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2024-10-02 22:15:59 +04:00
"""Debugger implementation for the IPython kernel."""
import os
import re
import sys
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path
import zmq
from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
from IPython.core.inputtransformer2 import leading_empty_lines
from tornado.locks import Event
from tornado.queues import Queue
from zmq.utils import jsonapi
from jupyter_client.jsonutil import json_default
except ImportError:
from jupyter_client.jsonutil import date_default as json_default
from .compiler import get_file_name, get_tmp_directory, get_tmp_hash_seed
# This import is required to have the next ones working...
from debugpy.server import api # noqa: F401
from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_frame_utils # isort: skip
from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_suspended_frames import ( # isort: skip
_is_debugpy_available = True
except ImportError:
_is_debugpy_available = False
except Exception as e:
# We cannot import the module where the DebuggerInitializationError
# is defined
if e.__class__.__name__ == "DebuggerInitializationError":
_is_debugpy_available = False
raise e
# Required for backwards compatibility
ROUTING_ID = getattr(zmq, "ROUTING_ID", None) or zmq.IDENTITY
class _FakeCode:
"""Fake code class."""
def __init__(self, co_filename, co_name):
self.co_filename = co_filename
self.co_name = co_name
class _FakeFrame:
"""Fake frame class."""
def __init__(self, f_code, f_globals, f_locals):
self.f_code = f_code
self.f_globals = f_globals
self.f_locals = f_locals
self.f_back = None
class _DummyPyDB:
"""Fake PyDb class."""
def __init__(self):
from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_api import PyDevdAPI
self.variable_presentation = PyDevdAPI.VariablePresentation()
class VariableExplorer:
"""A variable explorer."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the explorer."""
self.suspended_frame_manager = SuspendedFramesManager()
self.py_db = _DummyPyDB()
self.tracker = _FramesTracker(self.suspended_frame_manager, self.py_db)
self.frame = None
def track(self):
"""Start tracking."""
var = get_ipython().user_ns
self.frame = _FakeFrame(_FakeCode("<module>", get_file_name("sys._getframe()")), var, var)
self.tracker.track("thread1", pydevd_frame_utils.create_frames_list_from_frame(self.frame))
def untrack_all(self):
"""Stop tracking."""
def get_children_variables(self, variable_ref=None):
"""Get the child variables for a variable reference."""
var_ref = variable_ref
if not var_ref:
var_ref = id(self.frame)
variables = self.suspended_frame_manager.get_variable(var_ref)
return [x.get_var_data() for x in variables.get_children_variables()]
class DebugpyMessageQueue:
"""A debugpy message queue."""
HEADER = "Content-Length: "
SEPARATOR = "\r\n\r\n"
def __init__(self, event_callback, log):
"""Init the queue."""
self.tcp_buffer = ""
self.event_callback = event_callback
self.message_queue: Queue[t.Any] = Queue()
self.log = log
def _reset_tcp_pos(self):
self.header_pos = -1
self.separator_pos = -1
self.message_size = 0
self.message_pos = -1
def _put_message(self, raw_msg):
self.log.debug("QUEUE - _put_message:")
msg = t.cast(t.Dict[str, t.Any], jsonapi.loads(raw_msg))
if msg["type"] == "event":
self.log.debug("QUEUE - received event:")
self.log.debug("QUEUE - put message:")
def put_tcp_frame(self, frame):
"""Put a tcp frame in the queue."""
