from collections import OrderedDict import contextlib import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import norm from import PandasData from import cache_readonly from import aic, aicc, bic, hqic from import PrecisionWarning from import ( _get_epsilon, approx_fprime, approx_fprime_cs, approx_hess_cs, ) from import pinv_extended import statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model as tsbase from import _safe_cond class StateSpaceMLEModel(tsbase.TimeSeriesModel): """ This is a temporary base model from ETS, here I just copy everything I need from statespace.mlemodel.MLEModel """ def __init__( self, endog, exog=None, dates=None, freq=None, missing="none", **kwargs ): # TODO: this was changed from the original, requires some work when # using this as base class for state space and exponential smoothing super().__init__( endog=endog, exog=exog, dates=dates, freq=freq, missing=missing ) # Store kwargs to recreate model self._init_kwargs = kwargs # Prepared the endog array: C-ordered, shape=(nobs x k_endog) self.endog, self.exog = self.prepare_data( self.use_pandas = isinstance(, PandasData) # Dimensions self.nobs = self.endog.shape[0] # Setup holder for fixed parameters self._has_fixed_params = False self._fixed_params = None self._params_index = None self._fixed_params_index = None self._free_params_index = None @staticmethod def prepare_data(data): raise NotImplementedError def clone(self, endog, exog=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def _validate_can_fix_params(self, param_names): for param_name in param_names: if param_name not in self.param_names: raise ValueError( 'Invalid parameter name passed: "%s".' % param_name ) @property def k_params(self): return len(self.param_names) @contextlib.contextmanager def fix_params(self, params): """ Fix parameters to specific values (context manager) Parameters ---------- params : dict Dictionary describing the fixed parameter values, of the form `param_name: fixed_value`. See the `param_names` property for valid parameter names. Examples -------- >>> mod = sm.tsa.SARIMAX(endog, order=(1, 0, 1)) >>> with mod.fix_params({'ar.L1': 0.5}): res = """ # Initialization (this is done here rather than in the constructor # because param_names may not be available at that point) if self._fixed_params is None: self._fixed_params = {} self._params_index = OrderedDict( zip(self.param_names, np.arange(self.k_params)) ) # Cache the current fixed parameters cache_fixed_params = self._fixed_params.copy() cache_has_fixed_params = self._has_fixed_params cache_fixed_params_index = self._fixed_params_index cache_free_params_index = self._free_params_index # Validate parameter names and values all_fixed_param_names = ( set(params.keys()) | set(self._fixed_params.keys()) ) self._validate_can_fix_params(all_fixed_param_names) # Set the new fixed parameters, keeping the order as given by # param_names self._fixed_params.update(params) self._fixed_params = OrderedDict( [ (name, self._fixed_params[name]) for name in self.param_names if name in self._fixed_params ] ) # Update associated values self._has_fixed_params = True self._fixed_params_index = [ self._params_index[key] for key in self._fixed_params.keys() ] self._free_params_index = list( set(np.arange(self.k_params)).difference(self._fixed_params_index) ) try: yield finally: # Reset the fixed parameters self._has_fixed_params = cache_has_fixed_params self._fixed_params = cache_fixed_params self._fixed_params_index = cache_fixed_params_index self._free_params_index = cache_free_params_index def fit_constrained(self, constraints, start_params=None, **fit_kwds): """ Fit the model with some parameters subject to equality constraints. Parameters ---------- constraints : dict Dictionary of constraints, of the form `param_name: fixed_value`. See the `param_names` property for valid parameter names. start_params : array_like, optional Initial guess of the solution for the loglikelihood maximization. If None, the default is given by Model.start_params. **fit_kwds : keyword arguments fit_kwds are used in the optimization of the remaining parameters. Returns ------- results : Results instance Examples -------- >>> mod = sm.tsa.SARIMAX(endog, order=(1, 0, 1)) >>> res = mod.fit_constrained({'ar.L1': 0.5}) """ with self.fix_params(constraints): res =, **fit_kwds) return res @property def start_params(self): """ (array) Starting parameters for maximum likelihood estimation. """ if hasattr(self, "_start_params"): return self._start_params else: raise NotImplementedError @property def param_names(self): """ (list of str) List of human readable parameter names (for parameters actually included in the model). """ if hasattr(self, "_param_names"): return self._param_names else: try: names = ["param.