2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00

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"""Utilities for makegw - Parse a header file to build an interface
This module contains the core code for parsing a header file describing a
COM interface, and building it into an "Interface" structure.
Each Interface has methods, and each method has arguments.
Each argument knows how to use Py_BuildValue or Py_ParseTuple to
exchange itself with Python.
See the @win32com.makegw@ module for information in building a COM
import re
import traceback
class error_not_found(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg="The requested item could not be found"):
super(error_not_found, self).__init__(msg)
class error_not_supported(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg="The required functionality is not supported"):
super(error_not_supported, self).__init__(msg)
## NOTE : For interfaces as params to work correctly, you must
## make sure any PythonCOM extensions which expose the interface are loaded
## before generating.
class ArgFormatter:
"""An instance for a specific type of argument. Knows how to convert itself"""
def __init__(self, arg, builtinIndirection, declaredIndirection=0):
# print 'init:', arg.name, builtinIndirection, declaredIndirection, arg.indirectionLevel
self.arg = arg
self.builtinIndirection = builtinIndirection
self.declaredIndirection = declaredIndirection
self.gatewayMode = 0
def _IndirectPrefix(self, indirectionFrom, indirectionTo):
"""Given the indirection level I was declared at (0=Normal, 1=*, 2=**)
return a string prefix so I can pass to a function with the
required indirection (where the default is the indirection of the method's param.
eg, assuming my arg has indirection level of 2, if this function was passed 1
it would return "&", so that a variable declared with indirection of 1
can be prefixed with this to turn it into the indirection level required of 2
dif = indirectionFrom - indirectionTo
if dif == 0:
return ""
elif dif == -1:
return "&"
elif dif == 1:
return "*"
return "?? (%d)" % (dif,)
raise error_not_supported("Can't indirect this far - please fix me :-)")
def GetIndirectedArgName(self, indirectFrom, indirectionTo):
# print 'get:',self.arg.name, indirectFrom,self._GetDeclaredIndirection() + self.builtinIndirection, indirectionTo, self.arg.indirectionLevel
if indirectFrom is None:
### ACK! this does not account for [in][out] variables.
### when this method is called, we need to know which
indirectFrom = self._GetDeclaredIndirection() + self.builtinIndirection
return self._IndirectPrefix(indirectFrom, indirectionTo) + self.arg.name
def GetBuildValueArg(self):
"Get the argument to be passes to Py_BuildValue"
return self.arg.name
def GetParseTupleArg(self):
"Get the argument to be passed to PyArg_ParseTuple"
if self.gatewayMode:
# use whatever they were declared with
return self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
# local declarations have just their builtin indirection
return self.GetIndirectedArgName(self.builtinIndirection, 1)
def GetInterfaceCppObjectInfo(self):
"""Provide information about the C++ object used.
Simple variables (such as integers) can declare their type (eg an integer)
and use it as the target of both PyArg_ParseTuple and the COM function itself.
More complex types require a PyObject * declared as the target of PyArg_ParseTuple,
then some conversion routine to the C++ object which is actually passed to COM.
This method provides the name, and optionally the type of that C++ variable.
If the type if provided, the caller will likely generate a variable declaration.
The name must always be returned.
Result is a tuple of (variableName, [DeclareType|None|""])
# the first return element is the variable to be passed as
# an argument to an interface method. the variable was
# declared with only its builtin indirection level. when
# we pass it, we'll need to pass in whatever amount of
# indirection was applied (plus the builtin amount)
# the second return element is the variable declaration; it
# should simply be builtin indirection
return self.GetIndirectedArgName(
self.builtinIndirection, self.arg.indirectionLevel + self.builtinIndirection
), "%s %s" % (self.GetUnconstType(), self.arg.name)
def GetInterfaceArgCleanup(self):
"Return cleanup code for C++ args passed to the interface method."