self.tcp_buffer += frame
self.log.debug("QUEUE - received frame")
while True:
# Finds header
if self.header_pos == -1:
self.header_pos = self.tcp_buffer.find(DebugpyMessageQueue.HEADER)
if self.header_pos == -1:
self.log.debug("QUEUE - found header at pos %i", self.header_pos)
# Finds separator
if self.separator_pos == -1:
hint = self.header_pos + DebugpyMessageQueue.HEADER_LENGTH
self.separator_pos = self.tcp_buffer.find(DebugpyMessageQueue.SEPARATOR, hint)
if self.separator_pos == -1:
self.log.debug("QUEUE - found separator at pos %i", self.separator_pos)
if self.message_pos == -1:
size_pos = self.header_pos + DebugpyMessageQueue.HEADER_LENGTH
self.message_pos = self.separator_pos + DebugpyMessageQueue.SEPARATOR_LENGTH
self.message_size = int(self.tcp_buffer[size_pos : self.separator_pos])
self.log.debug("QUEUE - found message at pos %i", self.message_pos)
self.log.debug("QUEUE - message size is %i", self.message_size)
if len(self.tcp_buffer) - self.message_pos < self.message_size:
self.tcp_buffer[self.message_pos : self.message_pos + self.message_size]
if len(self.tcp_buffer) - self.message_pos == self.message_size:
self.log.debug("QUEUE - resetting tcp_buffer")
self.tcp_buffer = ""
self.tcp_buffer = self.tcp_buffer[self.message_pos + self.message_size :]
self.log.debug("QUEUE - slicing tcp_buffer: %s", self.tcp_buffer)
async def get_message(self):
"""Get a message from the queue."""
return await self.message_queue.get()
class DebugpyClient:
"""A client for debugpy."""
def __init__(self, log, debugpy_stream, event_callback):
"""Initialize the client."""
self.log = log
self.debugpy_stream = debugpy_stream
self.event_callback = event_callback
self.message_queue = DebugpyMessageQueue(self._forward_event, self.log)
self.debugpy_host = ""
self.debugpy_port = -1
self.routing_id = None
self.wait_for_attach = True
self.init_event = Event()
self.init_event_seq = -1
def _get_endpoint(self):
host, port = self.get_host_port()
return "tcp://" + host + ":" + str(port)
def _forward_event(self, msg):
if msg["event"] == "initialized":
self.init_event_seq = msg["seq"]
def _send_request(self, msg):
if self.routing_id is None:
self.routing_id = self.debugpy_stream.socket.getsockopt(ROUTING_ID)
content = jsonapi.dumps(
content_length = str(len(content))
buf = (DebugpyMessageQueue.HEADER + content_length + DebugpyMessageQueue.SEPARATOR).encode(
buf += content
self.debugpy_stream.send_multipart((self.routing_id, buf))
async def _wait_for_response(self):
# Since events are never pushed to the message_queue
# we can safely assume the next message in queue
# will be an answer to the previous request
return await self.message_queue.get_message()
async def _handle_init_sequence(self):
# 1] Waits for initialized event
await self.init_event.wait()
# 2] Sends configurationDone request
configurationDone = {
"type": "request",
"seq": int(self.init_event_seq) + 1,
"command": "configurationDone",
# 3] Waits for configurationDone response
await self._wait_for_response()
# 4] Waits for attachResponse and returns it
return await self._wait_for_response()
def get_host_port(self):
"""Get the host debugpy port."""
if self.debugpy_port == -1:
socket = self.debugpy_stream.socket
socket.bind_to_random_port("tcp://" + self.debugpy_host)
self.endpoint = socket.getsockopt(zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT).decode("utf-8")
index = self.endpoint.rfind(":")
self.debugpy_port = self.endpoint[index + 1 :]
return self.debugpy_host, self.debugpy_port
def connect_tcp_socket(self):
"""Connect to the tcp socket."""
self.routing_id = self.debugpy_stream.socket.getsockopt(ROUTING_ID)
def disconnect_tcp_socket(self):
"""Disconnect from the tcp socket."""
self.routing_id = None
self.init_event = Event()
self.init_event_seq = -1
self.wait_for_attach = True
def receive_dap_frame(self, frame):
"""Receive a dap frame."""
async def send_dap_request(self, msg):
"""Send a dap request."""
if self.wait_for_attach and msg["command"] == "attach":
rep = await self._handle_init_sequence()
self.wait_for_attach = False
return rep
rep = await self._wait_for_response()
self.log.debug("DEBUGPYCLIENT - returning:")
return rep
class Debugger:
"""The debugger class."""
