import functools import io import os import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import _api, backend_tools, cbook from matplotlib.backend_bases import ( ToolContainerBase, KeyEvent, LocationEvent, MouseEvent, ResizeEvent, CloseEvent) try: import gi except ImportError as err: raise ImportError("The GTK4 backends require PyGObject") from err try: # :raises ValueError: If module/version is already loaded, already # required, or unavailable. gi.require_version("Gtk", "4.0") except ValueError as e: # in this case we want to re-raise as ImportError so the # auto-backend selection logic correctly skips. raise ImportError(e) from e from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf from . import _backend_gtk from ._backend_gtk import ( # noqa: F401 # pylint: disable=W0611 _BackendGTK, _FigureCanvasGTK, _FigureManagerGTK, _NavigationToolbar2GTK, TimerGTK as TimerGTK4, ) class FigureCanvasGTK4(_FigureCanvasGTK, Gtk.DrawingArea): required_interactive_framework = "gtk4" supports_blit = False manager_class = _api.classproperty(lambda cls: FigureManagerGTK4) def __init__(self, figure=None): super().__init__(figure=figure) self.set_hexpand(True) self.set_vexpand(True) self._idle_draw_id = 0 self._rubberband_rect = None self.set_draw_func(self._draw_func) self.connect('resize', self.resize_event) self.connect('notify::scale-factor', self._update_device_pixel_ratio) click = Gtk.GestureClick() click.set_button(0) # All buttons. click.connect('pressed', self.button_press_event) click.connect('released', self.button_release_event) self.add_controller(click) key = Gtk.EventControllerKey() key.connect('key-pressed', self.key_press_event) key.connect('key-released', self.key_release_event) self.add_controller(key) motion = Gtk.EventControllerMotion() motion.connect('motion', self.motion_notify_event) motion.connect('enter', self.enter_notify_event) motion.connect('leave', self.leave_notify_event) self.add_controller(motion) scroll = Gtk.EventControllerScrollFlags.VERTICAL) scroll.connect('scroll', self.scroll_event) self.add_controller(scroll) self.set_focusable(True) css = Gtk.CssProvider() style = '.matplotlib-canvas { background-color: white; }' if Gtk.check_version(4, 9, 3) is None: css.load_from_data(style, -1) else: css.load_from_data(style.encode('utf-8')) style_ctx = self.get_style_context() style_ctx.add_provider(css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION) style_ctx.add_class("matplotlib-canvas") def destroy(self): CloseEvent("close_event", self)._process() def set_cursor(self, cursor): # docstring inherited self.set_cursor_from_name(_backend_gtk.mpl_to_gtk_cursor_name(cursor)) def _mpl_coords(self, xy=None): """ Convert the *xy* position of a GTK event, or of the current cursor position if *xy* is None, to Matplotlib coordinates. GTK use logical pixels, but the figure is scaled to physical pixels for rendering. Transform to physical pixels so that all of the down-stream transforms work as expected. Also, the origin is different and needs to be corrected. """ if xy is None: surface = self.get_native().get_surface() is_over, x, y, mask = surface.get_device_position( self.get_display().get_default_seat().get_pointer()) else: x, y = xy x = x * self.device_pixel_ratio # flip y so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.figure.bbox.height - y * self.device_pixel_ratio return x, y def scroll_event(self, controller, dx, dy): MouseEvent( "scroll_event", self, *self._mpl_coords(), step=dy, modifiers=self._mpl_modifiers(controller), )._process() return True def button_press_event(self, controller, n_press, x, y): MouseEvent( "button_press_event", self, *self._mpl_coords((x, y)), controller.get_current_button(), modifiers=self._mpl_modifiers(controller), )._process() self.grab_focus() def button_release_event(self, controller, n_press, x, y): MouseEvent( "button_release_event", self, *self._mpl_coords((x, y)), controller.get_current_button(), modifiers=self._mpl_modifiers(controller), )._process() def key_press_event(self, controller, keyval, keycode, state): KeyEvent( "key_press_event", self, self._get_key(keyval, keycode, state), *self._mpl_coords(), )._process() return True def