1130 lines
42 KiB
1130 lines
42 KiB
"""A base class for a configurable application."""
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import sys
import typing as t
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from contextlib import suppress
from copy import deepcopy
from logging.config import dictConfig
from textwrap import dedent
from traitlets.config.configurable import Configurable, SingletonConfigurable
from traitlets.config.loader import (
from traitlets.traitlets import (
from traitlets.utils.bunch import Bunch
from traitlets.utils.nested_update import nested_update
from traitlets.utils.text import indent, wrap_paragraphs
from ..utils import cast_unicode
from ..utils.importstring import import_item
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Descriptions for the various sections
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# merge flags&aliases into options
option_description = """
The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
<cmd> --help-all
""".strip() # trim newlines of front and back
keyvalue_description = """
The command-line option below sets the respective configurable class-parameter:
This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions are allowed.
For instance, to set `C.a=[0,1,2]`, you may type this:
""".strip() # trim newlines of front and back
# sys.argv can be missing, for example when python is embedded. See the docs
# for details: http://docs.python.org/2/c-api/intro.html#embedding-python
if not hasattr(sys, "argv"):
sys.argv = [""]
subcommand_description = """
Subcommands are launched as `{app} cmd [args]`. For information on using
subcommand 'cmd', do: `{app} cmd -h`.
# get running program name
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application class
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if _envvar.lower() in {"1", "true"}:
elif _envvar.lower() in {"0", "false", ""}:
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported value for environment variable: 'TRAITLETS_APPLICATION_RAISE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR' is set to '%s' which is none of {'0', '1', 'false', 'true', ''}."
% _envvar
IS_PYTHONW = sys.executable and sys.executable.endswith("pythonw.exe")
T = t.TypeVar("T", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any])
AnyLogger = t.Union[logging.Logger, "logging.LoggerAdapter[t.Any]"]
StrDict = t.Dict[str, t.Any]
ArgvType = t.Optional[t.List[str]]
ClassesType = t.List[t.Type[Configurable]]
def catch_config_error(method: T) -> T:
"""Method decorator for catching invalid config (Trait/ArgumentErrors) during init.
On a TraitError (generally caused by bad config), this will print the trait's
message, and exit the app.
For use on init methods, to prevent invoking excepthook on invalid input.
def inner(app: Application, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any:
return method(app, *args, **kwargs)
except (TraitError, ArgumentError) as e:
app.log.fatal("Bad config encountered during initialization: %s", e)
app.log.debug("Config at the time: %s", app.config)
return t.cast(T, inner)
class ApplicationError(Exception):
class LevelFormatter(logging.Formatter):
"""Formatter with additional `highlevel` record
This field is empty if log level is less than highlevel_limit,
otherwise it is formatted with self.highlevel_format.
Useful for adding 'WARNING' to warning messages,
without adding 'INFO' to info, etc.
highlevel_limit = logging.WARN
highlevel_format = " %(levelname)s |"
def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
if record.levelno >= self.highlevel_limit:
record.highlevel = self.highlevel_format % record.__dict__
record.highlevel = ""
return super().format(record)
class Application(SingletonConfigurable):
"""A singleton application with full configuration support."""
# The name of the application, will usually match the name of the command
# line application
name: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode("application")
# The description of the application that is printed at the beginning
# of the help.
description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode("This is an application.")
# default section descriptions
option_description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode(option_description)
keyvalue_description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode(keyvalue_description)
subcommand_description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode(subcommand_description)
python_config_loader_class = PyFileConfigLoader
json_config_loader_class = JSONFileConfigLoader
# The usage and example string that goes at the end of the help string.
examples: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode()
# A sequence of Configurable subclasses whose config=True attributes will
# be exposed at the command line.
classes: ClassesType = []
def _classes_inc_parents(
self, classes: ClassesType | None = None
) -> t.Generator[type[Configurable], None, None]:
"""Iterate through configurable classes, including configurable parents
:param classes:
The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`.
Children should always be after parents, and each class should only be
yielded once.
if classes is None:
classes = self.classes
seen = set()
for c in classes:
# We want to sort parents before children, so we reverse the MRO
for parent in reversed(c.mro()):
if issubclass(parent, Configurable) and (parent not in seen):
yield parent
# The version string of this application.
version: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode("0.0")
# the argv used to initialize the application
argv: list[str] | List[str] = List()
# Whether failing to load config files should prevent startup
# The log level for the application
log_level = Enum(
(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"),
help="Set the log level by value or name.",
_log_formatter_cls = LevelFormatter
log_datefmt = Unicode(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", help="The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s"
log_format = Unicode(
"[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s",
help="The Logging format template",
def get_default_logging_config(self) -> StrDict:
"""Return the base logging configuration.
