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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
SARIMAX specification class.
Author: Chad Fulton
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tools.data import _is_using_pandas
from statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model import TimeSeriesModel
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.tools import (
is_invertible, constrain_stationary_univariate as constrain,
unconstrain_stationary_univariate as unconstrain,
prepare_exog, prepare_trend_spec, prepare_trend_data)
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.tools import standardize_lag_order, validate_basic
class SARIMAXSpecification:
SARIMAX specification.
endog : array_like, optional
The observed time-series process :math:`y`.
exog : array_like, optional
Array of exogenous regressors.
order : tuple, optional
The (p,d,q) order of the model for the autoregressive, differences, and
moving average components. d is always an integer, while p and q may
either be integers or lists of integers. May not be used in combination
with the arguments `ar_order`, `diff`, or `ma_order`.
seasonal_order : tuple, optional
The (P,D,Q,s) order of the seasonal component of the model for the
AR parameters, differences, MA parameters, and periodicity. Default
is (0, 0, 0, 0). D and s are always integers, while P and Q
may either be integers or lists of positive integers. May not be used
in combination with the arguments `seasonal_ar_order`, `seasonal_diff`,
or `seasonal_ma_order`.
ar_order : int or list of int
The autoregressive order of the model. May be an integer, in which case
all autoregressive lags up to and including it will be included.
Alternatively, may be a list of integers specifying which lag orders
are included. May not be used in combination with `order`.
diff : int
The order of integration of the model. May not be used in combination
with `order`.
ma_order : int or list of int
The moving average order of the model. May be an integer or
list of integers. See the documentation for `ar_order` for details.
May not be used in combination with `order`.
seasonal_ar_order : int or list of int
The seasonal autoregressive order of the model. May be an integer or
list of integers. See the documentation for `ar_order` for examples.
Note that if `seasonal_periods = 4` and `seasonal_ar_order = 2`, then
this implies that the overall model will include lags 4 and 8.
May not be used in combination with `seasonal_order`.
seasonal_diff : int
The order of seasonal integration of the model. May not be used in
combination with `seasonal_order`.
seasonal_ma_order : int or list of int
The moving average order of the model. May be an integer or
list of integers. See the documentation for `ar_order` and
`seasonal_ar_order` for additional details. May not be used in
combination with `seasonal_order`.
seasonal_periods : int
Number of periods in a season. May not be used in combination with
enforce_stationarity : bool, optional
Whether or not to require the autoregressive parameters to correspond
to a stationarity process. This is only possible in estimation by
numerical maximum likelihood.
enforce_invertibility : bool, optional
Whether or not to require the moving average parameters to correspond
to an invertible process. This is only possible in estimation by
numerical maximum likelihood.
concentrate_scale : bool, optional
Whether or not to concentrate the scale (variance of the error term)
out of the likelihood. This reduces the number of parameters by one.
This is only applicable when considering estimation by numerical
maximum likelihood.
dates : array_like of datetime, optional
If no index is given by `endog` or `exog`, an array-like object of
datetime objects can be provided.
freq : str, optional
If no index is given by `endog` or `exog`, the frequency of the
time-series may be specified here as a Pandas offset or offset string.
missing : str
Available options are 'none', 'drop', and 'raise'. If 'none', no nan
checking is done. If 'drop', any observations with nans are dropped.
If 'raise', an error is raised. Default is 'none'.
order : tuple, optional
The (p,d,q) order of the model for the autoregressive, differences, and
moving average components. d is always an integer, while p and q may
either be integers or lists of integers.
seasonal_order : tuple, optional
The (P,D,Q,s) order of the seasonal component of the model for the
AR parameters, differences, MA parameters, and periodicity. Default
is (0, 0, 0, 0). D and s are always integers, while P and Q
may either be integers or lists of positive integers.
ar_order : int or list of int
The autoregressive order of the model. May be an integer, in which case
all autoregressive lags up to and including it will be included. For
example, if `ar_order = 3`, then the model will include lags 1, 2,
and 3. Alternatively, may be a list of integers specifying exactly
which lag orders are included. For example, if `ar_order = [1, 3]`,
then the model will include lags 1 and 3 but will exclude lag 2.
diff : int
The order of integration of the model.
ma_order : int or list of int
The moving average order of the model. May be an integer or
list of integers. See the documentation for `ar_order` for examples.
seasonal_ar_order : int or list of int
The seasonal autoregressive order of the model. May be an integer or
list of integers. See the documentation for `ar_order` for examples.