return "/* GetInterfaceArgCleanup output goes here: %s */\n" % self.arg.name
return ""
def GetInterfaceArgCleanupGIL(self):
"""Return cleanup code for C++ args passed to the interface
method that must be executed with the GIL held"""
return (
"/* GetInterfaceArgCleanup (GIL held) output goes here: %s */\n"
% self.arg.name
return ""
def GetUnconstType(self):
return self.arg.unc_type
def SetGatewayMode(self):
self.gatewayMode = 1
def _GetDeclaredIndirection(self):
return self.arg.indirectionLevel
print("declared:", self.arg.name, self.gatewayMode)
if self.gatewayMode:
return self.arg.indirectionLevel
return self.declaredIndirection
def DeclareParseArgTupleInputConverter(self):
"Declare the variable used as the PyArg_ParseTuple param for a gateway"
# Only declare it??
# if self.arg.indirectionLevel==0:
# return "\t%s %s;\n" % (self.arg.type, self.arg.name)
# else:
return (
"/* Declare ParseArgTupleInputConverter goes here: %s */\n"
% self.arg.name
return ""
def GetParsePostCode(self):
"Get a string of C++ code to be executed after (ie, to finalise) the PyArg_ParseTuple conversion"
return "/* GetParsePostCode code goes here: %s */\n" % self.arg.name
return ""
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
"Get a string of C++ code to be executed before (ie, to initialise) the Py_BuildValue conversion for Interfaces"
return "/* GetBuildForInterfacePreCode goes here: %s */\n" % self.arg.name
return ""
def GetBuildForGatewayPreCode(self):
"Get a string of C++ code to be executed before (ie, to initialise) the Py_BuildValue conversion for Gateways"
s = self.GetBuildForInterfacePreCode() # Usually the same
if s[:4] == "/* G":
s = "/* GetBuildForGatewayPreCode goes here: %s */\n" % self.arg.name
return s
def GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self):
"Get a string of C++ code to be executed after (ie, to finalise) the Py_BuildValue conversion for Interfaces"
return "/* GetBuildForInterfacePostCode goes here: %s */\n" % self.arg.name
return ""
def GetBuildForGatewayPostCode(self):
"Get a string of C++ code to be executed after (ie, to finalise) the Py_BuildValue conversion for Gateways"
s = self.GetBuildForInterfacePostCode() # Usually the same
if s[:4] == "/* G":
s = "/* GetBuildForGatewayPostCode goes here: %s */\n" % self.arg.name
return s
def GetAutoduckString(self):
return "// @pyparm %s|%s||Description for %s" % (
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
"Returns a string with the description of the type. Used for doco purposes"
return None
def NeedUSES_CONVERSION(self):
"Determines if this arg forces a USES_CONVERSION macro"
return 0
# Special formatter for floats since they're smaller than Python floats.
class ArgFormatterFloat(ArgFormatter):
def GetFormatChar(self):
return "f"
def DeclareParseArgTupleInputConverter(self):
# Declare a double variable
return "\tdouble dbl%s;\n" % self.arg.name
def GetParseTupleArg(self):
return "&dbl" + self.arg.name
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "float"
def GetBuildValueArg(self):
return "&dbl" + self.arg.name
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
return "\tdbl" + self.arg.name + " = " + self.arg.name + ";\n"
def GetBuildForGatewayPreCode(self):
return (
"\tdbl%s = " % self.arg.name
+ self._IndirectPrefix(self._GetDeclaredIndirection(), 0)
+ self.arg.name
+ ";\n"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
s = "\t"
if self.gatewayMode:
s = s + self._IndirectPrefix(self._GetDeclaredIndirection(), 0)
