67 lines
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67 lines
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Created on Wed May 04 06:09:18 2011
@author: josef
import numpy as np
def mean_residual_life(x, frac=None, alpha=0.05):
'''empirical mean residual life or expected shortfall
x : 1-dimensional array_like
frac : list[float], optional
All entries must be between 0 and 1
alpha : float, default 0.05
FIXME: not actually used.
check formula for std of mean
does not include case for all observations
last observations std is zero
vectorize loop using cumsum
frac does not work yet
axis = 0 # searchsorted is 1d only
x = np.asarray(x)
nobs = x.shape[axis]
xsorted = np.sort(x, axis=axis)
if frac is None:
xthreshold = xsorted
xthreshold = xsorted[np.floor(nobs * frac).astype(int)]
# use searchsorted instead of simple index in case of ties
xlargerindex = np.searchsorted(xsorted, xthreshold, side='right')
# TODO:replace loop with cumsum ?
result = []
for i in range(len(xthreshold)-1):
k_ind = xlargerindex[i]
rmean = x[k_ind:].mean()
# this does not work for last observations, nans
rstd = x[k_ind:].std()
rmstd = rstd/np.sqrt(nobs-k_ind) # std error of mean, check formula
result.append((k_ind, xthreshold[i], rmean, rmstd))
res = np.array(result)
crit = 1.96 # TODO: without loading stats, crit = -stats.t.ppf(0.05)
confint = res[:, 1:2] + crit * res[:, -1:] * np.array([[-1, 1]])
return np.column_stack((res, confint))
expected_shortfall = mean_residual_life # alias
if __name__ == "__main__":
rvs = np.random.standard_t(5, size=10)
res = mean_residual_life(rvs)
rmean = [rvs[i:].mean() for i in range(len(rvs))]
print(res[:, 2] - rmean[1:])
res_frac = mean_residual_life(rvs, frac=[0.5])