2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00

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'''Tools for multivariate analysis
Author : Josef Perktold
License : BSD-3
- names of functions, currently just "working titles"
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tools.tools import Bunch
def partial_project(endog, exog):
'''helper function to get linear projection or partialling out of variables
endog variables are projected on exog variables
endog : ndarray
array of variables where the effect of exog is partialled out.
exog : ndarray
array of variables on which the endog variables are projected.
res : instance of Bunch with
- params : OLS parameter estimates from projection of endog on exog
- fittedvalues : predicted values of endog given exog
- resid : residual of the regression, values of endog with effect of
exog partialled out
This is no-frills mainly for internal calculations, no error checking or
array conversion is performed, at least for now.
x1, x2 = endog, exog
params = np.linalg.pinv(x2).dot(x1)
predicted = x2.dot(params)
residual = x1 - predicted
res = Bunch(params=params,
return res
def cancorr(x1, x2, demean=True, standardize=False):
'''canonical correlation coefficient beween 2 arrays
x1, x2 : ndarrays, 2_D
two 2-dimensional data arrays, observations in rows, variables in columns
demean : bool
If demean is true, then the mean is subtracted from each variable
standardize : bool
If standardize is true, then each variable is demeaned and divided by
its standard deviation. Rescaling does not change the canonical
correlation coefficients.
ccorr : ndarray, 1d
canonical correlation coefficients, sorted from largest to smallest.
Note, that these are the square root of the eigenvalues.
This is a helper function for other statistical functions. It only
calculates the canonical correlation coefficients and does not do a full
canoncial correlation analysis
The canonical correlation coefficient is calculated with the generalized
matrix inverse and does not raise an exception if one of the data arrays
have less than full column rank.
See Also
CCA not yet
#x, y = x1, x2
if demean or standardize:
x1 = (x1 - x1.mean(0))
x2 = (x2 - x2.mean(0))
if standardize:
#std does not make a difference to canonical correlation coefficients
x1 /= x1.std(0)
x2 /= x2.std(0)
t1 = np.linalg.pinv(x1).dot(x2)
t2 = np.linalg.pinv(x2).dot(x1)
m = t1.dot(t2)
cc = np.sqrt(np.linalg.eigvals(m))
return cc[::-1]
def cc_ranktest(x1, x2, demean=True, fullrank=False):
'''rank tests based on smallest canonical correlation coefficients
Anderson canonical correlations test (LM test) and
Cragg-Donald test (Wald test)
Assumes homoskedasticity and independent observations, overrejects if
there is heteroscedasticity or autocorrelation.
The Null Hypothesis is that the rank is k - 1, the alternative hypothesis
is that the rank is at least k.
x1, x2 : ndarrays, 2_D
two 2-dimensional data arrays, observations in rows, variables in columns
demean : bool
If demean is true, then the mean is subtracted from each variable.
fullrank : bool
If true, then only the test that the matrix has full rank is returned.
If false, the test for all possible ranks are returned. However, no
the p-values are not corrected for the multiplicity of tests.
value : float
value of the test statistic
p-value : float
p-value for the test Null Hypothesis tha the smallest canonical
correlation coefficient is zero. based on chi-square distribution
df : int
degrees of freedom for thechi-square distribution in the hypothesis test
ccorr : ndarray, 1d
All canonical correlation coefficients sorted from largest to smallest.
Degrees of freedom for the distribution of the test statistic are based on
number of columns of x1 and x2 and not on their matrix rank.
(I'm not sure yet what the interpretation of the test is if x1 or x2 are of
reduced rank.)
See Also
from scipy import stats
nobs1, k1 = x1.shape
nobs2, k2 = x2.shape
cc = cancorr(x1, x2, demean=demean)
cc2 = cc * cc
if fullrank:
df = np.abs(k1 - k2) + 1
value = nobs1 * cc2[-1]
w_value = nobs1 * (cc2[-1] / (1. - cc2[-1]))
return value, stats.chi2.sf(value, df), df, cc, w_value, stats.chi2.sf(w_value, df)
r = np.arange(min(k1, k2))[::-1]
df = (k1 - r) * (k2 - r)
values = nobs1 * cc2[::-1].cumsum()
w_values = nobs1 * (cc2 / (1. - cc2))[::-1].cumsum()
return values, stats.chi2.sf(values, df), df, cc, w_values, stats.chi2.sf(w_values, df)
def cc_stats(x1, x2, demean=True):
'''MANOVA statistics based on canonical correlation coefficient
Calculates Pillai's Trace, Wilk's Lambda, Hotelling's Trace and
Roy's Largest Root.
x1, x2 : ndarrays, 2_D
two 2-dimensional data arrays, observations in rows, variables in columns
demean : bool
If demean is true, then the mean is subtracted from each variable.
res : dict
Dictionary containing the test statistics.
same as `canon` in Stata
missing: F-statistics and p-values
TODO: should return a results class instead
produces nans sometimes, singular, perfect correlation of x1, x2 ?
nobs1, k1 = x1.shape # endogenous ?
nobs2, k2 = x2.shape
cc = cancorr(x1, x2, demean=demean)
cc2 = cc**2
lam = (cc2 / (1 - cc2)) # what if max cc2 is 1 ?
# Problem: ccr might not care if x1 or x2 are reduced rank,
# but df will depend on rank
df_model = k1 * k2 # df_hypothesis (we do not include mean in x1, x2)
df_resid = k1 * (nobs1 - k2 - demean)
s = min(df_model, k1)
m = 0.5 * (df_model - k1)
n = 0.5 * (df_resid - k1 - 1)
df1 = k1 * df_model
df2 = k2
pt_value = cc2.sum() # Pillai's trace
wl_value = np.product(1 / (1 + lam)) # Wilk's Lambda
ht_value = lam.sum() # Hotelling's Trace
rm_value = lam.max() # Roy's largest root
#from scipy import stats
# what's the distribution, the test statistic ?
res = {}
res['canonical correlation coefficient'] = cc
res['eigenvalues'] = lam
res["Pillai's Trace"] = pt_value
res["Wilk's Lambda"] = wl_value
res["Hotelling's Trace"] = ht_value
res["Roy's Largest Root"] = rm_value
res['df_resid'] = df_resid
res['df_m'] = m
return res