s = s + self.arg.name
s = s + " = (float)dbl%s;\n" % self.arg.name
return s
# Special formatter for Shorts because they're
# a different size than Python ints!
class ArgFormatterShort(ArgFormatter):
def GetFormatChar(self):
return "i"
def DeclareParseArgTupleInputConverter(self):
# Declare a double variable
return "\tINT i%s;\n" % self.arg.name
def GetParseTupleArg(self):
return "&i" + self.arg.name
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "int"
def GetBuildValueArg(self):
return "&i" + self.arg.name
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
return "\ti" + self.arg.name + " = " + self.arg.name + ";\n"
def GetBuildForGatewayPreCode(self):
return (
"\ti%s = " % self.arg.name
+ self._IndirectPrefix(self._GetDeclaredIndirection(), 0)
+ self.arg.name
+ ";\n"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
s = "\t"
if self.gatewayMode:
s = s + self._IndirectPrefix(self._GetDeclaredIndirection(), 0)
s = s + self.arg.name
s = s + " = i%s;\n" % self.arg.name
return s
# for types which are 64bits on AMD64 - eg, HWND
class ArgFormatterLONG_PTR(ArgFormatter):
def GetFormatChar(self):
return "O"
def DeclareParseArgTupleInputConverter(self):
# Declare a PyObject variable
return "\tPyObject *ob%s;\n" % self.arg.name
def GetParseTupleArg(self):
return "&ob" + self.arg.name
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "int/long"
def GetBuildValueArg(self):
return "ob" + self.arg.name
def GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self):
return "\tPy_XDECREF(ob%s);\n" % self.arg.name
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif (bPythonIsHappy && !PyWinLong_AsULONG_PTR(ob%s, (ULONG_PTR *)%s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 2))
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
return "\tob%s = PyWinObject_FromULONG_PTR(%s);\n" % (
def GetBuildForGatewayPostCode(self):
return "\tPy_XDECREF(ob%s);\n" % self.arg.name
class ArgFormatterPythonCOM(ArgFormatter):
"""An arg formatter for types exposed in the PythonCOM module"""
def GetFormatChar(self):
return "O"
# def GetInterfaceCppObjectInfo(self):
# return ArgFormatter.GetInterfaceCppObjectInfo(self)[0], \
# "%s %s%s" % (self.arg.unc_type, "*" * self._GetDeclaredIndirection(), self.arg.name)
def DeclareParseArgTupleInputConverter(self):
# Declare a PyObject variable
return "\tPyObject *ob%s;\n" % self.arg.name
def GetParseTupleArg(self):
return "&ob" + self.arg.name
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o Py%s>" % self.arg.type
def GetBuildValueArg(self):
return "ob" + self.arg.name
def GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self):
return "\tPy_XDECREF(ob%s);\n" % self.arg.name
class ArgFormatterBSTR(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o unicode>"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif (bPythonIsHappy && !PyWinObject_AsBstr(ob%s, %s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 2))
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
return "\tob%s = MakeBstrToObj(%s);\n" % (self.arg.name, notdirected)
def GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self):
return "\tSysFreeString(%s);\n" % (
) + ArgFormatterPythonCOM.GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self)
def GetBuildForGatewayPostCode(self):
return "\tPy_XDECREF(ob%s);\n" % self.arg.name
class ArgFormatterOLECHAR(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o unicode>"
def GetUnconstType(self):
if self.arg.type[:3] == "LPC":
return self.arg.type[:2] + self.arg.type[3:]
return self.arg.unc_type
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif (bPythonIsHappy && !PyWinObject_AsBstr(ob%s, %s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 2))
def GetInterfaceArgCleanup(self):
return "\tSysFreeString(%s);\n" % self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
# the variable was declared with just its builtin indirection
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(self.builtinIndirection, 1)
return "\tob%s = MakeOLECHARToObj(%s);\n" % (self.arg.name, notdirected)
def GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self):
# memory returned into an OLECHAR should be freed
return "\tCoTaskMemFree(%s);\n" % (
) + ArgFormatterPythonCOM.GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self)
def GetBuildForGatewayPostCode(self):
return "\tPy_XDECREF(ob%s);\n" % self.arg.name
class ArgFormatterTCHAR(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "string/<o unicode>"
def GetUnconstType(self):
if self.arg.type[:3] == "LPC":
return self.arg.type[:2] + self.arg.type[3:]
return self.arg.unc_type
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif (bPythonIsHappy && !PyWinObject_AsTCHAR(ob%s, %s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 2))
def GetInterfaceArgCleanup(self):
return "\tPyWinObject_FreeTCHAR(%s);\n" % self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
# the variable was declared with just its builtin indirection
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(self.builtinIndirection, 1)
return "\tob%s = PyWinObject_FromTCHAR(%s);\n" % (self.arg.name, notdirected)
def GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self):
return "// ??? - TCHAR post code\n"
def GetBuildForGatewayPostCode(self):
