ISEbd-11.Evtishina.E.V.01 #1

Evtishina_Elizaveta wants to merge 6 commits from LabWork01 into main
Showing only changes of commit 337151391d - Show all commits

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@ -161,32 +161,15 @@ public class DrawningTank
Brush additionalBrush = new SolidBrush(EntityTank.AdditionalColor);
Brush bodyBrush = new SolidBrush(EntityTank.BodyColor);
//linii v gusenice
Point p4 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 100, _startPosY.Value + 10);
Point p5 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 100, _startPosY.Value + 10);
Point p6 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 100, _startPosY.Value + 10);
Point p7 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 100, _startPosY.Value + 10);
Point[] p_pulemet = { p4, p5, p6, p7 };
g.FillPolygon(additionalBrush, p_pulemet);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value, _startPosY.Value + 45, 150, 60);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 5, _startPosY.Value + 60, 33, 33);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 110, _startPosY.Value + 60, 33, 33);
//otrisovka gusenici
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 11, _startPosY.Value + 66, 20, 20);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 117, _startPosY.Value + 66, 20, 20);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 35, _startPosY.Value + 80, 16, 16);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 55, _startPosY.Value + 83, 16, 16);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 75, _startPosY.Value + 83, 16, 16);
g.DrawEllipse(pen, _startPosX.Value + 95, _startPosY.Value + 80, 16, 16);
g.FillEllipse(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 38, _startPosY.Value + 83, 10, 10);
g.FillEllipse(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 58, _startPosY.Value + 86, 10, 10);
g.FillEllipse(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 78, _startPosY.Value + 86, 10, 10);
g.FillEllipse(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 98, _startPosY.Value + 83, 10, 10);
g.FillEllipse(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 45, _startPosY.Value + 55, 15, 15);
g.FillEllipse(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 65, _startPosY.Value + 55, 15, 15);
g.FillEllipse(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 85, _startPosY.Value + 55, 15, 15);
@ -194,17 +177,17 @@ public class DrawningTank
g.FillRectangle(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 30, _startPosY.Value + 10, 100, 30);
g.FillRectangle(bodyBrush, _startPosX.Value + 5, _startPosY.Value + 40, 140, 25);
// g.FillRectangle(additionalBrush, _startPosX.Value + 120, _startPosY.Value + 20, 100, 15);
if (EntityTank.Pushka)
g.FillRectangle(additionalBrush, _startPosX.Value + 120, _startPosY.Value + 20, 100, 15);
//if (EntityTank.Pulemet)
// Point p = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 75, _startPosY.Value + 10);
// Point p1 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 80, _startPosY.Value + 1);
// Point p2 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 87, _startPosY.Value + 2);
// Point p3 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 80, _startPosY.Value + 10);
// Point[] p_pulemet = { p, p1, p2, p3 };
// g.FillPolygon(additionalBrush, p_pulemet);
if (EntityTank.Pulemet)
Point p = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 75, _startPosY.Value + 10);
Point p1 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 80, _startPosY.Value + 1);
Point p2 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 87, _startPosY.Value + 2);
Point p3 = new Point(_startPosX.Value + 80, _startPosY.Value + 10);
Point[] p_pulemet = { p, p1, p2, p3 };
g.FillPolygon(additionalBrush, p_pulemet);