2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00

211 lines
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import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
import scipy as sp
from scipy.sparse import dok_array, dok_matrix
def d():
return {(0, 1): 1, (0, 2): 2}
def A():
return np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
@pytest.fixture(params=[dok_array, dok_matrix])
def Asp(request):
A = request.param((3, 3))
A[(0, 1)] = 1
A[(0, 2)] = 2
yield A
# Note: __iter__ and comparison dunders act like ndarrays for DOK, not dict.
# Dunders reversed, or, ror, ior work as dict for dok_matrix, raise for dok_array
# All other dict methods on DOK format act like dict methods (with extra checks).
# Start of tests
def test_dict_methods_covered(d, Asp):
d_methods = set(dir(d)) - {"__class_getitem__"}
asp_methods = set(dir(Asp))
assert d_methods < asp_methods
def test_clear(d, Asp):
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
def test_copy(d, Asp):
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
dd = d.copy()
asp = Asp.copy()
assert dd.items() == asp.items()
assert asp.items() == Asp.items()
asp[(0, 1)] = 3
assert Asp[(0, 1)] == 1
def test_fromkeys_default():
# test with default value
edges = [(0, 2), (1, 0), (2, 1)]
Xdok = dok_array.fromkeys(edges)
X = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
assert_equal(Xdok.toarray(), X)
def test_fromkeys_positional():
# test with positional value
edges = [(0, 2), (1, 0), (2, 1)]
Xdok = dok_array.fromkeys(edges, -1)
X = [[0, 0, -1], [-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0]]
assert_equal(Xdok.toarray(), X)
def test_fromkeys_iterator():
it = ((a, a % 2) for a in range(4))
Xdok = dok_array.fromkeys(it)
X = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]
assert_equal(Xdok.toarray(), X)
def test_get(d, Asp):
assert Asp.get((0, 1)) == d.get((0, 1))
assert Asp.get((0, 0), 99) == d.get((0, 0), 99)
with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="out of bounds"):
Asp.get((0, 4), 99)
def test_items(d, Asp):
assert Asp.items() == d.items()
def test_keys(d, Asp):
assert Asp.keys() == d.keys()
def test_pop(d, Asp):
assert d.pop((0, 1)) == 1
assert Asp.pop((0, 1)) == 1
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
assert Asp.pop((22, 21), None) is None
assert Asp.pop((22, 21), "other") == "other"
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="(22, 21)"):
Asp.pop((22, 21))
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="got an unexpected keyword argument"):
Asp.pop((22, 21), default=5)
def test_popitem(d, Asp):
assert d.popitem() == Asp.popitem()
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
def test_setdefault(d, Asp):
assert Asp.setdefault((0, 1), 4) == 1
assert Asp.setdefault((2, 2), 4) == 4
d.setdefault((0, 1), 4)
d.setdefault((2, 2), 4)
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
def test_update(d, Asp):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
def test_values(d, Asp):
# Note: dict.values are strange: d={1: 1}; d.values() == d.values() is False
# Using list(d.values()) makes them comparable.
assert list(Asp.values()) == list(d.values())
def test_dunder_getitem(d, Asp):
assert Asp[(0, 1)] == d[(0, 1)]
def test_dunder_setitem(d, Asp):
Asp[(1, 1)] = 5
d[(1, 1)] = 5
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
def test_dunder_delitem(d, Asp):
del Asp[(0, 1)]
del d[(0, 1)]
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
def test_dunder_contains(d, Asp):
assert ((0, 1) in d) == ((0, 1) in Asp)
assert ((0, 0) in d) == ((0, 0) in Asp)
def test_dunder_len(d, Asp):
assert len(d) == len(Asp)
# Note: dunders reversed, or, ror, ior work as dict for dok_matrix, raise for dok_array
def test_dunder_reversed(d, Asp):
if isinstance(Asp, dok_array):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
list(reversed(Asp)) == list(reversed(d))
def test_dunder_ior(d, Asp):
if isinstance(Asp, dok_array):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Asp |= Asp
dd = {(0, 0): 5}
Asp |= dd
assert Asp[(0, 0)] == 5
d |= dd
assert d.items() == Asp.items()
dd |= Asp
assert dd.items() == Asp.items()
def test_dunder_or(d, Asp):
if isinstance(Asp, dok_array):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Asp | Asp
assert d | d == Asp | d
assert d | d == Asp | Asp
def test_dunder_ror(d, Asp):
if isinstance(Asp, dok_array):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Asp | Asp
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
d | Asp
assert Asp.__ror__(d) == Asp.__ror__(Asp)
assert d.__ror__(d) == Asp.__ror__(d)
assert d | Asp
# Note: comparison dunders, e.g. ==, >=, etc follow np.array not dict
def test_dunder_eq(A, Asp):
with np.testing.suppress_warnings() as sup:
assert (Asp == Asp).toarray().all()
assert (A == Asp).all()
def test_dunder_ne(A, Asp):
assert not (Asp != Asp).toarray().any()
assert not (A != Asp).any()
def test_dunder_lt(A, Asp):
assert not (Asp < Asp).toarray().any()
assert not (A < Asp).any()
def test_dunder_gt(A, Asp):
assert not (Asp > Asp).toarray().any()
assert not (A > Asp).any()
def test_dunder_le(A, Asp):
with np.testing.suppress_warnings() as sup:
assert (Asp <= Asp).toarray().all()
assert (A <= Asp).all()
def test_dunder_ge(A, Asp):
with np.testing.suppress_warnings() as sup:
assert (Asp >= Asp).toarray().all()
assert (A >= Asp).all()
# Note: iter dunder follows np.array not dict
def test_dunder_iter(A, Asp):
if isinstance(Asp, dok_array):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
[a.toarray() for a in Asp]
assert all((a == asp).all() for a, asp in zip(A, Asp))