1611 lines
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1611 lines
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from statsmodels.compat.numpy import lstsq
from statsmodels.compat.pandas import MONTH_END, YEAR_END, assert_index_equal
from statsmodels.compat.platform import PLATFORM_WIN
from statsmodels.compat.python import lrange
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, date_range
import pytest
from scipy import stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from statsmodels.datasets import macrodata, modechoice, nile, randhie, sunspots
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import (
# Remove imports when range unit root test gets an R implementation
from statsmodels.tools.validation import array_like, bool_like
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_acovf
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import (
CURR_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def acovf_data():
rnd = np.random.RandomState(12345)
return rnd.randn(250)
def gc_data():
mdata = macrodata.load_pandas().data
mdata = mdata[["realgdp", "realcons"]].values
data = mdata.astype(float)
return np.diff(np.log(data), axis=0)
class CheckADF:
Test Augmented Dickey-Fuller
Test values taken from Stata.
levels = ["1%", "5%", "10%"]
data = macrodata.load_pandas()
x = data.data["realgdp"].values
y = data.data["infl"].values
def test_teststat(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res1[0], self.teststat, DECIMAL_5)
def test_pvalue(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res1[1], self.pvalue, DECIMAL_5)
def test_critvalues(self):
critvalues = [self.res1[4][lev] for lev in self.levels]
assert_almost_equal(critvalues, self.critvalues, DECIMAL_2)
class TestADFConstant(CheckADF):
Dickey-Fuller test for unit root
def setup_class(cls):
cls.res1 = adfuller(cls.x, regression="c", autolag=None, maxlag=4)
cls.teststat = 0.97505319
cls.pvalue = 0.99399563
cls.critvalues = [-3.476, -2.883, -2.573]
class TestADFConstantTrend(CheckADF):
def setup_class(cls):
cls.res1 = adfuller(cls.x, regression="ct", autolag=None, maxlag=4)
cls.teststat = -1.8566374
cls.pvalue = 0.67682968
cls.critvalues = [-4.007, -3.437, -3.137]
# FIXME: do not leave commented-out
# class TestADFConstantTrendSquared(CheckADF):
# """
# """
# pass
# TODO: get test values from R?
class TestADFNoConstant(CheckADF):
def setup_class(cls):
cls.res1 = adfuller(cls.x, regression="n", autolag=None, maxlag=4)
cls.teststat = 3.5227498
cls.pvalue = 0.99999
# Stata does not return a p-value for noconstant.
# Tau^max in MacKinnon (1994) is missing, so it is
# assumed that its right-tail is well-behaved
cls.critvalues = [-2.587, -1.950, -1.617]
# No Unit Root
class TestADFConstant2(CheckADF):
def setup_class(cls):
cls.res1 = adfuller(cls.y, regression="c", autolag=None, maxlag=1)
cls.teststat = -4.3346988
cls.pvalue = 0.00038661
cls.critvalues = [-3.476, -2.883, -2.573]
class TestADFConstantTrend2(CheckADF):
def setup_class(cls):
cls.res1 = adfuller(cls.y, regression="ct", autolag=None, maxlag=1)
cls.teststat = -4.425093
cls.pvalue = 0.00199633
cls.critvalues = [-4.006, -3.437, -3.137]
class TestADFNoConstant2(CheckADF):
def setup_class(cls):
cls.res1 = adfuller(cls.y, regression="n", autolag=None, maxlag=1)
cls.teststat = -2.4511596
cls.pvalue = 0.013747
# Stata does not return a p-value for noconstant
# this value is just taken from our results
cls.critvalues = [-2.587, -1.950, -1.617]
_, _1, _2, cls.store = adfuller(
cls.y, regression="n", autolag=None, maxlag=1, store=True
def test_store_str(self):
self.store.__str__(), "Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Results"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("x", [np.full(8, 5.0)])
def test_adfuller_resid_variance_zero(x):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
class CheckCorrGram:
Set up for ACF, PACF tests.
