444 lines
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444 lines
16 KiB
from statsmodels.compat.platform import PLATFORM_WIN32
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_equal, assert_raises
from statsmodels.multivariate.pca import PCA, pca
from statsmodels.multivariate.tests.results.datamlw import (data, princomp1,
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import EstimationWarning
DECIMAL_5 = .00001
class TestPCA:
def setup_class(cls):
rs = np.random.RandomState()
k = 3
n = 100
t = 200
lam = 2
norm_rng = rs.standard_normal
e = norm_rng((t, n))
f = norm_rng((t, k))
b = rs.standard_gamma(lam, size=(k, n)) / lam
cls.x = f.dot(b) + e
cls.x_copy = cls.x + 0.0
cls.rs = rs
k = 3
n = 300
t = 200
lam = 2
norm_rng = rs.standard_normal
e = norm_rng((t, n))
f = norm_rng((t, k))
b = rs.standard_gamma(lam, size=(k, n)) / lam
cls.x_wide = f.dot(b) + e
def test_smoke_plot_and_repr(self, close_figures):
pc = PCA(self.x)
fig = pc.plot_scree()
fig = pc.plot_scree(ncomp=10)
fig = pc.plot_scree(log_scale=False)
fig = pc.plot_scree(cumulative=True)
fig = pc.plot_rsquare()
fig = pc.plot_rsquare(ncomp=5)
# Additional smoke test
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, demean=False)
pc = PCA(self.x, ncomp=2, gls=True)
assert "GLS" in pc.__repr__()
# Check data for no changes
assert_equal(self.x, pc.data)
def test_eig_svd_equiv(self):
# Test leading components since the tail end can differ
pc_eig = PCA(self.x)
pc_svd = PCA(self.x, method='svd')
assert_allclose(pc_eig.projection, pc_svd.projection)
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc_eig.factors[:, :2]),
np.abs(pc_svd.factors[:, :2]))
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc_eig.coeff[:2, :]),
np.abs(pc_svd.coeff[:2, :]))
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc_eig.eigenvecs[:, :2]),
np.abs(pc_svd.eigenvecs[:, :2]))
pc_svd = PCA(self.x, method='svd', ncomp=2)
pc_nipals = PCA(self.x, method='nipals', ncomp=2)
# Check data for no changes
assert_equal(self.x, pc_svd.data)
# Check data for no changes
assert_equal(self.x, pc_eig.data)
# Check data for no changes
assert_equal(self.x, pc_nipals.data)
def test_options(self):
pc = PCA(self.x)
pc_no_norm = PCA(self.x, normalize=False)
princomp = pc.factors
assert_allclose(princomp.T.dot(princomp), np.eye(100), atol=1e-5)
weights = pc_no_norm.coeff
assert_allclose(weights.T.dot(weights), np.eye(100), atol=1e-5)
pc_10 = PCA(self.x, ncomp=10)
assert_allclose(pc.factors[:, :10], pc_10.factors)
assert_allclose(pc.coeff[:10, :], pc_10.coeff)
assert_allclose(pc.rsquare[:(10 + 1)], pc_10.rsquare)
assert_allclose(pc.eigenvals[:10], pc_10.eigenvals)
assert_allclose(pc.eigenvecs[:, :10], pc_10.eigenvecs)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, normalize=False)
mu = self.x.mean(0)
xdm = self.x - mu
xpx = xdm.T.dot(xdm)
val, vec = np.linalg.eigh(xpx)
ind = np.argsort(val)
ind = ind[::-1]
val = val[ind]
vec = vec[:, ind]
assert_allclose(xdm, pc.transformed_data)
assert_allclose(val, pc.eigenvals)
assert_allclose(np.abs(vec), np.abs(pc.eigenvecs))
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc.factors), np.abs(xdm.dot(vec)))
assert_allclose(pc.projection, xdm + mu)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, demean=False, normalize=False)
x = self.x
xpx = x.T.dot(x)
val, vec = np.linalg.eigh(xpx)
ind = np.argsort(val)
ind = ind[::-1]
val = val[ind]
vec = vec[:, ind]
assert_allclose(x, pc.transformed_data)
assert_allclose(val, pc.eigenvals)
assert_allclose(np.abs(vec), np.abs(pc.eigenvecs))
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc.factors), np.abs(x.dot(vec)))
def test_against_reference(self):
# Test against MATLAB, which by default demeans but does not standardize
x = data.xo / 1000.0
pc = PCA(x, normalize=False, standardize=False)
ref = princomp1
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc.factors), np.abs(ref.factors))
assert_allclose(pc.factors.dot(pc.coeff) + x.mean(0), x)
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc.coeff), np.abs(ref.coef.T))
pc = PCA(x[:20], normalize=False, standardize=False)
mu = x[:20].mean(0)
ref = princomp2
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc.factors), np.abs(ref.factors))
assert_allclose(pc.factors.dot(pc.coeff) + mu, x[:20])
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc.coeff), np.abs(ref.coef.T))
def test_warnings_and_errors(self):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
pc = PCA(self.x, ncomp=300)
assert_equal(len(w), 1)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