Note that if `seasonal_periods = 4` and `seasonal_ar_order = 2`, then
this implies that the overall model will include lags 4 and 8.
seasonal_diff : int
The order of seasonal integration of the model.
seasonal_ma_order : int or list of int
The moving average order of the model. May be an integer or
list of integers. See the documentation for `ar_order` and
`seasonal_ar_order` for additional details.
seasonal_periods : int
Number of periods in a season.
trend : str{'n','c','t','ct'} or iterable, optional
Parameter controlling the deterministic trend polynomial :math:`A(t)`.
Can be specified as a string where 'c' indicates a constant (i.e. a
degree zero component of the trend polynomial), 't' indicates a
linear trend with time, and 'ct' is both. Can also be specified as an
iterable defining the polynomial as in `numpy.poly1d`, where
`[1,1,0,1]` would denote :math:`a + bt + ct^3`. Default is to not
include a trend component.
ar_lags : list of int
List of included autoregressive lags. If `ar_order` is a list, then
`ar_lags == ar_order`. If `ar_lags = [1, 2]`, then the overall model
will include the 1st and 2nd autoregressive lags.
ma_lags : list of int
List of included moving average lags. If `ma_order` is a list, then
`ma_lags == ma_order`. If `ma_lags = [1, 2]`, then the overall model
will include the 1st and 2nd moving average lags.
seasonal_ar_lags : list of int
List of included seasonal autoregressive lags. If `seasonal_ar_order`
is a list, then `seasonal_ar_lags == seasonal_ar_order`. If
`seasonal_periods = 4` and `seasonal_ar_lags = [1, 2]`, then the
overall model will include the 4th and 8th autoregressive lags.
seasonal_ma_lags : list of int
List of included seasonal moving average lags. If `seasonal_ma_order`
is a list, then `seasonal_ma_lags == seasonal_ma_order`. See the
documentation to `seasonal_ar_lags` for examples.
max_ar_order : int
Largest included autoregressive lag.
max_ma_order : int
Largest included moving average lag.
max_seasonal_ar_order : int
Largest included seasonal autoregressive lag.
max_seasonal_ma_order : int
Largest included seasonal moving average lag.
max_reduced_ar_order : int
Largest lag in the reduced autoregressive polynomial. Equal to
`max_ar_order + max_seasonal_ar_order * seasonal_periods`.
max_reduced_ma_order : int
Largest lag in the reduced moving average polynomial. Equal to
`max_ma_order + max_seasonal_ma_order * seasonal_periods`.
enforce_stationarity : bool
Whether or not to transform the AR parameters to enforce stationarity
in the autoregressive component of the model. This is only possible
in estimation by numerical maximum likelihood.
enforce_invertibility : bool
Whether or not to transform the MA parameters to enforce invertibility
in the moving average component of the model. This is only possible
in estimation by numerical maximum likelihood.
concentrate_scale : bool
Whether or not to concentrate the variance (scale term) out of the
log-likelihood function. This is only applicable when considering
estimation by numerical maximum likelihood.
>>> SARIMAXSpecification(order=(1, 0, 2))
SARIMAXSpecification(endog=y, order=(1, 0, 2))
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1, ma_order=2)
SARIMAXSpecification(endog=y, order=(1, 0, 2))
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1, seasonal_order=(1, 0, 0, 4))
SARIMAXSpecification(endog=y, order=(1, 0, 0), seasonal_order=(1, 0, 0, 4))
def __init__(self, endog=None, exog=None, order=None,
seasonal_order=None, ar_order=None, diff=None, ma_order=None,
seasonal_ar_order=None, seasonal_diff=None,
seasonal_ma_order=None, seasonal_periods=None, trend=None,
enforce_stationarity=None, enforce_invertibility=None,
concentrate_scale=None, trend_offset=1, dates=None, freq=None,
missing='none', validate_specification=True):
# Basic parameters
self.enforce_stationarity = enforce_stationarity
self.enforce_invertibility = enforce_invertibility
self.concentrate_scale = concentrate_scale
self.trend_offset = trend_offset
# Validate that we were not given conflicting specifications
has_order = order is not None
has_specific_order = (ar_order is not None or diff is not None or
ma_order is not None)
has_seasonal_order = seasonal_order is not None
has_specific_seasonal_order = (seasonal_ar_order is not None or
seasonal_diff is not None or
seasonal_ma_order is not None or
seasonal_periods is not None)
if has_order and has_specific_order:
raise ValueError('Cannot specify both `order` and either of'
' `ar_order` or `ma_order`.')