# Requests that requires that the debugger has started
started_debug_msg_types = [
# Requests that can be handled even if the debugger is not running
static_debug_msg_types = [
def __init__(
self, log, debugpy_stream, event_callback, shell_socket, session, just_my_code=True
"""Initialize the debugger."""
self.log = log
self.debugpy_client = DebugpyClient(log, debugpy_stream, self._handle_event)
self.shell_socket = shell_socket
self.session = session
self.is_started = False
self.event_callback = event_callback
self.just_my_code = just_my_code
self.stopped_queue: Queue[t.Any] = Queue()
self.started_debug_handlers = {}
for msg_type in Debugger.started_debug_msg_types:
self.started_debug_handlers[msg_type] = getattr(self, msg_type)
self.static_debug_handlers = {}
for msg_type in Debugger.static_debug_msg_types:
self.static_debug_handlers[msg_type] = getattr(self, msg_type)
self.breakpoint_list = {}
self.stopped_threads = set()
self.debugpy_initialized = False
self._removed_cleanup = {}
self.debugpy_host = ""
self.debugpy_port = 0
self.endpoint = None
self.variable_explorer = VariableExplorer()
def _handle_event(self, msg):
if msg["event"] == "stopped":
if msg["body"]["allThreadsStopped"]:
# Do not forward the event now, will be done in the handle_stopped_event
elif msg["event"] == "continued":
if msg["body"]["allThreadsContinued"]:
self.stopped_threads = set()
async def _forward_message(self, msg):
return await self.debugpy_client.send_dap_request(msg)
def _build_variables_response(self, request, variables):
var_list = [var for var in variables if self.accept_variable(var["name"])]
return {
"seq": request["seq"],
"type": "response",
"request_seq": request["seq"],
"success": True,
"command": request["command"],
"body": {"variables": var_list},
def _accept_stopped_thread(self, thread_name):
# TODO: identify Thread-2, Thread-3 and Thread-4. These are NOT
# Control, IOPub or Heartbeat threads
forbid_list = ["IPythonHistorySavingThread", "Thread-2", "Thread-3", "Thread-4"]
return thread_name not in forbid_list
async def handle_stopped_event(self):
"""Handle a stopped event."""
# Wait for a stopped event message in the stopped queue
# This message is used for triggering the 'threads' request
event = await self.stopped_queue.get()
req = {"seq": event["seq"] + 1, "type": "request", "command": "threads"}
rep = await self._forward_message(req)
for thread in rep["body"]["threads"]:
if self._accept_stopped_thread(thread["name"]):
def tcp_client(self):
return self.debugpy_client
def start(self):
"""Start the debugger."""
if not self.debugpy_initialized:
tmp_dir = get_tmp_directory()
if not Path(tmp_dir).exists():
host, port = self.debugpy_client.get_host_port()
code = "import debugpy;"
code += 'debugpy.listen(("' + host + '",' + port + "))"
content = {"code": code, "silent": True}
ident, msg = self.session.recv(self.shell_socket, mode=0)
self.debugpy_initialized = msg["content"]["status"] == "ok"
# Don't remove leading empty lines when debugging so the breakpoints are correctly positioned
cleanup_transforms = get_ipython().input_transformer_manager.cleanup_transforms
if leading_empty_lines in cleanup_transforms:
index = cleanup_transforms.index(leading_empty_lines)
self._removed_cleanup[index] = cleanup_transforms.pop(index)
return self.debugpy_initialized
def stop(self):
"""Stop the debugger."""
