# OCX Tester for Pythonwin # # This file _is_ ready to run. All that is required is that the OCXs being tested # are installed on your machine. # # The .py files behind the OCXs will be automatically generated and imported. import glob import os import win32api import win32con import win32ui import win32uiole from pywin.mfc import activex, dialog, window from win32com.client import gencache def MakeDlgTemplate(): style = ( win32con.DS_MODALFRAME | win32con.WS_POPUP | win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_CAPTION | win32con.WS_SYSMENU | win32con.DS_SETFONT ) cs = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE dlg = [ ["OCX Demos", (0, 0, 350, 350), style, None, (8, "MS Sans Serif")], ] s = win32con.WS_TABSTOP | cs # dlg.append([131, None, 130, (5, 40, 110, 48), # s | win32con.LBS_NOTIFY | win32con.LBS_SORT | win32con.LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | win32con.WS_VSCROLL | win32con.WS_BORDER]) # dlg.append(["{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}", None, 131, (5, 40, 110, 48),win32con.WS_TABSTOP]) dlg.append( [128, "About", win32con.IDOK, (124, 5, 50, 14), s | win32con.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON] ) s = win32con.BS_PUSHBUTTON | s dlg.append([128, "Close", win32con.IDCANCEL, (124, 22, 50, 14), s]) return dlg #################################### # # Calendar test code # def GetTestCalendarClass(): global calendarParentModule win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1) calendarParentModule = gencache.EnsureModule( "{8E27C92E-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}", 0, 7, 0 ) win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0) if calendarParentModule is None: return None class TestCalDialog(dialog.Dialog): def OnInitDialog(self): class MyCal(activex.Control, calendarParentModule.Calendar): def OnAfterUpdate(self): print("OnAfterUpdate") def OnClick(self): print("OnClick") def OnDblClick(self): print("OnDblClick") def OnKeyDown(self, KeyCode, Shift): print("OnKeyDown", KeyCode, Shift) def OnKeyPress(self, KeyAscii): print("OnKeyPress", KeyAscii) def OnKeyUp(self, KeyCode, Shift): print("OnKeyUp", KeyCode, Shift) def OnBeforeUpdate(self, Cancel): print("OnBeforeUpdate", Cancel) def OnNewMonth(self): print("OnNewMonth") def OnNewYear(self): print("OnNewYear") rc = dialog.Dialog.OnInitDialog(self) self.olectl = MyCal() try: self.olectl.CreateControl( "OCX", win32con.WS_TABSTOP | win32con.WS_VISIBLE, (7, 43, 500, 300), self._obj_, 131, ) except win32ui.error: self.MessageBox("The Calendar Control could not be created") self.olectl = None self.EndDialog(win32con.IDCANCEL) return rc def OnOK(self): self.olectl.AboutBox() return TestCalDialog #################################### # # Video Control # def GetTestVideoModule(): global videoControlModule, videoControlFileName win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1) videoControlModule = gencache.EnsureModule( "{05589FA0-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A}", 0, 2, 0 ) win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0) if videoControlModule is None: return None fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(win32api.GetWindowsDirectory(), "*.avi")) if not fnames: print("No AVI files available in system directory") return None videoControlFileName = fnames[0] return videoControlModule def GetTestVideoDialogClass(): if GetTestVideoModule() is None: return None class TestVideoDialog(dialog.Dialog): def OnInitDialog(self): rc = dialog.Dialog.OnInitDialog(self) try: self.olectl = activex.MakeControlInstance( videoControlModule.ActiveMovie ) self.olectl.CreateControl( "", win32con.WS_TABSTOP | win32con.WS_VISIBLE, (7, 43, 500, 300), self._obj_, 131, ) except win32ui.error: self.MessageBox("The Video Control could not be created") self.olectl = None self.EndDialog(win32con.IDCANCEL) return self.olectl.FileName = videoControlFileName # self.olectl.Run() return rc def OnOK(self): self.olectl.AboutBox() return TestVideoDialog ############### # # An OCX in an MDI Frame # class OCXFrame(window.MDIChildWnd): def __init__(self): pass # Dont call base class doc/view version... def Create(self, controlClass, title, rect=None, parent=None): style = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW self._obj_ = win32ui.CreateMDIChild() self._obj_.AttachObject(self) self._obj_.CreateWindow(None, title, style, rect, parent) rect = self.GetClientRect() rect = (0, 0, rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1]) self.ocx = controlClass() self.ocx.CreateControl( "", win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_CHILD, rect, self, 1000 ) def MDITest(): calendarParentModule = gencache.EnsureModule( "{8E27C92E-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}", 0, 7, 0 ) class MyCal(activex.Control, calendarParentModule.Calendar): def OnAfterUpdate(self): print("OnAfterUpdate") def OnClick(self): print("OnClick") f = OCXFrame() f.Create(MyCal, "Calendar Test") def test1(): klass = GetTestCalendarClass() if klass is None: print( "Can not test the MSAccess Calendar control - it does not appear to be installed" ) return d = klass(MakeDlgTemplate()) d.DoModal() def test2(): klass = GetTestVideoDialogClass() if klass is None: print("Can not test the Video OCX - it does not appear to be installed,") print("or no AVI files can be found.") return d = klass(MakeDlgTemplate()) d.DoModal() d = None def test3(): d = TestCOMMDialog(MakeDlgTemplate()) d.DoModal() d = None def testall(): test1() test2() def demo(): testall() if __name__ == "__main__": from . import demoutils if demoutils.NeedGoodGUI(): testall()