""" Created on Wed May 04 06:09:18 2011 @author: josef """ import numpy as np def mean_residual_life(x, frac=None, alpha=0.05): '''empirical mean residual life or expected shortfall Parameters ---------- x : 1-dimensional array_like frac : list[float], optional All entries must be between 0 and 1 alpha : float, default 0.05 FIXME: not actually used. TODO: check formula for std of mean does not include case for all observations last observations std is zero vectorize loop using cumsum frac does not work yet ''' axis = 0 # searchsorted is 1d only x = np.asarray(x) nobs = x.shape[axis] xsorted = np.sort(x, axis=axis) if frac is None: xthreshold = xsorted else: xthreshold = xsorted[np.floor(nobs * frac).astype(int)] # use searchsorted instead of simple index in case of ties xlargerindex = np.searchsorted(xsorted, xthreshold, side='right') # TODO:replace loop with cumsum ? result = [] for i in range(len(xthreshold)-1): k_ind = xlargerindex[i] rmean = x[k_ind:].mean() # this does not work for last observations, nans rstd = x[k_ind:].std() rmstd = rstd/np.sqrt(nobs-k_ind) # std error of mean, check formula result.append((k_ind, xthreshold[i], rmean, rmstd)) res = np.array(result) crit = 1.96 # TODO: without loading stats, crit = -stats.t.ppf(0.05) confint = res[:, 1:2] + crit * res[:, -1:] * np.array([[-1, 1]]) return np.column_stack((res, confint)) expected_shortfall = mean_residual_life # alias if __name__ == "__main__": rvs = np.random.standard_t(5, size=10) res = mean_residual_life(rvs) print(res) rmean = [rvs[i:].mean() for i in range(len(rvs))] print(res[:, 2] - rmean[1:]) res_frac = mean_residual_life(rvs, frac=[0.5]) print(res_frac)