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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
"""Adapters for Jupyter msg spec versions."""
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import json
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from ._version import protocol_version_info
def code_to_line(code: str, cursor_pos: int) -> Tuple[str, int]:
"""Turn a multiline code block and cursor position into a single line
and new cursor position.
For adapting ``complete_`` and ``object_info_request``.
if not code:
return "", 0
for line in code.splitlines(True):
n = len(line)
if cursor_pos > n:
cursor_pos -= n
return line, cursor_pos
_match_bracket = re.compile(r"\([^\(\)]+\)", re.UNICODE)
_end_bracket = re.compile(r"\([^\(]*$", re.UNICODE)
_identifier = re.compile(r"[a-z_][0-9a-z._]*", re.I | re.UNICODE)
def extract_oname_v4(code: str, cursor_pos: int) -> str:
"""Reimplement token-finding logic from IPython 2.x javascript
for adapting object_info_request from v5 to v4
line, _ = code_to_line(code, cursor_pos)
oldline = line
line = _match_bracket.sub("", line)
while oldline != line:
oldline = line
line = _match_bracket.sub("", line)
# remove everything after last open bracket
line = _end_bracket.sub("", line)
matches = _identifier.findall(line)
if matches:
return matches[-1]
return ""
class Adapter:
"""Base class for adapting messages
Override message_type(msg) methods to create adapters.
msg_type_map: Dict[str, str] = {}
def update_header(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Update the header."""
return msg
def update_metadata(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Update the metadata."""
return msg
def update_msg_type(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Update the message type."""
header = msg["header"]
msg_type = header["msg_type"]
if msg_type in self.msg_type_map:
msg["msg_type"] = header["msg_type"] = self.msg_type_map[msg_type]
return msg
def handle_reply_status_error(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""This will be called *instead of* the regular handler
on any reply with status != ok
return msg
def __call__(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
msg = self.update_header(msg)
msg = self.update_metadata(msg)
msg = self.update_msg_type(msg)
header = msg["header"]
handler = getattr(self, header["msg_type"], None)
if handler is None:
return msg
# handle status=error replies separately (no change, at present)
if msg["content"].get("status", None) in {"error", "aborted"}:
return self.handle_reply_status_error(msg)
return handler(msg)
def _version_str_to_list(version: str) -> List[int]:
"""convert a version string to a list of ints
non-int segments are excluded
v = []
for part in version.split("."):
except ValueError:
return v
class V5toV4(Adapter):
"""Adapt msg protocol v5 to v4"""
version = "4.1"
msg_type_map = {
"execute_result": "pyout",
"execute_input": "pyin",
"error": "pyerr",
"inspect_request": "object_info_request",
"inspect_reply": "object_info_reply",
def update_header(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Update the header."""
msg["header"].pop("version", None)
msg["parent_header"].pop("version", None)
return msg
# shell channel
def kernel_info_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a kernel info reply."""
v4c = {}
content = msg["content"]
for key in ("language_version", "protocol_version"):
if key in content:
v4c[key] = _version_str_to_list(content[key])
if content.get("implementation", "") == "ipython" and "implementation_version" in content:
v4c["ipython_version"] = _version_str_to_list(content["implementation_version"])
language_info = content.get("language_info", {})
language = language_info.get("name", "")
v4c.setdefault("language", language)
if "version" in language_info:
v4c.setdefault("language_version", _version_str_to_list(language_info["version"]))
msg["content"] = v4c
return msg
def execute_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an execute request."""
content = msg["content"]
content.setdefault("user_variables", [])
return msg
def execute_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an execute reply."""
content = msg["content"]
content.setdefault("user_variables", {})
# TODO: handle payloads
return msg
def complete_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a complete request."""
content = msg["content"]
code = content["code"]
cursor_pos = content["cursor_pos"]
line, cursor_pos = code_to_line(code, cursor_pos)
new_content = msg["content"] = {}
new_content["text"] = ""
new_content["line"] = line
new_content["block"] = None
new_content["cursor_pos"] = cursor_pos
return msg
def complete_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a complete reply."""
content = msg["content"]
cursor_start = content.pop("cursor_start")
cursor_end = content.pop("cursor_end")
match_len = cursor_end - cursor_start
content["matched_text"] = content["matches"][0][:match_len]
content.pop("metadata", None)
return msg
def object_info_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an object info request."""
content = msg["content"]
code = content["code"]
cursor_pos = content["cursor_pos"]
line, _ = code_to_line(code, cursor_pos)
new_content = msg["content"] = {}
new_content["oname"] = extract_oname_v4(code, cursor_pos)
new_content["detail_level"] = content["detail_level"]
return msg
def object_info_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""inspect_reply can't be easily backward compatible"""
msg["content"] = {"found": False, "oname": "unknown"}
return msg
# iopub channel
def stream(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a stream message."""