%d" % i for i in range(len(self.start_params))] except NotImplementedError: names = [] return names @classmethod def from_formula( cls, formula, data, subset=None, drop_cols=None, *args, **kwargs ): """ Not implemented for state space models """ raise NotImplementedError def _wrap_data(self, data, start_idx, end_idx, names=None): # TODO: check if this is reasonable for statespace # squeezing data: data may be: # - m x n: m dates, n simulations -> squeeze does nothing # - m x 1: m dates, 1 simulation -> squeeze removes last dimension # - 1 x n: don't squeeze, already fine # - 1 x 1: squeeze only second axis if data.ndim > 1 and data.shape[1] == 1: data = np.squeeze(data, axis=1) if self.use_pandas: if data.shape[0]: _, _, _, index = self._get_prediction_index(start_idx, end_idx) else: index = None if data.ndim < 2: data = pd.Series(data, index=index, name=names) else: data = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=names) return data def _wrap_results( self, params, result, return_raw, cov_type=None, cov_kwds=None, results_class=None, wrapper_class=None, ): if not return_raw: # Wrap in a results object result_kwargs = {} if cov_type is not None: result_kwargs["cov_type"] = cov_type if cov_kwds is not None: result_kwargs["cov_kwds"] = cov_kwds if results_class is None: results_class = self._res_classes["fit"][0] if wrapper_class is None: wrapper_class = self._res_classes["fit"][1] res = results_class(self, params, result, **result_kwargs) result = wrapper_class(res) return result def _score_complex_step(self, params, **kwargs): # the default epsilon can be too small # inversion_method = INVERT_UNIVARIATE | SOLVE_LU epsilon = _get_epsilon(params, 2., None, len(params)) kwargs['transformed'] = True kwargs['complex_step'] = True return approx_fprime_cs(params, self.loglike, epsilon=epsilon, kwargs=kwargs) def _score_finite_difference(self, params, approx_centered=False, **kwargs): kwargs['transformed'] = True return approx_fprime(params, self.loglike, kwargs=kwargs, centered=approx_centered) def _hessian_finite_difference(self, params, approx_centered=False, **kwargs): params = np.array(params, ndmin=1) warnings.warn('Calculation of the Hessian using finite differences' ' is usually subject to substantial approximation' ' errors.', PrecisionWarning, stacklevel=3, ) if not approx_centered: epsilon = _get_epsilon(params, 3, None, len(params)) else: epsilon = _get_epsilon(params, 4, None, len(params)) / 2 hessian = approx_fprime(params, self._score_finite_difference, epsilon=epsilon, kwargs=kwargs, centered=approx_centered) # TODO: changed this to nobs_effective, has to be changed when merging # with statespace mlemodel return hessian / (self.nobs_effective) def _hessian_complex_step(self, params, **kwargs): """ Hessian matrix computed by second-order complex-step differentiation on the `loglike` function. """ # the default epsilon can be too small epsilon = _get_epsilon(params, 3., None, len(params)) kwargs['transformed'] = True kwargs['complex_step'] = True hessian = approx_hess_cs( params, self.loglike, epsilon=epsilon, kwargs=kwargs) # TODO: changed this to nobs_effective, has to be changed when merging # with statespace mlemodel return hessian / (self.nobs_effective) class StateSpaceMLEResults(tsbase.TimeSeriesModelResults): r""" Class to hold results from fitting a state space model. Parameters ---------- model : MLEModel instance The fitted model instance params : ndarray Fitted parameters Attributes ---------- model : Model instance A reference to the model that was fit. nobs : float The number of observations used to fit the model. params : ndarray The parameters of the model. """ def __init__(self, model, params, scale=1.0): = self.endog = super().