551 lines
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551 lines
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import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy._lib._util import check_random_state, MapWrapper, rng_integers, _contains_nan
from scipy._lib._bunch import _make_tuple_bunch
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.ndimage import _measurements
from ._stats import _local_correlations # type: ignore[import-not-found]
from . import distributions
__all__ = ['multiscale_graphcorr']
# FROM MGCPY: https://github.com/neurodata/mgcpy
class _ParallelP:
"""Helper function to calculate parallel p-value."""
def __init__(self, x, y, random_states):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.random_states = random_states
def __call__(self, index):
order = self.random_states[index].permutation(self.y.shape[0])
permy = self.y[order][:, order]
# calculate permuted stats, store in null distribution
perm_stat = _mgc_stat(self.x, permy)[0]
return perm_stat
def _perm_test(x, y, stat, reps=1000, workers=-1, random_state=None):
r"""Helper function that calculates the p-value. See below for uses.
x, y : ndarray
`x` and `y` have shapes `(n, p)` and `(n, q)`.
stat : float
The sample test statistic.
reps : int, optional
The number of replications used to estimate the null when using the
permutation test. The default is 1000 replications.
workers : int or map-like callable, optional
If `workers` is an int the population is subdivided into `workers`
sections and evaluated in parallel (uses
`multiprocessing.Pool <multiprocessing>`). Supply `-1` to use all cores
available to the Process. Alternatively supply a map-like callable,
such as `multiprocessing.Pool.map` for evaluating the population in
parallel. This evaluation is carried out as `workers(func, iterable)`.
Requires that `func` be pickleable.
random_state : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
`numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
If `seed` is None (or `np.random`), the `numpy.random.RandomState`
singleton is used.
If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
seeded with `seed`.
If `seed` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState`` instance then
that instance is used.
pvalue : float
The sample test p-value.
null_dist : list
The approximated null distribution.
# generate seeds for each rep (change to new parallel random number
# capabilities in numpy >= 1.17+)
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
random_states = [np.random.RandomState(rng_integers(random_state, 1 << 32,
size=4, dtype=np.uint32)) for _ in range(reps)]
# parallelizes with specified workers over number of reps and set seeds
parallelp = _ParallelP(x=x, y=y, random_states=random_states)
with MapWrapper(workers) as mapwrapper:
null_dist = np.array(list(mapwrapper(parallelp, range(reps))))
# calculate p-value and significant permutation map through list
pvalue = (1 + (null_dist >= stat).sum()) / (1 + reps)
return pvalue, null_dist
def _euclidean_dist(x):
return cdist(x, x)
MGCResult = _make_tuple_bunch('MGCResult',
['statistic', 'pvalue', 'mgc_dict'], [])
def multiscale_graphcorr(x, y, compute_distance=_euclidean_dist, reps=1000,
workers=1, is_twosamp=False, random_state=None):
r"""Computes the Multiscale Graph Correlation (MGC) test statistic.
Specifically, for each point, MGC finds the :math:`k`-nearest neighbors for
one property (e.g. cloud density), and the :math:`l`-nearest neighbors for
the other property (e.g. grass wetness) [1]_. This pair :math:`(k, l)` is
called the "scale". A priori, however, it is not know which scales will be
most informative. So, MGC computes all distance pairs, and then efficiently
computes the distance correlations for all scales. The local correlations
illustrate which scales are relatively informative about the relationship.
The key, therefore, to successfully discover and decipher relationships
between disparate data modalities is to adaptively determine which scales
are the most informative, and the geometric implication for the most
informative scales. Doing so not only provides an estimate of whether the
modalities are related, but also provides insight into how the
determination was made. This is especially important in high-dimensional
data, where simple visualizations do not reveal relationships to the
unaided human eye. Characterizations of this implementation in particular
have been derived from and benchmarked within in [2]_.
x, y : ndarray
If ``x`` and ``y`` have shapes ``(n, p)`` and ``(n, q)`` where `n` is
the number of samples and `p` and `q` are the number of dimensions,
then the MGC independence test will be run. Alternatively, ``x`` and
``y`` can have shapes ``(n, n)`` if they are distance or similarity
matrices, and ``compute_distance`` must be sent to ``None``. If ``x``
and ``y`` have shapes ``(n, p)`` and ``(m, p)``, an unpaired
two-sample MGC test will be run.
compute_distance : callable, optional
A function that computes the distance or similarity among the samples
within each data matrix. Set to ``None`` if ``x`` and ``y`` are
already distance matrices. The default uses the euclidean norm metric.
