"""Session object for building, serializing, sending, and receiving messages. The Session object supports serialization, HMAC signatures, and metadata on messages. Also defined here are utilities for working with Sessions: * A SessionFactory to be used as a base class for configurables that work with Sessions. * A Message object for convenience that allows attribute-access to the msg dict. """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from __future__ import annotations import hashlib import hmac import json import logging import os import pickle import pprint import random import typing as t import warnings from binascii import b2a_hex from datetime import datetime, timezone from hmac import compare_digest # We are using compare_digest to limit the surface of timing attacks import zmq.asyncio from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from traitlets import ( Any, Bool, CBytes, CUnicode, Dict, DottedObjectName, Instance, Integer, Set, TraitError, Unicode, observe, ) from traitlets.config.configurable import Configurable, LoggingConfigurable from traitlets.log import get_logger from traitlets.utils.importstring import import_item from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream from ._version import protocol_version from .adapter import adapt from .jsonutil import extract_dates, json_clean, json_default, squash_dates PICKLE_PROTOCOL = pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL utc = timezone.utc # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def squash_unicode(obj: t.Any) -> t.Any: """coerce unicode back to bytestrings.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): for key in list(obj.keys()): obj[key] = squash_unicode(obj[key]) if isinstance(key, str): obj[squash_unicode(key)] = obj.pop(key) elif isinstance(obj, list): for i, v in enumerate(obj): obj[i] = squash_unicode(v) elif isinstance(obj, str): obj = obj.encode("utf8") return obj # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # globals and defaults # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # default values for the thresholds: MAX_ITEMS = 64 MAX_BYTES = 1024 # ISO8601-ify datetime objects # allow unicode # disallow nan, because it's not actually valid JSON def json_packer(obj: t.Any) -> bytes: """Convert a json object to a bytes.""" try: return json.dumps( obj, default=json_default, ensure_ascii=False, allow_nan=False, ).encode("utf8", errors="surrogateescape") except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: # Fallback to trying to clean the json before serializing packed = json.dumps( json_clean(obj), default=json_default, ensure_ascii=False, allow_nan=False, ).encode("utf8", errors="surrogateescape") warnings.warn( f"Message serialization failed with:\n{e}\n" "Supporting this message is deprecated in jupyter-client 7, please make " "sure your message is JSON-compliant", stacklevel=2, ) return packed def json_unpacker(s: str | bytes) -> t.Any: """Convert a json bytes or string to an object.""" if isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode("utf8", "replace") return json.loads(s) def pickle_packer(o: t.Any) -> bytes: """Pack an object using the pickle module.""" return pickle.dumps(squash_dates(o), PICKLE_PROTOCOL) pickle_unpacker = pickle.loads default_packer = json_packer default_unpacker = json_unpacker DELIM = b"" # singleton dummy tracker, which will always report as done DONE = zmq.MessageTracker() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mixin tools for apps that use Sessions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def new_id() -> str: """Generate a new random id. Avoids problematic runtime import in stdlib uuid on Python 2. Returns ------- id string (16 random bytes as hex-encoded text, chunks separated by '-') """ buf = os.urandom(16) return "-".join(b2a_hex(x).decode("ascii") for x in (buf[:4], buf[4:])) def new_id_bytes() -> bytes: """Return new_id as ascii bytes""" return new_id().encode("ascii") session_aliases = { "ident": "Session.session", "user": "Session.username", "keyfile": "Session.keyfile", } session_flags = { "secure": ( {"Session": {"key": new_id_bytes(), "keyfile": ""}}, """Use HMAC digests for authentication of messages. Setting this flag will generate a new UUID to use as the HMAC key. """, ), "no-secure": ( {"Session": {"key": b"", "keyfile": ""}}, """Don't authenticate