using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using LDBproject.Entities; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Npgsql; using Dapper; namespace LDBproject.Repositories.Implementations; public class OrderR : IOrderRep { private readonly IConnectionString _connectionString; private readonly ILogger<OrderR> _logger; public OrderR(IConnectionString connectionString, ILogger<OrderR> logger) { _connectionString = connectionString; _logger = logger; } public void CreateOrder(Order order) { _logger.LogInformation("< Adding new ORDER > [!]"); _logger.LogDebug("Object - {json}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order)); try { using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); // 1. Insert the Order without RETURNING var queryInsert = @"INSERT INTO Orders (CardID, LibrarianID, BorrowDate) VALUES (@CardID, @LibrarianID, @BorrowDate)"; connection.Execute(queryInsert, new { order.CardID, order.LibrarianID, order.BorrowDate }, transaction); // 2. Get the last inserted OrderID var queryGetLastInsertedId = "SELECT MAX(OrderID) FROM Orders"; int orderID = connection.QuerySingle<int>(queryGetLastInsertedId, transaction: transaction); // 3. Insert the Registrations associated with the order var querySubInsert = @"INSERT INTO Registrations (OrderID, BookID, Note) VALUES (@OrderID, @BookID, @Note)"; foreach (var elem in order.Registrations) { connection.Execute(querySubInsert, new { OrderID = orderID, elem.BookID, elem.Note }, transaction); } transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "< Error while adding ORDER >"); throw; } } public void UpdateOrderInfo(Order order) { _logger.LogInformation("< Updating order info >"); _logger.LogDebug("Object - {json}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order)); try { using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString.ConnectionString); using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); // 1. Update order var queryUpdate = @" UPDATE Orders SET CardID = @CardID, LibrarianID = @LibrarianID, BorrowDate = @BorrowDate WHERE OrderID = @OrderID"; connection.Execute(queryUpdate, new { order.CardID, order.LibrarianID, order.BorrowDate, order.OrderID }, transaction); //2. Update registrations: var queryDeleteRegistrations = "DELETE FROM Registrations WHERE OrderID = @OrderID"; connection.Execute(queryDeleteRegistrations, new { OrderID = order.OrderID }, transaction); var querySubInsert = @"INSERT INTO Registrations (OrderID, BookID, Note) VALUES (@OrderID, @BookID, @Note)"; foreach (var elem in order.Registrations) { connection.Execute(querySubInsert, new { OrderID = order.OrderID, elem.BookID, elem.Note }, transaction); } transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "< Error while updating order info >"); throw; } } public void DeleteOrderinfo(int orderID) { _logger.LogInformation("< Deleting exact order >"); _logger.LogDebug("Obj: {id}", orderID); try { using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); // 1. Delete registrations for the order var queryDeleteRegistrations = @"DELETE FROM Registrations WHERE OrderID=@OrderID"; connection.Execute(queryDeleteRegistrations, new { OrderID = orderID }, transaction); // 2. Delete the order itself var queryDel = @"DELETE FROM Orders WHERE OrderID=@OrderID"; connection.Execute(queryDel, new { orderID }, transaction); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "< Error while deleting ORDER >"); throw; } } public IEnumerable<Order> GetOrdersInfo() { _logger.LogInformation("< Getting ORDERS based on a date >"); try { using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); var querySelectAll = @"SELECT orders.*, regs.BookID, regs.Note FROM Orders orders INNER JOIN Registrations regs ON regs.OrderID = orders.OrderID"; var orders = connection.Query<TemprOrderReg>(querySelectAll); _logger.LogDebug("Aimed objects: {json}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(orders)); return orders.GroupBy(x => x.OrderID, y => y, (key, value) => Order.NewOrder(value.First(), value.Select(z => Registration.OrderReg(z.OrderID, z.BookID, z.Note)))).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "< Error while reading ORDERS >"); throw; } } }