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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
from tornado.httputil import (
from tornado.escape import utf8, native_str
from tornado.log import gen_log
from tornado.testing import ExpectLog
from tornado.test.util import ignore_deprecation
import copy
import datetime
import logging
import pickle
import time
import urllib.parse
import unittest
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
def form_data_args() -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[bytes]], Dict[str, List[HTTPFile]]]:
"""Return two empty dicts suitable for use with parse_multipart_form_data.
mypy insists on type annotations for dict literals, so this lets us avoid
the verbose types throughout this test.
return {}, {}
class TestUrlConcat(unittest.TestCase):
def test_url_concat_no_query_params(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path", [("y", "y"), ("z", "z")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?y=y&z=z")
def test_url_concat_encode_args(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path", [("y", "/y"), ("z", "z")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?y=%2Fy&z=z")
def test_url_concat_trailing_q(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path?", [("y", "y"), ("z", "z")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?y=y&z=z")
def test_url_concat_q_with_no_trailing_amp(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path?x", [("y", "y"), ("z", "z")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?x=&y=y&z=z")
def test_url_concat_trailing_amp(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path?x&", [("y", "y"), ("z", "z")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?x=&y=y&z=z")
def test_url_concat_mult_params(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path?a=1&b=2", [("y", "y"), ("z", "z")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?a=1&b=2&y=y&z=z")
def test_url_concat_no_params(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path?r=1&t=2", [])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?r=1&t=2")
def test_url_concat_none_params(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path?r=1&t=2", None)
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?r=1&t=2")
def test_url_concat_with_frag(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path#tab", [("y", "y")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?y=y#tab")
def test_url_concat_multi_same_params(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path", [("y", "y1"), ("y", "y2")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?y=y1&y=y2")
def test_url_concat_multi_same_query_params(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path?r=1&r=2", [("y", "y")])
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?r=1&r=2&y=y")
def test_url_concat_dict_params(self):
url = url_concat("https://localhost/path", dict(y="y"))
self.assertEqual(url, "https://localhost/path?y=y")
class QsParseTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_parsing(self):
qsstring = "a=1&b=2&a=3"
qs = urllib.parse.parse_qs(qsstring)
qsl = list(qs_to_qsl(qs))
self.assertIn(("a", "1"), qsl)
self.assertIn(("a", "3"), qsl)
self.assertIn(("b", "2"), qsl)
class MultipartFormDataTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_file_upload(self):
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="ab.txt"
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
file = files["files"][0]
self.assertEqual(file["filename"], "ab.txt")
self.assertEqual(file["body"], b"Foo")
def test_unquoted_names(self):
# quotes are optional unless special characters are present
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=files; filename=ab.txt
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
file = files["files"][0]
self.assertEqual(file["filename"], "ab.txt")
self.assertEqual(file["body"], b"Foo")
def test_special_filenames(self):
filenames = [
for filename in filenames:
logging.debug("trying filename %r", filename)
str_data = """\
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="%s"
--1234--""" % filename.replace(
"\\", "\\\\"
'"', '\\"'
data = utf8(str_data.replace("\n", "\r\n"))
args, files = form_data_args()
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
file = files["files"][0]
self.assertEqual(file["filename"], filename)
self.assertEqual(file["body"], b"Foo")
def test_non_ascii_filename(self):
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="ab.txt"; filename*=UTF-8''%C3%A1b.txt
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
file = files["files"][0]
self.assertEqual(file["filename"], "áb.txt")
self.assertEqual(file["body"], b"Foo")
def test_boundary_starts_and_ends_with_quotes(self):
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="ab.txt"
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
parse_multipart_form_data(b'"1234"', data, args, files)
file = files["files"][0]
self.assertEqual(file["filename"], "ab.txt")
self.assertEqual(file["body"], b"Foo")
def test_missing_headers(self):
data = b"""\
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
with ExpectLog(gen_log, "multipart/form-data missing headers"):
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
self.assertEqual(files, {})
def test_invalid_content_disposition(self):
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: invalid; name="files"; filename="ab.txt"
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
with ExpectLog(gen_log, "Invalid multipart/form-data"):
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
self.assertEqual(files, {})
def test_line_does_not_end_with_correct_line_break(self):
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="ab.txt"
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
with ExpectLog(gen_log, "Invalid multipart/form-data"):
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
self.assertEqual(files, {})
def test_content_disposition_header_without_name_parameter(self):
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: form-data; filename="ab.txt"
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
with ExpectLog(gen_log, "multipart/form-data value missing name"):
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
self.assertEqual(files, {})
def test_data_after_final_boundary(self):
# The spec requires that data after the final boundary be ignored.
# http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc1341/7_2_Multipart.html
# In practice, some libraries include an extra CRLF after the boundary.
data = b"""\
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="ab.txt"
b"\n", b"\r\n"
args, files = form_data_args()
parse_multipart_form_data(b"1234", data, args, files)
file = files["files"][0]
self.assertEqual(file["filename"], "ab.txt")
self.assertEqual(file["body"], b"Foo")
class HTTPHeadersTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_multi_line(self):
