2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00

491 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root
# for license information.
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from importlib.util import find_spec
from typing import Any, Union, Tuple, Dict
# debugpy.__main__ should have preloaded pydevd properly before importing this module.
# Otherwise, some stdlib modules above might have had imported threading before pydevd
# could perform the necessary detours in it.
assert "pydevd" in sys.modules
import pydevd
# Note: use the one bundled from pydevd so that it's invisible for the user.
from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_runpy as runpy
import debugpy
import debugpy.server
from debugpy.common import log
from debugpy.server import api
TARGET = "<filename> | -m <module> | -c <code> | --pid <pid>"
HELP = """debugpy {0}
See https://aka.ms/debugpy for documentation.
Usage: debugpy --listen | --connect
[--configure-<name> <value>]...
[--log-to <path>] [--log-to-stderr]
debugpy.__version__, TARGET
class Options(object):
mode = None
address: Union[Tuple[str, int], None] = None
log_to = None
log_to_stderr = False
target: Union[str, None] = None
target_kind: Union[str, None] = None
wait_for_client = False
adapter_access_token = None
config: Dict[str, Any] = {}
options = Options()
options.config = {"qt": "none", "subProcess": True}
def in_range(parser, start, stop):
def parse(s):
n = parser(s)
if start is not None and n < start:
raise ValueError("must be >= {0}".format(start))
if stop is not None and n >= stop:
raise ValueError("must be < {0}".format(stop))
return n
return parse
pid = in_range(int, 0, None)
def print_help_and_exit(switch, it):
print(HELP, file=sys.stderr)
def print_version_and_exit(switch, it):
def set_arg(varname, parser=(lambda x: x)):
def do(arg, it):
value = parser(next(it))
setattr(options, varname, value)
return do
def set_const(varname, value):
def do(arg, it):
setattr(options, varname, value)
return do
def set_address(mode):
def do(arg, it):
if options.address is not None:
raise ValueError("--listen and --connect are mutually exclusive")
# It's either host:port, or just port.
value = next(it)
host, sep, port = value.partition(":")
if not sep:
host = ""
port = value
port = int(port)
except Exception:
port = -1
if not (0 <= port < 2 ** 16):
raise ValueError("invalid port number")
options.mode = mode
options.address = (host, port)
return do
def set_config(arg, it):
prefix = "--configure-"
assert arg.startswith(prefix)
name = arg[len(prefix) :]
value = next(it)
if name not in options.config:
raise ValueError("unknown property {0!r}".format(name))
expected_type = type(options.config[name])
if expected_type is bool:
value = {"true": True, "false": False}[value.lower()]
value = expected_type(value)
except Exception:
raise ValueError("{0!r} must be a {1}".format(name, expected_type.__name__))
options.config[name] = value
def set_target(kind: str, parser=(lambda x: x), positional=False):
def do(arg, it):
options.target_kind = kind
target = parser(arg if positional else next(it))
if isinstance(target, bytes):
# target may be the code, so, try some additional encodings...
target = target.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
except UnicodeDecodeError:
target = target.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
import locale
target = target.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding(False))
