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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
"""zmq Cython backend augmented declarations"""
# Copyright (C) PyZMQ Developers
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from zmq.backend.cython.libzmq cimport zmq_msg_t
cdef class Context:
cdef object __weakref__ # enable weakref
cdef void *handle # The C handle for the underlying zmq object.
cdef bint _shadow # whether the Context is a shadow wrapper of another
cdef int _pid # the pid of the process which created me (for fork safety)
cdef public bint closed # bool property for a closed context.
cdef inline int _term(self)
cdef class MessageTracker(object):
cdef set events # Message Event objects to track.
cdef set peers # Other Message or MessageTracker objects.
cdef class Frame:
cdef zmq_msg_t zmq_msg
cdef object _data # The actual message data as a Python object.
cdef object _buffer # A Python memoryview of the message contents
cdef object _bytes # A bytes copy of the message.
cdef bint _failed_init # flag to hold failed init
cdef public object tracker_event # Event for use with zmq_free_fn.
cdef public object tracker # MessageTracker object.
cdef public bint more # whether RCVMORE was set
cdef Frame fast_copy(self) # Create shallow copy of Message object.
cdef class Socket:
cdef object __weakref__ # enable weakref
cdef void *handle # The C handle for the underlying zmq object.
cdef bint _shadow # whether the Socket is a shadow wrapper of another
# Hold on to a reference to the context to make sure it is not garbage
# collected until the socket it done with it.
cdef public Context context # The zmq Context object that owns this.
cdef public bint _closed # bool property for a closed socket.
cdef public int copy_threshold # threshold below which pyzmq will always copy messages
cdef int _pid # the pid of the process which created me (for fork safety)
# cpdef methods for direct-cython access:
cpdef object send(self, data, int flags=*, bint copy=*, bint track=*)
cpdef object recv(self, int flags=*, bint copy=*, bint track=*)