key_release_event(self, controller, keyval, keycode, state): KeyEvent( "key_release_event", self, self._get_key(keyval, keycode, state), *self._mpl_coords(), )._process() return True def motion_notify_event(self, controller, x, y): MouseEvent( "motion_notify_event", self, *self._mpl_coords((x, y)), modifiers=self._mpl_modifiers(controller), )._process() def enter_notify_event(self, controller, x, y): LocationEvent( "figure_enter_event", self, *self._mpl_coords((x, y)), modifiers=self._mpl_modifiers(), )._process() def leave_notify_event(self, controller): LocationEvent( "figure_leave_event", self, *self._mpl_coords(), modifiers=self._mpl_modifiers(), )._process() def resize_event(self, area, width, height): self._update_device_pixel_ratio() dpi = self.figure.dpi winch = width * self.device_pixel_ratio / dpi hinch = height * self.device_pixel_ratio / dpi self.figure.set_size_inches(winch, hinch, forward=False) ResizeEvent("resize_event", self)._process() self.draw_idle() def _mpl_modifiers(self, controller=None): if controller is None: surface = self.get_native().get_surface() is_over, x, y, event_state = surface.get_device_position( self.get_display().get_default_seat().get_pointer()) else: event_state = controller.get_current_event_state() mod_table = [ ("ctrl", Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK), ("alt", Gdk.ModifierType.ALT_MASK), ("shift", Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK), ("super", Gdk.ModifierType.SUPER_MASK), ] return [name for name, mask in mod_table if event_state & mask] def _get_key(self, keyval, keycode, state): unikey = chr(Gdk.keyval_to_unicode(keyval)) key = cbook._unikey_or_keysym_to_mplkey( unikey, Gdk.keyval_name(keyval)) modifiers = [ ("ctrl", Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK, "control"), ("alt", Gdk.ModifierType.ALT_MASK, "alt"), ("shift", Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK, "shift"), ("super", Gdk.ModifierType.SUPER_MASK, "super"), ] mods = [ mod for mod, mask, mod_key in modifiers if (mod_key != key and state & mask and not (mod == "shift" and unikey.isprintable()))] return "+".join([*mods, key]) def _update_device_pixel_ratio(self, *args, **kwargs): # We need to be careful in cases with mixed resolution displays if # device_pixel_ratio changes. if self._set_device_pixel_ratio(self.get_scale_factor()): self.draw() def _draw_rubberband(self, rect): self._rubberband_rect = rect # TODO: Only update the rubberband area. self.queue_draw() def _draw_func(self, drawing_area, ctx, width, height): self.on_draw_event(self, ctx) self._post_draw(self, ctx) def _post_draw(self, widget, ctx): if self._rubberband_rect is None: return lw = 1 dash = 3 x0, y0, w, h = (dim / self.device_pixel_ratio for dim in self._rubberband_rect) x1 = x0 + w y1 = y0 + h # Draw the lines from x0, y0 towards x1, y1 so that the # dashes don't "jump" when moving the zoom box. ctx.move_to(x0, y0) ctx.line_to(x0, y1) ctx.move_to(x0, y0) ctx.line_to(x1, y0) ctx.move_to(x0, y1) ctx.line_to(x1, y1) ctx.move_to(x1, y0) ctx.line_to(x1, y1) ctx.set_antialias(1) ctx.set_line_width(lw) ctx.set_dash((dash, dash), 0) ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) ctx.stroke_preserve() ctx.set_dash((dash, dash), dash) ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) ctx.stroke() def on_draw_event(self, widget, ctx): # to be overwritten by GTK4Agg or GTK4Cairo pass def draw(self): # docstring inherited if self.is_drawable(): self.queue_draw() def draw_idle(self): # docstring inherited if self._idle_draw_id != 0: return def idle_draw(*args): try: self.draw() finally: self._idle_draw_id = 0 return False self._idle_draw_id = GLib.idle_add(idle_draw) def flush_events(self): # docstring inherited context = GLib.MainContext.default() while context.pending(): context.iteration(True) class NavigationToolbar2GTK4(_NavigationToolbar2GTK, Gtk.Box): def __init__(self, canvas): Gtk.Box.