If you are calling a custom function, either create the distance
matrix before-hand or create a function of the form
``compute_distance(x)`` where `x` is the data matrix for which
pairwise distances are calculated.
reps : int, optional
The number of replications used to estimate the null when using the
permutation test. The default is ``1000``.
workers : int or map-like callable, optional
If ``workers`` is an int the population is subdivided into ``workers``
sections and evaluated in parallel (uses ``multiprocessing.Pool
<multiprocessing>``). Supply ``-1`` to use all cores available to the
Process. Alternatively supply a map-like callable, such as
``multiprocessing.Pool.map`` for evaluating the p-value in parallel.
This evaluation is carried out as ``workers(func, iterable)``.
Requires that `func` be pickleable. The default is ``1``.
is_twosamp : bool, optional
If `True`, a two sample test will be run. If ``x`` and ``y`` have
shapes ``(n, p)`` and ``(m, p)``, this optional will be overridden and
set to ``True``. Set to ``True`` if ``x`` and ``y`` both have shapes
``(n, p)`` and a two sample test is desired. The default is ``False``.
Note that this will not run if inputs are distance matrices.
random_state : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`,
`numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
If `seed` is None (or `np.random`), the `numpy.random.RandomState`
singleton is used.
If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used,
seeded with `seed`.
If `seed` is already a ``Generator`` or ``RandomState`` instance then
that instance is used.
res : MGCResult
An object containing attributes:
statistic : float
The sample MGC test statistic within `[-1, 1]`.
pvalue : float
The p-value obtained via permutation.
mgc_dict : dict
Contains additional useful results:
- mgc_map : ndarray
A 2D representation of the latent geometry of the
- opt_scale : (int, int)
The estimated optimal scale as a `(x, y)` pair.
- null_dist : list
The null distribution derived from the permuted matrices.
See Also
pearsonr : Pearson correlation coefficient and p-value for testing
kendalltau : Calculates Kendall's tau.
spearmanr : Calculates a Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient.
A description of the process of MGC and applications on neuroscience data
can be found in [1]_. It is performed using the following steps:
#. Two distance matrices :math:`D^X` and :math:`D^Y` are computed and
modified to be mean zero columnwise. This results in two
:math:`n \times n` distance matrices :math:`A` and :math:`B` (the
centering and unbiased modification) [3]_.
#. For all values :math:`k` and :math:`l` from :math:`1, ..., n`,
* The :math:`k`-nearest neighbor and :math:`l`-nearest neighbor graphs
are calculated for each property. Here, :math:`G_k (i, j)` indicates
the :math:`k`-smallest values of the :math:`i`-th row of :math:`A`
and :math:`H_l (i, j)` indicates the :math:`l` smallested values of
the :math:`i`-th row of :math:`B`
* Let :math:`\circ` denotes the entry-wise matrix product, then local
correlations are summed and normalized using the following statistic:
.. math::
c^{kl} = \frac{\sum_{ij} A G_k B H_l}
{\sqrt{\sum_{ij} A^2 G_k \times \sum_{ij} B^2 H_l}}
#. The MGC test statistic is the smoothed optimal local correlation of
:math:`\{ c^{kl} \}`. Denote the smoothing operation as :math:`R(\cdot)`
(which essentially set all isolated large correlations) as 0 and
connected large correlations the same as before, see [3]_.) MGC is,
.. math::
MGC_n (x, y) = \max_{(k, l)} R \left(c^{kl} \left( x_n, y_n \right)
The test statistic returns a value between :math:`(-1, 1)` since it is
The p-value returned is calculated using a permutation test. This process
is completed by first randomly permuting :math:`y` to estimate the null
distribution and then calculating the probability of observing a test
statistic, under the null, at least as extreme as the observed test
MGC requires at least 5 samples to run with reliable results. It can also
handle high-dimensional data sets.
In addition, by manipulating the input data matrices, the two-sample
testing problem can be reduced to the independence testing problem [4]_.
Given sample data :math:`U` and :math:`V` of sizes :math:`p \times n`
:math:`p \times m`, data matrix :math:`X` and :math:`Y` can be created as
.. math::
X = [U | V] \in \mathcal{R}^{p \times (n + m)}
Y = [0_{1 \times n} | 1_{1 \times m}] \in \mathcal{R}^{(n + m)}
Then, the MGC statistic can be calculated as normal. This methodology can
be extended to similar tests such as distance correlation [4]_.
