402 lines
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402 lines
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This module contains scatterplot smoothers, that is classes
who generate a smooth fit of a set of (x,y) pairs.
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103
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# pylint: disable-msg=E0611
# pylint: disable-msg=E1101
import numpy as np
from . import kernels
class KernelSmoother:
1D Kernel Density Regression/Kernel Smoother
x - array_like of x values
y - array_like of y values
Kernel - Kernel object, Default is Gaussian.
def __init__(self, x, y, Kernel = None):
if Kernel is None:
Kernel = kernels.Gaussian()
self.Kernel = Kernel
self.x = np.array(x)
self.y = np.array(y)
def fit(self):
def __call__(self, x):
return np.array([self.predict(xx) for xx in x])
def predict(self, x):
Returns the kernel smoothed prediction at x
If x is a real number then a single value is returned.
Otherwise an attempt is made to cast x to numpy.ndarray and an array of
corresponding y-points is returned.
if np.size(x) == 1: # if isinstance(x, numbers.Real):
return self.Kernel.smooth(self.x, self.y, x)
return np.array([self.Kernel.smooth(self.x, self.y, xx) for xx
in np.array(x)])
def conf(self, x):
Returns the fitted curve and 1-sigma upper and lower point-wise
These bounds are based on variance only, and do not include the bias.
If the bandwidth is much larger than the curvature of the underlying
function then the bias could be large.
x is the points on which you want to evaluate the fit and the errors.
Alternatively if x is specified as a positive integer, then the fit and
confidence bands points will be returned after every
xth sample point - so they are closer together where the data
is denser.
if isinstance(x, int):
sorted_x = np.array(self.x)
confx = sorted_x[::x]
conffit = self.conf(confx)
return (confx, conffit)
return np.array([self.Kernel.smoothconf(self.x, self.y, xx)
for xx in x])
def var(self, x):
return np.array([self.Kernel.smoothvar(self.x, self.y, xx) for xx in x])
def std(self, x):
return np.sqrt(self.var(x))
class PolySmoother:
Polynomial smoother up to a given order.
Fit based on weighted least squares.
The x values can be specified at instantiation or when called.
This is a 3 liner with OLS or WLS, see test.
It's here as a test smoother for GAM
#JP: heavily adjusted to work as plugin replacement for bspline
# smoother in gam.py initialized by function default_smoother
# Only fixed exceptions, I did not check whether it is statistically
# correctand I think it is not, there are still be some dimension
# problems, and there were some dimension problems initially.
# TODO: undo adjustments and fix dimensions correctly
# comment: this is just like polyfit with initialization options
# and additional results (OLS on polynomial of x (x is 1d?))
def __init__(self, order, x=None):
#order = 4 # set this because we get knots instead of order
self.order = order
#print order, x.shape
self.coef = np.zeros((order+1,), np.float64)
if x is not None:
if x.ndim > 1:
print('Warning: 2d x detected in PolySmoother init, shape:', x.shape)
x=x[0,:] #check orientation
self.X = np.array([x**i for i in range(order+1)]).T
def df_fit(self):
'''alias of df_model for backwards compatibility
return self.df_model()
def df_model(self):
Degrees of freedom used in the fit.
return self.order + 1
def gram(self, d=None):
#fake for spline imitation
def smooth(self,*args, **kwds):
'''alias for fit, for backwards compatibility,
do we need it with different behavior than fit?
return self.fit(*args, **kwds)
def df_resid(self):
Residual degrees of freedom from last fit.
return self.N - self.order - 1
def __call__(self, x=None):
return self.predict(x=x)
def predict(self, x=None):
if x is not None:
#if x.ndim > 1: x=x[0,:] #why this this should select column not row
if x.ndim > 1:
print('Warning: 2d x detected in PolySmoother predict, shape:', x.shape)
x=x[:,0] #TODO: check and clean this up
X = np.array([(x**i) for i in range(self.order+1)])
X = self.X
#return np.squeeze(np.dot(X.T, self.coef))
#need to check what dimension this is supposed to be
if X.shape[1] == self.coef.shape[0]:
return np.squeeze(np.dot(X, self.coef))#[0]
return np.squeeze(np.dot(X.T, self.coef))#[0]
def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None):
self.N = y.shape[0]
if y.ndim == 1:
y = y[:,None]
if weights is None or np.isnan(weights).all():
weights = 1
_w = 1
_w = np.sqrt(weights)[:,None]
if x is None:
if not hasattr(self, "X"):
raise ValueError("x needed to fit PolySmoother")
if x.ndim > 1:
print('Warning: 2d x detected in PolySmoother predict, shape:', x.shape)
#x=x[0,:] #TODO: check orientation, row or col
self.X = np.array([(x**i) for i in range(self.order+1)]).T
#print _w.shape
X = self.X * _w
_y = y * _w#[:,None]
#self.coef = np.dot(L.pinv(X).T, _y[:,None])
#self.coef = np.dot(L.pinv(X), _y)
self.coef = np.linalg.lstsq(X, _y, rcond=-1)[0]
self.params = np.squeeze(self.coef)
# comment out for now to remove dependency on _hbspline
##class SmoothingSpline(BSpline):