rs = self.rs
x = rs.standard_normal((200, 1)) * np.ones(200)
pc = PCA(x, method='eig')
assert_equal(len(w), 1)
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, self.x, method='unknown')
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, self.x, missing='unknown')
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, self.x, tol=2.0)
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, np.nan * np.ones((200, 100)), tol=2.0)
def test_pandas(self, close_figures):
pc = PCA(pd.DataFrame(self.x))
pc1 = PCA(self.x)
assert_allclose(pc.factors.values, pc1.factors)
fig = pc.plot_scree()
fig = pc.plot_scree(ncomp=10)
fig = pc.plot_scree(log_scale=False)
fig = pc.plot_rsquare()
fig = pc.plot_rsquare(ncomp=5)
proj = pc.project(2)
PCA(pd.DataFrame(self.x), ncomp=4, gls=True)
PCA(pd.DataFrame(self.x), ncomp=4, standardize=False)
def test_gls_and_weights(self):
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, self.x, gls=True)
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, self.x, weights=np.array([1.0, 1.0]))
# Pre-standardize to make comparison simple
x = (self.x - self.x.mean(0))
x = x / (x ** 2.0).mean(0)
pc_gls = PCA(x, ncomp=1, standardize=False, demean=False, gls=True)
pc = PCA(x, ncomp=1, standardize=False, demean=False)
errors = x - pc.projection
var = (errors ** 2.0).mean(0)
weights = 1.0 / var
weights = weights / np.sqrt((weights ** 2.0).mean())
assert_allclose(weights, pc_gls.weights)
assert_equal(x, pc_gls.data)
assert_equal(x, pc.data)
pc_weights = PCA(x, ncomp=1, standardize=False, demean=False, weights=weights)
assert_allclose(weights, pc_weights.weights)
assert_allclose(np.abs(pc_weights.factors), np.abs(pc_gls.factors))
def test_wide(self):
pc = PCA(self.x_wide)
assert_equal(pc.factors.shape[1], self.x_wide.shape[0])
assert_equal(pc.eigenvecs.shape[1], min(np.array(self.x_wide.shape)))
pc = PCA(pd.DataFrame(self.x_wide))
assert_equal(pc.factors.shape[1], self.x_wide.shape[0])
assert_equal(pc.eigenvecs.shape[1], min(np.array(self.x_wide.shape)))
def test_projection(self):
pc = PCA(self.x, ncomp=5)
mu = self.x.mean(0)
demean_x = self.x - mu
coef = np.linalg.pinv(pc.factors).dot(demean_x)
direct = pc.factors.dot(coef)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, direct + mu)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, ncomp=5)
coef = np.linalg.pinv(pc.factors).dot(demean_x)
direct = pc.factors.dot(coef)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, direct + mu)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, demean=False, ncomp=5)
coef = np.linalg.pinv(pc.factors).dot(self.x)
direct = pc.factors.dot(coef)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, direct)
pc = PCA(self.x, ncomp=5, gls=True)
mu = self.x.mean(0)
demean_x = self.x - mu
coef = np.linalg.pinv(pc.factors).dot(demean_x)
direct = pc.factors.dot(coef)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, direct + mu)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, ncomp=5)
coef = np.linalg.pinv(pc.factors).dot(demean_x)
direct = pc.factors.dot(coef)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, direct + mu)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, demean=False, ncomp=5, gls=True)
coef = np.linalg.pinv(pc.factors).dot(self.x)
direct = pc.factors.dot(coef)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, direct)
# Test error for too many factors
project = pc.project
assert_raises(ValueError, project, 6)
@pytest.mark.skipif(PLATFORM_WIN32, reason='Windows 32-bit')
def test_replace_missing(self):
x = self.x.copy()
x[::5, ::7] = np.nan
pc = PCA(x, missing='drop-row')
x_dropped_row = x[np.logical_not(np.any(np.isnan(x), 1))]
pc_dropped = PCA(x_dropped_row)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, pc_dropped.projection)
assert_equal(x, pc.data)
pc = PCA(x, missing='drop-col')
x_dropped_col = x[:, np.logical_not(np.any(np.isnan(x), 0))]
pc_dropped = PCA(x_dropped_col)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, pc_dropped.projection)
assert_equal(x, pc.data)
pc = PCA(x, missing='drop-min')
if x_dropped_row.size > x_dropped_col.size:
x_dropped_min = x_dropped_row
x_dropped_min = x_dropped_col
pc_dropped = PCA(x_dropped_min)
assert_allclose(pc.projection, pc_dropped.projection)
assert_equal(x, pc.data)
pc = PCA(x, ncomp=3, missing='fill-em')
missing = np.isnan(x)
mu = np.nanmean(x, axis=0)
errors = x - mu
sigma = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(errors ** 2, axis=0))
x_std = errors / sigma