# Restore remove cleanup transformers
cleanup_transforms = get_ipython().input_transformer_manager.cleanup_transforms
for index in sorted(self._removed_cleanup):
func = self._removed_cleanup.pop(index)
cleanup_transforms.insert(index, func)
async def dumpCell(self, message):
"""Handle a dump cell message."""
code = message["arguments"]["code"]
file_name = get_file_name(code)
with open(file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return {
"type": "response",
"request_seq": message["seq"],
"success": True,
"command": message["command"],
"body": {"sourcePath": file_name},
async def setBreakpoints(self, message):
"""Handle a set breakpoints message."""
source = message["arguments"]["source"]["path"]
self.breakpoint_list[source] = message["arguments"]["breakpoints"]
message_response = await self._forward_message(message)
# debugpy can set breakpoints on different lines than the ones requested,
# so we want to record the breakpoints that were actually added
if message_response.get("success"):
self.breakpoint_list[source] = [
{"line": breakpoint["line"]}
for breakpoint in message_response["body"]["breakpoints"]
return message_response
async def source(self, message):
"""Handle a source message."""
reply = {"type": "response", "request_seq": message["seq"], "command": message["command"]}
source_path = message["arguments"]["source"]["path"]
if Path(source_path).is_file():
with open(source_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
reply["success"] = True
reply["body"] = {"content": f.read()}
reply["success"] = False
reply["message"] = "source unavailable"
reply["body"] = {}
return reply
async def stackTrace(self, message):
"""Handle a stack trace message."""
reply = await self._forward_message(message)
# The stackFrames array can have the following content:
# { frames from the notebook}
# ...
# { 'id': xxx, 'name': '<module>', ... } <= this is the first frame of the code from the notebook
# { frames from ipykernel }
# ...
# {'id': yyy, 'name': '<module>', ... } <= this is the first frame of ipykernel code
# or only the frames from the notebook.
# We want to remove all the frames from ipykernel when they are present.
sf_list = reply["body"]["stackFrames"]
module_idx = len(sf_list) - next(
i for i, v in enumerate(reversed(sf_list), 1) if v["name"] == "<module>" and i != 1
reply["body"]["stackFrames"] = reply["body"]["stackFrames"][: module_idx + 1]
except StopIteration:
return reply
def accept_variable(self, variable_name):
"""Accept a variable by name."""
forbid_list = [
cond = variable_name not in forbid_list
cond = cond and not bool(re.search(r"^_\d", variable_name))
cond = cond and variable_name[0:2] != "_i"
return cond # noqa: RET504
async def variables(self, message):
"""Handle a variables message."""
reply = {}
if not self.stopped_threads:
variables = self.variable_explorer.get_children_variables(
return self._build_variables_response(message, variables)
reply = await self._forward_message(message)
# TODO : check start and count arguments work as expected in debugpy
reply["body"]["variables"] = [
var for var in reply["body"]["variables"] if self.accept_variable(var["name"])
return reply
async def attach(self, message):
"""Handle an attach message."""
host, port = self.debugpy_client.get_host_port()
message["arguments"]["connect"] = {"host": host, "port": port}
message["arguments"]["logToFile"] = True
# Experimental option to break in non-user code.
# The ipykernel source is in the call stack, so the user
# has to manipulate the step-over and step-into in a wize way.
# Set debugOptions for breakpoints in python standard library source.
if not self.just_my_code:
message["arguments"]["debugOptions"] = ["DebugStdLib"]
return await self._forward_message(message)
async def configurationDone(self, message):
"""Handle a configuration done message."""
return {
"seq": message["seq"],
"type": "response",
"request_seq": message["seq"],
"success": True,
"command": message["command"],
async def debugInfo(self, message):
"""Handle a debug info message."""
breakpoint_list = []
for key, value in self.breakpoint_list.items():
breakpoint_list.append({"source": key, "breakpoints": value})
return {
"type": "response",
"request_seq": message["seq"],
"success": True,
"command": message["command"],
"body": {
"isStarted": self.is_started,
"hashMethod": "Murmur2",
"hashSeed": get_tmp_hash_seed(),
"tmpFilePrefix": get_tmp_directory() + os.sep,
"tmpFileSuffix": ".py",
"breakpoints": breakpoint_list,
"stoppedThreads": list(self.stopped_threads),
"richRendering": True,
"exceptionPaths": ["Python Exceptions"],
"copyToGlobals": True,
async def inspectVariables(self, message):
"""Handle an inspect variables message."""
