2025-02-24 17:25:59 +04:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using PuferFishContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts ;
using PuferFishContracts.DataModels ;
using PuferFishContracts.StoragesContracts ;
using Moq ;
using PuferFishBusinessLogic.Implementations ;
using PuferFishContracts.Exceptions ;
using PuferFishContracts.Extensions ;
using PuferFishBusinessLogic.Implementations ;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
namespace PuferFishTests.BusinessLogicsContractsTests ;
internal class BuyerBusinessLogicContractTests
private BuyerBusinessLogicContract _buyerBusinessLogicContract ;
private Mock < IBuyerStorageContract > _buyerStorageContract ;
public void OneTimeSetUp ( )
_buyerStorageContract = new Mock < IBuyerStorageContract > ( ) ;
_buyerBusinessLogicContract = new BuyerBusinessLogicContract ( _buyerStorageContract . Object , new Mock < ILogger > ( ) . Object ) ;
public void SetUp ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Reset ( ) ;
public void GetAllBuyers_ReturnListOfRecords_Test ( )
var listOriginal = new List < BuyerDataModel > ( )
2025-02-27 14:34:10 +04:00
new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "fio 1" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ,
new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "fio 2" , "+7-555-444-33-23" , 10 ) ,
new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "fio 3" , "+7-777-777-7777" , 0 ) , } ;
2025-02-24 17:25:59 +04:00
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = > x . GetList ( ) ) . Returns ( listOriginal ) ;
var list = _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetAllBuyers ( ) ;
Assert . That ( list , Is . Not . Null ) ;
Assert . That ( list , Is . EquivalentTo ( listOriginal ) ) ;
public void GetAllBuyers_ReturnEmptyList_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = > x . GetList ( ) ) . Returns ( [ ] ) ;
var list = _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetAllBuyers ( ) ;
Assert . That ( list , Is . Not . Null ) ;
Assert . That ( list , Has . Count . EqualTo ( 0 ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . GetList ( ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void GetAllBuyers_ReturnNull_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetAllBuyers ( ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < NullListException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . GetList ( ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void GetAllBuyers_StorageThrowError_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = > x . GetList ( ) ) . Throws ( new
StorageException ( new InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetAllBuyers ( ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < StorageException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . GetList ( ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void GetBuyerByData_GetById_ReturnRecord_Test ( )
var id = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
var record = new BuyerDataModel ( id , "fio" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . GetElementById ( id ) ) . Returns ( record ) ;
var element = _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( id ) ;
Assert . That ( element , Is . Not . Null ) ;
Assert . That ( element . Id , Is . EqualTo ( id ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementById ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void GetBuyerByData_GetByFio_ReturnRecord_Test ( )
var fio = "fio" ;
var record = new BuyerDataModel ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , fio , "+7 - 111 - 111 - 11 - 11" , 0 ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . GetElementByFIO ( fio ) ) . Returns ( record ) ;
var element = _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( fio ) ;
Assert . That ( element , Is . Not . Null ) ;
Assert . That ( element . FIO , Is . EqualTo ( fio ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByFIO ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void GetBuyerByData_GetByPhoneNumber_ReturnRecord_Test ( )
var phoneNumber = "+7-111-111-11-11" ;
var record = new BuyerDataModel ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "fio" ,
phoneNumber , 0 ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( phoneNumber ) ) . Returns ( record ) ;
2025-02-27 00:09:42 +04:00
var element = _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( phoneNumber ) ;
2025-02-24 17:25:59 +04:00
Assert . That ( element , Is . Not . Null ) ;
Assert . That ( element . PhoneNumber , Is . EqualTo ( phoneNumber ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void GetBuyerByData_EmptyData_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( null ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentNullException > ( ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( string . Empty ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentNullException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementById ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByFIO ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
public void GetBuyerByData_GetById_NotFoundRecord_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ElementNotFoundException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementById ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByFIO ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
public void GetBuyerByData_GetByFio_NotFoundRecord_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( "fio" ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ElementNotFoundException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementById ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByFIO ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
public void
GetBuyerByData_GetByPhoneNumber_NotFoundRecord_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( "+7-111-111-11-12" ) , Throws . TypeOf < ElementNotFoundException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . GetElementById ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . GetElementByFIO ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void GetBuyerByData_StorageThrowError_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . GetElementById ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new StorageException ( new
InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . GetElementByFIO ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new StorageException ( new
InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new StorageException ( new
InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < StorageException > ( ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( "Фамилия Имя Отчество" ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < StorageException > ( ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . GetBuyerByData ( "+7-111-111-11-12" ) , Throws . TypeOf < StorageException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementById ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByFIO ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . GetElementByPhoneNumber ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void InsertBuyer_CorrectRecord_Test ( )
