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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider, IntSlider
except ImportError:
def interact(f):
msg = "Interactive palettes require `ipywidgets`, which is not installed."
raise ImportError(msg)
from .miscplot import palplot
from .palettes import (color_palette, dark_palette, light_palette,
diverging_palette, cubehelix_palette)
__all__ = ["choose_colorbrewer_palette", "choose_cubehelix_palette",
"choose_dark_palette", "choose_light_palette",
def _init_mutable_colormap():
"""Create a matplotlib colormap that will be updated by the widgets."""
greys = color_palette("Greys", 256)
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("interactive", greys)
return cmap
def _update_lut(cmap, colors):
"""Change the LUT values in a matplotlib colormap in-place."""
cmap._lut[:256] = colors
def _show_cmap(cmap):
"""Show a continuous matplotlib colormap."""
from .rcmod import axes_style # Avoid circular import
with axes_style("white"):
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8.25, .75))
ax.set(xticks=[], yticks=[])
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 256)[np.newaxis, :]
ax.pcolormesh(x, cmap=cmap)
def choose_colorbrewer_palette(data_type, as_cmap=False):
"""Select a palette from the ColorBrewer set.
These palettes are built into matplotlib and can be used by name in
many seaborn functions, or by passing the object returned by this function.
data_type : {'sequential', 'diverging', 'qualitative'}
This describes the kind of data you want to visualize. See the seaborn
color palette docs for more information about how to choose this value.
Note that you can pass substrings (e.g. 'q' for 'qualitative.
as_cmap : bool
If True, the return value is a matplotlib colormap rather than a
list of discrete colors.
pal or cmap : list of colors or matplotlib colormap
Object that can be passed to plotting functions.
See Also
dark_palette : Create a sequential palette with dark low values.
light_palette : Create a sequential palette with bright low values.
diverging_palette : Create a diverging palette from selected colors.
cubehelix_palette : Create a sequential palette or colormap using the
cubehelix system.
if data_type.startswith("q") and as_cmap:
raise ValueError("Qualitative palettes cannot be colormaps.")
pal = []
if as_cmap:
cmap = _init_mutable_colormap()
if data_type.startswith("s"):
opts = ["Greys", "Reds", "Greens", "Blues", "Oranges", "Purples",
"BuGn", "BuPu", "GnBu", "OrRd", "PuBu", "PuRd", "RdPu", "YlGn",
"PuBuGn", "YlGnBu", "YlOrBr", "YlOrRd"]
variants = ["regular", "reverse", "dark"]
def choose_sequential(name=opts, n=(2, 18),
desat=FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=1),
if variant == "reverse":
name += "_r"
elif variant == "dark":
name += "_d"
if as_cmap:
colors = color_palette(name, 256, desat)
_update_lut(cmap, np.c_[colors, np.ones(256)])
pal[:] = color_palette(name, n, desat)
elif data_type.startswith("d"):
opts = ["RdBu", "RdGy", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG",
"RdYlBu", "RdYlGn", "Spectral"]
variants = ["regular", "reverse"]
def choose_diverging(name=opts, n=(2, 16),
desat=FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=1),
if variant == "reverse":
name += "_r"
if as_cmap:
colors = color_palette(name, 256, desat)
_update_lut(cmap, np.c_[colors, np.ones(256)])
pal[:] = color_palette(name, n, desat)
elif data_type.startswith("q"):
opts = ["Set1", "Set2", "Set3", "Paired", "Accent",
"Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Dark2"]
def choose_qualitative(name=opts, n=(2, 16),
desat=FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=1)):
pal[:] = color_palette(name, n, desat)
if as_cmap:
return cmap
return pal
def choose_dark_palette(input="husl", as_cmap=False):
"""Launch an interactive widget to create a dark sequential palette.
This corresponds with the :func:`dark_palette` function. This kind
of palette is good for data that range between relatively uninteresting
low values and interesting high values.
Requires IPython 2+ and must be used in the notebook.
input : {'husl', 'hls', 'rgb'}
Color space for defining the seed value. Note that the default is
different than the default input for :func:`dark_palette`.
as_cmap : bool
If True, the return value is a matplotlib colormap rather than a
list of discrete colors.
pal or cmap : list of colors or matplotlib colormap
Object that can be passed to plotting functions.
See Also
dark_palette : Create a sequential palette with dark low values.
light_palette : Create a sequential palette with bright low values.
cubehelix_palette : Create a sequential palette or colormap using the
cubehelix system.
pal = []
if as_cmap:
cmap = _init_mutable_colormap()
if input == "rgb":
def choose_dark_palette_rgb(r=(0., 1.),
g=(0., 1.),
b=(0., 1.),
n=(3, 17)):
color = r, g, b
if as_cmap:
colors = dark_palette(color, 256, input="rgb")
_update_lut(cmap, colors)
pal[:] = dark_palette(color, n, input="rgb")
elif input == "hls":
def choose_dark_palette_hls(h=(0., 1.),
l=(0., 1.), # noqa: E741
s=(0., 1.),
n=(3, 17)):
color = h, l, s
if as_cmap:
colors = dark_palette(color, 256, input="hls")
_update_lut(cmap, colors)
pal[:] = dark_palette(color, n, input="hls")
elif input == "husl":
def choose_dark_palette_husl(h=(0, 359),
s=(0, 99),
l=(0, 99), # noqa: E741
n=(3, 17)):
color = h, s, l
if as_cmap:
colors = dark_palette(color, 256, input="husl")
_update_lut(cmap, colors)
pal[:] = dark_palette(color, n, input="husl")
if as_cmap:
return cmap
return pal
def choose_light_palette(input="husl", as_cmap=False):
"""Launch an interactive widget to create a light sequential palette.