data = macrodata.load_pandas()
x = data.data["realgdp"]
filename = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, "results", "results_corrgram.csv")
results = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter=",")
class TestACF(CheckCorrGram):
Test Autocorrelation Function
def setup_class(cls):
cls.acf = cls.results["acvar"]
# cls.acf = np.concatenate(([1.], cls.acf))
cls.qstat = cls.results["Q1"]
cls.res1 = acf(cls.x, nlags=40, qstat=True, alpha=0.05, fft=False)
cls.confint_res = cls.results[["acvar_lb", "acvar_ub"]].values
def test_acf(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res1[0][1:41], self.acf, DECIMAL_8)
def test_confint(self):
centered = self.res1[1] - self.res1[1].mean(1)[:, None]
assert_almost_equal(centered[1:41], self.confint_res, DECIMAL_8)
def test_qstat(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res1[2][:40], self.qstat, DECIMAL_3)
# 3 decimal places because of stata rounding
# FIXME: enable/xfail/skip or delete
# def pvalue(self):
# pass
# NOTE: should not need testing if Q stat is correct
class TestACF_FFT(CheckCorrGram):
# Test Autocorrelation Function using FFT
def setup_class(cls):
cls.acf = cls.results["acvarfft"]
cls.qstat = cls.results["Q1"]
cls.res1 = acf(cls.x, nlags=40, qstat=True, fft=True)
def test_acf(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res1[0][1:], self.acf, DECIMAL_8)
def test_qstat(self):
# todo why is res1/qstat 1 short
assert_almost_equal(self.res1[1], self.qstat, DECIMAL_3)
class TestACFMissing(CheckCorrGram):
# Test Autocorrelation Function using Missing
def setup_class(cls):
cls.x = np.concatenate((np.array([np.nan]), cls.x))
cls.acf = cls.results["acvar"] # drop and conservative
cls.qstat = cls.results["Q1"]
cls.res_drop = acf(
cls.x, nlags=40, qstat=True, alpha=0.05, missing="drop", fft=False
cls.res_conservative = acf(
cls.acf_none = np.empty(40) * np.nan # lags 1 to 40 inclusive
cls.qstat_none = np.empty(40) * np.nan
cls.res_none = acf(
cls.x, nlags=40, qstat=True, alpha=0.05, missing="none", fft=False
def test_raise(self):
with pytest.raises(MissingDataError):
def test_acf_none(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res_none[0][1:41], self.acf_none, DECIMAL_8)
def test_acf_drop(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res_drop[0][1:41], self.acf, DECIMAL_8)
def test_acf_conservative(self):
self.res_conservative[0][1:41], self.acf, DECIMAL_8
def test_qstat_none(self):
# todo why is res1/qstat 1 short
assert_almost_equal(self.res_none[2], self.qstat_none, DECIMAL_3)
# FIXME: enable/xfail/skip or delete
# how to do this test? the correct q_stat depends on whether nobs=len(x) is
# used when x contains NaNs or whether nobs<len(x) when x contains NaNs
# def test_qstat_drop(self):
# assert_almost_equal(self.res_drop[2][:40], self.qstat, DECIMAL_3)
class TestPACF(CheckCorrGram):
def setup_class(cls):
cls.pacfols = cls.results["PACOLS"]
cls.pacfyw = cls.results["PACYW"]
def test_ols(self):
pacfols, confint = pacf(self.x, nlags=40, alpha=0.05, method="ols")
assert_almost_equal(pacfols[1:], self.pacfols, DECIMAL_6)
centered = confint - confint.mean(1)[:, None]
# from edited Stata ado file
res = [[-0.1375625, 0.1375625]] * 40
assert_almost_equal(centered[1:41], res, DECIMAL_6)
# check lag 0
assert_equal(centered[0], [0.0, 0.0])
assert_equal(confint[0], [1, 1])
assert_equal(pacfols[0], 1)
def test_ols_inefficient(self):
lag_len = 5
pacfols = pacf_ols(self.x, nlags=lag_len, efficient=False)
x = self.x.copy()
x -= x.mean()
n = x.shape[0]
lags = np.zeros((n - 5, 5))
lead = x[5:]
direct = np.empty(lag_len + 1)
direct[0] = 1.0
for i in range(lag_len):
lags[:, i] = x[5 - (i + 1) : -(i + 1)]
direct[i + 1] = lstsq(lags[:, : (i + 1)], lead, rcond=None)[0][-1]
assert_allclose(pacfols, direct, atol=1e-8)
def test_yw(self):
pacfyw = pacf_yw(self.x, nlags=40, method="mle")
assert_almost_equal(pacfyw[1:], self.pacfyw, DECIMAL_8)
def test_yw_singular(self):
with pytest.warns(ValueWarning):
pacf(np.ones(30), nlags=6)
def test_ld(self):
pacfyw = pacf_yw(self.x, nlags=40, method="mle")
pacfld = pacf(self.x, nlags=40, method="ldb")
assert_almost_equal(pacfyw, pacfld, DECIMAL_8)
pacfyw = pacf(self.x, nlags=40, method="yw")
pacfld = pacf(self.x, nlags=40, method="lda")
assert_almost_equal(pacfyw, pacfld, DECIMAL_8)
def test_burg(self):
pacfburg_, _ = pacf_burg(self.x, nlags=40)
pacfburg = pacf(self.x, nlags=40, method="burg")
assert_almost_equal(pacfburg_, pacfburg, DECIMAL_8)
class TestCCF:
Test cross-correlation function
data = macrodata.load_pandas()
x = data.data["unemp"].diff().dropna()
y = data.data["infl"].diff().dropna()
filename = os.path.join(CURR_DIR, "results", "results_ccf.csv")
results = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter=",")
nlags = 20
def setup_class(cls):
cls.ccf = cls.results['ccf']
cls.res1 = ccf(cls.x, cls.y, nlags=cls.nlags, adjusted=False, fft=False)
def test_ccf(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.res1, self.ccf, DECIMAL_8)
def test_confint(self):
alpha = 0.05
res2, confint = ccf(self.x, self.y, nlags=self.nlags, adjusted=False, fft=False, alpha=alpha)
assert_equal(res2, self.res1)
assert_almost_equal(res2 - confint[:, 0], confint[:, 1] - res2, DECIMAL_8)
alpha1 = stats.norm.cdf(confint[:, 1] - res2, scale=1.0 / np.sqrt(len(self.x)))
assert_almost_equal(alpha1, np.repeat(1 - alpha / 2.0, self.nlags), DECIMAL_8)
class TestBreakvarHeteroskedasticityTest:
from scipy.stats import chi2, f
def test_1d_input(self):
input_residuals = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
expected_statistic = (4.0 ** 2 + 5.0 ** 2) / (0.0 ** 2 + 1.0 ** 2)
# ~ F(2, 2), two-sided test
expected_pvalue = 2 * min(
self.f.cdf(expected_statistic, 2, 2),
self.f.sf(expected_statistic, 2, 2),
actual_statistic, actual_pvalue = breakvar_heteroskedasticity_test(
assert actual_statistic == expected_statistic
assert actual_pvalue == expected_pvalue
def test_2d_input_with_missing_values(self):
input_residuals = np.array(
[0.0, 0.0, np.nan],
[1.0, np.nan, 1.0],
