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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
Created on Tue Oct 6 12:42:11 2020
Author: Josef Perktold
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.stats.base import HolderTuple
from statsmodels.stats.effect_size import _noncentrality_chisquare
def test_chisquare_binning(counts, expected, sort_var=None, bins=10,
df=None, ordered=False, sort_method="quicksort",
"""chisquare gof test with binning of data, Hosmer-Lemeshow type
``observed`` and ``expected`` are observation specific and should have
observations in rows and choices in columns
counts : array_like
Observed frequency, i.e. counts for all choices
expected : array_like
Expected counts or probability. If expected are counts, then they
need to sum to the same total count as the sum of observed.
If those sums are unequal and all expected values are smaller or equal
to 1, then they are interpreted as probabilities and will be rescaled
to match counts.
sort_var : array_like
1-dimensional array for binning. Groups will be formed according to
quantiles of the sorted array ``sort_var``, so that group sizes have
equal or approximately equal sizes.
Holdertuple instance
This instance contains the results of the chisquare test and some
information about the data
- statistic : chisquare statistic of the goodness-of-fit test
- pvalue : pvalue of the chisquare test
= df : degrees of freedom of the test
Degrees of freedom for Hosmer-Lemeshow tests are given by
g groups, c choices
- binary: `df = (g - 2)` for insample,
Stata uses `df = g` for outsample
- multinomial: `df = (g2) *(c1)`, reduces to (g-2) for binary c=2,
(Fagerland, Hosmer, Bofin SIM 2008)
- ordinal: `df = (g - 2) * (c - 1) + (c - 2)`, reduces to (g-2) for c=2,
(Hosmer, ... ?)
Note: If there are ties in the ``sort_var`` array, then the split of
observations into groups will depend on the sort algorithm.
observed = np.asarray(counts)
expected = np.asarray(expected)
n_observed = counts.sum()
n_expected = expected.sum()
if not np.allclose(n_observed, n_expected, atol=1e-13):
if np.max(expected) < 1 + 1e-13:
# expected seems to be probability, warn and rescale
import warnings
warnings.warn("sum of expected and of observed differ, "
"rescaling ``expected``")
expected = expected / n_expected * n_observed
# expected doesn't look like fractions or probabilities
raise ValueError("total counts of expected and observed differ")
# k = 1 if observed.ndim == 1 else observed.shape[1]
if sort_var is not None:
argsort = np.argsort(sort_var, kind=sort_method)
argsort = np.arange(observed.shape[0])
# indices = [arr for arr in np.array_split(argsort, bins, axis=0)]
indices = np.array_split(argsort, bins, axis=0)
# in one loop, observed expected in last dimension, too messy,
# freqs_probs = np.array([np.vstack([observed[idx].mean(0),
# expected[idx].mean(0)]).T
# for idx in indices])
freqs = np.array([observed[idx].sum(0) for idx in indices])
probs = np.array([expected[idx].sum(0) for idx in indices])
# chisquare test
resid_pearson = (freqs - probs) / np.sqrt(probs)
chi2_stat_groups = ((freqs - probs)**2 / probs).sum(1)
chi2_stat = chi2_stat_groups.sum()
if df is None:
g, c = freqs.shape
if ordered is True:
df = (g - 2) * (c - 1) + (c - 2)
df = (g - 2) * (c - 1)
pvalue = stats.chi2.sf(chi2_stat, df)
noncentrality = _noncentrality_chisquare(chi2_stat, df, alpha=alpha_nc)
res = HolderTuple(statistic=chi2_stat,
return res
def prob_larger_ordinal_choice(prob):
"""probability that observed category is larger than distribution prob
This is a helper function for Ordinal models, where endog is a 1-dim
categorical variable and predicted probabilities are 2-dimensional with
observations in rows and choices in columns.
prob : array_like
Expected probabilities for ordinal choices, e.g. from prediction of
an ordinal model with observations in rows and choices in columns.
cdf_mid : ndarray
mid cdf, i.e ``P(x < y) + 0.5 P(x=y)``
r : ndarray
Probability residual ``P(x > y) - P(x < y)`` for all possible choices.
Computed as ``r = cdf_mid * 2 - 1``
.. [2] Li, Chun, and Bryan E. Shepherd. 2012. A New Residual for Ordinal
Outcomes. Biometrika 99 (2): 47380.
See Also
# similar to `nonparametric rank_compare_2ordinal`
prob = np.asarray(prob)
cdf = prob.cumsum(-1)
if cdf.ndim == 1:
cdf_ = np.concatenate(([0], cdf))
elif cdf.ndim == 2:
cdf_ = np.concatenate((np.zeros((len(cdf), 1)), cdf), axis=1)
# r_1 = cdf_[..., 1:] + cdf_[..., :-1] - 1
cdf_mid = (cdf_[..., 1:] + cdf_[..., :-1]) / 2
r = cdf_mid * 2 - 1
return cdf_mid, r
def prob_larger_2ordinal(probs1, probs2):
"""Stochastically large probability for two ordinal distributions
Computes Pr(x1 > x2) + 0.5 * Pr(x1 = x2) for two ordered multinomial
(ordinal) distributed random variables x1 and x2.
This is vectorized with choices along last axis.
Broadcasting if freq2 is 1-dim also seems to work correctly.
prob1 : float
Probability that random draw from distribution 1 is larger than a
random draw from distribution 2. Pr(x1 > x2) + 0.5 * Pr(x1 = x2)
prob2 : float
prob2 = 1 - prob1 = Pr(x1 < x2) + 0.5 * Pr(x1 = x2)
# count1 = np.asarray(count1)
# count2 = np.asarray(count2)
# nobs1, nobs2 = count1.sum(), count2.sum()
# freq1 = count1 / nobs1
# freq2 = count2 / nobs2
# if freq1.ndim == 1:
# freq1_ = np.concatenate(([0], freq1))
# elif freq1.ndim == 2:
# freq1_ = np.concatenate((np.zeros((len(freq1), 1)), freq1), axis=1)
# if freq2.ndim == 1:
# freq2_ = np.concatenate(([0], freq2))
# elif freq2.ndim == 2:
# freq2_ = np.concatenate((np.zeros((len(freq2), 1)), freq2), axis=1)
freq1 = np.asarray(probs1)
freq2 = np.asarray(probs2)
# add zero at beginning of choices for cdf computation
freq1_ = np.concatenate((np.zeros(freq1.shape[:-1] + (1,)), freq1),
freq2_ = np.concatenate((np.zeros(freq2.shape[:-1] + (1,)), freq2),
cdf1 = freq1_.cumsum(axis=-1)
cdf2 = freq2_.cumsum(axis=-1)
# mid rank cdf
cdfm1 = (cdf1[..., 1:] + cdf1[..., :-1]) / 2
cdfm2 = (cdf2[..., 1:] + cdf2[..., :-1]) / 2
prob1 = (cdfm2 * freq1).sum(-1)
prob2 = (cdfm1 * freq2).sum(-1)
return prob1, prob2
def cov_multinomial(probs):
"""covariance matrix of multinomial distribution
This is vectorized with choices along last axis.
cov = diag(probs) - outer(probs, probs)
k = probs.shape[-1]
di = np.diag_indices(k, 2)
cov = probs[..., None] * probs[..., None, :]
cov *= - 1
cov[..., di[0], di[1]] += probs
return cov
def var_multinomial(probs):
"""variance of multinomial distribution
var = probs * (1 - probs)
var = probs * (1 - probs)
return var