10/10/1949 20:30,san marcos,tx,us,cylinder,2700,45 minutes,This event took place in early fall around 1949-50. It occurred after a Boy Scout meeting in the Baptist Church. The Baptist Church sit,4/27/2004,29.8830556,-97.9411111
10/10/1949 21:00,lackland afb,tx,,light,7200,1-2 hrs,1949 Lackland AFB&#44 TX.  Lights racing across the sky & making 90 degree turns on a dime.,12/16/2005,29.38421,-98.581082
10/10/1955 17:00,chester (uk/england),,gb,circle,20,20 seconds,Green/Orange circular disc over Chester&#44 England,1/21/2008,53.2,-2.916667
10/10/1956 21:00,edna,tx,us,circle,20,1/2 hour,My older brother and twin sister were leaving the only Edna theater at about 9 PM&#44...we had our bikes and I took a different route home,1/17/2004,28.9783333,-96.6458333
10/10/1960 20:00,kaneohe,hi,us,light,900,15 minutes,AS a Marine 1st Lt. flying an FJ4B fighter/attack aircraft on a solo night exercise&#44 I was at 50&#44000&#39 in a "clean" aircraft (no ordinan,1/22/2004,21.4180556,-157.8036111
10/10/1961 19:00,bristol,tn,us,sphere,300,5 minutes,My father is now 89 my brother 52 the girl with us now 51 myself 49 and the other fellow which worked with my father if he&#39s still livi,4/27/2007,36.595,-82.1888889
10/10/1965 21:00,penarth (uk/wales),,gb,circle,180,about 3 mins,penarth uk  circle  3mins  stayed 30ft above me for 3 mins slowly moved of and then with the blink of the eye the speed was unreal,2/14/2006,51.434722,-3.18
10/10/1965 23:45,norwalk,ct,us,disk,1200,20 minutes,A bright orange color changing to reddish color disk/saucer was observed hovering above power transmission lines.,10/2/1999,41.1175,-73.4083333
10/10/1966 20:00,pell city,al,us,disk,180,3  minutes,Strobe Lighted disk shape object observed close&#44 at low speeds&#44 and low altitude in Oct 1966 in Pell City Alabama,3/19/2009,33.5861111,-86.2861111
10/10/1966 21:00,live oak,fl,us,disk,120,several minutes,Saucer zaps energy from powerline as my pregnant mother receives mental signals not to pass info,5/11/2005,30.2947222,-82.9841667
10/10/1968 13:00,hawthorne,ca,us,circle,300,5 min.,ROUND &#44 ORANGE &#44 WITH WHAT I WOULD SAY WAS POLISHED METAL OF SOME KIND AROUND THE EDGES .,10/31/2003,33.9163889,-118.3516667
10/10/1968 19:00,brevard,nc,us,fireball,180,3 minutes,silent red /orange mass of energy floated by three of us in western North Carolina in the 60s,6/12/2008,35.2333333,-82.7344444
10/10/1970 16:00,bellmore,ny,us,disk,1800,30 min.,silver disc seen by family and neighbors,5/11/2000,40.6686111,-73.5275
10/10/1970 19:00,manchester,ky,us,unknown,180,3 minutes,Slow moving&#44 silent craft accelerated at an unbelievable angle and speed.,2/14/2008,37.1536111,-83.7619444
10/10/1971 21:00,lexington,nc,us,oval,30,30 seconds,green oval shaped light over my local church&#44power lines down..,2/14/2010,35.8238889,-80.2536111
10/10/1972 19:00,harlan county,ky,us,circle,1200,20minutes,On october 10&#44 1972 myself&#44my 5yrs.daughter&#442 neices and 2 nephews were playing tag in the back yard .When we looked over on the ridge,9/15/2005,36.8430556,-83.3219444
10/10/1972 22:30,west bloomfield,mi,us,disk,120,2 minutes,The UFO was so close&#44 my battery in the car went to zero amps&#44 stalling the engine&#44 turning off my lights and radio.,8/14/2007,42.5377778,-83.2330556
10/10/1973 19:00,niantic,ct,us,disk,1800,20-30 min,Oh&#44 what a night &#33  Two (2) saucer-shaped&#44 glowing green objects and one (1) brilliantly glowing sphere gliding over the lake.,9/24/2003,41.3252778,-72.1936111
10/10/1973 23:00,bermuda nas,,,light,20,20 sec.,saw fast moving blip on the radar scope thin went outside and saw it again.,1/11/2002,32.364167,-64.678611
10/10/1974 19:30,hudson,ma,us,other,2700,45 minutes,Not sure of the eact month or year of this sighting but it was in the fall of 74 or 75. Was walking home around dusk and saw a bright l,8/10/1999,42.3916667,-71.5666667
10/10/1974 21:30,cardiff (uk/wales),,gb,disk,1200,20 minutes,back in 1974 I was 19 at the time and  lived in a suburb of Cardiff Wales UK called Ely&#44 and in the distance there was a wood called Ca,2/1/2007,51.5,-3.2
10/10/1974 23:00,hudson,ks,us,light,1200,one hour?,The light chased us.,7/25/2004,38.1055556,-98.6597222
10/10/1975 17:00,north charleston,sc,us,light,360,5-6 minutes,Several Flashing UFO lights over Charleston Naval Base in S.C.,2/14/2008,32.8544444,-79.975
10/10/1976 20:30,washougal,wa,us,oval,60,1 minute,Three extremely large lights hanging above nearby trees.,2/7/2014,45.5827778,-122.3522222
10/10/1976 22:00,stoke mandeville (uk/england),,gb,cigar,3,3 seconds,White object over Buckinghamshire UK.,12/12/2009,51.783333,-0.783333
10/10/1977 12:00,san antonio,tx,us,other,30,30 seconds,i was about six or seven and my family and me were sitting next to a window at home eating when a type of dark ball hit the screen wind,2/24/2005,29.4238889,-98.4933333
10/10/1977 22:00,louisville,ky,us,light,30,approx: 30 seconds,HBCCUFO CANADIAN REPORT:  Pilot Sighting Of Unusual Light.,3/17/2004,38.2541667,-85.7594444
10/10/1978 02:00,elmont,ny,us,rectangle,300,5min,A memory I will never forget that happened meny years ago.,2/1/2007,40.7008333,-73.7133333
10/10/1979 00:00,poughkeepsie,ny,us,chevron,900,15 minutes,1/4 moon-like&#44  its &#39chord&#39 or flat side parallel to horizon&#44  bright orange-red glow&#44  completely silent&#44 no features.,4/16/2005,41.7002778,-73.9213889
10/10/1979 22:00,saddle lake (canada),ab,,triangle,270,4.5 or more min.,Lights far above&#44  that glance; then flee from the celestrialhavens&#44 only to appear again.,1/19/2005,53.970571,-111.689885
10/10/1979 22:00,san diego,ca,us,oval,180,3 minutes,My 2nd UFO sighting&#44 October 1979,8/5/2001,32.7152778,-117.1563889
10/10/1979 22:00,security,co,us,unknown,1800,30mins.,very low clouds all different colors&#44search lights were seen shining down out of the clouds on the houses and streets. this event was s,1/28/1999,38.7583333,-104.7425
10/10/1980 19:00,houston,tx,us,sphere,180,3 min,Sphere&#44 No lights&#44  moving through neighborhoods above tree tops&#44 over busy streets in Houston in 1980.,4/16/2005,29.7630556,-95.3630556
10/10/1980 22:00,dallas,tx,us,unknown,300,5 minutes,Strange shape shifting craft of pure light energy.,10/28/2002,32.7833333,-96.8
10/10/1980 23:30,manchester,nh,us,light,300,3 to 5 min,A red glowing sphere stopped and watched me.,11/21/2010,42.9955556,-71.4552778
10/10/1982 07:00,gisborne (new zealand),,,disk,120,2min,gisborne nz 1982 wainui beach to sponge bay,1/11/2002,-38.662334,178.017649
10/10/1984 05:00,houston,tx,us,circle,60,1 minute,2 experience with unkown,4/18/2012,29.7630556,-95.3630556
10/10/1984 12:00,traverse city,mi,us,other,120,couple minutes,translucent football seen over city airport,10/7/2003,44.7630556,-85.6205556
10/10/1984 22:00,white plains,ny,us,formation,20,15-20 seconds,Saw a hugh object in sky with lights intermittently placed not making any noise traveling north in the night sky.It had no real identif,8/10/1999,41.0338889,-73.7633333
10/10/1985 20:25,leeds (uk/england),,gb,triangle,600,10min,three light in the sky that led to a big black silent triangle shaped craft.,3/4/2003,53.8,-1.583333
10/10/1986 20:00,holmes/pawling,ny,,chevron,180,3 minutes,Football Field Sized Chevron with bright white lights on front&#44 moving slowly with absolutely no sound,10/8/2007,41.523427,-73.646795
10/10/1988 18:00,milwaukee,wi,us,triangle,600,10 minutes,A silent black triangular object with no lights moved over us as we walked our dog across a school playground.,8/7/2007,43.0388889,-87.9063889
10/10/1988 21:00,new gloucester,me,us,unknown,120,few minutes,I&#39m still afraid to look at the sky at night.,1/10/2009,43.9627778,-70.2830556
10/10/1988 22:00,boulder,co,us,light,60,1 minute,Three Stars Begin to Move Randomly&#44 Stop&#44 Change Direction&#44 Move Again&#44 And Then Vanish,7/16/2006,40.015,-105.27
10/10/1988 22:45,seattle (ballard area),wa,us,unknown,2,2 sec.,Two adult witnesses are stunned by the sound of an object that streaks above the home they are in.,4/27/2004,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/10/1989 00:00,calabasas,ca,us,disk,300,approx 5 min,Unidentified object on Mulholland Highway.,12/14/2004,34.1577778,-118.6375
10/10/1989 21:00,centralia,wa,us,triangle,60,1 minute,A huge triangularly shaped silent object that blotted out 25 degrees of the sky&#44 lighted by four glowing points.,4/27/2004,46.7163889,-122.9530556
10/10/1989 21:00,kranklin,ky,,triangle,180,3min,Triangle seen in franklin Ky - october 1989,5/11/2005,36.722263,-86.577218
10/10/1990 21:00,ashburn,ga,us,triangle,120,2 minutes,Translucent Craft that makes No Sound While Moving,10/8/2007,31.7058333,-83.6533333
10/10/1991 22:00,frisco,nc,us,unknown,1800,30 minutes,A friend and myself were standing on the shore of the Pamlico sound as we observed 4 objects moving in up and down motions for about 30,1/28/1999,35.235,-75.6288889
10/10/1991 22:00,harrisburg,pa,us,triangle,600,10 minutes,We observed 3 triangular shaped high speed objects&#33,5/9/2003,40.2736111,-76.8847222
10/10/1992 17:00,panama city,fl,us,formation,3600,1 hour(?),During a road trip to Panama City a friend and I witnessed a pair of luminous light formations appear and dissappear over the Gulf.,1/28/1999,30.1586111,-85.6602778
10/10/1992 18:00,stafford,tx,us,unknown,10,10 seconds,A man emerges from a beam of light that shines on a grassy field at night and he runs towards the Texas Instruments parking lot.,4/18/2012,29.6158333,-95.5575
10/10/1992 20:15,seymour,tn,us,cigar,60,1min. 39s,Stationary Elongated UFO 200ft above vacant field with city lights on bottom,10/31/2008,35.8905556,-83.7247222
10/10/1992 22:00,weatherford,tx,us,unknown,30,30 seconds,Black or dark grey.  Too big&#44 too low&#44 too slow&#44 too quiet&#44 for a normal aircraft.,9/2/2005,32.7591667,-97.7969444
10/10/1993 03:00,zlatoust (russia),,,sphere,1200,20 minutes,I woke up at night and looked out the window near my bed. There was a huge sphere of shining light in front of our nine floor apartment,12/14/2004,55.183333,59.65
10/10/1993 22:00,peoria,il,us,light,8,8 seconds,Light over Peoria&#44 IL that moves slowly&#44 stops in mid-air&#44 hovers&#44 changes colors&#44 shoots in opposite direction and disappears.,10/11/2005,40.6936111,-89.5888889
10/10/1993 23:00,carthage,tn,us,other,60,less than 1 min,1 object with green and red lights,3/21/2003,36.2522222,-85.9516667
10/10/1994 15:00,mercedies,tx,,cigar,3600,1 hour,ufo chased by fighter jet over Rio Grande Valley. Seen on news,12/12/2011,26.149798,-97.913611
10/10/1994 18:30,burnt hills,ny,us,rectangle,120,2 minutes,Giant rectangular craft (resembling an upside-down aircraft carrier) over highway near Saratoga&#44 NY.,10/23/2013,42.9097222,-73.8955556
10/10/1994 22:00,pinebergen,ar,us,light,5,5 seconds,Round&#44 bright&#44 low flying object silently speeds West of Arkansas town at 11:30pm&#44 10/10/94.,2/18/2001,34.1027778,-91.9922222
10/10/1994 23:00,toronto (greater toronto area) (canada),on,ca,sphere,3600,~1 hour,Large rusty sphere,7/3/2013,43.666667,-79.416667
10/10/1995 19:45,milwaukee,wi,us,,120,2 min.,Man  on Hwy 43 SW of Milwaukee sees large&#44 bright blue light streak by his car&#44 descend&#44 turn&#44 cross road ahead&#44 strobe. Bizarre&#33,11/2/1999,43.0388889,-87.9063889
10/10/1995 22:40,oakland,ca,us,,60,1 minute,Woman repts.  bright light in NW sky&#44 suddenly approaches her&#44 flies slowly overhead.  Swept wings&#44 2 blurry lights either side.,11/2/1999,37.8044444,-122.2697222
10/10/1996 03:20,higginsville,mo,us,triangle,3,3sec,illuminated triangular craft&#44 flying at high speed from South to North,2/16/2000,39.0725,-93.7169444
10/10/1996 20:00,lake macquarie (nsw&#44 australia),,,light,300,5 min,RED LIGHT WITH OTHER RED FLASHING LIGHT&#44 ONE OBJECT,5/24/1999,-33.093373,151.588982
10/10/1996 22:00,charleston,sc,us,light,300,5 min,Flashing object above Charleston&#44 SC,11/26/2003,32.7763889,-79.9311111
10/10/1996 22:30,monroe county,oh,us,cylinder,60,1 minute,Looked like it went through the hillside,7/8/2004,39.4402778,-84.3622222
10/10/1997 16:00,connersville,in,us,delta,14400,4 hours,3 differants types &#44 cluster &#44delta &#44 and one in a 3 pointed star design . followed it for six miles .,1/28/1999,39.6411111,-85.1411111
10/10/1997 17:00,mesa,az,us,sphere,30,30 seconds,A small dark purple quad-thruster craft hovering 200-300 feet in the sky. 500 Lights On Object0: Yes,2/14/2008,33.4222222,-111.8219444
10/10/1997 20:00,bonaire,ga,us,triangle,300,<5 minutes,Triangular Object Sighted at Very Close Range,2/1/2007,32.5436111,-83.5961111
10/10/1997 21:00,austin,mn,us,other,3600,1-hour,i was traveling northbound on state highway 105 approximately 8 miles south of Austin MN when an object came down directly above my car,1/28/1999,43.6666667,-92.9744444
10/10/1998 02:30,hollywood,ca,us,changing,300,5 minutes,I was standing outside on Sunset Blvd. at Vine and looked straight up which I normally do not do. I saw three bright white lights in a,11/1/1998,34.0983333,-118.3258333
10/10/1998 03:30,phoenix (north part),az,us,fireball,15,10 to 15 sec,bright green moving north to north east. it was bright green and kinda clear. quite fast too.,2/16/1999,33.4483333,-112.0733333
10/10/1998 13:15,elgin,il,us,cylinder,1800,30 +/- min,While looking up at sky I noticed a bright light hovering above the sky. then I noticed a jet airliner traveling in the same area and I,11/1/1998,42.0372222,-88.2811111
10/10/1998 17:30,las vegas,nv,us,cigar,600,10 minutes,White&#44 vertical cigar shape floating around in the eastern sky.,11/1/1998,36.175,-115.1363889
10/10/1998 17:30,las vegas,nv,us,circle,2700,45min.,Ufo sighting in las vegas near Area51,8/30/1999,36.175,-115.1363889
10/10/1998 20:30,nyc/westchester area,ny,,triangle,60,< 1 min,Lights over NYC,10/30/2006,40.935998,-73.901708
10/10/1998 20:30,spokane (about 30 miles sw of&#44i-90&#44 maybe mm 254),wa,us,triangle,600,10 minutes,Dark boomerange object seen for ten minutes hovering over the freeway with a bright light out the front that lit up the fields. No jet,8/5/2001,47.6588889,-117.425
10/10/1998 20:50,mooresville,nc,us,light,2,2 seconds,Star gazing in back yard with telescope and binos. Saw shooting star and an oblong shape of light.,11/1/1998,35.5847222,-80.8102778
10/10/1998 22:30,st. john&#39s (canada),nf,ca,egg,7200,2 hours,Started off as 3 points of intense yellow light in triangle formation - then grew larger - it becage a single egg shape - VERY bright.,12/2/2000,47.55,-52.666667
10/10/1998 23:50,delano,tn,us,fireball,15,15 seconds,I came home from work one night and I seen a bright fire like ball go across the top ofthe mountain and it was going fast then it stopp,3/21/2003,35.265,-84.5533333
10/10/1999 00:01,martinez,ca,us,changing,3600,1 hour,Bright objects&#44 red and green flashing lights (and a diffuse white light off to one side of the larger of the two objects)&#44 about 30 de,10/19/1999,38.0194444,-122.1330556
10/10/1999 04:00,kansas city,ks,us,unknown,600,5-10 min.,Orange object over city.,10/19/1999,39.1141667,-94.6272222
10/10/1999 06:00,dallas,tx,us,other,10,10 seconds,group of   twinkling lights at high altitude,11/20/2001,32.7833333,-96.8
10/10/1999 11:00,san diego,ca,us,fireball,3600,1 hour,At 10:45 in the morning&#44 my father and I noticed a small stationary object in the sky.,10/19/1999,32.7152778,-117.1563889
10/10/1999 12:40,kennewick,wa,us,sphere,45,45 secs,Standing outside saying goodby to family members and pointing to Chem-Trails,10/19/1999,46.2113889,-119.1361111
10/10/1999 20:35,hayward,ca,us,circle,90,60-90 sec,Many different colored glowing  objects,11/20/2001,37.6688889,-122.0797222
10/10/1999 21:00,rachel,nv,us,light,10800,3 hours,Bright lights with incredible agility seen from mailbox at Area 51 on UFO highway in Nevada for several hourse.,5/24/2005,37.6447222,-115.7427778
10/10/1999 21:30,humphrey,ne,us,sphere,300,5 min,Object moving erratically in sky stopped by spot light,2/14/2006,41.6916667,-97.4841667
10/10/1999 22:30,casey key (north end of),fl,,triangle,120,several minutes,A large trianglual shaped craft flew from horizon to horizon as observed from the stern deck of a motor vessel,9/19/2002,27.150053,-82.480653
10/10/1999 22:30,elgin,or,us,chevron,240,4 minutes,Object silently traveled north -northwest. It was V shaped with five orange lights on the perimeter and one white ligh in the center of,10/19/1999,45.565,-117.9163889
10/10/1999 23:45,lewiston,mi,us,oval,2700,45 minutes,Oval shaped with lights all around it in a haze with several smaller lights flying all around it.,10/19/1999,44.8838889,-84.3055556
10/10/2000 03:00,perryville,mo,us,oval,180,3 minutes,The craft was big&#44 orange&#44 and oval shaped.,12/2/2000,37.7241667,-89.8611111
10/10/2000 06:15,boynton beach,fl,us,other,10,10 seconds,Unusual light formation moving extremely fast across the sky.,12/2/2000,26.525,-80.0666667
10/10/2000 07:30,victoria (canada),bc,ca,cylinder,30,30seconds,Smooth Shiny Cylinder,12/2/2000,46.216667,-63.483333
10/10/2000 16:00,jueanu,wi,,triangle,45,45 seconds,5 bight light V shaped,12/2/2000,43.40555,-88.705104
10/10/2000 20:20,valley park area of st. louis,mo,,oval,15,15 seconds,Driving on Hyw.141 at Hyw. 44 and going East&#44 I witnessed to my right a glowing orb of light streak horizontally from East to West at a,12/2/2000,38.627003,-90.199404
10/10/2000 20:30,brinktown,mo,us,light,1800,30 min.,3 bright golden lights moving independently above the tree line flaring and fading intermittently for approx. 15 min.,12/2/2000,38.1266667,-92.0844444
10/10/2000 21:30,florence,ky,us,light,5,4-5 seconds,Two objects traveling side by side pass over&#44 as one begins to zig&#44 zag it&#39s path.,12/2/2000,38.9988889,-84.6266667
10/10/2000 21:30,seattle (west),wa,us,unknown,10,10 sec,Dark object in the shape of a (4) after dusk in West Seattle,2/11/2003,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/10/2000 22:00,port orchard,wa,us,diamond,60,1min,One night my window started to flash,5/12/2009,47.5405556,-122.635
10/10/2001 03:00,rockwell city,ia,us,triangle,240,4 min.s,Large&#44silent&#44slow&#44low to the ground dull-black Triangle UFO with round red lights at it&#39s corners that were off .I drew it.,7/1/2002,42.3952778,-94.6336111
10/10/2001 04:33,sydney (nsw&#44 australia),,au,formation,180,3 minutes,formation and impact,11/20/2001,-33.861481,151.205475
10/10/2001 20:10,vancouver (canada),bc,ca,other,300,+5 minutes,I observed an green object significantly above a house with the address ((deleted)) Dunbar Street.,5/12/2011,49.25,-123.133333
10/10/2001 20:35,hayward,ca,us,circle,120,2/min.,FALLING STAR  STOPS  &#39SHOTS OUT  DOZENS OF RED POINTS OF LIGHT,11/20/2001,37.6688889,-122.0797222
10/10/2001 21:15,ottumwa,ia,us,rectangle,300,3-5 minutes,We saw a square object at night&#44  which had 2 blue &amp; 2 red lights at corners&#44 hovering in sky above us.,11/20/2001,41.0041667,-92.3736111
10/10/2001 21:30,fresno,ca,us,changing,900,15 min. apprx,Objects were sighted driving north on Highway 5 in California&#39s central valley after night fall&#44 not far past &quot;Kettleman/Fresno&quot; exit s,11/20/2001,36.7477778,-119.7713889
10/10/2001 22:00,phoenix,az,us,triangle,60,less then a minute,Triangle shaped craft spotted flying west to east over mid town Phoenix on 10/10/01 at 22:00 hours 4 light dim making no sounellow,11/20/2001,33.4483333,-112.0733333
10/10/2001 23:00,virginia beach,va,us,triangle,30,30 seconds,shaped like a stealth bomber (boomerang like&#44 but more triangluar) flat-black in color&#44 made a deep humming sound either really low to,7/26/2002,36.8527778,-75.9783333
10/10/2002 00:01,hayward,wi,us,flash,43,0:43,we saw pure a light that occasionaly split into 3 to 4 different lights.,10/15/2002,46.0130556,-91.4844444
10/10/2002 02:00,philomath,or,us,unknown,5,about5seconds,i watched on the portland news that the space shuttle would be visiable and went to philomath oregon to what was known to be the apple,10/15/2002,44.5402778,-123.3663889
10/10/2002 04:00,adelaide (pt. wakefield) (south australia),,au,circle,600,10 mins,one light became 3,10/28/2002,-34.928661,138.598633
10/10/2002 06:00,seattle,wa,us,sphere,90,90 seconds,Light falls from sky,10/15/2002,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/10/2002 19:45,victoria (canada),bc,ca,unknown,120,2 minutes approx,bright white light with black outline around it moving soundlessly and slowly from north banking east and disappearing upward.,10/15/2002,46.216667,-63.483333
10/10/2002 20:30,cincinnati,oh,us,other,1800,30 minutes,Large octagon blue lights on rim red center light hovers over downtown Cincinnati thursday October 10.,10/15/2002,39.1619444,-84.4569444
10/10/2002 21:00,portland,or,us,circle,120,2min,The LIGHT is the TRUTH&#33,12/16/2005,45.5236111,-122.675
10/10/2003 09:00,new buffulo,mi,,light,120,2 minute,Craft that suddenly vanishes and another one that shows up and does strange things at high speeds,5/24/2005,41.79393,-86.743915
10/10/2003 12:00,alhambra,ca,us,oval,300,5 min,3 Black ovals in the sky and a floating movie camera,1/17/2004,34.0952778,-118.1261111
10/10/2003 18:00,indianapolis,in,us,sphere,1800,30 minutes,Sphere shape object with flashing bright white lights,10/15/2003,39.7683333,-86.1580556
10/10/2003 19:15,centreville,va,us,other,600,10 minutes,Aliens check out local high school football game.,10/15/2003,38.8402778,-77.4291667
10/10/2003 20:05,grand view,id,us,light,15,12-15 seconds,Bright light above Mt. Home AFB,10/15/2003,42.9897222,-116.0925