[2.0, 2.0, np.nan],
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
[5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
[6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
[7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
expected_statistic = np.array(
(8.0 ** 2 + 7.0 ** 2 + 6.0 ** 2)
/ (0.0 ** 2 + 1.0 ** 2 + 2.0 ** 2),
(8.0 ** 2 + 7.0 ** 2 + 6.0 ** 2) / (0.0 ** 2 + 2.0 ** 2),
expected_pvalue = np.array(
* min(
self.f.cdf(expected_statistic[0], 3, 3),
self.f.sf(expected_statistic[0], 3, 3),
* min(
self.f.cdf(expected_statistic[1], 3, 2),
self.f.sf(expected_statistic[1], 3, 2),
actual_statistic, actual_pvalue = breakvar_heteroskedasticity_test(
assert_equal(actual_statistic, expected_statistic)
assert_equal(actual_pvalue, expected_pvalue)
(2, 41, 2 * min(f.cdf(41, 2, 2), f.sf(41, 2, 2))),
(0.5, 10, 2 * min(f.cdf(10, 3, 3), f.sf(10, 3, 3))),
def test_subset_length(
self, subset_length, expected_statistic, expected_pvalue
input_residuals = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
actual_statistic, actual_pvalue = breakvar_heteroskedasticity_test(
assert actual_statistic == expected_statistic
assert actual_pvalue == expected_pvalue
("two-sided", 41, 2 * min(f.cdf(41, 2, 2), f.sf(41, 2, 2))),
("decreasing", 1 / 41, f.sf(1 / 41, 2, 2)),
("increasing", 41, f.sf(41, 2, 2)),
def test_alternative(
self, alternative, expected_statistic, expected_pvalue
input_residuals = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
actual_statistic, actual_pvalue = breakvar_heteroskedasticity_test(
assert actual_statistic == expected_statistic
assert actual_pvalue == expected_pvalue
def test_use_chi2(self):
input_residuals = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
expected_statistic = (4.0 ** 2 + 5.0 ** 2) / (0.0 ** 2 + 1.0 ** 2)
expected_pvalue = 2 * min(
self.chi2.cdf(2 * expected_statistic, 2),
self.chi2.sf(2 * expected_statistic, 2),
actual_statistic, actual_pvalue = breakvar_heteroskedasticity_test(
assert actual_statistic == expected_statistic
assert actual_pvalue == expected_pvalue
class CheckCoint:
Test Cointegration Test Results for 2-variable system
Test values taken from Stata
levels = ["1%", "5%", "10%"]
data = macrodata.load_pandas()
y1 = data.data["realcons"].values
y2 = data.data["realgdp"].values
def test_tstat(self):
assert_almost_equal(self.coint_t, self.teststat, DECIMAL_4)
# this does not produce the old results anymore
class TestCoint_t(CheckCoint):
Get AR(1) parameter on residuals
def setup_class(cls):
# cls.coint_t = coint(cls.y1, cls.y2, trend="c")[0]
cls.coint_t = coint(cls.y1, cls.y2, trend="c", maxlag=0, autolag=None)[
cls.teststat = -1.8208817
cls.teststat = -1.830170986148
def test_coint():
nobs = 200
scale_e = 1
const = [1, 0, 0.5, 0]
unit = np.random.randn(nobs).cumsum()
y = scale_e * np.random.randn(nobs, 4)
y[:, :2] += unit[:, None]
y += const
y = np.round(y, 4)
# FIXME: enable/xfail/skip or delete
for trend in []: # ['c', 'ct', 'ctt', 'n']:
print("\n", trend)
print(coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 1], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None))
print(coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 1:3], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None))
print(coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 2:], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None))
print(coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 1:], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None))
# results from Stata egranger
res_egranger = {}
# trend = 'ct'
res = res_egranger["ct"] = {}
res[0] = [
res[1] = [
res[2] = [
res[3] = [-5.626932544079, -5.08363327039, -4.502469783057, -4.2031051091]
# trend = 'c'
res = res_egranger["c"] = {}
# first critical value res[0][1] has a discrepancy starting at 4th decimal
res[0] = [
# manually adjusted to have higher precision as in other cases
res[0][1] = -3.952321293401682
res[1] = [
res[2] = [
res[3] = [
# trend = 'ctt'
res = res_egranger["ctt"] = {}
res[0] = [
res[1] = [-5.665691609506, -5.111158174219, -4.53317278104, -4.23601008516]
res[2] = [-3.161462374828, -5.111158174219, -4.53317278104, -4.23601008516]
res[3] = [
# The following for 'n' are only regression test numbers
# trend = 'n' not allowed in egranger
# trend = 'n'
res = res_egranger["n"] = {}
nan = np.nan # shortcut for table
res[0] = [-3.7146175989071137, nan, nan, nan]
res[1] = [-3.8199323012888384, nan, nan, nan]
res[2] = [-1.6865000791270679, nan, nan, nan]
res[3] = [-3.7991270451873675, nan, nan, nan]
for trend in ["c", "ct", "ctt", "n"]:
res1 = {}
res1[0] = coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 1], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None)
res1[1] = coint(
y[:, 0], y[:, 1:3], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None
res1[2] = coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 2:], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None)
res1[3] = coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 1:], trend=trend, maxlag=4, autolag=None)
for i in range(4):
res = res_egranger[trend]
assert_allclose(res1[i][0], res[i][0], rtol=1e-11)
r2 = res[i][1:]
r1 = res1[i][2]
assert_allclose(r1, r2, rtol=0, atol=6e-7)
# use default autolag #4490
res1_0 = coint(y[:, 0], y[:, 1], trend="ct", maxlag=4)
assert_allclose(res1_0[2], res_egranger["ct"][0][1:], rtol=0, atol=6e-7)
# the following is just a regression test
[-13.992946638547112, 2.270898990540678e-27],
def test_coint_identical_series():
nobs = 200
scale_e = 1
y = scale_e * np.random.randn(nobs)
warnings.simplefilter("always", CollinearityWarning)
with pytest.warns(CollinearityWarning):
c = coint(y, y, trend="c", maxlag=0, autolag=None)
assert_equal(c[1], 0.0)
def test_coint_perfect_collinearity():
# test uses nearly perfect collinearity
nobs = 200
scale_e = 1
x = scale_e * np.random.randn(nobs, 2)
y = 1 + x.sum(axis=1) + 1e-7 * np.random.randn(nobs)
warnings.simplefilter("always", CollinearityWarning)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
