import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from import mean_diff_plot try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: pass @pytest.mark.matplotlib def test_mean_diff_plot(close_figures): # Seed the random number generator. # This ensures that the results below are reproducible. np.random.seed(11111) m1 = np.random.random(20) m2 = np.random.random(20) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # basic test. mean_diff_plot(m1, m2, ax=ax) # Test with pandas Series. p1 = pd.Series(m1) p2 = pd.Series(m2) mean_diff_plot(p1, p2) # Test plotting on assigned axis. fig, ax = plt.subplots(2) mean_diff_plot(m1, m2, ax=ax[0]) # Test the setting of confidence intervals. mean_diff_plot(m1, m2, sd_limit=0) # Test asethetic controls. mean_diff_plot(m1, m2, scatter_kwds={'color': 'green', 's': 10}) mean_diff_plot(m1, m2, mean_line_kwds={'color': 'green', 'lw': 5}) mean_diff_plot(m1, m2, limit_lines_kwds={'color': 'green', 'lw': 5, 'ls': 'dotted'})