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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
import itertools
from copy import copy
from collections import UserString
from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence, Mapping
from numbers import Number
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
from seaborn._core.data import PlotData
from seaborn.palettes import (
from seaborn.utils import (
class SemanticMapping:
"""Base class for mapping data values to plot attributes."""
# -- Default attributes that all SemanticMapping subclasses must set
# Whether the mapping is numeric, categorical, or datetime
map_type: str | None = None
# Ordered list of unique values in the input data
levels = None
# A mapping from the data values to corresponding plot attributes
lookup_table = None
def __init__(self, plotter):
# TODO Putting this here so we can continue to use a lot of the
# logic that's built into the library, but the idea of this class
# is to move towards semantic mappings that are agnostic about the
# kind of plot they're going to be used to draw.
# Fully achieving that is going to take some thinking.
self.plotter = plotter
def _check_list_length(self, levels, values, variable):
"""Input check when values are provided as a list."""
# Copied from _core/properties; eventually will be replaced for that.
message = ""
if len(levels) > len(values):
message = " ".join([
f"\nThe {variable} list has fewer values ({len(values)})",
f"than needed ({len(levels)}) and will cycle, which may",
"produce an uninterpretable plot."
values = [x for _, x in zip(levels, itertools.cycle(values))]
elif len(values) > len(levels):
message = " ".join([
f"The {variable} list has more values ({len(values)})",
f"than needed ({len(levels)}), which may not be intended.",
values = values[:len(levels)]
if message:
warnings.warn(message, UserWarning, stacklevel=6)
return values
def _lookup_single(self, key):
"""Apply the mapping to a single data value."""
return self.lookup_table[key]
def __call__(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
"""Get the attribute(s) values for the data key."""
if isinstance(key, (list, np.ndarray, pd.Series)):
return [self._lookup_single(k, *args, **kwargs) for k in key]
return self._lookup_single(key, *args, **kwargs)
class HueMapping(SemanticMapping):
"""Mapping that sets artist colors according to data values."""
# A specification of the colors that should appear in the plot
palette = None
# An object that normalizes data values to [0, 1] range for color mapping
norm = None
# A continuous colormap object for interpolating in a numeric context
cmap = None
def __init__(
self, plotter, palette=None, order=None, norm=None, saturation=1,
"""Map the levels of the `hue` variable to distinct colors.
# TODO add generic parameters
data = plotter.plot_data.get("hue", pd.Series(dtype=float))
if isinstance(palette, np.ndarray):
msg = (
"Numpy array is not a supported type for `palette`. "
"Please convert your palette to a list. "
"This will become an error in v0.14"
warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=4)
palette = palette.tolist()
if data.isna().all():
if palette is not None:
msg = "Ignoring `palette` because no `hue` variable has been assigned."
warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=4)
map_type = self.infer_map_type(
palette, norm, plotter.input_format, plotter.var_types["hue"]
# Our goal is to end up with a dictionary mapping every unique
# value in `data` to a color. We will also keep track of the
# metadata about this mapping we will need for, e.g., a legend
# --- Option 1: numeric mapping with a matplotlib colormap
if map_type == "numeric":
data = pd.to_numeric(data)
levels, lookup_table, norm, cmap = self.numeric_mapping(
data, palette, norm,
# --- Option 2: categorical mapping using seaborn palette
elif map_type == "categorical":
cmap = norm = None
levels, lookup_table = self.categorical_mapping(
data, palette, order,
# --- Option 3: datetime mapping
# TODO this needs actual implementation
cmap = norm = None
levels, lookup_table = self.categorical_mapping(
# Casting data to list to handle differences in the way
# pandas and numpy represent datetime64 data
list(data), palette, order,
self.saturation = saturation
self.map_type = map_type
self.lookup_table = lookup_table
self.palette = palette
self.levels = levels
self.norm = norm
self.cmap = cmap
def _lookup_single(self, key):
"""Get the color for a single value, using colormap to interpolate."""
# Use a value that's in the original data vector
value = self.lookup_table[key]
except KeyError:
if self.norm is None:
# Currently we only get here in scatterplot with hue_order,
# because scatterplot does not consider hue a grouping variable
# So unused hue levels are in the data, but not the lookup table
return (0, 0, 0, 0)
# Use the colormap to interpolate between existing datapoints
# (e.g. in the context of making a continuous legend)
normed = self.norm(key)
except TypeError as err:
if np.isnan(key):
value = (0, 0, 0, 0)
raise err
if np.ma.is_masked(normed):
normed = np.nan
value = self.cmap(normed)
if self.saturation < 1:
value = desaturate(value, self.saturation)
return value
def infer_map_type(self, palette, norm, input_format, var_type):
"""Determine how to implement the mapping."""
if palette in QUAL_PALETTES:
map_type = "categorical"
elif norm is not None:
map_type = "numeric"
elif isinstance(palette, (dict, list)):
map_type = "categorical"
elif input_format == "wide":
map_type = "categorical"
map_type = var_type
return map_type
def categorical_mapping(self, data, palette, order):
"""Determine colors when the hue mapping is categorical."""