__init__(self) self.add_css_class('toolbar') self._gtk_ids = {} for text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback in self.toolitems: if text is None: self.append(Gtk.Separator()) continue image = Gtk.Image.new_from_gicon( Gio.Icon.new_for_string( str(cbook._get_data_path('images', f'{image_file}-symbolic.svg')))) self._gtk_ids[text] = button = ( Gtk.ToggleButton() if callback in ['zoom', 'pan'] else Gtk.Button()) button.set_child(image) button.add_css_class('flat') button.add_css_class('image-button') # Save the handler id, so that we can block it as needed. button._signal_handler = button.connect( 'clicked', getattr(self, callback)) button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text) self.append(button) # This filler item ensures the toolbar is always at least two text # lines high. Otherwise the canvas gets redrawn as the mouse hovers # over images because those use two-line messages which resize the # toolbar. label = Gtk.Label() label.set_markup( '\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}\n\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}') label.set_hexpand(True) # Push real message to the right. self.append(label) self.message = Gtk.Label() self.message.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.RIGHT) self.append(self.message) _NavigationToolbar2GTK.__init__(self, canvas) def save_figure(self, *args): dialog = Gtk.FileChooserNative( title='Save the figure', transient_for=self.canvas.get_root(), action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, modal=True) self._save_dialog = dialog # Must keep a reference. ff = Gtk.FileFilter() ff.set_name('All files') ff.add_pattern('*') dialog.add_filter(ff) dialog.set_filter(ff) formats = [] default_format = None for i, (name, fmts) in enumerate( self.canvas.get_supported_filetypes_grouped().items()): ff = Gtk.FileFilter() ff.set_name(name) for fmt in fmts: ff.add_pattern(f'*.{fmt}') dialog.add_filter(ff) formats.append(name) if self.canvas.get_default_filetype() in fmts: default_format = i # Setting the choice doesn't always work, so make sure the default # format is first. formats = [formats[default_format], *formats[:default_format], *formats[default_format+1:]] dialog.add_choice('format', 'File format', formats, formats) dialog.set_choice('format', formats[0]) dialog.set_current_folder(Gio.File.new_for_path( os.path.expanduser(mpl.rcParams['']))) dialog.set_current_name(self.canvas.get_default_filename()) @functools.partial(dialog.connect, 'response') def on_response(dialog, response): file = dialog.get_file() fmt = dialog.get_choice('format') fmt = self.canvas.get_supported_filetypes_grouped()[fmt][0] dialog.destroy() self._save_dialog = None if response != Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: return # Save dir for next time, unless empty str (which means use cwd). if mpl.rcParams['']: parent = file.get_parent() mpl.rcParams[''] = parent.get_path() try: self.canvas.figure.savefig(file.get_path(), format=fmt) except Exception as e: msg = Gtk.MessageDialog( transient_for=self.canvas.get_root(), message_type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, modal=True, text=str(e)) class ToolbarGTK4(ToolContainerBase, Gtk.Box): _icon_extension = '-symbolic.svg' def __init__(self, toolmanager): ToolContainerBase.__init__(self, toolmanager) Gtk.Box.__init__(self) self.set_property('orientation', Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) # Tool items are created later, but must appear before the message. self._tool_box = Gtk.Box() self.append(self._tool_box) self._groups = {} self._toolitems = {} # This filler item ensures the toolbar is always at least two text # lines high. Otherwise the canvas gets redrawn as the mouse hovers # over images because those use two-line messages which resize the # toolbar. label = Gtk.Label() label.set_markup( '\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}\n\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}') label.set_hexpand(True) # Push real message to the right. self.append(label) self._message = Gtk.Label() self._message.