10/10/2003 20:25,temperance,mi,us,oval,18000,over 5 hours,pulsating green white and red object in the northwest sky at 45degrees,10/31/2003,41.7791667,-83.5688889
10/10/2003 21:10,crescent beach,sc,us,formation,37800,1 1/2 hr.,For two consecutive nights&#44 we watched a pattern of lights before we were stunned by a discovery on the beach.,1/17/2004,33.8075,-78.7011111
10/10/2003 22:00,albuquerque,nm,us,light,180,3 minutes,Three bright lights that were huddled together than began to seperate and disappeared.,2/1/2007,35.0844444,-106.6505556
10/10/2003 23:00,bickerton (near wetherby) (uk/england),,,unknown,2700,45minutes,two bright&#44 but fuzzy lights going in a hovering circle about 200 yards of the ground&#44 with a grey cloud above them,10/15/2003,53.070884,-2.736506
10/10/2003 23:25,gleason,wi,us,sphere,1800,30min,UFO Contact&#44 Amazing close sighting,9/2/2005,45.3088889,-89.4963889
10/10/2004 02:50,mahwah,nj,us,triangle,180,2 - 3 minutes,Triangle shaped flying&#44 hovering U.F.O. witnessed over Sheraton Hotel in Mahwah&#44 NJ. on 10/10/04.,12/12/2011,41.0886111,-74.1441667
10/10/2004 03:30,worthington st. forest,nj,,other,2700,45 min,witnessed a large object and an intense red light that illumiated the object.,10/27/2004,40.058324,-74.405661
10/10/2004 03:50,portage la prairie (canada),mb,ca,changing,1200,20minutes,Series of Green Blue Red White lights spherical or triangular formation SE of Portage la Prairie&#44 Manitoba Canada,10/27/2004,49.966667,-98.3
10/10/2004 04:18,terre haute,in,us,sphere,5,5 seconds,silently&#44 it came over my head from behind; as I was laying on my back. About the size of a thumbnail at arms length&#44 was a lite white,10/27/2004,39.4666667,-87.4138889
10/10/2004 08:30,indianapolis,in,us,oval,15,15 seconds,((NUFORC Note:  Possible sighting of a contrail??  PD)),10/27/2004,39.7683333,-86.1580556
10/10/2004 09:45,nobel (canada),on,ca,unknown,300,5:00,Floating Red Object,10/27/2004,45.416667,-80.1
10/10/2004 14:00,morgantown,wv,us,circle,10,10 sec,Solid round silver ball passing over at about 3000MSL.,5/24/2005,39.6294444,-79.9561111
10/10/2004 15:00,berkeley,ca,us,unknown,180,3 minutes,While driving my car in the mid afternoon of a day in the fall of 2004 on HYW 580 East-bound I had just crossed the San Rafael / Richmo,5/24/2005,37.8716667,-122.2716667
10/10/2004 15:00,rock island,il,us,sphere,3600,1 hour,The sky was clear  and the objects at times appeared to rotate slowly.,10/27/2004,41.5094444,-90.5786111
10/10/2004 15:20,kedainiai (lithuania),,,oval,240,4min,6 oval light objects very quickly rounded under the dark cloud for a some minutes ((NUFORC Note:  Possible advertising lights??  PD)),10/27/2004,55.288131,23.957728
10/10/2004 19:00,chateauqua,ny,,formation,1200,20 min,4 bright circles in a half rainbow formation with a longer bright strip at the top of the formation,10/27/2004,42.209774,-79.466844
10/10/2004 19:00,ripley,ny,us,circle,900,15 min,7 red/orange stationary objects appeared over Lake Erie on 10/10/04 for 15 minutes and then all disappeared at once.,10/27/2004,42.2669444,-79.7108333
10/10/2004 21:00,faribault,mn,us,flash,900,1/2 hour,Metor or craft descending then sudden flash of light,10/27/2004,44.295,-93.2686111
10/10/2004 21:00,mansfield,oh,us,light,7200,a few hours,Several UFO&#39s&#44 one bigger one flew right over the car.,10/27/2004,40.7583333,-82.5155556
10/10/2004 22:00,columbia,mo,us,light,60,1 min,A light moved across the sky in a zig zag way then straightened out and went straight out into space in a matter of seconds.,11/28/2007,38.9516667,-92.3338889
10/10/2004 23:30,gleason,wi,us,sphere,3000,45-50 mins,It was about 9:30PM my friend and I were going to go out deer shining with my step dads truck and my friends spotlight. We left his hou,9/2/2005,45.3088889,-89.4963889
10/10/2005 07:40,seattle,wa,us,other,60,one + minutes,round symetrical with roundish flat bottom shiny white colored low flying bigger than  a plane.,10/11/2005,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/10/2005 09:00,apache junction,az,us,other,30,30 seconds,half-moon shaped objects that just winked out,10/11/2005,33.415,-111.5488889
10/10/2005 09:30,north miami beach,fl,us,oval,1800,30 minutes,i sent you an e-mail 2 days ago and really want to be contacted&#44 PLEASE  contact me asap&#44 I&#39m not crazy and nether is my wife&#44 please c,10/20/2005,25.9327778,-80.1627778
10/10/2005 14:45,los angeles,ca,us,egg,10,10 seconds,Egg UFO over Hollywood Hills and LAX in LOS ANGELES&#44 CA.,10/20/2005,34.0522222,-118.2427778
10/10/2005 20:00,loretto,pa,us,triangle,300,5 minutes,Dull red flash&#44 Triangular ship&#44 Vocal Noises,10/30/2006,40.5030556,-78.6305556
10/10/2005 20:00,newtown (uk/wales),,gb,formation,360,5/6 minutes,red/orang lights dancing in the sky.,5/15/2006,52.516667,-3.3
10/10/2005 21:00,lewisburg,tn,us,unknown,240,4 minutes,Like a grouping of balloons with a slight glow to them,12/7/2006,35.4491667,-86.7888889
10/10/2005 21:30,north miami beach,fl,us,other,3600,60 min,a manta ray shaped object with orange and yellow lights flashing in,10/11/2005,25.9327778,-80.1627778
10/10/2005 22:08,east wenatchee,wa,us,light,1200,20 min,Strange light over East Wenatchee Washington,10/20/2005,47.4158333,-120.2919444
10/10/2005 23:00,hendersonville,nc,us,light,600,10 minutes,Last night&#44 October 10&#44 at about 11:00PM for about ten minutes I observed a peculiar point source light in the Eastern sky. It was at a,10/11/2005,35.3186111,-82.4611111
10/10/2005 23:07,brainerd,mn,us,disk,300,5 min.,A big lighted up silver saucer.,10/30/2006,46.3580556,-94.2005556
10/10/2006 01:00,pennington,tx,us,diamond,3600,one hour,IN form of diamond with multi colored lights that acted like disco light except one.  theone light was like a brite star and would resp,2/1/2007,31.1911111,-95.2352778
10/10/2006 05:00,san francisco,ca,us,triangle,600,10 minutes,black triangles were seen flying across the surface of the full moon,10/30/2006,37.775,-122.4183333
10/10/2006 12:37,blairsville,ga,us,unknown,10,<10 sec.,Intermittant streak by moon&#44 not seen on photo taken 10 seconds earlier.,10/30/2006,34.8761111,-83.9583333
10/10/2006 16:00,savannah,tn,us,light,600,10 minutes,weird light that moved in the sky,10/30/2006,35.2247222,-88.2491667
10/10/2006 16:00,waynesboro,va,us,triangle,600,8-10 minutes,Large...beautiful...and brighter than anything I&#39ve ever seen....How small I have felt since....,10/30/2006,38.0683333,-78.8897222
10/10/2006 19:00,unsure,ar,,fireball,2,a few seconds,Extreme sound with trails and orange red blue hues to it.  The trails were bright bright white.,12/7/2006,35.20105,-91.831833
10/10/2006 20:00,bray,ok,us,other,360,6 mins,Glowing V Shaped Object flying Low making no sound.,12/12/2009,34.6377778,-97.8172222
10/10/2006 21:47,plymouth (devonshire) (uk/england),,gb,formation,120,1-2 mins,they were right above me very small almost like minni stars and they were circling round sommothing and came closer and further away an,10/30/2006,50.396389,-4.138611
10/10/2006 22:40,waycross,ga,us,light,120,2 minutes,Redish orange light viewed from Waycross &#44Ga. Moving Northwest and suddenly just goes out.,10/30/2006,31.2133333,-82.3541667
10/10/2006 22:50,wolfforth,tx,us,disk,300,5 min,Huge aircraft with diagnally aligned white lights moving slowly and loudly through the night.,10/30/2006,33.5058333,-102.0086111
10/10/2006 23:00,lyndhurst,oh,us,unknown,300,5 minutes,This is a follow up to my Feb. 16th&#44 1995 report.  This past Tuesday&#44 my wife and I AGAIN heard the same loud&#44 rumbling roar that we he,10/30/2006,41.52,-81.4888889
10/10/2007 01:00,lebanon,or,us,light,14400,4 hours,Small Orange-White &quot;star&quot; that moves around in circles&#44 up&#44 down&#44 and sideways fast in the night sky,11/28/2007,44.5366667,-122.9058333
10/10/2007 01:00,stockbridge,ga,us,changing,3600,1 hour,i was abducted,11/28/2007,33.5441667,-84.2338889
10/10/2007 04:00,denver,co,us,changing,2700,45 minutes+,Huge lighted cluster in the eastern sky.  ((NUFORC Note:  Sighting of Venus.  PD)),11/28/2007,39.7391667,-104.9841667
10/10/2007 04:30,jacksonville,fl,us,sphere,30,30 seconds,half mile from de saint Jhons River&#44 low flying sphere&#44   at slow speed without noise,3/4/2008,30.3319444,-81.6558333
10/10/2007 06:00,indio,ca,us,oval,600,10 min.,Observed 2 white clouds of identical shape in clear blue shy with object becoming visible beneath one cloud.,6/9/2009,33.7205556,-116.2147222
10/10/2007 13:00,owego,ny,us,triangle,10800,3 hours,triangle with 3 llights blinking. 500 Lights On Object0: Yes,11/28/2007,42.1033333,-76.2625
10/10/2007 18:33,downingtown,pa,us,circle,120,1 to 1 1/2 minutes,Star-like (but MUCH BRIGHTER AND LARGER) light west of D-town&#44 PA.  Seen against sunset.  ((NUFORC Note:  Contrail??  PD)),11/28/2007,40.0063889,-75.7036111
10/10/2007 19:00,austin,tx,us,flash,3,3 seconds,pulsing flash recurring at 2 second intervals 3 times along the same trajectory along 90 degrees of sky,11/28/2007,30.2669444,-97.7427778
10/10/2007 20:10,starrsville (covington),ga,us,sphere,60,appx. 1 minute,MUFON GEORGIA FOLLOW-UP REPORT:  Joint NUFORC-MUFON of Georgia Investigation-Fiery Sphere Shaped Object,6/12/2008,33.5394444,-83.8194444
10/10/2007 20:24,west palm beach florida,fl,,fireball,180,approx 3 mins,Burning ball across the sky over central/south florida. Strobing effect towards end of the final view of object.,11/28/2007,26.705621,-80.03643
10/10/2007 20:30,conyers,ga,us,unknown,3600,1 hour,Craft seen falling and dissapears into thin air.  ((NUFORC Note:  Missile launch??  We have no explanation for the aircraft.  PD)),11/28/2007,33.6675,-84.0177778
10/10/2007 20:55,vero beach,fl,us,unknown,30,30 seconds,Shooting star without red globe burn-out or descent maintains steady Southerly trajectory.  ((NUFORC Note:  Missile launch??  PD)),11/28/2007,27.6383333,-80.3975
10/10/2007 21:00,jensen beach,fl,us,oval,120,2 mins,A oval shaped object hovered and shot through the sky with very bright lights and then vanished. 500 Lights On Object0: Yes,11/28/2007,27.2541667,-80.23
10/10/2007 21:43,houston,tx,us,formation,35,35 seconds,Large Boomerang formation of lights over Houston&#44 Beltway 8 &amp; Westheimer moving north to south 10/10/07&#44 9:43 PM.,11/28/2007,29.7630556,-95.3630556
10/10/2007 22:00,duluth,mn,us,light,600,10 minutes,Bright pulsating light over lake superior.,1/21/2008,46.7833333,-92.1063889
10/10/2007 22:00,fleming,co,us,circle,600,10 minutes,UFO SPOTTED&#44 FLEMING COLORADO,11/28/2007,40.68,-102.8388889
10/10/2007 22:00,grove city,pa,us,unknown,3600,1:00:00,Light pattern moving silently through rapid maneuvers over Grove City,1/21/2008,41.1577778,-80.0888889
10/10/2007 22:00,van alstyne,tx,us,other,4,4 seconds,large mass of tiny lights all clustered together in the shape of a large boomerang over eastern sky in north Texas.,11/28/2007,33.4213889,-96.5769444
10/10/2007 23:05,northglenn,co,us,triangle,15,15 seconds,Hovering triangular shape seen with flashing lights seen in Colorado,11/28/2007,39.8855556,-104.9866667
10/10/2007 23:20,stord (norway),,,light,600,10 min,Thise could be an ETV case&#44 but it could also be helicopters or/and airplanes,1/21/2008,59.900209,5.282347
10/10/2008 02:00,london (canada),on,ca,other,120,2 min. approx,C shape with a T front over London ont on Oct 10&#44 2008 on a clear day around 2PM,6/9/2009,42.983333,-81.25
10/10/2008 02:00,north branch,mn,us,light,300,5 min,Lights at night&#44 shining into car and garage and around blinds,10/31/2008,45.5113889,-92.98
10/10/2008 02:00,slingerlands,ny,us,circle,240,4 min,Huge&#44 moon size&#44 orange&#44 bright&#44 almost complete circle,10/31/2008,42.6291667,-73.865
10/10/2008 04:00,carlin,nv,us,disk,600,10 mins,Ufo sighting in Carlin&#44 NV&#44 at the pilot truck stop. 500 Lights On Object0: Yes,7/19/2010,40.7138889,-116.1030556
10/10/2008 04:50,evansville,in,us,formation,600,10 minutes+,I saw a huge V-shaped object moving slowly and silently over the roof tops in my neighborhood.,10/31/2008,37.9747222,-87.5558333
10/10/2008 06:00,albany,ny,us,oval,45,45 seconds,I live Colonie&#44 New York&#44 a suburb of Albany.  I live within 4 miles of the Albany International Airport. Many  takeoff&#8217;s and landings,10/31/2008,42.6525,-73.7566667
10/10/2008 10:22,fremont,ca,us,triangle,60,1 minute,I saw a brightly lightes v shaped ufo while driving through fremont&#44ca.,10/31/2008,37.5483333,-121.9875
10/10/2008 18:00,yuma,az,us,triangle,900,15 minutes,Carousel in the sky on fire / pixalated triangle over Yuma&#44 AZ,10/10/2011,32.7252778,-114.6236111
10/10/2008 19:00,south bend,in,us,light,600,10 minutes,Glowing succession of flying objects on the horizon.,10/31/2008,41.6833333,-86.25
10/10/2008 20:00,la crescent,mn,us,formation,10,10 seconds,six strange lights in the sky over La Crescent MN,10/31/2008,43.8280556,-91.3038889
10/10/2008 20:00,moon township,pa,,unknown,120,2 minutes,unknown rectangular shaped aircraft with bright lights seen over Rt. 60 near Pittsburgh International Airport&#44 definitely NOT a plane,10/31/2008,40.516977,-80.221348
10/10/2008 20:00,philadelphia,pa,us,oval,60,1 minute,Silent&#44 oval&#44 bright white craft in yard.,7/4/2012,39.9522222,-75.1641667
10/10/2008 20:00,seattle,wa,us,light,180,3 minutes,Around 8:00 pm? I Went out side and looked up at the stars and I saw a light which I thought was a small faded star  until it started t,10/31/2008,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/10/2008 20:40,pueblo,co,us,light,300,5 minutes,In the northwest sky&#44 there were about seven lights moving slowly and flashing in and out if an extremely strange fashion.,10/31/2008,38.2544444,-104.6086111
10/10/2008 21:30,cincinnati,oh,us,oval,900,15 minutes,12 ovel objects flying east to west orange and red at a slow speed then vanished,10/31/2008,39.1619444,-84.4569444
10/10/2008 22:00,san diego,ca,us,disk,30,30 seconds,low flying saucer in suburban area.  ((NUFORC Note:  Student report.  PD)),10/31/2008,32.7152778,-117.1563889
10/10/2008 22:30,madison,wi,us,circle,20,20 secounds,Tanslucent orange/yellow UFO in Madison WI,10/31/2008,43.0730556,-89.4011111
10/10/2008 23:15,coldwater,oh,us,sphere,60,1 minute,spherical in shape&#44 orange flames coming from the bottom&#44 completely silent&#44 moved fast and also hovered.,10/31/2008,40.4797222,-84.6283333
10/10/2009 12:00,crested butte,co,us,egg,60,1min,metallic egg shaped craft above crested butte&#44 CO.  Also have seen great amount of activity READ ME&#33,12/12/2009,38.8697222,-106.9872222
10/10/2009 12:42,tulsa,ok,us,unknown,6,6 seconds,In&#39t see nothing in the park,12/12/2009,36.1538889,-95.9925
10/10/2009 16:24,eagar,az,us,unknown,180,2-3 minutes,Second sighting was only 150 feet away.  Observations between two sightings.,12/12/2011,34.1111111,-109.2908333
10/10/2009 19:30,suffolk,va,us,unknown,900,15 minutes,It looked sort of lime green.  It appeared to have an odd texture.  It had a dimples on its surface.  It was not smooth at all.  It jus,12/12/2009,36.7280556,-76.5838889
10/10/2009 20:30,anaheim,ca,us,light,300,5 mins,UFO over Disneyland.,12/12/2009,33.8352778,-117.9136111
10/10/2009 20:45,wilmington,nc,us,light,600,10minutes,Two lights seen with a lighting of something strobe like near the ground.,12/12/2009,34.2255556,-77.945
10/10/2009 21:00,leesburg,va,us,disk,300,less than 5 minutes,Two large glowing amber/dark orangish colored circular disks-not a sound-,11/21/2010,39.1155556,-77.5638889
10/10/2009 23:00,michigan city,in,us,changing,900,15 minutes,black object that seemed to impode into a sphere and vanish&#44 only to reappear in the same shape and move location,12/12/2009,41.7075,-86.895
10/10/2009 23:23,cupertino,ca,us,light,180,3 minutes,Bright red light object made random moves horizontally and floated for a while and then went up vertically.,12/12/2009,37.3230556,-122.0311111
10/10/2010 01:00,orchard park,ny,us,light,7200,a few hours,Xmas colored rotating lights.  ((NUFORC Note:  Twinkling stars??  PD)),1/5/2011,42.7675,-78.7441667
10/10/2010 02:30,harrisburg,pa,us,circle,240,4  minutes,possible UFO sighting,11/21/2010,40.2736111,-76.8847222
10/10/2010 03:00,euclid,oh,us,circle,180,3 minutes,2 objects blinking red and white&#44 disappeared into the sky&#44 after hovering around sky for 3 minutes.( over lake erie,11/21/2010,41.5930556,-81.5269444
10/10/2010 08:30,starr,sc,us,formation,600,5-10 mins,Strange orange lights in the night sky,11/21/2010,34.3769444,-82.6958333
10/10/2010 12:00,greenwich,ct,us,light,240,4 mins,&quot;Star&quot; like objects during clear day light in formation.,11/21/2010,41.0263889,-73.6288889
10/10/2010 13:00,north charleston,sc,us,light,180,3 minutes,Object(s) visible 3 times at same place in the sky at during day in Chas&#44 SC,7/4/2012,32.8544444,-79.975
10/10/2010 15:00,san francisco airport,ca,,triangle,300,5 min.,White or light grey colored and leaving red/orange contrails on a bright blue sky.,9/30/2013,37.615223,-122.389979
10/10/2010 16:30,springfield,va,us,cigar,15,15 secs,Metalic cigar shaped object sighted during lull in a storm in Springfield&#44 VA,11/21/2010,38.7891667,-77.1875
10/10/2010 17:10,bridgeport,ct,us,light,600,five to ten minutes,Saw a light in the sky fading in and out over Bridgeport&#44 CT.,11/21/2010,41.1669444,-73.2052778
10/10/2010 18:30,clackamas,or,us,triangle,120,1-2minutes,triangular ufo sighting in oregon 10-10-10,11/21/2010,45.4077778,-122.5691667
10/10/2010 20:00,san angelo,tx,us,oval,60,1 minute,I was coming back from the grocery store around 8:30 pm when I noticed a large orange glowing object in the sky above my neighbors hous,11/21/2010,31.4636111,-100.4366667
10/10/2010 20:20,windsor,ct,us,fireball,5,5 seconds,Bus sized fireball object over 91 about 3-400 ft up going about 150 mph at a downward 20 degree angle.,5/2/2014,41.8525,-72.6441667
10/10/2010 20:45,sterling,il,us,cylinder,600,10min,It had rows of white lights with red lights pulsating in between them,11/21/2010,41.7886111,-89.6961111
10/10/2010 21:00,everett,wa,us,other,30,30 seconds,crown shaped object with two orange lights over everett wa,11/21/2010,47.9791667,-122.2008333
10/10/2010 21:00,kykotsmovi,az,us,disk,7200,2 hours,We saw  what seem to be a space craft in the eastern sky of northern AZ&#44 on 10-10-10.,1/31/2011,35.8752778,-110.6197222
10/10/2010 21:30,albany,ny,us,circle,10,10 seconds,Circle of light SUNY Albany.,8/30/2013,42.6525,-73.7566667
10/10/2010 22:30,garden grove,ca,us,egg,7200,2 hours,Blue Light in Garden Grove,11/21/2010,33.7738889,-117.9405556
10/10/2010 23:00,miami,fl,us,changing,1200,approx. 20 mins,Bright lights hovering and going in and out of orchestrated formations,11/21/2010,25.7738889,-80.1938889
10/10/2011 00:00,troy,ny,us,triangle,7200,2 hours,Red&#44 green &amp; orange blinking triangle formation.  ((NUFORC Note:  Probable sighting of a twinkling star&#44 possibly Sirius.  PD)),10/10/2011,42.7283333,-73.6922222
10/10/2011 01:00,farmington,nm,us,circle,300,5 minutes,Single reddish circle  in the sky that wasn&#39t jet nor satelitte,8/30/2013,36.7280556,-108.2180556
10/10/2011 02:00,prescott valley,az,us,other,300,hours,Craft boomerang shape.2:00am duration hours.  ((NUFORC Note:  Probable sighting of a twinkling star&#44 possibly Sirius.  PD)),10/10/2011,34.61,-112.315
10/10/2011 10:30,ashville,ny,us,circle,60,1 minute,Amber object in night sky during full moon&#44 or the day before full moon,10/19/2011,42.0963889,-79.3758333
10/10/2011 14:00,epsom (surrey) (uk/england),,gb,oval,300,5 mins,Flying beer barrel shaped metallic object,12/12/2011,51.316667,-0.266667
10/10/2011 14:30,north kingstown,ri,us,oval,40,40 sec,Bright oval object in sky,10/25/2011,41.55,-71.4666667
10/10/2011 15:00,groton,ct,us,disk,5,less than 5 seconds,Small shiny object seen in sky while driving on clear day&#44 looked back for a 3rd time and it was gone.,10/10/2011,41.35,-72.0788889
10/10/2011 18:15,peabody-saugus,ma,,flash,2700,45 minutes,Flashing light in the sky as airplanes flew by.,10/19/2011,42.468164,-71.014118
10/10/2011 19:00,mechanicsville,va,us,light,300,5 minutes,Three orange lights flying in unison,10/19/2011,37.6086111,-77.3736111
10/10/2011 19:30,murfeesboro/smyrna,tn,,,2700,30-45 minutes,Multi color oblect over Smyrna/Murfreesboro 10/10/11,10/19/2011,35.947474,-86.488367
10/10/2011 20:00,hamilton (canada),on,ca,flash,4,2-4 seconds,Strange flash in the sky,10/19/2011,43.25,-79.833333
10/10/2011 20:00,middletown,ct,us,fireball,1200,15-20 minutes,Fireball Spinning Orange UFO,10/19/2011,41.5622222,-72.6511111
10/10/2011 21:00,lakewood,oh,us,fireball,60,1 minute,Orange light flies overhead and turns black as it passed silently.,12/12/2011,41.4819444,-81.7983333
10/10/2011 21:00,york,pa,us,circle,15,15 seconds,BRIGHT LIT ORB SPEEDS ACROSS S.CENTRAL PA. SKY&#44 MAKING NO SOUND&#44 THEN DISAPPEARS,10/19/2011,39.9625,-76.7280556
10/10/2011 21:55,north platte,ne,us,circle,3,3 seconds,Object over North Platte Nebraska,12/12/2011,41.1238889,-100.765
10/10/2011 23:00,waynesville,oh,us,triangle,90,1:30,Flying triangle by Waynesville&#44 Ohio,10/19/2011,39.5297222,-84.0866667
10/10/2012 10:15,bridgeport,ct,us,circle,630,10:30,A Bright light that is a UFO,10/30/2012,41.1669444,-73.2052778
10/10/2012 15:00,san francisco airport,ca,,triangle,300,5 minutes,San Francisco International Airport         afternoon      about  5minutes       super clear conditions,9/30/2013,37.615223,-122.389979
10/10/2012 18:56,san diego,ca,us,sphere,240,4 minutes,Single white light or craft passed over and very close to a commercial jet.  ((NUFORC Note:  Possibly the ISS?  PD)),10/30/2012,32.7152778,-117.1563889