# -- Identify the order and name of the levels
levels = categorical_order(data, order)
n_colors = len(levels)
# -- Identify the set of colors to use
if isinstance(palette, dict):
missing = set(levels) - set(palette)
if any(missing):
err = "The palette dictionary is missing keys: {}"
raise ValueError(err.format(missing))
lookup_table = palette
if palette is None:
if n_colors <= len(get_color_cycle()):
colors = color_palette(None, n_colors)
colors = color_palette("husl", n_colors)
elif isinstance(palette, list):
colors = self._check_list_length(levels, palette, "palette")
colors = color_palette(palette, n_colors)
lookup_table = dict(zip(levels, colors))
return levels, lookup_table
def numeric_mapping(self, data, palette, norm):
"""Determine colors when the hue variable is quantitative."""
if isinstance(palette, dict):
# The presence of a norm object overrides a dictionary of hues
# in specifying a numeric mapping, so we need to process it here.
levels = list(sorted(palette))
colors = [palette[k] for k in sorted(palette)]
cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors)
lookup_table = palette.copy()
# The levels are the sorted unique values in the data
levels = list(np.sort(remove_na(data.unique())))
# --- Sort out the colormap to use from the palette argument
# Default numeric palette is our default cubehelix palette
# TODO do we want to do something complicated to ensure contrast?
palette = "ch:" if palette is None else palette
if isinstance(palette, mpl.colors.Colormap):
cmap = palette
cmap = color_palette(palette, as_cmap=True)
# Now sort out the data normalization
if norm is None:
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize()
elif isinstance(norm, tuple):
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(*norm)
elif not isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.Normalize):
err = "``hue_norm`` must be None, tuple, or Normalize object."
raise ValueError(err)
if not norm.scaled():
lookup_table = dict(zip(levels, cmap(norm(levels))))
return levels, lookup_table, norm, cmap
class SizeMapping(SemanticMapping):
"""Mapping that sets artist sizes according to data values."""
# An object that normalizes data values to [0, 1] range
norm = None
def __init__(
self, plotter, sizes=None, order=None, norm=None,
"""Map the levels of the `size` variable to distinct values.
# TODO add generic parameters
data = plotter.plot_data.get("size", pd.Series(dtype=float))
if data.notna().any():
map_type = self.infer_map_type(
norm, sizes, plotter.var_types["size"]
# --- Option 1: numeric mapping
if map_type == "numeric":
levels, lookup_table, norm, size_range = self.numeric_mapping(
data, sizes, norm,
# --- Option 2: categorical mapping
elif map_type == "categorical":
levels, lookup_table = self.categorical_mapping(
data, sizes, order,
size_range = None
# --- Option 3: datetime mapping
# TODO this needs an actual implementation
levels, lookup_table = self.categorical_mapping(
# Casting data to list to handle differences in the way
# pandas and numpy represent datetime64 data
list(data), sizes, order,
size_range = None
self.map_type = map_type
self.levels = levels
self.norm = norm
self.sizes = sizes
self.size_range = size_range
self.lookup_table = lookup_table
def infer_map_type(self, norm, sizes, var_type):
if norm is not None:
map_type = "numeric"
elif isinstance(sizes, (dict, list)):
map_type = "categorical"
map_type = var_type
return map_type
def _lookup_single(self, key):
value = self.lookup_table[key]
except KeyError:
normed = self.norm(key)
if np.ma.is_masked(normed):
normed = np.nan
value = self.size_range[0] + normed * np.ptp(self.size_range)
return value
def categorical_mapping(self, data, sizes, order):
levels = categorical_order(data, order)
if isinstance(sizes, dict):
# Dict inputs map existing data values to the size attribute
missing = set(levels) - set(sizes)
if any(missing):
err = f"Missing sizes for the following levels: {missing}"
raise ValueError(err)
lookup_table = sizes.copy()
elif isinstance(sizes, list):
# List inputs give size values in the same order as the levels
sizes = self._check_list_length(levels, sizes, "sizes")
lookup_table = dict(zip(levels, sizes))
if isinstance(sizes, tuple):
# Tuple input sets the min, max size values
if len(sizes) != 2:
err = "A `sizes` tuple must have only 2 values"
raise ValueError(err)
elif sizes is not None:
err = f"Value for `sizes` not understood: {sizes}"
raise ValueError(err)
# Otherwise, we need to get the min, max size values from
# the plotter object we are attached to.
# TODO this is going to cause us trouble later, because we
# want to restructure things so that the plotter is generic
# across the visual representation of the data. But at this
# point, we don't know the visual representation. Likely we
# want to change the logic of this Mapping so that it gives
# points on a normalized range that then gets un-normalized
# when we know what we're drawing. But given the way the
# package works now, this way is cleanest.
sizes = self.plotter._default_size_range
# For categorical sizes, use regularly-spaced linear steps
# between the minimum and maximum sizes. Then reverse the
# ramp so that the largest value is used for the first entry
# in size_order, etc. This is because "ordered" categories
# are often though to go in decreasing priority.
sizes = np.linspace(*sizes, len(levels))[::-1]
lookup_table = dict(zip(levels, sizes))
return levels, lookup_table
def numeric_mapping(self, data, sizes, norm):
if isinstance(sizes, dict):
# The presence of a norm object overrides a dictionary of sizes
# in specifying a numeric mapping, so we need to process it
# dictionary here
levels = list(np.sort(list(sizes)))
size_values = sizes.values()
size_range = min(size_values), max(size_values)
# The levels here will be the unique values in the data
levels = list(np.sort(remove_na(data.unique())))
if isinstance(sizes, tuple):
# For numeric inputs, the size can be parametrized by
# the minimum and maximum artist values to map to. The
# norm object that gets set up next specifies how to
# do the mapping.
if len(sizes) != 2:
err = "A `sizes` tuple must have only 2 values"
raise ValueError(err)
size_range = sizes
elif sizes is not None:
err = f"Value for `sizes` not understood: {sizes}"
raise ValueError(err)
# When not provided, we get the size range from the plotter
# object we are attached to. See the note in the categorical
# method about how this is suboptimal for future development.
size_range = self.plotter._default_size_range
# Now that we know the minimum and maximum sizes that will get drawn,
# we need to map the data values that we have into that range. We will
# use a matplotlib Normalize class, which is typically used for numeric
# color mapping but works fine here too. It takes data values and maps
# them into a [0, 1] interval, potentially nonlinear-ly.
if norm is None:
# Default is a linear function between the min and max data values
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize()
elif isinstance(norm, tuple):
# It is also possible to give different limits in data space
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(*norm)
elif not isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.Normalize):
err = f"Value for size `norm` parameter not understood: {norm}"
raise ValueError(err)
# If provided with Normalize object, copy it so we can modify
norm = copy(norm)
# Set the mapping so all output values are in [0, 1]
norm.clip = True
# If the input range is not set, use the full range of the data
if not norm.scaled():
# Map from data values to [0, 1] range
sizes_scaled = norm(levels)
# Now map from the scaled range into the artist units
if isinstance(sizes, dict):
lookup_table = sizes
lo, hi = size_range
sizes = lo + sizes_scaled * (hi - lo)
lookup_table = dict(zip(levels, sizes))
return levels, lookup_table, norm, size_range
class StyleMapping(SemanticMapping):
"""Mapping that sets artist style according to data values."""