The default is to log to stderr using a StreamHandler, if no default
handler already exists.
The log handler level starts at logging.WARN, but this can be adjusted
by setting the ``log_level`` attribute.
The ``logging_config`` trait is merged into this allowing for finer
control of logging.
config: StrDict = {
"version": 1,
"handlers": {
"console": {
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"formatter": "console",
"level": logging.getLevelName(self.log_level), # type:ignore[arg-type]
"stream": "ext://sys.stderr",
"formatters": {
"console": {
"class": (
"format": self.log_format,
"datefmt": self.log_datefmt,
"loggers": {
self.__class__.__name__: {
"level": "DEBUG",
"handlers": ["console"],
"disable_existing_loggers": False,
# disable logging
# (this should really go to a file, but file-logging is only
# hooked up in parallel applications)
del config["handlers"]
del config["loggers"]
return config
@observe("log_datefmt", "log_format", "log_level", "logging_config")
def _observe_logging_change(self, change: Bunch) -> None:
# convert log level strings to ints
log_level = self.log_level
if isinstance(log_level, str):
self.log_level = t.cast(int, getattr(logging, log_level))
@observe("log", type="default")
def _observe_logging_default(self, change: Bunch) -> None:
def _configure_logging(self) -> None:
config = self.get_default_logging_config()
nested_update(config, self.logging_config or {})
# make a note that we have configured logging
self._logging_configured = True
def _log_default(self) -> AnyLogger:
"""Start logging for this application."""
log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
log.propagate = False
_log = log # copied from Logger.hasHandlers() (new in Python 3.2)
while _log is not None:
if _log.handlers:
return log
if not _log.propagate:
_log = _log.parent # type:ignore[assignment]
return log
logging_config = Dict(
Configure additional log handlers.
The default stderr logs handler is configured by the
log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings.
This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers
(e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the
default handlers.
If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for
more information see:
This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which
defines the following:
* A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
* A logging handler that writes to stderr called
``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
* A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
.. code-block:: python
c.Application.logging_config = {
"handlers": {
"file": {
"class": "logging.FileHandler",
"level": "DEBUG",
"filename": "<path/to/file>",
"loggers": {
"<application-name>": {
"level": "DEBUG",
# NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
# handler here then it will be disabled
"handlers": ["console", "file"],
#: the alias map for configurables
#: Keys might strings or tuples for additional options; single-letter alias accessed like `-v`.
#: Values might be like "Class.trait" strings of two-tuples: (Class.trait, help-text),
# or just the "Class.trait" string, in which case the help text is inferred from the
# corresponding trait
aliases: StrDict = {"log-level": "Application.log_level"}
# flags for loading Configurables or store_const style flags
# flags are loaded from this dict by '--key' flags
# this must be a dict of two-tuples, the first element being the Config/dict
# and the second being the help string for the flag
flags: StrDict = {
"debug": (
"Application": {
"log_level": logging.DEBUG,
"Set log-level to debug, for the most verbose logging.",
"show-config": (
"Application": {
"show_config": True,
"Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)",
"show-config-json": (
"Application": {
"show_config_json": True,
"Show the application's configuration (json format)",
# subcommands for launching other applications
# if this is not empty, this will be a parent Application
# this must be a dict of two-tuples,
# the first element being the application class/import string
# and the second being the help string for the subcommand
subcommands: dict[str, t.Any] | Dict[str, t.Any] = Dict()
# parse_command_line will initialize a subapp, if requested
subapp = Instance("traitlets.config.application.Application", allow_none=True)
# extra command-line arguments that don't set config values
extra_args = List(Unicode())
cli_config = Instance(
help="""The subset of our configuration that came from the command-line
We re-load this configuration after loading config files,
to ensure that it maintains highest priority.
_loaded_config_files: List[str] = List()
show_config = Bool(
help="Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout"
show_config_json = Bool(
help="Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)"
def _show_config_json_changed(self, change: Bunch) -> None:
self.show_config = change.new
def _show_config_changed(self, change: Bunch) -> None:
if change.new:
self._save_start = self.start
self.start = self.start_show_config # type:ignore[method-assign]
def __init__(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None:
SingletonConfigurable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# Ensure my class is in self.classes, so my attributes appear in command line
# options and config files.
cls = self.__class__
if cls not in self.classes:
if self.classes is cls.classes:
# class attr, assign instead of insert
self.classes = [cls, *self.classes]
self.classes.insert(0, self.__class__)
def _config_changed(self, change: Bunch) -> None:
self.log.debug("Config changed: %r", change.new)
def initialize(self, argv: ArgvType = None) -> None:
"""Do the basic steps to configure me.