__init__(model, params, None, scale=scale) # Save the fixed parameters self._has_fixed_params = self.model._has_fixed_params self._fixed_params_index = self.model._fixed_params_index self._free_params_index = self.model._free_params_index # TODO: seems like maybe self.fixed_params should be the dictionary # itself, not just the keys? if self._has_fixed_params: self._fixed_params = self.model._fixed_params.copy() self.fixed_params = list(self._fixed_params.keys()) else: self._fixed_params = None self.fixed_params = [] self.param_names = [ "%s (fixed)" % name if name in self.fixed_params else name for name in ( or []) ] # Dimensions self.nobs = self.model.nobs self.k_params = self.model.k_params self._rank = None @cache_readonly def nobs_effective(self): raise NotImplementedError @cache_readonly def df_resid(self): return self.nobs_effective - self.df_model @cache_readonly def aic(self): """ (float) Akaike Information Criterion """ return aic(self.llf, self.nobs_effective, self.df_model) @cache_readonly def aicc(self): """ (float) Akaike Information Criterion with small sample correction """ return aicc(self.llf, self.nobs_effective, self.df_model) @cache_readonly def bic(self): """ (float) Bayes Information Criterion """ return bic(self.llf, self.nobs_effective, self.df_model) @cache_readonly def fittedvalues(self): # TODO raise NotImplementedError @cache_readonly def hqic(self): """ (float) Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion """ # return (-2 * self.llf + # 2 * np.log(np.log(self.nobs_effective)) * self.df_model) return hqic(self.llf, self.nobs_effective, self.df_model) @cache_readonly def llf(self): """ (float) The value of the log-likelihood function evaluated at `params`. """ raise NotImplementedError @cache_readonly def mae(self): """ (float) Mean absolute error """ return np.mean(np.abs(self.resid)) @cache_readonly def mse(self): """ (float) Mean squared error """ return self.sse / self.nobs @cache_readonly def pvalues(self): """ (array) The p-values associated with the z-statistics of the coefficients. Note that the coefficients are assumed to have a Normal distribution. """ pvalues = np.zeros_like(self.zvalues) * np.nan mask = np.ones_like(pvalues, dtype=bool) mask[self._free_params_index] = True mask &= ~np.isnan(self.zvalues) pvalues[mask] = norm.sf(np.abs(self.zvalues[mask])) * 2 return pvalues @cache_readonly def resid(self): raise NotImplementedError @cache_readonly def sse(self): """ (float) Sum of squared errors """ return np.sum(self.resid ** 2) @cache_readonly def zvalues(self): """ (array) The z-statistics for the coefficients. """ return self.params / self.bse def _get_prediction_start_index(self, anchor): """Returns a valid numeric start index for predictions/simulations""" if anchor is None or anchor == "start": iloc = 0 elif anchor == "end": iloc = self.nobs else: iloc, _, _ = self.model._get_index_loc(anchor) if isinstance(iloc, slice): iloc = iloc.start iloc += 1 # anchor is one before start of prediction/simulation if iloc < 0: iloc = self.nobs + iloc if iloc > self.nobs: raise ValueError("Cannot anchor simulation outside of the sample.") return iloc def _cov_params_approx( self, approx_complex_step=True, approx_centered=False ): evaluated_hessian = self.nobs_effective * self.model.hessian( params=self.params, transformed=True, includes_fixed=True, method="approx", approx_complex_step=approx_complex_step, approx_centered=approx_centered, ) # TODO: Case with "not approx_complex_step" is not hit in # tests as of 2017-05-19 if len(self.fixed_params) > 0: mask = np.ix_(self._free_params_index, self._free_params_index) if len(self.fixed_params) < self.k_params: (tmp, singular_values) = pinv_extended(evaluated_hessian[mask]) else: tmp, singular_values = np.nan, [np.nan] neg_cov = np.zeros_like(evaluated_hessian) * np.nan neg_cov[mask] = tmp else: (neg_cov, singular_values) = pinv_extended(evaluated_hessian) self.model.update(self.params, transformed=True, includes_fixed=True) if self._rank is None: self._rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(np.diag(singular_values)) return -neg_cov @cache_readonly def cov_params_approx(self): """ (array) The variance / covariance matrix. Computed using the numerical Hessian approximated by complex step or finite differences methods. """ return self._cov_params_approx( self._cov_approx_complex_step, self._cov_approx_centered ) def test_serial_correlation(self, method, lags=None): """ Ljung-Box test for no serial correlation of standardized residuals Null hypothesis is no serial correlation. Parameters ---------- method : {'ljungbox', 'boxpierce', None} The statistical test for serial correlation. If None, an attempt is made to select an appropriate test. lags : None, int or array_like If lags is an integer then this is taken to be the largest lag that is included, the test result is reported for all smaller lag length. If lags is a list or array, then all lags are included up to the largest lag in the list, however only the tests for the lags in the list are reported. If lags is None, then the default maxlag is