c = coint(y, x, trend="c", maxlag=0, autolag=None)
assert_equal(c[1], 0.0)
class TestGrangerCausality:
def test_grangercausality(self):
# some example data
mdata = macrodata.load_pandas().data
mdata = mdata[["realgdp", "realcons"]].values
data = mdata.astype(float)
data = np.diff(np.log(data), axis=0)
# R: lmtest:grangertest
r_result = [0.243097, 0.7844328, 195, 2] # f_test
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="verbose is"):
gr = grangercausalitytests(data[:, 1::-1], 2, verbose=False)
assert_almost_equal(r_result, gr[2][0]["ssr_ftest"], decimal=7)
gr[2][0]["params_ftest"], gr[2][0]["ssr_ftest"], decimal=7
def test_grangercausality_single(self):
mdata = macrodata.load_pandas().data
mdata = mdata[["realgdp", "realcons"]].values
data = mdata.astype(float)
data = np.diff(np.log(data), axis=0)
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="verbose is"):
gr = grangercausalitytests(data[:, 1::-1], 2, verbose=False)
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="verbose is"):
gr2 = grangercausalitytests(data[:, 1::-1], [2], verbose=False)
assert 1 in gr
assert 1 not in gr2
gr[2][0]["ssr_ftest"], gr2[2][0]["ssr_ftest"], decimal=7
gr[2][0]["params_ftest"], gr2[2][0]["ssr_ftest"], decimal=7
def test_granger_fails_on_nobs_check(self, reset_randomstate):
# Test that if maxlag is too large, Granger Test raises a clear error.
x = np.random.rand(10, 2)
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="verbose is"):
grangercausalitytests(x, 2, verbose=False) # This should pass.
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="verbose is"):
grangercausalitytests(x, 3, verbose=False)
def test_granger_fails_on_finite_check(self, reset_randomstate):
x = np.random.rand(1000, 2)
x[500, 0] = np.nan
x[750, 1] = np.inf
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="x contains NaN"):
grangercausalitytests(x, 2)
def test_granger_fails_on_zero_lag(self, reset_randomstate):
x = np.random.rand(1000, 2)
with pytest.raises(
match="maxlag must be a non-empty list containing only positive integers",
grangercausalitytests(x, [0, 1, 2])
class TestKPSS:
kpss.stat(x, "Level")
kpss.stat(x, "Trend")
In this context, x is the vector containing the
macrodata['realgdp'] series.
def setup_method(self):
self.data = macrodata.load_pandas()
self.x = self.data.data["realgdp"].values
def test_fail_nonvector_input(self, reset_randomstate):
# should be fine
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
kpss(self.x, nlags="legacy")
x = np.random.rand(20, 2)
assert_raises(ValueError, kpss, x)
def test_fail_unclear_hypothesis(self):
# these should be fine,
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
kpss(self.x, "c", nlags="legacy")
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
kpss(self.x, "C", nlags="legacy")
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
kpss(self.x, "ct", nlags="legacy")
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
kpss(self.x, "CT", nlags="legacy")
ValueError, kpss, self.x, "unclear hypothesis", nlags="legacy"
def test_teststat(self):
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
kpss_stat, _, _, _ = kpss(self.x, "c", 3)
assert_almost_equal(kpss_stat, 5.0169, DECIMAL_3)
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
kpss_stat, _, _, _ = kpss(self.x, "ct", 3)
assert_almost_equal(kpss_stat, 1.1828, DECIMAL_3)
def test_pval(self):
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
_, pval, _, _ = kpss(self.x, "c", 3)
assert_equal(pval, 0.01)
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
_, pval, _, _ = kpss(self.x, "ct", 3)
assert_equal(pval, 0.01)
def test_store(self):
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
_, _, _, store = kpss(self.x, "c", 3, True)
# assert attributes, and make sure they're correct
assert_equal(store.nobs, len(self.x))
assert_equal(store.lags, 3)
# test autolag function _kpss_autolag against SAS 9.3
def test_lags(self):
# real GDP from macrodata data set
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
res = kpss(self.x, "c", nlags="auto")
assert_equal(res[2], 9)
# real interest rates from macrodata data set
res = kpss(sunspots.load().data["SUNACTIVITY"], "c", nlags="auto")
assert_equal(res[2], 7)
# volumes from nile data set
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
res = kpss(nile.load().data["volume"], "c", nlags="auto")
assert_equal(res[2], 5)
# log-coinsurance from randhie data set
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
res = kpss(randhie.load().data["lncoins"], "ct", nlags="auto")
assert_equal(res[2], 75)
# in-vehicle time from modechoice data set
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
res = kpss(modechoice.load().data["invt"], "ct", nlags="auto")
assert_equal(res[2], 18)
def test_kpss_fails_on_nobs_check(self):
# Test that if lags exceeds number of observations KPSS raises a
# clear error
# GH5925
nobs = len(self.x)
msg = r"lags \({}\) must be < number of observations \({}\)".format(
nobs, nobs
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
kpss(self.x, "c", nlags=nobs)
def test_kpss_autolags_does_not_assign_lags_equal_to_nobs(self):
# Test that if *autolags* exceeds number of observations, we set
# suitable lags
# GH5925
base = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1.0])
data_which_breaks_autolag = np.r_[np.tile(base, 297 // 7), [0, 0, 0]]
kpss(data_which_breaks_autolag, nlags="auto")
def test_legacy_lags(self):
# Test legacy lags are the same
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
res = kpss(self.x, "c", nlags="legacy")
assert_equal(res[2], 15)
def test_unknown_lags(self):
# Test legacy lags are the same
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
kpss(self.x, "c", nlags="unknown")
def test_none(self):
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning):
kpss(self.x, nlags=None)
class TestRUR:
Simple implementation
Since an R implementation of the test cannot be found, the method is tested against
a simple implementation using a for loop.