if has_seasonal_order and has_specific_seasonal_order:
raise ValueError('Cannot specify both `seasonal_order` and any of'
' `seasonal_ar_order`, `seasonal_ma_order`,'
' or `seasonal_periods`.')
# Compute `order`
if has_specific_order:
ar_order = 0 if ar_order is None else ar_order
diff = 0 if diff is None else diff
ma_order = 0 if ma_order is None else ma_order
order = (ar_order, diff, ma_order)
elif not has_order:
order = (0, 0, 0)
# Compute `seasonal_order`
if has_specific_seasonal_order:
seasonal_ar_order = (
0 if seasonal_ar_order is None else seasonal_ar_order)
seasonal_diff = 0 if seasonal_diff is None else seasonal_diff
seasonal_ma_order = (
0 if seasonal_ma_order is None else seasonal_ma_order)
seasonal_periods = (
0 if seasonal_periods is None else seasonal_periods)
seasonal_order = (seasonal_ar_order, seasonal_diff,
seasonal_ma_order, seasonal_periods)
elif not has_seasonal_order:
seasonal_order = (0, 0, 0, 0)
# Validate shapes of `order`, `seasonal_order`
if len(order) != 3:
raise ValueError('`order` argument must be an iterable with three'
' elements.')
if len(seasonal_order) != 4:
raise ValueError('`seasonal_order` argument must be an iterable'
' with four elements.')
# Validate differencing parameters
if validate_specification:
if order[1] < 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot specify negative differencing.')
if order[1] != int(order[1]):
raise ValueError('Cannot specify fractional differencing.')
if seasonal_order[1] < 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot specify negative seasonal'
' differencing.')
if seasonal_order[1] != int(seasonal_order[1]):
raise ValueError('Cannot specify fractional seasonal'
' differencing.')
if seasonal_order[3] < 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot specify negative seasonal'
' periodicity.')
# Standardize to integers or lists of integers
order = (
standardize_lag_order(order[0], 'AR'),
standardize_lag_order(order[2], 'MA'))
seasonal_order = (
standardize_lag_order(seasonal_order[0], 'seasonal AR'),
standardize_lag_order(seasonal_order[2], 'seasonal MA'),
# Validate seasonals
if validate_specification:
if seasonal_order[3] == 1:
raise ValueError('Seasonal periodicity must be greater'
' than 1.')
if ((seasonal_order[0] != 0 or seasonal_order[1] != 0 or
seasonal_order[2] != 0) and seasonal_order[3] == 0):
raise ValueError('Must include nonzero seasonal periodicity if'
' including seasonal AR, MA, or'
' differencing.')
# Basic order
self.order = order
self.ar_order, self.diff, self.ma_order = order
self.seasonal_order = seasonal_order
(self.seasonal_ar_order, self.seasonal_diff, self.seasonal_ma_order,
self.seasonal_periods) = seasonal_order
# Lists of included lags
if isinstance(self.ar_order, list):
self.ar_lags = self.ar_order
self.ar_lags = np.arange(1, self.ar_order + 1).tolist()
if isinstance(self.ma_order, list):
self.ma_lags = self.ma_order
self.ma_lags = np.arange(1, self.ma_order + 1).tolist()
if isinstance(self.seasonal_ar_order, list):
self.seasonal_ar_lags = self.seasonal_ar_order
self.seasonal_ar_lags = (
np.arange(1, self.seasonal_ar_order + 1).tolist())
if isinstance(self.seasonal_ma_order, list):
self.seasonal_ma_lags = self.seasonal_ma_order
self.seasonal_ma_lags = (
np.arange(1, self.seasonal_ma_order + 1).tolist())
# Maximum lag orders
self.max_ar_order = self.ar_lags[-1] if self.ar_lags else 0
self.max_ma_order = self.ma_lags[-1] if self.ma_lags else 0
self.max_seasonal_ar_order = (
self.seasonal_ar_lags[-1] if self.seasonal_ar_lags else 0)
self.max_seasonal_ma_order = (
self.seasonal_ma_lags[-1] if self.seasonal_ma_lags else 0)
self.max_reduced_ar_order = (
self.max_ar_order +
self.max_seasonal_ar_order * self.seasonal_periods)
self.max_reduced_ma_order = (
self.max_ma_order +
self.max_seasonal_ma_order * self.seasonal_periods)
# Check that we don't have duplicate AR or MA lags from the seasonal
# component
ar_lags = set(self.ar_lags)
seasonal_ar_lags = set(np.array(self.seasonal_ar_lags)
* self.seasonal_periods)
duplicate_ar_lags = ar_lags.intersection(seasonal_ar_lags)
if validate_specification and len(duplicate_ar_lags) > 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid model: autoregressive lag(s) %s are'
' in both the seasonal and non-seasonal'
' autoregressive components.'
