678 lines
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678 lines
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'''estimate distribution parameters by various methods
method of moments or matching quantiles, and Maximum Likelihood estimation
based on binned data and Maximum Product-of-Spacings
Warning: I'm still finding cut-and-paste and refactoring errors, e.g.
hardcoded variables from outer scope in functions
some results do not seem to make sense for Pareto case,
looks better now after correcting some name errors
initially loosely based on a paper and blog for quantile matching
by John D. Cook
formula for gamma quantile (ppf) matching by him (from paper)
this is what I actually used (in parts):
quantile based estimator
only special cases for number or parameters so far
Is there a literature for GMM estimation of distribution parameters? check
found one: Wu/Perloff 2007
binned estimator
* I added this also
* use it for chisquare tests with estimation distribution parameters
* move this to distribution_extras (next to gof tests powerdiscrepancy and
continuous) or add to distribution_patch
example: t-distribution
* works with quantiles if they contain tail quantiles
* results with momentcondquant do not look as good as mle estimate
* rearange and make sure I do not use module globals (as I did initially) DONE
make two version exactly identified method of moments with fsolve
and GMM (?) version with fmin
and maybe the special cases of JD Cook
update: maybe exact (MM) version is not so interesting compared to GMM
* add semifrozen version of moment and quantile based estimators,
e.g. for beta (both loc and scale fixed), or gamma (loc fixed)
* add beta example to the semifrozen MLE, fitfr, code
-> added method of moment estimator to _fitstart for beta
* start a list of how well different estimators, especially current mle work
for the different distributions
* need general GMM code (with optimal weights ?), looks like a good example
for it
* get example for binned data estimation, mailing list a while ago
* any idea when these are better than mle ?
* check language: I use quantile to mean the value of the random variable, not
quantile between 0 and 1.
* for GMM: move moment conditions to separate function, so that they can be
used for further analysis, e.g. covariance matrix of parameter estimates
* question: Are GMM properties different for matching quantiles with cdf or
ppf? Estimate should be the same, but derivatives of moment conditions
* add maximum spacings estimator, Wikipedia, Per Brodtkorb -> basic version Done
* add parameter estimation based on empirical characteristic function
(Carrasco/Florens), especially for stable distribution
* provide a model class based on estimating all distributions, and collect
all distribution specific information
Ximing Wu, Jeffrey M. Perloff, GMM estimation of a maximum entropy
distribution with interval data, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 138,
Issue 2, 'Information and Entropy Econometrics' - A Volume in Honor of
Arnold Zellner, June 2007, Pages 532-546, ISSN 0304-4076,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2006.05.008.
http://escholarship.org/uc/item/7jf5w1ht (working paper)
Johnson, Kotz, Balakrishnan: Volume 2
Author : josef-pktd
License : BSD
created : 2010-04-20
added Maximum Product-of-Spacings 2010-05-12
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, optimize, special
cache = {} #module global storage for temp results, not used
# the next two use distfn from module scope - not anymore
def gammamomentcond(distfn, params, mom2, quantile=None):
'''estimate distribution parameters based method of moments (mean,
variance) for distributions with 1 shape parameter and fixed loc=0.
cond : function
first test version, quantile argument not used
def cond(params):
alpha, scale = params
mom2s = distfn.stats(alpha, 0.,scale)
return np.array(mom2)-mom2s
return cond
def gammamomentcond2(distfn, params, mom2, quantile=None):
'''estimate distribution parameters based method of moments (mean,
variance) for distributions with 1 shape parameter and fixed loc=0.
difference : ndarray
difference between theoretical and empirical moments
first test version, quantile argument not used
The only difference to previous function is return type.
alpha, scale = params
mom2s = distfn.stats(alpha, 0.,scale)
return np.array(mom2)-mom2s
######### fsolve does not move in small samples, fmin not very accurate
def momentcondunbound(distfn, params, mom2, quantile=None):
'''moment conditions for estimating distribution parameters using method
of moments, uses mean, variance and one quantile for distributions
with 1 shape parameter.
difference : ndarray
difference between theoretical and empirical moments and quantiles
shape, loc, scale = params
mom2diff = np.array(distfn.stats(shape, loc,scale)) - mom2
if quantile is not None:
pq, xq = quantile
#ppfdiff = distfn.ppf(pq, alpha)
cdfdiff = distfn.cdf(xq, shape, loc, scale) - pq
return np.concatenate([mom2diff, cdfdiff[:1]])
return mom2diff
###### loc scale only
def momentcondunboundls(distfn, params, mom2, quantile=None, shape=None):
'''moment conditions for estimating loc and scale of a distribution
with method of moments using either 2 quantiles or 2 moments (not both).