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
.. [1] Vogelstein, J. T., Bridgeford, E. W., Wang, Q., Priebe, C. E.,
Maggioni, M., & Shen, C. (2019). Discovering and deciphering
relationships across disparate data modalities. ELife.
.. [2] Panda, S., Palaniappan, S., Xiong, J., Swaminathan, A.,
Ramachandran, S., Bridgeford, E. W., ... Vogelstein, J. T. (2019).
mgcpy: A Comprehensive High Dimensional Independence Testing Python
Package. :arXiv:`1907.02088`
.. [3] Shen, C., Priebe, C.E., & Vogelstein, J. T. (2019). From distance
correlation to multiscale graph correlation. Journal of the American
Statistical Association.
.. [4] Shen, C. & Vogelstein, J. T. (2018). The Exact Equivalence of
Distance and Kernel Methods for Hypothesis Testing.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.stats import multiscale_graphcorr
>>> x = np.arange(100)
>>> y = x
>>> res = multiscale_graphcorr(x, y)
>>> res.statistic, res.pvalue
(1.0, 0.001)
To run an unpaired two-sample test,
>>> x = np.arange(100)
>>> y = np.arange(79)
>>> res = multiscale_graphcorr(x, y)
>>> res.statistic, res.pvalue # doctest: +SKIP
(0.033258146255703246, 0.023)
or, if shape of the inputs are the same,
>>> x = np.arange(100)
>>> y = x
>>> res = multiscale_graphcorr(x, y, is_twosamp=True)
>>> res.statistic, res.pvalue # doctest: +SKIP
(-0.008021809890200488, 1.0)
if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("x and y must be ndarrays")
# convert arrays of type (n,) to (n, 1)
if x.ndim == 1:
x = x[:, np.newaxis]
elif x.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a 2-D array `x`, found shape {x.shape}")
if y.ndim == 1:
y = y[:, np.newaxis]
elif y.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a 2-D array `y`, found shape {y.shape}")
nx, px = x.shape
ny, py = y.shape
# check for NaNs
_contains_nan(x, nan_policy='raise')
_contains_nan(y, nan_policy='raise')
# check for positive or negative infinity and raise error
if np.sum(np.isinf(x)) > 0 or np.sum(np.isinf(y)) > 0:
raise ValueError("Inputs contain infinities")
if nx != ny:
if px == py:
# reshape x and y for two sample testing
is_twosamp = True
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch, x and y must have shape [n, p] "
"and [n, q] or have shape [n, p] and [m, p].")
if nx < 5 or ny < 5:
raise ValueError("MGC requires at least 5 samples to give reasonable "
# convert x and y to float
x = x.astype(np.float64)
y = y.astype(np.float64)
# check if compute_distance_matrix if a callable()
if not callable(compute_distance) and compute_distance is not None:
raise ValueError("Compute_distance must be a function.")
# check if number of reps exists, integer, or > 0 (if under 1000 raises
# warning)
if not isinstance(reps, int) or reps < 0:
raise ValueError("Number of reps must be an integer greater than 0.")
elif reps < 1000:
msg = ("The number of replications is low (under 1000), and p-value "
"calculations may be unreliable. Use the p-value result, with "
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
if is_twosamp:
if compute_distance is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot run if inputs are distance matrices")
x, y = _two_sample_transform(x, y)
if compute_distance is not None:
# compute distance matrices for x and y
x = compute_distance(x)
y = compute_distance(y)
# calculate MGC stat
stat, stat_dict = _mgc_stat(x, y)
stat_mgc_map = stat_dict["stat_mgc_map"]
opt_scale = stat_dict["opt_scale"]
# calculate permutation MGC p-value
pvalue, null_dist = _perm_test(x, y, stat, reps=reps, workers=workers,
# save all stats (other than stat/p-value) in dictionary
mgc_dict = {"mgc_map": stat_mgc_map,
"opt_scale": opt_scale,
"null_dist": null_dist}
# create result object with alias for backward compatibility
res = MGCResult(stat, pvalue, mgc_dict)
res.stat = stat
return res
def _mgc_stat(distx, disty):
r"""Helper function that calculates the MGC stat. See above for use.
distx, disty : ndarray
`distx` and `disty` have shapes `(n, p)` and `(n, q)` or
`(n, n)` and `(n, n)`
if distance matrices.
stat : float
The sample MGC test statistic within `[-1, 1]`.
stat_dict : dict
Contains additional useful additional returns containing the following
- stat_mgc_map : ndarray
MGC-map of the statistics.
- opt_scale : (float, float)
The estimated optimal scale as a `(x, y)` pair.