var flag = false ;
var record = new BuyerDataModel ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "Фамилия Имя Отчество" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 10 ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = > x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) ) . Callback ( ( BuyerDataModel x ) = >
flag = x . Id = = record . Id & & x . FIO = = record . FIO & & x . PhoneNumber = = record . PhoneNumber & & x . Points = = record . Points ;
} ) ;
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . InsertBuyer ( record ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
Assert . That ( flag ) ;
public void InsertBuyer_RecordWithExistsData_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = > x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new ElementExistsException ( "Data" , "Data" ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . InsertBuyer ( new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "Фамилия Имя Отчество" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ) , Throws . TypeOf < ElementExistsException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void InsertBuyer_NullRecord_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . InsertBuyer ( null ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentNullException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
public void InsertBuyer_InvalidRecord_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . InsertBuyer ( new
BuyerDataModel ( "id" , "fio" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 10 ) ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ValidationException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
public void InsertBuyer_StorageThrowError_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new StorageException ( new InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . InsertBuyer ( new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "Фамилия Имя Отчество" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ) , Throws . TypeOf < StorageException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . AddElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void UpdateBuyer_CorrectRecord_Test ( )
var flag = false ;
var record = new BuyerDataModel ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "Фамилия Имя Отчество" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) )
. Callback ( ( BuyerDataModel x ) = >
flag = x . Id = = record . Id & & x . FIO = = record . FIO & & x . PhoneNumber = = record . PhoneNumber & & x . Points = = record . Points ;
} ) ;
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . UpdateBuyer ( record ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
Assert . That ( flag ) ;
public void UpdateBuyer_RecordWithIncorrectData_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new
ElementNotFoundException ( "" ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . UpdateBuyer ( new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "Фамилия Имя Отчество" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ) , Throws . TypeOf < ElementNotFoundException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void UpdateBuyer_RecordWithExistsData_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new ElementExistsException ( "Data" , "Data" ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . UpdateBuyer ( new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "Фамилия Имя Отчество" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ) , Throws . TypeOf < ElementExistsException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void UpdateBuyer_NullRecord_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . UpdateBuyer ( null ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentNullException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
public void UpdateBuyer_InvalidRecord_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . UpdateBuyer ( new
BuyerDataModel ( "id" , "fio" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 10 ) ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ValidationException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Never ) ;
public void UpdateBuyer_StorageThrowError_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new StorageException ( new
InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . UpdateBuyer ( new ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) , "Фамилия Имя Отчество" , "+7-111-111-11-11" , 0 ) ) , Throws . TypeOf < StorageException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = >
x . UpdElement ( It . IsAny < BuyerDataModel > ( ) ) , Times . Once ) ;
public void DeleteBuyer_CorrectRecord_Test ( )
var id = Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ;
var flag = false ;
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = > x . DelElement ( It . Is ( ( string x ) = > x
= = id ) ) ) . Callback ( ( ) = > { flag = true ; } ) ;
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . DeleteBuyer ( id ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . DelElement ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ,
Times . Once ) ;
Assert . That ( flag ) ;
public void DeleteBuyer_RecordWithIncorrectId_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . DelElement ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new ElementNotFoundException ( "" ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . DeleteBuyer ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ElementNotFoundException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . DelElement ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ,
Times . Once ) ;
public void DeleteBuyer_IdIsNullOrEmpty_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . DeleteBuyer ( null ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentNullException > ( ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . DeleteBuyer ( string . Empty ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ArgumentNullException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . DelElement ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ,
Times . Never ) ;
public void DeleteBuyer_IdIsNotGuid_ThrowException_Test ( )
Assert . That ( ( ) = > _buyerBusinessLogicContract . DeleteBuyer ( "id" ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < ValidationException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . DelElement ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ,
Times . Never ) ;
public void DeleteBuyer_StorageThrowError_ThrowException_Test ( )
_buyerStorageContract . Setup ( x = >
x . DelElement ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ) . Throws ( new StorageException ( new
InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ) ;
Assert . That ( ( ) = >
_buyerBusinessLogicContract . DeleteBuyer ( Guid . NewGuid ( ) . ToString ( ) ) ,
Throws . TypeOf < StorageException > ( ) ) ;
_buyerStorageContract . Verify ( x = > x . DelElement ( It . IsAny < string > ( ) ) ,
Times . Once ) ;