# Lines beginning with whitespace are appended to the previous line
# with any leading whitespace replaced by a single space.
# Note that while multi-line headers are a part of the HTTP spec,
# their use is strongly discouraged.
data = """\
Foo: bar
Asdf: qwer
Foo: even
"\n", "\r\n"
headers = HTTPHeaders.parse(data)
self.assertEqual(headers["asdf"], "qwer zxcv")
self.assertEqual(headers.get_list("asdf"), ["qwer zxcv"])
self.assertEqual(headers["Foo"], "bar baz,even more lines")
self.assertEqual(headers.get_list("foo"), ["bar baz", "even more lines"])
[("Asdf", "qwer zxcv"), ("Foo", "bar baz"), ("Foo", "even more lines")],
def test_malformed_continuation(self):
# If the first line starts with whitespace, it's a
# continuation line with nothing to continue, so reject it
# (with a proper error).
data = " Foo: bar"
self.assertRaises(HTTPInputError, HTTPHeaders.parse, data)
def test_unicode_newlines(self):
# Ensure that only \r\n is recognized as a header separator, and not
# the other newline-like unicode characters.
# Characters that are likely to be problematic can be found in
# http://unicode.org/standard/reports/tr13/tr13-5.html
# and cpython's unicodeobject.c (which defines the implementation
# of unicode_type.splitlines(), and uses a different list than TR13).
newlines = [
"\u001b", # VERTICAL TAB
"\u001c", # FILE SEPARATOR
"\u0085", # NEXT LINE
"\u2028", # LINE SEPARATOR
for newline in newlines:
# Try the utf8 and latin1 representations of each newline
for encoding in ["utf8", "latin1"]:
encoded = newline.encode(encoding)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# Some chars cannot be represented in latin1
data = b"Cookie: foo=" + encoded + b"bar"
# parse() wants a native_str, so decode through latin1
# in the same way the real parser does.
headers = HTTPHeaders.parse(native_str(data.decode("latin1")))
expected = [
"foo=" + native_str(encoded.decode("latin1")) + "bar",
self.assertEqual(expected, list(headers.get_all()))
except Exception:
gen_log.warning("failed while trying %r in %s", newline, encoding)
def test_unicode_whitespace(self):
# Only tabs and spaces are to be stripped according to the HTTP standard.
# Other unicode whitespace is to be left as-is. In the context of headers,
# this specifically means the whitespace characters falling within the
# latin1 charset.
whitespace = [
(" ", True), # SPACE
("\t", True), # TAB
("\u00a0", False), # NON-BREAKING SPACE
("\u0085", False), # NEXT LINE
for c, stripped in whitespace:
headers = HTTPHeaders.parse("Transfer-Encoding: %schunked" % c)
if stripped:
expected = [("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")]
expected = [("Transfer-Encoding", "%schunked" % c)]
self.assertEqual(expected, list(headers.get_all()))
def test_optional_cr(self):
# Both CRLF and LF should be accepted as separators. CR should not be
# part of the data when followed by LF, but it is a normal char
# otherwise (or should bare CR be an error?)
headers = HTTPHeaders.parse("CRLF: crlf\r\nLF: lf\nCR: cr\rMore: more\r\n")
[("Cr", "cr\rMore: more"), ("Crlf", "crlf"), ("Lf", "lf")],
def test_copy(self):
all_pairs = [("A", "1"), ("A", "2"), ("B", "c")]
h1 = HTTPHeaders()
for k, v in all_pairs:
h1.add(k, v)
h2 = h1.copy()
h3 = copy.copy(h1)
h4 = copy.deepcopy(h1)
for headers in [h1, h2, h3, h4]:
# All the copies are identical, no matter how they were
# constructed.
self.assertEqual(list(sorted(headers.get_all())), all_pairs)
for headers in [h2, h3, h4]:
# Neither the dict or its member lists are reused.
self.assertIsNot(headers, h1)
self.assertIsNot(headers.get_list("A"), h1.get_list("A"))
def test_pickle_roundtrip(self):
headers = HTTPHeaders()
headers.add("Set-Cookie", "a=b")
headers.add("Set-Cookie", "c=d")
headers.add("Content-Type", "text/html")
pickled = pickle.dumps(headers)
unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), sorted(unpickled.get_all()))
self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.items()), sorted(unpickled.items()))
def test_setdefault(self):
headers = HTTPHeaders()
headers["foo"] = "bar"
# If a value is present, setdefault returns it without changes.
self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault("foo", "baz"), "bar")
self.assertEqual(headers["foo"], "bar")
# If a value is not present, setdefault sets it for future use.
self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault("quux", "xyzzy"), "xyzzy")
self.assertEqual(headers["quux"], "xyzzy")
self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), [("Foo", "bar"), ("Quux", "xyzzy")])
def test_string(self):
headers = HTTPHeaders()
headers.add("Foo", "1")
headers.add("Foo", "2")
headers.add("Foo", "3")
headers2 = HTTPHeaders.parse(str(headers))
self.assertEqual(headers, headers2)
class FormatTimestampTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Make sure that all the input types are supported.