# calculate MGC map and optimal scale
stat_mgc_map = _local_correlations(distx, disty, global_corr='mgc')
n, m = stat_mgc_map.shape
if m == 1 or n == 1:
# the global scale at is the statistic calculated at maximial nearest
# neighbors. There is not enough local scale to search over, so
# default to global scale
stat = stat_mgc_map[m - 1][n - 1]
opt_scale = m * n
samp_size = len(distx) - 1
# threshold to find connected region of significant local correlations
sig_connect = _threshold_mgc_map(stat_mgc_map, samp_size)
# maximum within the significant region
stat, opt_scale = _smooth_mgc_map(sig_connect, stat_mgc_map)
stat_dict = {"stat_mgc_map": stat_mgc_map,
"opt_scale": opt_scale}
return stat, stat_dict
def _threshold_mgc_map(stat_mgc_map, samp_size):
Finds a connected region of significance in the MGC-map by thresholding.
stat_mgc_map : ndarray
All local correlations within `[-1,1]`.
samp_size : int
The sample size of original data.
sig_connect : ndarray
A binary matrix with 1's indicating the significant region.
m, n = stat_mgc_map.shape
# 0.02 is simply an empirical threshold, this can be set to 0.01 or 0.05
# with varying levels of performance. Threshold is based on a beta
# approximation.
per_sig = 1 - (0.02 / samp_size) # Percentile to consider as significant
threshold = samp_size * (samp_size - 3)/4 - 1/2 # Beta approximation
threshold = distributions.beta.ppf(per_sig, threshold, threshold) * 2 - 1
# the global scale at is the statistic calculated at maximial nearest
# neighbors. Threshold is the maximum on the global and local scales
threshold = max(threshold, stat_mgc_map[m - 1][n - 1])
# find the largest connected component of significant correlations
sig_connect = stat_mgc_map > threshold
if np.sum(sig_connect) > 0:
sig_connect, _ = _measurements.label(sig_connect)
_, label_counts = np.unique(sig_connect, return_counts=True)
# skip the first element in label_counts, as it is count(zeros)
max_label = np.argmax(label_counts[1:]) + 1
sig_connect = sig_connect == max_label
sig_connect = np.array([[False]])
return sig_connect
def _smooth_mgc_map(sig_connect, stat_mgc_map):
"""Finds the smoothed maximal within the significant region R.
If area of R is too small it returns the last local correlation. Otherwise,
returns the maximum within significant_connected_region.
sig_connect : ndarray
A binary matrix with 1's indicating the significant region.
stat_mgc_map : ndarray
All local correlations within `[-1, 1]`.
stat : float
The sample MGC statistic within `[-1, 1]`.
opt_scale: (float, float)
The estimated optimal scale as an `(x, y)` pair.
m, n = stat_mgc_map.shape
# the global scale at is the statistic calculated at maximial nearest
# neighbors. By default, statistic and optimal scale are global.
stat = stat_mgc_map[m - 1][n - 1]
opt_scale = [m, n]
if np.linalg.norm(sig_connect) != 0:
# proceed only when the connected region's area is sufficiently large
# 0.02 is simply an empirical threshold, this can be set to 0.01 or 0.05
# with varying levels of performance
if np.sum(sig_connect) >= np.ceil(0.02 * max(m, n)) * min(m, n):
max_corr = max(stat_mgc_map[sig_connect])
# find all scales within significant_connected_region that maximize
# the local correlation
max_corr_index = np.where((stat_mgc_map >= max_corr) & sig_connect)
if max_corr >= stat:
stat = max_corr
k, l = max_corr_index
one_d_indices = k * n + l # 2D to 1D indexing
k = np.max(one_d_indices) // n
l = np.max(one_d_indices) % n
opt_scale = [k+1, l+1] # adding 1s to match R indexing
return stat, opt_scale
def _two_sample_transform(u, v):
"""Helper function that concatenates x and y for two sample MGC stat.
See above for use.
u, v : ndarray
`u` and `v` have shapes `(n, p)` and `(m, p)`.
x : ndarray
Concatenate `u` and `v` along the `axis = 0`. `x` thus has shape
`(2n, p)`.
y : ndarray
Label matrix for `x` where 0 refers to samples that comes from `u` and
1 refers to samples that come from `v`. `y` thus has shape `(2n, 1)`.
nx = u.shape[0]
ny = v.shape[0]
x = np.concatenate([u, v], axis=0)
y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(nx), np.ones(ny)], axis=0).reshape(-1, 1)
return x, y