Override in subclasses.
def start(self) -> None:
"""Start the app mainloop.
Override in subclasses.
if self.subapp is not None:
assert isinstance(self.subapp, Application)
return self.subapp.start()
def start_show_config(self) -> None:
"""start function used when show_config is True"""
config = self.config.copy()
# exclude show_config flags from displayed config
for cls in self.__class__.mro():
if cls.__name__ in config:
cls_config = config[cls.__name__]
cls_config.pop("show_config", None)
cls_config.pop("show_config_json", None)
if self.show_config_json:
json.dump(config, sys.stdout, indent=1, sort_keys=True, default=repr)
# add trailing newline
if self._loaded_config_files:
print("Loaded config files:")
for f in self._loaded_config_files:
print(" " + f)
for classname in sorted(config):
class_config = config[classname]
if not class_config:
pformat_kwargs: StrDict = dict(indent=4, compact=True) # noqa: C408
for traitname in sorted(class_config):
value = class_config[traitname]
print(f" .{traitname} = {pprint.pformat(value, **pformat_kwargs)}")
def print_alias_help(self) -> None:
"""Print the alias parts of the help."""
def emit_alias_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield the lines for alias part of the help."""
if not self.aliases:
classdict: dict[str, type[Configurable]] = {}
for cls in self.classes:
# include all parents (up to, but excluding Configurable) in available names
for c in cls.mro()[:-3]:
classdict[c.__name__] = t.cast(t.Type[Configurable], c)
fhelp: str | None
for alias, longname in self.aliases.items():
if isinstance(longname, tuple):
longname, fhelp = longname
fhelp = None
classname, traitname = longname.split(".")[-2:]
longname = classname + "." + traitname
cls = classdict[classname]
trait = cls.class_traits(config=True)[traitname]
fhelp_lines = cls.class_get_trait_help(trait, helptext=fhelp).splitlines()
if not isinstance(alias, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable]
alias = (alias,) # type:ignore[assignment]
alias = sorted(alias, key=len) # type:ignore[assignment]
alias = ", ".join(("--%s" if len(m) > 1 else "-%s") % m for m in alias)
# reformat first line
fhelp_lines[0] = fhelp_lines[0].replace("--" + longname, alias)
yield from fhelp_lines
yield indent("Equivalent to: [--%s]" % longname)
except Exception as ex:
self.log.error("Failed collecting help-message for alias %r, due to: %s", alias, ex)
def print_flag_help(self) -> None:
"""Print the flag part of the help."""
def emit_flag_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield the lines for the flag part of the help."""
if not self.flags:
for flags, (cfg, fhelp) in self.flags.items():
if not isinstance(flags, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable]
flags = (flags,) # type:ignore[assignment]
flags = sorted(flags, key=len) # type:ignore[assignment]
flags = ", ".join(("--%s" if len(m) > 1 else "-%s") % m for m in flags)
yield flags
yield indent(dedent(fhelp.strip()))
cfg_list = " ".join(
for clname, props_dict in cfg.items()
for prop, val in props_dict.items()
cfg_txt = "Equivalent to: [%s]" % cfg_list
yield indent(dedent(cfg_txt))
except Exception as ex:
self.log.error("Failed collecting help-message for flag %r, due to: %s", flags, ex)
def print_options(self) -> None:
"""Print the options part of the help."""
def emit_options_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield the lines for the options part of the help."""
if not self.flags and not self.aliases:
header = "Options"
yield header
yield "=" * len(header)
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.option_description):
yield p
yield ""
yield from self.emit_flag_help()
yield from self.emit_alias_help()
yield ""
def print_subcommands(self) -> None:
"""Print the subcommand part of the help."""
def emit_subcommands_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield the lines for the subcommand part of the help."""
if not self.subcommands:
header = "Subcommands"
yield header
yield "=" * len(header)
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.subcommand_description.format(app=self.name)):
yield p
yield ""
for subc, (_, help) in self.subcommands.items():
yield subc
if help:
yield indent(dedent(help.strip()))
yield ""
def emit_help_epilogue(self, classes: bool) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield the very bottom lines of the help message.