In this context, x is the vector containing the
macrodata['realgdp'] series.
def setup_method(self):
self.data = macrodata.load_pandas()
self.x = self.data.data["realgdp"].values
# To be removed when range unit test gets an R implementation
def simple_rur(self, x, store=False):
x = array_like(x, "x")
store = bool_like(store, "store")
nobs = x.shape[0]
# if m is not one, n != m * n
if nobs != x.size:
raise ValueError(f"x of shape {x.shape} not understood")
# Table from [1] has been replicated using 200,000 samples
# Critical values for new n_obs values have been identified
pvals = [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.90, 0.95]
n = np.array(
[25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000]
crit = np.array(
[0.6626, 0.8126, 0.9192, 1.0712, 2.4863, 2.7312],
[0.7977, 0.9274, 1.0478, 1.1964, 2.6821, 2.9613],
[0.907, 1.0243, 1.1412, 1.2888, 2.8317, 3.1393],
[0.9543, 1.0768, 1.1869, 1.3294, 2.8915, 3.2049],
[0.9833, 1.0984, 1.2101, 1.3494, 2.9308, 3.2482],
[0.9982, 1.1137, 1.2242, 1.3632, 2.9571, 3.2482],
[1.0494, 1.1643, 1.2712, 1.4076, 3.0207, 3.3584],
[1.0846, 1.1959, 1.2988, 1.4344, 3.0653, 3.4073],
[1.1121, 1.2200, 1.3230, 1.4556, 3.0948, 3.4439],
[1.1204, 1.2295, 1.3318, 1.4656, 3.1054, 3.4632],
[1.1309, 1.2347, 1.3318, 1.4693, 3.1165, 3.4717],
[1.1377, 1.2402, 1.3408, 1.4729, 3.1252, 3.4807],
# Interpolation for nobs
inter_crit = np.zeros((1, crit.shape[1]))
for i in range(crit.shape[1]):
f = interp1d(n, crit[:, i])
inter_crit[0, i] = f(nobs)
# Calculate RUR stat
count = 0
max_p = x[0]
min_p = x[0]
for v in x[1:]:
if v > max_p:
max_p = v
count = count + 1
if v < min_p:
min_p = v
count = count + 1
rur_stat = count / np.sqrt(len(x))
k = len(pvals) - 1
for i in range(len(pvals) - 1, -1, -1):
if rur_stat < inter_crit[0, i]:
k = i
p_value = pvals[k]
warn_msg = """\
The test statistic is outside of the range of p-values available in the
look-up table. The actual p-value is {direction} than the p-value returned.
direction = ""
if p_value == pvals[-1]:
direction = "smaller"
elif p_value == pvals[0]:
direction = "larger"
if direction:
warn_msg.format(direction=direction), InterpolationWarning
crit_dict = {
"10%": inter_crit[0, 3],
"5%": inter_crit[0, 2],
"2.5%": inter_crit[0, 1],
"1%": inter_crit[0, 0],
if store:
from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import ResultsStore
rstore = ResultsStore()
rstore.nobs = nobs
rstore.H0 = "The series is not stationary"
rstore.HA = "The series is stationary"
return rur_stat, p_value, crit_dict, rstore
return rur_stat, p_value, crit_dict
def test_fail_nonvector_input(self, reset_randomstate):
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
x = np.random.rand(20, 2)
assert_raises(ValueError, range_unit_root_test, x)
def test_teststat(self):
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
rur_stat, _, _ = range_unit_root_test(self.x)
simple_rur_stat, _, _ = self.simple_rur(self.x)
assert_almost_equal(rur_stat, simple_rur_stat, DECIMAL_3)
def test_pval(self):
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
_, pval, _ = range_unit_root_test(self.x)
_, simple_pval, _ = self.simple_rur(self.x)
assert_equal(pval, simple_pval)
def test_store(self):
with pytest.warns(InterpolationWarning):
_, _, _, store = range_unit_root_test(self.x, True)
# assert attributes, and make sure they're correct
assert_equal(store.nobs, len(self.x))
def test_pandasacovf():
s = Series(lrange(1, 11))
assert_almost_equal(acovf(s, fft=False), acovf(s.values, fft=False))
def test_acovf2d(reset_randomstate):
dta = sunspots.load_pandas().data
dta.index = date_range(start="1700", end="2009", freq=YEAR_END)[:309]
del dta["YEAR"]
res = acovf(dta, fft=False)
assert_equal(res, acovf(dta.values, fft=False))
x = np.random.random((10, 2))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
acovf(x, fft=False)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("demean", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("adjusted", [True, False])
def test_acovf_fft_vs_convolution(demean, adjusted, reset_randomstate):
q = np.random.normal(size=100)
F1 = acovf(q, demean=demean, adjusted=adjusted, fft=True)
F2 = acovf(q, demean=demean, adjusted=adjusted, fft=False)
assert_almost_equal(F1, F2, decimal=7)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("demean", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("adjusted", [True, False])
def test_ccovf_fft_vs_convolution(demean, adjusted, reset_randomstate):
x = np.random.normal(size=128)
y = np.random.normal(size=128)
F1 = ccovf(x, y, demean=demean, adjusted=adjusted, fft=False)
F2 = ccovf(x, y, demean=demean, adjusted=adjusted, fft=True)
assert_almost_equal(F1, F2, decimal=7)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("demean", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("adjusted", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fft", [True, False])