10/10/2012 19:09,sterling heights,mi,us,oval,120,1-2 minutes,A black unknown craft is seen in the sky over Sterling Hts. Michigan,10/30/2012,42.5802778,-83.0302778
10/10/2012 19:40,syracuse,ny,us,light,900,15 minutes,Went to move my car to the other side of the road in the city of syracuse.  saw low flying lights moving east towards dowtown.,10/30/2012,43.0480556,-76.1477778
10/10/2012 19:45,syracuse,ny,us,circle,240,4 minutes,Bright orange circles going thru the sky in the same direction. Some were closer to each other.,10/30/2012,43.0480556,-76.1477778
10/10/2012 20:00,colorado springs,co,us,light,20,15 to 20 seconds,Bright zig zagging light in the sky above norad.,10/30/2012,38.8338889,-104.8208333
10/10/2012 20:00,moundville,al,us,changing,240,4 minutes,Orange fiery lighting objects changing locations.,10/30/2012,32.9975,-87.63
10/10/2012 20:15,new york city (bronx),ny,us,disk,1800,30 minutes,A cloaked disk hovered three hundred feet above two apartment buildings in the Bronx&#44 for aproximately thirty minutes.,10/30/2012,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/10/2012 20:17,mount albert (canada),on,,triangle,30,30 seconds,On Wednesday October 10 2012 at 8:17 pm in Mount Albert Ontario I saw a triangle shaped UFO. It had a single light on each point and it,10/30/2012,44.136076,-79.308339
10/10/2012 20:30,las cruces,nm,us,fireball,120,1-2 minutes,4 fireballs in sky side by side,10/30/2012,32.3122222,-106.7777778
10/10/2012 20:30,marion,il,us,light,240,2 to 4 minutes,I was leaving my friend&#39s house to go home.  My friend and her 3 1/2 year old daughter walked me to her front door when she noticed all,10/30/2012,37.7305556,-88.9330556
10/10/2012 20:30,san jose,ca,us,other,6,5-6 seconds,POSSIBLE ALIEN/HUMANOID SEEN RUNNING INTO HILLS,10/30/2012,37.3394444,-121.8938889
10/10/2012 20:45,phoenix,az,us,sphere,300,5 minutes,18 glowing UFOs seen over Phoenix  AZ tonight&#44 10/12/12 8:45PM,10/30/2012,33.4483333,-112.0733333
10/10/2012 20:48,yakima,wa,us,light,240,4 minutes,Noticed light in the N.E. section of the sky about 30 deg. up that did not move. About the size of Venus.  ((NUFORC Note:  Capella?  PD,10/30/2012,46.6022222,-120.5047222
10/10/2012 21:00,austin,tx,us,changing,1200,15-20 minutes,Spheres of light seen over the west campus area of austin which then broke apart and sped off in different directions.,12/20/2012,30.2669444,-97.7427778
10/10/2012 21:00,bean station,tn,us,cigar,180,3 minutes,Large cigar shaped flying about 800 feet high.  Huge square engines on back.,10/30/2012,36.3436111,-83.2841667
10/10/2012 21:00,rochester,wa,us,light,600,10 minutes,Fleet of red UFO&#39s emerging from Mt. Rainier.,11/19/2012,46.8219444,-123.095
10/10/2012 23:01,suffern,ny,us,cylinder,20,20 seconds +,UFO over Suffern NY,10/30/2012,41.1147222,-74.15
10/10/2012 23:20,rancho mirage,ca,us,rectangle,5,5 seconds,Flying red object over Rancho Mirage&#44 ca,10/30/2012,33.7397222,-116.4119444
10/10/2013 00:00,clifton,nj,,light,60,<1 minute,Bright light&#33&#33,10/14/2013,40.858433,-74.163755
10/10/2013 02:32,palm harbor,fl,us,chevron,5,5 seconds,Tracking north to south at apx 2500 ft. A very fast&#44 semi-transparent Chevron shape craft&#44 slightly larger than a commercial plane.,10/14/2013,28.0777778,-82.7638889
10/10/2013 05:00,aurburn,ky,,triangle,600,10 minutes,Three bright lights over field.,10/14/2013,36.864209,-86.710273
10/10/2013 17:00,st. louis county,mo,us,light,10800,2-3 hours,Hovering bright object moving slowly around St. Louis.,10/23/2013,38.6272222,-90.1977778
10/10/2013 17:10,ottawa (canada),on,ca,light,10,10 seconds,FATHER: My name is Eldon Trepanier&#44  and I assure you that the following statement is true.At approximately 5:10 pm&#44 I spotted a very b,10/14/2013,45.416667,-75.7
10/10/2013 19:00,rittman,oh,us,light,60,1 minute,Fast moving white light.,10/14/2013,40.9780556,-81.7822222
10/10/2013 19:15,harvey station (canada),nb,ca,light,120,2 minutes,Slow moving bright orange light.,10/23/2013,45.716667,-67
10/10/2013 19:20,essex junction,vt,us,light,120,2 minutes,Noiseless&#44 low flying&#44 white&#44 bright constant light.,10/14/2013,44.4905556,-73.1113889
10/10/2013 19:20,kenner,la,us,circle,600,10 minutes,2 circle lights moving erratically over Kenner&#44 La.,10/14/2013,29.9938889,-90.2416667
10/10/2013 20:00,drexel,oh,us,circle,300,5 minutes,Yellow/orange&#44 sphere/circle that flew across night sky &#44slow speeds then simply vanished &#44 had no blinking lights&#44 was not an airplane,10/14/2013,39.7463889,-84.2866667
10/10/2013 20:00,hudson,nh,us,light,5,5 seconds,White&#44 orb above the clouds moving very fast&#44 no flashing lights&#44 zoomed across the sky and disappeared out of sight.,10/14/2013,42.7647222,-71.4402778
10/10/2013 20:30,grand blanc,mi,us,light,1200,20 minutes,3 bright lights holding a vertical position over central Michigan&#44 USA.,10/14/2013,42.9275,-83.63
10/10/2013 20:30,savage,mn,us,circle,60,1 minute,I saw a sphere shaped object flying east to west moving faster than any conventional aircraft was white to orange in color as it reache,10/14/2013,44.7791667,-93.3361111
10/10/2013 20:32,warren,mi,us,sphere,45,45 seconds,Three glowing reddish-orange spheres changing to white lights,10/14/2013,42.4775,-83.0277778
10/10/2013 20:35,canton,mi,us,triangle,180,3 minutes,Black triangle aircraft with white lights on each point&#44 completely silent&#44 seen flying low SW to NE.,10/14/2013,42.3086111,-83.4822222
10/10/2013 21:17,lost creek,wv,us,triangle,45,45 seconds,Small triangle with 3 lights floating low over a field then slowly flying away.,10/14/2013,39.1611111,-80.3522222
10/10/2013 21:30,hudson,nh,us,light,1,1 second,Very white bright light moving fast inside clouds.,10/14/2013,42.7647222,-71.4402778
10/11/1973 16:45,jupiter,fl,us,egg,14400,possible 4 hrs.,EGG-SHAPED OBJECT EMITS LIGHT RAY AND PEOPLE LOSE 4 HOURS,7/11/2000,26.9338889,-80.0944444
10/11/1978 23:00,brighton,mi,us,circle,300,5 miniutes,round revolving lights reflecting on the fog,10/28/2002,42.5294444,-83.7802778
10/11/1986 20:30,alice springs  (nt&#44 australia),,au,,20,20 seconds,Being  of light reported&#44Jesus or another messenger&#33,1/19/2005,-23.697479,133.883621
10/11/1987 21:30,minnetonka,mn,us,light,30,30 seconds,White light moves west to east&#44 suddenly stops&#44 then moves south at a high rate of speed.,10/14/2013,44.9133333,-93.5030556
10/11/1987 23:59,otto,mo,us,fireball,60,60 seconds,bright blue ball of light.,8/19/2000,38.3708333,-90.5002778
10/11/1989 21:00,kewanee,il,us,sphere,180,2 to 3 minutes,HBCCUFO CANADIAN REPORT:  Large glowing sphere was positioned almost directly overhead.,10/15/2003,41.2455556,-89.9247222
10/11/1989 21:00,kewanee,il,us,sphere,300,5 minutes,Reddish-orange sphere seen outside Kewanee&#44 IL,7/26/2002,41.2455556,-89.9247222
10/11/1992 10:00,albuquerque,nm,us,sphere,900,15 minutes,Six Spheres of light move into my vision over the 92 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta&#44then vanish straight up.,3/6/2001,35.0844444,-106.6505556
10/11/1994 02:00,jackson,nj,us,triangle,300,5mins,triangle UFO in jackson NJ  Countyline 526   over the old fire station next to the trailer park,1/29/2002,39.7763889,-74.8627778
10/11/1994 04:00,riverside,ca,us,chevron,4,4 seconds,Double white lights in chevron shape flying north to south about the size of the constellation of the Pleades&#44 covered half the sky in,1/28/1999,33.9533333,-117.3952778
10/11/1995 18:30,new york city (brooklyn),ny,us,,720,12 min.,Young man&#44 mother witness watch strange red obj. 45 deg. above horizon w/ binocular.  Obj. suddenly fades&#44 disappears from sight.,11/2/1999,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/11/1995 20:00,huntington,wv,us,,120,2 min.,Young man &amp; grandfather see a &quot;large&#44 orange&#44 round or oval&quot; obj. move along horizon very fast&#44 hover&#44 move erratically.  Bizarre&#33,11/2/1999,38.4191667,-82.4452778
10/11/1996 22:00,damascus,va,us,light,60,60 sec.,1996 SIGHTING IN DAMASCUS&#44 VA. WHILE CAMPING IN THE CHEROKEE NATIONAL FOREST.,9/24/2003,36.6336111,-81.7838889
10/11/1997 22:00,hafnarfjordur (iceland),,,sphere,300,5 min,playing with a jet,6/12/2008,64.066667,-21.95
10/11/1998 02:15,montara,ca,us,other,3600,1 hour,Boomerang shaped lit up at the neds and center of the boomerang.,11/1/1998,37.5422222,-122.515
10/11/1998 14:05,vega baja (puerto rico),pr,us,cigar,120,2 minutes,I went out and saw this cigar shaped object&#44 high above&#44 about where the sun would be at 12 o&#39clock. I stared at it trying to identify,11/1/1998,18.4463889,-66.3880556
10/11/1998 14:30,mount carmel,tn,us,light,10,10 seconds,Bright shiny object splits in two and disappears above horizon.,11/1/1998,36.5452778,-82.6611111
10/11/1998 20:30,highland,in,us,sphere,14400,4 hrs +,Spherical.  Red&#44 yellow&#44 and green lights.  Below clouds&#44 yet very high up.,11/1/1998,39.7944444,-87.3958333
10/11/1998 22:40,bar harbor (bar island crossover),me,us,sphere,30,30 seconds,My friend Steven and I were crossing over to Bar Island at low tide when we witnesses a green spherical object crossing the sky at a gr,11/1/1998,44.3875,-68.2044444
10/11/1998 22:45,elk grove,ca,us,fireball,4,4 seconds,Greenish blue fireball streaking across horizon,11/1/1998,38.4088889,-121.3705556
10/11/1999 00:15,montgomery,al,us,light,180,3 minutes,Bright light coming from back yard and a surreal sensation of forboding.,3/21/2003,32.3666667,-86.3
10/11/1999 04:30,los angeles,ca,us,light,300,5min,It was a large bright light sitting stationary in the sky. Within our atmosphere. Not a star. It did not move or change shape and was t,10/19/1999,34.0522222,-118.2427778
10/11/1999 06:10,somerset?,wi,,unknown,120,2 minutes,Huge pulsating red light over I-94.  High overhead&#44 moving east,10/19/1999,45.124411,-92.673537
10/11/1999 07:40,three rivers,mi,us,oval,600,10minuets,While dirving to work this monday morning the 11th of October I spotted two jets flying toward the horizion. Becouse of the rising sun,10/19/1999,41.9438889,-85.6325
10/11/1999 09:10,canby,or,us,light,10,10 seconds,i saw bright light come out of clouds&#44 2 aircraft came from behind and appeared to shot at the light&#44 light went back into the clouds,10/19/1999,45.2630556,-122.6913889
10/11/1999 18:00,parry sound (near) (canada),on,ca,disk,6,6 seconds,A silvery disk shaped object&#44 flew over an aircraft&#44 then disappeared.,4/22/2003,45.333333,-80.033333
10/11/1999 20:15,portville,ny,us,oval,30,30 seconds,The object was just below the tree line. The object was light up by a yellowish light with blue lights.You could see the windows in it,10/19/1999,42.0386111,-78.3411111
10/11/1999 20:15,portville,ny,us,oval,30,30 seconds,Was oval shaped had different colored lights all the way around the center of the object. The top was yellowish with windows with light,10/19/1999,42.0386111,-78.3411111
10/11/1999 20:15,portville,ny,us,oval,60,1 minute,it was a beautiful oval shaped object that had huge windows lite with every color you can imagine.  we saw this object to the left of t,10/19/1999,42.0386111,-78.3411111
10/11/1999 20:15,portville,ny,us,oval,60,1 minute,oval shaped with colorful lights all around with huge windows lite up very colorful most beautiful thing in the sky. in valley area it,10/19/1999,42.0386111,-78.3411111
10/11/1999 20:35,kirbyville (due south of),mo,us,other,5400,1.5hours,About 2030 cst I noticed what apeared to be a &quot;tumbler&quot; a flashing satellite. After observing for approx.10 min. I realized that the ob,10/19/1999,36.6230556,-93.1638889
10/11/1999 21:00,winnemucca,nv,us,cigar,2,seconds,oblong&#44 extremely large and  bright object in sky&#44 going behind mountains. Object much larger than a meteorite.,10/19/1999,40.9730556,-117.7347222
10/11/1999 21:10,ashland,or,us,triangle,45,30-45 sec.,I was looking into the sky towards the high east watching what appeared to be a passenger jet cross the sky when my periphial vision ca,10/19/1999,42.1947222,-122.7083333
10/11/1999 21:30,augusta,ks,us,light,600,10 mins,Object was at 45 degrees above southern horizon. Being stationary for 5 mins. and then executed some right angle maneuvers. Focal dista,11/9/1999,37.6866667,-96.9763889
10/11/1999 21:30,montgomery,tx,us,light,3600,1hrs,Pinpoint of light travelled from east to west breifly then hovered for about an hour then disappeared.,10/19/1999,30.3880556,-95.6961111
10/11/1999 21:45,eureka springs,ar,us,light,900,15 min.,Bright light due south&#44 traveling east extremely slowly. Bright flash given off from object every 10 seconds&#44 with a dim flash every 3,11/2/1999,36.4011111,-93.7377778
10/11/1999 22:15,parker&#39s lake,ky,,disk,900,10-15 min,Flashing lights sighted out of my window,10/19/1999,37.704344,-88.426757
10/11/1999 22:30,addison (i-355 and us 20 (lake st.),il,us,disk,600,10 min,Saucer shaped object&#44with rows of red lights on bottom side; one white lighttop and bottom,11/9/1999,41.9316667,-87.9888889
10/11/2000 19:30,london (uk/england),,gb,diamond,3,3 seconds,Diamond shaped ufo seen pulsing for short time near London England,12/2/2000,51.514125,-0.093689
10/11/2000 20:00,watertown,ny,us,light,30,30 seconds,Was looking at the near full moon with binoculars when a very bright round light appeared to the left of the moon. at arms lenght it wa,12/2/2000,43.9747222,-75.9111111
10/11/2000 22:00,elverta,ca,us,light,30,hours,White starlike lights in sky that blink red and blue and move erratically over Sacramento region.,12/2/2000,38.7138889,-121.4616667
10/11/2000 22:09,dolgellau (uk/wales),,gb,changing,240,3 or 4 minutes,How two became one.,12/20/2000,52.75,-3.883333
10/11/2000 23:30,whittier,ca,us,light,1500,20-25 mins,UFO ENCOUNTER LESS THAN 300 FEET,12/12/2011,33.9791667,-118.0319444
10/11/2001 01:00,somerset,wi,us,light,10800,3 hours+,My brother and I went outside to have a smoke and then noticed a moving&#44 multicolored light in the sky....,11/20/2001,45.1244444,-92.6733333
10/11/2001 02:15,fairbanks,ak,us,other,1800,30 minutes,It looked like a star but it would move and after a few seconds a red aura would appear around it and emit objects.,10/12/2001,64.8377778,-147.7163889
10/11/2001 05:15,denver,co,us,light,900,15 minutes,Odd Lights in Colorado Sky,10/12/2001,39.7391667,-104.9841667
10/11/2001 08:15,columbia,ms,us,teardrop,300,5 minutes,short vapotr looking teardropped object&#44 always beside the sun&#33&#33&#33noticed from 10/11-10/26/01,11/20/2001,31.2516667,-89.8375
10/11/2001 20:35,grass valley,ca,us,triangle,60,1 minute,Three bright white lights in a row&#44 in the sky.,10/12/2001,39.2191667,-121.06
10/11/2001 23:49,lima,oh,us,teardrop,300,5 minutes,We saw three teardroped shaped crafts with slowy flashing lights moving very slow then taking off very rapidly.,10/12/2001,40.7425,-84.1052778
10/11/2002 06:17,springfield,mo,us,fireball,6,6 seconds,bright green triangular object throwing sparks traveling extremely fast,10/15/2002,37.2152778,-93.2980556
10/11/2002 13:25,reno,nv,us,sphere,600,10 min,A small white sphere which stopped&#44 hovered for 5 minutes&#44 then took off and disapeared.,10/15/2002,39.5297222,-119.8127778
10/11/2002 16:15,randolph,ma,us,cylinder,300,5min,Daylight sighting of High Altitude Light,11/4/2002,42.1625,-71.0416667
10/11/2002 20:36,dallas,tx,us,fireball,3,3 seconds,Meteor lights up the skies over Dallas&#44 crashes somehere to the south.,10/28/2002,32.7833333,-96.8
10/11/2003 00:00,san diego,ca,us,,172800,2 days?,Lost two days awaken to power out tv fried and blood from ear.Disoriented,10/31/2003,32.7152778,-117.1563889
10/11/2003 01:29,new york city (manhattan),ny,us,egg,120,2 minutes,object  discharged another&#44 flew at first low then went higher hovered around empire state building,4/16/2005,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/11/2003 03:00,truckee,ca,us,sphere,3,2-3 secs,Round very light blue object goes behind a small mountain,10/15/2003,39.3280556,-120.1822222
10/11/2003 07:00,fort knox,ky,,fireball,3,2-3 seconds,i saw a large fireball falling to earth in the early morning hours on  Oct.11&#442003 in Kentucky,11/8/2003,37.916104,-85.956247
10/11/2003 11:32,newaygo,mi,us,circle,40,30-40 sec,Two fuzzy disks chaseing each other.,11/26/2003,43.4197222,-85.8
10/11/2003 13:00,nebraska (above?&#44 or above south dakota),ne,,cigar,2,seconds,rather large cigar shaped object photographed from airplane window,10/15/2003,41.492537,-99.901813
10/11/2003 19:05,placerville,ca,us,light,600,ten minutes,Unverified pair of bold star lights diminishing in perfect unison.,10/31/2003,38.7297222,-120.7975
10/11/2003 20:00,frederick,co,us,unknown,10,10 seconds,Large flash outside the house rattling the windows with a low hum.,10/15/2003,40.0991667,-104.9366667
10/11/2003 20:30,bloomington,in,us,disk,180,3.minutes,Saucer shaped craft with kaleidoscope lights.,10/15/2003,39.1652778,-86.5263889
10/11/2003 22:40,independence,mo,us,chevron,600,10 minutes,UFO with black exhaust sighted in Independence&#44 MO Oct. 11&#44 2003,11/8/2003,39.0911111,-94.4152778
10/11/2004 01:00,honolulu,hi,us,triangle,3,2-3 seconds,3 trangular UFOs were spotted in a triangle formation for 3 seconds.,10/27/2004,21.3069444,-157.8583333
10/11/2004 02:37,los angeles,ca,us,rectangle,20,15-20 secs,Large&#44 rectangular&#44 pale green-blue object spotted at approx. 2:37 am&#44 10/11/04&#44 moving east over the San Fernando Valley.,10/27/2004,34.0522222,-118.2427778
10/11/2004 03:40,dallas,or,us,light,20,20 seconds,Very intense light&#44 shone through covered windows&#44 absolutely no sound&#44 felt presence before observing.,10/27/2004,44.9194444,-123.3158333
10/11/2004 04:15,pitman,nj,us,other,7200,2 hours,star-like light that bobbled side to side and up and down  ((NUFORC Note:  We suspect Venus.  PD)),10/27/2004,39.7327778,-75.1319444
10/11/2004 05:00,san jose,ca,us,light,15,12-15seconds,Light traveling at very high rate of speed across the morning sky.,10/27/2004,37.3394444,-121.8938889
10/11/2004 10:00,nuevo laredo (mexico),,,light,1200,20min,While I was driving I stopped at a traffic light and when I turned to wait for the green light&#44 I saw 11 bright lights in the sky,7/16/2006,27.477936,-99.549573
10/11/2004 11:00,salinas,ca,us,formation,2700,45 minutes,Large formation of UFO&#39s seen over south Salinas&#44 CA on Oct. 11&#44 2004&#44 in broad daylight.,10/27/2004,36.6777778,-121.6544444
10/11/2004 14:00,arroyo grande,ca,us,circle,60,1 minute,observed Angel Hair type UFO,12/14/2004,35.1186111,-120.5897222
10/11/2004 18:00,fresno,ca,us,rectangle,120,2 minutes,Rectangle over Fresno&#44 California.,11/11/2013,36.7477778,-119.7713889
10/11/2004 19:00,strongsvilles,oh,,light,5,5 seconds,neon green light or object traveled eastward then fell out of view&#44 no aircraft nearby,10/27/2004,41.314497,-81.83569
10/11/2004 22:29,laredo,tx,us,fireball,1351,22:31,Large flaming tail and eratic movement - sudden change of direction,12/3/2004,27.5061111,-99.5072222
10/11/2004 23:00,lake worth,fl,us,formation,7200,2 hours,Multiple formations viewed by three witnesses.,10/27/2004,26.6155556,-80.0572222
10/11/2004 23:15,williamsville,ny,us,light,540,9 minutes,Hovering light seen over Williamsville&#44 NY,10/27/2004,42.9638889,-78.7380556
10/11/2005 00:00,cannock (uk/england),,gb,formation,180,3 minutes,Formation spotted,10/20/2005,52.683333,-2.016667
10/11/2005 00:00,holiday,fl,us,light,180,ohrs,light dancing over holliday florda,10/20/2005,28.1875,-82.7397222
10/11/2005 03:00,eagan,mn,us,circle,7200,2 hours plus,((NUFORC Note:  Possible star.  PD))  Bright colorfull glowing ball.,10/11/2005,44.8041667,-93.1666667
10/11/2005 03:20,siloam sprngs,ar,,circle,180,3 min,Round light appeared to be surrounded by fog&#44 approaced from south neaded NNE&#44 changed speed&#44 then turned sharply west.,10/20/2005,36.188137,-94.540496
10/11/2005 16:00,canyonlands np,ut,,formation,600,10 minutes,((NUFORC Note:  Possible satellites.  PD))  Needles Outpost: I was admiring the stars I saw 3 moving objects&#44 all in a row.,10/20/2005,39.32098,-111.093731
10/11/2005 16:36,lake point,ut,us,light,720,about 12 mins,Lights near  Lake Point/Grantsville&#44 UT,10/20/2005,40.6808333,-112.2622222
10/11/2005 18:33,pearl harbor,hi,,light,2,2 seconds,Fast moving light in the sky South of Peal Harbor,10/20/2005,21.344507,-157.974891
10/11/2005 18:45,peoria,az,us,light,5400,90 minutes,Formation of amber lights over Tolleson&#44 AZ that flickered off and on for about 90 minutes.,10/20/2005,33.5805556,-112.2366667
10/11/2005 19:00,buckeye,az,us,formation,1800,30 minutes,two different multi-light configurations that changed position and appeared low in the sky south of Buckeye&#44 Arizona,10/20/2005,33.3702778,-112.5830556
10/11/2005 19:00,casa grande,az,us,light,1800,30 minutes,amber lights over I-10 near Casa Grande Az.,10/20/2005,32.8794444,-111.7566667
10/11/2005 19:30,tempe,az,us,triangle,3,~3 sec,3 light triangle stayed perfectly still and then shot off fter 3 seconds of stillness.,10/20/2005,33.4147222,-111.9086111
10/11/2005 19:45,mobile,al,us,light,1800,30 minutes?,((NUFORC Note:  Possible sighting of Mars.  PD))  Massive brilliant white light that just hung in the Southern sky.,10/20/2005,30.6941667,-88.0430556
10/11/2005 21:00,little ferry,nj,us,oval,300,5 min,oval sahped  the whole thing was lit up with a very bright white light&#44 huvered over the trees&#44disappeared,12/16/2005,40.8527778,-74.0425
10/11/2005 21:00,wall lake,ia,us,light,10,10 seconds,strange shit in the sky in sac county iowa.,10/20/2005,42.2711111,-95.0927778