messages.""", ), } def default_secure(cfg: t.Any) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Set the default behavior for a config environment to be secure. If Session.key/keyfile have not been set, set Session.key to a new random UUID. """ warnings.warn("default_secure is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if "Session" in cfg and ("key" in cfg.Session or "keyfile" in cfg.Session): return # key/keyfile not specified, generate new UUID: cfg.Session.key = new_id_bytes() def utcnow() -> datetime: """Return timezone-aware UTC timestamp""" return datetime.now(utc) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SessionFactory(LoggingConfigurable): """The Base class for configurables that have a Session, Context, logger, and IOLoop. """ logname = Unicode("") @observe("logname") def _logname_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: self.log = logging.getLogger(change["new"]) # not configurable: context = Instance("zmq.Context") def _context_default(self) -> zmq.Context: return zmq.Context() session = Instance("jupyter_client.session.Session", allow_none=True) loop = Instance("tornado.ioloop.IOLoop") def _loop_default(self) -> IOLoop: return IOLoop.current() def __init__(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: """Initialize a session factory.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.session is None: # construct the session self.session = Session(**kwargs) class Message: """A simple message object that maps dict keys to attributes. A Message can be created from a dict and a dict from a Message instance simply by calling dict(msg_obj).""" def __init__(self, msg_dict: dict[str, t.Any]) -> None: """Initialize a message.""" dct = self.__dict__ for k, v in dict(msg_dict).items(): if isinstance(v, dict): v = Message(v) # noqa dct[k] = v # Having this iterator lets dict(msg_obj) work out of the box. def __iter__(self) -> t.ItemsView[str, t.Any]: return iter(self.__dict__.items()) # type:ignore[return-value] def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self.__dict__) def __str__(self) -> str: return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__) def __contains__(self, k: object) -> bool: return k in self.__dict__ def __getitem__(self, k: str) -> t.Any: return self.__dict__[k] def msg_header( msg_id: str, msg_type: str, username: str, session: Session | str ) -> dict[str, t.Any]: """Create a new message header""" date = utcnow() version = protocol_version return locals() def extract_header(msg_or_header: dict[str, t.Any]) -> dict[str, t.Any]: """Given a message or header, return the header.""" if not msg_or_header: return {} try: # See if msg_or_header is the entire message. h = msg_or_header["header"] except KeyError: try: # See if msg_or_header is just the header h = msg_or_header["msg_id"] except KeyError: raise else: h = msg_or_header if not isinstance(h, dict): h = dict(h) return h class Session(Configurable): """Object for handling serialization and sending of messages. The Session object handles building messages and sending them with ZMQ sockets or ZMQStream objects. Objects can communicate with each other over the network via Session objects, and only need to work with the dict-based IPython message spec. The Session will handle serialization/deserialization, security, and metadata. Sessions support configurable serialization via packer/unpacker traits, and signing with HMAC digests via the key/keyfile traits. Parameters ---------- debug : bool whether to trigger extra debugging statements packer/unpacker : str : 'json', 'pickle' or import_string importstrings for methods to serialize message parts. If just 'json' or 'pickle', predefined JSON and pickle packers will be used. Otherwise, the entire importstring must be used. The functions must accept at least valid JSON input, and output *bytes*. For example, to use msgpack: packer = 'msgpack.packb', unpacker='msgpack.unpackb' pack/unpack : callables You can also set the pack/unpack callables for serialization directly. session : bytes the ID of this Session object. The default is to generate a new UUID. username : unicode username added to message headers. The default is to ask the OS. key : bytes The key used to initialize an HMAC signature. If unset, messages will not be signed or checked. keyfile : filepath The file containing a key. If this is