If classes=False (the default), print `--help-all` msg.
if not classes:
yield "To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`."
yield ""
def print_help(self, classes: bool = False) -> None:
"""Print the help for each Configurable class in self.classes.
If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.
def emit_help(self, classes: bool = False) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield the help-lines for each Configurable class in self.classes.
If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed.
yield from self.emit_description()
yield from self.emit_subcommands_help()
yield from self.emit_options_help()
if classes:
help_classes = self._classes_with_config_traits()
if help_classes is not None:
yield "Class options"
yield "============="
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.keyvalue_description):
yield p
yield ""
for cls in help_classes:
yield cls.class_get_help()
yield ""
yield from self.emit_examples()
yield from self.emit_help_epilogue(classes)
def document_config_options(self) -> str:
"""Generate rST format documentation for the config options this application
Returns a multiline string.
return "\n".join(c.class_config_rst_doc() for c in self._classes_inc_parents())
def print_description(self) -> None:
"""Print the application description."""
def emit_description(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield lines with the application description."""
for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.description or self.__doc__ or ""):
yield p
yield ""
def print_examples(self) -> None:
"""Print usage and examples (see `emit_examples()`)."""
def emit_examples(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Yield lines with the usage and examples.
This usage string goes at the end of the command line help string
and should contain examples of the application's usage.
if self.examples:
yield "Examples"
yield "--------"
yield ""
yield indent(dedent(self.examples.strip()))
yield ""
def print_version(self) -> None:
"""Print the version string."""
def initialize_subcommand(self, subc: str, argv: ArgvType = None) -> None:
"""Initialize a subcommand with argv."""
val = self.subcommands.get(subc)
assert val is not None
subapp, _ = val
if isinstance(subapp, str):
subapp = import_item(subapp)
# Cannot issubclass() on a non-type (SOhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/8692430)
if isinstance(subapp, type) and issubclass(subapp, Application):
# Clear existing instances before...
# instantiating subapp...
self.subapp = subapp.instance(parent=self)
elif callable(subapp):
# or ask factory to create it...
self.subapp = subapp(self)
raise AssertionError("Invalid mappings for subcommand '%s'!" % subc)
# ... and finally initialize subapp.
def flatten_flags(self) -> tuple[dict[str, t.Any], dict[str, t.Any]]:
"""Flatten flags and aliases for loaders, so cl-args override as expected.
This prevents issues such as an alias pointing to InteractiveShell,
but a config file setting the same trait in TerminalInteraciveShell
getting inappropriate priority over the command-line arg.
Also, loaders expect ``(key: longname)`` and not ``key: (longname, help)`` items.
Only aliases with exactly one descendent in the class list
will be promoted.
# build a tree of classes in our list that inherit from a particular
# it will be a dict by parent classname of classes in our list
# that are descendents
mro_tree = defaultdict(list)
for cls in self.classes:
clsname = cls.__name__
for parent in cls.mro()[1:-3]:
# exclude cls itself and Configurable,HasTraits,object
# flatten aliases, which have the form:
# { 'alias' : 'Class.trait' }
aliases: dict[str, str] = {}
for alias, longname in self.aliases.items():
if isinstance(longname, tuple):
longname, _ = longname
cls, trait = longname.split(".", 1)
children = mro_tree[cls] # type:ignore[index]
if len(children) == 1:
# exactly one descendent, promote alias
cls = children[0] # type:ignore[assignment]
if not isinstance(aliases, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable]
alias = (alias,) # type:ignore[assignment]
for al in alias:
aliases[al] = ".".join([cls, trait]) # type:ignore[list-item]
# flatten flags, which are of the form:
# { 'key' : ({'Cls' : {'trait' : value}}, 'help')}
flags = {}
for key, (flagdict, help) in self.flags.items():
newflag: dict[t.Any, t.Any] = {}
for cls, subdict in flagdict.items():
children = mro_tree[cls] # type:ignore[index]
# exactly one descendent, promote flag section
if len(children) == 1:
cls = children[0] # type:ignore[assignment]
if cls in newflag:
newflag[cls] = subdict
if not isinstance(key, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable]
key = (key,) # type:ignore[assignment]
for k in key:
flags[k] = (newflag, help)
return flags, aliases
def _create_loader(
argv: list[str] | None,
aliases: StrDict,
flags: StrDict,
classes: ClassesType | None,
) -> KVArgParseConfigLoader:
return KVArgParseConfigLoader(
argv, aliases, flags, classes=classes, log=self.log, subcommands=self.subcommands
def _get_sys_argv(cls, check_argcomplete: bool = False) -> list[str]:
"""Get `sys.argv` or equivalent from `argcomplete`
`argcomplete`'s strategy is to call the python script with no arguments,
so ``len(sys.argv) == 1``, and run until the `ArgumentParser` is constructed
and determine what completions are available.
