import warnings import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import eigh from .settings import Options from .utils import MaxEvalError, TargetSuccess, FeasibleSuccess EPS = np.finfo(float).eps class Interpolation: """ Interpolation set. This class stores a base point around which the models are expanded and the interpolation points. The coordinates of the interpolation points are relative to the base point. """ def __init__(self, pb, options): """ Initialize the interpolation set. Parameters ---------- pb : `cobyqa.problem.Problem` Problem to be solved. options : dict Options of the solver. """ # Reduce the initial trust-region radius if necessary. self._debug = options[Options.DEBUG] max_radius = 0.5 * np.min(pb.bounds.xu - pb.bounds.xl) if options[Options.RHOBEG] > max_radius: options[Options.RHOBEG.value] = max_radius options[Options.RHOEND.value] = np.min( [ options[Options.RHOEND], max_radius, ] ) # Set the initial point around which the models are expanded. self._x_base = np.copy(pb.x0) very_close_xl_idx = ( self.x_base <= pb.bounds.xl + 0.5 * options[Options.RHOBEG] ) self.x_base[very_close_xl_idx] = pb.bounds.xl[very_close_xl_idx] close_xl_idx = ( pb.bounds.xl + 0.5 * options[Options.RHOBEG] < self.x_base ) & (self.x_base <= pb.bounds.xl + options[Options.RHOBEG]) self.x_base[close_xl_idx] = np.minimum( pb.bounds.xl[close_xl_idx] + options[Options.RHOBEG], pb.bounds.xu[close_xl_idx], ) very_close_xu_idx = ( self.x_base >= pb.bounds.xu - 0.5 * options[Options.RHOBEG] ) self.x_base[very_close_xu_idx] = pb.bounds.xu[very_close_xu_idx] close_xu_idx = ( self.x_base < pb.bounds.xu - 0.5 * options[Options.RHOBEG] ) & (pb.bounds.xu - options[Options.RHOBEG] <= self.x_base) self.x_base[close_xu_idx] = np.maximum( pb.bounds.xu[close_xu_idx] - options[Options.RHOBEG], pb.bounds.xl[close_xu_idx], ) # Set the initial interpolation set. self._xpt = np.zeros((pb.n, options[Options.NPT])) for k in range(1, options[Options.NPT]): if k <= pb.n: if very_close_xu_idx[k - 1]: self.xpt[k - 1, k] = -options[Options.RHOBEG] else: self.xpt[k - 1, k] = options[Options.RHOBEG] elif k <= 2 * pb.n: if very_close_xl_idx[k - pb.n - 1]: self.xpt[k - pb.n - 1, k] = 2.0 * options[Options.RHOBEG] elif very_close_xu_idx[k - pb.n - 1]: self.xpt[k - pb.n - 1, k] = -2.0 * options[Options.RHOBEG] else: self.xpt[k - pb.n - 1, k] = -options[Options.RHOBEG] else: spread = (k - pb.n - 1) // pb.n k1 = k - (1 + spread) * pb.n - 1 k2 = (k1 + spread) % pb.n self.xpt[k1, k] = self.xpt[k1, k1 + 1] self.xpt[k2, k] = self.xpt[k2, k2 + 1] @property def n(self): """ Number of variables. Returns ------- int Number of variables. """ return self.xpt.shape[0] @property def npt(self): """ Number of interpolation points. Returns ------- int Number of interpolation points. """ return self.xpt.shape[1] @property def xpt(self): """ Interpolation points. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n, npt) Interpolation points. """ return self._xpt @xpt.setter def xpt(self, xpt): """ Set the interpolation points. Parameters ---------- xpt : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n, npt) New interpolation points. """ if self._debug: assert xpt.shape == ( self.n, self.npt, ), "The shape of `xpt` is not valid." self._xpt = xpt @property def x_base(self): """ Base point around which the models are expanded. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Base point around which the models are expanded. """ return self._x_base @x_base.setter def x_base(self, x_base): """ Set the base point around which the models are expanded. Parameters ---------- x_base : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) New base point around which the models are expanded. """ if self._debug: assert x_base.shape == ( self.n, ), "The shape of `x_base` is not valid." self._x_base = x_base def point(self, k): """ Get the `k`-th interpolation point. The return point is relative to the origin. Parameters ---------- k : int Index of the interpolation point. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) `k`-th interpolation point. """ if self._debug: assert 0 <= k < self.npt, "The index `k` is not valid." return self.x_base + self.xpt[:, k] _cache = {"xpt": None, "a": None, "right_scaling": None, "eigh": None} def build_system(interpolation): """ Build the left-hand side matrix of the interpolation system. The matrix below stores W * diag(right_scaling), where W is the theoretical matrix of the interpolation system. The right scaling matrices is chosen to keep the elements in the matrix well-balanced. Parameters ---------- interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. """ # Compute the scaled directions from the base point to the # interpolation points. We scale the directions to avoid numerical # difficulties. if _cache["xpt"] is not None and np.array_equal( interpolation.xpt, _cache["xpt"] ): return _cache["a"], _cache["right_scaling"], _cache["eigh"] scale = np.max(np.linalg.norm(interpolation.xpt, axis=0), initial=EPS) xpt_scale = interpolation.xpt / scale n, npt = xpt_scale.shape a = np.zeros((npt + n + 1, npt + n + 1)) a[:npt, :npt] = 0.5 * (xpt_scale.T @ xpt_scale) ** 2.0 a[:npt, npt] = 1.0 a[:npt, npt + 1:] = xpt_scale.T a[npt, :npt] = 1.0 a[npt + 1:, :npt] = xpt_scale # Build the left and right scaling diagonal matrices. right_scaling = np.empty(npt + n + 1) right_scaling[:npt] = 1.0 / scale**2.0 right_scaling[npt] = scale**2.0 right_scaling[npt + 1:] = scale eig_values, eig_vectors = eigh(a, check_finite=False) _cache["xpt"] = np.copy(interpolation.xpt) _cache["a"] = np.copy(a) _cache["right_scaling"] = np.copy(right_scaling) _cache["eigh"] = (eig_values, eig_vectors) return a, right_scaling, (eig_values, eig_vectors) class Quadratic: """ Quadratic model. This class stores the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model using the implicit/explicit representation designed by Powell for NEWUOA [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] M. J. D. Powell. The NEWUOA software for unconstrained optimization without derivatives. In G. Di Pillo and M. Roma, editors, *Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization*, volume 83 of Nonconvex Optim. Appl., pages 255--297. Springer, Boston, MA, USA, 2006. `doi:10.1007/0-387-30065-1_16 `_. """ def __init__(self, interpolation, values, debug): """ Initialize the quadratic model. Parameters ---------- interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. values : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt,) Values of the interpolated function at the interpolation points. debug : bool Whether to make debugging tests during the execution. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. """ self._debug = debug if self._debug: assert values.shape == ( interpolation.npt, ), "The shape of `values` is not valid." if interpolation.npt < interpolation.n + 1: raise ValueError( f"The number of interpolation points must be at least " f"{interpolation.n + 1}." ) self._const, self._grad, self._i_hess, _ = self._get_model( interpolation, values, ) self._e_hess = np.zeros((self.n, self.n)) def __call__(self, x, interpolation): """ Evaluate the quadratic model at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which the quadratic model is evaluated. interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. Returns ------- float Value of the quadratic model at `x`. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." x_diff = x - interpolation.x_base return ( self._const + self._grad @ x_diff + 0.5 * ( self._i_hess @ (interpolation.xpt.T @ x_diff) ** 2.0 + x_diff @ self._e_hess @ x_diff ) ) @property def n(self): """ Number of variables. Returns ------- int Number of variables. """ return self._grad.size @property def npt(self): """ Number of interpolation points used to define the quadratic model. Returns ------- int Number of interpolation points used to define the quadratic model. """ return self._i_hess.size def grad(self, x, interpolation): """ Evaluate the gradient of the quadratic model at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which the gradient of the quadratic model is evaluated. interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Gradient of the quadratic model at `x`. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." x_diff = x - interpolation.x_base return self._grad + self.hess_prod(x_diff, interpolation) def hess(self, interpolation): """ Evaluate the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model. Parameters ---------- interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n, n) Hessian matrix of the quadratic model. """ return self._e_hess + interpolation.xpt @ ( self._i_hess[:, np.newaxis] * interpolation.xpt.T ) def hess_prod(self, v, interpolation): """ Evaluate the right product of the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model with a given vector. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Vector with which the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model is multiplied from the right. interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Right product of the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model with `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." return self._e_hess @ v + interpolation.xpt @ ( self._i_hess * (interpolation.xpt.T @ v) ) def curv(self, v, interpolation): """ Evaluate the curvature of the quadratic model along a given direction. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Direction along which the curvature of the quadratic model is evaluated. interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. Returns ------- float Curvature of the quadratic model along `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." return ( v @ self._e_hess @ v + self._i_hess @ (interpolation.xpt.T @ v) ** 2.0 ) def update(self, interpolation, k_new, dir_old, values_diff): """ Update the quadratic model. This method applies the derivative-free symmetric Broyden update to the quadratic model. The `knew`-th interpolation point must be updated before calling this method. Parameters ---------- interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Updated interpolation set. k_new : int Index of the updated interpolation point. dir_old : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Value of ``interpolation.xpt[:, k_new]`` before the update. values_diff : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt,) Differences between the values of the interpolated nonlinear function and the previous quadratic model at the updated interpolation points. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. """ if self._debug: assert 0 <= k_new < self.npt, "The index `k_new` is not valid." assert dir_old.shape == ( self.n, ), "The shape of `dir_old` is not valid." assert values_diff.shape == ( self.npt, ), "The shape of `values_diff` is not valid." # Forward the k_new-th element of the implicit Hessian matrix to the # explicit Hessian matrix. This must be done because the implicit # Hessian matrix is related to the interpolation points, and the # k_new-th interpolation point is modified. self._e_hess += self._i_hess[k_new] * np.outer(dir_old, dir_old) self._i_hess[k_new] = 0.0 # Update the quadratic model. const, grad, i_hess, ill_conditioned = self._get_model( interpolation, values_diff, ) self._const += const self._grad += grad self._i_hess += i_hess return ill_conditioned def shift_x_base(self, interpolation, new_x_base): """ Shift the point around which the quadratic model is defined. Parameters ---------- interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Previous interpolation set. new_x_base : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point that will replace ``interpolation.x_base``. """ if self._debug: assert new_x_base.shape == ( self.n, ), "The shape of `new_x_base` is not valid." self._const = self(new_x_base, interpolation) self._grad = self.grad(new_x_base, interpolation) shift = new_x_base - interpolation.x_base update = np.outer( shift, (interpolation.xpt - 0.5 * shift[:, np.newaxis]) @ self._i_hess, ) self._e_hess += update + update.T @staticmethod def solve_systems(interpolation, rhs): """ Solve the interpolation systems. Parameters ---------- interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. rhs : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt + n + 1, m) Right-hand side vectors of the ``m`` interpolation systems. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt + n + 1, m) Solutions of the interpolation systems. `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m, ) Whether the interpolation systems are ill-conditioned. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation systems are ill-defined. """ n, npt = interpolation.xpt.shape assert ( rhs.ndim == 2 and rhs.shape[0] == npt + n + 1 ), "The shape of `rhs` is not valid." # Build the left-hand side matrix of the interpolation system. The # matrix below stores diag(left_scaling) * W * diag(right_scaling), # where W is the theoretical matrix of the interpolation system. The # left and right scaling matrices are chosen to keep the elements in # the matrix well-balanced. a, right_scaling, eig = build_system(interpolation) # Build the solution. After a discussion with Mike Saunders and Alexis # Montoison during their visit to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University # in 2024, we decided to use the eigendecomposition of the symmetric # matrix a. This is more stable than the previously employed LBL # decomposition, and allows us to directly detect ill-conditioning of # the system and to build the least-squares solution if necessary. # Numerical experiments have shown that this strategy improves the # performance of the solver. rhs_scaled = rhs * right_scaling[:, np.newaxis] if not (np.all(np.isfinite(a)) and np.all(np.isfinite(rhs_scaled))): raise np.linalg.LinAlgError( "The interpolation system is ill-defined." ) # calculated in build_system eig_values, eig_vectors = eig large_eig_values = np.abs(eig_values) > EPS eig_vectors = eig_vectors[:, large_eig_values] inv_eig_values = 1.0 / eig_values[large_eig_values] ill_conditioned = ~np.all(large_eig_values, 0) left_scaled_solutions = eig_vectors @ ( (eig_vectors.T @ rhs_scaled) * inv_eig_values[:, np.newaxis] ) return ( left_scaled_solutions * right_scaling[:, np.newaxis], ill_conditioned, ) @staticmethod def _get_model(interpolation, values): """ Solve the interpolation system. Parameters ---------- interpolation : `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. values : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt,) Values of the interpolated function at the interpolation points. Returns ------- float Constant term of the quadratic model. `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Gradient of the quadratic model at ``interpolation.x_base``. `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt,) Implicit Hessian matrix of the quadratic model. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. """ assert values.shape == ( interpolation.npt, ), "The shape of `values` is not valid." n, npt = interpolation.xpt.shape x, ill_conditioned = Quadratic.solve_systems( interpolation, np.block( [ [ values, np.zeros(n + 1), ] ] ).T, ) return x[npt, 0], x[npt + 1:, 0], x[:npt, 0], ill_conditioned class Models: """ Models for a nonlinear optimization problem. """ def __init__(self, pb, options): """ Initialize the models. Parameters ---------- pb : `cobyqa.problem.Problem` Problem to be solved. options : dict Options of the solver. Raises ------ `cobyqa.utils.MaxEvalError` If the maximum number of evaluations is reached. `cobyqa.utils.TargetSuccess` If a nearly feasible point has been found with an objective function value below the target. `cobyqa.utils.FeasibleSuccess` If a feasible point has been found for a feasibility problem. `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. """ # Set the initial interpolation set. self._debug = options[Options.DEBUG] self._interpolation = Interpolation(pb, options) # Evaluate the nonlinear functions at the initial interpolation points. x_eval = self.interpolation.point(0) fun_init, cub_init, ceq_init = pb(x_eval) self._fun_val = np.full(options[Options.NPT], np.nan) self._cub_val = np.full((options[Options.NPT], cub_init.size), np.nan) self._ceq_val = np.full((options[Options.NPT], ceq_init.size), np.nan) for k in range(options[Options.NPT]): if k >= options[Options.MAX_EVAL]: raise MaxEvalError if k == 0: self.fun_val[k] = fun_init self.cub_val[k, :] = cub_init self.ceq_val[k, :] = ceq_init else: x_eval = self.interpolation.point(k) self.fun_val[k], self.cub_val[k, :], self.ceq_val[k, :] = pb( x_eval ) # Stop the iterations if the problem is a feasibility problem and # the current interpolation point is feasible. if ( pb.is_feasibility and pb.maxcv( self.interpolation.point(k), self.cub_val[k, :], self.ceq_val[k, :], ) <= options[Options.FEASIBILITY_TOL] ): raise FeasibleSuccess # Stop the iterations if the current interpolation point is nearly # feasible and has an objective function value below the target. if ( self._fun_val[k] <= options[Options.TARGET] and pb.maxcv( self.interpolation.point(k), self.cub_val[k, :], self.ceq_val[k, :], ) <= options[Options.FEASIBILITY_TOL] ): raise TargetSuccess # Build the initial quadratic models. self._fun = Quadratic( self.interpolation, self._fun_val, options[Options.DEBUG], ) self._cub = np.empty(self.m_nonlinear_ub, dtype=Quadratic) self._ceq = np.empty(self.m_nonlinear_eq, dtype=Quadratic) for i in range(self.m_nonlinear_ub): self._cub[i] = Quadratic( self.interpolation, self.cub_val[:, i], options[Options.DEBUG], ) for i in range(self.m_nonlinear_eq): self._ceq[i] = Quadratic( self.interpolation, self.ceq_val[:, i], options[Options.DEBUG], ) if self._debug: self._check_interpolation_conditions() @property def n(self): """ Dimension of the problem. Returns ------- int Dimension of the problem. """ return self.interpolation.n @property def npt(self): """ Number of interpolation points. Returns ------- int Number of interpolation points. """ return self.interpolation.npt @property def m_nonlinear_ub(self): """ Number of nonlinear inequality constraints. Returns ------- int Number of nonlinear inequality constraints. """ return self.cub_val.shape[1] @property def m_nonlinear_eq(self): """ Number of nonlinear equality constraints. Returns ------- int Number of nonlinear equality constraints. """ return self.ceq_val.shape[1] @property def interpolation(self): """ Interpolation set. Returns ------- `cobyqa.models.Interpolation` Interpolation set. """ return self._interpolation @property def fun_val(self): """ Values of the objective function at the interpolation points. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt,) Values of the objective function at the interpolation points. """ return self._fun_val @property def cub_val(self): """ Values of the nonlinear inequality constraint functions at the interpolation points. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt, m_nonlinear_ub) Values of the nonlinear inequality constraint functions at the interpolation points. """ return self._cub_val @property def ceq_val(self): """ Values of the nonlinear equality constraint functions at the interpolation points. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt, m_nonlinear_eq) Values of the nonlinear equality constraint functions at the interpolation points. """ return self._ceq_val def fun(self, x): """ Evaluate the quadratic model of the objective function at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which to evaluate the quadratic model of the objective function. Returns ------- float Value of the quadratic model of the objective function at `x`. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." return self._fun(x, self.interpolation) def fun_grad(self, x): """ Evaluate the gradient of the quadratic model of the objective function at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which to evaluate the gradient of the quadratic model of the objective function. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Gradient of the quadratic model of the objective function at `x`. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." return self._fun.grad(x, self.interpolation) def fun_hess(self): """ Evaluate the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model of the objective function. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n, n) Hessian matrix of the quadratic model of the objective function. """ return self._fun.hess(self.interpolation) def fun_hess_prod(self, v): """ Evaluate the right product of the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model of the objective function with a given vector. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Vector with which the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model of the objective function is multiplied from the right. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Right product of the Hessian matrix of the quadratic model of the objective function with `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." return self._fun.hess_prod(v, self.interpolation) def fun_curv(self, v): """ Evaluate the curvature of the quadratic model of the objective function along a given direction. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Direction along which the curvature of the quadratic model of the objective function is evaluated. Returns ------- float Curvature of the quadratic model of the objective function along `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." return self._fun.curv(v, self.interpolation) def fun_alt_grad(self, x): """ Evaluate the gradient of the alternative quadratic model of the objective function at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which to evaluate the gradient of the alternative quadratic model of the objective function. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Gradient of the alternative quadratic model of the objective function at `x`. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." model = Quadratic(self.interpolation, self.fun_val, self._debug) return model.grad(x, self.interpolation) def cub(self, x, mask=None): """ Evaluate the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which to evaluate the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_ub,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Values of the quadratic model of the nonlinear inequality functions. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_ub, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.array( [model(x, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_cub(mask)] ) def cub_grad(self, x, mask=None): """ Evaluate the gradients of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which to evaluate the gradients of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Gradients of the quadratic model of the nonlinear inequality functions. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_ub, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.reshape( [model.grad(x, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_cub(mask)], (-1, self.n), ) def cub_hess(self, mask=None): """ Evaluate the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions. Parameters ---------- mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_ub,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions. """ if self._debug: assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_ub, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.reshape( [model.hess(self.interpolation) for model in self._get_cub(mask)], (-1, self.n, self.n), ) def cub_hess_prod(self, v, mask=None): """ Evaluate the right product of the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions with a given vector. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Vector with which the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions are multiplied from the right. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_ub,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Right products of the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions with `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_ub, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.reshape( [ model.hess_prod(v, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_cub(mask) ], (-1, self.n), ) def cub_curv(self, v, mask=None): """ Evaluate the curvature of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions along a given direction. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Direction along which the curvature of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions is evaluated. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_ub,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Curvature of the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality functions along `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_ub, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.array( [model.curv(v, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_cub(mask)] ) def ceq(self, x, mask=None): """ Evaluate the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which to evaluate the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Values of the quadratic model of the nonlinear equality functions. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_eq, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.array( [model(x, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_ceq(mask)] ) def ceq_grad(self, x, mask=None): """ Evaluate the gradients of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions at a given point. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Point at which to evaluate the gradients of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Gradients of the quadratic model of the nonlinear equality functions. """ if self._debug: assert x.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `x` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_eq, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.reshape( [model.grad(x, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_ceq(mask)], (-1, self.n), ) def ceq_hess(self, mask=None): """ Evaluate the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions. Parameters ---------- mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions. """ if self._debug: assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_eq, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.reshape( [model.hess(self.interpolation) for model in self._get_ceq(mask)], (-1, self.n, self.n), ) def ceq_hess_prod(self, v, mask=None): """ Evaluate the right product of the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions with a given vector. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Vector with which the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions are multiplied from the right. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Right products of the Hessian matrices of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions with `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_eq, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.reshape( [ model.hess_prod(v, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_ceq(mask) ], (-1, self.n), ) def ceq_curv(self, v, mask=None): """ Evaluate the curvature of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions along a given direction. Parameters ---------- v : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) Direction along which the curvature of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions is evaluated. mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to consider. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Curvature of the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality functions along `v`. """ if self._debug: assert v.shape == (self.n,), "The shape of `v` is not valid." assert mask is None or mask.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_eq, ), "The shape of `mask` is not valid." return np.array( [model.curv(v, self.interpolation) for model in self._get_ceq(mask)] ) def reset_models(self): """ Set the quadratic models of the objective function, nonlinear inequality constraints, and nonlinear equality constraints to the alternative quadratic models. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. """ self._fun = Quadratic(self.interpolation, self.fun_val, self._debug) for i in range(self.m_nonlinear_ub): self._cub[i] = Quadratic( self.interpolation, self.cub_val[:, i], self._debug, ) for i in range(self.m_nonlinear_eq): self._ceq[i] = Quadratic( self.interpolation, self.ceq_val[:, i], self._debug, ) if self._debug: self._check_interpolation_conditions() def update_interpolation(self, k_new, x_new, fun_val, cub_val, ceq_val): """ Update the interpolation set. This method updates the interpolation set by replacing the `knew`-th interpolation point with `xnew`. It also updates the function values and the quadratic models. Parameters ---------- k_new : int Index of the updated interpolation point. x_new : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) New interpolation point. Its value is interpreted as relative to the origin, not the base point. fun_val : float Value of the objective function at `x_new`. Objective function value at `x_new`. cub_val : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_ub,) Values of the nonlinear inequality constraints at `x_new`. ceq_val : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,) Values of the nonlinear equality constraints at `x_new`. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. """ if self._debug: assert 0 <= k_new < self.npt, "The index `k_new` is not valid." assert x_new.shape == (self.n,), \ "The shape of `x_new` is not valid." assert isinstance(fun_val, float), \ "The function value is not valid." assert cub_val.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_ub, ), "The shape of `cub_val` is not valid." assert ceq_val.shape == ( self.m_nonlinear_eq, ), "The shape of `ceq_val` is not valid." # Compute the updates in the interpolation conditions. fun_diff = np.zeros(self.npt) cub_diff = np.zeros(self.cub_val.shape) ceq_diff = np.zeros(self.ceq_val.shape) fun_diff[k_new] = fun_val - cub_diff[k_new, :] = cub_val - self.cub(x_new) ceq_diff[k_new, :] = ceq_val - self.ceq(x_new) # Update the function values. self.fun_val[k_new] = fun_val self.cub_val[k_new, :] = cub_val self.ceq_val[k_new, :] = ceq_val # Update the interpolation set. dir_old = np.copy(self.interpolation.xpt[:, k_new]) self.interpolation.xpt[:, k_new] = x_new - self.interpolation.x_base # Update the quadratic models. ill_conditioned = self._fun.update( self.interpolation, k_new, dir_old, fun_diff, ) for i in