set, `key` will be initialized to the contents of the file. """ debug = Bool(False, config=True, help="""Debug output in the Session""") check_pid = Bool( True, config=True, help="""Whether to check PID to protect against calls after fork. This check can be disabled if fork-safety is handled elsewhere. """, ) packer = DottedObjectName( "json", config=True, help="""The name of the packer for serializing messages. Should be one of 'json', 'pickle', or an import name for a custom callable serializer.""", ) @observe("packer") def _packer_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: new = change["new"] if new.lower() == "json": self.pack = json_packer self.unpack = json_unpacker self.unpacker = new elif new.lower() == "pickle": self.pack = pickle_packer self.unpack = pickle_unpacker self.unpacker = new else: self.pack = import_item(str(new)) unpacker = DottedObjectName( "json", config=True, help="""The name of the unpacker for unserializing messages. Only used with custom functions for `packer`.""", ) @observe("unpacker") def _unpacker_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: new = change["new"] if new.lower() == "json": self.pack = json_packer self.unpack = json_unpacker self.packer = new elif new.lower() == "pickle": self.pack = pickle_packer self.unpack = pickle_unpacker self.packer = new else: self.unpack = import_item(str(new)) session = CUnicode("", config=True, help="""The UUID identifying this session.""") def _session_default(self) -> str: u = new_id() self.bsession = u.encode("ascii") return u @observe("session") def _session_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: self.bsession = self.session.encode("ascii") # bsession is the session as bytes bsession = CBytes(b"") username = Unicode( os.environ.get("USER", "username"), help="""Username for the Session. Default is your system username.""", config=True, ) metadata = Dict( {}, config=True, help="Metadata dictionary, which serves as the default top-level metadata dict for each " "message.", ) # if 0, no adapting to do. adapt_version = Integer(0) # message signature related traits: key = CBytes(config=True, help="""execution key, for signing messages.""") def _key_default(self) -> bytes: return new_id_bytes() @observe("key") def _key_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: self._new_auth() signature_scheme = Unicode( "hmac-sha256", config=True, help="""The digest scheme used to construct the message signatures. Must have the form 'hmac-HASH'.""", ) @observe("signature_scheme") def _signature_scheme_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: new = change["new"] if not new.startswith("hmac-"): raise TraitError("signature_scheme must start with 'hmac-', got %r" % new) hash_name = new.split("-", 1)[1] try: self.digest_mod = getattr(hashlib, hash_name) except AttributeError as e: raise TraitError("hashlib has no such attribute: %s" % hash_name) from e self._new_auth() digest_mod = Any() def _digest_mod_default(self) -> t.Callable: return hashlib.sha256 auth = Instance(hmac.HMAC, allow_none=True) def _new_auth(self) -> None: if self.key: self.auth = hmac.HMAC(self.key, digestmod=self.digest_mod) else: self.auth = None digest_history = Set() digest_history_size = Integer( 2**16, config=True, help="""The maximum number of digests to remember. The digest history will be culled when it exceeds this value. """, ) keyfile = Unicode("", config=True, help="""path to file containing execution key.""") @observe("keyfile") def _keyfile_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: with open(change["new"], "rb") as f: self.key = f.read().strip() # for protecting against sends from forks pid = Integer() # serialization traits: pack = Any(default_packer) # the actual packer function @observe("pack") def _pack_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: new = change["new"] if not callable(new): raise TypeError("packer must be callable, not %s" % type(new)) unpack = Any(default_unpacker) # the actual packer function @observe("unpack") def _unpack_changed(self, change: t.Any) -> None: # unpacker is not checked - it is assumed to be new = change["new"] if not callable(new): raise TypeError("unpacker must be callable, not %s" % type(new)) # thresholds: copy_threshold = Integer( 2**16, config=True, help="Threshold (in bytes) beyond which a buffer should be sent without