options.target = target
return do
# fmt: off
switches = [
# Switch Placeholder Action
# ====== =========== ======
# Switches that are documented for use by end users.
("-(\\?|h|-help)", None, print_help_and_exit),
("-(V|-version)", None, print_version_and_exit),
("--log-to" , "<path>", set_arg("log_to")),
("--log-to-stderr", None, set_const("log_to_stderr", True)),
("--listen", "<address>", set_address("listen")),
("--connect", "<address>", set_address("connect")),
("--wait-for-client", None, set_const("wait_for_client", True)),
("--configure-.+", "<value>", set_config),
# Switches that are used internally by the client or debugpy itself.
("--adapter-access-token", "<token>", set_arg("adapter_access_token")),
# Targets. The "" entry corresponds to positional command line arguments,
# i.e. the ones not preceded by any switch name.
("", "<filename>", set_target("file", positional=True)),
("-m", "<module>", set_target("module")),
("-c", "<code>", set_target("code")),
("--pid", "<pid>", set_target("pid", pid)),
# fmt: on
# Consume all the args from argv
def consume_argv():
while len(sys.argv) >= 2:
value = sys.argv[1]
del sys.argv[1]
yield value
# Consume all the args from a given list
def consume_args(args: list):
if (args is sys.argv):
yield from consume_argv()
while args:
value = args[0]
del args[0]
yield value
# Parse the args from the command line, then from the environment.
# Args from the environment are only used if they are not already set from the command line.
def parse_args():
# keep track of the switches we've seen so far
seen = set()
# if the target is not set, or is empty, this is an error
if options.target is None or options.target == "":
raise ValueError("missing target: " + TARGET)
if options.mode is None:
raise ValueError("either --listen or --connect is required")
if options.adapter_access_token is not None and options.mode != "connect":
raise ValueError("--adapter-access-token requires --connect")
if options.target_kind == "pid" and options.wait_for_client:
raise ValueError("--pid does not support --wait-for-client")
assert options.target_kind is not None
assert options.address is not None
def parse_args_from_command_line(seen: set):
parse_args_helper(sys.argv, seen)
def parse_args_from_environment(seenFromCommandLine: set):
args = os.environ.get("DEBUGPY_EXTRA_ARGV")
if (not args):
argsList = args.split()
seenFromEnvironment = set()
parse_args_helper(argsList, seenFromCommandLine, seenFromEnvironment, True)
def parse_args_helper(args: list, seenFromCommandLine: set, seenFromEnvironment: set = set(), isFromEnvironment=False):
iterator = consume_args(args)
while True:
arg = next(iterator)
except StopIteration:
switch = arg
if not switch.startswith("-"):
switch = ""
for pattern, placeholder, action in switches:
if re.match("^(" + pattern + ")$", switch):
raise ValueError("unrecognized switch " + switch)
# if we're parsing from the command line, and we've already seen the switch on the command line, this is an error
if (not isFromEnvironment and switch in seenFromCommandLine):
raise ValueError("duplicate switch on command line: " + switch)
# if we're parsing from the environment, and we've already seen the switch in the environment, this is an error
elif (isFromEnvironment and switch in seenFromEnvironment):
raise ValueError("duplicate switch from environment: " + switch)
# if we're parsing from the environment, and we've already seen the switch on the command line, skip it, since command line takes precedence
elif (isFromEnvironment and switch in seenFromCommandLine):
# otherwise, the switch is new, so add it to the appropriate set
if (isFromEnvironment):
# process the switch, running the corresponding action
action(arg, iterator)
except StopIteration:
assert placeholder is not None
raise ValueError("{0}: missing {1}".format(switch, placeholder))
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError("invalid {0} {1}: {2}".format(switch, placeholder, exc))
# If we're parsing the command line, we're done after we've processed the target
# Otherwise, we need to keep parsing until all args are consumed, since the target may be set from the command line
# already, but there might be additional args in the environment that we want to process.
if (not isFromEnvironment and options.target is not None):
def start_debugging(argv_0):
# We need to set up sys.argv[0] before invoking either listen() or connect(),
# because they use it to report the "process" event. Thus, we can't rely on
# run_path() and run_module() doing that, even though they will eventually.
sys.argv[0] = argv_0
log.debug("sys.argv after patching: {0!r}", sys.argv)
if options.mode == "listen" and options.address is not None:
elif options.mode == "connect" and options.address is not None:
debugpy.connect(options.address, access_token=options.adapter_access_token)
raise AssertionError(repr(options.mode))
if options.wait_for_client:
def run_file():
