""" Created on Wed May 16 22:21:26 2018 Author: Josef Perktold License: BSD-3 """ import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_equal import statsmodels.base._penalties as smpen from statsmodels.tools.numdiff import approx_fprime, approx_hess class CheckPenalty: def test_symmetry(self): pen = self.pen x = self.params p = np.array([pen.func(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x]) assert_allclose(p, p[::-1], rtol=1e-10) # func(0) should be 0 assert_allclose(pen.func(0 * np.atleast_1d(x[0])), 0, rtol=1e-10) def test_derivatives(self): pen = self.pen x = self.params ps = np.array([pen.deriv(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x]) psn = np.array([approx_fprime(np.atleast_1d(xi), pen.func) for xi in x]) assert_allclose(ps, psn, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8) ph = np.array([pen.deriv2(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x]) phn = np.array([approx_hess(np.atleast_1d(xi), pen.func) for xi in x]) if ph.ndim == 2: # SmoothedSCAD returns only diagonal if hessian if independent # TODO should ww allow this also in L@? ph = np.array([np.diag(phi) for phi in ph]) assert_allclose(ph, phn, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8) class TestL2Constraints0(CheckPenalty): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): x0 = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 11) cls.params = np.column_stack((x0, x0)) cls.pen = smpen.L2ConstraintsPenalty() def test_equivalence(self): # compare plain penalty with included weights or restriction pen = self.pen x = self.params k = x.shape[1] pen2 = smpen.L2ConstraintsPenalty(weights=np.ones(k)) pen3 = smpen.L2ConstraintsPenalty(restriction=np.eye(k)) f = pen.func(x.T) d = pen.deriv(x.T) d2 = np.array([pen.deriv2(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x]) for pen_ in [pen2, pen3]: assert_allclose(pen_.func(x.T), f, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8) assert_allclose(pen_.deriv(x.T), d, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8) d2_ = np.array([pen.deriv2(np.atleast_1d(xi)) for xi in x]) assert_allclose(d2_, d2, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-8) class TestL2Constraints1(CheckPenalty): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): x0 = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 11) cls.params = np.column_stack((x0, x0)) cls.pen = smpen.L2ConstraintsPenalty(restriction=[[1,0], [1, 1]]) def test_values(self): pen = self.pen x = self.params r = pen.restriction f = (r.dot(x.T)**2).sum(0) assert_allclose(pen.func(x.T), f, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-8) class TestSmoothedSCAD(CheckPenalty): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): x0 = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 11) cls.params = np.column_stack((x0, x0)) cls.pen = smpen.SCADSmoothed(tau=0.05, c0=0.05) class TestPseudoHuber(CheckPenalty): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): x0 = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 11) cls.params = np.column_stack((x0, x0)) cls.pen = smpen.PseudoHuber(0.1) def test_backward_compatibility(self): wts = [0.5] pen = smpen.PseudoHuber(0.1, weights=wts) assert_equal(pen.weights, wts) def test_deprecated_priority(self): weights = [1.0] pen = smpen.PseudoHuber(0.1, weights=weights) assert_equal(pen.weights, weights) def test_weights_assignment(self): weights = [1.0, 2.0] pen = smpen.PseudoHuber(0.1, weights=weights) assert_equal(pen.weights, weights) class TestL2(CheckPenalty): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): x0 = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 11) cls.params = np.column_stack((x0, x0)) cls.pen = smpen.L2() def test_backward_compatibility(self): wts = [0.5] pen = smpen.L2(weights=wts) assert_equal(pen.weights, wts) def test_deprecated_priority(self): weights = [1.0] pen = smpen.L2(weights=weights) assert_equal(pen.weights, weights) def test_weights_assignment(self): weights = [1.0, 2.0] pen = smpen.L2(weights=weights) assert_equal(pen.weights, weights) class TestNonePenalty(CheckPenalty): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): x0 = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 11) cls.params = np.column_stack((x0, x0)) cls.pen = smpen.NonePenalty()