This corresponds with the :func:`light_palette` function. This kind
of palette is good for data that range between relatively uninteresting
low values and interesting high values.
Requires IPython 2+ and must be used in the notebook.
input : {'husl', 'hls', 'rgb'}
Color space for defining the seed value. Note that the default is
different than the default input for :func:`light_palette`.
as_cmap : bool
If True, the return value is a matplotlib colormap rather than a
list of discrete colors.
pal or cmap : list of colors or matplotlib colormap
Object that can be passed to plotting functions.
See Also
light_palette : Create a sequential palette with bright low values.
dark_palette : Create a sequential palette with dark low values.
cubehelix_palette : Create a sequential palette or colormap using the
cubehelix system.
pal = []
if as_cmap:
cmap = _init_mutable_colormap()
if input == "rgb":
def choose_light_palette_rgb(r=(0., 1.),
g=(0., 1.),
b=(0., 1.),
n=(3, 17)):
color = r, g, b
if as_cmap:
colors = light_palette(color, 256, input="rgb")
_update_lut(cmap, colors)
pal[:] = light_palette(color, n, input="rgb")
elif input == "hls":
def choose_light_palette_hls(h=(0., 1.),
l=(0., 1.), # noqa: E741
s=(0., 1.),
n=(3, 17)):
color = h, l, s
if as_cmap:
colors = light_palette(color, 256, input="hls")
_update_lut(cmap, colors)
pal[:] = light_palette(color, n, input="hls")
elif input == "husl":
def choose_light_palette_husl(h=(0, 359),
s=(0, 99),
l=(0, 99), # noqa: E741
n=(3, 17)):
color = h, s, l
if as_cmap:
colors = light_palette(color, 256, input="husl")
_update_lut(cmap, colors)
pal[:] = light_palette(color, n, input="husl")
if as_cmap:
return cmap
return pal
def choose_diverging_palette(as_cmap=False):
"""Launch an interactive widget to choose a diverging color palette.
This corresponds with the :func:`diverging_palette` function. This kind
of palette is good for data that range between interesting low values
and interesting high values with a meaningful midpoint. (For example,
change scores relative to some baseline value).
Requires IPython 2+ and must be used in the notebook.
as_cmap : bool
If True, the return value is a matplotlib colormap rather than a
list of discrete colors.
pal or cmap : list of colors or matplotlib colormap
Object that can be passed to plotting functions.
See Also
diverging_palette : Create a diverging color palette or colormap.
choose_colorbrewer_palette : Interactively choose palettes from the
colorbrewer set, including diverging palettes.
pal = []
if as_cmap:
cmap = _init_mutable_colormap()
def choose_diverging_palette(
s=IntSlider(min=0, max=99, value=74),
l=IntSlider(min=0, max=99, value=50), # noqa: E741
sep=IntSlider(min=1, max=50, value=10),
n=(2, 16),
center=["light", "dark"]
if as_cmap:
colors = diverging_palette(h_neg, h_pos, s, l, sep, 256, center)
_update_lut(cmap, colors)
pal[:] = diverging_palette(h_neg, h_pos, s, l, sep, n, center)
if as_cmap:
return cmap
return pal
def choose_cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=False):
"""Launch an interactive widget to create a sequential cubehelix palette.
This corresponds with the :func:`cubehelix_palette` function. This kind
of palette is good for data that range between relatively uninteresting
low values and interesting high values. The cubehelix system allows the
palette to have more hue variance across the range, which can be helpful
for distinguishing a wider range of values.
Requires IPython 2+ and must be used in the notebook.
as_cmap : bool
If True, the return value is a matplotlib colormap rather than a
list of discrete colors.
pal or cmap : list of colors or matplotlib colormap
Object that can be passed to plotting functions.
See Also
cubehelix_palette : Create a sequential palette or colormap using the
cubehelix system.
pal = []
if as_cmap:
cmap = _init_mutable_colormap()
def choose_cubehelix(n_colors=IntSlider(min=2, max=16, value=9),
start=FloatSlider(min=0, max=3, value=0),
rot=FloatSlider(min=-1, max=1, value=.4),
gamma=FloatSlider(min=0, max=5, value=1),
hue=FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=.8),
light=FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=.85),
dark=FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=.15),
if as_cmap:
colors = cubehelix_palette(256, start, rot, gamma,
hue, light, dark, reverse)
_update_lut(cmap, np.c_[colors, np.ones(256)])
pal[:] = cubehelix_palette(n_colors, start, rot, gamma,
hue, light, dark, reverse)
if as_cmap:
return cmap
return pal