% duplicate_ar_lags)
ma_lags = set(self.ma_lags)
seasonal_ma_lags = set(np.array(self.seasonal_ma_lags)
* self.seasonal_periods)
duplicate_ma_lags = ma_lags.intersection(seasonal_ma_lags)
if validate_specification and len(duplicate_ma_lags) > 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid model: moving average lag(s) %s are'
' in both the seasonal and non-seasonal'
' moving average components.'
% duplicate_ma_lags)
# Handle trend
self.trend = trend
self.trend_poly, _ = prepare_trend_spec(trend)
# Check for a constant column in the provided exog
exog_is_pandas = _is_using_pandas(exog, None)
if (validate_specification and exog is not None and
len(self.trend_poly) > 0 and self.trend_poly[0] == 1):
# Figure out if we have any constant columns
x = np.asanyarray(exog)
ptp0 = np.ptp(x, axis=0)
col_is_const = ptp0 == 0
nz_const = col_is_const & (x[0] != 0)
col_const = nz_const
# If we already have a constant column, raise an error
if np.any(col_const):
raise ValueError('A constant trend was included in the model'
' specification, but the `exog` data already'
' contains a column of constants.')
# This contains the included exponents of the trend polynomial,
# where e.g. the constant term has exponent 0, a linear trend has
# exponent 1, etc.
self.trend_terms = np.where(self.trend_poly == 1)[0]
# Trend order is either the degree of the trend polynomial, if all
# exponents are included, or a list of included exponents. Here we need
# to make a distinction between a degree zero polynomial (i.e. a
# constant) and the zero polynomial (i.e. not even a constant). The
# former has `trend_order = 0`, while the latter has
# `trend_order = None`.
self.k_trend = len(self.trend_terms)
if len(self.trend_terms) == 0:
self.trend_order = None
self.trend_degree = None
elif np.all(self.trend_terms == np.arange(len(self.trend_terms))):
self.trend_order = self.trend_terms[-1]
self.trend_degree = self.trend_terms[-1]
self.trend_order = self.trend_terms
self.trend_degree = self.trend_terms[-1]
# Handle endog / exog
# Standardize exog
self.k_exog, exog = prepare_exog(exog)
# Standardize endog (including creating a faux endog if necessary)
faux_endog = endog is None
if endog is None:
endog = [] if exog is None else np.zeros(len(exog)) * np.nan
# Add trend data into exog
nobs = len(endog) if exog is None else len(exog)
if self.trend_order is not None:
# Add in the data
trend_data = self.construct_trend_data(nobs, trend_offset)
if exog is None:
exog = trend_data
elif exog_is_pandas:
trend_data = pd.DataFrame(trend_data, index=exog.index,
exog = pd.concat([trend_data, exog], axis=1)
exog = np.c_[trend_data, exog]
# Create an underlying time series model, to handle endog / exog,
# especially validating shapes, retrieving names, and potentially
# providing us with a time series index
self._model = TimeSeriesModel(endog, exog=exog, dates=dates, freq=freq,
self.endog = None if faux_endog else self._model.endog
self.exog = self._model.exog
# Validate endog shape
if (validate_specification and not faux_endog and
self.endog.ndim > 1 and self.endog.shape[1] > 1):
raise ValueError('SARIMAX models require univariate `endog`. Got'
' shape %s.' % str(self.endog.shape))
self._has_missing = (
None if faux_endog else np.any(np.isnan(self.endog)))
def is_ar_consecutive(self):
(bool) Is autoregressive lag polynomial consecutive.