min(10, nobs//5) for non-seasonal time series and min (2*m, nobs//5) for seasonal time series. Returns ------- output : ndarray An array with `(test_statistic, pvalue)` for each endogenous variable and each lag. The array is then sized `(k_endog, 2, lags)`. If the method is called as `ljungbox = res.test_serial_correlation()`, then `ljungbox[i]` holds the results of the Ljung-Box test (as would be returned by `statsmodels.stats.diagnostic.acorr_ljungbox`) for the `i` th endogenous variable. See Also -------- statsmodels.stats.diagnostic.acorr_ljungbox Ljung-Box test for serial correlation. Notes ----- For statespace models: let `d` = max(loglikelihood_burn, nobs_diffuse); this test is calculated ignoring the first `d` residuals. Output is nan for any endogenous variable which has missing values. """ if method is None: method = 'ljungbox' if self.standardized_forecasts_error is None: raise ValueError('Cannot compute test statistic when standardized' ' forecast errors have not been computed.') if method == 'ljungbox' or method == 'boxpierce': from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import acorr_ljungbox if hasattr(self, "loglikelihood_burn"): d = np.maximum(self.loglikelihood_burn, self.nobs_diffuse) # This differs from self.nobs_effective because here we want to # exclude exact diffuse periods, whereas self.nobs_effective # only excludes explicitly burned (usually approximate diffuse) # periods. nobs_effective = self.nobs - d else: nobs_effective = self.nobs_effective output = [] # Default lags for acorr_ljungbox is 40, but may not always have # that many observations if lags is None: seasonal_periods = getattr(self.model, "seasonal_periods", 0) if seasonal_periods: lags = min(2 * seasonal_periods, nobs_effective // 5) else: lags = min(10, nobs_effective // 5) cols = [2, 3] if method == 'boxpierce' else [0, 1] for i in range(self.model.k_endog): if hasattr(self, "filter_results"): x = self.filter_results.standardized_forecasts_error[i][d:] else: x = self.standardized_forecasts_error results = acorr_ljungbox( x, lags=lags, boxpierce=(method == 'boxpierce') ) output.append(np.asarray(results)[:, cols].T) output = np.c_[output] else: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid serial correlation test' ' method.') return output def test_heteroskedasticity(self, method, alternative='two-sided', use_f=True): r""" Test for heteroskedasticity of standardized residuals Tests whether the sum-of-squares in the first third of the sample is significantly different than the sum-of-squares in the last third of the sample. Analogous to a Goldfeld-Quandt test. The null hypothesis is of no heteroskedasticity. Parameters ---------- method : {'breakvar', None} The statistical test for heteroskedasticity. Must be 'breakvar' for test of a break in the variance. If None, an attempt is made to select an appropriate test. alternative : str, 'increasing', 'decreasing' or 'two-sided' This specifies the alternative for the p-value calculation. Default is two-sided. use_f : bool, optional Whether or not to compare against the asymptotic distribution (chi-squared) or the approximate small-sample distribution (F). Default is True (i.e. default is to compare against an F distribution). Returns ------- output : ndarray An array with `(test_statistic, pvalue)` for each endogenous variable. The array is then sized `(k_endog, 2)`. If the method is called as `het = res.test_heteroskedasticity()`, then `het[0]` is an array of size 2 corresponding to the first endogenous variable, where `het[0][0]` is the test statistic, and `het[0][1]` is the p-value. Notes ----- The null hypothesis is of no heteroskedasticity. That means different things depending on which alternative is selected: - Increasing: Null hypothesis is that the variance is not increasing throughout the sample; that the sum-of-squares in the later subsample is *not* greater than the sum-of-squares in the earlier subsample. - Decreasing: Null hypothesis is that the variance is not decreasing throughout the sample; that the sum-of-squares in the earlier subsample is *not* greater than the sum-of-squares in the later subsample. - Two-sided: Null hypothesis is that the variance is not changing throughout the sample. Both that the sum-of-squares in the earlier subsample is not greater than the sum-of-squares in the later subsample *and* that the sum-of-squares in the later subsample is not greater than the sum-of-squares in the earlier subsample. For :math:`h = [T/3]`, the test statistic is: .. math:: H(h) = \sum_{t=T-h+1}^T \tilde v_t^2 \Bigg / \sum_{t=d+1}^{d+1+h} \tilde v_t^2 where :math:`d` = max(loglikelihood_burn, nobs_diffuse)` (usually corresponding to diffuse initialization under either the approximate or exact approach). This statistic can be tested against an :math:`F(h,h)` distribution. Alternatively, :math:`h H(h)` is asymptotically distributed according to :math:`\chi_h^2`; this second test can be applied by passing `asymptotic=True` as an argument. See section 5.4 of [1]_ for the above formula and discussion, as well as additional details. TODO - Allow specification of :math:`h` References ---------- .. [1] Harvey, Andrew C. 1990. *Forecasting, Structural Time Series* *Models and the Kalman Filter.* Cambridge University Press. """ if method is None: method = 'breakvar' if self.standardized_forecasts_error is None: raise ValueError('Cannot compute test statistic when standardized' ' forecast errors have not been computed.') if method == 'breakvar': # Store some values if hasattr(self, "filter_results"): squared_resid = ( self.filter_results.standardized_forecasts_error**2 ) d = np.maximum(self.loglikelihood_burn, self.nobs_diffuse) # This differs from self.nobs_effective because here we want to # exclude exact diffuse periods, whereas self.nobs_effective # only excludes explicitly burned (usually approximate diffuse) # periods. nobs_effective = self.nobs - d else: squared_resid = self.standardized_forecasts_error**2 if squared_resid.ndim == 1: squared_resid = np.asarray(squared_resid) squared_resid = squared_resid[np.newaxis, :] nobs_effective = self.nobs_effective d = 0 squared_resid = np.asarray(squared_resid) test_statistics = [] p_values = [] for i in range(self.model.k_endog): h = int(np.round(nobs_effective / 3)) numer_resid = squared_resid[i, -h:] numer_resid = numer_resid[~np.isnan(numer_resid)] numer_dof = len(numer_resid) denom_resid = squared_resid[i, d:d + h] denom_resid = denom_resid[~np.isnan(denom_resid)] denom_dof = len(denom_resid) if numer_dof < 2: warnings.warn('Early subset of data for variable %d' ' has too few non-missing observations to' ' calculate test statistic.' % i, stacklevel=2, ) numer_resid = np.nan if denom_dof < 2: warnings.warn('Later subset of data for variable %d' ' has too few non-missing observations to' ' calculate test statistic.' % i, stacklevel=2, ) denom_resid = np.nan test_statistic = np.sum(numer_resid) / np.sum(denom_resid) # Setup functions to calculate the p-values if use_f: from scipy.stats import f pval_lower = lambda test_statistics: f.cdf( # noqa:E731 test_statistics, numer_dof, denom_dof) pval_upper = lambda test_statistics: f.sf( # noqa:E731 test_statistics, numer_dof, denom_dof) else: from scipy.stats import chi2 pval_lower = lambda test_statistics: chi2.cdf( # noqa:E731 numer_dof * test_statistics, denom_dof) pval_upper = lambda test_statistics: chi2.sf( # noqa:E731 numer_dof * test_statistics, denom_dof) # Calculate the one- or two-sided p-values alternative = alternative.lower() if alternative in ['i', 'inc', 'increasing']: p_value = pval_upper(test_statistic) elif alternative in ['d', 'dec', 'decreasing']: test_statistic = 1. / test_statistic p_value = pval_upper(test_statistic) elif alternative in ['2', '2-sided', 'two-sided']: p_value = 2 * np.minimum( pval_lower(test_statistic), pval_upper(test_statistic) ) else: raise ValueError('Invalid alternative.') test_statistics.append(test_statistic) p_values.append(p_value) output = np.c_[test_statistics, p_values] else: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid heteroskedasticity test' ' method.') return output def test_normality(self, method): """ Test for normality of standardized residuals. Null hypothesis is normality. Parameters ---------- method : {'jarquebera', None} The statistical test for normality. Must be 'jarquebera' for Jarque-Bera normality test. If None, an attempt is made to select an appropriate test. See Also -------- statsmodels.stats.stattools.jarque_bera The Jarque-Bera test of normality. Notes ----- For statespace models: let `d` = max(loglikelihood_burn, nobs_diffuse); this test is calculated ignoring the first `d` residuals. In the case of missing data, the maintained hypothesis is that the data are missing completely at random. This test is then run on the standardized residuals excluding those corresponding to missing observations. """ if method is None: method = 'jarquebera' if self.standardized_forecasts_error is None: raise ValueError('Cannot compute test statistic when standardized' ' forecast errors