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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
import unittest
import pythoncom
import win32com.server.util
import win32com.test.util
from pywin32_testutil import str2bytes
class Persists:
_public_methods_ = [
_com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IPersistStreamInit]
def __init__(self):
self.data = str2bytes("abcdefg")
self.dirty = 1
def GetClassID(self):
return pythoncom.IID_NULL
def IsDirty(self):
return self.dirty
def Load(self, stream):
self.data = stream.Read(26)
def Save(self, stream, clearDirty):
if clearDirty:
self.dirty = 0
def GetSizeMax(self):
return 1024
def InitNew(self):
class Stream:
_public_methods_ = ["Read", "Write", "Seek"]
_com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IStream]
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.index = 0
def Read(self, amount):
result = self.data[self.index : self.index + amount]
self.index = self.index + amount
return result
def Write(self, data):
self.data = data
self.index = 0
return len(data)
def Seek(self, dist, origin):
if origin == pythoncom.STREAM_SEEK_SET:
self.index = dist
elif origin == pythoncom.STREAM_SEEK_CUR:
self.index = self.index + dist
elif origin == pythoncom.STREAM_SEEK_END:
self.index = len(self.data) + dist
raise ValueError("Unknown Seek type: " + str(origin))
if self.index < 0:
self.index = 0
self.index = min(self.index, len(self.data))
return self.index
class BadStream(Stream):
"""PyGStream::Read could formerly overflow buffer if the python implementation
returned more data than requested.
def Read(self, amount):
return str2bytes("x") * (amount + 1)
class StreamTest(win32com.test.util.TestCase):
def _readWrite(self, data, write_stream, read_stream=None):
if read_stream is None:
read_stream = write_stream
read_stream.Seek(0, pythoncom.STREAM_SEEK_SET)
got = read_stream.Read(len(data))
self.assertEqual(data, got)
read_stream.Seek(1, pythoncom.STREAM_SEEK_SET)
got = read_stream.Read(len(data) - 2)
self.assertEqual(data[1:-1], got)
def testit(self):
mydata = str2bytes("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
# First test the objects just as Python objects...
s = Stream(mydata)
p = Persists()
p.Save(s, 0)
self.assertEqual(s.data, mydata)
# Wrap the Python objects as COM objects, and make the calls as if
# they were non-Python COM objects.
s2 = win32com.server.util.wrap(s, pythoncom.IID_IStream)
p2 = win32com.server.util.wrap(p, pythoncom.IID_IPersistStreamInit)
self._readWrite(mydata, s, s)
self._readWrite(mydata, s, s2)
self._readWrite(mydata, s2, s)
self._readWrite(mydata, s2, s2)
self._readWrite(str2bytes("string with\0a NULL"), s2, s2)
# reset the stream
p2.Save(s2, 0)
self.assertEqual(s.data, mydata)
def testseek(self):
s = Stream(str2bytes("yo"))
s = win32com.server.util.wrap(s, pythoncom.IID_IStream)
# we used to die in py3k passing a value > 32bits
s.Seek(0x100000000, pythoncom.STREAM_SEEK_SET)
def testerrors(self):
# setup a test logger to capture tracebacks etc.
records, old_log = win32com.test.util.setup_test_logger()
## check for buffer overflow in Read method
badstream = BadStream("Check for buffer overflow")
badstream2 = win32com.server.util.wrap(badstream, pythoncom.IID_IStream)
self.assertRaises(pythoncom.com_error, badstream2.Read, 10)
# there's 1 error here
self.assertEqual(len(records), 1)
self.assertTrue(records[0].msg.startswith("pythoncom error"))
if __name__ == "__main__":