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.RIGHT) self.append(self._message) def add_toolitem(self, name, group, position, image_file, description, toggle): if toggle: button = Gtk.ToggleButton() else: button = Gtk.Button() button.set_label(name) button.add_css_class('flat') if image_file is not None: image = Gtk.Image.new_from_gicon( Gio.Icon.new_for_string(image_file)) button.set_child(image) button.add_css_class('image-button') if position is None: position = -1 self._add_button(button, group, position) signal = button.connect('clicked', self._call_tool, name) button.set_tooltip_text(description) self._toolitems.setdefault(name, []) self._toolitems[name].append((button, signal)) def _find_child_at_position(self, group, position): children = [None] child = self._groups[group].get_first_child() while child is not None: children.append(child) child = child.get_next_sibling() return children[position] def _add_button(self, button, group, position): if group not in self._groups: if self._groups: self._add_separator() group_box = Gtk.Box() self._tool_box.append(group_box) self._groups[group] = group_box self._groups[group].insert_child_after( button, self._find_child_at_position(group, position)) def _call_tool(self, btn, name): self.trigger_tool(name) def toggle_toolitem(self, name, toggled): if name not in self._toolitems: return for toolitem, signal in self._toolitems[name]: toolitem.handler_block(signal) toolitem.set_active(toggled) toolitem.handler_unblock(signal) def remove_toolitem(self, name): for toolitem, _signal in self._toolitems.pop(name, []): for group in self._groups: if toolitem in self._groups[group]: self._groups[group].remove(toolitem) def _add_separator(self): sep = Gtk.Separator() sep.set_property("orientation", Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self._tool_box.append(sep) def set_message(self, s): self._message.set_label(s) @backend_tools._register_tool_class(FigureCanvasGTK4) class SaveFigureGTK4(backend_tools.SaveFigureBase): def trigger(self, *args, **kwargs): NavigationToolbar2GTK4.save_figure( self._make_classic_style_pseudo_toolbar()) @backend_tools._register_tool_class(FigureCanvasGTK4) class HelpGTK4(backend_tools.ToolHelpBase): def _normalize_shortcut(self, key): """ Convert Matplotlib key presses to GTK+ accelerator identifiers. Related to `FigureCanvasGTK4._get_key`. """ special = { 'backspace': 'BackSpace', 'pagedown': 'Page_Down', 'pageup': 'Page_Up', 'scroll_lock': 'Scroll_Lock', } parts = key.split('+') mods = ['<' + mod + '>' for mod in parts[:-1]] key = parts[-1] if key in special: key = special[key] elif len(key) > 1: key = key.capitalize() elif key.isupper(): mods += [''] return ''.join(mods) + key def _is_valid_shortcut(self, key): """ Check for a valid shortcut to be displayed. - GTK will never send 'cmd+' (see `FigureCanvasGTK4._get_key`). - The shortcut window only shows keyboard shortcuts, not mouse buttons. """ return 'cmd+' not in key and not key.startswith('MouseButton.') def trigger(self, *args): section = Gtk.ShortcutsSection() for name, tool in sorted( if not tool.description: continue # Putting everything in a separate group allows GTK to # automatically split them into separate columns/pages, which is # useful because we have lots of shortcuts, some with many keys # that are very wide. group = Gtk.ShortcutsGroup() section.append(group) # A hack to remove the title since we have no group naming. child = group.get_first_child() while child is not None: child.set_visible(False) child = child.get_next_sibling() shortcut = Gtk.ShortcutsShortcut( accelerator=' '.join( self._normalize_shortcut(key) for key in self.toolmanager.get_tool_keymap(name) if self._is_valid_shortcut(key)),, subtitle=tool.description) group.append(shortcut) window = Gtk.ShortcutsWindow( title='Help', modal=True, transient_for=self._figure.canvas.get_root()) window.set_child(section) @backend_tools._register_tool_class(FigureCanvasGTK4) class ToolCopyToClipboardGTK4(backend_tools.ToolCopyToClipboardBase): def trigger(self, *args, **kwargs): with io.BytesIO() as f: self.canvas.print_rgba(f) w, h = self.canvas.get_width_height() pb = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data(f.getbuffer(), GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8, w, h, w*4) clipboard = self.canvas.get_clipboard() clipboard.set(pb) backend_tools._register_tool_class( FigureCanvasGTK4, _backend_gtk.ConfigureSubplotsGTK) backend_tools._register_tool_class( FigureCanvasGTK4, _backend_gtk.RubberbandGTK) Toolbar = ToolbarGTK4 class FigureManagerGTK4(_FigureManagerGTK): _toolbar2_class = NavigationToolbar2GTK4 _toolmanager_toolbar_class = ToolbarGTK4 @_BackendGTK.export class _BackendGTK4(_BackendGTK): FigureCanvas = FigureCanvasGTK4 FigureManager = FigureManagerGTK4