return "\tPy_XDECREF(ob%s);\n" % self.arg.name
class ArgFormatterIID(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o PyIID>"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return "\tif (!PyWinObject_AsIID(ob%s, &%s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n" % (
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
# notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(self.arg.indirectionLevel, 0)
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 0)
return "\tob%s = PyWinObject_FromIID(%s);\n" % (self.arg.name, notdirected)
def GetInterfaceCppObjectInfo(self):
return self.arg.name, "IID %s" % (self.arg.name)
class ArgFormatterTime(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def __init__(self, arg, builtinIndirection, declaredIndirection=0):
# we don't want to declare LPSYSTEMTIME / LPFILETIME objects
if arg.indirectionLevel == 0 and arg.unc_type[:2] == "LP":
arg.unc_type = arg.unc_type[2:]
# reduce the builtin and increment the declaration
arg.indirectionLevel = arg.indirectionLevel + 1
builtinIndirection = 0
self, arg, builtinIndirection, declaredIndirection
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o PyDateTime>"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
# variable was declared with only the builtinIndirection
### NOTE: this is an [in] ... so use only builtin
return (
'\tif (!PyTime_Check(ob%s)) {\n\t\tPyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The argument must be a PyTime object");\n\t\tbPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n\t}\n\tif (!((PyTime *)ob%s)->GetTime(%s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n'
% (
self.GetIndirectedArgName(self.builtinIndirection, 1),
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
### use just the builtinIndirection again...
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(self.builtinIndirection, 0)
return "\tob%s = new PyTime(%s);\n" % (self.arg.name, notdirected)
def GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self):
### hack to determine if we need to free stuff
ret = ""
if self.builtinIndirection + self.arg.indirectionLevel > 1:
# memory returned into an OLECHAR should be freed
ret = "\tCoTaskMemFree(%s);\n" % self.arg.name
return ret + ArgFormatterPythonCOM.GetBuildForInterfacePostCode(self)
class ArgFormatterSTATSTG(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o STATSTG>"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif (!PyCom_PyObjectAsSTATSTG(ob%s, %s, 0/*flags*/)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1))
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
return (
"\tob%s = PyCom_PyObjectFromSTATSTG(%s);\n\t// STATSTG doco says our responsibility to free\n\tif ((%s).pwcsName) CoTaskMemFree((%s).pwcsName);\n"
% (
self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1),
class ArgFormatterGeneric(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o %s>" % self.arg.type
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return "\tif (!PyObject_As%s(ob%s, &%s) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n" % (
self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1),
def GetInterfaceArgCleanup(self):
return "\tPyObject_Free%s(%s);\n" % (self.arg.type, self.arg.name)
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
return "\tob%s = PyObject_From%s(%s);\n" % (
self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1),
class ArgFormatterIDLIST(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o PyIDL>"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif (bPythonIsHappy && !PyObject_AsPIDL(ob%s, &%s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1))
def GetInterfaceArgCleanup(self):
return "\tPyObject_FreePIDL(%s);\n" % (self.arg.name,)
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
return "\tob%s = PyObject_FromPIDL(%s);\n" % (
self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1),
class ArgFormatterHANDLE(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o PyHANDLE>"
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif (!PyWinObject_AsHANDLE(ob%s, &%s, FALSE) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1))
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
return "\tob%s = PyWinObject_FromHANDLE(%s);\n" % (
self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 0),
class ArgFormatterLARGE_INTEGER(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def GetKeyName(self):
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return "<o %s>" % self.GetKeyName()
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return "\tif (!PyWinObject_As%s(ob%s, %s)) bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n" % (
self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1),
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 0)
return "\tob%s = PyWinObject_From%s(%s);\n" % (
class ArgFormatterULARGE_INTEGER(ArgFormatterLARGE_INTEGER):
def GetKeyName(self):
class ArgFormatterInterface(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def GetInterfaceCppObjectInfo(self):
return self.GetIndirectedArgName(1, self.arg.indirectionLevel), "%s * %s" % (
def GetParsePostCode(self):
# This gets called for out params in gateway mode
if self.gatewayMode:
sArg = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 2)
