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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
import os
from jedi.api import classes
from jedi.api.strings import StringName, get_quote_ending
from jedi.api.helpers import match
from jedi.inference.helpers import get_str_or_none
class PathName(StringName):
api_type = 'path'
def complete_file_name(inference_state, module_context, start_leaf, quote, string,
like_name, signatures_callback, code_lines, position, fuzzy):
# First we want to find out what can actually be changed as a name.
like_name_length = len(os.path.basename(string))
addition = _get_string_additions(module_context, start_leaf)
if string.startswith('~'):
string = os.path.expanduser(string)
if addition is None:
string = addition + string
# Here we use basename again, because if strings are added like
# `'foo' + 'bar`, it should complete to `foobar/`.
must_start_with = os.path.basename(string)
string = os.path.dirname(string)
sigs = signatures_callback(*position)
is_in_os_path_join = sigs and all(s.full_name == 'os.path.join' for s in sigs)
if is_in_os_path_join:
to_be_added = _add_os_path_join(module_context, start_leaf, sigs[0].bracket_start)
if to_be_added is None:
is_in_os_path_join = False
string = to_be_added + string
base_path = os.path.join(inference_state.project.path, string)
listed = sorted(os.scandir(base_path), key=lambda e: e.name)
# OSError: [Errno 36] File name too long: '...'
except (FileNotFoundError, OSError):
quote_ending = get_quote_ending(quote, code_lines, position)
for entry in listed:
name = entry.name
if match(name, must_start_with, fuzzy=fuzzy):
if is_in_os_path_join or not entry.is_dir():
name += quote_ending
name += os.path.sep
yield classes.Completion(
PathName(inference_state, name[len(must_start_with) - like_name_length:]),
def _get_string_additions(module_context, start_leaf):
def iterate_nodes():
node = addition.parent
was_addition = True
for child_node in reversed(node.children[:node.children.index(addition)]):
if was_addition:
was_addition = False
yield child_node
if child_node != '+':
was_addition = True
addition = start_leaf.get_previous_leaf()
if addition != '+':
return ''
context = module_context.create_context(start_leaf)
return _add_strings(context, reversed(list(iterate_nodes())))
def _add_strings(context, nodes, add_slash=False):
string = ''
first = True
for child_node in nodes:
values = context.infer_node(child_node)
if len(values) != 1:
return None
c, = values
s = get_str_or_none(c)
if s is None:
return None
if not first and add_slash:
string += os.path.sep
string += s
first = False
return string
def _add_os_path_join(module_context, start_leaf, bracket_start):
def check(maybe_bracket, nodes):
if maybe_bracket.start_pos != bracket_start:
return None
if not nodes:
return ''
context = module_context.create_context(nodes[0])
return _add_strings(context, nodes, add_slash=True) or ''
if start_leaf.type == 'error_leaf':
# Unfinished string literal, like `join('`
value_node = start_leaf.parent
index = value_node.children.index(start_leaf)
if index > 0:
error_node = value_node.children[index - 1]
if error_node.type == 'error_node' and len(error_node.children) >= 2:
index = -2
if error_node.children[-1].type == 'arglist':
arglist_nodes = error_node.children[-1].children
index -= 1
arglist_nodes = []
return check(error_node.children[index + 1], arglist_nodes[::2])
return None
# Maybe an arglist or some weird error case. Therefore checked below.
searched_node_child = start_leaf
while searched_node_child.parent is not None \
and searched_node_child.parent.type not in ('arglist', 'trailer', 'error_node'):
searched_node_child = searched_node_child.parent
if searched_node_child.get_first_leaf() is not start_leaf:
return None
searched_node = searched_node_child.parent
if searched_node is None:
return None
index = searched_node.children.index(searched_node_child)
arglist_nodes = searched_node.children[:index]
if searched_node.type == 'arglist':
trailer = searched_node.parent
if trailer.type == 'error_node':
trailer_index = trailer.children.index(searched_node)
assert trailer_index >= 2
assert trailer.children[trailer_index - 1] == '('
return check(trailer.children[trailer_index - 1], arglist_nodes[::2])
elif trailer.type == 'trailer':
return check(trailer.children[0], arglist_nodes[::2])
elif searched_node.type == 'trailer':
return check(searched_node.children[0], [])
elif searched_node.type == 'error_node':
# Stuff like `join(""`
return check(arglist_nodes[-1], [])