copying.", ) buffer_threshold = Integer( MAX_BYTES, config=True, help="Threshold (in bytes) beyond which an object's buffer should be extracted to avoid " "pickling.", ) item_threshold = Integer( MAX_ITEMS, config=True, help="""The maximum number of items for a container to be introspected for custom serialization. Containers larger than this are pickled outright. """, ) def __init__(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: """create a Session object Parameters ---------- debug : bool whether to trigger extra debugging statements packer/unpacker : str : 'json', 'pickle' or import_string importstrings for methods to serialize message parts. If just 'json' or 'pickle', predefined JSON and pickle packers will be used. Otherwise, the entire importstring must be used. The functions must accept at least valid JSON input, and output *bytes*. For example, to use msgpack: packer = 'msgpack.packb', unpacker='msgpack.unpackb' pack/unpack : callables You can also set the pack/unpack callables for serialization directly. session : unicode (must be ascii) the ID of this Session object. The default is to generate a new UUID. bsession : bytes The session as bytes username : unicode username added to message headers. The default is to ask the OS. key : bytes The key used to initialize an HMAC signature. If unset, messages will not be signed or checked. signature_scheme : str The message digest scheme. Currently must be of the form 'hmac-HASH', where 'HASH' is a hashing function available in Python's hashlib. The default is 'hmac-sha256'. This is ignored if 'key' is empty. keyfile : filepath The file containing a key. If this is set, `key` will be initialized to the contents of the file. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._check_packers() self.none = self.pack({}) # ensure self._session_default() if necessary, so bsession is defined: self.session # noqa self.pid = os.getpid() self._new_auth() if not self.key: get_logger().warning( "Message signing is disabled. This is insecure and not recommended!" ) def clone(self) -> Session: """Create a copy of this Session Useful when connecting multiple times to a given kernel. This prevents a shared digest_history warning about duplicate digests due to multiple connections to IOPub in the same process. .. versionadded:: 5.1 """ # make a copy new_session = type(self)() for name in self.traits(): setattr(new_session, name, getattr(self, name)) # fork digest_history new_session.digest_history = set() new_session.digest_history.update(self.digest_history) return new_session message_count = 0 @property def msg_id(self) -> str: message_number = self.message_count self.message_count += 1 return f"{self.session}_{os.getpid()}_{message_number}" def _check_packers(self) -> None: """check packers for datetime support.""" pack = self.pack unpack = self.unpack # check simple serialization msg_list = {"a": [1, "hi"]} try: packed = pack(msg_list) except Exception as e: msg = f"packer '{self.packer}' could not serialize a simple message: {e}" raise ValueError(msg) from e # ensure packed message is bytes if not isinstance(packed, bytes): raise ValueError("message packed to %r, but bytes are required" % type(packed)) # check that unpack is pack's inverse try: unpacked = unpack(packed) assert unpacked == msg_list except Exception as e: msg = ( f"unpacker '{self.unpacker}' could not handle output from packer" f" '{self.packer}': {e}" ) raise ValueError(msg) from e # check datetime support msg_datetime = {"t": utcnow()} try: unpacked = unpack(pack(msg_datetime)) if isinstance(unpacked["t"], datetime): msg = "Shouldn't deserialize to datetime" raise ValueError(msg) except Exception: self.pack = lambda o: pack(squash_dates(o)) self.unpack = lambda s: unpack(s) def msg_header(self, msg_type: str) -> dict[str, t.Any]: """Create a header for a message type.""" return msg_header(self.msg_id, msg_type, self.username, self.session) def msg( self, msg_type: str, content: dict | None = None, parent: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, header: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, metadata: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, t.Any]: """Return the nested message dict. This format is different from what is sent over the wire. The serialize/deserialize methods converts this nested message dict to the wire format, which is