# vs. in params for interface mode.
sArg = self.GetIndirectedArgName(1, 2)
return (
"\tif (bPythonIsHappy && !PyCom_InterfaceFromPyInstanceOrObject(ob%s, IID_%s, (void **)%s, TRUE /* bNoneOK */))\n\t\t bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.arg.type, sArg)
def GetBuildForInterfacePreCode(self):
return "\tob%s = PyCom_PyObjectFromIUnknown(%s, IID_%s, FALSE);\n" % (
def GetBuildForGatewayPreCode(self):
sPrefix = self._IndirectPrefix(self._GetDeclaredIndirection(), 1)
return "\tob%s = PyCom_PyObjectFromIUnknown(%s%s, IID_%s, TRUE);\n" % (
def GetInterfaceArgCleanup(self):
return "\tif (%s) %s->Release();\n" % (self.arg.name, self.arg.name)
class ArgFormatterVARIANT(ArgFormatterPythonCOM):
def GetParsePostCode(self):
return (
"\tif ( !PyCom_VariantFromPyObject(ob%s, %s) )\n\t\tbPythonIsHappy = FALSE;\n"
% (self.arg.name, self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1))
def GetBuildForGatewayPreCode(self):
notdirected = self.GetIndirectedArgName(None, 1)
return "\tob%s = PyCom_PyObjectFromVariant(%s);\n" % (
def GetBuildForGatewayPostCode(self):
return "\tPy_XDECREF(ob%s);\n" % self.arg.name
# Key : , Python Type Description, ParseTuple format char
ConvertSimpleTypes = {
"BOOL": ("BOOL", "int", "i"),
"UINT": ("UINT", "int", "i"),
"BYTE": ("BYTE", "int", "i"),
"INT": ("INT", "int", "i"),
"DWORD": ("DWORD", "int", "l"),
"HRESULT": ("HRESULT", "int", "l"),
"ULONG": ("ULONG", "int", "l"),
"LONG": ("LONG", "int", "l"),
"int": ("int", "int", "i"),
"long": ("long", "int", "l"),
"DISPID": ("DISPID", "long", "l"),
"APPBREAKFLAGS": ("int", "int", "i"),
"BREAKRESUMEACTION": ("int", "int", "i"),
"ERRORRESUMEACTION": ("int", "int", "i"),
"BREAKREASON": ("int", "int", "i"),
"BREAKPOINT_STATE": ("int", "int", "i"),
"BREAKRESUME_ACTION": ("int", "int", "i"),
"SOURCE_TEXT_ATTR": ("int", "int", "i"),
"TEXT_DOC_ATTR": ("int", "int", "i"),
"QUERYOPTION": ("int", "int", "i"),
"PARSEACTION": ("int", "int", "i"),
class ArgFormatterSimple(ArgFormatter):
"""An arg formatter for simple integer etc types"""
def GetFormatChar(self):
return ConvertSimpleTypes[self.arg.type][2]
def _GetPythonTypeDesc(self):
return ConvertSimpleTypes[self.arg.type][1]
AllConverters = {
"const OLECHAR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 0, 1),
"WCHAR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 0, 1),
"OLECHAR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 0, 1),
"LPCOLESTR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 1, 1),
"LPOLESTR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 1, 1),
"LPCWSTR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 1, 1),
"LPWSTR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 1, 1),
"LPCSTR": (ArgFormatterOLECHAR, 1, 1),
"LPTSTR": (ArgFormatterTCHAR, 1, 1),
"LPCTSTR": (ArgFormatterTCHAR, 1, 1),
"HANDLE": (ArgFormatterHANDLE, 0),
"BSTR": (ArgFormatterBSTR, 1, 0),