# Style mapping is always treated as categorical
map_type = "categorical"
def __init__(self, plotter, markers=None, dashes=None, order=None):
"""Map the levels of the `style` variable to distinct values.
# TODO add generic parameters
data = plotter.plot_data.get("style", pd.Series(dtype=float))
if data.notna().any():
# Cast to list to handle numpy/pandas datetime quirks
if variable_type(data) == "datetime":
data = list(data)
# Find ordered unique values
levels = categorical_order(data, order)
markers = self._map_attributes(
markers, levels, unique_markers(len(levels)), "markers",
dashes = self._map_attributes(
dashes, levels, unique_dashes(len(levels)), "dashes",
# Build the paths matplotlib will use to draw the markers
paths = {}
filled_markers = []
for k, m in markers.items():
if not isinstance(m, mpl.markers.MarkerStyle):
m = mpl.markers.MarkerStyle(m)
paths[k] = m.get_path().transformed(m.get_transform())
# Mixture of filled and unfilled markers will show line art markers
# in the edge color, which defaults to white. This can be handled,
# but there would be additional complexity with specifying the
# weight of the line art markers without overwhelming the filled
# ones with the edges. So for now, we will disallow mixtures.
if any(filled_markers) and not all(filled_markers):
err = "Filled and line art markers cannot be mixed"
raise ValueError(err)
lookup_table = {}
for key in levels:
lookup_table[key] = {}
if markers:
lookup_table[key]["marker"] = markers[key]
lookup_table[key]["path"] = paths[key]
if dashes:
lookup_table[key]["dashes"] = dashes[key]
self.levels = levels
self.lookup_table = lookup_table
def _lookup_single(self, key, attr=None):
"""Get attribute(s) for a given data point."""
if attr is None:
value = self.lookup_table[key]
value = self.lookup_table[key][attr]
return value
def _map_attributes(self, arg, levels, defaults, attr):
"""Handle the specification for a given style attribute."""
if arg is True:
lookup_table = dict(zip(levels, defaults))
elif isinstance(arg, dict):
missing = set(levels) - set(arg)
if missing:
err = f"These `{attr}` levels are missing values: {missing}"
raise ValueError(err)
lookup_table = arg
elif isinstance(arg, Sequence):
arg = self._check_list_length(levels, arg, attr)
lookup_table = dict(zip(levels, arg))
elif arg:
err = f"This `{attr}` argument was not understood: {arg}"
raise ValueError(err)
lookup_table = {}
return lookup_table
# =========================================================================== #
class VectorPlotter:
"""Base class for objects underlying *plot functions."""
wide_structure = {
"x": "@index", "y": "@values", "hue": "@columns", "style": "@columns",
flat_structure = {"x": "@index", "y": "@values"}
_default_size_range = 1, 2 # Unused but needed in tests, ugh
def __init__(self, data=None, variables={}):
self._var_levels = {}
# var_ordered is relevant only for categorical axis variables, and may
# be better handled by an internal axis information object that tracks
# such information and is set up by the scale_* methods. The analogous
# information for numeric axes would be information about log scales.
self._var_ordered = {"x": False, "y": False} # alt., used DefaultDict
self.assign_variables(data, variables)
# TODO Lots of tests assume that these are called to initialize the
# mappings to default values on class initialization. I'd prefer to
# move away from that and only have a mapping when explicitly called.
for var in ["hue", "size", "style"]:
if var in variables:
getattr(self, f"map_{var}")()
def has_xy_data(self):
"""Return True at least one of x or y is defined."""
return bool({"x", "y"} & set(self.variables))
def var_levels(self):
"""Property interface to ordered list of variables levels.
Each time it's accessed, it updates the var_levels dictionary with the
list of levels in the current semantic mappers. But it also allows the
dictionary to persist, so it can be used to set levels by a key. This is
used to track the list of col/row levels using an attached FacetGrid
object, but it's kind of messy and ideally fixed by improving the
faceting logic so it interfaces better with the modern approach to
tracking plot variables.
for var in self.variables:
if (map_obj := getattr(self, f"_{var}_map", None)) is not None:
self._var_levels[var] = map_obj.levels
return self._var_levels
def assign_variables(self, data=None, variables={}):
"""Define plot variables, optionally using lookup from `data`."""
x = variables.get("x", None)
y = variables.get("y", None)
if x is None and y is None:
self.input_format = "wide"
frame, names = self._assign_variables_wideform(data, **variables)
# When dealing with long-form input, use the newer PlotData
# object (internal but introduced for the objects interface)
# to centralize / standardize data consumption logic.
self.input_format = "long"
plot_data = PlotData(data, variables)
frame = plot_data.frame
names = plot_data.names
self.plot_data = frame
self.variables = names
self.var_types = {
v: variable_type(
boolean_type="numeric" if v in "xy" else "categorical"
for v in names
return self
def _assign_variables_wideform(self, data=None, **kwargs):
"""Define plot variables given wide-form data.
data : flat vector or collection of vectors
Data can be a vector or mapping that is coerceable to a Series
or a sequence- or mapping-based collection of such vectors, or a
rectangular numpy array, or a Pandas DataFrame.
kwargs : variable -> data mappings
Behavior with keyword arguments is currently undefined.
plot_data : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
Long-form data object mapping seaborn variables (x, y, hue, ...)
to data vectors.
variables : dict
Keys are defined seaborn variables; values are names inferred from
the inputs (or None when no name can be determined).