a list of message parts. """ msg = {} header = self.msg_header(msg_type) if header is None else header msg["header"] = header msg["msg_id"] = header["msg_id"] msg["msg_type"] = header["msg_type"] msg["parent_header"] = {} if parent is None else extract_header(parent) msg["content"] = {} if content is None else content msg["metadata"] = self.metadata.copy() if metadata is not None: msg["metadata"].update(metadata) return msg def sign(self, msg_list: list) -> bytes: """Sign a message with HMAC digest. If no auth, return b''. Parameters ---------- msg_list : list The [p_header,p_parent,p_content] part of the message list. """ if self.auth is None: return b"" h = self.auth.copy() for m in msg_list: h.update(m) return h.hexdigest().encode() def serialize( self, msg: dict[str, t.Any], ident: list[bytes] | bytes | None = None, ) -> list[bytes]: """Serialize the message components to bytes. This is roughly the inverse of deserialize. The serialize/deserialize methods work with full message lists, whereas pack/unpack work with the individual message parts in the message list. Parameters ---------- msg : dict or Message The next message dict as returned by the self.msg method. Returns ------- msg_list : list The list of bytes objects to be sent with the format:: [ident1, ident2, ..., DELIM, HMAC, p_header, p_parent, p_metadata, p_content, buffer1, buffer2, ...] In this list, the ``p_*`` entities are the packed or serialized versions, so if JSON is used, these are utf8 encoded JSON strings. """ content = msg.get("content", {}) if content is None: content = self.none elif isinstance(content, dict): content = self.pack(content) elif isinstance(content, bytes): # content is already packed, as in a relayed message pass elif isinstance(content, str): # should be bytes, but JSON often spits out unicode content = content.encode("utf8") else: raise TypeError("Content incorrect type: %s" % type(content)) real_message = [ self.pack(msg["header"]), self.pack(msg["parent_header"]), self.pack(msg["metadata"]), content, ] to_send = [] if isinstance(ident, list): # accept list of idents to_send.extend(ident) elif ident is not None: to_send.append(ident) to_send.append(DELIM) signature = self.sign(real_message) to_send.append(signature) to_send.extend(real_message) return to_send def send( self, stream: zmq.sugar.socket.Socket | ZMQStream | None, msg_or_type: dict[str, t.Any] | str, content: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, parent: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ident: bytes | list[bytes] | None = None, buffers: list[bytes] | None = None, track: bool = False, header: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, metadata: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, t.Any] | None: """Build and send a message via stream or socket. The message format used by this function internally is as follows: [ident1,ident2,...,DELIM,HMAC,p_header,p_parent,p_content, buffer1,buffer2,...] The serialize/deserialize methods convert the nested message dict into this format. Parameters ---------- stream : zmq.Socket or ZMQStream The socket-like object used to send the data. msg_or_type : str or Message/dict Normally, msg_or_type will be a msg_type unless a message is being sent more than once. If a header is supplied, this can be set to None and the msg_type will be pulled from the header. content : dict or None The content of the message (ignored if msg_or_type is a message). header : dict or None The header dict for the message (ignored if msg_to_type is a message). parent : Message or dict or None The parent or parent header describing the parent of this message (ignored if msg_or_type is a message). ident : bytes or list of bytes The zmq.IDENTITY routing path. metadata : dict or None The metadata describing the message buffers : list or None The already-serialized buffers to be appended to the message. track : bool Whether to track. Only for use with Sockets, because ZMQStream objects cannot track messages. Returns ------- msg : dict The constructed message. """ if not isinstance(stream, zmq.Socket): # ZMQStreams and dummy sockets do not support tracking. track = False if isinstance(stream, zmq.asyncio.Socket): assert stream is not None # type:ignore[unreachable] stream = zmq.Socket.shadow(stream.underlying) if isinstance(msg_or_type, (Message, dict)): # We got a