"const IID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"CLSID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"IID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"GUID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"const GUID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"const IID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"REFCLSID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"REFIID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"REFGUID": (ArgFormatterIID, 0),
"const FILETIME": (ArgFormatterTime, 0),
"const SYSTEMTIME": (ArgFormatterTime, 0),
"const LPSYSTEMTIME": (ArgFormatterTime, 1, 1),
"LPSYSTEMTIME": (ArgFormatterTime, 1, 1),
"FILETIME": (ArgFormatterTime, 0),
"SYSTEMTIME": (ArgFormatterTime, 0),
"STATSTG": (ArgFormatterSTATSTG, 0),
"VARIANT": (ArgFormatterVARIANT, 0),
"float": (ArgFormatterFloat, 0),
"single": (ArgFormatterFloat, 0),
"short": (ArgFormatterShort, 0),
"WORD": (ArgFormatterShort, 0),
"VARIANT_BOOL": (ArgFormatterShort, 0),
"HWND": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"HMENU": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"HOLEMENU": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"HICON": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"HDC": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"LPARAM": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"WPARAM": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"LRESULT": (ArgFormatterLONG_PTR, 1),
"UINT": (ArgFormatterShort, 0),
"SVSIF": (ArgFormatterShort, 0),
"Control": (ArgFormatterInterface, 0, 1),
"DataObject": (ArgFormatterInterface, 0, 1),
"_PropertyBag": (ArgFormatterInterface, 0, 1),
"AsyncProp": (ArgFormatterInterface, 0, 1),
"DataSource": (ArgFormatterInterface, 0, 1),
"DataFormat": (ArgFormatterInterface, 0, 1),
"void **": (ArgFormatterInterface, 2, 2),
"ITEMIDLIST": (ArgFormatterIDLIST, 0, 0),
"LPITEMIDLIST": (ArgFormatterIDLIST, 0, 1),
"LPCITEMIDLIST": (ArgFormatterIDLIST, 0, 1),
"const ITEMIDLIST": (ArgFormatterIDLIST, 0, 1),
# Auto-add all the simple types
for key in ConvertSimpleTypes.keys():
AllConverters[key] = ArgFormatterSimple, 0
def make_arg_converter(arg):
clz = AllConverters[arg.type][0]
bin = AllConverters[arg.type][1]
decl = 0
if len(AllConverters[arg.type]) > 2:
decl = AllConverters[arg.type][2]
return clz(arg, bin, decl)
except KeyError:
if arg.type[0] == "I":
return ArgFormatterInterface(arg, 0, 1)
raise error_not_supported(
"The type '%s' (%s) is unknown." % (arg.type, arg.name)
# The instances that represent the args, methods and interface
class Argument:
"""A representation of an argument to a COM method
This class contains information about a specific argument to a method.
In addition, methods exist so that an argument knows how to convert itself
to/from Python arguments.
# in,out type name [ ]
# -------------- -------- ------------ ------
regex = re.compile(r"/\* \[([^\]]*.*?)] \*/[ \t](.*[* ]+)(\w+)(\[ *])?[\),]")
def __init__(self, good_interface_names):
self.good_interface_names = good_interface_names
self.inout = self.name = self.type = None
self.const = 0
self.arrayDecl = 0
def BuildFromFile(self, file):
"""Parse and build my data from a file
Reads the next line in the file, and matches it as an argument
description. If not a valid argument line, an error_not_found exception
is raised.