On the other hand, `traitlet`'s subcommand-handling strategy is to check
``sys.argv[1]`` and see if it matches a subcommand, and if so then dynamically
load the subcommand app and initialize it with ``sys.argv[1:]``.
This helper method helps to take the current tokens for `argcomplete` and pass
them through as `argv`.
if check_argcomplete and "_ARGCOMPLETE" in os.environ:
from traitlets.config.argcomplete_config import get_argcomplete_cwords
cwords = get_argcomplete_cwords()
assert cwords is not None
return cwords
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
return sys.argv
def _handle_argcomplete_for_subcommand(cls) -> None:
"""Helper for `argcomplete` to recognize `traitlets` subcommands
`argcomplete` does not know that `traitlets` has already consumed subcommands,
as it only "sees" the final `argparse.ArgumentParser` that is constructed.
(Indeed `KVArgParseConfigLoader` does not get passed subcommands at all currently.)
We explicitly manipulate the environment variables used internally by `argcomplete`
to get it to skip over the subcommand tokens.
if "_ARGCOMPLETE" not in os.environ:
from traitlets.config.argcomplete_config import increment_argcomplete_index
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
def parse_command_line(self, argv: ArgvType = None) -> None:
"""Parse the command line arguments."""
assert not isinstance(argv, str)
if argv is None:
argv = self._get_sys_argv(check_argcomplete=bool(self.subcommands))[1:]
self.argv = [cast_unicode(arg) for arg in argv]
if argv and argv[0] == "help":
# turn `ipython help notebook` into `ipython notebook -h`
argv = argv[1:] + ["-h"]
if self.subcommands and len(argv) > 0:
# we have subcommands, and one may have been specified
subc, subargv = argv[0], argv[1:]
if re.match(r"^\w(\-?\w)*$", subc) and subc in self.subcommands:
# it's a subcommand, and *not* a flag or class parameter
return self.initialize_subcommand(subc, subargv)
# Arguments after a '--' argument are for the script IPython may be
# about to run, not IPython iteslf. For arguments parsed here (help and
# version), we want to only search the arguments up to the first
# occurrence of '--', which we're calling interpreted_argv.
interpreted_argv = argv[: argv.index("--")]
except ValueError:
interpreted_argv = argv
if any(x in interpreted_argv for x in ("-h", "--help-all", "--help")):
self.print_help("--help-all" in interpreted_argv)
if "--version" in interpreted_argv or "-V" in interpreted_argv:
# flatten flags&aliases, so cl-args get appropriate priority:
flags, aliases = self.flatten_flags()
classes = list(self._classes_with_config_traits())
loader = self._create_loader(argv, aliases, flags, classes=classes)
self.cli_config = deepcopy(loader.load_config())
except SystemExit:
# traitlets 5: no longer print help output on error
# help output is huge, and comes after the error
# store unparsed args in extra_args
self.extra_args = loader.extra_args
def _load_config_files(
basefilename: str,
path: str | t.Sequence[str | None] | None,
log: AnyLogger | None = None,
raise_config_file_errors: bool = False,
) -> t.Generator[t.Any, None, None]:
"""Load config files (py,json) by filename and path.
yield each config object in turn.
if isinstance(path, str) or path is None:
path = [path]
for current in reversed(path):
# path list is in descending priority order, so load files backwards:
pyloader = cls.python_config_loader_class(basefilename + ".py", path=current, log=log)
if log:
log.debug("Looking for %s in %s", basefilename, current or os.getcwd())
jsonloader = cls.json_config_loader_class(basefilename + ".json", path=current, log=log)
loaded: list[t.Any] = []
filenames: list[str] = []
for loader in [pyloader, jsonloader]:
config = None
config = loader.load_config()
except ConfigFileNotFound:
except Exception:
# try to get the full filename, but it will be empty in the
# unlikely event that the error raised before filefind finished
filename = loader.full_filename or basefilename
# problem while running the file
if raise_config_file_errors:
if log:
log.error("Exception while loading config file %s", filename, exc_info=True) # noqa: G201
if log:
log.debug("Loaded config file: %s", loader.full_filename)
if config:
for filename, earlier_config in zip(filenames, loaded):
collisions = earlier_config.collisions(config)
if collisions and log:
"Collisions detected in {0} and {1} config files." # noqa: G001
" {1} has higher priority: {2}".format(
json.dumps(collisions, indent=2),
yield (config, loader.full_filename)
def loaded_config_files(self) -> list[str]:
"""Currently loaded configuration files"""
return self._loaded_config_files[:]
def load_config_file(
self, filename: str, path: str | t.Sequence[str | None] | None = None
) -> None:
"""Load config files by filename and path."""
