your executable path.
+ It can be found at the bottom of the following page:
+ http://andrear.altervista.org/home/cdialog.php
| |