line = file.readline()
mo = self.regex.search(line)
if not mo:
raise error_not_found
self.name = mo.group(3)
self.inout = mo.group(1).split("][")
typ = mo.group(2).strip()
self.raw_type = typ
self.indirectionLevel = 0
if mo.group(4): # Has "[ ]" decl
self.arrayDecl = 1
pos = typ.rindex("__RPC_FAR")
self.indirectionLevel = self.indirectionLevel + 1
typ = typ[:pos].strip()
except ValueError:
typ = typ.replace("__RPC_FAR", "")
while 1:
pos = typ.rindex("*")
self.indirectionLevel = self.indirectionLevel + 1
typ = typ[:pos].strip()
except ValueError:
self.type = typ
if self.type[:6] == "const ":
self.unc_type = self.type[6:]
self.unc_type = self.type
" Arg %s of type %s%s (%s)"
% (self.name, self.type, "*" * self.indirectionLevel, self.inout)
def HasAttribute(self, typ):
"""Determines if the argument has the specific attribute.
Argument attributes are specified in the header file, such as
"[in][out][retval]" etc. You can pass a specific string (eg "out")
to find if this attribute was specified for the argument
return typ in self.inout
def GetRawDeclaration(self):
ret = "%s %s" % (self.raw_type, self.name)
if self.arrayDecl:
ret = ret + "[]"
return ret
class Method:
"""A representation of a C++ method on a COM interface
This class contains information about a specific method, as well as
a list of all @Argument@s
# options ret type callconv name
# ----------------- -------- -------- --------
regex = re.compile(r"virtual (/\*.*?\*/ )?(.*?) (.*?) (.*?)\(\w?")
def __init__(self, good_interface_names):
self.good_interface_names = good_interface_names
self.name = self.result = self.callconv = None
self.args = []
def BuildFromFile(self, file):
"""Parse and build my data from a file
Reads the next line in the file, and matches it as a method
description. If not a valid method line, an error_not_found exception
is raised.
line = file.readline()
mo = self.regex.search(line)
if not mo:
raise error_not_found
self.name = mo.group(4)
self.result = mo.group(2)
if self.result != "HRESULT":
if self.result == "DWORD": # DWORD is for old old stuff?
"Warning: Old style interface detected - compilation errors likely!"
"Method %s - Only HRESULT return types are supported." % self.name
# raise error_not_supported, if VERBOSE:
print(" Method %s %s(" % (self.result, self.name))
while 1:
arg = Argument(self.good_interface_names)
except error_not_found:
class Interface:
"""A representation of a C++ COM Interface
This class contains information about a specific interface, as well as
a list of all @Method@s
# name base
# -------- --------
regex = re.compile("(interface|) ([^ ]*) : public (.*)$")
def __init__(self, mo):
self.methods = []
self.name = mo.group(2)
self.base = mo.group(3)
print("Interface %s : public %s" % (self.name, self.base))
def BuildMethods(self, file):
"""Build all sub-methods for this interface"""
# skip the next 2 lines.
while 1:
method = Method([self.name])
except error_not_found:
def find_interface(interfaceName, file):
"""Find and return an interface in a file
Given an interface name and file, search for the specified interface.
Upon return, the interface itself has been built,
but not the methods.
interface = None
line = file.readline()
while line:
mo = Interface.regex.search(line)
if mo:
name = mo.group(2)
AllConverters[name] = (ArgFormatterInterface, 0, 1)
if name == interfaceName:
interface = Interface(mo)
line = file.readline()
if interface:
return interface
raise error_not_found
def parse_interface_info(interfaceName, file):
"""Find, parse and return an interface in a file
Given an interface name and file, search for the specified interface.
Upon return, the interface itself is fully built,
return find_interface(interfaceName, file)
except re.error:
print("The interface could not be built, as the regular expression failed!")
def test():
f = open("d:\\msdev\\include\\objidl.h")
parse_interface_info("IPersistStream", f)
def test_regex(r, text):
res = r.search(text, 0)
if res == -1:
print("** Not found")
"%d\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (res, r.group(1), r.group(2), r.group(3), r.group(4))