## penmax = 30.
## def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None, pen=0.):
## banded = True
## if x is None:
## x = self.tau[(self.M-1):-(self.M-1)] # internal knots
## if pen == 0.: # cannot use cholesky for singular matrices
## banded = False
## if x.shape != y.shape:
## raise ValueError('x and y shape do not agree, by default x are the Bspline\'s internal knots')
## bt = self.basis(x)
## if pen >= self.penmax:
## pen = self.penmax
## if weights is None:
## weights = np.array(1.)
## wmean = weights.mean()
## _w = np.sqrt(weights / wmean)
## bt *= _w
## # throw out rows with zeros (this happens at boundary points!)
## mask = np.flatnonzero(1 - np.alltrue(np.equal(bt, 0), axis=0))
## bt = bt[:, mask]
## y = y[mask]
## self.df_total = y.shape[0]
## if bt.shape[1] != y.shape[0]:
## raise ValueError("some x values are outside range of B-spline knots")
## bty = np.dot(bt, _w * y)
## self.N = y.shape[0]
## if not banded:
## self.btb = np.dot(bt, bt.T)
## _g = _band2array(self.g, lower=1, symmetric=True)
## self.coef, _, self.rank = L.lstsq(self.btb + pen*_g, bty)[0:3]
## self.rank = min(self.rank, self.btb.shape[0])
## else:
## self.btb = np.zeros(self.g.shape, np.float64)
## nband, nbasis = self.g.shape
## for i in range(nbasis):
## for k in range(min(nband, nbasis-i)):
## self.btb[k, i] = (bt[i] * bt[i+k]).sum()
## bty.shape = (1, bty.shape[0])
## self.chol, self.coef = solveh_banded(self.btb +
## pen*self.g,
## bty, lower=1)
## self.coef = np.squeeze(self.coef)
## self.resid = np.sqrt(wmean) * (y * _w - np.dot(self.coef, bt))
## self.pen = pen
## def gcv(self):
## """
## Generalized cross-validation score of current fit.
## """
## norm_resid = (self.resid**2).sum()
## return norm_resid / (self.df_total - self.trace())
## def df_resid(self):
## """
## self.N - self.trace()
## where self.N is the number of observations of last fit.
## """
## return self.N - self.trace()
## def df_fit(self):
## """
## = self.trace()
## How many degrees of freedom used in the fit?
## """
## return self.trace()
## def trace(self):
## """
## Trace of the smoothing matrix S(pen)
## """
## if self.pen > 0:
## _invband = _hbspline.invband(self.chol.copy())
## tr = _trace_symbanded(_invband, self.btb, lower=1)
## return tr
## else:
## return self.rank
##class SmoothingSplineFixedDF(SmoothingSpline):
## """
## Fit smoothing spline with approximately df degrees of freedom
## used in the fit, i.e. so that self.trace() is approximately df.
## In general, df must be greater than the dimension of the null space
## of the Gram inner product. For cubic smoothing splines, this means
## that df > 2.
## """
## target_df = 5
## def __init__(self, knots, order=4, coef=None, M=None, target_df=None):
## if target_df is not None:
## self.target_df = target_df
## BSpline.__init__(self, knots, order=order, coef=coef, M=M)
## self.target_reached = False
## def fit(self, y, x=None, df=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03):
## df = df or self.target_df
## apen, bpen = 0, 1.0e-03
## olddf = y.shape[0] - self.m
## if not self.target_reached:
## while True:
## curpen = 0.5 * (apen + bpen)
## SmoothingSpline.fit(self, y, x=x, weights=weights, pen=curpen)
## curdf = self.trace()
## if curdf > df:
## apen, bpen = curpen, 2 * curpen
## else:
## apen, bpen = apen, curpen
## if apen >= self.penmax:
## raise ValueError("penalty too large, try setting penmax higher or decreasing df")
## if np.fabs(curdf - df) / df < tol:
## self.target_reached = True
## break
## else:
## SmoothingSpline.fit(self, y, x=x, weights=weights, pen=self.pen)
##class SmoothingSplineGCV(SmoothingSpline):
## """
## Fit smoothing spline trying to optimize GCV.
## Try to find a bracketing interval for scipy.optimize.golden
## based on bracket.
## It is probably best to use target_df instead, as it is
## sometimes difficult to find a bracketing interval.
## """
## def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03,
## bracket=(0,1.0e-03)):
## def _gcv(pen, y, x):
## SmoothingSpline.fit(y, x=x, pen=np.exp(pen), weights=weights)
## a = self.gcv()
## return a
## a = golden(_gcv, args=(y,x), brack=(-100,20), tol=tol)
##def _trace_symbanded(a,b, lower=0):
## """
## Compute the trace(a*b) for two upper or lower banded real symmetric matrices.
## """
## if lower:
## t = _zero_triband(a * b, lower=1)
## return t[0].sum() + 2 * t[1:].sum()
## else:
## t = _zero_triband(a * b, lower=0)
## return t[-1].sum() + 2 * t[:-1].sum()
##def _zero_triband(a, lower=0):
## """
## Zero out unnecessary elements of a real symmetric banded matrix.
## """
## nrow, ncol = a.shape
## if lower:
## for i in range(nrow): a[i,(ncol-i):] = 0.
## else:
## for i in range(nrow): a[i,0:i] = 0.
## return a