Message or message dict, not a msg_type so don't # build a new Message. msg = msg_or_type buffers = buffers or msg.get("buffers", []) else: msg = self.msg( msg_or_type, content=content, parent=parent, header=header, metadata=metadata, ) if self.check_pid and os.getpid() != self.pid: get_logger().warning("WARNING: attempted to send message from fork\n%s", msg) return None buffers = [] if buffers is None else buffers for idx, buf in enumerate(buffers): if isinstance(buf, memoryview): view = buf else: try: # check to see if buf supports the buffer protocol. view = memoryview(buf) except TypeError as e: emsg = "Buffer objects must support the buffer protocol." raise TypeError(emsg) from e # memoryview.contiguous is new in 3.3, # just skip the check on Python 2 if hasattr(view, "contiguous") and not view.contiguous: # zmq requires memoryviews to be contiguous raise ValueError("Buffer %i (%r) is not contiguous" % (idx, buf)) if self.adapt_version: msg = adapt(msg, self.adapt_version) to_send = self.serialize(msg, ident) to_send.extend(buffers) longest = max([len(s) for s in to_send]) copy = longest < self.copy_threshold if stream and buffers and track and not copy: # only really track when we are doing zero-copy buffers tracker = stream.send_multipart(to_send, copy=False, track=True) elif stream: # use dummy tracker, which will be done immediately tracker = DONE stream.send_multipart(to_send, copy=copy) else: tracker = DONE if self.debug: pprint.pprint(msg) # noqa pprint.pprint(to_send) # noqa pprint.pprint(buffers) # noqa msg["tracker"] = tracker return msg def send_raw( self, stream: zmq.sugar.socket.Socket, msg_list: list, flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, ident: bytes | list[bytes] | None = None, ) -> None: """Send a raw message via ident path. This method is used to send a already serialized message. Parameters ---------- stream : ZMQStream or Socket The ZMQ stream or socket to use for sending the message. msg_list : list The serialized list of messages to send. This only includes the [p_header,p_parent,p_metadata,p_content,buffer1,buffer2,...] portion of the message. ident : ident or list A single ident or a list of idents to use in sending. """ to_send = [] if isinstance(ident, bytes): ident = [ident] if ident is not None: to_send.extend(ident) to_send.append(DELIM) # Don't include buffers in signature (per spec). to_send.append(self.sign(msg_list[0:4])) to_send.extend(msg_list) if isinstance(stream, zmq.asyncio.Socket): stream = zmq.Socket.shadow(stream.underlying) stream.send_multipart(to_send, flags, copy=copy) def recv( self, socket: zmq.sugar.socket.Socket, mode: int = zmq.NOBLOCK, content: bool = True, copy: bool = True, ) -> tuple[list[bytes] | None, dict[str, t.Any] | None]: """Receive and unpack a message. Parameters ---------- socket : ZMQStream or Socket The socket or stream to use in receiving. Returns ------- [idents], msg [idents] is a list of idents and msg is a nested message dict of same format as self.msg returns. """ if isinstance(socket, ZMQStream): # type:ignore[unreachable] socket = socket.socket # type:ignore[unreachable] if isinstance(socket, zmq.asyncio.Socket): socket = zmq.Socket.shadow(socket.underlying) try: msg_list = socket.recv_multipart(mode, copy=copy) except zmq.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == zmq.EAGAIN: # We can convert EAGAIN to None as we know in this case # recv_multipart won't return None. return None, None else: raise # split multipart message into identity list and message dict # invalid large messages can cause very expensive string comparisons idents, msg_list = self.feed_identities(msg_list, copy) try: return idents, self.deserialize(msg_list, content=content, copy=copy) except Exception as e: # TODO: handle it raise e def feed_identities( self, msg_list: list[bytes] | list[zmq.Message], copy: bool = True ) -> tuple[list[bytes], list[bytes] | list[zmq.Message]]: """Split the identities from the rest of the message. Feed until DELIM is reached, then return the prefix as idents and remainder as msg_list. This is easily broken by setting an IDENT to DELIM, but that would be silly. Parameters ---------- msg_list : a list of Message or bytes objects The message to be split. copy : bool flag determining whether the arguments are bytes or Messages Returns ------- (idents, msg_list) : two lists idents