difference : ndarray
difference between theoretical and empirical moments or quantiles
loc, scale = params
mom2diff = np.array(distfn.stats(shape, loc, scale)) - mom2
if quantile is not None:
pq, xq = quantile
#ppfdiff = distfn.ppf(pq, alpha)
cdfdiff = distfn.cdf(xq, shape, loc, scale) - pq
#return np.concatenate([mom2diff, cdfdiff[:1]])
return cdfdiff
return mom2diff
######### try quantile GMM with identity weight matrix
#(just a guess that's what it is
def momentcondquant(distfn, params, mom2, quantile=None, shape=None):
'''moment conditions for estimating distribution parameters by matching
quantiles, defines as many moment conditions as quantiles.
difference : ndarray
difference between theoretical and empirical quantiles
This can be used for method of moments or for generalized method of
#this check looks redundant/unused know
if len(params) == 2:
loc, scale = params
elif len(params) == 3:
shape, loc, scale = params
#raise NotImplementedError
pass #see whether this might work, seems to work for beta with 2 shape args
#mom2diff = np.array(distfn.stats(*params)) - mom2
#if not quantile is None:
pq, xq = quantile
#ppfdiff = distfn.ppf(pq, alpha)
cdfdiff = distfn.cdf(xq, *params) - pq
#return np.concatenate([mom2diff, cdfdiff[:1]])
return cdfdiff
#return mom2diff
def fitquantilesgmm(distfn, x, start=None, pquant=None, frozen=None):
if pquant is None:
pquant = np.array([0.01, 0.05,0.1,0.4,0.6,0.9,0.95,0.99])
if start is None:
if hasattr(distfn, '_fitstart'):
start = distfn._fitstart(x)
start = [1]*distfn.numargs + [0.,1.]
#TODO: vectorize this:
xqs = [stats.scoreatpercentile(x, p) for p in pquant*100]
mom2s = None
parest = optimize.fmin(lambda params:np.sum(
momentcondquant(distfn, params, mom2s,(pquant,xqs), shape=None)**2), start)
return parest
def fitbinned(distfn, freq, binedges, start, fixed=None):
'''estimate parameters of distribution function for binned data using MLE
distfn : distribution instance
needs to have cdf method, as in scipy.stats
freq : ndarray, 1d
frequency count, e.g. obtained by histogram
binedges : ndarray, 1d
binedges including lower and upper bound
start : tuple or array_like ?
starting values, needs to have correct length
paramest : ndarray
estimated parameters
todo: add fixed parameter option
added factorial
if fixed is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
nobs = np.sum(freq)
lnnobsfact = special.gammaln(nobs+1)
def nloglike(params):
'''negative loglikelihood function of binned data
corresponds to multinomial
prob = np.diff(distfn.cdf(binedges, *params))
return -(lnnobsfact + np.sum(freq*np.log(prob)- special.gammaln(freq+1)))
return optimize.fmin(nloglike, start)
def fitbinnedgmm(distfn, freq, binedges, start, fixed=None, weightsoptimal=True):
'''estimate parameters of distribution function for binned data using GMM
distfn : distribution instance
needs to have cdf method, as in scipy.stats
freq : ndarray, 1d
frequency count, e.g. obtained by histogram
binedges : ndarray, 1d
binedges including lower and upper bound
start : tuple or array_like ?
starting values, needs to have correct length
fixed : None
not used yet
weightsoptimal : bool
If true, then the optimal weighting matrix for GMM is used. If false,
then the identity matrix is used
paramest : ndarray
estimated parameters
todo: add fixed parameter option
added factorial
if fixed is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
nobs = np.sum(freq)
if weightsoptimal:
weights = freq/float(nobs)
weights = np.ones(len(freq))
freqnormed = freq/float(nobs)
# skip turning weights into matrix diag(freq/float(nobs))
def gmmobjective(params):
'''negative loglikelihood function of binned data
corresponds to multinomial
prob = np.diff(distfn.cdf(binedges, *params))
momcond = freqnormed - prob
return np.dot(momcond*weights, momcond)
return optimize.fmin(gmmobjective, start)
#Addition from try_maxproductspacings:
"""Estimating Parameters of Log-Normal Distribution with Maximum
Likelihood and Maximum Product-of-Spacings
MPS definiton from JKB page 233
Created on Tue May 11 13:52:50 2010
Author: josef-pktd
License: BSD
def hess_ndt(fun, pars, args, options):
import numdifftools as ndt
if not ('stepMax' in options or 'stepFix' in options):
options['stepMax'] = 1e-5
f = lambda params: fun(params, *args)
h = ndt.Hessian(f, **options)
return h(pars), h
def logmps(params, xsorted, dist):
'''calculate negative log of Product-of-Spacings
params : array_like, tuple ?