range(self.m_nonlinear_ub): ill_conditioned = ill_conditioned or self._cub[i].update( self.interpolation, k_new, dir_old, cub_diff[:, i], ) for i in range(self.m_nonlinear_eq): ill_conditioned = ill_conditioned or self._ceq[i].update( self.interpolation, k_new, dir_old, ceq_diff[:, i], ) if self._debug: self._check_interpolation_conditions() return ill_conditioned def determinants(self, x_new, k_new=None): """ Compute the normalized determinants of the new interpolation systems. Parameters ---------- x_new : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) New interpolation point. Its value is interpreted as relative to the origin, not the base point. k_new : int, optional Index of the updated interpolation point. If `k_new` is not specified, all the possible determinants are computed. Returns ------- {float, `numpy.ndarray`, shape (npt,)} Determinant(s) of the new interpolation system. Raises ------ `numpy.linalg.LinAlgError` If the interpolation system is ill-defined. Notes ----- The determinants are normalized by the determinant of the current interpolation system. For stability reasons, the calculations are done using the formula (2.12) in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] M. J. D. Powell. On updating the inverse of a KKT matrix. Technical Report DAMTP 2004/NA01, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 2004. """ if self._debug: assert x_new.shape == (self.n,), \ "The shape of `x_new` is not valid." assert ( k_new is None or 0 <= k_new < self.npt ), "The index `k_new` is not valid." # Compute the values independent of k_new. shift = x_new - self.interpolation.x_base new_col = np.empty((self.npt + self.n + 1, 1)) new_col[: self.npt, 0] = ( 0.5 * (self.interpolation.xpt.T @ shift) ** 2.0) new_col[self.npt, 0] = 1.0 new_col[self.npt + 1:, 0] = shift inv_new_col = Quadratic.solve_systems(self.interpolation, new_col)[0] beta = 0.5 * (shift @ shift) ** 2.0 - new_col[:, 0] @ inv_new_col[:, 0] # Compute the values that depend on k. if k_new is None: coord_vec = np.eye(self.npt + self.n + 1, self.npt) alpha = np.diag( Quadratic.solve_systems( self.interpolation, coord_vec, )[0] ) tau = inv_new_col[: self.npt, 0] else: coord_vec = np.eye(self.npt + self.n + 1, 1, -k_new) alpha = Quadratic.solve_systems( self.interpolation, coord_vec, )[ 0 ][k_new, 0] tau = inv_new_col[k_new, 0] return alpha * beta + tau**2.0 def shift_x_base(self, new_x_base, options): """ Shift the base point without changing the interpolation set. Parameters ---------- new_x_base : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (n,) New base point. options : dict Options of the solver. """ if self._debug: assert new_x_base.shape == ( self.n, ), "The shape of `new_x_base` is not valid." # Update the models. self._fun.shift_x_base(self.interpolation, new_x_base) for model in self._cub: model.shift_x_base(self.interpolation, new_x_base) for model in self._ceq: model.shift_x_base(self.interpolation, new_x_base) # Update the base point and the interpolation points. shift = new_x_base - self.interpolation.x_base self.interpolation.x_base += shift self.interpolation.xpt -= shift[:, np.newaxis] if options[Options.DEBUG]: self._check_interpolation_conditions() def _get_cub(self, mask=None): """ Get the quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality constraints. Parameters ---------- mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_ub,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to return. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Quadratic models of the nonlinear inequality constraints. """ return self._cub if mask is None else self._cub[mask] def _get_ceq(self, mask=None): """ Get the quadratic models of the nonlinear equality constraints. Parameters ---------- mask : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (m_nonlinear_eq,), optional Mask of the quadratic models to return. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` Quadratic models of the nonlinear equality constraints. """ return self._ceq if mask is None else self._ceq[mask] def _check_interpolation_conditions(self): """ Check the interpolation conditions of all quadratic models. """ error_fun = 0.0 error_cub = 0.0 error_ceq = 0.0 for k in range(self.npt): error_fun = np.max( [ error_fun, np.abs( - self.fun_val[k] ), ] ) error_cub = np.max( np.abs( self.cub(self.interpolation.point(k)) - self.cub_val[k, :] ), initial=error_cub, ) error_ceq = np.max( np.abs( self.ceq(self.interpolation.point(k)) - self.ceq_val[k, :] ), initial=error_ceq, ) tol = 10.0 * np.sqrt(EPS) * max(self.n, self.npt) if error_fun > tol * np.max(np.abs(self.fun_val), initial=1.0): warnings.warn( "The interpolation conditions for the objective function are " "not satisfied.", RuntimeWarning, 2, ) if error_cub > tol * np.max(np.abs(self.cub_val), initial=1.0): warnings.warn( "The interpolation conditions for the inequality constraint " "function are not satisfied.", RuntimeWarning, 2, ) if error_ceq > tol * np.max(np.abs(self.ceq_val), initial=1.0): warnings.warn( "The interpolation conditions for the equality constraint " "function are not satisfied.", RuntimeWarning, 2, )