target = options.target
# run_path has one difference with invoking Python from command-line:
# if the target is a file (rather than a directory), it does not add its
# parent directory to sys.path. Thus, importing other modules from the
# same directory is broken unless sys.path is patched here.
if target is not None and os.path.isfile(target):
dir = os.path.dirname(target)
sys.path.insert(0, dir)
log.debug("Not a file: {0!r}", target)
log.describe_environment("Pre-launch environment:")
log.info("Running file {0!r}", target)
runpy.run_path(target, run_name="__main__")
def run_module():
# Add current directory to path, like Python itself does for -m. This must
# be in place before trying to use find_spec below to resolve submodules.
sys.path.insert(0, str(""))
# We want to do the same thing that run_module() would do here, without
# actually invoking it.
argv_0 = sys.argv[0]
spec = None if options.target is None else find_spec(options.target)
if spec is not None:
argv_0 = spec.origin
except Exception:
log.swallow_exception("Error determining module path for sys.argv")
log.describe_environment("Pre-launch environment:")
log.info("Running module {0!r}", options.target)
# Docs say that runpy.run_module is equivalent to -m, but it's not actually
# the case for packages - -m sets __name__ to "__main__", but run_module sets
# it to "pkg.__main__". This breaks everything that uses the standard pattern
# __name__ == "__main__" to detect being run as a CLI app. On the other hand,
# runpy._run_module_as_main is a private function that actually implements -m.
run_module_as_main = runpy._run_module_as_main
except AttributeError:
log.warning("runpy._run_module_as_main is missing, falling back to run_module.")
runpy.run_module(options.target, alter_sys=True)
run_module_as_main(options.target, alter_argv=True)
def run_code():
if options.target is not None:
# Add current directory to path, like Python itself does for -c.
sys.path.insert(0, str(""))
code = compile(options.target, str("<string>"), str("exec"))
log.describe_environment("Pre-launch environment:")
log.info("Running code:\n\n{0}", options.target)
eval(code, {})
log.error("No target to run.")
def attach_to_pid():
pid = options.target
log.info("Attaching to process with PID={0}", pid)
encode = lambda s: list(bytearray(s.encode("utf-8"))) if s is not None else None
script_dir = os.path.dirname(debugpy.server.__file__)
assert os.path.exists(script_dir)
script_dir = encode(script_dir)
setup = {
"mode": options.mode,
"address": options.address,
"wait_for_client": options.wait_for_client,
"log_to": options.log_to,
"adapter_access_token": options.adapter_access_token,
setup = encode(json.dumps(setup))
python_code = """
import codecs;
import json;
import sys;
decode = lambda s: codecs.utf_8_decode(bytearray(s))[0] if s is not None else None;
script_dir = decode({script_dir});
setup = json.loads(decode({setup}));
sys.path.insert(0, script_dir);
import attach_pid_injected;
del sys.path[0];
python_code = (
python_code.replace("\r", "")
.replace("\n", "")
.format(script_dir=script_dir, setup=setup)
log.info("Code to be injected: \n{0}", python_code.replace(";", ";\n"))
# pydevd restriction on characters in injected code.
assert not (
{'"', "'", "\r", "\n"} & set(python_code)
), "Injected code should not contain any single quotes, double quotes, or newlines."
pydevd_attach_to_process_path = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(pydevd.__file__), "pydevd_attach_to_process"
assert os.path.exists(pydevd_attach_to_process_path)
import add_code_to_python_process # noqa
log.info("Injecting code into process with PID={0} ...", pid)
show_debug_info=int(os.getenv("DEBUGPY_ATTACH_BY_PID_DEBUG_INFO", "0")),
except Exception:
log.reraise_exception("Code injection into PID={0} failed:", pid)
log.info("Code injection into PID={0} completed.", pid)
def main():
original_argv = list(sys.argv)
except Exception as exc:
print(str(HELP) + str("\nError: ") + str(exc), file=sys.stderr)
if options.log_to is not None:
if options.log_to_stderr:
str("sys.argv before parsing: {0!r}\n" " after parsing: {1!r}"),
if options.target_kind is not None:
run = {
"file": run_file,
"module": run_module,
"code": run_code,
"pid": attach_to_pid,
except SystemExit as exc:
"Debuggee exited via SystemExit: {0!r}", exc.code, level="debug"