I.e. does it include all lags up to and including the maximum lag.
return (self.max_seasonal_ar_order == 0 and
not isinstance(self.ar_order, list))
def is_ma_consecutive(self):
(bool) Is moving average lag polynomial consecutive.
I.e. does it include all lags up to and including the maximum lag.
return (self.max_seasonal_ma_order == 0 and
not isinstance(self.ma_order, list))
def is_integrated(self):
(bool) Is the model integrated.
I.e. does it have a nonzero `diff` or `seasonal_diff`.
return self.diff > 0 or self.seasonal_diff > 0
def is_seasonal(self):
"""(bool) Does the model include a seasonal component."""
return self.seasonal_periods != 0
def k_exog_params(self):
"""(int) Number of parameters associated with exogenous variables."""
return len(self.exog_names)
def k_ar_params(self):
"""(int) Number of autoregressive (non-seasonal) parameters."""
return len(self.ar_lags)
def k_ma_params(self):
"""(int) Number of moving average (non-seasonal) parameters."""
return len(self.ma_lags)
def k_seasonal_ar_params(self):
"""(int) Number of seasonal autoregressive parameters."""
return len(self.seasonal_ar_lags)
def k_seasonal_ma_params(self):
"""(int) Number of seasonal moving average parameters."""
return len(self.seasonal_ma_lags)
def k_params(self):
"""(int) Total number of model parameters."""
k_params = (self.k_exog_params + self.k_ar_params + self.k_ma_params +
self.k_seasonal_ar_params + self.k_seasonal_ma_params)
if not self.concentrate_scale:
k_params += 1
return k_params
def exog_names(self):
"""(list of str) Names associated with exogenous parameters."""
exog_names = self._model.exog_names
return [] if exog_names is None else exog_names
def ar_names(self):
"""(list of str) Names of (non-seasonal) autoregressive parameters."""
return ['ar.L%d' % i for i in self.ar_lags]
def ma_names(self):
"""(list of str) Names of (non-seasonal) moving average parameters."""
return ['ma.L%d' % i for i in self.ma_lags]
def seasonal_ar_names(self):
"""(list of str) Names of seasonal autoregressive parameters."""
s = self.seasonal_periods
return ['ar.S.L%d' % (i * s) for i in self.seasonal_ar_lags]
def seasonal_ma_names(self):
"""(list of str) Names of seasonal moving average parameters."""
s = self.seasonal_periods
return ['ma.S.L%d' % (i * s) for i in self.seasonal_ma_lags]
def param_names(self):
"""(list of str) Names of all model parameters."""
names = (self.exog_names + self.ar_names + self.ma_names +
self.seasonal_ar_names + self.seasonal_ma_names)
if not self.concentrate_scale:
return names
def valid_estimators(self):
(list of str) Estimators that could be used with specification.
Note: does not consider the presense of `exog` in determining valid
estimators. If there are exogenous variables, then feasible Generalized
Least Squares should be used through the `gls` estimator, and the
`valid_estimators` are the estimators that could be passed as the
`arma_estimator` argument to `gls`.
estimators = {'yule_walker', 'burg', 'innovations',
'hannan_rissanen', 'innovations_mle', 'statespace'}
# Properties
has_ar = self.max_ar_order != 0
has_ma = self.max_ma_order != 0
has_seasonal = self.seasonal_periods != 0
# Only state space can handle missing data or concentrated scale
if self._has_missing:
# Only numerical MLE estimators can enforce restrictions
if ((self.enforce_stationarity and self.max_ar_order > 0) or
(self.enforce_invertibility and self.max_ma_order > 0)):
estimators.intersection_update(['innovations_mle', 'statespace'])
# Innovations: no AR, non-consecutive MA, seasonal
if has_ar or not self.is_ma_consecutive or has_seasonal:
# Yule-Walker/Burg: no MA, non-consecutive AR, seasonal
if has_ma or not self.is_ar_consecutive or has_seasonal:
# Hannan-Rissanen: no seasonal
if has_seasonal:
# Innovations MLE: cannot have enforce_stationary=False or
# concentratre_scale=True
if self.enforce_stationarity is False or self.concentrate_scale:
return estimators
def validate_estimator(self, estimator):
Validate an SARIMA estimator.
estimator : str
Name of the estimator to validate against the current state of
the specification. Possible values are: 'yule_walker', 'burg',
'innovations', 'hannan_rissanen', 'innovoations_mle', 'statespace'.