10/11/2005 21:50,rotherham (south yorkshire) (uk/england),,gb,oval,3600,1hr,A light it was a oval shape duration was 1hr,12/16/2005,53.433333,-1.35
10/11/2006 01:25,nashville,tn,us,disk,13,13 sec,Circle shaped solid white object flying through clouds.,10/30/2006,36.1658333,-86.7844444
10/11/2006 02:00,calumet city,in,,circle,420,7 minutes,i work as a security guard at the calume t city airport. i have grave yard shift fom 11:pm to 7 am. i was doing my round checking the p,10/30/2006,41.615591,-87.529487
10/11/2006 05:40,york,me,,disk,30,30 seconds,Illuminated but not shiny disc  with three large pulsing lights underside&#44 white to red&#44 following path along the Atlantic coastline.,10/30/2006,43.161748,-70.648258
10/11/2006 09:00,littlerock,ar,,oval,600,10 minutes,The first object was shaped like an oval and appeared coming out the southwest traveling in an eastern direction this object appeared t,10/30/2006,34.746481,-92.289595
10/11/2006 11:29,lynnwood,wa,us,unknown,120,a few minutes,I noticed a very white tail behind an object traveling north in the southern sky. It appeared to be very high and far away. The object,10/30/2006,47.8211111,-122.3138889
10/11/2006 19:00,monterey park,ca,us,fireball,120,1 -2 minutes,huge ball of fire hanging in the sky,12/7/2006,34.0625,-118.1219444
10/11/2006 19:30,two harbors,mn,us,light,600,10 minutes,Northern Lights ?? Right&#33,12/7/2006,47.0227778,-91.6705556
10/11/2006 20:45,pensacola,fl,us,diamond,3600,1 hour,Six orange glowing diamond shaped objects in two separate clusters due east of Pensacola,10/30/2006,30.4211111,-87.2169444
10/11/2006 21:00,milton,fl,us,light,900,15 minutes,THE LIGHTS KEPT FLASHING AND MOVING AT VERY HIGH SPEEDS SHOWING UP THEN WOULD BE GONE IN AN INSTANT THEN FLYING SIDE WAYS UNLIKE ANY PL,10/30/2006,30.6322222,-87.0397222
10/11/2006 21:20,kidlington (uk/england),,gb,formation,5,5 sec,Shape of object wasn&#39t wisible. Light spots shine in triangular shape,10/30/2006,51.816667,-1.283333
10/11/2006 21:32,la crescenta,ca,us,circle,3,3 seconds,White light imploded,10/30/2006,34.2241667,-118.2391667
10/11/2006 22:00,enid,ok,us,light,60,about 1 minute,Fast moving ball of light speeds across the sky.,10/30/2006,36.3955556,-97.8780556
10/11/2006 23:00,pampa,tx,us,triangle,60,1 minute,Two triangular objects&#44 lit up by three main lights and other lights in between&#44 moving simotaniously to the East over Pampa Tx.,10/30/2006,35.5361111,-100.9594444
10/11/2006 24:00,rome,ny,us,oval,120,a min or two,I was walking from the garage to the house&#44I happen to look up at a plane I hurd over head&#44 a small private plane. There&#39s a small air,2/1/2007,43.2127778,-75.4561111
10/11/2007 04:40,melbourne,ky,us,oval,360,6 minutes,flashing lights spotted near Ohio River,11/28/2007,39.0297222,-84.3663889
10/11/2007 10:10,carlton,or,us,cylinder,900,15min,it was not anything thath we have,11/28/2007,45.2944444,-123.1752778
10/11/2007 16:00,clackamas,or,us,circle,900,15 minutes,Silver circular or sphere-like object flying parallel to I-205 in the Gladstone/Clackamas area.,11/28/2007,45.4077778,-122.5691667
10/11/2007 19:28,brassall (australia),,,unknown,3600,1 hour +,Accidentally photographed very strange UFO,11/28/2007,-27.597553,152.7455
10/11/2007 19:50,seattle,wa,us,triangle,10,10 seconds,I saw two orange colored lights&#44 close together but moving independently across the sky&#44 at high rate of speed. Then they disappeared.,11/28/2007,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/11/2007 20:15,tega cay,sc,us,light,1800,30 minutes,Bright white light and then 2 blinking red lights in Western Sky,11/28/2007,35.0241667,-81.0280556
10/11/2007 20:30,gulf shores,al,us,disk,1800,30 min.,Brightly lighted Object appeared total of 6-8 times in different locations in night sky over ocean for few seconds and disappeared,11/28/2007,30.2458333,-87.7008333
10/11/2007 23:00,london (uk/england),,gb,unknown,300,5 minutes,Yellow lights in formation,3/4/2008,51.514125,-0.093689
10/11/2008 00:00,klagenfurt (austria),,,chevron,60,1 minute,It came from the direction of the city&#44 when I stood on a hill in total darkness in the countryside. It was moving strangely&#44  not stra,3/19/2009,46.62794,14.30899
10/11/2008 04:30,brownsville,tx,us,disk,3,3 seconds,I saw a ufo for 3 seconds by my house.,10/31/2008,25.9013889,-97.4972222
10/11/2008 06:00,concord,ca,us,light,180,2-3 minutes,Very small lights&#44 very high. moved at great speed and cganged direction. Not aircraft.,10/31/2008,37.9780556,-122.03
10/11/2008 13:00,salisbury,nc,us,sphere,20,20 secounds,7 UNKOWN AIRBORN OBJECT&#39S SEEN OVER  SALISBURY NC..SEARCH GRID WITNESSED&#33&#33..,10/31/2008,35.6708333,-80.4744444
10/11/2008 17:30,bellmere (australia),,,cylinder,240,4 minutes,Very large long white cylinder object traveling high up and smoothly above storm clouds.,1/10/2009,-27.088079,152.928057
10/11/2008 19:00,bridgeport,ct,us,circle,7200,2 hours,I saw 6 glowing orbs lining up in different formations witin a 2 hour period over Long Island Sound.,10/31/2008,41.1669444,-73.2052778
10/11/2008 19:00,dover,md,us,sphere,7200,2 hours?,freinds and familes see UFO,10/31/2008,39.5122222,-76.7697222
10/11/2008 19:00,riverside,ca,us,light,60,1 min approx,Bright light moving from NW to SE,10/31/2008,33.9533333,-117.3952778
10/11/2008 19:30,naples,fl,us,triangle,30,30 seconds,A dark flying V.,10/31/2008,26.1416667,-81.795
10/11/2008 20:30,centerville,tx,us,light,900,15 minutes,MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS IN THE TEXAS SKY.,3/19/2009,31.2577778,-95.9780556
10/11/2008 20:30,villa park/lombard,il,,changing,300,5 minutes,Several Orange Lights Over Vila Park Lomabrd Areas 10-11-2008,3/19/2009,41.885738,-87.969213
10/11/2008 22:20,albuquerque,nm,us,fireball,120,2 minutes,Vehicle out of southern sky thought to be shooting star hovers over city.,10/31/2008,35.0844444,-106.6505556
10/11/2008 22:30,los angeles,ca,us,triangle,30,30 seconds,Large Triangle sighted over L.A,10/31/2008,34.0522222,-118.2427778
10/11/2009 00:00,sedro woolley,wa,,unknown,10,10 seconds,Unusaul flight charactoristics,12/12/2009,48.50389,-122.23611
10/11/2009 02:45,deer park,ny,us,other,10800,3 hrs,2 Bright Orange lights in the sky moving up&#44 down&#44 and circular motion with shooting streaking trail -looked like shooting star,12/12/2009,40.7616667,-73.3297222
10/11/2009 04:00,crisfield,md,us,light,600,5 to 10 min,A bright light moving across the sky getting closer stopped on a dime got brighter and took off with no sounds at all,12/12/2009,37.9833333,-75.8541667
10/11/2009 04:45,st. john&#39s (canada),nf,ca,flash,5,>5 seconds,Bending streak of white light over suburban area.,12/12/2009,47.55,-52.666667
10/11/2009 09:45,plymouth,mi,us,triangle,20,20 seconds,I was standing on a sidewalk near salem high school where i saw a triangular shaped craft slowly gliding right over my head. my mom jus,6/27/2011,42.3713889,-83.4702778
10/11/2009 12:30,glendale,az,us,egg,1200,20 minutes,2 eggshaped objects over Glendale Az. near stadium.,12/12/2009,33.5386111,-112.1852778
10/11/2009 18:00,louisville,ky,us,disk,120,several minutes,strange object photographed over Louisville&#44 Kentucky October 11&#44 2009,12/12/2009,38.2541667,-85.7594444
10/11/2009 18:05,west palm beach,fl,us,oval,3,3 seconds,At around 6pm (18:00 hours) I was outside in the backyard of my home with my Canon EOS Rebel XT digital camera taking photographs of na,12/12/2009,26.7052778,-80.0366667
10/11/2009 19:00,north smithfield,ri,us,circle,15,10 to 15 seconds,I was watching the sky like I always do on a clear night because you can always see what appear to be stars riding along the night sky.,12/12/2009,41.9666667,-71.55
10/11/2009 19:50,putnamville,in,us,flash,540,8 - 9 minutes,Two Hovering Aircraft Spotted Around a Strange Haze,12/12/2009,39.5741667,-86.8652778
10/11/2009 21:55,madison,wi,us,light,180,3 minutes,Amber orange light moving very slowly&#44 dimming out&#44 shooting away.,12/12/2009,43.0730556,-89.4011111
10/11/2010 00:30,redondo beach,ca,us,other,1200,20 min,three lights that changed colors rapidly suspended over the ocean that increased and decreased in intensity often,11/21/2010,33.8491667,-118.3875
10/11/2010 04:00,moxee,wa,,rectangle,1,1 sec and 1 sec,bow shockwave with rectangle craft it was hyperfast,11/21/2010,46.553733,-120.383162
10/11/2010 04:50,albany,ny,us,oval,120,2 min,Oval metallic object,11/21/2010,42.6525,-73.7566667
10/11/2010 06:20,west palm beach,fl,us,sphere,2400,40 min,Electrical Sphere shape morning sky over Palm Beach Florida,11/21/2010,26.7052778,-80.0366667
10/11/2010 12:30,orangevale,ca,us,changing,2700,about 45 min,slowmoveing  fire ball in sky,11/21/2010,38.6786111,-121.2247222
10/11/2010 19:40,cottage grove,mn,us,light,240,3-4 minutes,Craft with two white lights in Minneapolis Approach Pattern that moved down and not forward then disappered behind the tree line.,11/21/2010,44.8277778,-92.9436111
10/11/2010 20:50,glendora,ca,us,circle,60,1 min,I was north on a mountain facing south with my friend. We were star gazing and I looked up in the sky at about a 45 degree angle and sa,11/21/2010,34.1361111,-117.8644444
10/11/2010 20:53,ramona,ca,us,triangle,5,3-5 seconds,We believed this object to be an airplane on fire,11/21/2010,33.0416667,-116.8672222
10/11/2010 21:35,union city,ca,us,other,15,15 seconds,Opposing lights of amber that sliently crossed low in the sky.,11/21/2010,37.5958333,-122.0180556
10/11/2010 23:20,clinton township,mi,,fireball,15,15 seconds,Fireball lifted into the sky and dissipated into a cloud.,11/21/2010,42.586888,-82.919551
10/11/2011 03:15,omaha,il,us,chevron,120,2 min,I noticed the craft as it had just passed over Rt 1. i brought my semi to a stop and shut down the engine. the craft was very large&#44as,10/19/2011,37.8902778,-88.3030556
10/11/2011 08:40,henderson,nv,us,other,180,3 minutes,UFO Report:  Date: October 11th&#44 2011 Location: Las Vegas&#44 NV (near Henderson&#44 NV) Time: 8:40 A.M. Near Las Vegas Nevada&#44 I was out,10/19/2011,36.0397222,-114.9811111
10/11/2011 15:00,cedar city,ut,us,light,8,8 seconds,Bright&#44 white&#44 star-like UFO over Cedar City at 1500 on sunny day.,10/19/2011,37.6775,-113.0611111
10/11/2011 19:40,des moines,ia,us,light,90,90 seconds,An unexplained&#44 unidentified flying object.,12/12/2011,41.6005556,-93.6088889
10/11/2011 19:42,new bedford,ma,us,circle,1800,30-minutes,At least 25 orange and red fireballs fly over New Bedford&#44 MA&#44 USA,12/12/2011,41.6361111,-70.9347222
10/11/2011 21:00,monroe,ct,us,,300,5 min.,Orange Light Formation Over Monroe&#44 CT 10/11/11--Hangs in Sky then Flys Away.,10/19/2011,41.3325,-73.2077778
10/11/2011 21:10,holden beach,nc,us,circle,30,30 seconds,6 orange balls of light over the Atlantic ocean.,10/19/2011,33.9133333,-78.3041667
10/11/2011 23:23,harrodsburg,ky,us,unknown,480,8 min,Unknown lights.,5/29/2012,37.7622222,-84.8433333
10/11/2012 01:00,worcester,ma,us,unknown,4,4 seconds,Big extremely bright white light hovering in sky,10/30/2012,42.2625,-71.8027778
10/11/2012 02:45,watchung (was my perspective),nj,us,sphere,3600,1 hour about,Orange sphere moving in unbeliveable ways&#44&#44&#44another green spehere near by with rays emerging form it.  Bizarre,10/30/2012,40.6377778,-74.4513889
10/11/2012 04:00,tewksbury,ma,us,light,2,2 seconds,Huge white streaking object moving high rate of speeds in night sky,10/30/2012,42.6105556,-71.2347222
10/11/2012 07:00,bablyon,ny,,disk,120,2 minutes,Saw a object that was very odd in the sky over the ocean off fire island inlet&#33&#33,10/30/2012,40.695655,-73.325675
10/11/2012 08:00,angola,in,us,cigar,7200,2 hours,4 objects metalic reflecting from rising sun in the east&#44 then witnessed what looked to be 7 more objects in a straight line. Then hear,10/30/2012,41.6347222,-84.9994444
10/11/2012 19:30,arbutus,md,us,light,300,5 minutes,Moving star and strange man,10/30/2012,39.2544444,-76.7002778
10/11/2012 19:30,forty fort,pa,us,fireball,720,12 minutes,Slow moving bright light,10/30/2012,41.2788889,-75.8786111
10/11/2012 19:45,saratoga springs,ny,us,circle,300,5 minutes,Brightly lit object&#44 twice the size of a planet&#44  traversed the night sky&#44 dimmed&#44 and disappeared from view.((NUFORC Note:  ISS? PD)),10/30/2012,43.0830556,-73.785
10/11/2012 20:00,nanticoke,pa,us,diamond,60,~1 minute,UFO sighted over Nanticoke PA,10/30/2012,41.2052778,-76.0052778
10/11/2012 20:30,las cruces,nm,us,fireball,120,1-2 minutes,4 fireballs side by side,10/30/2012,32.3122222,-106.7777778
10/11/2012 20:42,ravensdale,wa,us,triangle,10,10 seconds,Driving on kent kangley road I observed a triangle arrangement of lights hovering about 100 feet off the ground.  The lights were multi,10/30/2012,47.3525,-121.9825
10/11/2012 21:00,levittown,pa,us,diamond,60,1 minute,About 9:00 pm&#44 Oct. 11&#44 2012&#44 driving home I first heard strange high-pitched siren-like sound&#44 and rolled down my window to hear what,10/30/2012,40.155,-74.8291667
10/11/2012 21:01,phoenix,az,us,sphere,30,30 seconds,10/11/12  Phoenix&#44 AZ  Sphere  30 sec   Yellowish-orange flashing sphere seen by myself        10/12/12,10/30/2012,33.4483333,-112.0733333
10/11/2012 22:15,blue island,il,us,circle,45,45 seconds,Red circular object surrounded by yellow glow flying w/no sound quickly coming out of east turning southbound,10/30/2012,41.6572222,-87.68
10/11/2013 01:00,saginaw,mi,us,chevron,4,4 seconds,10 or so dimly lit white lights in a large arrow shape formation moving at high rate of speed.,10/14/2013,43.4194444,-83.9508333
10/11/2013 03:00,hamilton (canada),on,ca,cylinder,3600,0300:0400,Enlarged still frame pics of the video show strage shapes and strange colors.,10/23/2013,43.25,-79.833333
10/11/2013 06:13,ankeny,ia,us,circle,120,2 minutes,Two slow moving star-like objects suddenly accelerated to light speed heading towards Jupiter,10/14/2013,41.7297222,-93.6055556
10/11/2013 09:05,palm beach gardens,fl,us,light,15,10-15 seconds,Five orange flying objects in the nights sky and no sound.,10/14/2013,26.8230556,-80.1388889
10/11/2013 16:01,pickering (canada),on,ca,circle,300,5 minutes,Glowing blue sphere in Ontario&#44 Canada.,1/30/2014,43.866667,-79.033333
10/11/2013 16:35,kalamazoo,mi,us,fireball,600,~10 minutes,Massive caravan of a hundred red/orange fireballs moving from west to east at a steady rate in formation for at least ten minutes.,10/14/2013,42.2916667,-85.5872222
10/11/2013 19:00,lawrence,ks,us,unknown,240,2-4 minutes,Silent blue and white lights of craft object change color&#44 approach myself and boyfriend&#44 before changing into buzzing&#44 everyday plane,10/14/2013,38.9716667,-95.235
10/11/2013 19:20,north cincinnati,oh,,fireball,600,10 minutes,Some sort of fireball came down from the sky very rapidly soon to turn into 3 flying disc that where lit up (clearly not stars) they se,10/14/2013,39.103118,-84.51202
10/11/2013 19:50,essex junction,vt,us,light,60,60 seconds,4 or 5 Orange Lights in Vermont Sky,10/14/2013,44.4905556,-73.1113889
10/11/2013 20:00,cincinnati,oh,us,circle,300,4-5 minutes,Glowing Orange Fireball/Lights Seen at Turpin HS Football Game.,2/21/2014,39.1619444,-84.4569444
10/11/2013 20:00,cincinnati,oh,us,fireball,240,4 minutes,Cincinnati fire ball in the sky?,10/14/2013,39.1619444,-84.4569444
10/11/2013 20:00,naples,fl,us,light,7200,few hours,Circle of Different color flashing light over gulf in naples,10/14/2013,26.1416667,-81.795
10/11/2013 20:15,bonaie,ga,,light,300,3-5 minutes,15-25 red/orange lights moving at a low altitude in the same pattern with no sound at all.,10/14/2013,32.543889,-83.596111
10/11/2013 20:15,cincinnati,oh,us,fireball,60,1 minute,3 fireball type objects close to downtown Cincinnati.,10/14/2013,39.1619444,-84.4569444
10/11/2013 20:15,union,ky,us,fireball,300,5 minutes,amber fireball descending&#44splits into 3 objects&#44stops&#44they hover above ground with erratic movements,10/23/2013,38.9458333,-84.6805556
10/11/2013 20:20,hubbardston,ma,us,fireball,60,1 minute,4 orange orbs zig zgging across the sky.  Quick movements forward and aft and side to side.,10/14/2013,42.4736111,-72.0066667
10/11/2013 20:45,covington,ga,us,light,300,5 minutes,Saw a bunch of low-altitude lights drifting overhead.,10/14/2013,33.5966667,-83.8602778
10/11/2013 21:00,drexel,oh,us,sphere,180,3 minutes,Blue white streak in sky&#44 2 orange orbs splitting. seems like it landed.,10/14/2013,39.7463889,-84.2866667
10/11/2013 21:00,fayetteville,ny,us,chevron,90,90 seconds,Brilliant slow moving light in fayetteville ny.,10/14/2013,43.0297222,-76.0047222
10/11/2013 22:00,jupiter,fl,us,light,900,15 minutes,Groups of glowing orange objects moving randomly from east to west over Jupiter Inlet area at approximately 10:00 pm Oct 11&#44 2013.,10/14/2013,26.9338889,-80.0944444
10/11/2013 22:00,melbourne,fl,us,sphere,300,5 minutes,At or around 22:00 hours my Mother called me outside to look at something My Father and I walked out the front door and observed a larg,10/14/2013,28.0833333,-80.6083333
10/11/2013 22:08,dresser,wi,us,sphere,60,1 minutes,Large Orange Sphere over Polk county Wisconsin.,10/14/2013,45.3561111,-92.6333333
10/11/2013 22:10,lombard,il,us,formation,60,1 minute,5-8 orange lights over suburban Chicago,10/14/2013,41.88,-88.0077778
10/11/2013 22:18,windsor (canada),on,ca,light,300,3-5 minutes,5 orange lights seen in sky over windsor.,10/14/2013,45.583333,-72
10/11/2013 23:00,north canton,oh,us,fireball,10,10 seconds,Fireball over the Strip.,10/14/2013,40.8758333,-81.4025
10/11/2013 23:15,pinckney,mi,us,fireball,2,2 seconds,Large orange fireball observed over Hell&#44 Michigan&#44 traveling from due south to due north directly overhead.,10/14/2013,42.4566667,-83.9463889
10/1/1950 11:00,pikeville,ky,us,disk,600,hr,SEVENTY SOME  FLYING DISK OBSERVED IN  1950,4/16/2005,37.4791667,-82.5188889
10/1/1952 03:30,fukuoka (japan),,,disk,1200,about 20 mins,UFO seen by multiple U. S. military personnel; F-86 intercept.,12/7/2006,33.590355,130.401716
10/1/1952 12:00,kansas city,mo,us,disk,90,90 sec.,1952 daylight sighting of multiple discs in formation,10/31/2008,39.0997222,-94.5783333
10/1/1954 19:00,flatwoods,wv,us,circle,60,1 minute,I saw the craft go across the horizon.  It appeared to be on fire&#44 I first thought it was a plane going down.  It landed near a farm.,4/12/2013,38.7230556,-80.65
10/1/1955 22:00,mono lake (area),ca,,circle,5,five seconds+/-,NO KNOWN AIRCRAFT (1955 and maybe today) COULD MAKE SUCH A SPEEDY 360 DEGREE CIRCLE MANUVER&#44 WITH NO SOUND &#33,3/19/2009,38.007059,-119.012259
10/1/1956 19:00,newport,nh,us,rectangle,300,5 minutes,Disk with glass center section&#44 and flames behind the glass,4/16/2005,43.3652778,-72.1738889
10/1/1957 16:00,nelchina (near),ak,us,unknown,180,3 minutes maximum,This incident occurred about October of 1956 or &#8216;57. At the time&#44 I was Assistant station manager for a major airline in Anchorage as,12/7/2006,61.9919444,-146.7686111
10/1/1957 21:00,paterson,nj,us,disk,10,10 seconds,Formation of approximately 8 light gray metallic disks silently crossing the night sky around October 1957 in northern NJ,4/16/2005,40.9166667,-74.1722222
10/1/1957 22:00,northeast cape afs,ak,,,900,10-15min,Radar sighting and filming,1/28/1999,70.292489,-161.903334
10/1/1959 19:00,jacksonville,il,us,unknown,60,1 minute,Late 1959&#44 bright lights from a hovering object of unknown shape making a zed-zid zed-zid electrical sound.,4/16/2005,39.7338889,-90.2288889
10/1/1961 03:00,toledo,oh,us,sphere,180,2-3 mins.,Observed dull silver metallic sphere hovering outside of bedroom window as a child.  Had direct communication with sphere.,11/19/1998,41.6638889,-83.5552778
10/1/1961 03:30,tulsa,ok,us,disk,120,2 minutes,October&#44 1961&#44 Tulsa Oklahoma: low altitude&#44 slow&#44 disk object(s); high speed turns&#44 v. high accelleration.,4/27/2007,36.1538889,-95.9925
10/1/1961 19:00,nashville,tn,us,disk,1800,30 minutes,In October 1961&#44 a silvery flattened disk hovered motionless over a local school fair for more than 30 minutes.,8/5/2012,36.1658333,-86.7844444
10/1/1961 22:00,graham,nc,us,triangle,30,30 seconds,3 flat&#44 large  white lights in delta pattern&#44 no sound&#44 flying at tree-top level at 35-40 mph,5/14/2002,36.0688889,-79.4008333
10/1/1965 06:40,biloxi,ms,us,other,900,15 min,Cloud&#44 hovering then moving at right angles with pulsating light coming from within,11/17/1999,30.3958333,-88.8852778
10/1/1965 14:00,colonial heights,va,us,sphere,120,2 minutes,Saw sphere ping-ponging up and down and side to side in blue sky.,4/1/2000,37.2438889,-77.4105556
10/1/1965 21:00,dushore,pa,us,disk,300,5 minutes,It could move very slowly or very quickly but either way it moved without making any noise.,4/16/2005,41.5241667,-76.4011111
10/1/1966 19:00,edmonton (30 mi. east of&#44 hwy 16 east) (canada),ab,ca,diamond,300,5 min,Unusual ights in distance. Approached until object overhead as wide as road and ditch. Bright lights&#44 Turned head to find object in hor,8/5/2001,53.55,-113.5
10/1/1966 20:00,buffalo,ny,us,light,240,4 minutes,One of the bright stars moved north&#44 curved upward&#44 flew in a wide arc&#44 then accelerated up into the cosmos.,1/11/2002,42.8863889,-78.8786111
10/1/1966 22:00,anacortes,wa,us,light,1200,20 mins.,20 miles driving toward Anacortes&#44a friend and I were listening to a radio station in Anacortes. The DJ said he had recieved calls abou,4/15/2000,48.5127778,-122.6113889