def test_compare_acovf_vs_ccovf(demean, adjusted, fft, reset_randomstate):
x = np.random.normal(size=128)
F1 = acovf(x, demean=demean, adjusted=adjusted, fft=fft)
F2 = ccovf(x, x, demean=demean, adjusted=adjusted, fft=fft)
assert_almost_equal(F1, F2, decimal=7)
def test_arma_order_select_ic():
# smoke test, assumes info-criteria are right
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_generate_sample
arparams = np.array([0.75, -0.25])
maparams = np.array([0.65, 0.35])
arparams = np.r_[1, -arparams]
maparam = np.r_[1, maparams] # FIXME: Never used
nobs = 250
y = arma_generate_sample(arparams, maparams, nobs)
res = arma_order_select_ic(y, ic=["aic", "bic"], trend="n")
# regression tests in case we change algorithm to minic in sas
aic_x = np.array(
[764.36517643, 552.7342255, 484.29687843],
[562.10924262, 485.5197969, 480.32858497],
[507.04581344, 482.91065829, 481.91926034],
[484.03995962, 482.14868032, 483.86378955],
[481.8849479, 483.8377379, 485.83756612],
bic_x = np.array(
[767.88663735, 559.77714733, 494.86126118],
[569.15216446, 496.08417966, 494.41442864],
[517.61019619, 496.99650196, 499.52656493],
[498.12580329, 499.75598491, 504.99255506],
[499.49225249, 504.96650341, 510.48779255],
aic = DataFrame(aic_x, index=lrange(5), columns=lrange(3))
bic = DataFrame(bic_x, index=lrange(5), columns=lrange(3))
assert_almost_equal(res.aic.values, aic.values, 5)
assert_almost_equal(res.bic.values, bic.values, 5)
assert_equal(res.aic_min_order, (1, 2))
assert_equal(res.bic_min_order, (1, 2))
index = pd.date_range("2000-1-1", freq=MONTH_END, periods=len(y))
y_series = pd.Series(y, index=index)
res_pd = arma_order_select_ic(
y_series, max_ar=2, max_ma=1, ic=["aic", "bic"], trend="n"
assert_almost_equal(res_pd.aic.values, aic.values[:3, :2], 5)
assert_almost_equal(res_pd.bic.values, bic.values[:3, :2], 5)
assert_equal(res_pd.aic_min_order, (2, 1))
assert_equal(res_pd.bic_min_order, (1, 1))
res = arma_order_select_ic(y, ic="aic", trend="n")
assert_almost_equal(res.aic.values, aic.values, 5)
assert_equal(res.aic_min_order, (1, 2))
def test_arma_order_select_ic_failure():
# this should trigger an SVD convergence failure, smoke test that it
# returns, likely platform dependent failure...
# looks like AR roots may be cancelling out for 4, 1?
y = np.array(
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# catch a hessian inversion and convergence failure warning
res = arma_order_select_ic(y)
def test_acf_fft_dataframe():
# regression test #322
result = acf(
sunspots.load_pandas().data[["SUNACTIVITY"]], fft=True, nlags=20
assert_equal(result.ndim, 1)
def test_levinson_durbin_acov():
rho = 0.9
m = 20
acov = rho ** np.arange(200)
sigma2_eps, ar, pacf, _, _ = levinson_durbin(acov, m, isacov=True)
assert_allclose(sigma2_eps, 1 - rho ** 2)
assert_allclose(ar, np.array([rho] + [0] * (m - 1)), atol=1e-8)
assert_allclose(pacf, np.array([1, rho] + [0] * (m - 1)), atol=1e-8)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("missing", ["conservative", "drop", "raise", "none"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fft", [False, True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("demean", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("adjusted", [True, False])
def test_acovf_nlags(acovf_data, adjusted, demean, fft, missing):
full = acovf(
acovf_data, adjusted=adjusted, demean=demean, fft=fft, missing=missing
limited = acovf(
assert_allclose(full[:11], limited)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("missing", ["conservative", "drop"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fft", [False, True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("demean", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("adjusted", [True, False])
def test_acovf_nlags_missing(acovf_data, adjusted, demean, fft, missing):
acovf_data = acovf_data.copy()
acovf_data[1:3] = np.nan
full = acovf(
acovf_data, adjusted=adjusted, demean=demean, fft=fft, missing=missing
limited = acovf(
assert_allclose(full[:11], limited)
def test_acovf_error(acovf_data):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
acovf(acovf_data, nlag=250, fft=False)
def test_pacf2acf_ar():
pacf = np.zeros(10)
pacf[0] = 1
pacf[1] = 0.9
ar, acf = levinson_durbin_pacf(pacf)
assert_allclose(acf, 0.9 ** np.arange(10.0))
assert_allclose(ar, pacf[1:], atol=1e-8)
ar, acf = levinson_durbin_pacf(pacf, nlags=5)
assert_allclose(acf, 0.9 ** np.arange(6.0))
assert_allclose(ar, pacf[1:6], atol=1e-8)
def test_pacf2acf_levinson_durbin():
pacf = -(0.9 ** np.arange(11.0))
pacf[0] = 1
ar, acf = levinson_durbin_pacf(pacf)
_, ar_ld, pacf_ld, _, _ = levinson_durbin(acf, 10, isacov=True)
assert_allclose(ar, ar_ld, atol=1e-8)
assert_allclose(pacf, pacf_ld, atol=1e-8)
# From R, FitAR, PacfToAR
ar_from_r = [
assert_allclose(ar, ar_from_r, atol=1e-4)
def test_pacf2acf_errors():
pacf = -(0.9 ** np.arange(11.0))
pacf[0] = 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