parameters of the distribution funciton
xsorted : array_like
data that is already sorted
dist : instance of a distribution class
only cdf method is used
mps : float
negative log of Product-of-Spacings
MPS definiton from JKB page 233
xcdf = np.r_[0., dist.cdf(xsorted, *params), 1.]
D = np.diff(xcdf)
return -np.log(D).mean()
def getstartparams(dist, data):
'''get starting values for estimation of distribution parameters
dist : distribution instance
the distribution instance needs to have either a method fitstart
or an attribute numargs
data : ndarray
data for which preliminary estimator or starting value for
parameter estimation is desired
x0 : ndarray
preliminary estimate or starting value for the parameters of
the distribution given the data, including loc and scale
if hasattr(dist, 'fitstart'):
#x0 = getattr(dist, 'fitstart')(data)
x0 = dist.fitstart(data)
if np.isfinite(dist.a):
x0 = np.r_[[1.]*dist.numargs, (data.min()-1), 1.]
x0 = np.r_[[1.]*dist.numargs, (data.mean()-1), 1.]
return x0
def fit_mps(dist, data, x0=None):
'''Estimate distribution parameters with Maximum Product-of-Spacings
params : array_like, tuple ?
parameters of the distribution funciton
xsorted : array_like
data that is already sorted
dist : instance of a distribution class
only cdf method is used
x : ndarray
estimates for the parameters of the distribution given the data,
including loc and scale
xsorted = np.sort(data)
if x0 is None:
x0 = getstartparams(dist, xsorted)
args = (xsorted, dist)
return optimize.fmin(logmps, x0, args=args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Example: gamma - distribution
print('\n\nExample: gamma Distribution')
print( '---------------------------')
alpha = 2
xq = [0.5, 4]
pq = [0.1, 0.9]
print(stats.gamma.ppf(pq, alpha))
xq = stats.gamma.ppf(pq, alpha)
print(np.diff(stats.gamma.ppf(pq, np.linspace(0.01,4,10)[:,None])*xq[::-1]))
#optimize.bisect(lambda alpha: np.diff((stats.gamma.ppf(pq, alpha)*xq[::-1])))
print(optimize.fsolve(lambda alpha: np.diff(stats.gamma.ppf(pq, alpha)*xq[::-1]), 3.))
distfn = stats.gamma
mcond = gammamomentcond(distfn, [5.,10], mom2=stats.gamma.stats(alpha, 0.,1.), quantile=None)
print(optimize.fsolve(mcond, [1.,2.]))
mom2 = stats.gamma.stats(alpha, 0.,1.)
print(optimize.fsolve(lambda params:gammamomentcond2(distfn, params, mom2), [1.,2.]))
grvs = stats.gamma.rvs(alpha, 0.,2., size=1000)
mom2 = np.array([grvs.mean(), grvs.var()])
alphaestq = optimize.fsolve(lambda params:gammamomentcond2(distfn, params, mom2), [1.,3.])
print('scale = ', xq/stats.gamma.ppf(pq, alphaestq))
#Example beta - distribution
#Warning: this example had cut-and-paste errors
print('\n\nExample: beta Distribution')
print( '--------------------------')
#monkey patching :
## if hasattr(stats.beta, '_fitstart'):
## del stats.beta._fitstart #bug in _fitstart #raises AttributeError: _fitstart
#stats.distributions.beta_gen._fitstart = lambda self, data : np.array([1,1,0,1])
#_fitstart seems to require a tuple
stats.distributions.beta_gen._fitstart = lambda self, data : (5,5,0,1)
pq = np.array([0.01, 0.05,0.1,0.4,0.6,0.9,0.95,0.99])
#rvsb = stats.beta.rvs(0.5,0.15,size=200)
rvsb = stats.beta.rvs(10,15,size=2000)
print('true params', 10, 15, 0, 1)
xqsb = [stats.scoreatpercentile(rvsb, p) for p in pq*100]
mom2s = np.array([rvsb.mean(), rvsb.var()])
betaparest_gmmquantile = optimize.fmin(lambda params:np.sum(momentcondquant(stats.beta, params, mom2s,(pq,xqsb), shape=None)**2),
[10,10, 0., 1.], maxiter=2000)
print('betaparest_gmmquantile', betaparest_gmmquantile)
#result sensitive to initial condition
#Example t - distribution
print('\n\nExample: t Distribution')
print( '-----------------------')
nobs = 1000
distfn = stats.t
pq = np.array([0.1,0.9])
paramsdgp = (5, 0, 1)
trvs = distfn.rvs(5, 0, 1, size=nobs)
xqs = [stats.scoreatpercentile(trvs, p) for p in pq*100]
mom2th = distfn.stats(*paramsdgp)
mom2s = np.array([trvs.mean(), trvs.var()])
tparest_gmm3quantilefsolve = optimize.fsolve(lambda params:momentcondunbound(distfn,params, mom2s,(pq,xqs)), [10,1.,2.])