TIMESTAMP = 1359312200.503611
EXPECTED = "Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:43:20 GMT"
def check(self, value):
self.assertEqual(format_timestamp(value), self.EXPECTED)
def test_unix_time_float(self):
def test_unix_time_int(self):
def test_struct_time(self):
def test_time_tuple(self):
tup = tuple(time.gmtime(self.TIMESTAMP))
self.assertEqual(9, len(tup))
def test_utc_naive_datetime(self):
self.TIMESTAMP, datetime.timezone.utc
def test_utc_naive_datetime_deprecated(self):
with ignore_deprecation():
def test_utc_aware_datetime(self):
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.TIMESTAMP, datetime.timezone.utc)
def test_other_aware_datetime(self):
# Other timezones are ignored; the timezone is always printed as GMT
self.TIMESTAMP, datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=-4))
# HTTPServerRequest is mainly tested incidentally to the server itself,
# but this tests the parts of the class that can be tested in isolation.
class HTTPServerRequestTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_default_constructor(self):
# All parameters are formally optional, but uri is required
# (and has been for some time). This test ensures that no
# more required parameters slip in.
def test_body_is_a_byte_string(self):
requets = HTTPServerRequest(uri="/")
self.assertIsInstance(requets.body, bytes)
def test_repr_does_not_contain_headers(self):
request = HTTPServerRequest(
uri="/", headers=HTTPHeaders({"Canary": ["Coal Mine"]})
self.assertTrue("Canary" not in repr(request))
class ParseRequestStartLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
PATH = "/foo"
def test_parse_request_start_line(self):
start_line = " ".join([self.METHOD, self.PATH, self.VERSION])
parsed_start_line = parse_request_start_line(start_line)
self.assertEqual(parsed_start_line.method, self.METHOD)
self.assertEqual(parsed_start_line.path, self.PATH)
self.assertEqual(parsed_start_line.version, self.VERSION)
class ParseCookieTest(unittest.TestCase):
# These tests copied from Django:
# https://github.com/django/django/pull/6277/commits/da810901ada1cae9fc1f018f879f11a7fb467b28
def test_python_cookies(self):
Test cases copied from Python's Lib/test/test_http_cookies.py
parse_cookie("chips=ahoy; vienna=finger"),
{"chips": "ahoy", "vienna": "finger"},
# Here parse_cookie() differs from Python's cookie parsing in that it
# treats all semicolons as delimiters, even within quotes.
parse_cookie('keebler="E=mc2; L=\\"Loves\\"; fudge=\\012;"'),
{"keebler": '"E=mc2', "L": '\\"Loves\\"', "fudge": "\\012", "": '"'},
# Illegal cookies that have an '=' char in an unquoted value.
self.assertEqual(parse_cookie("keebler=E=mc2"), {"keebler": "E=mc2"})
# Cookies with ':' character in their name.
parse_cookie("key:term=value:term"), {"key:term": "value:term"}
# Cookies with '[' and ']'.
parse_cookie("a=b; c=[; d=r; f=h"), {"a": "b", "c": "[", "d": "r", "f": "h"}
def test_cookie_edgecases(self):
# Cookies that RFC6265 allows.
parse_cookie("a=b; Domain=example.com"), {"a": "b", "Domain": "example.com"}
# parse_cookie() has historically kept only the last cookie with the
# same name.
self.assertEqual(parse_cookie("a=b; h=i; a=c"), {"a": "c", "h": "i"})
def test_invalid_cookies(self):
Cookie strings that go against RFC6265 but browsers will send if set
via document.cookie.
# Chunks without an equals sign appear as unnamed values per
# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169091
parse_cookie("abc=def; unnamed; django_language=en").keys(),
# Even a double quote may be an unamed value.
self.assertEqual(parse_cookie('a=b; "; c=d'), {"a": "b", "": '"', "c": "d"})
# Spaces in names and values, and an equals sign in values.
parse_cookie("a b c=d e = f; gh=i"), {"a b c": "d e = f", "gh": "i"}
# More characters the spec forbids.
parse_cookie('a b,c<>@:/[]?{}=d " =e,f g'),
{"a b,c<>@:/[]?{}": 'd " =e,f g'},
# Unicode characters. The spec only allows ASCII.
parse_cookie("saint=André Bessette"),
{"saint": native_str("André Bessette")},
# Browsers don't send extra whitespace or semicolons in Cookie headers,
# but parse_cookie() should parse whitespace the same way
# document.cookie parses whitespace.
parse_cookie(" = b ; ; = ; c = ; "), {"": "b", "c": ""}