will always be a list of bytes, each of which is a ZMQ identity. msg_list will be a list of bytes or zmq.Messages of the form [HMAC,p_header,p_parent,p_content,buffer1,buffer2,...] and should be unpackable/unserializable via self.deserialize at this point. """ if copy: msg_list = t.cast(t.List[bytes], msg_list) idx = msg_list.index(DELIM) return msg_list[:idx], msg_list[idx + 1 :] else: msg_list = t.cast(t.List[zmq.Message], msg_list) failed = True for idx, m in enumerate(msg_list): # noqa if m.bytes == DELIM: failed = False break if failed: msg = "DELIM not in msg_list" raise ValueError(msg) idents, msg_list = msg_list[:idx], msg_list[idx + 1 :] return [bytes(m.bytes) for m in idents], msg_list def _add_digest(self, signature: bytes) -> None: """add a digest to history to protect against replay attacks""" if self.digest_history_size == 0: # no history, never add digests return self.digest_history.add(signature) if len(self.digest_history) > self.digest_history_size: # threshold reached, cull 10% self._cull_digest_history() def _cull_digest_history(self) -> None: """cull the digest history Removes a randomly selected 10% of the digest history """ current = len(self.digest_history) n_to_cull = max(int(current // 10), current - self.digest_history_size) if n_to_cull >= current: self.digest_history = set() return to_cull = random.sample(tuple(sorted(self.digest_history)), n_to_cull) self.digest_history.difference_update(to_cull) def deserialize( self, msg_list: list[bytes] | list[zmq.Message], content: bool = True, copy: bool = True, ) -> dict[str, t.Any]: """Unserialize a msg_list to a nested message dict. This is roughly the inverse of serialize. The serialize/deserialize methods work with full message lists, whereas pack/unpack work with the individual message parts in the message list. Parameters ---------- msg_list : list of bytes or Message objects The list of message parts of the form [HMAC,p_header,p_parent, p_metadata,p_content,buffer1,buffer2,...]. content : bool (True) Whether to unpack the content dict (True), or leave it packed (False). copy : bool (True) Whether msg_list contains bytes (True) or the non-copying Message objects in each place (False). Returns ------- msg : dict The nested message dict with top-level keys [header, parent_header, content, buffers]. The buffers are returned as memoryviews. """ minlen = 5 message = {} if not copy: # pyzmq didn't copy the first parts of the message, so we'll do it msg_list = t.cast(t.List[zmq.Message], msg_list) msg_list_beginning = [bytes(msg.bytes) for msg in msg_list[:minlen]] msg_list = t.cast(t.List[bytes], msg_list) msg_list = msg_list_beginning + msg_list[minlen:] msg_list = t.cast(t.List[bytes], msg_list) if self.auth is not None: signature = msg_list[0] if not signature: msg = "Unsigned Message" raise ValueError(msg) if signature in self.digest_history: raise ValueError("Duplicate Signature: %r" % signature) if content: # Only store signature if we are unpacking content, don't store if just peeking. self._add_digest(signature) check = self.sign(msg_list[1:5]) if not compare_digest(signature, check): msg = "Invalid Signature: %r" % signature raise ValueError(msg) if not len(msg_list) >= minlen: msg = "malformed message, must have at least %i elements" % minlen raise TypeError(msg) header = self.unpack(msg_list[1]) message["header"] = extract_dates(header) message["msg_id"] = header["msg_id"] message["msg_type"] = header["msg_type"] message["parent_header"] = extract_dates(self.unpack(msg_list[2])) message["metadata"] = self.unpack(msg_list[3]) if content: message["content"] = self.unpack(msg_list[4]) else: message["content"] = msg_list[4] buffers = [memoryview(b) for b in msg_list[5:]] if buffers and buffers[0].shape is None: # force copy to workaround pyzmq #646 msg_list = t.cast(t.List[zmq.Message], msg_list) buffers = [memoryview(bytes(b.bytes)) for b in msg_list[5:]] message["buffers"] = buffers if self.debug: pprint.pprint(message) # noqa # adapt to the current version return adapt(message) def unserialize(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> dict[str, t.Any]: """**DEPRECATED** Use deserialize instead.""" # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "Session.unserialize is deprecated. Use Session.deserialize.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.deserialize(*args, **kwargs)