content = msg["content"]
content["data"] = content.pop("text")
return msg
def display_data(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a display data message."""
content = msg["content"]
content.setdefault("source", "display")
data = content["data"]
if "application/json" in data:
data["application/json"] = json.dumps(data["application/json"])
except Exception:
# warn?
return msg
# stdin channel
def input_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an input request."""
msg["content"].pop("password", None)
return msg
class V4toV5(Adapter):
"""Convert msg spec V4 to V5"""
version = "5.0"
# invert message renames above
msg_type_map = {v: k for k, v in V5toV4.msg_type_map.items()}
def update_header(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Update the header."""
msg["header"]["version"] = self.version
if msg["parent_header"]:
msg["parent_header"]["version"] = self.version
return msg
# shell channel
def kernel_info_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a kernel info reply."""
content = msg["content"]
for key in ("protocol_version", "ipython_version"):
if key in content:
content[key] = ".".join(map(str, content[key]))
content.setdefault("protocol_version", "4.1")
if content["language"].startswith("python") and "ipython_version" in content:
content["implementation"] = "ipython"
content["implementation_version"] = content.pop("ipython_version")
language = content.pop("language")
language_info = content.setdefault("language_info", {})
language_info.setdefault("name", language)
if "language_version" in content:
language_version = ".".join(map(str, content.pop("language_version")))
language_info.setdefault("version", language_version)
content["banner"] = ""
return msg
def execute_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an execute request."""
content = msg["content"]
user_variables = content.pop("user_variables", [])
user_expressions = content.setdefault("user_expressions", {})
for v in user_variables:
user_expressions[v] = v
return msg
def execute_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an execute reply."""
content = msg["content"]
user_expressions = content.setdefault("user_expressions", {})
user_variables = content.pop("user_variables", {})
if user_variables:
# Pager payloads became a mime bundle
for payload in content.get("payload", []):
if payload.get("source", None) == "page" and ("text" in payload):
if "data" not in payload:
payload["data"] = {}
payload["data"]["text/plain"] = payload.pop("text")
return msg
def complete_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a complete request."""
old_content = msg["content"]
new_content = msg["content"] = {}
new_content["code"] = old_content["line"]
new_content["cursor_pos"] = old_content["cursor_pos"]
return msg
def complete_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a complete reply."""
# complete_reply needs more context than we have to get cursor_start and end.
# use special end=null to indicate current cursor position and negative offset
# for start relative to the cursor.
# start=None indicates that start == end (accounts for no -0).
content = msg["content"]
new_content = msg["content"] = {"status": "ok"}
new_content["matches"] = content["matches"]
if content["matched_text"]:
new_content["cursor_start"] = -len(content["matched_text"])
# no -0, use None to indicate that start == end
new_content["cursor_start"] = None
new_content["cursor_end"] = None
new_content["metadata"] = {}
return msg
def inspect_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an inspect request."""
content = msg["content"]
name = content["oname"]
new_content = msg["content"] = {}
new_content["code"] = name
new_content["cursor_pos"] = len(name)
new_content["detail_level"] = content["detail_level"]
return msg
def inspect_reply(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""inspect_reply can't be easily backward compatible"""
content = msg["content"]
new_content = msg["content"] = {"status": "ok"}
found = new_content["found"] = content["found"]
new_content["data"] = data = {}
new_content["metadata"] = {}
if found:
lines = []
for key in ("call_def", "init_definition", "definition"):
if content.get(key, False):
for key in ("call_docstring", "init_docstring", "docstring"):
if content.get(key, False):
if not lines:
lines.append("<empty docstring>")
data["text/plain"] = "\n".join(lines)
return msg
# iopub channel
def stream(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle a stream message."""
content = msg["content"]
content["text"] = content.pop("data")
return msg
def display_data(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle display data."""
content = msg["content"]
content.pop("source", None)
data = content["data"]
if "application/json" in data:
data["application/json"] = json.loads(data["application/json"])
except Exception:
# warn?
return msg
# stdin channel
def input_request(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Handle an input request."""
msg["content"].setdefault("password", False)
return msg
def adapt(msg: Dict[str, Any], to_version: int = protocol_version_info[0]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Adapt a single message to a target version
msg : dict
A Jupyter message.
to_version : int, optional
The target major version.
If unspecified, adapt to the current version.
msg : dict
A Jupyter message appropriate in the new version.
from .session import utcnow
header = msg["header"]
if "date" not in header:
header["date"] = utcnow()
if "version" in header:
from_version = int(header["version"].split(".")[0])
# assume last version before adding the key to the header
from_version = 4
adapter = adapters.get((from_version, to_version), None)
if adapter is None:
return msg
return adapter(msg)
# one adapter per major version from,to
adapters = {
(5, 4): V5toV4(),
(4, 5): V4toV5(),