10/1/1966 22:30,anamosa,ia,us,unknown,60,60 seconds,large quiet  craft&#44 covered with blackness&#44 and &quot;stars&quot; to not be noticed&#44 moving slowly southwest to north north east.,9/17/2000,42.1083333,-91.285
10/1/1966 23:00,corvallis,or,us,disk,120,2 minutes,Saucer with no sound flew 100 feet above ground&#44 changed direction then left atmosphere in a split second.,12/16/1999,44.5647222,-123.2608333
10/1/1967 02:00,chaffee,ny,us,sphere,600,10 minutes,34 years ago and still &quot; seeking the truth&quot;,8/5/2001,42.5680556,-78.4791667
10/1/1967 13:00,greenville,il,us,circle,30,30 seconds,My son and I went to a ballpark close by to play- we were the only ones there&#44 I happened to look up and right over us&#44 were 3 round uf,2/24/2007,38.8922222,-89.4130556
10/1/1967 19:00,hudson&#39s hope (canada),bc,,sphere,120,2 minutes,Large round silver UFO in Peace River Valley 1966-67,2/18/2001,56.031639,-121.905722
10/1/1967 20:00,minneapolis,mn,us,disk,10,10 seconds,In October 1967&#44 2 Disks sited heading north over Minneapolis MN.,4/16/2005,44.98,-93.2636111
10/1/1968 00:00,boston,ma,us,cigar,1200,20 minutes,as i woke up in the early morning a bright redish orange light bathed the living room&#44at first i thought it was a fire but the light wa,12/16/2005,42.3583333,-71.0602778
10/1/1968 20:00,kennebunkport,me,us,circle,600,5-10 minutes,While at the boathouse at St.Athonys one night we noticed what at first we thought was a bright star getting larger.It seemed to dart a,3/19/2002,43.3616667,-70.4772222
10/1/1969 16:00,san francisco,ca,us,oval,600,5-10 min,It was in the afternoon just before sunset at 20 Steiner St SF CA I saw above me and there was one other person who was with me on the,8/30/1999,37.775,-122.4183333
10/1/1970 00:00,viet nam,,,light,600,5/10 minutes,U.F.O. in Vietnam    1970,6/4/2004,14.058324,108.277199
10/1/1970 01:00,kingston (canada),on,ca,sphere,180,3 minutes,Sept. 1970. Kingston Ontario. Spherical grren orb. 3 minute duration. Bright green orb travelled slowly and then took off extremely qui,10/11/2005,44.233333,-76.483333
10/1/1970 16:00,new york city (brooklyn),ny,us,disk,180,3 minutes,Hoovering disk like object by Father and Son&#44 Brookyln&#44 NY 1970,1/21/2008,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/1970 17:30,bentonville,ar,us,other,14400,about 4 hours,Hoseshoe shaped,12/7/2006,36.3727778,-94.2086111
10/1/1970 19:00,summit lake indian reservation,nv,,oval,1500,25min.,ball of light&#44 turned into a doughnut shape&#44 assention&#44 stream&#44 4 witnesses&#44seen from higher elevation.,8/11/2004,41.524898,-119.05102
10/1/1970 19:00,tampa,fl,us,other,900,15 minutes,36 year old reports an object he saw with his mother 31 years ago.,8/20/2001,27.9472222,-82.4586111
10/1/1970 21:00,new york city (brooklyn),ny,us,disk,300,5 mins,Saucer/disklike craft&#44 with multi-colored lights sighted in Bayridge Brooklyn in 1970 with many eyewitnesses.,2/18/2001,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/1970 23:00,indian ocean (usn vessel),,,light,240,3-4 minutes,Bright object seemingly appeared out of nowhere in the Indian Ocean&#44 miles from any land.,7/8/2004,-33.137551,81.826172
10/1/1971 22:00,pasadena,ca,us,disk,180,3 min,Powerless over UFO sighting.,1/17/2004,34.1477778,-118.1436111
10/1/1972 01:00,potwin,ks,us,unknown,10800,2-3 hours,Iwas abducted around age 7 or 8. They came will I WAS Asleep. they look into my room from the hall. They took me to a room. I think the,5/24/1999,37.9388889,-97.0194444
10/1/1972 04:00,denton,tx,us,unknown,600,less than 10 minutes but,Slow moving object splits and one part sped away while the bigger part slowly moved in the opposite direction.,1/31/2011,33.2147222,-97.1327778
10/1/1972 20:00,mosheim,tx,us,disk,1800,20-30 minutes,Classic saucer shape seen in the early seventies.,4/9/2004,31.6261111,-97.5997222
10/1/1972 23:00,monroe,wa,us,rectangle,900,15 min,STOP AND GO THE SIZE OF A LARG CAR WITH NO WINDOWS,1/3/2001,47.8555556,-121.9697222
10/1/1972 23:00,pickens/pumpkintown,sc,,chevron,1800,30+ minutes,Slowly moving boomerang shape with four bluish-white lights on each leading edge; made a humming sound.,8/5/2001,35.002778,-82.652778
10/1/1973 01:00,montezuma,in,us,sphere,900,15 minutes,We saw a large glowing sphere that looked like the moon&#44 but was obviously not since it was very close to us and could manuver.,9/2/2005,39.7927778,-87.3708333
10/1/1973 15:00,virginia beach,va,us,disk,1800,10-30 minutes,Group of  friends an I  follow a UFO on bicycles&#44 I have a sighting alone about a week later.,10/10/2011,36.8527778,-75.9783333
10/1/1973 20:00,bloomington,in,us,light,1200,20 minutes,Three large bright white craft  interacting &amp; manuevering rapidly accross a quadrant of night sky.,7/3/2013,39.1652778,-86.5263889
10/1/1973 20:30,north st. paul,mn,,triangle,120,two minutes,Large triangular space craft sighted above North Senior High School&#39 football field&#44 in North St. Paul&#44 MN in early October 1&#44 1973,7/30/2002,45.012466,-92.991883
10/1/1973 21:00,roseburg,or,us,cylinder,7200,not sure&#44maybe 2 hours,We were on the outskirts of town&#44 just passing the sewage treatment plant&#44 when this object with blinding white light enveloped the car,8/12/2008,43.2166667,-123.3405556
10/1/1973 21:30,beatty,nv,us,disk,7200,2 hours,Lights in the sky and lost time.,10/10/2011,36.9086111,-116.7583333
10/1/1973 21:30,hixson,tn,us,oval,37800,1 1/2 hours,Oval&#44 brilliant lights&#44 red glow&#44 windows&#44 metallic&#44 no sound; After we lost sight of it and went to find it&#44 it showed itself to us.,4/16/2005,35.1405556,-85.2327778
10/1/1973 22:45,valley city,oh,us,disk,300,5 minutes,It was a star shaped object travelling south that stopped&#44 changed colors&#44 and sped off dissapearing in the night sky.,1/11/2002,41.2377778,-81.9316667
10/1/1974 01:00,denton,tx,us,unknown,600,10 min,I was walking home from the Library at North Texas State University after the Library closed.  From a distance&#44 I saw a large red glowi,6/12/2008,33.2147222,-97.1327778
10/1/1974 18:00,weirton,wv,us,sphere,240,4 minutes,Upon coming home one evening in the early spring&#44 I saw in the eastern horizon three circular objects that looked like three full mooon,1/7/2000,40.4188889,-80.5897222
10/1/1974 20:00,ankara (turkey),,,changing,300,5 min.,A bright&#44 huge&#44 and shape-changing object&#44 exploded into numerous smaller spherical objects which moved in formation.,8/7/2007,39.92077,32.85411
10/1/1974 20:00,deerwood,mn,us,unknown,2,2 seconds,Sighting 3  An incidence occurred in mid-October&#44 1974. I picked my son up from wrestling practice in the evening after school. We live,12/7/2006,46.4736111,-93.8986111
10/1/1974 21:00,chester,nj,us,light,600,10 minutes,Three bright star like objects moving across the night sky at the speed of light and stopping on a dime.,12/7/2006,40.7841667,-74.6972222
10/1/1975 21:00,kincheloe air force base&#44 michigan,mi,,triangle,15,15 seconds,Shaped like the letter &quot;A&quot;&#44 flew directly over top of us at est 500 ft.,2/16/2000,44.314844,-85.602364
10/1/1975 22:00,maricopa,az,us,changing,1200,20 min,Group of 4 Orange Objects land near hills just west of small town of Maricopa Arizona... Oct&#44 1975,1/21/2008,33.0580556,-112.0469444
10/1/1976 07:00,hartville,oh,us,disk,120,2 minutes or less,A disk shaped flying object followed the path of our car just above the telephone lines.,1/11/2002,40.9636111,-81.3313889
10/1/1976 19:00,fairport,ny,us,disk,600,10 minutes,Disk shaped UFO with continous changing color band in the middle.  Hoovered for a few minutes about 3 stories off the ground above a cr,3/2/2004,43.0986111,-77.4422222
10/1/1976 21:00,thonotosassa,fl,us,disk,900,15 minutes,Mid-1970&#39s Thonotosassa&#44 Florida sighting at Stacey and Knights Griffin,10/30/2006,28.0611111,-82.3025
10/1/1977 01:00,iselton,ca,,light,120,2 minutes,While fishing on the San Joaquin river on Twithchell Island Rd.&#44 at the mouth of the Molklomne river&#44 we observed 2-lights high in the,7/13/2005,38.161861,-121.611621
10/1/1977 19:00,fountain valley,ca,us,other,360,6 minutes,My brother&#44 his friend and I saw an orange pyramid-shaped object in the sky about 25 yards away from us and about 25 yards up.  We were,8/30/1999,33.7091667,-117.9527778
10/1/1977 22:00,ferndale,ca,us,other,60,1 minute,Silhouette&#44 or dark object of craft appeared on moonless&#44 starlit-night&#44 backlit by glow straight overhead&#44 appeared to be approaching,4/16/2005,40.5763889,-124.2627778
10/1/1978 00:00,windsor,nc,us,cone,300,5min,saw while parking with girl friend. rising full moonin back ground. 25 ft up. f 50 yrs away over field. hovering. completly silent. one,8/28/2003,35.9983333,-76.9463889
10/1/1978 20:00,lecompte,la,us,disk,300,5 minutes,I believe this object was either a test vehicle of some sort or it was not of this world.,12/23/2002,31.0944444,-92.4002778
10/1/1978 23:15,francesville,in,us,cylinder,900,approx. 15 min,Object hovered for apprx. 5 min. then proceeded west - it was apprx. 300&#39 long 50-75&#39 wide 50-75&#39 high w/lights.,7/16/2006,40.9852778,-86.8794444
10/1/1979 16:00,lomita,ca,us,disk,1200,20 minutes,Silent disk in afternoon daylight with over twenty witnesses,7/5/2008,33.7922222,-118.3141667
10/1/1979 19:00,columbia,md,us,rectangle,120,2 minutes,Large&#44 low-flying&#44 slow moving&#44 silent black rectangle with no lights,2/4/2013,39.2402778,-76.8397222
10/1/1979 21:00,buffalo,ny,us,light,10,5-10 sec,Two bright fast-moving star-like objects with one traveling in a zig-zag motion.,4/16/2005,42.8863889,-78.8786111
10/1/1979 21:00,olympia,wa,us,disk,7200,2 hours,Dancing lights over Olympia,7/5/2008,47.0380556,-122.8994444
10/1/1979 21:00,pittsburgh,pa,us,disk,300,5 min,Disk appeared over stadium at end of game... spun like a coin on a ended ... never heard a thing about it.,2/16/2000,40.4405556,-79.9961111
10/1/1979 23:00,cranbury,nj,us,light,240,4 minutes,8 UFOs in a circle suddenly take off radially away from each other.,10/23/2013,40.3161111,-74.5141667
10/1/1980 01:30,fremont,ca,us,other,30,30 seconds,A heavy rain night off work and was amazed how heavy it was raining&#44 awake and looking out thru my skylight. Suddenly bright overwhelmi,8/5/2001,37.5483333,-121.9875
10/1/1980 20:00,mountainboro,al,us,fireball,20,20 seconds,Ball of Fire that changed into a cone shape.,7/4/2012,34.1469444,-86.1305556
10/1/1980 21:00,shirleysburg,pa,us,formation,600,10 minutes,Sometime during the late 1970-s and early 1980&#8217;s&#44 I can&#8217;t remember the time of the year.   I was in my home in rural Shirleysburg&#44 PA.,5/13/2012,40.2977778,-77.8744444
10/1/1980 22:00,jersey city,nj,us,cigar,180,2-3 minutes,Blimp shaped object with extremely bright lights hovered then rapidly dashed into the night&#39s sky.,10/20/2005,40.7280556,-74.0780556
10/1/1981 20:00,hesperia,mi,us,oval,2400,40 minutes,Two people in car see green oval object and lost time,1/10/2009,43.5688889,-86.0394444
10/1/1981 20:00,mt. sterling,ky,,disk,2400,one hour or more,Close up view of UFO after unexplained loss of time. 500 Lights On Object0: Yes,8/5/2012,38.056468,-83.943256
10/1/1982 22:10,swartz creek,mi,us,fireball,240,3 to 4 minutes,blazing sphere across the southern sky from 1982,3/21/2003,42.9572222,-83.8305556
10/1/1983 17:00,birmingham (uk/england),,gb,sphere,97836000,31 years,Firstly&#44 I was stunned and stared at the object for what seemed minutes&#44 but probably was only seconds. My first inclination was to bec,4/12/2013,52.466667,-1.916667
10/1/1983 20:00,ayer,ma,us,unknown,20,20 seconds,Zero to top Speed Instantaneously,5/12/2009,42.5611111,-71.5902778
10/1/1983 20:30,elizabeth township,pa,,oval,720,12minutes,My friend and I saw eight oval crafts with lights performing very unusal manuvers,5/15/2006,40.256648,-79.818468
10/1/1983 21:00,tarboro,nc,us,disk,180,3 minutes,it was as large as our house...and silent enough no one inside heard a thing...nor did i,9/9/2003,35.8966667,-77.5361111
10/1/1984 01:00,waldport,or,us,light,600,10 minutes,Bright light of a  fast moving craft frightened me in the night on the Oregon Coast.,3/16/2001,44.4269444,-124.0675
10/1/1984 20:00,chatsworth,ca,us,light,45,45 seconds,Light approaches at high rate of speed and makes a ninety degree turn.,2/24/2007,34.2572222,-118.6002778
10/1/1984 21:00,acton,me,us,triangle,180,3 min.,Silent&#44 very large&#44 one white headlight&#44 red lights around edges,4/2/1999,43.5341667,-70.9102778
10/1/1985 00:00,brandon,fl,us,triangle,900,15 min,triangle SHIP 60 to 80 feet high&#44SPEED 3 TO 5 MPH&#44I SAW IT ALL&#44....................,2/24/2007,27.9375,-82.2861111
10/1/1985 05:30,holton,mi,us,light,240,3-4 minutes,Unknown light makes 90 degree turn and disappears.,5/11/2005,43.4133333,-86.0794444
10/1/1985 05:30,monroe,nc,us,sphere,300,5 min,Years ago&#44 my husband&#39s aunt and I witnessed something very strange on the way to work early one morning. It was about 5:30am and we we,11/28/2007,34.9852778,-80.5497222
10/1/1985 21:30,jefferson,oh,us,triangle,3600,1 hour,Three lights&#44possibly single or part of object hovered over treeline changing color&#44and shape.,12/2/2000,41.7386111,-80.77
10/1/1985 21:30,santa margarita/atascadero (between&#44 hwy 101),ca,,other,120,2 &#33/2  min.,we were driving north on hwy 101 from san luis obispo to atascadero&#44 when from the west came a &quot;ufo&quot; traveling east&#44 passing over the h,6/23/1999,35.423335,-120.618785
10/1/1985 22:45,lawrence,ks,us,sphere,300,< 5 minutes,Red Light seen in Lawrence&#44 Kansas&#44 during Johnny Carson&#39s Monologue,1/10/2009,38.9716667,-95.235
10/1/1986 01:00,klamath falls,or,us,circle,2700,45 minutes,BRIGHT OBJECT DROPPING &quot;FIRECRACKERS&quot; FROM IT - IT SEEMED TO KNOW I COULD SEE IT - VANISHED IN A TYPE OF EXPLOSION,4/27/2004,42.225,-121.7805556
10/1/1986 22:00,n. ridgeville,oh,,triangle,300,5 minutes,Black triangular craft with green lights hovering over the tree tops,12/16/2005,41.389491,-82.019032
10/1/1986 22:00,wheeling,wv,us,light,10,10 seconds,Missing time after seeing something that looked like the Northern lights.,1/11/2002,40.0638889,-80.7211111
10/1/1987 01:00,west palm beach,fl,us,,10,one hour,An &quot;out of the body&quot; experience,2/18/2001,26.7052778,-80.0366667
10/1/1987 19:00,victoria (canada),bc,ca,sphere,900,15mins,Large red and orange sphere&#44 balanced on a rock in 1987.,10/30/2006,46.216667,-63.483333
10/1/1987 20:00,roseburg (7 miles northwest of),or,us,oval,1800,30 mins.,Two small glowing oval orange objects and one larger triangle craft in rural Oregon.,10/31/2008,43.2166667,-123.3405556
10/1/1987 21:00,alstead,nh,us,fireball,1800,30 mins.,sitting   in  a  car in a open  field&#44 keeping in mind this is in a  town where  we are in  the hills.  the  field during  the day has,1/19/2005,43.1488889,-72.3611111
10/1/1987 23:00,louisburg,nc,us,triangle,180,3 minutes,Large black triangular object with lights on each side and at the points making no discernible noise.,8/5/2001,36.0988889,-78.3013889
10/1/1989 16:00,mackay,id,us,disk,180,2 to 3 min,LARGE SAUCER,2/14/2010,43.9147222,-113.6125
10/1/1989 18:00,winchester (near),ky,us,oval,300,5 minutes,3 starlike objects land on 1 large orange oval object in full daylight in sight of dozens of witnesses.,3/11/2006,37.99,-84.1797222
10/1/1989 20:00,jacksonville,il,us,circle,300,five minutes,Three gold circle UFOs fly in formation&#44 warp drive away and disappear.,11/21/2010,39.7338889,-90.2288889
10/1/1989 20:00,pawling,ny,us,oval,300,5 minutes,Large oval craft with lights above house on north side of Route 55 between Pawling and Freedom Plains&#44 NY&#44 late 1980&#39s.,5/11/2005,41.5619444,-73.6030556
10/1/1989 21:30,carmichael,ca,us,rectangle,10,10sec.,Black rectangular craft over carmichael.,7/25/2004,38.6172222,-121.3272222
10/1/1989 21:30,orono,me,us,disk,20,15-20 seconds,Silent Lo-flying Craft with Dome and Bright White Lights,11/26/2003,44.8830556,-68.6725
10/1/1990 17:00,pateros,wa,us,oval,300,05min,One Gray metal oval disc&#44 aporx. 10&#39x50&#39&#44 clear sky&#44  1 qaurter mile away,3/11/2006,48.0511111,-119.9022222
10/1/1990 20:00,san pedro,ca,us,light,120,2min,a small light in the sky&#44 making the shape of a equiangular triangle then shooting away at a high rate of speed.,1/19/2005,33.7358333,-118.2913889
10/1/1990 22:15,jamestown,ny,us,light,1200,20 minutes,A row of porthole shaped lights hovering at an altitude of approx. 500 feet spanning a distance of about 1 mile.,4/27/2007,42.0969444,-79.2355556
10/1/1991 14:45,easley,sc,us,other,900,fifteen minutes,Hockey-puck-shaped-thing.,2/22/2002,34.8297222,-82.6016667
10/1/1991 17:00,wilmington,ca,us,circle,900,15 minutes,Patterned disks over southern california sky.,2/14/2008,33.78,-118.2616667
10/1/1991 18:00,maryville,tn,us,cigar,300,5 minutes,Silver&#44 cigar shaped object north of downtown Maryville&#44 TN in or around 1991,9/24/2012,35.7563889,-83.9705556
10/1/1991 18:30,little rock,ar,us,triangle,300,5 minutes,Triangular arrangements of lights appearing to begin to land on freeway&#44 miltary-ish cars mobilze around it,8/5/2012,34.7463889,-92.2894444
10/1/1991 20:30,mckenzie,tn,us,disk,900,15 minutes,I saw a saucer shaped obiect with blue&#44 red&#44 green flashing lights on the way home from college.,3/31/2008,36.1325,-88.5186111
10/1/1991 21:30,las vegas,nv,us,cigar,5,5 seconds,For seven years I have kept this fairly quiet. I was walking my dog on a clear dark night where I live on the north west side of Las Ve,1/28/1999,36.175,-115.1363889
10/1/1991 22:00,lafayette,ga,us,other,900,15 min.,A small globe descended from beneath the larger craft.,1/17/2004,34.7047222,-85.2819444
10/1/1992 01:30,echo summit (sierra at tahoe ski area),ca,,sphere,90,90 seconds,This was an object that could hover stationary and then accelerate to 2&#44000 mph or possibly much higher... it would move instantaneousl,1/22/2000,38.812963,-120.030183
10/1/1992 17:30,dublin (near warner robins),ga,us,triangle,1200,20 minutes,While driving home from out-of-town&#44 I watched a dot in the sky that later hoovered over my car.,11/20/2002,32.5402778,-82.9038889
10/1/1992 18:00,springfield,mo,us,egg,90,90 seconds,MISSOURI INVESTIGATORS GROUP Report:  We saw a large football shaped object hovering above an apartment complex .,12/12/2009,37.2152778,-93.2980556
10/1/1992 19:00,longview,tx,us,unknown,20,0:20,I observed one nite several objects flying in a kind of oval formation and change to a vee formation. There wasn&#39t any sound.,11/9/1999,32.5005556,-94.7402778
10/1/1993 02:00,tempe,az,us,triangle,900,15 minutes,My friend and I saw a triangle made of smaller triangles fly over us at a low altitude.,1/28/1999,33.4147222,-111.9086111
10/1/1993 20:00,delaware,oh,us,light,7200,2 hours,Lights in localized semi-rural area&#44 beams emitted&#44 possible sound&#44 possible contact&#44 video tape,2/14/2008,40.2986111,-83.0680556
10/1/1993 20:00,pryor,mt,us,light,1800,20-30 minutes,Floating Light&#44 Like a Spotlight,11/3/2005,45.4297222,-108.5325
10/1/1994 11:30,pawnee,ok,us,triangle,1200,20 min,It was triangle shape with white lights at each corner of it and a large red one in the middle.,4/26/1999,36.3377778,-96.8036111
10/1/1994 13:13,new york city,ny,us,disk,15,15 seconds,a flying colorful disc above my car&#44 near Erie.  ((NUFORC Note:  Possible hoax??  PD)),6/12/2007,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/1994 17:00,tylertown/mccomb (between; on hwy. 98 ),ms,,changing,1200,20 minutes,orange molten-metal&#44 crescent-shaped object paralleling car for 15 - 20 minutes,6/12/2008,31.243787,-90.453153
10/1/1994 20:00,chicopee,ma,us,changing,300,5 minutes,Chicopee State Park&#44 Craft seemed to be shooting balls of light or breaking up,12/16/2005,42.1486111,-72.6083333
10/1/1994 20:00,santa barbara,ca,us,triangle,3,3 seconds,Black triangle,10/12/2001,34.4208333,-119.6972222
10/1/1994 21:00,warsaw,mo,us,cigar,600,10 minutes,Triangle shaped object hovering above the water.,11/28/2007,38.2430556,-93.3816667
10/1/1994 23:00,las vegas,nv,us,circle,5,5 seconds,Bright green object in flight allmost colided with my aircraft.,10/15/2002,36.175,-115.1363889
10/1/1994 23:30,fredericksburg,pa,us,disk,300,5minutes,I was driving by on the road and seen this saucer &#44 it was ON the ground near a house. I stopped down the road and got out to get a clo,11/20/2002,40.4436111,-76.4286111
10/1/1995 12:00,iowa city,ia,us,,20,20 sec.,Man witnesses 2 &quot;white&quot; aircraft rendezvous at high altitude&#44 fly toward bizarre obj. approaching very fast.  Obj. &quot;sparkled.&quot;,11/2/1999,41.6611111,-91.53
10/1/1995 14:00,lake oswego,or,us,,5,5 sec.,Man reports brief sighting of peculiar white object in daytime sky.  (See later sighting on same day.),11/2/1999,45.4208333,-122.6694444
10/1/1995 16:30,lake oswego,or,us,,90,90 sec.,Man reports witnessing 2 &quot;diamond-shaped objects overhead. (Second sighting on same day.),11/2/1999,45.4208333,-122.6694444
10/1/1995 17:00,ashland,ky,us,disk,300,less than 5 minutes,Disintegrating object.,10/31/2003,38.4783333,-82.6380556
10/1/1995 18:30,williamsburg,pa,us,rectangle,600,10 minutes,Low flying rectangular object with very bright lights on all sides.,5/24/2005,40.4619444,-78.2
10/1/1995 21:00,taunton (near) (uk/england),,gb,light,60,1 minute,The object was made up of a formation of small lights&#44 plus one light moving independantly  around main formation,1/29/2002,51.021111,-3.104722