print('tparest_gmm3quantilefsolve', tparest_gmm3quantilefsolve)
tparest_gmm3quantile = optimize.fmin(lambda params:np.sum(momentcondunbound(distfn,params, mom2s,(pq,xqs))**2), [10,1.,2.])
print('tparest_gmm3quantile', tparest_gmm3quantile)
##distfn = stats.t
##pq = np.array([0.1,0.9])
##paramsdgp = (5, 0, 1)
##trvs = distfn.rvs(5, 0, 1, size=nobs)
##xqs = [stats.scoreatpercentile(trvs, p) for p in pq*100]
##mom2th = distfn.stats(*paramsdgp)
##mom2s = np.array([trvs.mean(), trvs.var()])
print(optimize.fsolve(lambda params:momentcondunboundls(distfn, params, mom2s,shape=5), [1.,2.]))
print(optimize.fmin(lambda params:np.sum(momentcondunboundls(distfn, params, mom2s,shape=5)**2), [1.,2.]))
#loc, scale, based on quantiles
print(optimize.fsolve(lambda params:momentcondunboundls(distfn, params, mom2s,(pq,xqs),shape=5), [1.,2.]))
pq = np.array([0.01, 0.05,0.1,0.4,0.6,0.9,0.95,0.99])
#paramsdgp = (5, 0, 1)
xqs = [stats.scoreatpercentile(trvs, p) for p in pq*100]
tparest_gmmquantile = optimize.fmin(lambda params:np.sum(momentcondquant(distfn, params, mom2s,(pq,xqs), shape=None)**2), [10, 1.,2.])
print('tparest_gmmquantile', tparest_gmmquantile)
tparest_gmmquantile2 = fitquantilesgmm(distfn, trvs, start=[10, 1.,2.], pquant=None, frozen=None)
print('tparest_gmmquantile2', tparest_gmmquantile2)
#use trvs from before
bt = stats.t.ppf(np.linspace(0,1,21),5)
ft,bt = np.histogram(trvs,bins=bt)
print('fitbinned t-distribution')
tparest_mlebinew = fitbinned(stats.t, ft, bt, [10, 0, 1])
tparest_gmmbinewidentity = fitbinnedgmm(stats.t, ft, bt, [10, 0, 1])
tparest_gmmbinewoptimal = fitbinnedgmm(stats.t, ft, bt, [10, 0, 1], weightsoptimal=False)
#Note: this can be used for chisquare test and then has correct asymptotic
# distribution for a distribution with estimated parameters, find ref again
#TODO combine into test with binning included, check rule for number of bins
#bt2 = stats.t.ppf(np.linspace(trvs.,1,21),5)
ft2,bt2 = np.histogram(trvs,bins=50)
'fitbinned t-distribution'
tparest_mlebinel = fitbinned(stats.t, ft2, bt2, [10, 0, 1])
tparest_gmmbinelidentity = fitbinnedgmm(stats.t, ft2, bt2, [10, 0, 1])
tparest_gmmbineloptimal = fitbinnedgmm(stats.t, ft2, bt2, [10, 0, 1], weightsoptimal=False)
tparest_mle = stats.t.fit(trvs)
print('sample size', nobs)
print('true (df, loc, scale) ', paramsdgp)
print('parest_mle ', tparest_mle)
print('tparest_mlebinel ', tparest_mlebinel)
print('tparest_gmmbinelidentity ', tparest_gmmbinelidentity)
print('tparest_gmmbineloptimal ', tparest_gmmbineloptimal)
print('tparest_mlebinew ', tparest_mlebinew)
print('tparest_gmmbinewidentity ', tparest_gmmbinewidentity)
print('tparest_gmmbinewoptimal ', tparest_gmmbinewoptimal)
print('tparest_gmmquantileidentity', tparest_gmmquantile)
print('tparest_gmm3quantilefsolve ', tparest_gmm3quantilefsolve)
print('tparest_gmm3quantile ', tparest_gmm3quantile)
''' example results:
standard error for df estimate looks large
note: iI do not impose that df is an integer, (b/c not necessary)