levinson_durbin_pacf(pacf, nlags=20)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
levinson_durbin_pacf(np.zeros((10, 2)))
def test_pacf_burg():
rnd = np.random.RandomState(12345)
e = rnd.randn(10001)
y = e[1:] + 0.5 * e[:-1]
pacf, sigma2 = pacf_burg(y, 10)
yw_pacf = pacf_yw(y, 10)
assert_allclose(pacf, yw_pacf, atol=5e-4)
# Internal consistency check between pacf and sigma2
ye = y - y.mean()
s2y = ye.dot(ye) / 10000
pacf[0] = 0
sigma2_direct = s2y * np.cumprod(1 - pacf ** 2)
assert_allclose(sigma2, sigma2_direct, atol=1e-3)
def test_pacf_burg_error():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pacf_burg(np.empty((20, 2)), 10)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pacf_burg(np.empty(100), 101)
def test_innovations_algo_brockwell_davis():
ma = -0.9
acovf = np.array([1 + ma ** 2, ma])
theta, sigma2 = innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=4)
exp_theta = np.array([[0], [-0.4972], [-0.6606], [-0.7404]])
assert_allclose(theta, exp_theta, rtol=1e-4)
assert_allclose(sigma2, [1.81, 1.3625, 1.2155, 1.1436], rtol=1e-4)
theta, sigma2 = innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=500)
assert_allclose(theta[-1, 0], ma)
assert_allclose(sigma2[-1], 1.0)
def test_innovations_algo_rtol():
ma = np.array([-0.9, 0.5])
acovf = np.array([1 + (ma ** 2).sum(), ma[0] + ma[1] * ma[0], ma[1]])
theta, sigma2 = innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=500)
theta_2, sigma2_2 = innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=500, rtol=1e-8)
assert_allclose(theta, theta_2)
assert_allclose(sigma2, sigma2_2)
def test_innovations_errors():
ma = -0.9
acovf = np.array([1 + ma ** 2, ma])
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=2.2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=-1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
innovations_algo(np.empty((2, 2)))
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
innovations_algo(acovf, rtol="none")
def test_innovations_filter_brockwell_davis(reset_randomstate):
ma = -0.9
acovf = np.array([1 + ma ** 2, ma])
theta, _ = innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=4)
e = np.random.randn(5)
endog = e[1:] + ma * e[:-1]
resid = innovations_filter(endog, theta)
expected = [endog[0]]
for i in range(1, 4):
expected.append(endog[i] - theta[i, 0] * expected[-1])
expected = np.array(expected)
assert_allclose(resid, expected)
def test_innovations_filter_pandas(reset_randomstate):
ma = np.array([-0.9, 0.5])
acovf = np.array([1 + (ma ** 2).sum(), ma[0] + ma[1] * ma[0], ma[1]])
theta, _ = innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=10)
endog = np.random.randn(10)
endog_pd = pd.Series(endog, index=pd.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=10))
resid = innovations_filter(endog, theta)
resid_pd = innovations_filter(endog_pd, theta)
assert_allclose(resid, resid_pd.values)
assert_index_equal(endog_pd.index, resid_pd.index)
def test_innovations_filter_errors():
ma = -0.9
acovf = np.array([1 + ma ** 2, ma])
theta, _ = innovations_algo(acovf, nobs=4)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
innovations_filter(np.empty((2, 2)), theta)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
innovations_filter(np.empty(4), theta[:-1])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
innovations_filter(pd.DataFrame(np.empty((1, 4))), theta)
def test_innovations_algo_filter_kalman_filter(reset_randomstate):
# Test the innovations algorithm and filter against the Kalman filter
# for exact likelihood evaluation of an ARMA process
ar_params = np.array([0.5])
ma_params = np.array([0.2])
# TODO could generalize to sigma2 != 1, if desired, after #5324 is merged
# and there is a sigma2 argument to arma_acovf
# (but maybe this is not really necessary for the point of this test)
sigma2 = 1
endog = np.random.normal(size=10)
# Innovations algorithm approach
acovf = arma_acovf(
np.r_[1, -ar_params], np.r_[1, ma_params], nobs=len(endog)
theta, v = innovations_algo(acovf)
u = innovations_filter(endog, theta)
llf_obs = -0.5 * u ** 2 / (sigma2 * v) - 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * v)
# Kalman filter apparoach
mod = SARIMAX(endog, order=(len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)))
res = mod.filter(np.r_[ar_params, ma_params, sigma2])
# Test that the two approaches are identical
atol = 1e-6 if PLATFORM_WIN else 0.0
assert_allclose(u, res.forecasts_error[0], rtol=1e-6, atol=atol)
theta[1:, 0], res.filter_results.kalman_gain[0, 0, :-1], atol=atol
assert_allclose(llf_obs, res.llf_obs, atol=atol)
def test_adfuller_short_series(reset_randomstate):
y = np.random.standard_normal(7)
res = adfuller(y, store=True)
assert res[-1].maxlag == 1
y = np.random.standard_normal(2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="sample size is too short"):
y = np.random.standard_normal(3)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="sample size is too short"):