10/1/1995 22:00,tinley park,il,us,other,20,20 seconds,Sheild shaped craft spotted at outdoor concert with orange glow&#44 moivng at high speed.,3/11/2003,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/1995 22:00,wantagh,ny,us,triangle,60,1 minute,Triangle with three large&#44 dim&#44 amber lights flew rapidly overhead and rotated once.,10/31/2008,40.6836111,-73.5105556
10/1/1995 22:30,austin,tx,us,,5400,90 min.,Man reports wife went out to empty trash&#44 disappears for 90 min.&#44 returns disoriented and acting strangely.,11/2/1999,30.2669444,-97.7427778
10/1/1995 23:00,dover,nh,us,triangle,600,10 minutes,six light triangle in dover,9/24/2003,43.1977778,-70.8741667
10/1/1996 01:00,lake berryessa,ca,,sphere,15,15 seconds,Deep Blue Sphere seen over Lake Berryessa&#44 California,10/30/2012,38.609741,-122.254045
10/1/1996 01:00,west houston (greenridge @ westiemer rd.; near galleria),tx,us,formation,30,30 seconds,Three bright orange-white lights moving in a V formation from northeast to Southwest The center light would change position front to re,1/28/1999,29.7630556,-95.3630556
10/1/1996 05:30,bainbridge,oh,us,triangle,180,3 minutes,Low-flying triangular object,10/11/2005,39.2275,-83.2705556
10/1/1996 08:00,new york city (manhattan),ny,us,oval,300,5 mintues,Possible UFO Sighting&#44 Manhattan&#44 New York 1996,2/14/2008,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/1996 17:00,cupertino,ca,us,sphere,600,10 mins,Metalic ball floating motionless in high winds over San Jose&#44 CA.,8/12/2008,37.3230556,-122.0311111
10/1/1996 18:00,safford,az,us,sphere,30,30 sec.,Antigravity flying sphere,10/12/2001,32.8338889,-109.7069444
10/1/1996 22:30,the woodlands,tx,us,fireball,180,2-3 minutes,2 orange fireballs moving across sky ~ crazy acrobatics,12/12/2011,30.1577778,-95.4891667
10/1/1997 00:00,bemidji,mn,us,triangle,600,10 minutes,In october 1997 my dad and I seen 3 lights in the shape of a triangle tumbling over each other in Bemidji Minnesota.,12/3/2004,47.4736111,-94.88
10/1/1997 01:20,garland,tx,us,rectangle,40,40 seconds,I had just got off of work at 1:15 a.m. I was driving down to the Hypermart USA because it was the only store open 24 hrs. I notice thi,11/20/2001,32.9125,-96.6386111
10/1/1997 03:00,jefferson,ny,us,other,300,05 minutes,Rural mountain area. Tree covered hill. 1860&#39 MSL. I awoke to see a bright white light approx 1&#44500&#39 so east of my camper. The circular,10/2/1999,42.4811111,-74.6108333
10/1/1997 08:00,oregon (rural),or,,rectangle,20,20 seconds,noisy rectangular object falling from the sky and crash landed,5/15/2006,43.804133,-120.554201
10/1/1997 09:00,charlotte,nc,us,cigar,120,2 minutes,Cigar shaped&#44 silvery-white object @ 500-1&#4400&#39 up&#44 in a clear blue&#44 cloudless sky.  Object was silent&#44 immobile&#44 and when I glanced dow,1/28/1999,35.2269444,-80.8433333
10/1/1997 19:00,green bay,wi,us,light,1200,15-20 minutes,Three red lights,4/14/2009,44.5191667,-88.0197222
10/1/1997 19:00,pelzer,sc,us,triangle,180,3 minutes,Large&#44 black&#44 triangular&#44 object flew low and silent over South Carolina state prison yard.,1/10/2009,34.6422222,-82.4561111
10/1/1997 21:00,hyannis,ma,us,triangle,60,1 minute,WIFE AND I DROVE ONTO START OF OUR STREET&#44 NOTICED TWO LIGHTS NOT USUALLY THERE.  STOPPED CAR&#44 GOT OUT&#44 SAW TWO CRAFTS.  NO NOISE AND H,6/23/1999,41.6527778,-70.2833333
10/1/1997 21:30,bourbonnais,il,us,triangle,60,-1 min,I was traveling home from visiting my dad in Carle Hospital on 113 heading towards Custer Park&#44 IL. It was dark out I was in farm count,1/19/2005,41.1416667,-87.875
10/1/1997 21:30,oakland,or,us,light,60,1 minute,High altitude light turned&#44 dropped several Thousand feet&#44 turned and disappeared&#33,11/19/1998,43.4222222,-123.2972222
10/1/1997 21:55,martinsville,va,us,other,300,5 mins,Yellow/Orange lighted object moving from NE to SW. Very bright toy top shape with no sound. About the size of a penny held at arm reach,1/28/1999,36.6913889,-79.8727778
10/1/1997 22:00,summerville,sc,us,triangle,1200,20 min,Triangular shape with lights in a V&#44 no sound&#44 very slow moving.,10/30/2006,33.0183333,-80.1758333
10/1/1997 23:15,lakeland,fl,us,light,60,1 minute,3 oval shaped reddish-orange lights flew over my house&#44 heading directly south. The lights formed a perfect triangle&#44 but flying severe,1/28/1999,28.0391667,-81.95
10/1/1998 00:00,logan,ut,us,triangle,120,a few minutes,We saw 5 triangular objects moving at high altitude to the south&#44 circling each other like small birds.,7/5/1999,41.7355556,-111.8336111
10/1/1998 00:10,portland,or,us,light,5,5 sec,GETTING OUT OF MY CAR TO WORK&#44I SAW A WIDE GREEN STREAK OF LIGHT IN THE SOUTHWEST SKY&#44FROM SKY TO GROUND...........,11/1/1998,45.5236111,-122.675
10/1/1998 01:30,st. paul,or,us,fireball,5,5 seconds,We own a farm here in St. Paul. We (my mother and I) had pulled off to the side of the road to check on some farm equipment we had in a,11/1/1998,45.2113889,-122.9755556
10/1/1998 02:00,nisqually,wa,us,disk,180,3 min.,burnt out disk  gets ride from trucker to air force base,11/2/2004,47.0566667,-122.7
10/1/1998 04:30,rio rancho,nm,us,fireball,120,2 min.,Sighted during the major meteor shower last year.,4/2/1999,35.2333333,-106.6638889
10/1/1998 05:30,bayfield,co,us,light,1800,30 minutes,Large light object in sky with lightning storm and huge beam of light from below in  southern Colorado,1/3/2001,37.2255556,-107.5975
10/1/1998 10:00,san francisco,ca,us,sphere,420,6-7 minutes,Soccer Balls over SF,2/3/2012,37.775,-122.4183333
10/1/1998 13:30,elgin,il,us,disk,1200,20 minutes,I can only say that I know what I saw&#44  I even took a digital picture of it.  1:30 in the afternoon&#44  clear blue sky&#44  an airplane head,10/19/1999,42.0372222,-88.2811111
10/1/1998 16:00,del mar,ca,us,fireball,4,4 seconds,Fireball streaked across the sky and fizzled out 5 miles inland,4/2/1999,32.9594444,-117.2644444
10/1/1998 18:50,la jolla (over),ca,us,fireball,7,six to seven seconds,At dusk&#44 an orange&#44white&#44pink&#44and voilet color fireball traveled totally horizontal west to east&#44not as fast as a shooting star&#44and the,11/19/1998,32.8472222,-117.2733333
10/1/1998 18:56,manchester,nh,us,oval,120,2min,hovering above city landfill.  beam of light from craft to ground.,11/1/1998,42.9955556,-71.4552778
10/1/1998 21:00,clarinda,ia,us,triangle,60,60 seconds,silent and large UFO just above tree tops.,8/5/2009,40.7419444,-95.0380556
10/1/1998 21:00,warrington (uk/england),,gb,fireball,8,8 seconds,It was a clear night&#44 the fireball was huge and you could almost hear a rumbling. It shot across the sky from left to right at an incre,7/26/2002,53.383333,-2.6
10/1/1998 21:02,mt sterling,il,,formation,900,15 minutes,3 orange fireballs in triangle formation - 1 triangle shaped craft without sound.,11/1/1998,39.987271,-90.763463
10/1/1998 21:15,ipava,il,us,triangle,900,15 min,An object which resmbled car headlights in the sky was spotted to SW.  A discernable craft flew directly overhead and proceeded to disa,11/1/1998,40.3513889,-90.3244444
10/1/1998 23:10,mosinee,wi,us,other,300,5 minutes,I was driving south on U.S. Hwy 51 and I saw a craft that didn&#39t move for 5 or more minutes.  The craft also made no noise.,11/19/1998,44.7930556,-89.7030556
10/1/1999 00:30,san antonio,tx,us,fireball,30,30 seconds,Observed amber bright light decending for apx. 20 seconds.,10/19/1999,29.4238889,-98.4933333
10/1/1999 01:00,oak brook,il,us,light,60,i minute,a green-blue light comes out and down out of a cloud&#44 and goes back into the cloud,5/14/2002,41.8327778,-87.9288889
10/1/1999 04:00,portland,or,us,light,25,15-25 seconds,looking west the object appeared approx near the top of our atmosphere. It was huge&#33 It at first just seemed to appear out of thin air.,11/2/1999,45.5236111,-122.675
10/1/1999 04:40,elyria,oh,us,triangle,300,5or more minutes,The front was shaped like a triangle&#44 with two lights on the wing tips. Blueish-gray in color...Low rumbling sound&#44 Moving very slow. ,10/2/1999,41.3683333,-82.1077778
10/1/1999 17:00,new york city (manhattan),ny,us,unknown,5,5 seconds,I witnessed a being in the middle of the day in Manhattan about six and a half feet&#44 its face definately not human?,2/18/2001,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/1999 18:12,norman,ok,us,cigar,120,2 min,Soundless cigar shaped object(s) transited South to North. Weather- clear&#44 unlimited visibility&#44 near 70 degrees F.,10/19/1999,35.2225,-97.4391667
10/1/1999 19:00,las vegas,nv,us,light,15,app. 15 seconds,A moving object which possibly changed speed and direction in an unorthodox manner,10/2/1999,36.175,-115.1363889
10/1/1999 19:00,nellis air force base (50-100 miles east of),nv,,light,180,3 minutes,On Friday October 1 around 7 in the evening I was driving south and about 50 miles east of Nellis Air Force base.I noticed an bright ob,11/17/1999,36.241416,-115.050807
10/1/1999 20:00,miami,fl,us,unknown,25,25 sec.,Red and Green light in the sky.,10/19/1999,25.7738889,-80.1938889
10/1/1999 22:05,independence,mo,us,chevron,15,15 seconds,Looked up an saw tiny points of light creating the shape of a Chevron.,10/19/1999,39.0911111,-94.4152778
10/1/1999 23:00,blankenberge (belgium),,,formation,10,10 seconds,upside down V formation of 9 birght lights on high altitude changed to M formation in less than a second,4/8/2002,51.312374,3.132768
10/1/2000 01:00,vaughn,wa,us,formation,540,9:00 minutes,The lights changed colors and there was a strange noise.,12/2/2000,47.3444444,-122.7619444
10/1/2000 01:30,sturgis,mi,us,disk,600,9 to 10 min.,THE OBJECT WAS UP TO HIGH FOR DETAIL BUT WAS CIRCLE IN SHAPE AND WAS BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT,4/1/2001,41.7991667,-85.4191667
10/1/2000 09:00,markham (canada),on,ca,cigar,600,10 min,It was some time in oct 2000.I was taking my wife to work on Markham road&#44 traveling south bound. There was a lot of traffic and lots o,8/5/2009,43.866667,-79.266667
10/1/2000 13:00,yangtzee river (china),,,disk,900,15 minutes,Picture taken of disk in sky&#44 that appears to be somthing out of the ordinary.,7/5/2008,31.84694,120.872862
10/1/2000 14:00,madera,ca,us,light,120,2 minutes,A bright oval shaped light flying faster than anything I had ever seen before.,8/30/2013,36.9613889,-120.0597222
10/1/2000 18:00,stockton,ca,us,sphere,180,2-3 minutes,Two strange bright objects at dusk in the central valley.,7/1/2002,37.9577778,-121.2897222
10/1/2000 19:40,chandler,az,us,cigar,20,20 sec,tHIS IS A CORRECTION TO A REPORT THAT I MADE LAST WEEK.   WHEN WE SAW THE LIGHT MY WIFE AND NEIGHBOR WERE BEHIND ME AND THEY WSAW THE O,12/2/2000,33.3061111,-111.8405556
10/1/2000 20:00,belmont,ca,us,unknown,15,15 seconds,Faint starlike object  moving in space at high speed stopped and lined up with other 3 faint stars.,12/2/2000,37.5202778,-122.2747222
10/1/2000 20:00,prineville,or,us,unknown,3600,1 hour,bright white light the size of a distant star that made eratic movements&#44 and complete stops,12/20/2000,44.3,-120.8333333
10/1/2000 20:00,tillicoultry (central scotland) (uk/scotland),,gb,triangle,60,1 min,Hovered&#44 huge&#44 flashing&#44 silent&#44 wierd.,5/24/2005,56.15,-3.75
10/1/2000 20:00,wheaton,md,us,triangle,300,5 minutes,UFO sighted in Wheaton&#44 MD,10/30/2006,39.0397222,-77.0555556
10/1/2000 21:00,orange park,fl,us,other,10,10 seconds,Two points of light darted across the sky side by side&#44 crossed paths and continued out over the Florida Panhandle,8/5/2001,30.1658333,-81.7066667
10/1/2000 21:30,colorado springs,co,us,light,300,3 to 5 minutes,saw 4 lights going in what i thought was a clover formation,12/2/2000,38.8338889,-104.8208333
10/1/2000 21:30,maryville,mo,us,light,30,about-30sec,white disappearing lights,12/2/2000,40.3461111,-94.8722222
10/1/2000 22:00,healesville. victoria (australia),,,light,40,2/3 minutes,light in sky projecting &quot;beam&quot;.,8/28/2003,-37.653829,145.517006
10/1/2000 22:00,jackson,tn,us,triangle,120,appox. 2 mins,Three glowing spheres under dark triangular shape&#44 no sound,11/20/2001,35.6144444,-88.8138889
10/1/2000 23:15,jones beach,ny,us,diamond,900,15 minutes,2 objects over jones beach NY&#44 sent Red beam then blue beam on our car.,12/2/2000,42.9047222,-76.3944444
10/1/2001 01:05,seattle,wa,us,,1,1 sec,just a meteor sighting...,10/12/2001,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/1/2001 19:00,kansas city,mo,us,light,900,15 minutes,3 bright lights at high altitude west of Kansas City at 2100 hours on 10/1/01 in a general westward movement.,10/12/2001,39.0997222,-94.5783333
10/1/2001 20:30,houghton lake,mi,us,triangle,300,5 minutes,Spotted Triangular object while exiting highway&#44 almost crashed into cop&#44 was not even pulled over.,11/8/2003,44.3147222,-84.7647222
10/1/2001 20:35,greene,me,us,oval,10,10 seconds,Incandescent light-greenish Orb with Red Halo spotted in sky over Northern woods..................,10/12/2001,44.1897222,-70.1408333
10/1/2001 21:00,interstate 5 or tributary between vasilia and sacrammento,ca,,triangle,300,5 minutes,black triangle &#44 3 lights&#44 silent swift movement&#44 near air force base,1/31/2004,36.778261,-119.417932
10/1/2001 21:00,lafayette,ny,us,changing,180,3 minutes,Low flying object changed from bright blue square to red diamond shape...loud ..then silence and it was gone.,10/12/2001,42.8922222,-76.1055556
10/1/2001 22:00,lynden,wa,us,light,30,30 seconds,Outline: 1) Clear dark night.2) directly above me 3) appeared to be an orbitting satellite but was bluish and smaller than most.,7/1/2002,48.9466667,-122.4508333
10/1/2001 22:30,albany,ny,us,flash,2,2 seconds,Bright flash witnessed near Albany&#44 New York,6/12/2002,42.6525,-73.7566667
10/1/2001 24:00,chulucanas-piura la vieja (peru),,,other,6312000,2 years,go to: for a 15 min report that aired last Feb 2nd on Peruvian TV P,3/4/2003,-5.129547,-80.120569
10/1/2002 00:30,courtland,va,us,circle,1,sec.,Look I can&#39t recall the date exactly&#44  but it was in that area of time especially the hour of night.  It could be in a range of two wee,12/23/2002,36.7161111,-77.0683333
10/1/2002 00:30,hong kong,,,formation,1800,30 minutes,Sighting in Hong Kong SAR,10/15/2002,22.396428,114.109497
10/1/2002 03:00,oakland,ca,us,oval,420,7:00,lights moving in the sky 7 landing in Oakland over coliseum &amp; airport,10/15/2002,37.8044444,-122.2697222
10/1/2002 05:30,everson,wa,us,other,5,4-5 seconds,Among the Northern lights a bright green fireball from West to East,10/15/2002,48.9202778,-122.3413889
10/1/2002 05:30,port townsend,wa,us,fireball,10,8-10 seconds,Giant Blue-Green fireball falls from the sky at 0530 in washington state,10/15/2002,48.1172222,-122.7591667
10/1/2002 05:30,snohomish,wa,us,sphere,3,2-3 seconds,A large metor going through the atmosphere&#44 white tail turning blue and then red/orange and disapear.,10/15/2002,47.9130556,-122.0969444
10/1/2002 05:30,sumner,wa,us,circle,330,5:30,While traveling north on hwy 167. A green light traveling from the west&#44 and heading east flew across the sky. The round light appearin,10/15/2002,47.2033333,-122.2391667
10/1/2002 05:35,pueblo,co,us,triangle,15,10-15seconds,Silent large flying v of 5 orange glowing patches gives fright.,10/15/2002,38.2544444,-104.6086111
10/1/2002 05:35,seattle,wa,us,unknown,1,a second?,On the morning of 10/01/02 I was driving to work on HI5 in Seattle Wa. and I was south bound by the old Rainier Brewery and saw a brigh,10/15/2002,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/1/2002 05:42,seattle,wa,us,teardrop,3,3 seconds,Initially a comet in appearance&#44 but speed was too slow.,10/15/2002,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/1/2002 05:43,seattle,wa,us,other,2,2 seconds,I saw a green object above Seattle&#44 at about 5:45 AM on 10/1&#44 occuring at the time of a northern lights display.,10/15/2002,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/1/2002 05:45,kent,wa,us,unknown,10,10 seconds,STREK OF LIGHT ACROSS THE SKY,10/15/2002,47.3811111,-122.2336111
10/1/2002 05:45,lynnwood,wa,us,fireball,5,5 seconds,Large fireball sighting,10/15/2002,47.8211111,-122.3138889
10/1/2002 05:45,rainier,wa,us,light,240,3-4 min,I was taking my Boyfriend to work in yelm and as we entered onto koeppen rd and traveling north towards yelm We noticed to our left abo,10/15/2002,46.8883333,-122.6872222
10/1/2002 06:30,monroe,wi,us,light,1200,15-20 min,Very intense orange-yellow light moves from south to north in early A.M. and late P.M.,7/16/2006,42.6011111,-89.6383333
10/1/2002 06:30,natrona heights&#44 new kensington,pa,,light,7200,2 hours,Westmoreland &amp; Allegheny County UFO Phenomena Pink Columns Rays; 6 UFO&#39s: Tangerine Brillance Lights Manuevers clearly visible,10/30/2012,40.616187,-79.72411
10/1/2002 07:30,kingston,ny,us,cigar,600,10 mins,nys thruway heading nrth between exit 19 and 20 cigar shaped &#44reflective or silver in color &#44 incredable fast no sound .,3/4/2008,41.9269444,-73.9977778
10/1/2002 09:00,germantown,md,us,cigar,180,3 minutes,me and boyfriend out on the back deck drinking coffee and we see a cigar shaped craft flying struck me as odd because it,8/11/2004,39.1730556,-77.2719444
10/1/2002 13:35,karavostasi (greece),,,cross,60,1 minute,a look-through aircraft a la &#39predator&#39,12/14/2004,39.337515,20.289964
10/1/2002 14:00,winslow,az,us,other,1800,15-30 mins,Silent average-looking airplane hovers over Leupp exit butte on I-40 for 15-30 mins&#44 hundreds of witnesses.,7/6/2010,35.0241667,-110.6966667
10/1/2002 15:00,athol,id,us,teardrop,300,3-5 min.,high polished chrome-teardrop shaped object hovering over a busy North Idaho Hi-way in mid afternoon,4/27/2004,47.9480556,-116.7069444
10/1/2002 16:00,grants,nm,us,fireball,10,3 to 10 seconds,In October 2002&#44 I was driving east on Interestate 40 (close to mile marker 100)&#44  when I saw a greenish &quot;comet-like&quot; shape movng very,4/22/2003,35.1472222,-107.8508333
10/1/2002 17:56,port hadlock,wa,us,fireball,5,5 seconds,big shooting star,10/15/2002,48.0319444,-122.7569444
10/1/2002 18:00,orlando,fl,us,other,4,4seconds,unusual shaped and transparent color crafts appear and one follow the other in new direction,10/11/2005,28.5380556,-81.3794444
10/1/2002 19:20,new york city (staten island),ny,us,egg,300,5 minutes,Egg Shaped Object Circling,10/15/2002,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/2002 19:50,new york city (staten island),ny,us,light,900,15 min&#39s,Patrolling fighter jet followed by bright green light &#33,10/15/2002,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/2002 20:30,castro valley,ca,us,other,1200,20 min?,I was driving from San Leandro to San Ramon took 580 to Crow Canyon Rd. I was stunned by a hovering shape in the sky.It was hard to mak,10/15/2002,37.6941667,-122.0852778
10/1/2002 22:00,edmonds,wa,us,unknown,60,a minute or so,three objects in perfect triangle fomation flying at extremely high altitudes,10/15/2002,47.8108333,-122.3761111
10/1/2002 22:30,riverton,ut,us,unknown,120,2 minutes,Red and blue flashing lights&#44 low to the ground&#44 behind my car on a deserted road in Riverton&#44 Utah.,8/7/2007,40.5219444,-111.9383333
10/1/2002 23:20,new york city,ny,us,changing,180,3 minutes,3 flying objects that changed shapes show up in midtown manhattan,10/15/2002,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/2003 00:00,saco,me,us,circle,120,2 minutes,My wife and I watched a stationary bright white star much larger than a planet hover above the Ocean for about 2 minutes&#44 and then it d,10/7/2003,43.5008333,-70.4433333
10/1/2003 00:20,redmond,wa,us,light,2,2 seconds,Blue-White orb shoots across sky rapidly&#44 then disappears&#44 on an unusally clear&#44 calm night.,10/15/2003,47.6741667,-122.1202778
10/1/2003 02:00,peterborough (canada),on,ca,unknown,30,15-30 seconds,GARGATUAN EXLPOSION IN THE SKY EMITS BRILLIANT BLINDING LIGHT AND EARTHQUAKE LIKE TREMORS,6/4/2004,44.3,-78.333333
10/1/2003 05:40,long beach (sports arena),ca,us,other,600,10 min.,UFO watching the harbor of long beach.,1/17/2004,33.7669444,-118.1883333
10/1/2003 16:00,hartland,mi,us,unknown,120,2 minutes,saucer positioned between line of sight and sun.,12/19/2003,42.6566667,-83.7530556
10/1/2003 18:15,perry township,oh,,cigar,1200,20 min,an object appeared to get larger then smaller till it disappeared,4/30/2004,40.773662,-81.460856
10/1/2003 20:05,san diego,ca,us,unknown,240,4 minutes,us and  the object,4/27/2007,32.7152778,-117.1563889
10/1/2003 21:00,bellevue,wa,us,light,10,8-10 seconds,Star seen in Seattle moves east then quickly fades away&#44 no meteor trail.,10/7/2003,47.6105556,-122.1994444
10/1/2003 21:00,rye,co,us,sphere,2,a few seconds,Orange balls in the sky,10/7/2003,37.9236111,-104.9297222
10/1/2003 21:30,oologah,ok,us,other,600,5-10 minutes,UFO that was silent and very large in Northeastern Oklahoma,3/11/2006,36.4469444,-95.7080556
10/1/2003 22:00,granville,ma,us,circle,5,3-5 seconds,Clear light zig zags through night sky on clear evening,12/7/2006,42.0666667,-72.8619444
10/1/2003 22:30,quesnel (canada),bc,ca,other,120,1 1/2 minutes,HBCCUFO CANADIAN REPORT:  The witness said the object was a brilliant red in color.,10/15/2003,52.983333,-122.483333
10/1/2003 22:40,slocan park (canada),bc,,light,2,few seconds,HBCCUFO CANADIAN REPORT:  A glowing white ball dropped from the sky.,10/7/2003,49.51397,-117.618387
10/1/2003 23:00,circleville,oh,us,light,600,5-10 min.,Bright orange lights go on&#44 and off in Circlville&#44 OH.,1/17/2004,39.6005556,-82.9461111
10/1/2004 16:00,eureka,ca,us,unknown,720,10-12 minutes,Orange light cruises Humboldt Bay,2/1/2007,40.8022222,-124.1625