# looks like the implementation of untrack_all in ptvsd
# destroys objects we nee din track. We have no choice but
# reinstantiate the object
self.variable_explorer = VariableExplorer()
variables = self.variable_explorer.get_children_variables()
return self._build_variables_response(message, variables)
async def richInspectVariables(self, message):
"""Handle a rich inspect variables message."""
reply = {
"type": "response",
"sequence_seq": message["seq"],
"success": False,
"command": message["command"],
var_name = message["arguments"]["variableName"]
valid_name = str.isidentifier(var_name)
if not valid_name:
reply["body"] = {"data": {}, "metadata": {}}
if var_name == "special variables" or var_name == "function variables":
reply["success"] = True
return reply
repr_data = {}
repr_metadata = {}
if not self.stopped_threads:
# The code did not hit a breakpoint, we use the interpreter
# to get the rich representation of the variable
result = get_ipython().user_expressions({var_name: var_name})[var_name]
if result.get("status", "error") == "ok":
repr_data = result.get("data", {})
repr_metadata = result.get("metadata", {})
# The code has stopped on a breakpoint, we use the setExpression
# request to get the rich representation of the variable
code = f"get_ipython().display_formatter.format({var_name})"
frame_id = message["arguments"]["frameId"]
seq = message["seq"]
reply = await self._forward_message(
"type": "request",
"command": "evaluate",
"seq": seq + 1,
"arguments": {"expression": code, "frameId": frame_id, "context": "clipboard"},
if reply["success"]:
repr_data, repr_metadata = eval(reply["body"]["result"], {}, {})
body = {
"data": repr_data,
"metadata": {k: v for k, v in repr_metadata.items() if k in repr_data},
reply["body"] = body
reply["success"] = True
return reply
async def copyToGlobals(self, message):
dst_var_name = message["arguments"]["dstVariableName"]
src_var_name = message["arguments"]["srcVariableName"]
src_frame_id = message["arguments"]["srcFrameId"]
expression = f"globals()['{dst_var_name}']"
seq = message["seq"]
return await self._forward_message(
"type": "request",
"command": "setExpression",
"seq": seq + 1,
"arguments": {
"expression": expression,
"value": src_var_name,
"frameId": src_frame_id,
async def modules(self, message):
"""Handle a modules message."""
modules = list(sys.modules.values())
startModule = message.get("startModule", 0)
moduleCount = message.get("moduleCount", len(modules))
mods = []
for i in range(startModule, moduleCount):
module = modules[i]
filename = getattr(getattr(module, "__spec__", None), "origin", None)
if filename and filename.endswith(".py"):
mods.append({"id": i, "name": module.__name__, "path": filename})
return {"body": {"modules": mods, "totalModules": len(modules)}}
async def process_request(self, message):
"""Process a request."""
reply = {}
if message["command"] == "initialize":
if self.is_started:
self.log.info("The debugger has already started")
self.is_started = self.start()
if self.is_started:
self.log.info("The debugger has started")
reply = {
"command": "initialize",
"request_seq": message["seq"],
"seq": 3,
"success": False,
"type": "response",
handler = self.static_debug_handlers.get(message["command"], None)
if handler is not None:
reply = await handler(message)
elif self.is_started:
handler = self.started_debug_handlers.get(message["command"], None)
if handler is not None:
reply = await handler(message)
reply = await self._forward_message(message)
if message["command"] == "disconnect":
self.breakpoint_list = {}
self.stopped_threads = set()
self.is_started = False
self.log.info("The debugger has stopped")
return reply