Александр Савенков Fnaf459
  • Ульяновск
  • Joined on 2023-09-21
Fnaf459 closed pull request Alexey/IIS_2023_1#12 2023-10-09 17:08:59 +04:00
Fnaf459 closed pull request Alexey/IIS_2023_1#13 2023-10-09 17:08:59 +04:00
Fnaf459 closed pull request Alexey/IIS_2023_1#11 2023-10-09 17:08:58 +04:00
Fnaf459 closed pull request Alexey/DAS_2023_1#1 2023-10-09 17:08:32 +04:00
savenkov_lab_1 is ready
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov-av-lab-1 at Fnaf459/DAS_2023_1 2023-10-06 02:14:56 +04:00
38cb4e770c savenkov-av-lab-1 is ready
Fnaf459 created pull request Alexey/DAS_2023_1#1 2023-10-06 02:06:56 +04:00
savenkov_lab_1 is ready
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov-av-lab-1 at Fnaf459/DAS_2023_1 2023-10-06 02:05:32 +04:00
833f04f82e savenkov_lab_1 is ready
Fnaf459 created branch savenkov-av-lab-1 in Fnaf459/DAS_2023_1 2023-10-06 02:05:31 +04:00
Fnaf459 created repository Fnaf459/DAS_2023_1 2023-10-05 18:57:11 +04:00
Fnaf459 created pull request Alexey/IIS_2023_1#13 2023-10-03 19:59:38 +04:00
Fnaf459 created branch savenkov_alexander_lab_3 in Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-10-03 19:57:56 +04:00
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov_alexander_lab_3 at Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-10-03 19:57:56 +04:00
675b127b30 savenkov_alexander_lab_3 is ready
Fnaf459 created pull request Alexey/IIS_2023_1#12 2023-10-03 19:18:39 +04:00
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov_alexander_lab_2 at Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-10-03 19:16:04 +04:00
9b92c67830 savenkov_alexander_lab_2 is ready
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov_alexander_lab_2 at Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-10-03 19:14:53 +04:00
Fnaf459 created branch savenkov_alexander_lab_2 in Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-10-03 19:14:53 +04:00
Fnaf459 created pull request Alexey/IIS_2023_1#11 2023-10-03 01:06:51 +04:00
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov_alexander_lab_1 at Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-10-03 00:57:12 +04:00
92ce864a17 savenkov_alexander_lab_1 is ready
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov_alexander_lab_1 at Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-09-26 22:24:29 +04:00
8ca4cddc82 savenkov_alexander_lab_1 is ready
Fnaf459 pushed to savenkov_alexander_lab_1 at Alexey/IIS_2023_1 2023-09-26 22:12:42 +04:00