10/1/2004 17:00,las vegas,nv,us,cylinder,2,a few seconds,((HOAX??))  Short encounter with space craft on my way into my parking lot area.,2/14/2010,36.175,-115.1363889
10/1/2004 20:00,albuquerque,nm,us,oval,3600,1hr,lights,10/27/2004,35.0844444,-106.6505556
10/1/2004 20:27,richmond,va,us,triangle,300,5 minutes,Two triangular shaped craft with white and red lights going Northeast.,12/3/2004,37.5536111,-77.4605556
10/1/2004 20:50,tucson,az,us,unknown,1,less than 1 sec.,Tucson Mysterious Streaks of Light,10/27/2004,32.2216667,-110.9258333
10/1/2004 22:20,sebastian inlet (north of),fl,,other,3,2 to 3 seconds,Posibly crashing hexagon shaped object with very bright green lights at it&#39s points.One of the points seemed to emit another greenlight,10/27/2004,27.860302,-80.447274
10/1/2004 23:00,dunstable (uk/england),,gb,fireball,300,5 mins,Fireball burned me  ((NUFORC Note:  May not be a serious report.  PD)),10/27/2004,51.883333,-0.516667
10/1/2004 23:00,sidney,mi,us,sphere,14400,4 hours,stars that fly,10/27/2004,43.25,-85.1330556
10/1/2004 23:15,saskatoon (canada),sk,ca,circle,7,5-7 seconds,Very bright&#44 circular object in evening sky,10/27/2004,52.133333,-106.666667
10/1/2005 00:00,evergreen park/tinley park/orland park,il,,light,9000,from 11pm - 1:30 am,strange. dozens saw it . happens all the time,10/11/2005,41.462072,-87.894245
10/1/2005 00:00,harrisburg,mo,us,light,2400,40 minutes,The waves of lights seemed to materialize high in the sky and move in an &quot;ocean tidal manner&quot;  that is one wave after another&#44,12/12/2009,39.1269,-92.4399
10/1/2005 00:00,oak forest,il,us,circle,3600,1 hour,At approximitly 0:00 I spotted three red circular lights in the western skies over Oak Forest&#44 IL.  The three large red light seemed mo,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 00:30,oak forest,il,us,light,3600,hour,I saw the three red lights in the sky over Oak Forest Illinois. They flashed like beacons. This happened around 12:30am,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 00:40,orland park,il,us,diamond,2700,45 min,3 red lights hovering in the northeast sky,10/11/2005,41.6302778,-87.8538889
10/1/2005 00:53,tinley park,il,us,circle,1200,15-20 minutes,3 red lights over Tinley Park,10/11/2005,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/2005 00:55,midlothian/posen,il,,light,900,10-15 minutes,3 pulsing red lights in triangular formation over Midlothian &amp; Posen&#44 IL...One by one they flicker out and dissappear.,10/11/2005,41.626389,-87.711667
10/1/2005 00:57,orland park,il,us,light,420,7 minutes,Red lights in sky over Orland Park&#44 Illinois,10/11/2005,41.6302778,-87.8538889
10/1/2005 00:57,orland park,il,us,light,6,:06,Red lights over Orland Park,10/11/2005,41.6302778,-87.8538889
10/1/2005 01:00,midlothian,il,us,light,1500,20-25minutes,Red lights&#44 southland Chicago,10/11/2005,41.6252778,-87.7175
10/1/2005 01:00,oak forest,il,us,changing,600,5-10 minutes,3 red lights altered formations and each indiviadual light disappeared at different times,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 01:00,oak forest,il,us,light,600,five to ten minutes,That night after closing my garage door I glanced as I normally do towards the North my amazement just west of the North star,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 01:00,posen/midlothian,il,,formation,900,about 15 minutes,3 Red Lights slowly flew over South Suburbs of Chicago at 1am 1Oct05&#44 then disappeared one at a time.,10/11/2005,41.626389,-87.711667
10/1/2005 01:00,tinley park,il,us,circle,600,10 mins,Three red blinking dots in the sky that hoovered unlike an airplane that I know of.,10/11/2005,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/2005 01:00,tinley park,il,us,circle,600,10 minutes,3 red lights in Tinley Park sky,10/11/2005,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/2005 01:00,tinley park,il,us,formation,1200,20 minutes,Three Red Lights Over Tinley Park,10/11/2005,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/2005 01:00,tinley park,il,us,triangle,1800,30 min +,I saw 3 red flashing/blinking  lights in sky 1:00am 10-1-05 over Tinley Park IL,10/11/2005,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/2005 01:00,tinley park,il,us,triangle,900,15 mins.,saw three red glowing lights in the sky above&#44 in Tinley park Il.,10/11/2005,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/2005 01:03,oak forest,il,us,light,1200,20:00 minutes,red dots seen in sky formed triangle,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 01:08,evergreen park,il,us,light,480,8 minutes,Two red lights sitting in the sky&#44 but I couldn&#39t not make out an object.,10/11/2005,41.7205556,-87.7016667
10/1/2005 01:10,alsip,il,us,light,480,8 minutes,RED LIGHTS SEEN IN ALSIP ILLINOIS,10/11/2005,41.6688889,-87.7386111
10/1/2005 01:10,crestwood,il,us,light,300,5 min,3 small lights formed a triangle then straight line&#44 took a digital picture&#44 zoomed in a saw 3 lights inside each individual,10/11/2005,41.6611111,-87.7525
10/1/2005 01:10,cuyahoga falls,oh,us,other,7,5-7 seconds,V-shaped object seen in sky of Cuyahoga Falls&#44 Ohio,2/14/2006,41.1338889,-81.4847222
10/1/2005 01:10,hillside,il,us,changing,7,1/2 hour,Initially observed a white dot in the northwestern sky which prompted me to obtain my binoculars to obtain a closer look. I then observ,10/11/2005,41.8777778,-87.9027778
10/1/2005 01:10,manhattan,il,us,triangle,10,10 seconds,Tinley Park Lights Are Back&#33&#33&#33,10/11/2005,41.4225,-87.9858333
10/1/2005 01:10,oak forest,il,us,cylinder,7200,2 hours,There were 3 red lights&#44 sometimes they were in a trianlge and than in straight line. they went away one by on. After 1:00 am,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 01:10,oak forest,il,us,light,1800,15-30min,3 red lights over chicagoland area,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 01:10,oak forest,il,us,unknown,60,60 seconds,it lasted for about one minute,10/11/2005,41.6027778,-87.7438889
10/1/2005 03:00,posen,il,us,light,1200,10-20 minutes,3 Red lights in triangle formation moving slowly and silently,10/11/2005,41.6316667,-87.6813889
10/1/2005 06:30,greenup,ky,us,circle,30,30 seconds,This has happened more than once&#33 We saw a orange circle of light moving slowly through the sky&#44 shooting about two inches to the human,10/11/2005,38.5730556,-82.8302778
10/1/2005 08:22,homestead,fl,us,light,300,5mins,its the same spot where my brother said he saw sumtin up in tha sky a few years earlier....,10/11/2005,25.4683333,-80.4777778
10/1/2005 09:30,albuquerque,nm,us,disk,600,10 minutes,Two blue pinpoints of light merge onto one silver disk.,10/20/2005,35.0844444,-106.6505556
10/1/2005 12:00,lake worth,fl,us,sphere,180,3 minutes,LARGE SPHERE SHAPPED OBJECT SIGHTED HOVERING WEST OF LAKE WORTH,10/11/2005,26.6155556,-80.0572222
10/1/2005 15:00,phoenix,az,us,oval,180,3 minutes,A huge&#44 metallic-silver colored&#44  oval object  was observed over the Estrella Mountains during the day.,5/15/2006,33.4483333,-112.0733333
10/1/2005 17:00,los angeles,ca,us,formation,1500,25 mins,4 UFOs in a big arrowlike formation at high altitude over downtown part of Los Angeles,10/11/2005,34.0522222,-118.2427778
10/1/2005 18:00,west palm beach,fl,us,teardrop,60,1 min,I&#39ve seen the black teardrop/sphere/baloon too....,3/11/2006,26.7052778,-80.0366667
10/1/2005 19:00,winnamac,in,,triangle,15,15 seconds,orange triangular shape that turned on and off two times,10/11/2005,41.05143,-86.603065
10/1/2005 19:58,rogers,mn,us,triangle,1020,17 minutes,Triangular UFO hovered with Stench,10/20/2005,45.1888889,-93.5527778
10/1/2005 20:05,liberty hill,tx,us,light,900,15 minutes,seven objects sighted with one apparantly landing,10/11/2005,30.6647222,-97.9222222
10/1/2005 20:05,san jose,ca,us,chevron,600,10mins,One star shaped object&#44 another V shaped object blending in with the nighttime clouds,10/11/2005,37.3394444,-121.8938889
10/1/2005 20:08,hamilton (canada),on,ca,light,15,15 seconds,2 bright lights simutaneously travelling north - Hamilton Ontario Canada -,10/11/2005,43.25,-79.833333
10/1/2005 20:30,napa,ca,us,unknown,1200,20 minutes,Dim Flapping Object in Napa Sky October 1st,10/11/2005,38.2972222,-122.2844444
10/1/2005 21:30,laurelville,oh,us,unknown,300,5 mins,Very slow moving object that made no sound.,1/10/2009,39.4733333,-82.7394444
10/1/2005 21:30,oklahoma city,ok,us,light,2700,45mins,I WAS LEAVING EL RENO&#44OKLAHOMA&#44APPROXIMATELY 40 MILES WEST OF OKC ABOUT 9PM. TRAVELING NORTH ON HWY 81 I NOTICED A VERY BRIGHT STAR-LIK,10/11/2005,35.4675,-97.5161111
10/1/2005 21:35,buxton (uk/england),,gb,light,240,4 mins?,3 satellite looking objects moving close together,10/11/2005,52.75,1.3
10/1/2005 22:00,central lake,mi,us,unknown,1500,25 min,Lights over Traverse Bay 35min moving than fixed position,10/11/2005,45.07,-85.2644444
10/1/2005 22:30,portage la prairie (canada0,mb,,other,30,30 seconds,Six lights in a strange formation surrounded by two long rectagular objects,10/30/2012,49.972636,-98.282777
10/1/2005 23:00,tinley park,il,us,light,120,minutes,Seen over the Tinley Park&#44 IL. area. Three red lights hovering in the sky. Changed from red to green and back again.,10/11/2005,41.5733333,-87.7844444
10/1/2006 01:00,jones,mi,us,oval,5,2-5 seconds,small Smooth moving orange glowing oval,10/30/2006,41.9025,-85.7994444
10/1/2006 01:00,rio rancho,nm,us,oval,3,2-3 seconds,From inside my home I witnessed an oval shaped green light travel low and slow from my window. It was completely silent.,10/30/2006,35.2333333,-106.6638889
10/1/2006 01:20,bursa (turkey),,,teardrop,3,3 seconds,Bright green object in the sky,10/30/2006,40.182846,29.067084
10/1/2006 01:30,irving,tx,us,circle,2,seconds,As we was driving down Shady Grove heading west we saw a bright blue light steaking across the sky&#44 dipping in and out of the clouds be,10/30/2006,32.8138889,-96.9486111
10/1/2006 02:20,montebello,ca,us,other,300,5 min,A sighting that was out of the ordinary&#44 but not extraordinary.,10/30/2006,34.0094444,-118.1044444
10/1/2006 06:00,iraq,,,triangle,15,15 seconds,I SAW THE SAME THING  IN 2006,7/5/2008,33.223191,43.679291
10/1/2006 12:30,new york city (bronx),ny,us,rectangle,120,1-2 mins,matte black glider type craft&#44 no lights&#44 no sound,1/31/2011,40.7141667,-74.0063889
10/1/2006 14:00,mt. pleasant,sc,us,circle,240,approximately 4 minutes,A ball of white light hovered in the afternoon sky&#44 vanishing and reappearing 3 times&#44 before finally vanishing for good.,10/30/2006,32.7938889,-79.8627778
10/1/2006 14:00,plainfield,il,us,oval,300,5 minutes,My dad wanted me to tell you that in October of 2006 he was putting up christmas lights and my brother was with him and my dad looked u,3/19/2009,41.6269444,-88.2038889
10/1/2006 15:05,thompson,mo,us,cigar,3600,1 hour,MISSOURI INVESTIGATORS GROUP Report:  I saw glowing green lights in the sky at night and 5 objects in the sky during sunset..,12/12/2009,39.1886111,-91.9827778
10/1/2006 16:50,obrien,or,,other,120,2 min.,This all started earier in the day&#44 as I fired some small arms&#44 I noticed a sound of thunder then a sonic boom then the sounds of a jet,10/30/2006,42.068889,-123.720833
10/1/2006 17:00,algona,ia,us,unknown,3600,over an hour,6 people saw 2 objects in the sky that had lights and were flying in zig-zag patterns in the sky while staying in the same area.,10/30/2006,43.07,-94.2327778
10/1/2006 17:00,onion creek,wa,us,chevron,60,one minute,i would not be entering this&#44 but reading a report from obrien&#44 ore. on oct 1&#44 changed my mind... this summer has been full of surprise,12/7/2006,48.7838889,-117.8105556
10/1/2006 18:30,west greenwhich,ri,,disk,28800,8 hours,Saw Disc about 40 ft from me&#44 helicopters came and picked it up.,2/1/2007,41.714918,-71.463612
10/1/2006 19:20,monkton,md,us,oval,480,5-8 minutes,7-10 objects&#44 Multicolored Lights&#44 No Noise&#44 Oval Shaped,10/30/2006,39.5786111,-76.6158333
10/1/2006 19:45,las vegas,nv,us,fireball,600,10 minutes,Three Fireballs in the Las Vegas sky flying in formation then becoming one fireball. ((NUFORC Note:  Possible advertising lights?  PD)),12/12/2011,36.175,-115.1363889
10/1/2006 19:48,austin,tx,us,,4,3-4 seconds,White quickly moving light swept across our backyard.,10/30/2006,30.2669444,-97.7427778
10/1/2006 20:18,fall city,wa,us,fireball,2,2 seconds,yellow/orange fireball leaving debris trail,10/30/2006,47.5675,-121.8875
10/1/2006 20:19,orchards,wa,us,fireball,1,1 second,Sun 10/01/2006 8:19 pm PST Metiorite descending slowly and decellerating. Left a trail of green and yellow sparks. At N80&#176;E from Orchar,10/30/2006,45.6666667,-122.5597222
10/1/2006 20:24,pullman,wa,us,circle,1,less than 1 second,Bright blue explosion followed by blue shooting object over Pullman&#44 WA,10/30/2006,46.7313889,-117.1786111
10/1/2006 20:34,seattle,wa,us,teardrop,12,12 seconds,Very large yellow teardrop-shaped disk or meteor dropping several or many miles East of Seattle&#44 Washington - watched for 12-14 seconds,10/30/2006,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/1/2006 21:00,orchard park,ny,us,unknown,37800,approx. 1 1/2 hours,Spotted again as before........,10/30/2006,42.7675,-78.7441667
10/1/2006 21:00,sandrock,al,,unknown,600,10min.,SEVERAL OBJECTS VERY HIGH IN THE SKY  AT NIGHT&#44 GLOWING RED&#44 AND JOINING IN PATTERNS.,10/30/2006,33.635026,-85.795908
10/1/2006 21:00,seattle,wa,us,light,20,20 seconds,A VERY bright and transluscent light that seemed to glow more than create a shape hovered above Lake Washington (so it seemed) in the W,10/30/2006,47.6063889,-122.3308333
10/1/2006 21:15,roseville,ca,us,sphere,600,10 minutes,15-20 round balls of light moving in formation,10/30/2006,38.7522222,-121.2869444
10/1/2006 21:35,tin cup,co,,changing,10,10 seconds,Four tightly packed objects glowing green moving at 150 mph 1/4 mile away spread out  equally spaced within 2 seconds.,10/30/2006,37.963699,-104.838261
10/1/2006 22:00,santa fe,nm,us,fireball,20,20 seconds,Several bright lights headed slowly towards horizon,10/30/2006,35.6869444,-105.9372222
10/1/2006 22:15,phoenix and saguaro lake,az,,light,2,a few seconds?,Giant meteor sails over Saguaro Lake  Senta Scarborough and JJ Hensley The Arizona Republic Oct. 2&#44 2006 10:48 AM  Residents who saw a,10/30/2006,33.800592,-112.204047
10/1/2006 22:18,winslow,az,us,fireball,15,15 seconds,dividing fireball multi-colored,10/30/2006,35.0241667,-110.6966667
10/1/2006 23:00,cuchara,co,us,,60,60 seconds,There appeared to be about six very very bright glowing white ball shaped objects.,10/30/2006,37.3791667,-105.0997222
10/1/2006 23:00,glorieta,nm,us,changing,2,seconds,Large&#44 meteor-type light seen near Santa Fe&#44 NM.,10/30/2006,35.5830556,-105.7694444
10/1/2006 23:00,silver city,nm,us,light,180,3 minutes,UFO over Silver City&#44 New Mexico at very low altitude.,10/30/2006,32.77,-108.2797222
10/1/2006 23:00,wide ruins,az,us,cylinder,120,2 minutes,This event happened on the Navajo Reservation.  The object flew close to the ground.  It changed colors (blue&#44 green&#44 and yellow)while,10/30/2006,35.4194444,-109.4958333
10/1/2006 23:15,boulder,co,us,oval,30,30 sec,October 1&#44 2006 meteor reported across skies of Arizona&#44 New Mexico&#44 and Colorado,10/30/2006,40.015,-105.27
10/1/2006 23:15,canon city,co,us,light,240,1 1/4 minutes,Large bright light with aura&#44 &quot;fireworks&quot; features&#44 then several distinct white lights,10/30/2006,38.4,-105.2166667
10/1/2006 23:15,cerrillos,tn,,changing,45,45 seconds,White fireball on huge object flying horizonally before changing colors&#44 emitting orange balls of light and evaporating,10/30/2006,35.517491,-86.580447
10/1/2006 23:15,denver,co,us,circle,30,30 sec,Large bright white light with evenly spaced smaller lights in trail east of Denver moving northeast&#44 as seen by airline pilot at FL380,10/30/2006,39.7391667,-104.9841667
10/1/2006 23:15,edwards/vail (between),co,,formation,180,2-3 min.,Globular formation of 5-7 bright ball lights seen first and last as &quot;shooting stars&quot; by driver on I-70 near Vail&#44 Co.,2/24/2007,39.604851,-106.356612
10/1/2006 23:15,fairplay,co,us,unknown,30,30 seconds,Six orange lights observed in the sky by three people&#44 moving at constant speed and altitude from south to north.,10/30/2006,39.2247222,-106.0013889
10/1/2006 23:15,hartsel,co,us,fireball,60,1 minute,Several glowing objects gracefully and silently following each other moving south to north in eastern sky 500 to 1000ft  high,10/30/2006,39.0216667,-105.7952778
10/1/2006 23:15,mccoy,co,us,light,75,1.25 minutes,Four silent lights flew over our home.,10/30/2006,39.9161111,-106.725
10/1/2006 23:15,pueblo west,co,us,sphere,10,10 seconds,Strange Lights in the Sky  Over Colorado   October 1&#44 2006,10/30/2006,38.35,-104.7222222
10/1/2006 23:15,santa fe,nm,us,light,45,30-45 seconds,about 23:15   sunday&#44 10/1/06--a slow-moving horizontal strip of white light that shown into my room and then truned blue and moved off,10/30/2006,35.6869444,-105.9372222
10/1/2006 23:15,taos,nm,us,formation,150,2.5mins,segmented flashing formation w/ &quot;v&quot; formation of glowing lights leading S. to N.E.&#44 Taos NM (Northern NM),2/1/2007,36.4072222,-105.5725
10/1/2006 23:17,cascade,co,us,circle,15,15 seconds,I was standing on my deck facing east when I saw orange objects fly from north to south. They appeared to maybe be comets but I cannot,10/30/2006,38.8966667,-104.9716667
10/1/2006 23:20,boulder (foothills of),co,us,sphere,6,6 seconds,4 very large bright spherical objects -- one green&#44 the others red or orange -- moving at high speeds upward in linear series,10/30/2006,40.015,-105.27
10/1/2006 23:20,cripple creek,co,us,fireball,15,15 + seconds,Fireball object in Western Sky,10/30/2006,38.7466667,-105.1777778
10/1/2006 23:20,grand junction (15-20 miles,co,,light,60,1 minute,6 LIGHTS FLOATING OVER DEBEQUE CANYON,10/30/2006,32.486673,-91.963994
10/1/2006 23:20,raton,nm,us,formation,30,30secs,7 bright lights over northeast new mexico,10/30/2006,36.9033333,-104.4386111
10/1/2006 23:20,raton,nm,us,formation,60,less than a minute,Seven Bright Lights in New Mexico Skies,10/30/2006,36.9033333,-104.4386111
10/1/2006 23:20,sedalia,co,us,formation,30,30 seconds,5 bright&#44 totally silent&#44 fast moving lights  viewed in night sky near Deckers&#44 CO on 10/01.,10/30/2006,39.4369444,-104.9591667
10/1/2006 23:20,silverthorne,co,us,light,10,10 seconds,I saw about six lights coming toward our house in a straight line&#44 and one at a time from the furthest away&#44 they went out.,10/30/2006,39.6375,-106.0613889
10/1/2006 23:27,monument,co,us,other,10,<10 seconds,Four bright star-like objects&#44 observed from Monument&#44 CO&#44 2317 hrs&#44 10/1/06&#44 traveling SW-NE at high rate of speed&#44 no sound&#44 <10 sec.,10/30/2006,39.0916667,-104.8722222
10/1/2006 23:30,pueblo west,co,us,light,300,5 minutes,4-5 bright whitish-orange lights in Pueblo West&#44 Colorado on 10/1/06 at 11:30 p.m.,12/7/2006,38.35,-104.7222222
10/1/2006 23:32,farmington,nm,us,light,14,10 -14 sec,a bright lights traveling very fast with a green tail that exploded into four lights&#33,10/30/2006,36.7280556,-108.2180556
10/1/2006 23:40,san antonio,nm,us,circle,20,20 seconds,ON SUNDAY 10 01 06 MY WIFE AND I WERE DRIVING HOME FROM WHITE RUIDOSO NEW MEXICO. APPROXIMATLEY AT 11:20 PM I NOTICED OFF TO MY LEFT BO,10/30/2006,33.9177778,-106.8652778
10/1/2007 00:00,escondido,ca,us,diamond,120,2 minutes,Thought it was a satellite moving across the sky until it went straight out of the sky till we could not see it anymore.,6/12/2008,33.1191667,-117.0855556
10/1/2007 00:00,los angeles,ca,us,flash,900,15min,Me and my friend were facing north-west a few minutes after midnight and saw two or maybe four objects flashing bright red and white. T,10/8/2007,34.0522222,-118.2427778
10/1/2007 00:02,dayton,oh,us,oval,5,5 seconds,UFO seen in Dayton&#44 Ohio near Huber Heights,10/8/2007,39.7588889,-84.1916667
10/1/2007 01:00,barrie (canada),on,ca,circle,60,1min,the ufos went over my house  500 Lights On Object0: Yes,11/28/2007,44.383333,-79.7
10/1/2007 02:00,adelaide  (south australia),,au,oval,300,5 mins,Dancing &amp; Flashing UFO in Glenelg&#44 South Australia,10/8/2007,-34.928661,138.598633
10/1/2007 02:30,sautee nacoochee,ga,,light,10800,3 hours,3 fast blinking&#44 multicolored lights that lasted for over two hours and moved only over long durations of time to the naked eye.,10/8/2007,34.683983,-83.67435
10/1/2007 09:50,charlotte,nc,us,light,1200,20min,4 DOTS OF LIGHT AROUND MOON  MID MORNING TODAY,10/8/2007,35.2269444,-80.8433333
10/1/2007 13:00,litchfield,il,us,oval,2,a few seconds,Seen shiny aluminum colored craft @ Yeager Lake in Litchfield,3/4/2008,39.1752778,-89.6541667
10/1/2007 17:10,granville,oh,us,sphere,120,2 minutes,Hovering bright white light turns horizontally mid-air and becomes silvery dome-shaped object,11/28/2007,40.0680556,-82.5197222
10/1/2007 19:00,beulaville,nc,us,triangle,5,5 sec,Green Glowing Triangular Craft,10/31/2008,34.9236111,-77.7741667
10/1/2007 20:00,ewa beach,hi,us,light,600,10 minutes,Lights flickering in the sky.,10/8/2007,21.3155556,-158.0072222
10/1/2007 20:00,north battleford (canada),sk,ca,disk,60,1 min,I was driving with my family and we looked up and seen a ufo almost directly above us.,12/12/2009,52.766667,-108.283333
10/1/2007 20:00,tryon,nc,us,light,10,10 seconds,Strange lights in NC sky.,10/8/2007,35.2080556,-82.2386111
10/1/2007 21:00,ballinger,tx,us,unknown,300,5 minutes,Loud Roar&#44 Bright Orange Lights,10/8/2007,31.7380556,-99.9469444
