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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
PEP 0484 ( https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/ ) describes type hints
through function annotations. There is a strong suggestion in this document
that only the type of type hinting defined in PEP0484 should be allowed
as annotations in future python versions.
import re
from inspect import Parameter
from parso import ParserSyntaxError, parse
from jedi.inference.cache import inference_state_method_cache
from jedi.inference.base_value import ValueSet, NO_VALUES
from jedi.inference.gradual.base import DefineGenericBaseClass, GenericClass
from jedi.inference.gradual.generics import TupleGenericManager
from jedi.inference.gradual.type_var import TypeVar
from jedi.inference.helpers import is_string
from jedi.inference.compiled import builtin_from_name
from jedi.inference.param import get_executed_param_names
from jedi import debug
from jedi import parser_utils
def infer_annotation(context, annotation):
Inferes an annotation node. This means that it inferes the part of
`int` here:
foo: int = 3
Also checks for forward references (strings)
value_set = context.infer_node(annotation)
if len(value_set) != 1:
debug.warning("Inferred typing index %s should lead to 1 object, "
" not %s" % (annotation, value_set))
return value_set
inferred_value = list(value_set)[0]
if is_string(inferred_value):
result = _get_forward_reference_node(context, inferred_value.get_safe_value())
if result is not None:
return context.infer_node(result)
return value_set
def _infer_annotation_string(context, string, index=None):
node = _get_forward_reference_node(context, string)
if node is None:
return NO_VALUES
value_set = context.infer_node(node)
if index is not None:
value_set = value_set.filter(
lambda value: (
value.array_type == 'tuple'
and len(list(value.py__iter__())) >= index
return value_set
def _get_forward_reference_node(context, string):
new_node = context.inference_state.grammar.parse(
except ParserSyntaxError:
debug.warning('Annotation not parsed: %s' % string)
return None
module = context.tree_node.get_root_node()
parser_utils.move(new_node, module.end_pos[0])
new_node.parent = context.tree_node
return new_node
def _split_comment_param_declaration(decl_text):
Split decl_text on commas, but group generic expressions
For example, given "foo, Bar[baz, biz]" we return
['foo', 'Bar[baz, biz]'].
node = parse(decl_text, error_recovery=False).children[0]
except ParserSyntaxError:
debug.warning('Comment annotation is not valid Python: %s' % decl_text)
return []
if node.type in ['name', 'atom_expr', 'power']:
return [node.get_code().strip()]
params = []
children = node.children
except AttributeError:
return []
for child in children:
if child.type in ['name', 'atom_expr', 'power']:
return params
def infer_param(function_value, param, ignore_stars=False):
values = _infer_param(function_value, param)
if ignore_stars or not values:
return values
inference_state = function_value.inference_state
if param.star_count == 1:
tuple_ = builtin_from_name(inference_state, 'tuple')
return ValueSet([GenericClass(
elif param.star_count == 2:
dct = builtin_from_name(inference_state, 'dict')
generics = (
ValueSet([builtin_from_name(inference_state, 'str')]),
return ValueSet([GenericClass(
return values
def _infer_param(function_value, param):
Infers the type of a function parameter, using type annotations.
annotation = param.annotation
if annotation is None:
# If no Python 3-style annotation, look for a comment annotation.
# Identify parameters to function in the same sequence as they would
# appear in a type comment.
all_params = [child for child in param.parent.children
if child.type == 'param']
node = param.parent.parent
comment = parser_utils.get_following_comment_same_line(node)
if comment is None:
return NO_VALUES
match = re.match(r"^#\s*type:\s*\(([^#]*)\)\s*->", comment)
if not match:
return NO_VALUES
params_comments = _split_comment_param_declaration(match.group(1))
# Find the specific param being investigated
index = all_params.index(param)
# If the number of parameters doesn't match length of type comment,
# ignore first parameter (assume it's self).
if len(params_comments) != len(all_params):
"Comments length != Params length %s %s",
params_comments, all_params
if function_value.is_bound_method():
if index == 0:
# Assume it's self, which is already handled
return NO_VALUES
index -= 1
if index >= len(params_comments):
return NO_VALUES
param_comment = params_comments[index]
return _infer_annotation_string(
# Annotations are like default params and resolve in the same way.
context = function_value.get_default_param_context()
return infer_annotation(context, annotation)
def py__annotations__(funcdef):
dct = {}
for function_param in funcdef.get_params():
param_annotation = function_param.annotation
if param_annotation is not None:
dct[function_param.name.value] = param_annotation
return_annotation = funcdef.annotation
if return_annotation:
dct['return'] = return_annotation
return dct
def resolve_forward_references(context, all_annotations):
def resolve(node):
if node is None or node.type != 'string':
return node
node = _get_forward_reference_node(
if node is None:
# There was a string, but it's not a valid annotation
return None
# The forward reference tree has an additional root node ('eval_input')
# that we don't want. Extract the node we do want, that is equivalent to
# the nodes returned by `py__annotations__` for a non-quoted node.
node = node.children[0]
return node
return {name: resolve(node) for name, node in all_annotations.items()}
def infer_return_types(function, arguments):
Infers the type of a function's return value,
according to type annotations.