adfuller(y, regression="ct")
def test_adfuller_maxlag_too_large(reset_randomstate):
y = np.random.standard_normal(100)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="maxlag must be less than"):
adfuller(y, maxlag=51)
class SetupZivotAndrews:
# test directory
cur_dir = CURR_DIR
run_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, "results")
# use same file for testing failure modes
fail_file = os.path.join(run_dir, "rgnp.csv")
fail_mdl = np.asarray(pd.read_csv(fail_file))
class TestZivotAndrews(SetupZivotAndrews):
# failure mode tests
def test_fail_regression_type(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
zivot_andrews(self.fail_mdl, regression="x")
def test_fail_trim_value(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
zivot_andrews(self.fail_mdl, trim=0.5)
def test_fail_array_shape(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
zivot_andrews(np.random.rand(50, 2))
def test_fail_autolag_type(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
zivot_andrews(self.fail_mdl, autolag="None")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("autolag", ["AIC", "aic", "Aic"])
def test_autolag_case_sensitivity(self, autolag):
res = zivot_andrews(self.fail_mdl, autolag=autolag)
assert res[3] == 1
# following tests compare results to R package urca.ur.za (1.13-0)
def test_rgnp_case(self):
res = zivot_andrews(
self.fail_mdl, maxlag=8, regression="c", autolag=None
[res[0], res[1], res[4]], [-5.57615, 0.00312, 20], rtol=1e-3
def test_gnpdef_case(self):
mdlfile = os.path.join(self.run_dir, "gnpdef.csv")
mdl = np.asarray(pd.read_csv(mdlfile))
res = zivot_andrews(mdl, maxlag=8, regression="c", autolag="t-stat")
[res[0], res[1], res[3], res[4]],
[-4.12155, 0.28024, 5, 40],
def test_stkprc_case(self):
mdlfile = os.path.join(self.run_dir, "stkprc.csv")
mdl = np.asarray(pd.read_csv(mdlfile))
res = zivot_andrews(mdl, maxlag=8, regression="ct", autolag="t-stat")
[res[0], res[1], res[3], res[4]],
[-5.60689, 0.00894, 1, 65],
def test_rgnpq_case(self):
mdlfile = os.path.join(self.run_dir, "rgnpq.csv")
mdl = np.asarray(pd.read_csv(mdlfile))
res = zivot_andrews(mdl, maxlag=12, regression="t", autolag="t-stat")
[res[0], res[1], res[3], res[4]],
[-3.02761, 0.63993, 12, 102],
def test_rand10000_case(self):
mdlfile = os.path.join(self.run_dir, "rand10000.csv")
mdl = np.asarray(pd.read_csv(mdlfile))
res = zivot_andrews(mdl, regression="c", autolag="t-stat")
[res[0], res[1], res[3], res[4]],
[-3.48223, 0.69111, 25, 7071],
def test_acf_conservate_nanops(reset_randomstate):
# GH 6729
e = np.random.standard_normal(100)
for i in range(1, e.shape[0]):
e[i] += 0.9 * e[i - 1]
e[::7] = np.nan
result = acf(e, missing="conservative", nlags=10, fft=False)
resid = e - np.nanmean(e)
expected = np.ones(11)
nobs = e.shape[0]
gamma0 = np.nansum(resid * resid)
for i in range(1, 10 + 1):
expected[i] = np.nansum(resid[i:] * resid[: nobs - i]) / gamma0
assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
def test_pacf_nlags_error(reset_randomstate):
e = np.random.standard_normal(99)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Can only compute partial"):
pacf(e, 50)
def test_coint_auto_tstat():
rs = np.random.RandomState(3733696641)
x = np.cumsum(rs.standard_normal(100))
y = np.cumsum(rs.standard_normal(100))
res = coint(
assert np.abs(res[0]) < 1.65
rs = np.random.RandomState(1)
a = rs.random_sample(120)
b = np.zeros_like(a)
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"b": b, "a": a})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({"a": a, "b": b})
b = np.ones_like(a)
df3 = pd.DataFrame({"b": b, "a": a})
df4 = pd.DataFrame({"a": a, "b": b})
gc_data_sets = [df1, df2, df3, df4]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dataset", gc_data_sets)
def test_granger_causality_exceptions(dataset):
with pytest.raises(InfeasibleTestError):
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="verbose"):
grangercausalitytests(dataset, 4, verbose=False)
def test_granger_causality_exception_maxlag(gc_data):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="maxlag must be"):
grangercausalitytests(gc_data, maxlag=-1)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
grangercausalitytests(gc_data, 3, addconst=False)
def test_granger_causality_verbose(gc_data):
with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="verbose"):
grangercausalitytests(gc_data, 3, verbose=True)
def test_pacf_small_sample(size,reset_randomstate):
y = np.random.standard_normal(size)
a = pacf(y)
assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray)
a, b = pacf_burg(y)
assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(b, np.ndarray)
a = pacf_ols(y)
assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray)
a = pacf_yw(y)
assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray)
def test_pacf_1_obs(reset_randomstate):
y = np.random.standard_normal(1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):