# Raise if semantic or other variables are assigned in wide-form mode
assigned = [k for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None]
if any(assigned):
s = "s" if len(assigned) > 1 else ""
err = f"The following variable{s} cannot be assigned with wide-form data: "
err += ", ".join(f"`{v}`" for v in assigned)
raise ValueError(err)
# Determine if the data object actually has any data in it
empty = data is None or not len(data)
# Then, determine if we have "flat" data (a single vector)
if isinstance(data, dict):
values = data.values()
values = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(data, dtype=object))
flat = not any(
isinstance(v, Iterable) and not isinstance(v, (str, bytes))
for v in values
if empty:
# Make an object with the structure of plot_data, but empty
plot_data = pd.DataFrame()
variables = {}
elif flat:
# Handle flat data by converting to pandas Series and using the
# index and/or values to define x and/or y
# (Could be accomplished with a more general to_series() interface)
flat_data = pd.Series(data).copy()
names = {
"@values": flat_data.name,
"@index": flat_data.index.name
plot_data = {}
variables = {}
for var in ["x", "y"]:
if var in self.flat_structure:
attr = self.flat_structure[var]
plot_data[var] = getattr(flat_data, attr[1:])
variables[var] = names[self.flat_structure[var]]
plot_data = pd.DataFrame(plot_data)
# Otherwise assume we have some collection of vectors.
# Handle Python sequences such that entries end up in the columns,
# not in the rows, of the intermediate wide DataFrame.
# One way to accomplish this is to convert to a dict of Series.
if isinstance(data, Sequence):
data_dict = {}
for i, var in enumerate(data):
key = getattr(var, "name", i)
# TODO is there a safer/more generic way to ensure Series?
# sort of like np.asarray, but for pandas?
data_dict[key] = pd.Series(var)
data = data_dict
# Pandas requires that dict values either be Series objects
# or all have the same length, but we want to allow "ragged" inputs
if isinstance(data, Mapping):
data = {key: pd.Series(val) for key, val in data.items()}
# Otherwise, delegate to the pandas DataFrame constructor
# This is where we'd prefer to use a general interface that says
# "give me this data as a pandas DataFrame", so we can accept
# DataFrame objects from other libraries
wide_data = pd.DataFrame(data, copy=True)
# At this point we should reduce the dataframe to numeric cols
numeric_cols = [
k for k, v in wide_data.items() if variable_type(v) == "numeric"
wide_data = wide_data[numeric_cols]
# Now melt the data to long form
melt_kws = {"var_name": "@columns", "value_name": "@values"}
use_index = "@index" in self.wide_structure.values()
if use_index:
melt_kws["id_vars"] = "@index"
orig_categories = wide_data.columns.categories
orig_ordered = wide_data.columns.ordered
wide_data.columns = wide_data.columns.add_categories("@index")
except AttributeError:
category_columns = False
category_columns = True
wide_data["@index"] = wide_data.index.to_series()
plot_data = wide_data.melt(**melt_kws)
if use_index and category_columns:
plot_data["@columns"] = pd.Categorical(plot_data["@columns"],
# Assign names corresponding to plot semantics
for var, attr in self.wide_structure.items():
plot_data[var] = plot_data[attr]
# Define the variable names
variables = {}
for var, attr in self.wide_structure.items():
obj = getattr(wide_data, attr[1:])
variables[var] = getattr(obj, "name", None)
# Remove redundant columns from plot_data
plot_data = plot_data[list(variables)]
return plot_data, variables
def map_hue(self, palette=None, order=None, norm=None, saturation=1):
mapping = HueMapping(self, palette, order, norm, saturation)
self._hue_map = mapping
def map_size(self, sizes=None, order=None, norm=None):
mapping = SizeMapping(self, sizes, order, norm)
self._size_map = mapping
def map_style(self, markers=None, dashes=None, order=None):
mapping = StyleMapping(self, markers, dashes, order)
self._style_map = mapping
def iter_data(
self, grouping_vars=None, *,
reverse=False, from_comp_data=False,
by_facet=True, allow_empty=False, dropna=True,
"""Generator for getting subsets of data defined by semantic variables.
Also injects "col" and "row" into grouping semantics.
grouping_vars : string or list of strings
Semantic variables that define the subsets of data.
reverse : bool
If True, reverse the order of iteration.
from_comp_data : bool
If True, use self.comp_data rather than self.plot_data
by_facet : bool
If True, add faceting variables to the set of grouping variables.
allow_empty : bool
If True, yield an empty dataframe when no observations exist for
combinations of grouping variables.
dropna : bool
If True, remove rows with missing data.
sub_vars : dict
Keys are semantic names, values are the level of that semantic.
sub_data : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
Subset of ``plot_data`` for this combination of semantic values.
# TODO should this default to using all (non x/y?) semantics?
# or define grouping vars somewhere?
if grouping_vars is None:
grouping_vars = []
elif isinstance(grouping_vars, str):
grouping_vars = [grouping_vars]
elif isinstance(grouping_vars, tuple):
grouping_vars = list(grouping_vars)
# Always insert faceting variables
if by_facet:
facet_vars = {"col", "row"}
facet_vars & set(self.variables) - set(grouping_vars)
# Reduce to the semantics used in this plot
grouping_vars = [var for var in grouping_vars if var in self.variables]
if from_comp_data:
data = self.comp_data
data = self.plot_data
if dropna:
data = data.dropna()
levels = self.var_levels.copy()
if from_comp_data:
for axis in {"x", "y"} & set(grouping_vars):
converter = self.converters[axis].iloc[0]
if self.var_types[axis] == "categorical":
if self._var_ordered[axis]:
# If the axis is ordered, then the axes in a possible
# facet grid are by definition "shared", or there is a
# single axis with a unique cat -> idx mapping.
# So we can just take the first converter object.
levels[axis] = converter.convert_units(levels[axis])
# Otherwise, the mappings may not be unique, but we can
# use the unique set of index values in comp_data.
levels[axis] = np.sort(data[axis].unique())
transform = converter.get_transform().transform
levels[axis] = transform(converter.convert_units(levels[axis]))
if grouping_vars:
grouped_data = data.groupby(
grouping_vars, sort=False, as_index=False, observed=False,
grouping_keys = []
for var in grouping_vars:
key = levels.get(var)
grouping_keys.append([] if key is None else key)
iter_keys = itertools.product(*grouping_keys)
if reverse:
iter_keys = reversed(list(iter_keys))
for key in iter_keys:
pd_key = (
key[0] if len(key) == 1 and _version_predates(pd, "2.2.0") else key
data_subset = grouped_data.get_group(pd_key)
except KeyError:
# XXX we are adding this to allow backwards compatibility
# with the empty artists that old categorical plots would
# add (before 0.12), which we may decide to break, in which
# case this option could be removed
data_subset = data.loc[[]]
if data_subset.empty and not allow_empty:
sub_vars = dict(zip(grouping_vars, key))
yield sub_vars, data_subset.copy()
yield {}, data.copy()
def comp_data(self):
"""Dataframe with numeric x and y, after unit conversion and log scaling."""
if not hasattr(self, "ax"):
# Probably a good idea, but will need a bunch of tests updated
# Most of these tests should just use the external interface
# Then this can be re-enabled.
# raise AttributeError("No Axes attached to plotter")
return self.plot_data
if not hasattr(self, "_comp_data"):
comp_data = (
.drop(["x", "y"], axis=1, errors="ignore")
for var in "yx":
if var not in self.variables:
parts = []
grouped = self.plot_data[var].groupby(self.converters[var], sort=False)
for converter, orig in grouped:
orig = orig.mask(orig.isin([np.inf, -np.inf]), np.nan)
orig = orig.dropna()
if var in self.var_levels:
# TODO this should happen in some centralized location
# it is similar to GH2419, but more complicated because
# supporting `order` in categorical plots is tricky
orig = orig[orig.isin(self.var_levels[var])]
comp = pd.to_numeric(converter.convert_units(orig)).astype(float)
transform = converter.get_transform().transform
parts.append(pd.Series(transform(comp), orig.index, name=orig.name))
if parts:
comp_col = pd.concat(parts)
comp_col = pd.Series(dtype=float, name=var)
comp_data.insert(0, var, comp_col)
self._comp_data = comp_data
return self._comp_data
def _get_axes(self, sub_vars):
"""Return an Axes object based on existence of row/col variables."""
row = sub_vars.get("row", None)
col = sub_vars.get("col", None)
if row is not None and col is not None:
return self.facets.axes_dict[(row, col)]
elif row is not None:
return self.facets.axes_dict[row]
elif col is not None:
return self.facets.axes_dict[col]
elif self.ax is None:
return self.facets.ax
return self.ax
def _attach(
"""Associate the plotter with an Axes manager and initialize its units.
obj : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or :class:'FacetGrid`
Structural object that we will eventually plot onto.
allowed_types : str or list of str
If provided, raise when either the x or y variable does not have
one of the declared seaborn types.
log_scale : bool, number, or pair of bools or numbers
If not False, set the axes to use log scaling, with the given
base or defaulting to 10. If a tuple, interpreted as separate
arguments for the x and y axes.
from .axisgrid import FacetGrid
if isinstance(obj, FacetGrid):
self.ax = None
self.facets = obj
ax_list = obj.axes.flatten()
if obj.col_names is not None:
self.var_levels["col"] = obj.col_names
if obj.row_names is not None:
self.var_levels["row"] = obj.row_names
self.ax = obj
self.facets = None
ax_list = [obj]
# Identify which "axis" variables we have defined
axis_variables = set("xy").intersection(self.variables)
# -- Verify the types of our x and y variables here.
# This doesn't really make complete sense being here here, but it's a fine
# place for it, given the current system.
# (Note that for some plots, there might be more complicated restrictions)
# e.g. the categorical plots have their own check that as specific to the
# non-categorical axis.
if allowed_types is None:
allowed_types = ["numeric", "datetime", "categorical"]
elif isinstance(allowed_types, str):
allowed_types = [allowed_types]
for var in axis_variables:
var_type = self.var_types[var]
if var_type not in allowed_types:
err = (
f"The {var} variable is {var_type}, but one of "
f"{allowed_types} is required"
raise TypeError(err)
# -- Get axis objects for each row in plot_data for type conversions and scaling
facet_dim = {"x": "col", "y": "row"}
self.converters = {}
for var in axis_variables:
other_var = {"x": "y", "y": "x"}[var]
converter = pd.Series(index=self.plot_data.index, name=var, dtype=object)
share_state = getattr(self.facets, f"_share{var}", True)
# Simplest cases are that we have a single axes, all axes are shared,
# or sharing is only on the orthogonal facet dimension. In these cases,
# all datapoints get converted the same way, so use the first axis
if share_state is True or share_state == facet_dim[other_var]:
converter.loc[:] = getattr(ax_list[0], f"{var}axis")
# Next simplest case is when no axes are shared, and we can
# use the axis objects within each facet
if share_state is False:
for axes_vars, axes_data in self.iter_data():
ax = self._get_axes(axes_vars)
converter.loc[axes_data.index] = getattr(ax, f"{var}axis")
# In the more complicated case, the axes are shared within each
# "file" of the facetgrid. In that case, we need to subset the data
# for that file and assign it the first axis in the slice of the grid
names = getattr(self.facets, f"{share_state}_names")
for i, level in enumerate(names):
idx = (i, 0) if share_state == "row" else (0, i)
axis = getattr(self.facets.axes[idx], f"{var}axis")
converter.loc[self.plot_data[share_state] == level] = axis
# Store the converter vector, which we use elsewhere (e.g comp_data)
self.converters[var] = converter
# Now actually update the matplotlib objects to do the conversion we want
grouped = self.plot_data[var].groupby(self.converters[var], sort=False)
for converter, seed_data in grouped:
if self.var_types[var] == "categorical":
if self._var_ordered[var]:
order = self.var_levels[var]
order = None
seed_data = categorical_order(seed_data, order)
# -- Set numerical axis scales
# First unpack the log_scale argument
if log_scale is None:
scalex = scaley = False
# Allow single value or x, y tuple
scalex, scaley = log_scale
except TypeError:
scalex = log_scale if self.var_types.get("x") == "numeric" else False
scaley = log_scale if self.var_types.get("y") == "numeric" else False
# Now use it
for axis, scale in zip("xy", (scalex, scaley)):
if scale:
for ax in ax_list:
set_scale = getattr(ax, f"set_{axis}scale")
if scale is True:
set_scale("log", nonpositive="mask")
set_scale("log", base=scale, nonpositive="mask")
# For categorical y, we want the "first" level to be at the top of the axis
if self.var_types.get("y", None) == "categorical":
for ax in ax_list:
# TODO -- Add axes labels
def _get_scale_transforms(self, axis):
"""Return a function implementing the scale transform (or its inverse)."""
