394 lines
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394 lines
13 KiB
Created on Thu May 15 16:36:05 2014
Author: Josef Perktold
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
class LinearConstraints:
"""Class to hold linear constraints information
Affine constraints are defined as ``R b = q` where `R` is the constraints
matrix and `q` are the constraints values and `b` are the parameters.
This is in analogy to patsy's LinearConstraints class but can be pickled.
constraint_matrix : ndarray
R matrix, 2-dim with number of columns equal to the number of
parameters. Each row defines one constraint.
constraint_values : ndarray
1-dim array of constant values
variable_names : list of strings
parameter names, used only for display
kwds : keyword arguments
keywords are attached to the instance.
def __init__(self, constraint_matrix, constraint_values,
variable_names, **kwds):
self.constraint_matrix = constraint_matrix
self.constraint_values = constraint_values
self.variable_names = variable_names
# alias for patsy compatibility
self.coefs = constraint_matrix
self.constants = constraint_values
self.tuple = (self.constraint_matrix, self.constraint_values)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.tuple
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.tuple[idx]
def __str__(self):
def prod_string(v, name):
v = np.abs(v)
if v != 1:
ss = str(v) + " * " + name
ss = name
return ss
constraints_strings = []
for r, q in zip(*self):
ss = []
for v, name in zip(r, self.variable_names):
if v != 0 and ss == []:
ss += prod_string(v, name)
elif v > 0:
ss += " + " + prod_string(v, name)
elif v < 0:
ss += " - " + prod_string(np.abs(v), name)
ss += " = " + str(q.item())
return '\n'.join(constraints_strings)
def from_patsy(cls, lc):
"""class method to create instance from patsy instance
lc : instance
instance of patsy LinearConstraint, or other instances that have
attributes ``lc.coefs, lc.constants, lc.variable_names``
instance of this class
return cls(lc.coefs, lc.constants, lc.variable_names)
class TransformRestriction:
"""Transformation for linear constraints `R params = q`
Note, the transformation from the reduced to the full parameters is an
affine and not a linear transformation if q is not zero.
R : array_like
Linear restriction matrix
q : arraylike or None
values of the linear restrictions
The reduced parameters are not sorted with respect to constraints.
TODO: error checking, eg. inconsistent constraints, how?
Inconsistent constraints will raise an exception in the calculation of
the constant or offset. However, homogeneous constraints, where q=0, will
can have a solution where the relevant parameters are constraint to be
zero, as in the following example::
b1 + b2 = 0 and b1 + 2*b2 = 0, implies that b2 = 0.
The transformation applied from full to reduced parameter space does not
raise and exception if the constraint does not hold.
TODO: maybe change this, what's the behavior in this case?
The `reduce` transform is applied to the array of explanatory variables,
`exog`, when transforming a linear model to impose the constraints.
def __init__(self, R, q=None):
# The calculations are based on Stata manual for makecns
R = self.R = np.atleast_2d(R)
if q is not None:
q = self.q = np.asarray(q)
k_constr, k_vars = R.shape
self.k_constr, self.k_vars = k_constr, k_vars
self.k_unconstr = k_vars - k_constr
m = np.eye(k_vars) - R.T.dot(np.linalg.pinv(R).T)
evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(m)
# This normalizes the transformation so the larges element is 1.
# It makes it easier to interpret simple restrictions, e.g. b1 + b2 = 0
# TODO: make this work, there is something wrong, does not round-trip
# need to adjust constant
#evecs_maxabs = np.max(np.abs(evecs), 0)
#evecs = evecs / evecs_maxabs
self.evals = evals
self.evecs = evecs # temporarily attach as attribute
L = self.L = evecs[:, :k_constr]
self.transf_mat = evecs[:, k_constr:]
if q is not None:
# use solve instead of inv
#self.constant = q.T.dot(np.linalg.inv(L.T.dot(R.T)).dot(L.T))
self.constant = q.T.dot(np.linalg.solve(L.T.dot(R.T), L.T))
except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
raise ValueError('possibly inconsistent constraints. error '
'generated by\n%r' % (e, ))
self.constant = 0
def expand(self, params_reduced):
"""transform from the reduced to the full parameter space
params_reduced : array_like
parameters in the transformed space
params : array_like
parameters in the original space
If the restriction is not homogeneous, i.e. q is not equal to zero,
then this is an affine transform.
params_reduced = np.asarray(params_reduced)
return self.transf_mat.dot(params_reduced.T).T + self.constant
def reduce(self, params):
"""transform from the full to the reduced parameter space
params : array_like
parameters or data in the original space
params_reduced : array_like
parameters in the transformed space
This transform can be applied to the original parameters as well
as to the data. If params is 2-d, then each row is transformed.
params = np.asarray(params)
return params.dot(self.transf_mat)
def transform_params_constraint(params, Sinv, R, q):
"""find the parameters that statisfy linear constraint from unconstrained
The linear constraint R params = q is imposed.
params : array_like
unconstrained parameters
Sinv : ndarray, 2d, symmetric
covariance matrix of the parameter estimate
R : ndarray, 2d
constraint matrix
q : ndarray, 1d
values of the constraint
params_constraint : ndarray
parameters of the same length as params satisfying the constraint
This is the exact formula for OLS and other linear models. It will be
a local approximation for nonlinear models.