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
new_config = Config()
for config, fname in self._load_config_files(
if (
fname not in self._loaded_config_files
): # only add to list of loaded files if not previously loaded
# add self.cli_config to preserve CLI config priority
def load_config_environ(self) -> None:
"""Load config files by environment."""
PREFIX = self.name.upper().replace("-", "_")
new_config = Config()
self.log.debug('Looping through config variables with prefix "%s"', PREFIX)
for k, v in os.environ.items():
if k.startswith(PREFIX):
self.log.debug('Seeing environ "%s"="%s"', k, v)
# use __ instead of . as separator in env variable.
# Warning, case sensitive !
_, *path, key = k.split("__")
section = new_config
for p in path:
section = section[p]
setattr(section, key, DeferredConfigString(v))
def _classes_with_config_traits(
self, classes: ClassesType | None = None
) -> t.Generator[type[Configurable], None, None]:
Yields only classes with configurable traits, and their subclasses.
:param classes:
The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`.
Thus, produced sample config-file will contain all classes
on which a trait-value may be overridden:
- either on the class owning the trait,
- or on its subclasses, even if those subclasses do not define
any traits themselves.
if classes is None:
classes = self.classes
cls_to_config = OrderedDict(
(cls, bool(cls.class_own_traits(config=True)))
for cls in self._classes_inc_parents(classes)
def is_any_parent_included(cls: t.Any) -> bool:
return any(b in cls_to_config and cls_to_config[b] for b in cls.__bases__)
# Mark "empty" classes for inclusion if their parents own-traits,
# and loop until no more classes gets marked.
while True:
to_incl_orig = cls_to_config.copy()
cls_to_config = OrderedDict(
(cls, inc_yes or is_any_parent_included(cls))
for cls, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items()
if cls_to_config == to_incl_orig:
for cl, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items():
if inc_yes:
yield cl
def generate_config_file(self, classes: ClassesType | None = None) -> str:
"""generate default config file from Configurables"""
lines = ["# Configuration file for %s." % self.name]
lines.append("c = get_config() #" + "noqa")
classes = self.classes if classes is None else classes
config_classes = list(self._classes_with_config_traits(classes))
for cls in config_classes:
return "\n".join(lines)
def close_handlers(self) -> None:
if getattr(self, "_logging_configured", False):
# don't attempt to close handlers unless they have been opened
# (note accessing self.log.handlers will create handlers if they
# have not yet been initialised)
for handler in self.log.handlers:
with suppress(Exception):
self._logging_configured = False
def exit(self, exit_status: int | str | None = 0) -> None:
self.log.debug("Exiting application: %s", self.name)
def __del__(self) -> None:
def launch_instance(cls, argv: ArgvType = None, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None:
"""Launch a global instance of this Application
If a global instance already exists, this reinitializes and starts it
app = cls.instance(**kwargs)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# utility functions, for convenience
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
default_aliases = Application.aliases
default_flags = Application.flags
def boolean_flag(name: str, configurable: str, set_help: str = "", unset_help: str = "") -> StrDict:
"""Helper for building basic --trait, --no-trait flags.
name : str
The name of the flag.
configurable : str
The 'Class.trait' string of the trait to be set/unset with the flag
set_help : unicode
help string for --name flag
unset_help : unicode
help string for --no-name flag
cfg : dict
A dict with two keys: 'name', and 'no-name', for setting and unsetting
the trait, respectively.
# default helpstrings
set_help = set_help or "set %s=True" % configurable
unset_help = unset_help or "set %s=False" % configurable
cls, trait = configurable.split(".")
setter = {cls: {trait: True}}
unsetter = {cls: {trait: False}}
return {name: (setter, set_help), "no-" + name: (unsetter, unset_help)}
def get_config() -> Config:
"""Get the config object for the global Application instance, if there is one
otherwise return an empty config object
if Application.initialized():
return Application.instance().config
return Config()
if __name__ == "__main__":