have not been computed.') if method == 'jarquebera': from statsmodels.stats.stattools import jarque_bera if hasattr(self, "loglikelihood_burn"): d = np.maximum(self.loglikelihood_burn, self.nobs_diffuse) else: d = 0 output = [] for i in range(self.model.k_endog): if hasattr(self, "fiter_results"): resid = self.filter_results.standardized_forecasts_error[ i, d: ] else: resid = self.standardized_forecasts_error mask = ~np.isnan(resid) output.append(jarque_bera(resid[mask])) else: raise NotImplementedError('Invalid normality test method.') return np.array(output) def summary( self, alpha=0.05, start=None, title=None, model_name=None, display_params=True, ): """ Summarize the Model Parameters ---------- alpha : float, optional Significance level for the confidence intervals. Default is 0.05. start : int, optional Integer of the start observation. Default is 0. model_name : str The name of the model used. Default is to use model class name. Returns ------- summary : Summary instance This holds the summary table and text, which can be printed or converted to various output formats. See Also -------- statsmodels.iolib.summary.Summary """ from statsmodels.iolib.summary import Summary # Model specification results model = self.model if title is None: title = "Statespace Model Results" if start is None: start = 0 if self.model._index_dates: ix = self.model._index d = ix[start] sample = ["%02d-%02d-%02d" % (d.month,, d.year)] d = ix[-1] sample += ["- " + "%02d-%02d-%02d" % (d.month,, d.year)] else: sample = [str(start), " - " + str(self.nobs)] # Standardize the model name as a list of str if model_name is None: model_name = model.__class__.__name__ # Diagnostic tests results try: het = self.test_heteroskedasticity(method="breakvar") except Exception: # FIXME: catch something specific het = np.array([[np.nan] * 2]) try: lb = self.test_serial_correlation(method="ljungbox") except Exception: # FIXME: catch something specific lb = np.array([[np.nan] * 2]).reshape(1, 2, 1) try: jb = self.test_normality(method="jarquebera") except Exception: # FIXME: catch something specific jb = np.array([[np.nan] * 4]) # Create the tables if not isinstance(model_name, list): model_name = [model_name] top_left = [("Dep. Variable:", None)] top_left.append(("Model:", [model_name[0]])) for i in range(1, len(model_name)): top_left.append(("", ["+ " + model_name[i]])) top_left += [ ("Date:", None), ("Time:", None), ("Sample:", [sample[0]]), ("", [sample[1]]), ] top_right = [ ("No. Observations:", [self.nobs]), ("Log Likelihood", ["%#5.3f" % self.llf]), ] if hasattr(self, "rsquared"): top_right.append(("R-squared:", ["%#8.3f" % self.rsquared])) top_right += [ ("AIC", ["%#5.3f" % self.aic]), ("BIC", ["%#5.3f" % self.bic]), ("HQIC", ["%#5.3f" % self.hqic]), ] if hasattr(self, "filter_results"): if ( self.filter_results is not None and self.filter_results.filter_concentrated ): top_right.append(("Scale", ["%#5.3f" % self.scale])) else: top_right.append(("Scale", ["%#5.3f" % self.scale])) if hasattr(self, "cov_type"): top_left.append(("Covariance Type:", [self.cov_type])) format_str = lambda array: [ # noqa:E731 ", ".join([f"{i:.2f}" for i in array]) ] diagn_left = [ ("Ljung-Box (Q):", format_str(lb[:, 0, -1])), ("Prob(Q):", format_str(lb[:, 1, -1])), ("Heteroskedasticity (H):", format_str(het[:, 0])), ("Prob(H) (two-sided):", format_str(het[:, 1])), ] diagn_right = [ ("Jarque-Bera (JB):", format_str(jb[:, 0])), ("Prob(JB):", format_str(jb[:, 1])), ("Skew:", format_str(jb[:, 2])), ("Kurtosis:", format_str(jb[:, 3])), ] summary = Summary() summary.add_table_2cols( self, gleft=top_left, gright=top_right, title=title ) if len(self.params) > 0 and display_params: summary.add_table_params( self, alpha=alpha, xname=self.param_names, use_t=False ) summary.add_table_2cols( self, gleft=diagn_left, gright=diagn_right, title="" ) # Add warnings/notes, added to text format only etext = [] if hasattr(self, "cov_type") and "description" in self.cov_kwds: etext.append(self.cov_kwds["description"]) if self._rank < (len(self.params) - len(self.fixed_params)): cov_params = self.cov_params() if len(self.fixed_params) > 0: mask = np.ix_(self._free_params_index, self._free_params_index) cov_params = cov_params[mask] etext.append( "Covariance matrix is singular or near-singular," " with condition number %6.3g. Standard errors may be" " unstable." % _safe_cond(cov_params) ) if etext: etext = [ f"[{i + 1}] {text}" for i, text in enumerate(etext) ] etext.insert(0, "Warnings:") summary.add_extra_txt(etext) return summary