10/1/2007 21:00,deer park,ny,us,other,240,4 mins,Moving star over eastern New York,11/28/2007,40.7616667,-73.3297222
10/1/2007 21:00,sanford,fl,us,triangle,120,2mins,Black Triangle shaped craft with 3lights on the bottom. (fast&#44smooth flying craft),10/8/2007,28.8002778,-81.2733333
10/1/2007 22:30,dublin,ca,us,flash,2,seconds,Ball of light moving fast across the the sky,10/8/2007,37.7022222,-121.9347222
10/1/2008 00:00,conway,ar,us,triangle,600,10 minutes,Massive/low/silent black triangle cruises back and forth over downtown Conway,5/15/2013,35.0886111,-92.4419444
10/1/2008 00:24,kuala lumpur (malaysia),,,disk,300,5mins,A huge &quot;creature&quot; built up with a line of bright line with a red light at the middle top of it&#44 appears in the dark clear Malaysia sky&#33,10/31/2008,3.139003,101.686855
10/1/2008 01:00,bryan,oh,us,cylinder,120,2 minuites,It was cylinder shaped and had lights all around it. 500 Lights On Object0: Yes,10/31/2008,41.4747222,-84.5525
10/1/2008 01:00,merrick,ny,us,disk,5,5 seconds,Large metalic object hovering 30-50ft off the ground&#44short beam coming down to ground.,10/31/2008,40.6627778,-73.5519444
10/1/2008 05:00,huntington,wv,us,cylinder,600,10 minuts,cylinder shaped object with no lights or sound with plane following behind it,1/10/2009,38.4191667,-82.4452778
10/1/2008 06:20,lynchburg,va,us,light,30,30 seconds,I was walking my dog this morning when I saw a very bright orange light approaching from the south.,10/31/2008,37.4136111,-79.1425
10/1/2008 09:00,lanagan,mo,us,light,900,15 minutes,I reported this same object last week &#44so far three times i have seen this blinking object which moves horizontially and does tight cir,10/31/2008,36.6080556,-94.4475
10/1/2008 09:45,dallas,tx,us,oval,300,5 min,UFO I THINK,10/31/2008,32.7833333,-96.8
10/1/2008 11:00,pell city,al,us,cigar,300,5 min.,Very high&#44 cigar shaped UFO moving at incredible speeds.,12/12/2009,33.5861111,-86.2861111
10/1/2008 19:00,warwick,ri,us,circle,600,ten minutes,Myself and two of my friends were driving down the road to pick up my girlfriend when my friend in the passenger seat noticed two unide,1/5/2011,41.7,-71.4166667
10/1/2008 19:12,bonham,tx,us,egg,300,5 minutes,Silver egg shape over six houses.  ((NUFORC Note:  Possible hoax??  PD)),10/31/2008,33.5772222,-96.1780556
10/1/2008 19:40,delta (canada),bc,ca,disk,5,5 seconds,Lighted disk stops overhead,10/31/2008,50.183333,-98.316667
10/1/2008 20:00,cabazon,ca,us,light,1200,20 min,hi&#44 last night on oct 1&#44 2008 i saw 2 star sized objects that went extremely fast in the night sky in so.calif.(cabazon) at about 8:00p,10/31/2008,33.9175,-116.7863889
10/1/2008 20:00,glenrock,wy,us,unknown,1200,several hours,Stationary object just above NE horizon with flashing red&#44 green and white lights.,10/31/2008,42.8613889,-105.8716667
10/1/2008 20:00,marysville,wa,us,circle,1800,aprox 30 minutes,2 unidentified objects above highway 2 in marysville washington,10/31/2008,48.0519444,-122.1758333
10/1/2008 20:00,texas city,tx,us,other,2,2 seconds,very strange&#44 unexplainable sound,8/27/2009,29.3836111,-94.9025
10/1/2008 20:00,wilson,nc,us,circle,600,10 minutes,Star shaped light blinking and rotating - then two of same lights after cloud went over and began to move,10/31/2008,35.7211111,-77.9158333
10/1/2008 20:03,idaho falls,id,us,light,15,15 seconds,Stationary lights in the path of the ISS,10/31/2008,43.4666667,-112.0333333
10/1/2008 20:45,leavenworth,wa,us,light,120,2 min,Big Light in the West Sky over Leavenworth Washington,10/31/2008,47.5963889,-120.6602778
10/1/2008 20:45,renton,wa,us,light,600,10 mins,lights seen at night,10/31/2008,47.4830556,-122.2158333
10/1/2008 21:00,wellington,al,us,light,120,minutes,a light over the mountain,10/31/2008,33.8225,-85.8927778
10/1/2008 21:00,yerevan (armenia),,,unknown,60,1 minute,Red light appears in night sky and disappears.,5/13/2012,40.183333,44.516667
10/1/2008 21:30,lacey,wa,us,unknown,4,3 to 4 sec,Like a hot ember emitting sparks while leaving a long trail like a shooting star.,10/31/2008,47.0344444,-122.8219444
10/1/2008 22:00,garrett,in,us,triangle,4,.5 hour,Triangular shape with an array of lights and unusual amount of silent aircraft in the sky.,10/31/2008,41.3494444,-85.1355556
10/1/2008 22:30,arlington,tx,us,sphere,600,10 minutes,Large&#44 very well lit sphere shaped object flying very low over my neighborhood then disappeared,10/31/2008,32.7355556,-97.1077778
10/1/2008 22:45,sunnyvale,ca,us,other,20,20 seconds,flashing object with erratic motion,10/31/2008,37.3688889,-122.0352778
10/1/2008 22:55,kingsport,tn,us,triangle,3,3 seconds,East Tennessee&#44 3 orb mass in the sky,10/31/2008,36.5483333,-82.5619444
10/1/2009 00:00,grafton,wv,,light,20,20 seconds,Orange light hovering from east to west over town,8/21/2011,39.340925,-80.018966
10/1/2009 04:30,hogansville,ga,us,disk,10,10 seconds,Close viewing of disk-shaped ufo with colored lights,12/12/2009,33.1730556,-84.915
10/1/2009 08:00,pawtucket,ri,us,cylinder,600,10 minutes,Hovered over Pawtucket&#44 RI and had red flashing lights at the bottom,12/12/2009,41.8786111,-71.3830556
10/1/2009 09:00,canton,mi,us,triangle,3600,1 hour,Triangular shaped UFO with lights at corners hovering at cloud height over home,12/12/2009,42.3086111,-83.4822222
10/1/2009 15:38,whitefield,ok,us,light,2,seconds,Looked like a light that appeared to be moving upwards.,12/12/2009,35.2525,-95.2372222
10/1/2009 18:00,memphis,tn,us,oval,300,twice - 1-5 minute sighti,Day and Night - Saw object twice c.2009.  3-witnesses.  Very similar to that object in the Tulsa OK sighting c.1965.,5/13/2012,35.1494444,-90.0488889
10/1/2009 19:00,grafton,wv,,sphere,120,2 minutes,Orange Orb in West Virginia,12/12/2009,39.340925,-80.018966
10/1/2009 20:00,providence,ri,us,disk,300,5 minutes,saucer with red and blue lights over providence&#44 RI,12/12/2009,41.8238889,-71.4133333
10/1/2009 20:30,beaver,oh,us,light,10800,3 hrs,a white light moving in a circle.,12/12/2009,39.0305556,-82.8244444
10/1/2009 22:30,belmont,ms,us,triangle,120,2mins,Triangular object with 3 lights&#44 one in middle blinking.,12/12/2009,34.5097222,-88.2091667
10/1/2009 23:00,belleview,fl,us,circle,600,10 mins,Flashing Blue Orb over southern Marion county FL.,12/12/2009,29.055,-82.0625
10/1/2009 23:00,fairfield,ct,us,light,20,20 seconds,2 seperate observations. Fairfield&#44 CT,12/12/2009,41.1411111,-73.2641667
10/1/2010 00:00,delray beach,fl,us,other,180,3 mins.,Bright white light&#44 shimmering green then red,11/21/2010,26.4611111,-80.0730556
10/1/2010 06:25,aripeka,fl,us,light,8,8 sec,White light (star) traveling very fast in sky.,11/21/2010,28.4319444,-82.6644444
10/1/2010 08:03,james island,sc,,triangle,120,2 minutes (driving on the,10/1/10    James Island Connector Vshaped aircraft hovering over the JI Connector at 8: 12 pm,11/21/2010,32.753472,-79.952845
10/1/2010 08:30,middleton,wi,us,other,180,3 minutes ?,Glowing orange barrel-shaped objects in sky over town of Middleton&#44 WI,11/21/2010,43.0972222,-89.5041667
10/1/2010 09:30,spotsylvania,va,us,circle,1800,30 minutes,blue&#44 red&#44 green&#44 and bright white light hovering over field near Thornburg Va food lion.,4/3/2011,38.2008333,-77.5894444
10/1/2010 10:20,sterling heights/utica border,mi,,sphere,300,5 min,5 glowing orange orbs/no sound/ rising in sky and heading south west then dissapearing within 5 min,11/21/2010,43.10729,-75.129221
10/1/2010 12:16,waxahachie,tx,us,disk,1,1 second,Disk Shaped Object photographed near Waxahachie Texas,11/21/2010,32.3863889,-96.8480556
10/1/2010 16:30,dallas,tx,us,other,15,brief,Soundless hovering airplane,11/21/2010,32.7833333,-96.8
10/1/2010 18:30,strasburg,va,us,cigar,300,5 mins,2 cigar shaped white objects viewed in Shenandoah Valley&#44 VA,11/21/2010,38.9886111,-78.3588889
10/1/2010 19:45,fayetteville,nc,us,light,300,5 min,FAST RED LIGHT WITH SLOWER BUT LARGER WHITE LIGHTS FALLING,11/21/2010,35.0525,-78.8786111
10/1/2010 20:45,brunswick,oh,us,triangle,600,10 min,Triangle craft with bright light changes colors and moves like helicopter.,11/21/2010,41.2380556,-81.8419444
10/1/2010 21:00,arlington,wa,us,oval,300,5 minutes,Blue and red jelly bean shaped craft&#44 hovering over Arlington Airport&#44 Washington State.,6/8/2012,48.1988889,-122.1238889
10/1/2010 21:00,saskatoon (canada),sk,ca,changing,60,30-60 seconds,hazy yellow-orange light(s) that changed shape and moved fluidly,11/21/2010,52.133333,-106.666667
10/1/2010 23:00,corona,ca,us,unknown,30,30 seconds,Star igniting accelerating and leaving a light beam behind.,4/18/2014,33.8752778,-117.5655556
10/1/2010 23:00,rock spring,ga,us,light,300,5 minutes,Fast flying glowing light.,11/21/2010,34.8241667,-85.2427778
10/1/2011 00:00,cabot/lonoke,ar,,circle,3600,1+ hrs,A bright object sighted above our house that moves back and forth slowly and hovers.  ((NUFORC Note:  Possible star?  PD)),10/10/2011,34.974532,-92.016534
10/1/2011 00:00,staten island (over),ny,,unknown,600,10 minutes,Huge bright fireball descends over Staten Island.,12/12/2011,40.579532,-74.150201
10/1/2011 00:53,thunder bay (canada),on,ca,other,5,4-5 seconds,0:53 or 12:53 am EST&#44 Saturday October 1st 2011&#44 Thunder Bay&#44 ON&#44 T like figure&#44 4 seconds&#44 dim orange lights&#44 silent  500 Lights On Ob,10/10/2011,48.4,-89.233333
10/1/2011 05:30,alligator point,fl,,unknown,7200,2 hours,Bright multicolored object with flashing red&#44 blue&#44 green and white lights&#44 stationary in sky.  ((NUFORC Note:  Twinkling star?  PD)),10/10/2011,29.807988,-84.859352
10/1/2011 06:00,san benito,tx,us,triangle,10,10 secunds,south texas 1 oct. v shaped silent object traveling south east dim white lights,10/10/2011,26.1322222,-97.6308333
10/1/2011 09:30,brownwood,tx,us,unknown,1500,25 min,Orange lights with blinking white lights swarming around.,10/10/2011,31.7091667,-98.9908333
10/1/2011 13:00,clinton,ms,us,circle,300,5 mins.,Jet and object flying side by side,10/10/2011,32.3413889,-90.3216667
10/1/2011 16:00,goshen,ca,us,oval,60,1 minute,Bright round light in sky moving slowly,10/10/2011,36.3511111,-119.4191667
10/1/2011 17:00,carrieres sous poissy (france),,,cigar,180,3 minutes,Huge grey cylinder rotating going down to my house from high altitude with no noise,12/12/2011,48.945484,2.037356
10/1/2011 20:00,linn (outside of),mo,us,unknown,5,5 seconds,Huge green flashing light low to the ground in missouri,5/13/2012,38.4858333,-91.8502778
10/1/2011 20:00,wilmington,nc,us,triangle,300,2-5 minutes,Triangle... very dim lights&#44 no noise&#44 around all outer edges&#44 moving slowly&#44 very low... went out of sight over UNCW campus,10/10/2011,34.2255556,-77.945
10/1/2011 21:00,hamburg,ca,us,light,300,5 minutes,Extremely bright twin lights in night sky - moved off in unison.,5/29/2012,41.7830556,-123.0591667
10/1/2011 21:20,carlsbad,ca,us,fireball,10,10 seconds,I was driving south on the 5 Freeway this evening.  I was passing Canon Road in Carlsbad&#44 San Diego County&#44 California.  I saw 3 bright,10/10/2011,33.1580556,-117.3497222
10/1/2011 21:43,kansas city,mo,us,fireball,45,45 seconds,Unusual fireball-like orb moving in the sky&#44 and suddenly disappears,10/10/2011,39.0997222,-94.5783333
10/1/2011 21:43,kansas city,mo,us,fireball,60,60 seconds,Orange fireball crosses the sky in Kansas City.,10/10/2011,39.0997222,-94.5783333
10/1/2011 21:50,tenino,wa,us,light,180,2-3 minutes,Orange ball of light hovers and then ascends and suddenly disappears,10/10/2011,46.8569444,-122.8516667
10/1/2011 22:00,mccomb,ms,us,rectangle,10,10 seconds,On a clear night while laying on a table witnessed a silent rectangle fully visible craft cross the sky aprrox.500&quot; over trees,10/19/2011,31.2436111,-90.4530556
10/1/2011 23:00,greenville area,sc,,light,14400,3-4 hrs,Red&#44 blue&#44 white lights seen hovering in the sky in the vicinity of the Anderson/Greenville area. ((NUFORC Note:  Possible star??  PD)),10/10/2011,34.818831,-82.412391
10/1/2011 23:11,conyers,ga,us,light,3600,an hour or so,I see this almost every night when i go outside at the same time. it is this light that changes from hreen to blue to red.  ((Starr??)),10/10/2011,33.6675,-84.0177778
10/1/2011 23:30,captiva island,fl,,fireball,60,60 seconds,On Saturday night&#44 October 1&#44 2011 we observed a level fly by of what looked like an aircraft on fire. It seemed low in the sky&#44 under,10/10/2011,26.527578,-82.194817
10/1/2011 23:41,bluffton,sc,,unknown,20,20 seconds,Ball of red/yellow light followed by a trail of fire falls to earth in or around Bluffton&#44 SC,10/10/2011,32.237147,-80.860387
10/1/2011 23:57,homestead,fl,us,formation,35,35 seconds,I am familiar with several types of planes&#44  I worked at a NY airport for a number of years and I am a fan of military planes&#44 this sig,10/10/2011,25.4683333,-80.4777778
10/1/2012 01:00,richmond,tx,us,unknown,300,5 minutes,Driving around when me and my friend saw a bright BRIGHT white light from about 2/12 miles away. Started driving towards it it as it ju,10/30/2012,29.5819444,-95.7605556
10/1/2012 01:50,colorado springs,co,us,light,9,9 seconds,Falling bright light,10/30/2012,38.8338889,-104.8208333
10/1/2012 02:00,surprise,az,us,light,9,more than half an hour,Flickering color changing lights in SE Phoenix sky.  ((NUFORC Note:  Probably a sighting of a &quot;twinkling&quot; star.  PD)),10/30/2012,33.6305556,-112.3325
10/1/2012 06:30,sarasota,fl,us,formation,10,10 seconds,Dim lights,10/30/2012,27.3361111,-82.5308333
10/1/2012 08:30,hawthorne/los angeles,ca,,circle,420,7 minutes,Metallic Stationary Object,10/30/2012,33.916403,-118.352575
10/1/2012 09:00,vinton/roanoke,va,,other,600,10 minutes,5 to 8 orange light  formation in the sky.,10/30/2012,37.280971,-79.896982
10/1/2012 11:20,welland (canada),on,ca,fireball,2700,45 minutes,Groups of 2 Orange/yellow balls shot through the sky in a set path and disappeared over and over,10/30/2012,42.983333,-79.25
10/1/2012 17:30,port hueneme,ca,us,light,1800,30 minutes,Light&#44 Shape and near two bases,10/30/2012,34.1477778,-119.1941667
10/1/2012 19:30,hinsdale,il,us,fireball,180,3 minutes,Orange fireball quickly ascending in sky in West suburbs of Chicago,10/30/2012,41.8008333,-87.9369444
10/1/2012 20:00,eugene,or,us,light,180,hours,Star looking lights with flashing red&#44 green&#44 and purple lights that just hover around &#33 NOT GOING ANYWHERE&#33  ((Star?)),10/30/2012,44.0522222,-123.0855556
10/1/2012 20:00,fontana,ca,us,fireball,900,15 minutes,Fireballs in Fontana&#44 CA.,12/20/2012,34.0922222,-117.4341667
10/1/2012 20:00,racine,wi,us,other,900,15 minutes,Odd lights in formation appering and disappering.,10/30/2012,42.7261111,-87.7827778
10/1/2012 20:00,sunfield,mi,us,unknown,300,5 minutes,Flying object coming out of field. Hovering for 5 mins. Then leaving.,11/4/2012,42.7622222,-84.9925
10/1/2012 20:10,capitola,ca,us,light,60,1 minute,Bright red torch-like object seen ascending rapidly&#44 making a right angle turn&#44 and disappearing from view in Capitola&#44 CA,10/30/2012,36.9752778,-121.9522222
10/1/2012 22:30,sauk centre,mn,us,triangle,2700,45 minutes,2 weird objects fly over our house and make no noise and about 2 miles away just appear to stop for about 45 min.,10/30/2012,45.7375,-94.9522222
10/1/2012 23:00,huntington,in,us,fireball,180,3 minutes,Very bright it hoverd and then sped off silently and was pulsating in rythem did not varie.,7/3/2013,40.8830556,-85.4975
10/1/2012 24:00,novi,mi,us,triangle,300,5 minutes,V shaped and 8 big and very brite lights&#44moving very slow,10/30/2012,42.4805556,-83.4755556
10/1/2013 03:00,colorado springs,co,us,triangle,5400,90 minutes,Red&#44 blue&#44 white and green high in sky; didn&#39t move.,10/3/2013,38.8338889,-104.8208333
10/1/2013 06:35,bel air,md,us,flash,4,2-4 seconds,Flashing ball that goes out and continues as a black dot at slower speed then a meteor.,10/3/2013,39.5358333,-76.3486111
10/1/2013 07:40,bakersfield,ca,us,circle,30,30 seconds,There was a metal looking star hovering several miles s/w of Bakersfield&#44 Ca. my friend&#44 girlfriend&#44 and i were driving to the park an,10/3/2013,35.3733333,-119.0177778
10/1/2013 08:38,furlong,nj,,other,120,1-2 minutes,Shape with lights hovering then inching then speeding in a direction.,10/3/2013,40.296218,-75.082115
10/1/2013 09:00,boulder/niwot,co,,disk,300,5 minutes,Metallic object floating above Boulder.,10/3/2013,40.103874,-105.170819
10/1/2013 09:42,cobb mountain,ca,,fireball,1500,25 minutes,Bright round orange/red fireball.,10/3/2013,38.807404,-122.740546
10/1/2013 09:43,muncie,in,us,triangle,7200,2 hours,Bright Triangular Light Orb in the sky different flashing lights and appears closer each day.,10/3/2013,40.1933333,-85.3863889
10/1/2013 12:30,pittsburgh,pa,us,unknown,60,1 minute,Driving across the Glenfied Bridge&#44 northbound&#44 saw an odd shape as i was looking southeast down the Ohio. It wasn&#39t a plane. It wa,10/14/2013,40.4405556,-79.9961111
10/1/2013 12:30,pittsburgh,pa,us,unknown,60,<i minute,I&#39m conflicted. I had another sighting&#44 and I was challenged by you of filing a false report.  ((NUFORC Note:  See comment below.  PD),10/14/2013,40.4405556,-79.9961111
10/1/2013 12:40,lincoln,ri,,light,4,4 seconds,Two white dots crossing paths around Lincoln and Providence RI.,10/3/2013,41.921111,-71.435
10/1/2013 18:30,boulder,co,us,light,240,3-4 minutes,Three long white crescent shaped moving lights moving in a half circle.,10/3/2013,40.015,-105.27
10/1/2013 19:15,thibodaux,la,us,unknown,300,5 minutes,Very bright white lights 4 all together moving from southeast to west flying low no noise.,10/3/2013,29.7955556,-90.8227778
10/1/2013 19:20,webster,ny,us,sphere,1800,30 minutes,Yellow/Orangish Balls streaking across the sky&#44 no sound from them at all&#44 and no tail.,10/3/2013,43.2122222,-77.4302778
10/1/2013 19:25,southwest ranches,fl,us,light,300,5 minutes,Brilliant white light in SW Sky stationary over 7 minutes then vanishes.  Not an airplane&#33,10/3/2013,26.0583333,-80.3375
10/1/2013 20:00,tampa,fl,us,light,3600,45-60 minutes,Intensely bright light sphere high up in the sky over the Gulf of Mexico.,10/3/2013,27.9472222,-82.4586111
10/1/2013 21:30,cumming,ga,us,fireball,1200,20 minutes,3 very slow-moving sparking&#44 flaming meteor looking objects starting on 1 side of the horizon and ended in the same spot on the other.,10/3/2013,34.2072222,-84.1402778
10/1/2013 21:40,sneedville,tn,us,circle,90,1-1.5 minutes,Large round bright white light moved away and upward for 1-1.5 min before completely disappearing.,10/3/2013,36.5297222,-83.2175
10/1/2013 22:10,white lake,mi,us,unknown,900,15 minutes,Two seperate objects far off&#44 with a white light that turned off an on every four or five minutes then disappeared.,10/3/2013,42.6916667,-83.5541667
10/1/2013 22:30,waterloo,ia,us,triangle,60,1 minute,My girlfriend and I witnessed a bright orange triangular light in the sky.,10/3/2013,42.4927778,-92.3427778
10/1/2013 22:45,middle island (long island),ny,us,fireball,1200,20 minutes,Orange Glowing Lights over East Long Island.,10/14/2013,40.8841667,-72.9377778
10/1/2013 23:00,london (uk/england),,gb,fireball,30,30 seconds,Orange fireball seen hovering in London sky before vanishing.,10/3/2013,51.514125,-0.093689
10/1/2013 23:30,arlington,wi,us,unknown,600,10 minutes,Strange Green/Purple and Orange Dancing Lights Above Farm Field.,10/3/2013,43.3380556,-89.3802778
10/12/1965 12:00,pittsburgh,pa,us,circle,120,2 minutes,Saucer observed about 500 feet up moving into clear blue sky and flying square corners.,8/7/2007,40.4405556,-79.9961111
10/12/1965 13:00,pittsburgh,pa,us,disk,60,1 minute,Low UFO sliding out of a cloud into clear blue sky.,2/14/2008,40.4405556,-79.9961111
10/12/1967 01:45,viet nam (jungles of),,,other,3600,1 hour,Lights in the Nam,12/3/2004,14.058324,108.277199
10/12/1971 22:00,menands (albany),ny,us,chevron,180,3 minutes,Large&#44 black&#44  &quot;boomerang&quot; shaped object gliding silently overhead.,5/15/2006,42.6919444,-73.725
10/12/1973 19:00,birmingham (just south of),al,us,disk,900,10-15 minutes,Glowing Green UFO seen by myself (mom) and my 4 children very low over our car on a Friday night in Alabama in 1973.,4/2/1999,33.5205556,-86.8025
10/12/1975 01:00,perth (w. of; southern cross) (western australia),,au,fireball,900,15 minutes,fire ball and min min,6/18/2004,-31.95224,115.861397
10/12/1976 23:00,emporia,ks,us,disk,300,5 minutes,Disc hoovers over train and seems to x-ray it.,6/9/2009,38.4038889,-96.1813889
10/12/1978 21:00,dyersburg,tn,us,triangle,7200,2 hours,NW TN TRIANGLE.,9/9/2013,36.0344444,-89.3855556
10/12/1978 23:00,alpine,az,us,circle,7200,2 hours,DURING A HUNTING TRIP IN THE MOUNTAINS&#44WE MADE CAMP AND LATE THAT NIGHT I SAW THE FOLLOWING. A BRIGHT LIGHT THAT CAME FROM THE SOUTHEAS,8/30/2013,33.8480556,-109.1425
10/12/1979 00:45,barnegat,nj,us,rectangle,900,15 min.,Iwitnessed one object moving east to west across Rt.539 4 mile north of Rt.72 near the Fire Tower. There were no cloud and the sky was,9/2/2005,39.7530556,-74.2233333
10/12/1982 05:30,pearlington,ms,us,light,20,20 seconds,While fishing on the east pearl river which seperates la./ms. north of i10 near stennis we saw a white round light just above the trees,12/12/2013,30.2463889,-89.6111111
10/12/1982 05:30,pearlington,ms,us,light,29,29 seconds,Round light which was observed going into space with moves and silence that we have never seen before.,12/12/2013,30.2463889,-89.6111111
10/12/1985 23:45,swansboro,nc,us,disk,300,23:45 - 23:50,My sister and I observed a disk for about 5 minutes hovering approximately 120 feet away.,12/2/2000,34.6875,-77.1194444