need Monte Carlo to check variance of estimators
sample size 1000
true (df, loc, scale) (5, 0, 1)
parest_mle [ 4.571405 -0.021493 1.028584]
tparest_mlebinel [ 4.534069 -0.022605 1.02962 ]
tparest_gmmbinelidentity [ 2.653056 0.012807 0.896958]
tparest_gmmbineloptimal [ 2.437261 -0.020491 0.923308]
tparest_mlebinew [ 2.999124 -0.0199 0.948811]
tparest_gmmbinewidentity [ 2.900939 -0.020159 0.93481 ]
tparest_gmmbinewoptimal [ 2.977764 -0.024925 0.946487]
tparest_gmmquantileidentity [ 3.940797 -0.046469 1.002001]
tparest_gmm3quantilefsolve [ 10. 1. 2.]
tparest_gmm3quantile [ 6.376101 -0.029322 1.112403]
#Example with Maximum Product of Spacings Estimation
#Example: Lognormal Distribution
#tough problem for MLE according to JKB
#but not sure for which parameters
print('\n\nExample: Lognormal Distribution')
print( '-------------------------------')
sh = np.exp(10)
sh = 0.01
x = stats.lognorm.rvs(sh,loc=100, scale=10,size=200)
print(stats.lognorm.fit(x, 1.,loc=x.min()-1,scale=1))
xsorted = np.sort(x)
x0 = [1., x.min()-1, 1]
args = (xsorted, stats.lognorm)
#Example: Lomax, Pareto, Generalized Pareto Distributions
#partially a follow-up to the discussion about numpy.random.pareto
#Reference: JKB
#example Maximum Product of Spacings Estimation
# current results:
# does not look very good yet sensitivity to starting values
# Pareto and Generalized Pareto look like a tough estimation problemprint('\n\nExample: Lognormal Distribution'
print('\n\nExample: Lomax, Pareto, Generalized Pareto Distributions')
print( '--------------------------------------------------------')
p2rvs = stats.genpareto.rvs(2, size=500)
#Note: is Lomax without +1; and classical Pareto with +1
p2rvssorted = np.sort(p2rvs)
argsp = (p2rvssorted, stats.pareto)
x0p = [1., p2rvs.min()-5, 1]
print(stats.pareto.fit(p2rvs, 0.5, loc=-20, scale=0.5))
print('gpdparest_ mle', stats.genpareto.fit(p2rvs))
parsgpd = fit_mps(stats.genpareto, p2rvs)
print('gpdparest_ mps', parsgpd)
argsgpd = (p2rvssorted, stats.genpareto)
options = dict(stepFix=1e-7)
#hess_ndt(fun, pars, argsgdp, options)
#the results for the following look strange, maybe refactoring error
he, h = hess_ndt(logmps, parsgpd, argsgpd, options)
f = lambda params: logmps(params, *argsgpd)
#add binned
fp2, bp2 = np.histogram(p2rvs, bins=50)
'fitbinned t-distribution'
gpdparest_mlebinel = fitbinned(stats.genpareto, fp2, bp2, x0p)
gpdparest_gmmbinelidentity = fitbinnedgmm(stats.genpareto, fp2, bp2, x0p)
print('gpdparest_mlebinel', gpdparest_mlebinel)
print('gpdparest_gmmbinelidentity', gpdparest_gmmbinelidentity)
gpdparest_gmmquantile2 = fitquantilesgmm(
stats.genpareto, p2rvs, start=x0p, pquant=None, frozen=None)
print('gpdparest_gmmquantile2', gpdparest_gmmquantile2)
print(fitquantilesgmm(stats.genpareto, p2rvs, start=x0p,
pquant=np.linspace(0.01,0.99,10), frozen=None))
fp2, bp2 = np.histogram(
print('fitbinnedgmm equal weight bins')
print(fitbinnedgmm(stats.genpareto, fp2, bp2, x0p))