"""Comm package. Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. This package provides a way to register a Kernel Comm implementation, as per the Jupyter kernel protocol. It also provides a base Comm implementation and a default CommManager for the IPython case. """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from .base_comm import BaseComm, BuffersType, CommManager, MaybeDict __version__ = "0.2.2" __all__ = [ "create_comm", "get_comm_manager", "__version__", ] _comm_manager = None class DummyComm(BaseComm): def publish_msg( self, msg_type: str, data: MaybeDict = None, metadata: MaybeDict = None, buffers: BuffersType = None, **keys: Any, ) -> None: pass def _create_comm(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseComm: """Create a Comm. This method is intended to be replaced, so that it returns your Comm instance. """ return DummyComm(*args, **kwargs) def _get_comm_manager() -> CommManager: """Get the current Comm manager, creates one if there is none. This method is intended to be replaced if needed (if you want to manage multiple CommManagers). """ global _comm_manager # noqa: PLW0603 if _comm_manager is None: _comm_manager = CommManager() return _comm_manager create_comm = _create_comm get_comm_manager = _get_comm_manager