This method will raise a `ValueError` if an invalid method is passed,
and otherwise will return None.
This method does not consider the presense of `exog` in determining
valid estimators. If there are exogenous variables, then feasible
Generalized Least Squares should be used through the `gls` estimator,
and a "valid" estimator is one that could be passed as the
`arma_estimator` argument to `gls`.
This method only uses the attributes `enforce_stationarity` and
`concentrate_scale` to determine the validity of numerical maximum
likelihood estimators. These only include 'innovations_mle' (which
does not support `enforce_stationarity=False` or
`concentrate_scale=True`) and 'statespace' (which supports all
combinations of each).
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(order=(1, 0, 2))
>>> spec.validate_estimator('yule_walker')
ValueError: Yule-Walker estimator does not support moving average
>>> spec.validate_estimator('burg')
ValueError: Burg estimator does not support moving average components.
>>> spec.validate_estimator('innovations')
ValueError: Burg estimator does not support autoregressive components.
>>> spec.validate_estimator('hannan_rissanen') # returns None
>>> spec.validate_estimator('innovations_mle') # returns None
>>> spec.validate_estimator('statespace') # returns None
>>> spec.validate_estimator('not_an_estimator')
ValueError: "not_an_estimator" is not a valid estimator.
has_ar = self.max_ar_order != 0
has_ma = self.max_ma_order != 0
has_seasonal = self.seasonal_periods != 0
has_missing = self._has_missing
titles = {
'yule_walker': 'Yule-Walker',
'burg': 'Burg',
'innovations': 'Innovations',
'hannan_rissanen': 'Hannan-Rissanen',
'innovations_mle': 'Innovations MLE',
'statespace': 'State space'
# Only state space form can support missing data
if estimator != 'statespace':
if has_missing:
raise ValueError('%s estimator does not support missing'
' values in `endog`.' % titles[estimator])
# Only state space and innovations MLE can enforce parameter
# restrictions
if estimator not in ['innovations_mle', 'statespace']:
if self.max_ar_order > 0 and self.enforce_stationarity:
raise ValueError('%s estimator cannot enforce a stationary'
' autoregressive lag polynomial.'
% titles[estimator])
if self.max_ma_order > 0 and self.enforce_invertibility:
raise ValueError('%s estimator cannot enforce an invertible'
' moving average lag polynomial.'
% titles[estimator])
# Now go through specific disqualifications for each estimator
if estimator in ['yule_walker', 'burg']:
if has_seasonal:
raise ValueError('%s estimator does not support seasonal'
' components.' % titles[estimator])
if not self.is_ar_consecutive:
raise ValueError('%s estimator does not support'
' non-consecutive autoregressive lags.'
% titles[estimator])
if has_ma:
raise ValueError('%s estimator does not support moving average'
' components.' % titles[estimator])
elif estimator == 'innovations':
if has_seasonal:
raise ValueError('Innovations estimator does not support'
' seasonal components.')
if not self.is_ma_consecutive:
raise ValueError('Innovations estimator does not support'
' non-consecutive moving average lags.')
if has_ar:
raise ValueError('Innovations estimator does not support'
' autoregressive components.')
elif estimator == 'hannan_rissanen':
if has_seasonal:
raise ValueError('Hannan-Rissanen estimator does not support'
' seasonal components.')
elif estimator == 'innovations_mle':
if self.enforce_stationarity is False:
raise ValueError('Innovations MLE estimator does not support'
' non-stationary autoregressive components,'
' but `enforce_stationarity` is set to False')
if self.concentrate_scale:
raise ValueError('Innovations MLE estimator does not support'
' concentrating the scale out of the'
' log-likelihood function')
elif estimator == 'statespace':
# State space form supports all variations of SARIMAX.
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid estimator.' % estimator)
def split_params(self, params, allow_infnan=False):
Split parameter array by type into dictionary.
params : array_like
Array of model parameters.
allow_infnan : bool, optional
Whether or not to allow `params` to contain -np.inf, np.inf, and
np.nan. Default is False.
split_params : dict
Dictionary with keys 'exog_params', 'ar_params', 'ma_params',
'seasonal_ar_params', 'seasonal_ma_params', and (unless
`concentrate_scale=True`) 'sigma2'. Values are the parameters
associated with the key, based on the `params` argument.