if self.ax is None:
axis_list = [getattr(ax, f"{axis}axis") for ax in self.facets.axes.flat]
scales = {axis.get_scale() for axis in axis_list}
if len(scales) > 1:
# It is a simplifying assumption that faceted axes will always have
# the same scale (even if they are unshared and have distinct limits).
# Nothing in the seaborn API allows you to create a FacetGrid with
# a mixture of scales, although it's possible via matplotlib.
# This is constraining, but no more so than previous behavior that
# only (properly) handled log scales, and there are some places where
# it would be much too complicated to use axes-specific transforms.
err = "Cannot determine transform with mixed scales on faceted axes."
raise RuntimeError(err)
transform_obj = axis_list[0].get_transform()
# This case is more straightforward
transform_obj = getattr(self.ax, f"{axis}axis").get_transform()
return transform_obj.transform, transform_obj.inverted().transform
def _add_axis_labels(self, ax, default_x="", default_y=""):
"""Add axis labels if not present, set visibility to match ticklabels."""
# TODO ax could default to None and use attached axes if present
# but what to do about the case of facets? Currently using FacetGrid's
# set_axis_labels method, which doesn't add labels to the interior even
# when the axes are not shared. Maybe that makes sense?
if not ax.get_xlabel():
x_visible = any(t.get_visible() for t in ax.get_xticklabels())
ax.set_xlabel(self.variables.get("x", default_x), visible=x_visible)
if not ax.get_ylabel():
y_visible = any(t.get_visible() for t in ax.get_yticklabels())
ax.set_ylabel(self.variables.get("y", default_y), visible=y_visible)
def add_legend_data(
self, ax, func, common_kws=None, attrs=None, semantic_kws=None,
"""Add labeled artists to represent the different plot semantics."""
verbosity = self.legend
if isinstance(verbosity, str) and verbosity not in ["auto", "brief", "full"]:
err = "`legend` must be 'auto', 'brief', 'full', or a boolean."
raise ValueError(err)
elif verbosity is True:
verbosity = "auto"
keys = []
legend_kws = {}
common_kws = {} if common_kws is None else common_kws.copy()
semantic_kws = {} if semantic_kws is None else semantic_kws.copy()
# Assign a legend title if there is only going to be one sub-legend,
# otherwise, subtitles will be inserted into the texts list with an
# invisible handle (which is a hack)
titles = {
title for title in
(self.variables.get(v, None) for v in ["hue", "size", "style"])
if title is not None
title = "" if len(titles) != 1 else titles.pop()
title_kws = dict(
visible=False, color="w", s=0, linewidth=0, marker="", dashes=""
def update(var_name, val_name, **kws):
key = var_name, val_name
if key in legend_kws:
legend_kws[key] = dict(**kws)
if attrs is None:
attrs = {"hue": "color", "size": ["linewidth", "s"], "style": None}
for var, names in attrs.items():
update, var, verbosity, title, title_kws, names, semantic_kws.get(var),
legend_data = {}
legend_order = []
# Don't allow color=None so we can set a neutral color for size/style legends
if common_kws.get("color", False) is None:
for key in keys:
_, label = key
kws = legend_kws[key]
level_kws = {}
use_attrs = [
*[attr for var_attrs in semantic_kws.values() for attr in var_attrs],
for attr in use_attrs:
if attr in kws:
level_kws[attr] = kws[attr]
artist = func(label=label, **{"color": ".2", **common_kws, **level_kws})
if _version_predates(mpl, "3.5.0"):
if isinstance(artist, mpl.lines.Line2D):
elif isinstance(artist, mpl.patches.Patch):
elif isinstance(artist, mpl.collections.Collection):
legend_data[key] = artist
self.legend_title = title
self.legend_data = legend_data
self.legend_order = legend_order
def _update_legend_data(
"""Generate legend tick values and formatted labels."""