x_std[missing] = 0.0
last = x_std[missing]
delta = 1.0
count = 0
while delta > 5e-8:
pc_temp = PCA(x_std, ncomp=3, standardize=False, demean=False)
x_std[missing] = pc_temp.projection[missing]
current = x_std[missing]
diff = current - last
delta = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff ** 2)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(current ** 2))
last = current
count += 1
x = self.x + 0.0
projection = pc_temp.projection * sigma + mu
x[missing] = projection[missing]
assert_allclose(pc._adjusted_data, x)
# Check data for no changes
assert_equal(self.x, self.x_copy)
x = self.x
pc = PCA(x)
pc_dropped = PCA(x, missing='drop-row')
assert_allclose(pc.projection, pc_dropped.projection, atol=DECIMAL_5)
pc_dropped = PCA(x, missing='drop-col')
assert_allclose(pc.projection, pc_dropped.projection, atol=DECIMAL_5)
pc_dropped = PCA(x, missing='drop-min')
assert_allclose(pc.projection, pc_dropped.projection, atol=DECIMAL_5)
pc = PCA(x, ncomp=3)
pc_dropped = PCA(x, ncomp=3, missing='fill-em')
assert_allclose(pc.projection, pc_dropped.projection, atol=DECIMAL_5)
# Test too many missing for missing='fill-em'
x = self.x.copy()
x[:, :] = np.nan
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, x, missing='drop-row')
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, x, missing='drop-col')
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, x, missing='drop-min')
assert_raises(ValueError, PCA, x, missing='fill-em')
def test_rsquare(self):
x = self.x + 0.0
mu = x.mean(0)
x_demean = x - mu
std = np.std(x, 0)
x_std = x_demean / std
pc = PCA(self.x)
nvar = x.shape[1]
rsquare = np.zeros(nvar + 1)
tss = np.sum(x_std ** 2)
for i in range(nvar + 1):
errors = x_std - pc.project(i, transform=False, unweight=False)
rsquare[i] = 1.0 - np.sum(errors ** 2) / tss
assert_allclose(rsquare, pc.rsquare)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False)
tss = np.sum(x_demean ** 2)
for i in range(nvar + 1):
errors = x_demean - pc.project(i, transform=False, unweight=False)
rsquare[i] = 1.0 - np.sum(errors ** 2) / tss
assert_allclose(rsquare, pc.rsquare)
pc = PCA(self.x, standardize=False, demean=False)
tss = np.sum(x ** 2)
for i in range(nvar + 1):
errors = x - pc.project(i, transform=False, unweight=False)
rsquare[i] = 1.0 - np.sum(errors ** 2) / tss
assert_allclose(rsquare, pc.rsquare)
def test_missing_dataframe(self):
x = self.x.copy()
x[::5, ::7] = np.nan
pc = PCA(x, ncomp=3, missing='fill-em')
x = pd.DataFrame(x)
pc_df = PCA(x, ncomp=3, missing='fill-em')
assert_allclose(pc.coeff, pc_df.coeff)
assert_allclose(pc.factors, pc_df.factors)
pc_df_nomissing = PCA(pd.DataFrame(self.x.copy()), ncomp=3)
assert isinstance(pc_df.coeff, type(pc_df_nomissing.coeff))
assert isinstance(pc_df.data, type(pc_df_nomissing.data))
assert isinstance(pc_df.eigenvals, type(pc_df_nomissing.eigenvals))
assert isinstance(pc_df.eigenvecs, type(pc_df_nomissing.eigenvecs))
x = self.x.copy()
x[::5, ::7] = np.nan
x_df = pd.DataFrame(x)
pc = PCA(x, missing='drop-row')
pc_df = PCA(x_df, missing='drop-row')
assert_allclose(pc.coeff, pc_df.coeff)
assert_allclose(pc.factors, pc_df.factors)
pc = PCA(x, missing='drop-col')
pc_df = PCA(x_df, missing='drop-col')
assert_allclose(pc.coeff, pc_df.coeff)
assert_allclose(pc.factors, pc_df.factors)
pc = PCA(x, missing='drop-min')
pc_df = PCA(x_df, missing='drop-min')
assert_allclose(pc.coeff, pc_df.coeff)
assert_allclose(pc.factors, pc_df.factors)
def test_equivalence(self):
x = self.x.copy()
assert_allclose(PCA(x).factors, pca(x)[0])
def test_equivalence_full_matrices(self):
x = self.x.copy()
svd_full_matrices_true = PCA(x, svd_full_matrices=True).factors
svd_full_matrices_false = PCA(x).factors
assert_allclose(svd_full_matrices_true, svd_full_matrices_false)
def test_missing():
data = np.empty((200, 50))
data[0, 0] = np.nan
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="data contains non-finite values"):
def test_too_many_missing(reset_randomstate):
data = np.random.standard_normal((200, 50))
data[0, :-3] = np.nan
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
PCA(data, ncomp=5, missing="drop-col")
p = PCA(data, missing="drop-min")
assert max(p.factors.shape) == max(data.shape) - 1
def test_gls_warning(reset_randomstate):
data = np.random.standard_normal((400, 200))
data[:, 1:] = data[:, :1] + .01 * data[:, 1:]
with pytest.warns(EstimationWarning, match="Many series are being down weighted"):
factors = PCA(data, ncomp=2, gls=True).factors
assert factors.shape == (data.shape[0], 2)