184 lines
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184 lines
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Glue for returning descriptive statistics.
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.stats.descriptivestats import sign_test
# Univariate Descriptive Statistics
def descstats(data, cols=None, axis=0):
Prints descriptive statistics for one or multiple variables.
data: numpy array
`x` is the data
v: list, optional
A list of the column number of variables.
Default is all columns.
axis: 1 or 0
axis order of data. Default is 0 for column-ordered data.
>>> descstats(data.exog,v=['x_1','x_2','x_3'])
x = np.array(data) # or rather, the data we're interested in
if cols is None:
x = x[:, None]
if cols is None and x.ndim == 1:
x = x[:,None]
if x.shape[1] == 1:
desc = '''
Univariate Descriptive Statistics
Var. Name %(name)12s
Obs. %(nobs)22i Range %(range)22s
Sum of Wts. %(sum)22s Coeff. of Variation %(coeffvar)22.4g
Mode %(mode)22.4g Skewness %(skewness)22.4g
Repeats %(nmode)22i Kurtosis %(kurtosis)22.4g
Mean %(mean)22.4g Uncorrected SS %(uss)22.4g
Median %(median)22.4g Corrected SS %(ss)22.4g
Variance %(variance)22.4g Sum Observations %(sobs)22.4g
Std. Dev. %(stddev)22.4g
''' % {'name': cols, 'sum': 'N/A', 'nobs': len(x), 'mode': \
stats.mode(x)[0][0], 'nmode': stats.mode(x)[1][0], \
'mean': x.mean(), 'median': np.median(x), 'range': \
'('+str(x.min())+', '+str(x.max())+')', 'variance': \
x.var(), 'stddev': x.std(), 'coeffvar': \
stats.variation(x), 'skewness': stats.skew(x), \
'kurtosis': stats.kurtosis(x), 'uss': np.sum(x**2, axis=0),\
'ss': np.sum((x-x.mean())**2, axis=0), 'sobs': np.sum(x)}
desc+= '''
1 %% %12.4g
5 %% %12.4g
10 %% %12.4g
25 %% %12.4g
50 %% %12.4g
75 %% %12.4g
90 %% %12.4g
95 %% %12.4g
99 %% %12.4g
''' % tuple([stats.scoreatpercentile(x,per) for per in (1,5,10,25,
desc+= '''
Tests of Location (H0: Mu0=0)
Test Statistic Two-tailed probability
Student's t | t {:7.5f} Pr > |t| <{:.4f}
Sign | M {:8.2f} Pr >= |M| <{:.4f}
Signed Rank | S {:8.2f} Pr >= |S| <{:.4f}
# Should this be part of a 'descstats'
# in any event these should be split up, so that they can be called
# individually and only returned together if someone calls summary
# or something of the sort
elif x.shape[1] > 1:
desc ='''
Var. Name | Obs. Mean Std. Dev. Range
for var in range(x.shape[1]):
xv = x[:, var]
kwargs = {
'name': var,
'obs': len(xv),
'mean': xv.mean(),
'stddev': xv.std(),
'range': '('+str(xv.min())+', '+str(xv.max())+')'+os.linesep
desc += ("%(name)15s %(obs)9i %(mean)12.4g %(stddev)12.4g "
"%(range)20s" % kwargs)
raise ValueError("data not understood")
return desc
#if __name__=='__main__':
# test descstats
# import os
# loc='http://eagle1.american.edu/~js2796a/data/handguns_data.csv'
# relpath=(load_dataset(loc))
# dta=np.recfromcsv(relpath)
# descstats(dta,['stpop'])
# raw_input('Hit enter for multivariate test')
# descstats(dta,['stpop','avginc','vio'])
# with plain arrays
# import string2dummy as s2d
# dts=s2d.string2dummy(dta)
# ndts=np.vstack(dts[col] for col in dts.dtype.names)
# observations in columns and data in rows
# is easier for the call to stats
# what to make of
# ndts=np.column_stack(dts[col] for col in dts.dtype.names)
# ntda=ntds.swapaxis(1,0)
# ntda is ntds returns false?
# or now we just have detailed information about the different strings
# would this approach ever be inappropriate for a string typed variable
# other than dates?
# descstats(ndts, [1])
# raw_input("Enter to try second part")
# descstats(ndts, [1,20,3])
if __name__ == '__main__':
import statsmodels.api as sm
data = sm.datasets.longley.load()
data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False)
sum1 = descstats(data.exog)
sum1a = descstats(data.exog[:,:1])
# loc='http://eagle1.american.edu/~js2796a/data/handguns_data.csv'
# dta=np.recfromcsv(loc)
# summary2 = descstats(dta,['stpop'])
# summary3 = descstats(dta,['stpop','avginc','vio'])
#TODO: needs a by argument
# summary4 = descstats(dta) this fails
# this is a bug
# p = dta[['stpop']]
# p.view(dtype = np.float, type = np.ndarray)
# this works
# p.view(dtype = np.int, type = np.ndarray)
### This is *really* slow ###
if os.path.isfile('./Econ724_PS_I_Data.csv'):
data2 = np.recfromcsv('./Econ724_PS_I_Data.csv')
sum2 = descstats(data2.ahe)
sum3 = descstats(np.column_stack((data2.ahe,data2.yrseduc)))
sum4 = descstats(np.column_stack([data2[_] for \
_ in data2.dtype.names]))