TODO: Is Sinv always the covariance matrix?
In the linear case it can be (X'X)^{-1} or sigmahat^2 (X'X)^{-1}.
My guess is that this is the point in the subspace that satisfies
the constraint that has minimum Mahalanobis distance. Proof ?
rsr = R.dot(Sinv).dot(R.T)
reduction = Sinv.dot(R.T).dot(np.linalg.solve(rsr, R.dot(params) - q))
return params - reduction
def fit_constrained(model, constraint_matrix, constraint_values,
start_params=None, fit_kwds=None):
# note: self is model instance
"""fit model subject to linear equality constraints
The constraints are of the form `R params = q`
where R is the constraint_matrix and q is the vector of constraint_values.
The estimation creates a new model with transformed design matrix,
exog, and converts the results back to the original parameterization.
model: model instance
An instance of a model, see limitations in Notes section
constraint_matrix : array_like, 2D
This is R in the linear equality constraint `R params = q`.
The number of columns needs to be the same as the number of columns
in exog.
constraint_values :
This is `q` in the linear equality constraint `R params = q`
If it is a tuple, then the constraint needs to be given by two
arrays (constraint_matrix, constraint_value), i.e. (R, q).
Otherwise, the constraints can be given as strings or list of
see t_test for details
start_params : None or array_like
starting values for the optimization. `start_params` needs to be
given in the original parameter space and are internally
**fit_kwds : keyword arguments
fit_kwds are used in the optimization of the transformed model.
params : ndarray ?
estimated parameters (in the original parameterization
cov_params : ndarray
covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. This is a reverse
transformation of the covariance matrix of the transformed model given
by `cov_params()`
Note: `fit_kwds` can affect the choice of covariance, e.g. by
specifying `cov_type`, which will be reflected in the returned
res_constr : results instance
This is the results instance for the created transformed model.
Models where the number of parameters is different from the number of
columns of exog are not yet supported.
Requires a model that implement an offset option.
self = model # internal alias, used for methods
if fit_kwds is None:
fit_kwds = {}
R, q = constraint_matrix, constraint_values
endog, exog = self.endog, self.exog
transf = TransformRestriction(R, q)
exogp_st = transf.reduce(exog)
offset = exog.dot(transf.constant.squeeze())
if hasattr(self, 'offset'):
offset += self.offset
if start_params is not None:
start_params = transf.reduce(start_params)
#need copy, because we do not want to change it, we do not need deepcopy
import copy
init_kwds = copy.copy(self._get_init_kwds())
# TODO: refactor to combine with above or offset_all
if 'offset' in init_kwds:
del init_kwds['offset']
# using offset as keywords is not supported in all modules
mod_constr = self.__class__(endog, exogp_st, offset=offset, **init_kwds)
res_constr = mod_constr.fit(start_params=start_params, **fit_kwds)
params_orig = transf.expand(res_constr.params).squeeze()
cov_params = transf.transf_mat.dot(res_constr.cov_params()).dot(transf.transf_mat.T)
return params_orig, cov_params, res_constr
def fit_constrained_wrap(model, constraints, start_params=None, **fit_kwds):
"""fit_constraint that returns a results instance
This is a development version for fit_constrained methods or
fit_constrained as standalone function.
It will not work correctly for all models because creating a new
results instance is not standardized for use outside the `fit` methods,
and might need adjustements for this.
This is the prototype for the fit_constrained method that has been added
to Poisson and GLM.
self = model # alias for use as method
#constraints = (R, q)
# TODO: temporary trailing underscore to not overwrite the monkey
# patched version
# TODO: decide whether to move the imports
from patsy import DesignInfo
# we need this import if we copy it to a different module
#from statsmodels.base._constraints import fit_constrained
# same pattern as in base.LikelihoodModel.t_test
lc = DesignInfo(self.exog_names).linear_constraint(constraints)
R, q = lc.coefs, lc.constants
# TODO: add start_params option, need access to tranformation
# fit_constrained needs to do the transformation
params, cov, res_constr = fit_constrained(self, R, q,
#create dummy results Instance, TODO: wire up properly
res = self.fit(start_params=params, maxiter=0,
warn_convergence=False) # we get a wrapper back
res._results.params = params
res._results.cov_params_default = cov
cov_type = fit_kwds.get('cov_type', 'nonrobust')
if cov_type == 'nonrobust':
res._results.normalized_cov_params = cov / res_constr.scale
res._results.normalized_cov_params = None
k_constr = len(q)
res._results.df_resid += k_constr
res._results.df_model -= k_constr
res._results.constraints = LinearConstraints.from_patsy(lc)
res._results.k_constr = k_constr
res._results.results_constrained = res_constr
return res