context = function.get_default_param_context()
all_annotations = resolve_forward_references(
annotation = all_annotations.get("return", None)
if annotation is None:
# If there is no Python 3-type annotation, look for an annotation
# comment.
node = function.tree_node
comment = parser_utils.get_following_comment_same_line(node)
if comment is None:
return NO_VALUES
match = re.match(r"^#\s*type:\s*\([^#]*\)\s*->\s*([^#]*)", comment)
if not match:
return NO_VALUES
return _infer_annotation_string(
unknown_type_vars = find_unknown_type_vars(context, annotation)
annotation_values = infer_annotation(context, annotation)
if not unknown_type_vars:
return annotation_values.execute_annotation()
type_var_dict = infer_type_vars_for_execution(function, arguments, all_annotations)
return ValueSet.from_sets(
if isinstance(ann, (DefineGenericBaseClass, TypeVar)) else ValueSet({ann})
for ann in annotation_values
def infer_type_vars_for_execution(function, arguments, annotation_dict):
Some functions use type vars that are not defined by the class, but rather
only defined in the function. See for example `iter`. In those cases we
want to:
1. Search for undefined type vars.
2. Infer type vars with the execution state we have.
3. Return the union of all type vars that have been found.
context = function.get_default_param_context()
annotation_variable_results = {}
executed_param_names = get_executed_param_names(function, arguments)
for executed_param_name in executed_param_names:
annotation_node = annotation_dict[executed_param_name.string_name]
except KeyError:
annotation_variables = find_unknown_type_vars(context, annotation_node)
if annotation_variables:
# Infer unknown type var
annotation_value_set = context.infer_node(annotation_node)
kind = executed_param_name.get_kind()
actual_value_set = executed_param_name.infer()
if kind is Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
actual_value_set = actual_value_set.merge_types_of_iterate()
elif kind is Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
# TODO _dict_values is not public.
actual_value_set = actual_value_set.try_merge('_dict_values')
return annotation_variable_results
def infer_return_for_callable(arguments, param_values, result_values):
all_type_vars = {}
for pv in param_values:
if pv.array_type == 'list':
type_var_dict = _infer_type_vars_for_callable(arguments, pv.py__iter__())
return ValueSet.from_sets(
if isinstance(v, (DefineGenericBaseClass, TypeVar))
else ValueSet({v})
for v in result_values
def _infer_type_vars_for_callable(arguments, lazy_params):
Infers type vars for the Calllable class:
def x() -> Callable[[Callable[..., _T]], _T]: ...
annotation_variable_results = {}
for (_, lazy_value), lazy_callable_param in zip(arguments.unpack(), lazy_params):
callable_param_values = lazy_callable_param.infer()
# Infer unknown type var
actual_value_set = lazy_value.infer()
return annotation_variable_results
def merge_type_var_dicts(base_dict, new_dict):
for type_var_name, values in new_dict.items():
if values:
base_dict[type_var_name] |= values
except KeyError:
base_dict[type_var_name] = values
def merge_pairwise_generics(annotation_value, annotated_argument_class):
Match up the generic parameters from the given argument class to the
target annotation.
This walks the generic parameters immediately within the annotation and
argument's type, in order to determine the concrete values of the
annotation's parameters for the current case.
For example, given the following code:
def values(mapping: Mapping[K, V]) -> List[V]: ...
for val in values({1: 'a'}):
Then this function should be given representations of `Mapping[K, V]`
and `Mapping[int, str]`, so that it can determine that `K` is `int and
`V` is `str`.
Note that it is responsibility of the caller to traverse the MRO of the
argument type as needed in order to find the type matching the
annotation (in this case finding `Mapping[int, str]` as a parent of
`Dict[int, str]`).
`annotation_value`: represents the annotation to infer the concrete
parameter types of.
`annotated_argument_class`: represents the annotated class of the
argument being passed to the object annotated by `annotation_value`.
type_var_dict = {}
if not isinstance(annotated_argument_class, DefineGenericBaseClass):
return type_var_dict
annotation_generics = annotation_value.get_generics()
actual_generics = annotated_argument_class.get_generics()
for annotation_generics_set, actual_generic_set in zip(annotation_generics, actual_generics):
return type_var_dict
def find_type_from_comment_hint_for(context, node, name):
return _find_type_from_comment_hint(context, node, node.children[1], name)
def find_type_from_comment_hint_with(context, node, name):
if len(node.children) > 4:
# In case there are multiple with_items, we do not want a type hint for
# now.
return []
assert len(node.children[1].children) == 3, \
"Can only be here when children[1] is 'foo() as f'"
varlist = node.children[1].children[2]
return _find_type_from_comment_hint(context, node, varlist, name)
def find_type_from_comment_hint_assign(context, node, name):
return _find_type_from_comment_hint(context, node, node.children[0], name)
def _find_type_from_comment_hint(context, node, varlist, name):
index = None
if varlist.type in ("testlist_star_expr", "exprlist", "testlist"):
# something like "a, b = 1, 2"
index = 0
for child in varlist.children:
if child == name:
if child.type == "operator":
index += 1
return []
comment = parser_utils.get_following_comment_same_line(node)
if comment is None:
return []
match = re.match(r"^#\s*type:\s*([^#]*)", comment)
if match is None:
return []
return _infer_annotation_string(
context, match.group(1).strip(), index
def find_unknown_type_vars(context, node):
def check_node(node):
if node.type in ('atom_expr', 'power'):
trailer = node.children[-1]
if trailer.type == 'trailer' and trailer.children[0] == '[':
for subscript_node in _unpack_subscriptlist(trailer.children[1]):
found[:] = _filter_type_vars(context.infer_node(node), found)
found = [] # We're not using a set, because the order matters.
return found
def _filter_type_vars(value_set, found=()):
new_found = list(found)
for type_var in value_set:
if isinstance(type_var, TypeVar) and type_var not in found:
return new_found
def _unpack_subscriptlist(subscriptlist):
if subscriptlist.type == 'subscriptlist':
for subscript in subscriptlist.children[::2]:
if subscript.type != 'subscript':
yield subscript
if subscriptlist.type != 'subscript':
yield subscriptlist