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1)
>>> spec.split_params([0.5, 4])
{'exog_params': array([], dtype=float64),
'ar_params': array([0.5]),
'ma_params': array([], dtype=float64),
'seasonal_ar_params': array([], dtype=float64),
'seasonal_ma_params': array([], dtype=float64),
'sigma2': 4.0}
params = validate_basic(params, self.k_params,
title='joint parameters')
ix = [self.k_exog_params, self.k_ar_params, self.k_ma_params,
self.k_seasonal_ar_params, self.k_seasonal_ma_params]
names = ['exog_params', 'ar_params', 'ma_params',
'seasonal_ar_params', 'seasonal_ma_params']
if not self.concentrate_scale:
ix = np.cumsum(ix)
out = dict(zip(names, np.split(params, ix)))
if 'sigma2' in out:
out['sigma2'] = out['sigma2'].item()
return out
def join_params(self, exog_params=None, ar_params=None, ma_params=None,
seasonal_ar_params=None, seasonal_ma_params=None,
Join parameters into a single vector.
exog_params : array_like, optional
Parameters associated with exogenous regressors. Required if
`exog` is part of specification.
ar_params : array_like, optional
Parameters associated with (non-seasonal) autoregressive component.
Required if this component is part of the specification.
ma_params : array_like, optional
Parameters associated with (non-seasonal) moving average component.
Required if this component is part of the specification.
seasonal_ar_params : array_like, optional
Parameters associated with seasonal autoregressive component.
Required if this component is part of the specification.
seasonal_ma_params : array_like, optional
Parameters associated with seasonal moving average component.
Required if this component is part of the specification.
sigma2 : array_like, optional
Innovation variance parameter. Required unless
params : ndarray
Array of parameters.
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1)
>>> spec.join_params(ar_params=0.5, sigma2=4)
array([0.5, 4. ])
definitions = [
('exogenous variables', self.k_exog_params, exog_params),
('AR terms', self.k_ar_params, ar_params),
('MA terms', self.k_ma_params, ma_params),
('seasonal AR terms', self.k_seasonal_ar_params,
('seasonal MA terms', self.k_seasonal_ma_params,
('variance', int(not self.concentrate_scale), sigma2)]
params_list = []
for title, k, params in definitions:
if k > 0:
# Validate
if params is None:
raise ValueError('Specification includes %s, but no'
' parameters were provided.' % title)
params = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(params))
if not params.shape == (k,):
raise ValueError('Specification included %d %s, but'
' parameters with shape %s were provided.'
% (k, title, params.shape))
# Otherwise add to the list
return np.concatenate(params_list)
def validate_params(self, params):
Validate parameter vector by raising ValueError on invalid values.
params : array_like
Array of model parameters.
Primarily checks that the parameters have the right shape and are not
NaN or infinite. Also checks if parameters are consistent with a
stationary process if `enforce_stationarity=True` and that they are
consistent with an invertible process if `enforce_invertibility=True`.
Finally, checks that the variance term is positive, unless
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1)
>>> spec.validate_params([-0.5, 4.]) # returns None
>>> spec.validate_params([-0.5, -2])
ValueError: Non-positive variance term.
>>> spec.validate_params([-1.5, 4.])
ValueError: Non-stationary autoregressive polynomial.
# Note: split_params includes basic validation
params = self.split_params(params)
# Specific checks
if self.enforce_stationarity:
if self.k_ar_params:
ar_poly = np.r_[1, -params['ar_params']]
if not is_invertible(ar_poly):
raise ValueError('Non-stationary autoregressive'
' polynomial.')
if self.k_seasonal_ar_params:
seasonal_ar_poly = np.r_[1, -params['seasonal_ar_params']]
if not is_invertible(seasonal_ar_poly):
raise ValueError('Non-stationary seasonal autoregressive'
' polynomial.')
if self.enforce_invertibility:
if self.k_ma_params:
ma_poly = np.r_[1, params['ma_params']]
if not is_invertible(ma_poly):
raise ValueError('Non-invertible moving average'
' polynomial.')