brief_ticks = 6
mapper = getattr(self, f"_{var}_map", None)
if mapper is None:
brief = mapper.map_type == "numeric" and (
verbosity == "brief"
or (verbosity == "auto" and len(mapper.levels) > brief_ticks)
if brief:
if isinstance(mapper.norm, mpl.colors.LogNorm):
locator = mpl.ticker.LogLocator(numticks=brief_ticks)
locator = mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=brief_ticks)
limits = min(mapper.levels), max(mapper.levels)
levels, formatted_levels = locator_to_legend_entries(
locator, limits, self.plot_data[var].infer_objects().dtype
elif mapper.levels is None:
levels = formatted_levels = []
levels = formatted_levels = mapper.levels
if not title and self.variables.get(var, None) is not None:
update((self.variables[var], "title"), self.variables[var], **title_kws)
other_props = {} if other_props is None else other_props
for level, formatted_level in zip(levels, formatted_levels):
if level is not None:
attr = mapper(level)
if isinstance(attr_names, list):
attr = {name: attr for name in attr_names}
elif attr_names is not None:
attr = {attr_names: attr}
attr.update({k: v[level] for k, v in other_props.items() if level in v})
update(self.variables[var], formatted_level, **attr)
# XXX If the scale_* methods are going to modify the plot_data structure, they
# can't be called twice. That means that if they are called twice, they should
# raise. Alternatively, we could store an original version of plot_data and each
# time they are called they operate on the store, not the current state.
def scale_native(self, axis, *args, **kwargs):
# Default, defer to matplotlib
raise NotImplementedError
def scale_numeric(self, axis, *args, **kwargs):
# Feels needed to completeness, what should it do?
# Perhaps handle log scaling? Set the ticker/formatter/limits?
raise NotImplementedError
def scale_datetime(self, axis, *args, **kwargs):
# Use pd.to_datetime to convert strings or numbers to datetime objects
# Note, use day-resolution for numeric->datetime to match matplotlib
raise NotImplementedError
def scale_categorical(self, axis, order=None, formatter=None):
Enforce categorical (fixed-scale) rules for the data on given axis.
axis : "x" or "y"
Axis of the plot to operate on.
order : list
Order that unique values should appear in.
formatter : callable
Function mapping values to a string representation.
# This method both modifies the internal representation of the data
# (converting it to string) and sets some attributes on self. It might be
# a good idea to have a separate object attached to self that contains the
# information in those attributes (i.e. whether to enforce variable order
# across facets, the order to use) similar to the SemanticMapping objects
# we have for semantic variables. That object could also hold the converter
# objects that get used, if we can decouple those from an existing axis
# (cf. https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/19229).
# There are some interactions with faceting information that would need
# to be thought through, since the converts to use depend on facets.
# If we go that route, these methods could become "borrowed" methods similar
# to what happens with the alternate semantic mapper constructors, although
# that approach is kind of fussy and confusing.
# TODO this method could also set the grid state? Since we like to have no
# grid on the categorical axis by default. Again, a case where we'll need to
# store information until we use it, so best to have a way to collect the
# attributes that this method sets.
# TODO if we are going to set visual properties of the axes with these methods,
# then we could do the steps currently in CategoricalPlotter._adjust_cat_axis
# TODO another, and distinct idea, is to expose a cut= param here
_check_argument("axis", ["x", "y"], axis)
# Categorical plots can be "univariate" in which case they get an anonymous
# category label on the opposite axis.
if axis not in self.variables:
self.variables[axis] = None
self.var_types[axis] = "categorical"
self.plot_data[axis] = ""
# If the "categorical" variable has a numeric type, sort the rows so that
# the default result from categorical_order has those values sorted after
# they have been coerced to strings. The reason for this is so that later
# we can get facet-wise orders that are correct.
# XXX Should this also sort datetimes?
# It feels more consistent, but technically will be a default change
# If so, should also change categorical_order to behave that way
if self.var_types[axis] == "numeric":
self.plot_data = self.plot_data.sort_values(axis, kind="mergesort")
# Now get a reference to the categorical data vector and remove na values
cat_data = self.plot_data[axis].dropna()
# Get the initial categorical order, which we do before string
# conversion to respect the original types of the order list.
# Track whether the order is given explicitly so that we can know
# whether or not to use the order constructed here downstream
self._var_ordered[axis] = order is not None or cat_data.dtype.name == "category"
order = pd.Index(categorical_order(cat_data, order), name=axis)
# Then convert data to strings. This is because in matplotlib,
# "categorical" data really mean "string" data, so doing this artists
# will be drawn on the categorical axis with a fixed scale.
# TODO implement formatter here; check that it returns strings?
if formatter is not None:
cat_data = cat_data.map(formatter)
order = order.map(formatter)
cat_data = cat_data.astype(str)
order = order.astype(str)
# Update the levels list with the type-converted order variable
self.var_levels[axis] = order
# Now ensure that seaborn will use categorical rules internally
self.var_types[axis] = "categorical"
# Put the string-typed categorical vector back into the plot_data structure
self.plot_data[axis] = cat_data
return self
class VariableType(UserString):
Prevent comparisons elsewhere in the library from using the wrong name.
Errors are simple assertions because users should not be able to trigger
them. If that changes, they should be more verbose.
# TODO we can replace this with typing.Literal on Python 3.8+
allowed = "numeric", "datetime", "categorical"
def __init__(self, data):
assert data in self.allowed, data
def __eq__(self, other):
assert other in self.allowed, other
return self.data == other
def variable_type(vector, boolean_type="numeric"):
Determine whether a vector contains numeric, categorical, or datetime data.
This function differs from the pandas typing API in two ways:
- Python sequences or object-typed PyData objects are considered numeric if
all of their entries are numeric.
