I want to fly. I want to soar high up in the sky like a bird. To glide through the clouds, feeling the wind beneath my wings. I want to fly.

I imagine what it would be like, to be able to spread my arms and take off into the endless blue. To swoop and dive and twirl through the air unencumbered by gravity's pull. I want to fly.

I watch the birds outside my window, floating effortlessly on the breeze. How I wish I could join them up there. To break free of the bounds of this earth and taste the freedom of flight. I want to fly.

Over and over I dream of flying. I flap my arms but remain stuck to the ground. Still I gaze up hopefully at the sky. One day, I tell myself. One day I will fly. I want to fly.
I want to fly. I want to spread my wings and soar into the open sky. To glide far above the earth unbounded by gravity. I want to fly.

Ever since I was a child I've dreamed of flying. I would flap my arms trying in vain to take off. I envied the birds and their gift of flight. On windy days, I'd run with the breeze, hoping it would lift me up. But my feet stayed planted. Still my desire to fly remained.

As I grew up, my dreams of flying never left. I'd gaze out plane windows high above the earth and ache to sprout wings. I'd watch birds for hours wishing I could join their effortless flight. At night I'd have vivid dreams of gliding among the clouds. Then I'd awake still earthbound and sigh. My longing to fly unchanged.

I want to know what it feels like to swoop and dive through the air. To loop and twirl on the wind currents with ease. To soar untethered by gravity's grip. But I'm trapped on the ground, wings useless and weighted. Still I stare upwards hoping. Still I imagine what could be. Still I want to fly.

They say it's impossible, that humans aren't meant for flight. But I refuse to let go of this dream. I gaze up, envying the way the birds own the sky while my feet stay planted. I flap and I hope. And still I want to fly.