if self.k_seasonal_ma_params:
seasonal_ma_poly = np.r_[1, params['seasonal_ma_params']]
if not is_invertible(seasonal_ma_poly):
raise ValueError('Non-invertible seasonal moving average'
' polynomial.')
if not self.concentrate_scale:
if params['sigma2'] <= 0:
raise ValueError('Non-positive variance term.')
def constrain_params(self, unconstrained):
Constrain parameter values to be valid through transformations.
unconstrained : array_like
Array of model unconstrained parameters.
constrained : ndarray
Array of model parameters transformed to produce a valid model.
This is usually only used when performing numerical minimization
of the log-likelihood function. This function is necessary because
the minimizers consider values over the entire real space, while
SARIMAX models require parameters in subspaces (for example positive
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1)
>>> spec.constrain_params([10, -2])
array([-0.99504, 4. ])
unconstrained = self.split_params(unconstrained)
params = {}
if self.k_exog_params:
params['exog_params'] = unconstrained['exog_params']
if self.k_ar_params:
if self.enforce_stationarity:
params['ar_params'] = constrain(unconstrained['ar_params'])
params['ar_params'] = unconstrained['ar_params']
if self.k_ma_params:
if self.enforce_invertibility:
params['ma_params'] = -constrain(unconstrained['ma_params'])
params['ma_params'] = unconstrained['ma_params']
if self.k_seasonal_ar_params:
if self.enforce_stationarity:
params['seasonal_ar_params'] = (
params['seasonal_ar_params'] = (
if self.k_seasonal_ma_params:
if self.enforce_invertibility:
params['seasonal_ma_params'] = (
params['seasonal_ma_params'] = (
if not self.concentrate_scale:
params['sigma2'] = unconstrained['sigma2']**2
return self.join_params(**params)
def unconstrain_params(self, constrained):
Reverse transformations used to constrain parameter values to be valid.
constrained : array_like
Array of model parameters.
unconstrained : ndarray
Array of parameters with constraining transformions reversed.
This is usually only used when performing numerical minimization
of the log-likelihood function. This function is the (approximate)
inverse of `constrain_params`.
>>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1)
>>> spec.unconstrain_params([-0.5, 4.])
array([0.57735, 2. ])
constrained = self.split_params(constrained)
params = {}
if self.k_exog_params:
params['exog_params'] = constrained['exog_params']
if self.k_ar_params:
if self.enforce_stationarity:
params['ar_params'] = unconstrain(constrained['ar_params'])
params['ar_params'] = constrained['ar_params']
if self.k_ma_params:
if self.enforce_invertibility:
params['ma_params'] = unconstrain(-constrained['ma_params'])
params['ma_params'] = constrained['ma_params']
if self.k_seasonal_ar_params:
if self.enforce_stationarity:
params['seasonal_ar_params'] = (
params['seasonal_ar_params'] = (
if self.k_seasonal_ma_params:
if self.enforce_invertibility:
params['seasonal_ma_params'] = (
params['seasonal_ma_params'] = (
if not self.concentrate_scale:
params['sigma2'] = constrained['sigma2']**0.5
return self.join_params(**params)
def construct_trend_data(self, nobs, offset=1):
if self.trend_order is None:
trend_data = None
trend_data = prepare_trend_data(
self.trend_poly, int(np.sum(self.trend_poly)), nobs, offset)
return trend_data
def construct_trend_names(self):
names = []
for i in self.trend_terms:
if i == 0:
elif i == 1:
names.append('trend.%d' % i)
return names
def __repr__(self):
"""Represent SARIMAXSpecification object as a string."""
components = []
if self.endog is not None:
components.append('endog=%s' % self._model.endog_names)
if self.k_exog_params:
components.append('exog=%s' % self.exog_names)
components.append('order=%s' % str(self.order))
if self.seasonal_periods > 0:
components.append('seasonal_order=%s' % str(self.seasonal_order))
if self.enforce_stationarity is not None:
% self.enforce_stationarity)
if self.enforce_invertibility is not None:
% self.enforce_invertibility)
if self.concentrate_scale is not None:
components.append('concentrate_scale=%s' % self.concentrate_scale)
return 'SARIMAXSpecification(%s)' % ', '.join(components)