- String or mixed-type data are considered categorical even if not
explicitly represented as a :class:`pandas.api.types.CategoricalDtype`.
vector : :func:`pandas.Series`, :func:`numpy.ndarray`, or Python sequence
Input data to test.
boolean_type : 'numeric' or 'categorical'
Type to use for vectors containing only 0s and 1s (and NAs).
var_type : 'numeric', 'categorical', or 'datetime'
Name identifying the type of data in the vector.
vector = pd.Series(vector)
# If a categorical dtype is set, infer categorical
if isinstance(vector.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype):
return VariableType("categorical")
# Special-case all-na data, which is always "numeric"
if pd.isna(vector).all():
return VariableType("numeric")
# At this point, drop nans to simplify further type inference
vector = vector.dropna()
# Special-case binary/boolean data, allow caller to determine
# This triggers a numpy warning when vector has strings/objects
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/6784
# Because we reduce with .all(), we are agnostic about whether the
# comparison returns a scalar or vector, so we will ignore the warning.
# It triggers a separate DeprecationWarning when the vector has datetimes:
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/13548
# This is considered a bug by numpy and will likely go away.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
action='ignore', category=(FutureWarning, DeprecationWarning)
if np.isin(vector, [0, 1]).all():
return VariableType(boolean_type)
except TypeError:
# .isin comparison is not guaranteed to be possible under NumPy
# casting rules, depending on the (unknown) dtype of 'vector'
# Defer to positive pandas tests
if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(vector):
return VariableType("numeric")
if pd.api.types.is_datetime64_dtype(vector):
return VariableType("datetime")
# --- If we get to here, we need to check the entries
# Check for a collection where everything is a number
def all_numeric(x):
for x_i in x:
if not isinstance(x_i, Number):
return False
return True
if all_numeric(vector):
return VariableType("numeric")
# Check for a collection where everything is a datetime
def all_datetime(x):
for x_i in x:
if not isinstance(x_i, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
return False
return True
if all_datetime(vector):
return VariableType("datetime")
# Otherwise, our final fallback is to consider things categorical
return VariableType("categorical")
def infer_orient(x=None, y=None, orient=None, require_numeric=True):
"""Determine how the plot should be oriented based on the data.
For historical reasons, the convention is to call a plot "horizontally"
or "vertically" oriented based on the axis representing its dependent
variable. Practically, this is used when determining the axis for
numerical aggregation.
x, y : Vector data or None
Positional data vectors for the plot.
orient : string or None
Specified orientation. If not None, can be "x" or "y", or otherwise
must start with "v" or "h".
require_numeric : bool
If set, raise when the implied dependent variable is not numeric.
orient : "x" or "y"
ValueError: When `orient` is an unknown string.
TypeError: When dependent variable is not numeric, with `require_numeric`
x_type = None if x is None else variable_type(x)
y_type = None if y is None else variable_type(y)
nonnumeric_dv_error = "{} orientation requires numeric `{}` variable."
single_var_warning = "{} orientation ignored with only `{}` specified."
if x is None:
if str(orient).startswith("h"):
warnings.warn(single_var_warning.format("Horizontal", "y"))
if require_numeric and y_type != "numeric":
raise TypeError(nonnumeric_dv_error.format("Vertical", "y"))
return "x"
elif y is None:
if str(orient).startswith("v"):
warnings.warn(single_var_warning.format("Vertical", "x"))
if require_numeric and x_type != "numeric":
raise TypeError(nonnumeric_dv_error.format("Horizontal", "x"))
return "y"
elif str(orient).startswith("v") or orient == "x":
if require_numeric and y_type != "numeric":
raise TypeError(nonnumeric_dv_error.format("Vertical", "y"))
return "x"
elif str(orient).startswith("h") or orient == "y":
if require_numeric and x_type != "numeric":
raise TypeError(nonnumeric_dv_error.format("Horizontal", "x"))
return "y"
elif orient is not None:
err = (
"`orient` must start with 'v' or 'h' or be None, "
f"but `{repr(orient)}` was passed."
raise ValueError(err)
elif x_type != "categorical" and y_type == "categorical":
return "y"
elif x_type != "numeric" and y_type == "numeric":
return "x"
elif x_type == "numeric" and y_type != "numeric":
return "y"
elif require_numeric and "numeric" not in (x_type, y_type):
err = "Neither the `x` nor `y` variable appears to be numeric."
raise TypeError(err)
return "x"
def unique_dashes(n):
"""Build an arbitrarily long list of unique dash styles for lines.
n : int
Number of unique dash specs to generate.
dashes : list of strings or tuples
Valid arguments for the ``dashes`` parameter on
:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`. The first spec is a solid
line (``""``), the remainder are sequences of long and short
# Start with dash specs that are well distinguishable
dashes = [
(4, 1.5),
(1, 1),
(3, 1.25, 1.5, 1.25),
(5, 1, 1, 1),
# Now programmatically build as many as we need
p = 3
while len(dashes) < n:
# Take combinations of long and short dashes
a = itertools.combinations_with_replacement([3, 1.25], p)
b = itertools.combinations_with_replacement([4, 1], p)
# Interleave the combinations, reversing one of the streams
segment_list = itertools.chain(*zip(
# Now insert the gaps
for segments in segment_list:
gap = min(segments)
spec = tuple(itertools.chain(*((seg, gap) for seg in segments)))
p += 1
return dashes[:n]
def unique_markers(n):
"""Build an arbitrarily long list of unique marker styles for points.
n : int
Number of unique marker specs to generate.
markers : list of string or tuples
Values for defining :class:`matplotlib.markers.MarkerStyle` objects.
All markers will be filled.
# Start with marker specs that are well distinguishable
markers = [
(4, 0, 45),
(4, 0, 0),
(4, 1, 0),
(4, 1, 45),
# Now generate more from regular polygons of increasing order
s = 5
while len(markers) < n:
a = 360 / (s + 1) / 2
(s + 1, 1, a),
(s + 1, 0, a),
(s, 1, 0),
(s, 0, 0),
s += 1
# Convert to MarkerStyle object, using only exactly what we need
# markers = [mpl.markers.MarkerStyle(m) for m in markers[:n]]
return markers[:n]
def categorical_order(vector, order=None):
"""Return a list of unique data values.
Determine an ordered list of levels in ``values``.
vector : list, array, Categorical, or Series
Vector of "categorical" values
order : list-like, optional
Desired order of category levels to override the order determined
from the ``values`` object.
order : list
Ordered list of category levels not including null values.
if order is None:
if hasattr(vector, "categories"):
order = vector.categories
order = vector.cat.categories
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
order = pd.Series(vector).unique()
if variable_type(vector) == "numeric":
order = np.sort(order)
order = filter(pd.notnull, order)
return list(order)